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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

She's a 100 times better than that short haired 39 year old chinese cat lady you banged last night gamma friend.

Drunk Lounge

Currently shitting out 12 beers and a thousand buffalo wings. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this fucking forum. I've been in NYC two days and already have an in from day game with several girls, and am well on my way to being the alpha of my group of men. Were it not for this forum, among other manosphere sites, I'd be a fat loser with nothing to live for. (Maybe not true, but certainly worse off than I am.) Thanks every single one of you FUCKERS. From the frequent posters like suits and comte, to the IRTs and spergy noobs. Thanks to those in the no fap thread and thanks to those in the what would you consider a 10 thread. Thanks to those who've PM'd me and those whose wisdom I've found. Thanks to those I've spoken to and those I've failed to meetup with (sorry Walking Man). Thanks to those in the misc and those the politics and war lounge. Thanks all of you. I only hope to be as helpful to y'all as y'all have been to me.

I remain,

Young Blade

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Drunk Lounge

Just got home. Texted SnowPlow and was supposed to meet up. Why is it that young girls hit on me when I am drunk and they are wearing short, short shorts? Three were wearing college sweat shirts one was wearing a HS sweatshirt so I am going to assume they were all in HS. [Image: angry.gif]

The "experienced chick" I texted SnowPlow about kept glancing at me but the younguns were being all flirty so i kind of ignored her.

Drunk Lounge

Been on a fucking bender since noon, drank with my boys, ran into some hoes, ran into friends, we ran our friends bar for an hour.

I dig soul music when drinking and dancing.

There's nothing like a girl giving you the "eyes" and then approaching, she knows she wants it and so do you.

Anyways finally at home, might head back out and find some friends look for some blow.

Drunk Lounge

Being hopped up on post-surgery painkiller narcotics is pretty close to being drunk, right? So I can post here.

I always wanted to post in the drunk lounge, except I never get drunk. I dunno why, it's not like I've got some crazy teetotalling habit going on, I just have never been drunk in my life. And now I can!

My job fucking rocks, except when it sucks. Part of the downside to being an independent contractor is that you don't get days off. Shit is due when it's due and the client doesn't give a fuck about your problems. So now I have a bunch of work I have to do even though the room's spinning and I'm pretty sure I'm unable to type a complete sentence. WE'LL SEE HOW THIS GOES.

Back when I taught for Reaxxion, though, Roosh told me the one hundred percent sure best way to make sure that your writing work is 100% clean when you turn it in. You go through and read what you've written aloud. Don't silently mouth it to yourself, literaly read every single word aloud like you were in 6th grade English class and that teacher with the huge rack was calling on you. When you read it aloud, word by word, you will instantly see all the grammar errors you made and all the ways you could phrase your shit better.

If you do this, you will catch 99% of al the grammar errors in your shit, no matter how tired or sleepy you are, and even if you're fairly sure that that in fact you might actually not be Samuelr Roberts at all, but some other dude who just happens to be sitting in his chair. I made some okay cash writing for Reaxxion, 'cause Roosh was super-cool about paying people, but that one trick was the real prize for me. And now I'm passing it all on to you guys, because you are all cool guys. You can use this for presentations, or like, school reports, or whatever. Writing books.

On another note, you know who has the funniest fucking nickname on the forum? "EveryTenGivesMeATen". That name cracks me the fuckup. I just picture this endlessly long line of beautiful woman, each of whom come up to him and hand him a ten dollar bill. Then they walk away, and the next girl comes up and hands him another ten dollar bill.


Drunk Lounge

Just had a threesome with two quasi prostitutes.

I like to think I knew every scam hey had for me and took them to a point where they said "fuck it, this will be fun"

They left about an hour ago and now I feel like I'm in epic troll mode.

Drunk Lounge

Home after a long stretch away, chilled with my new neighbors for the first time outside a brief meeting. About my age, guy is a blue collar former powerlifting champ, several kids, married to a decent looking girl, Sri Lankan if I had to guess. Was already drinking with his in laws when I showed up, his house, then my house, then back to his talking lifting, cars, booze and so on. Goes to the bathroom, comes out and lays on the couch, "Honey,I need a bucket" "Are you serious?" As she runs and gets one...too late, pukes on the couch, carpet. Kids - "What's wrong with daddy?" "Daddy doesn't feel so good, OK, let's go to bed now...Looks like you're going to be buying that new floor sooner than you thought."

I like them already.

Drunk Lounge

Just got home from another night of night gaming and bar hopping until 5am. This night game shit seems to be getting harder or maybe i'm just stuck in my head. People don't socialize like they used to. I have a hard time rolling dolo like I did many times before. Feels like people are more isolated.

Nothing is clicking lately, my conversations are off, my focus is off, the people are just off. Maybe I never was a player. Maybe I was just faking it this whole time just to hide an insecurity deep within myself. Maybe this lifestyle is not for me. The older I get the more I reflect on my past. My friends, my relationships. Things haven't progressed. I'm still a loaner.

I need a new hobby. fuck night game. Drunk lounge right.

Drunk Lounge

God damn I want to do some Coke.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (10-17-2016 07:04 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

God damn I want to do some Coke.

Sadly no dealer I know in Houston(at the moment) could help you out with that. L.A. though.........

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

Social Circle Game

Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
King of Sockpuppets

Sockpuppet List

Drunk Lounge

Got hit right in the pride right where it hurts........

Gimme a double whiskey stat ya fags!

[Image: giphy.gif]

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

Social Circle Game

Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
King of Sockpuppets

Sockpuppet List

Drunk Lounge

What does OP mean? Operating Personnel?

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (10-23-2016 06:22 PM)Farsahsee Wrote:  

What does OP mean? Operating Personnel?

Short for Original Poster, as in the person who started the thread.

Drunk Lounge

Fuck .. every time I go out to get drunk.. I always make sure that blow is in my pocket.. I should give that shit a rest.

Drunk Lounge

Fun haloween. blow, weed, cigars. cigs, booze.

I think I found out the key to everything in game. frame. If you look at animals and observe how they behave. These female animals want to fuck a ton. Female dogs are always trying to get fucked. They give out the same signals every other female animal does, including women. Women will give you signals 2-3 seconds into a conversation if they want to fuck. Once you read it in the body language you can escalate instantly. These girls will show you immediatelyeye that they want to fuck you or not.

Get jacked physicaly because it helps dominate frame.

Don't be afraid to be arrested. in this day in age white knights will call the police for anything. maintain the frame.

Donald Trump is the greatst frame controller i"ve ever seen. Everyone he talks to secumbs power to his point of view

Drunk Lounge

So, straight up, small towns, especially those that aren't established, suck, even for us guys in LTRs. I'm sitting here in southern Arizona with a bunch of assholes who think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are the next best thing. They're pounding the god damned bar to Under the Bridge like it's the newest fucking song to ever come out.

Hell, this bartender was an 8.5 in the black lights, but now that they've made last call and turned on the fluorescents, she's a 7. Still, it's Halloween and the bar is crowded, so maybe I'll circle back on a slower night and try to get some action from cutie bartender when she's less busy.

Some asshole next to me struck up a conversation by starting with, "Make America Great that's a phrase to piss people off." Being drunk, I just smiled and said, "Is that right?" I think he realized I thought he was an idiot because he quit talking to me at that very moment.

Drunk Lounge

Guys , the trump effect is worldwide. i was having à smooth conversation in Casablanca with two canadians chicks from ottawa. We were about to bounce to the next venue. We talked about the upcoming Cop22 then politics got involved. I said I love Donald Trump, to my great surprise her pussy dried out . It was over. And I don't give à Fuck. I will be nose skiing for the rest of the night without à single remorse.

Drunk Lounge


But now I feel :<

[Image: d91.jpg]

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

Social Circle Game

Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
King of Sockpuppets

Sockpuppet List

Drunk Lounge

Anyone who believes in direct democracy is fucking retarded. Also the right to vote should be limited ala Starship Troopers WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Completely srs tho

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

Social Circle Game

Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
King of Sockpuppets

Sockpuppet List

Drunk Lounge

Six FUCKIN years and she still shit tests me

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Drunk Lounge

I'm back home with my weapons. I have my gladius and am listening to folk metal and want to kill something.

Heil Oðinn, heil Þor, heil Freyr

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-05-2016 12:54 AM)Euphoric_Breeze Wrote:  

Guys , the trump effect is worldwide. i was having à smooth conversation in Casablanca with two canadians chicks from ottawa. We were about to bounce to the next venue. We talked about the upcoming Cop22 then politics got involved. I said I love Donald Trump, to my great surprise her pussy dried out . It was over. And I don't give à Fuck. I will be nose skiing for the rest of the night without à single remorse.

How's the quality in Morocco? I figured it'll be pretty cut up by the time it gets there.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Drunk Lounge

Exactly. The quality is average and is actually mixed with other substances. You get pretty much a 40-60 ratio.

You can feel the serotonin kicking in along with an extended wakefulness, but this is nowhere like the blow you can snore in Colombia or Peru.

Drunk Lounge

Damn, that sounds fucking awful. Make friends with some other folks there and kick some heads if you have to. There has to be better shit out there man.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Drunk Lounge

Hats off to the matried guys wink wink you know who you are just had a retarded argument with girl don't know how you guys can do it....tho I used to.

How the F do you sleep in the same place as the significant when she's just being dumb. Good lord I just had an hour convo about nothing. Drinking now, then fam xmas tomorrow, then who knows...can't untake the red pill

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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