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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

Been on a bender since noon.

On a shit posting spree now.

Drunk Lounge

drunk and starting to self loathe I decided to go people watching. I noticed again and again I wonder, why do females cover their dam mouth in signs of any emotion?
They get happy= hands cover mouth
They start crying= hands cover mouth
They get engaged= hands cover mouth and so on...and so on..
At what point of our evolution history did this happen and why?
Anyways end of rant

Drunk Lounge



Went out to eat and had a pitcher of tequila at a Mexican place. Sexy waitresses everywhere. As we leave, she walks out fist. 2 waitresses don't say anything to her.

Stop me and say "thank you for coming. We hope to see you again."

As soon as we get out the door, she us pissed and wants to walk back in there. I take her home and bang the shit out of her instead.

PS: thanks to auto correct I think I spelled almost everything right. Without it would have been a disaster.

Drunk Lounge

Dude never fucking care if your date flakes on ya you can be partying and nose skiing at the place.


Drunk Lounge

Rule 1 of having unpopular political and social views. Don't drunk text a chick for twerking at a pride parade to show sympathy with the Orlando victims.

Now pass me a beer.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

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Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
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Drunk Lounge

Quote: (06-25-2016 10:29 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

Rule 1 of having unpopular political and social views. Don't drunk text a chick for twerking at a pride parade to show sympathy with the Orlando victims.

Now pass me a beer.

Rule #2: There are girls that are really down to fuck at Pride Parades. Like I have two girls I have a chance to yiff (translation: bang/fuck).

Like don't be afraid to like go to PRIDE parades with a few wingmen and scout out hoes dude.


Drunk Lounge

20+ ounces of rum deep.
Thoughts swirling in my head.
I just want to sleep but can't.
Sexy latina was down but her stupid friends dragged her away

Drunk Lounge

I'm probably stating the obvious here, but it was an epiphany for me.
I was watching some 80s movie last night and every single woman in it except one little 2 second bob-cut WB extra had a stupid 80s perm hairstyle.
Womens fashions are predictably cyclic. Everything ends up the exact opposite of what used to be in fashion. Curly hair to straight, high waisted pants to low, and back again, low again, high again. Eyebrows from a pencil line to natural and back. etc. Round and round. They have no idea of what actually makes them more attractive to males, they just folow. But if every fashion reaches it's extreme and then heads in the opposite direction, are we about to see women dressing feminine and tastefully as a rebellion against today's fashion? Long hair, floral dresses, no tatts, no piercings... Is "Christian virgin" style the next big thing? I hope so.

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

Drunk Lounge

Got home after a particularly long work day, my buddy and his girl are staying over and they're more leftist than I would like but also a bit red pill in their own way (raised with plenty of foreigners/family).

So I walk in the door and my buddy goes "thank god, an impartial vote" and I say "no problem, but you gotta make me a what are we debating?"

The night goes down with lots of fancy high-faluting cocktails and me shutting either of them down depending on the topic. All in all we had a great time, I called his girl homeless (she's moving out of state soon so she is temporarily) about a dozen times, and I moved them over from their leftistism to a more moderate view. They're not likely to vote Trump tonight but I think they could be on their way.

Thing is, the other night, his girl had her friend over that looks just like her but with bigger boobs and it was clear from our conversation tonight that my buddy thinks I could've definitely fucked her. If I was single I would've definitely invaded her territory. Too bad I'm not and good thing everyone was passed out by the time I got home the other night.

The cocktail I'm drinking right now has honey from my buddy's bee farm. Is this hipster or alpha?

[Image: huh.gif]

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"Failure is just practice for success"

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (07-02-2016 04:19 AM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

The cocktail I'm drinking right now has honey from my buddy's bee farm. Is this hipster or alpha?

Cocktail with honey is hipster. The fact that it comes from your buddy's bee farm is alpha. So it kind of evens out.

Drunk Lounge

This is what it is. Hater/ Drunk lounge today. Had to pick one I guess.

I hate being negative. Or having negative thoughts about people.

When you compare and contrast, the attention given to a good looking girl versus a military veteran who lost a leg or some shit, it just doesn't make sense.

I hate that nobody seems to care about sacrifice. When you think about it, a man walked out on his own accord and came back with less than before. What's this girl, or me, or you, ever done that's so great anyway?

I hate that we have military veterans that are homeless. That need help and no one cares about them being cast aside. I can't support them on my own, but isn't something being done? We've got the money for refugees but not homeless men that were willing to sacrifice it all for us?

I hate that our government fronts the taxpayer money for the cause-heads but won't pay for the tolls of the people that did the job they require and came back broken.

I hate that these things are even on my mind. They should be handled already. Not one ex-military should lack food or a bed to sleep. But they are. And I hate that so many look the other way.

This great country, bring your vision from afar and see what's in front of your face. Use the money you steal from us to pay for those that are righteous and good- and have earned a blessing! Feed, clothe, and embrace our struggling home team, then see what's left. If nothing, so be it.

Happy 4ourth of July USA.

Drunk Lounge

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Drunk Lounge

[Image: tumblr_m406kxHLjw1qctpr4o1_500.jpg]

Drunk Lounge

I love this forum.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Drunk Lounge

Moments like these for a split second I fall in love with a whore. I love all women but it feels like a dog chasing a mail truck.

I'm not gonna capture the beauty that she has just in this moment and I'll regret it a few weeks down the line.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

Social Circle Game

Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
King of Sockpuppets

Sockpuppet List

Drunk Lounge

To the window, to the wall, till Ivanka drop down my balls...

Drunk Lounge

Orale vatos locos.

I just fucked a nalgona chola with a big ass my nigga. The fucking power of ass my nigga.

I love ass.

Drunk Lounge

Alcohol is God's love.
Drink and ye shall be quenched.

Drunk Lounge

9am here on the island of beautiful Oahu. In bed drinking

Drunk Lounge

Me and Mercenary be drinking Asahi and Baijiu in Beijing. This pussy doesn't have a VPN, so he hasn't posted since arriving in China weeks ago, which has probably come as a relief to those of you who love quality posts.

Merc is on my right now eating some weird Japanese food. He's a lightweight. Drank one beer and got completely wasted. Keeps talking about how he loves and wants to marry some 4.

I'm wearing a three piece suit right now. I'm awesome.

Some people just can't hold their liquor. Poor Merc.

I love you guys.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Drunk Lounge

Suits is full of shit.

Im drunk....but he is much more drunk than me.

He tried to hook me up with some short haired Chinese 4 but I refused....gamed a much better inner Mongolian Chinese 7.

We are now having a drinking on my 3rd Baijiu and totally sane enough to write this post.

Suits needs to come home early to his mummy to get hot milk and cookies.


Drunk Lounge

That Inner Mongolia Chinese 7 was a 36 year old 4.


I'm the King of Beijing!

Drunk Lounge

[Image: 2bsD8EH.jpg]

Mercenary is camera shy, but here's a picture of his white hand. He was under the impression that no one on the forum had any idea what color his skin was and now he's worried.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (08-21-2016 11:49 AM)Suits Wrote:  

[Image: 2bsD8EH.jpg]

Mercenary is camera shy, but here's a picture of his white hand. He was under the impression that no one on the forum had any idea what color his skin was and now he's worried.

Im not even in China.
Suits is 120% trolling the forum.
Banhammer is imminent.

I have never banged or gamed below a 6.
This is my record....low notch count but no regrets.

Drunk Lounge

I'm delighted to discover that the Asian 4 that was with you when I met you at Dawang Lu Subway Exit A 5 hours ago has miraculously been transformed into a 6. We both know that you not only banged her in Europe, but you followed her to Beijing, not once, but twice.


I'm the King of Beijing!

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