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Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:54 AM)freeuser Wrote:  

How many times has the US Government/CIA try to assasinate Castro?

He's had 638 attempts on his life. Plenty of those were from before or during the revolution, however.

It may not be that the CIA is inept, but rather he's just a hard motherfucker to take out.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 01:02 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:52 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

After katrina, Cuba offered to send doctors, USA refused.

Their doctors (which saved my life in El Salvador) are often more like physician assistants in the US.

Bush made a lot of mistakes during Katrina, not seizing the moment to engage in a little diplomacy was one of them.

Actually, come to think of it, Bush made a lot of mistakes during his entire presidency. Obama's been dealing with his shit this whole time. Nothing worse than a job where your main responsibility is fixing the shit your predecessor broke.

LOL, I agree with you. I pray for the next guy/girl because he/she will really have to clean up the mess of the last two presidencies.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:25 PM)The Ligurian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 02:16 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Reminds me of the old Soviet joke.

"So long as the bosses pretend to pay us, we will pretend to work."

Read all your posts about Cuba in this thread. Just remember something, if your government had not propped up a dictator called Batista and suppressed the demands for democratic reform in Cuba by the general populace or turned the island into a corrupt brothel then maybe Castro would not have taken over with huge support.

Also I don't think you can lecture Cuba's leadership on morals. It was the CIA who helped plan the bombing off the civilian Air Cubana airliner which killed all 73 passengers on board. You still have not handed over the bomber who openly lived in Florida. Go USA!

You seem to pontificate a lot on Cuba and the wider socialist world, how many times have you been? As for your statement about nuking countries for having a different system of government than the one you believe in,[Image: tard.gif]

I do not know what history books you are ready but let me refresh you about Batista. The guy had the interests of US Corporations and indirectly the interest of the US Government in its first run off. In fact, the first time he grabbed the presidency of the so called Republic he enjoyed the support of the lower and middle class sector of the Cuban society. Especially Blacks, and Unions.

The second time he grabbed power in 1952 He overstepped US Corporation interests and dear Uncle Sam cut him loose that's why after 1958, the US banned all transfer and sell of weapons to his Batista government. You can actually research this on google. After that all his army just quit on the guy. The number of Batista's Army killed soldiers during the so called Cuba Revolution mounted to only 158 people. Go figure. That tells you something about US support, and let me remind you the US at the time had the option to get militarily into Cuba, like it did three times before in the republic history.

About the Brothel stuff. Yeah that was a biggie only in Havana but it was equally accessible to Cubans and foreigners which the majority happened to be Americans. Good for the money. Nowadays, its just for the foreigners which usually do not tip or have the money like the Americans have. You know, Canadians, Mexicans, Spaniards, British, Italians and the like. Less desirable tourists in terms of income and cheaper tourists compared to Americans.

You are watching too many movies my friend. Isn't Las Vegas a brothel then, the same can be applied to any actual big booming touristic city in the World. Bangkok, Amsterdam, Monaco, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Dubai, New York, Miami. Those are big p4p cities. Big time. I personally know. Fact is, Havana was the place to be in the 50s under Batista and like all the places to be in, the city was spitting a lot of cocaine, whores, and money.

So please spare me the BS. Fact is Cuba was better of and is better off with America. Batista wasn't a saint but compared to dear Fidel the guy was a sweet and gentle person.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-20-2014 12:29 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:54 AM)freeuser Wrote:  

How many times has the US Government/CIA try to assasinate Castro?

He's had 638 attempts on his life. Plenty of those were from before or during the revolution, however.

It may not be that the CIA is inept, but rather he's just a hard motherfucker to take out.

LOl, where did you get that number? Did Fidel or any of his newspaper tell you that? Please show several sources before saying something like that. I mean, stop and think before repeating something.

The CIA as well as other Cuban groups indeed tried to get Fidel killed a couple of times. But I really doubt that number. I mean, if you would like to portray the image of a tough guy wouldn't hurt to say something like that. Just think, do not follow the heard.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-20-2014 09:59 PM)JuanQuinQuin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2014 12:29 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:54 AM)freeuser Wrote:  

How many times has the US Government/CIA try to assasinate Castro?

He's had 638 attempts on his life. Plenty of those were from before or during the revolution, however.

It may not be that the CIA is inept, but rather he's just a hard motherfucker to take out.

LOl, where did you get that number? Did Fidel or any of his newspaper tell you that? Please show several sources before saying something like that. I mean, stop and think before repeating something.

The CIA as well as other Cuban groups indeed tried to get Fidel killed a couple of times. But I really doubt that number. I mean, if you would like to portray the image of a tough guy wouldn't hurt to say something like that. Just think, do not follow the heard.

The amazon links aren't affiliate links (and I personally wouldn't wish One Day In December on my worst enemy). Castro had to have an armed gang with him when he was in university on account of the number of people packing heat pissed off at him. He also was a rebel commander for the better part of a decade. Half the reason he survived can be written off as unimaginable luck.

Grad school, man. You learn a lot of weird shit.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-21-2014 02:38 AM)Osiris Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2014 09:59 PM)JuanQuinQuin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2014 12:29 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:54 AM)freeuser Wrote:  

How many times has the US Government/CIA try to assasinate Castro?

He's had 638 attempts on his life. Plenty of those were from before or during the revolution, however.

It may not be that the CIA is inept, but rather he's just a hard motherfucker to take out.

LOl, where did you get that number? Did Fidel or any of his newspaper tell you that? Please show several sources before saying something like that. I mean, stop and think before repeating something.

The CIA as well as other Cuban groups indeed tried to get Fidel killed a couple of times. But I really doubt that number. I mean, if you would like to portray the image of a tough guy wouldn't hurt to say something like that. Just think, do not follow the heard.

The amazon links aren't affiliate links (and I personally wouldn't wish One Day In December on my worst enemy). Castro had to have an armed gang with him when he was in university on account of the number of people packing heat pissed off at him. He also was a rebel commander for the better part of a decade. Half the reason he survived can be written off as unimaginable luck.

Grad school, man. You learn a lot of weird shit.

Ok, you see. Are you really citing a book written about Mr. Escalante?. Osiris. Please inform yourself about who is that person and you will see he is another person in the Castro Racquet. The guy is/was part of the Cuban Castro elite. Don't you think he will inflate and elevate all anti Americanism facts just to prove a point? Wouldn't Goering do the same when writing about Hittler?

When a person lives in a society as Cuba one learns to question all books, media and the like. One knows that everything is for sale and the best way to measure history and any message is to ask yourself why? where is the angle? Who benefit from me believing this shit? Who got the power, money and pussy because of this? or just Follow the money! W ether one then decides to chooses a certain story or not depends on one experiences or motivation.

Thought. Yes, If you define tough MF as the ability to do as one wishes with an entire country for more than 50 years. Fuck all the pussy you want and have all the money you want. Fuck yes, the guy is a tough shit mother fucker. Tougher than Batista, Pinochet, Stroesner, and other dictators in South America. I give you that.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Please notice the other two books I cited. I gave my sources. All three authors have actually met Castro and interviewed him.

Or I believe some random guy on the internet. Whatever.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Obama was made a bitch by Raul Castro, what a shameful handshake

[Image: giphy.gif]

Castro was pinching Obama's arm like a claw , Obama is so weak he couldn't even resist the grip without his wrist so cringely limping

It's funny with that down whistle cartoon sound effect


Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

I'm excited about this when a ferry service from Tampa starts up I'll be going there all the time hopefully with a vehicle purpose built by me for my trips.

[Image: attachment.jpg30710]   

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 08:38 AM)Scesci Wrote:  

Obama was made a bitch by Raul Castro, what a shameful handshake

[Image: giphy.gif]

Castro was pinching Obama's arm like a claw , Obama is so weak he couldn't even resist the grip without his wrist so cringely limping

That's not a handshake....that's a puppet being propped up by a stick.

Notice also that with his left hand, Raul Castro pushes Obama's right arm back a bit as well, to get him into the right "position."

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars


[Image: facepalm.png]

I listened to Obama's speech live yesterday. I thought it was a bunch of left-wing apoligism.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 08:51 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2016 08:38 AM)Scesci Wrote:  

Obama was made a bitch by Raul Castro, what a shameful handshake

[Image: giphy.gif]

Castro was pinching Obama's arm like a claw , Obama is so weak he couldn't even resist the grip without his wrist so cringely limping

That's not a handshake....that's a puppet being propped up by a stick.

Notice also that with his left hand, Raul Castro pushes Obama's right arm back a bit as well, to get him into the right "position."

Notice how Raul stops breathing through his nose, when Obama lifts his arm! Raul only starts breathing when Obama is at arms-length...

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Another thread about Cuba where people comment without knowing, awesome.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 08:38 AM)Scesci Wrote:  

Obama was made a bitch by Raul Castro, what a shameful handshake
[Image: giphy.gif]

Ahh body language in politics.

Good for Raul (whether it was intentional or not) because Obama uses this tired & unsophisticated shoulder amog/ dominate move on nearly everyone he meets & obviously never gets called on it.

Its incredibly condescending and incredibly rude imo. Only rivalled by his gum chewing. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

[Image: 2015-02-19T222148Z_1_LYNXMPEB1I0W5_RTROP...HICAGO.JPG]
[Image: 212912-upresident-obama-puts-hand-on-shoulder-of.jpg]

[Image: Obama-Medvedey-mutual-power.png][Image: icon_lol.gif]

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 10:49 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: ac049319920055.562e295861530.png]

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 08:38 AM)Scesci Wrote:  

[Image: giphy.gif]

Makes sense given Obama's support for LGBT rights, gay marriage, and other SJW bullshit.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Note to self: Time to revisit Cuba before the march break frat boys get there.

Our New Blog:

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

My office is quite close to the Miami airport but I work from home (Fort Lauderdale) 95% of the time. It takes well over an hour to get down there when I have to make that commute.

I could actually live in Havana if I could get a good phone line and fast/consisten Internet connectivity. It would be short plane ride to Miami. I imagine rents are real cheap there! Oh, and Cubanas. Wow.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 10:33 AM)Oz. Wrote:  

Another thread about Cuba where people comment without knowing, awesome.
Please enlighten us.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 01:09 PM)Private Man Wrote:  

My office is quite close to the Miami airport but I work from home (Fort Lauderdale) 95% of the time. It takes well over an hour to get down there when I have to make that commute.

I could actually live in Havana if I could get a good phone line and fast/consisten Internet connectivity. It would be short plane ride to Miami. I imagine rents are real cheap there! Oh, and Cubanas. Wow.

Nah, Cuba is actually not cheap.

If you want cheap, you're better off looking at Central America, parts of South America, and parts of Mexico.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are vastly overrated when compared to many modern products of Honduras, or the Dominican Republic.

There was a time when Cubans were THE cigar to have because the Wrapper, filler, and binder were all grown in the same soil. Cuba had the unique distinction to be able to do this at the time. AND their craftsmen rolled the damn things better than anyone in the world.

Both of those unique factors are gone now. The old Cuban cigars are easily rivaled by others.

Baphomet - Current humidor inventory 78 cigars.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are vastly overrated when compared to many modern products of Honduras, or the Dominican Republic.

There was a time when Cubans were THE cigar to have because the Wrapper, filler, and binder were all grown in the same soil. Cuba had the unique distinction to be able to do this at the time. AND their craftsmen rolled the damn things better than anyone in the world.

Both of those unique factors are gone now. The old Cuban cigars are easily rivaled by others.

Concur. I've had several Cuban's in my fact, I've got two Cohiba's in my humidor right now, given to me by a friend who got them in Germany. I bought a couple when I was in Australia and also had a friend get some from Canada.

While they were all excellent smokes, they are not head and shoulders above other high quality cigar brands (though certainly more savored due to the rarity of us American's being able to get them. I can find most hard drugs much easier to obtain than getting my hands on some authentic Cubans.).

Many of the best current brands from Central America are all produced by the Cubano's that fled the revolution and re-started their trade elsewhere.

That being said, The soil and climate conditions are supposedly superior to most other tobacco growing regions in the world. Hopefully and end to the embaro will see a return to the glory days of production.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 01:20 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2016 10:33 AM)Oz. Wrote:  

Another thread about Cuba where people comment without knowing, awesome.
Please enlighten us.

I can answer that one. For example, The comments on Cuban health care being awesome and Castro having 638 attempts on his life.

Pretty much anything you get from Cuba statistically is flat out lie. I'd think some of these guys were trolling if they didn't have rep.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

All these Cuba threads are jacked up. We need a new one. The game has changed.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (03-23-2016 03:16 PM)K Galt Wrote:  

Cuban cigars are vastly overrated when compared to many modern products of Honduras, or the Dominican Republic.

There was a time when Cubans were THE cigar to have because the Wrapper, filler, and binder were all grown in the same soil. Cuba had the unique distinction to be able to do this at the time. AND their craftsmen rolled the damn things better than anyone in the world.

Both of those unique factors are gone now. The old Cuban cigars are easily rivaled by others.

Concur. I've had several Cuban's in my fact, I've got two Cohiba's in my humidor right now, given to me by a friend who got them in Germany. I bought a couple when I was in Australia and also had a friend get some from Canada.

While they were all excellent smokes, they are not head and shoulders above other high quality cigar brands (though certainly more savored due to the rarity of us American's being able to get them. I can find most hard drugs much easier to obtain than getting my hands on some authentic Cubans.).

Many of the best current brands from Central America are all produced by the Cubano's that fled the revolution and re-started their trade elsewhere.

That being said, The soil and climate conditions are supposedly superior to most other tobacco growing regions in the world. Hopefully and end to the embaro will see a return to the glory days of production.

Hate to tell you but not all those "Cubans" sold in EU, Canada, etc are actually authentic. As a Cuban and avid cigar aficionado I can tell you that there is still nothing IMO that quite compares to the real deal

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