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The Poland thread

The Poland thread

I had a reader send me a barrage of questions and comments about how he's doing in Poland here in 2019. I'd love to be able to modify my original post with some more up-to-date information from some people on the ground in Poland.

If you have any thoughts to share beyond this, definitely let me know what you think. The reader's comments are in italics and my response is normal font.


On the one hand, I see it. On the other hand, I just don’t.

I feel like you need minor social circle to do well in Krakow these days. I have about an 80% approach to number close ratio – just under half of which get responses and usually some pretty engaged/flirtatious ones. But the leads die so quick. They won’t meet up and I even just got a text while writing this:

“My boyfriend says I shouldn’t give my number to guys on the street…I think he’s right. Please don’t be mad.”

But the fact that a boyfriend has to actually SAY this to a girl just goes to show how generally weak most men in today’s modern world are. Girls aren’t that dumb. She’s looking to upgrade.

The only high probability date I have after about a month straight of more than 1x cold approached to solo girls that for the most part really hooked is with a partly American Polish med student I med student. She’s cool but she’s probably a Polish 6 and it’s clear to me anyway that she’s thinking boyfriend zone.

Krakow is MUCH better than Budapest, Slovakia, Serbia, Bosnia, and even Romania/Bulgaria than all the other EE places I’ve yet tried for meeting girls…but honestly my memories of actually getting laid from cold appraoch more than 1x every 2 months in America still seem much better!!!!!

Do you hear anything from other guys who read your blog about Poland in 2019? I am getting OK Tinder matches but nowhere near the 100s you report. Everyone is bitching about PL on RVF including Roosh himself.

Let’s clear something up here, I haven’t swiped in Poland since 2016.

I have no idea what the current state of Tinder in Poland is, and whether or not I could replicate the same successes I found three+ years ago…

What do you think? If you use FakeGPS and port here are you still getting those Tinder matches?

…nor do I have the desire or time to try to figure it out.

Would Poland still be what it was for you if you came now?

I have no idea—but my gut feeling is no, based simply off of what I hear via the grapevine. I think something like Tinder would be worse, but I’d probably be able to get access to hotter girls via social circle and simply higher status. In simple terms, while the overall dating might have dropped—I’m also far more experienced, travelled, and wealthy than I was before. I reckon I’d do just fine.

If you think the prime countries / cities have changed a bit, maybe it’s worth levelling with your readers. Or better yet don’t – so the places aren’t burned...

I have little to no desire to continue writing and producing products around dating abroad. Simply put, it changes too fast. It’s difficult to keep up with how much it can evolve without traveling. A lot.

In addition, the general guy who is looking to get abroad is often times trying to do so while simultaneously spending the least amount of money (i.e. it's hard to do business like that).

But anyways, sure, I can level with y’all.

From what I *hear* out in the world, it is getting harder and harder. I also believe that a place like RVF—which has made me so many wonderful friends over the years—is also flooded by this point. There’s a lot of guys that are joining now that are really starting from square zero (+ many lurkers)—not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But, let's just say in some of my group chats (many of us have moved off the forum and just use WhatsApp chats to communicate now, there's still plenty of guys who are getting plenty of action with some pretty damn fine looking girls.). This is a natural progression of a community, for better or worse.

Haven’t tried Sympatia or Night Game yet, at all. So will try those next.

1 out of 20 Tinder matches reply and those leads die fast. I’ve gotten two numbers total off Tinder (using boost, plus, gold, autoswipe the whole time – carefully crafted pics and bio) and they both ended up being a massive waste of time.

Maybe it’s just my relative social capital in both places, but I remember 2009-2012 NYC as MUCH better for cold approach than this.

Probably a lot of my game/value is only conveyed verbally – and maybe you need to have a certain amount of Westernization/education yourself to get the results I’ve gotten in the past. Maybe it’s a race thing that is a much bigger penalty out here than back home. But it is frustrating for sure.

The thing thats not terrible about the US, at least big cities, is even a girl isn’t going to fuck you if she’s cool and you cold approach you can still kind of add each other to your social circles. That doesn’t always lead to good outcomes becomes the worst girls tend to be the most receptive to CA, BUT in huge cities like SF or NYC where everyone is from elsewhere it can also lead to really awesome outcomes.

A big mistake of going abroad is thinking you are going to be an “insider” into a culture. In reality, you have to really, really integrate yourself before you can feel that way. I’ve been out here for over three years now and still don’t really feel much like a “local”, if you know what I mean…

Overall though, yes, the world’s dating market is becoming more…well, global.

A Russian girl in Siberia can now be approached by a rich playboy in the Côte d’Azur.

It also means your average American 9-5 drone—unhappy with the dating market in the States—can also approach this same Siberian girl. It goes both ways…

The main way you get spoilt in EE is the avg girl is so much more feminine and takes such better care of herself and you. And you can leave a lot of your cultural baggage behind.

But if you can’t fuck them and/or even if you do but you can’t really connect… much better is it really?


I mean, I get it, they’re not for everyone. But I think many a foreign women are on to the “game” these days. Foreigners who fly in for a few weeks, hook up, and then disappear into the abyss. They’re wise to it by now. What’s the point, other than a novel factor which isn’t even novel anymore because any girl can do it.

Simply put, times have changed.

You either adapt, or die.

- END -

If you have some thoughts, let's hear 'em...

The Poland thread

So in the end the only good date after one month straight of approaching around was a Polish American student who probably was the only one to recognize some sort of game...
I would confirm that this is the sad reality of Poland nowadays for an experienced player.
Thinking to come for day game/Tinder and getting some good contacts is mere fantasy as of now. The only reason I can think for some foreigners to come might be because the country is still cheap. In Baltics and other EE countries they cannot handle the higher cost of life. Of course you might be lucky, especially with some Ukrainians or with the few foreigners living there but it's more like winning the lottery.
I have been traveling in Scandinavia lately and its definitely much better. But as you also said the world and the society are changing quickly, you have to catch up with the last changes.

The Poland thread

This thread ranks second for Most Blackpilled only to the Trump thread.

The only reason I can think of for this is because people are still reading Bang Poland (a good thing) but frequenting 1st tier cities instead of doing the work and digging into second tier cities (like the book suggests) to find action.

But you know, SNL or Fail. apparently that's the prevailing paradigm here

two scoops
two genders
two terms

The Poland thread

Quote: (04-02-2019 10:36 AM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

Could it be that Polish and maybe other Slavic women have different taste in men?
I have seen many hot Russian girls with guys anglo women would consider a beta loser
Western women want a Chad type who has symmetrical face, strong and angular jawline, etc and you cant see these type of men in EE

in my opinion they prefer guys from other contries, like Spain or South America. They love everything from Spain, and most of them are learning spanish beacuse of the latino music.

In my personal case, i am spanish and it´s not difficult to score for me, i get like 50 matches on Tinder almost everyday

The Poland thread


The Poland thread

@HolyShit After so many years of Spanish, and Italians, French, Portuguese and other nationalities, going to Poland to get laid, and it's been at least 10 or 15 years, have Polish girls not realized what's going on? Any female college student from 2005 till date has met male foreign students and many girls have had their fling and yet you're saying being Spanish is still a big thing? I don't doubt you, don't get me wrong, I just find it a lil hard to believe.

Also, if you don't mind sharing, how many of those 50 daily matches are you able to convert to bangs?

The Poland thread

Thank you guys for your posts on the Poland thread. They really gave me the extra motivation to move to a different country and I am giving Poland a break. It's weird but I am "forced" to move out of Poland since there is almost no good Airbnb available for the next month (prices have gone higher and quality much lower). I could find a one bedroom apartment near the center of Krakow and Warsaw for around 750 euros but not anymore.

Positivity and having fun when going out is not working nowadays but I've used this time to focus on creating some good content online (I have an online store, a blog and I am working on art projects). Although it's relaxing to have your mind focused on learning new skills and writing, I am lacking this drive, this passion that an attractive girl gives me and what makes me unstoppable. What some of you, in particular, Giacomo Casanova, are stating in this current thread is exactly what I am experiencing right now.

The more confident I become with women, the better I am at Game (to me game is mostly managing my emotions, bringing a good vibe and making the girl I like to want to chase me) the less interest I have with approaching most girls in Poland. I don't have an explanation for that but I am teaching myself how I could fix this and stop this shitty cycle.

There are technical 9 and 10s in Krakow where I spent almost 5 months and these are the girls I am genuinely attracted to (I have a hard time engaging a conversation with a 7 or 8 these days since they are not fun or sexy enough to me). These girls are either promo girls, work in slightly upscale (in Poland standards) restaurants or are models, actresses. You will never see these girls in clubs and bars unless they are promoting something or paid to show up.

During the day you might see some attractive girls but honestly, it's so random and unexpected that you will not have the time to calibrate the interaction and Krakow is not good for day game in my opinion (Warsaw is great for day game since it has a long shopping street and a big walkable park between the main subway/train station and the downtown mall).
Also, I spend most my time outside my Airbnb trying to avoid weird people/strip club promoters and slaloming the local and tourist crowd.

I keep learning from successful men. I realize the importance of becoming somehow a local cool guy or local celebrity. I don't know about "making friends" but how to DJ, dance, sing, anything arts-related might help me stand out from the thirsty uncalibrated male crowd.

I don't know if I want to "become a DJ" but taking the time to understand what it takes to become a successful one makes me understand why girls are attracted to guys like that instead of "high value" guys. The only guy who showed me some respect and seemed cool at the gym I go to turned out to be one of the DJ of Frantic, one of the upscale club around.
All the girls at the gym and in the club are looking at him and they smile when he is around. Being high-value is not being good looking or rich. This is being a normal human being to me. You exercise, manage your finances and have your life together. Being able to add value, understand people's needs this is where you become an attractive man. Actors, celebrities etc.. are good looking and rich but they are also skilled in many areas.

I don't want to blame Poland for not being successful with the most attractive girls around. I will keep traveling and experiencing different cultures but not for GAME. I'll just become a local DJ/photographer or local celebrity if it's what it takes nowadays. I know game, It's a soft skill. Now it's time to move on and learn new skills so I can be spending time around the girls I like and give them a chance to get to know me.

All the best to you guys. My next stop is Kiev [Image: smile.gif]

The Poland thread

Funny you say you couldnt find a decently priced place. Two years ago, actually just after Easter and around 1st of May I could not find an Airbnb or private room in almost all of Poland, so I went from Poznan to Lodz for two weeks. Afterwards I was very lucky in getting a private room in a new hostel/hotel in Warsaw. Afterwards the nightmarish search continued when I went to Kaunas, where I had to move 3 times for 6 weeks stay. That experience has stopped me from travelling since then when I found a nice place in Riga, staying at a friends apartment (private room of course) in Riga for less than 300 Euro dead center.

The Poland thread

Again, it seems like a lot of people are still dead set on going to these first tier cities thinking they are going to score like Roosh did 10 years ago. That is not going to happen, not even if you are Spanish which is not that much of a leg up. I've been living in Poznan now for a year and a half and every Spanish guy I come across is pretty white looking but better than the average Piotr, so I'm not seeing why Polish girls would even think that is exotic(besides the spanish). Not trying to bash on Spaniards here, just my observations and what I've heard from other Polkas as well. They are far more into latinos than spaniards as lationos have that lover/dancer stereotype. Cuba libre is a great club to see this in action.

For me it's been a dream, I speak Polish fluently and I'm Mexican so I'm fairly dark. I always get the same question, are you spanish/italian? Apparently latinos look more spanish than spaniards do according to Poles.

You guys gotta start going to 2nd 3rd tier cities if you want success and are serious about it. I've traveled to small towns and have been blown away by the English level there, the younger generation is learning English a lot. I've also been pretty shocked by how much they love Americans here, I've never been to another country that welcomes Americans as much as Poland. Partly due I'm sure to our willingness to defend Poland from their aggressive neighbor to the east.

As far as game goes I'm still figuring it out but here's my observation on life here:

-Women are starting to love that western style of Jobs/Independence, but at the same time not at the cost of family and kids.

-Domestic abuse and cheating from Polish men is a lot more common than I thought, men cheating on their wife's is almost a given here, and a lot of wife's here joke around but seem to accept the sad reality that their guy is either on ROKSA or off with a tirowki.

- I've met way too many married women who have no problem cheating with a foreigner because of the above. Not all of course, but I've had the most success with recently/in process divorcees. My god are they thirsty and the sexual drive is like that of a teenager.

-I love older(30-35) Polish women who take care of themselves (90% of them do), and they are very receptive to me. Also, they have their shit together most of the time, jobs, and know what they want.

One girl I meet regularly I actually met because she hit my buddies car, was impressed by my Polish and wanted to meet for conversation practice(her idea), 2 days later we sealed the deal. She is getting divorced because of a cheating husband so she thought it only fair to pay it back.

Maybe as a different tactic try out the older ladies, plenty of times they will be on a rebound. Divorce rates here are shooting through the roof, partly because of the westernization and degradation of the family unit and partly because the church is no longer being taken seriously in the control and judgement of every day life.



The Poland thread

How are the venues, in terms of quality and quantity, in those 2nd/3rd tier cities? Would Wroclaw be a 2nd tier city?

The Poland thread

Wroclaw is NOT second tier. Look for cities around 200k head count.

Zdarzyło mi się pokonać armię ciemności albo dwie.

The Poland thread

Wroclaw is like a smaller version of Krakow, completely overrun with tourists. Don't expect it to be much different to Krakow/Warsaw. Although I would choose Wroclaw over those other two.

What the other guys have said is right, you really have to be looking at 2nd or even 3rd tier cities. Katowice, Kielce, Radom, Bialystok are a few good shouts.

The Poland thread

Thanks. The categorization can vary widely from place to place, but that figure and those towns make sense in proportion to the country's population.

The Poland thread

I was dating 3 girls the last time I was in Poland (two from Tinder, one from daygame). I stayed with these girls in their apartments and even went on a mini-break to Munich with one.

I had to leave for 10 weeks, but when I returned to Poland guess how many actually met with me again?


I tried to set things up with all of them, but was given non-commital answers and one girl even stopped talking to me mid-conversation on Whatsapp when she asked when she could see me again and I suggested a time. She ghosted at that exact moment. After what seemed like investment on her part.

So, three girls who I rawdogged and practically lived with 10 weeks ago had zero inclination to see me again, for whatever reason. Perhaps I need to run more comfort game during my absence, or perhaps they're just whores. These chicks were all low to high 7s, 10 years younger than me. Perhaps that's the problem.

No idea how guys can keep regulars in foreign cities.

The Poland thread

Comfort game missing. Girls move like the weather you dropped a big ball with the 10 week hiatus.

The Poland thread

griffin did you stay in touch while away or just vanished and resurfaced after 2 monthes?

The Poland thread

That s normal.

Girls will let you rawdog them expecting you will start a long term relationship with them.

It happened with several of my fuck friends. After a while they get tired of it and go to a beta guy they can present to their parents.

One of them even stated to me: “we have to stop, you were my plan A but I want a proper relationship so you either commit or i go with plan B who is trying to get me”

The Poland thread

Quote: (04-16-2019 03:53 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

griffin did you stay in touch while away or just vanished and resurfaced after 2 monthes?

It was always me initiating, so found it tiresome to keep finding reasons to re-engage. But there were texts exchanged over the two months, mostly me checking in.

The Poland thread

Quote: (04-16-2019 05:05 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2019 03:53 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

griffin did you stay in touch while away or just vanished and resurfaced after 2 monthes?

It was always me initiating, so found it tiresome to keep finding reasons to re-engage. But there were texts exchanged over the two months, mostly me checking in.

Sounds like you were the one more invested in these girls than they were in you. At least you banged them for the time you did, fuck them if they just wanna be pumped and dumped.

Usually after I bang a girl here I take a backseat and let her do most of the work. I'd say 9/10 times the girl contacts me after and starts to put in more effort than me. Once I get the bang I usually feel far less into the girl and I guess they sense that I really don't give much of a fuck.

The Poland thread

c´mon guys, i see a bit of pessimism in this thread, it is true that things have changed, we are in 2019 not in 2006 when you were the first foreigner walking in Poland, but things (in my opinion) are still easier in comparison with other european countries. For example guys, you cannot imagine how is the situation now in my country (Spain) and how difficult is to flirt. Spanish girls have a huge line of desperate guys waiting for them. If you are not a 8 out of 10 guy... forget to bang. Even a fat girl can choose, belive me... and if you play daygame probably the girl will call the police, we are invaded buy the feminism fever, everyting is considered sexist

Anyway, in your opinion, what city in Poland for you is the best to bang? or at least to have more opportunities? Warsaw? Krakow? Wroclaw?

The Poland thread

Quote: (04-16-2019 02:32 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

I was dating 3 girls the last time I was in Poland (two from Tinder, one from daygame). I stayed with these girls in their apartments and even went on a mini-break to Munich with one.

I had to leave for 10 weeks, but when I returned to Poland guess how many actually met with me again?


I tried to set things up with all of them, but was given non-commital answers and one girl even stopped talking to me mid-conversation on Whatsapp when she asked when she could see me again and I suggested a time. She ghosted at that exact moment. After what seemed like investment on her part.

So, three girls who I rawdogged and practically lived with 10 weeks ago had zero inclination to see me again, for whatever reason. Perhaps I need to run more comfort game during my absence, or perhaps they're just whores. These chicks were all low to high 7s, 10 years younger than me. Perhaps that's the problem.

No idea how guys can keep regulars in foreign cities.

I have a girl in Vegas I met like 1.5 years ago, we still stay in touch and every now and then she will text me. I'm suppose to go back in a couple months to see her for the first time returning. My relationship with her is more than just sex though, and I think that helps me, but when I return I will be sleeping in her bed. I don't ask her if she's dating or has a boyfriend, I don't care as long as she's clean she knows I'm getting inside.

What worked for me, and mind you this is only 1 girl in a city far away from me is if the girl truly values you as different. The brief time I spent with that girl in Vegas on my (4 day trip) was something she had not experienced before, we did vivid things that will stay rooted in her mind. She cannot find someone that can replace that experience that she had with me--at least that is my thinking.

Also besides game it depends on the character of the girl. If she doesn't value a partnership of any kind and wants to move on there isn't much you can do. Some girls do value and will keep in touch.

The Poland thread

Quote: (04-09-2019 09:49 AM)Barron Wrote:  

This thread ranks second for Most Blackpilled only to the Trump thread.

The only reason I can think of for this is because people are still reading Bang Poland (a good thing) but frequenting 1st tier cities instead of doing the work and digging into second tier cities (like the book suggests) to find action.

But you know, SNL or Fail. apparently that's the prevailing paradigm here

If you are normal looking and expect to do some decent, but nothing too crazy, work for a 6 then it's kind of a white pill.

The Poland thread

Ok so I have been in Poland for a couple of months and this place has been quite perplexing despite the info from this thread. But first, some info to add based on my location in the Tri-city and travel to other places in Poland:

Do NOT come to the tricity for nightlife except during the summer, most places in Gdansk are not recommended in general by locals, everybody goes to Sopot and even then its way overpriced for the mediocre nightlife outside summer - but if you must just head to Monte Cassino street and good luck avoiding the girls selling you entries to strip clubs, the SKM local train runs 24hr. And during the summer, do not expect to meet locals. They are not fond of the foreigner influx at all. They tend to avoid dealing with them if possible and leave for their summer cottages.

Foreigners in Poland, in general have lost their 'exotic' value although there are very few foreigners around. To date I have only seen 1 Chinese looking dude with a Polish girl, although in a lot of places, it seemed I was the only visible foreigner around. They prefer getting your fb contact to your number so be aware of what you want from the interaction. Met up with the rare latin american dude living here but they do not seem to have great success although the low cost of living is attractive for lots of people. Some scandinavians have gotten into long term relationships so the stereotype of the tanned look may not be valid. Any foreigner is going to be screened hard as a long term prospect. I actually saw more mixed couples in the Czech Republic but thats for another thread.

People, atleast in the Tri-city are still getting into relationships very early and if they aren't they are still looking for Polish guys. You will struggle to find prospects although you might claim to be here mid/long term.

Contrary to what the above posts have stated, I found the proportion of well dressed girls higher in Warsaw than in the tri-city. They might actually be more receptive to foreigners although I may have more insight when I visit Warsaw again.

Guys in their 30s now have managed to punch well beyond their league in the past. It may not be true anymore, guys in Uni can now be seen dating way down.

I am not sure how some posters in the thread claim Polish guys are not as well put together in terms of clothing style/fitness. I don't see any difference where I am compared to guys in 2nd tier UK for example.

Local guys here like to talk about getting girls a lot more for some reason, again comparing to the UK or even Australia. Makes me wonder if the thirst is real. On the other hand, its not like every other girl is walking around with Rafael.

Would be great to hear from others who have/are living in Poland on some of the following:

How have you guys gotten into social circles? Almost all the foreigners, mostly Europeans I have met claim that it wasnt easy knowing Polish peoples. The only way was through their polish partner.

How have your success in daygame been? You get IOIs but when you approach and start talking , it gets no where. It's almost as if they don't understand english. Do girls expect you to speak Polish instead and get disappointed when they find out you dont?
What's been more successful first date ideas, coffee or drinks?

Also, is there a stigma towards dating foreign guys recently? Judging from all the hype about all those Southern european and latin guys, it seems to be a complete opposite on the ground.


The Poland thread

Quote: (08-12-2015 04:24 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

I have an update on Sopot and the surrounding areas.

I have been there a few times off-season and it wasn't so bad back then. But boy did we encounter some unforeseen problems.

The place was surreal. You could see multiple 8-9s, several Polish minor celebrities, a few businessmen, former misses (one buddy of ours got excited over seeing Miss World 1992 - we were not since she was in her 50s and was sporting a mid 30s toyboy with her). Many guys were jacked, plenty were good-looking, some were quite wealthy even by international standards. But after a time you see what's up with the place:

+ many men there were either working selling drugs, illegal sexual performance enhancers (since the coke they sell is laced with massive amounts of amphetamines and gets you noodle-dick) or they make their money at pimping
+ it is not uncommon to see multiple guys enter the toilet together to snort some coke or talk about the next level Viagra - or they talk about doing a gang-bang together - probably after having talked with an escort at the club
+ 60% of the 8-9s there were escorts and unfortunately they were not the youngest either
+ we got approached multiple times by some girls asking us for some coke
+ 30% of the prettiest ones work at the club and 100% of them have boyfriends - we did our dirty deed nonetheless ("Boyfriend eh? You want to have a man?" or other such moves about being "discrete.) But it did not work despite getting numbers - was awkward sometimes as we saw them with their boyfriends 8 hours later in the morning. Those were the normal ones.
+ 2-10% at the most were some pretty girls who happened to come upon this strange establishment where supposedly the "elite of Poland" parties. When a normal non-working 8 stumbles into the place, then you have to strike fast. I can guarantee you that within 20 minutes there will be 2 guys on her who try their coke brains on her.

So essentially there was generally a lack of leads at the place. Actually that was the most basic tenet of Sopot itself. It's possible that it was better one day, but even at more regular clubs like ZLA KOBIETA, CZEKOLADA or EGO you could only get older women (30+) with apparent ease. The younger ones are of course available, but the logistics at night were terrible. The reason for this is that younger girls go out at night in groups and are usually from Gdansk. Several times we got our dates whisked away by their male rides, by their girlfriends etc.

During the day solo-girls are few and far in between. Any walk down Krakow, Wroclaw or Warsaw even during summer will give you 100 times more leads, since Sopot is so incredibly small. The prettiest cutest girls work at restaurants and clubs. They can be gamed, but they generally have boyfriends and are not corrupted enough to start fucking around on them (despite obvious temptations).

Maybe Sopot is better off-season and especially better if you don't mind banging 35+ year olds or banging escorts for coke and cash. My estimation is that the Sopot night life is better during student season, but even then it is nothing to brag about. Clubs like Zla Kobieta and the like will give you some leads, but given the fact that we like them young and unspoilt, the logistics are a tough sell.

During the day you have the occasional solo tourist, but those are very rare since Sopot is too expensive for many girls. My estimation is also that many young girls in summer work in the EU, to save some cash. It also seems to be recent development in Poland - the last 2-3 years. I also remember seeing some infield videos of good Polish pro PUAs, which were done in Sopot a few years ago. Some clubs back then were packed in summer while now those terraces (around Czekolada) are closed. They are actually closed so that means that Sopot nightlife in summer has become way more quiet in recent times. If RSD is doing bootcamps there, then they haven't gotten the message that the place has changed.

So they either visit their parents, work away from Poland, travel on the cheap (also away from Poland). The rarest breed visits Sopot for R&R. I am sure that quite a few strippers and escorts eat their breakfast at the Zatoka Sztuki and you can game them if you are into fake lips, fake tits and a fake smile coming from some dead shark-eyes.

But generally you have to travel far and wide for the occasional cute girl - something that is all prevalent during Daygame in other cities in summer. When we returned to Warsaw later and saw the plentiful pussy buffet spread out before us in the busy streets - we heaved a sigh of relief. The Polish beaches are good for sightseeing, but for Game there are better places.

As I mentioned before - been there off season and while there were less girls, those that came to Sopot were more willing to fuck. Strangely also some clubs were more packed than in summer probably due to local student girls which were lacking during peak season. Though to be fair if you invest 5k in some coke, you could probably get laid via coke game, but it won't be cheap and gets into the P4P territory (though not quite).

Quote: (08-13-2015 04:06 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Yeah I go to Sopot about 10 times per year. I agree that it is good for looking at girls, and not much else. You can have some fun out in the bars and clubs with your mates if you are not too fussed about picking up, but its very expensive.
It is actually the only place that is EXACTLY like my home town in Sydney (Cronulla), Nice place, shit people.
Plus, its not really a place where single girls will go for a weekend trip. Actually none of the beach spots are. Polish cultures dictates that this is only a thing that couples do alone or with other couples. Even if you go to Łeba or Świnoujście its just couples and fat / hideous people.

Hey guys, after a few months in the Tri-city, my time here is coming to an end and I got to decide if I want to continue summer in the Tri city or move on.

I agree with Simeon and Spalex that Sopot in the the off season has been disappointing, too many club promoters and the experience is not competitive. Its only the students who will be partying and the logistics and travel between the 3 cities afterwards is a mess. Its mostly a couples/double dates scene consisting of walking on the beach and having a drink at a bar as mentioned above. And lots of middle aged hen parties coming from down south and from Sweden. I recommend staying in the Gdansk/Gdynia and hitting the limited bars/pubs in there and getting numbers for later dates instead. Hitting the clubs is a waste of time and money IMO.

But, is the above true during the last couple summers? Some of the recent expats claim that summers in Sopot are filled with beach parties and crazy nightlife but is it all a smokeshow in terms of actually meeting /dating people? Curious to know more about the make-up of tourists during the summer is? Is it like a Stag-fest like some of the southern cities?

I am open to move if necessary but with the Uni vacation, I find it hard to see how places like Krakow and Wroclaw would be busy then, apart from the stag/hen parties.

Any questions pls ask. Lets get the Poland thread running again!

The Poland thread

Hey guys! I just got to Wroclaw and trying to figure out the best nightlife spots on Wednesday and Thursday with plenty of pretty polish girls and so I can run some game. Trying to avoid pasaz niepolda and the overrun spots. Maybe a student party is happening somewhere? Anyone have any updated intel!?!

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