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What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

I had sex with a teacher in my senior high school year. She was going out with another teacher of mine. She's a university prof now. If I were a psychopath I could report her and ruin her career but I'm not. Actually it's a great memory to treasure.

I fucked a girl a few days before her wedding.

I fucked a (non-butch) lesbian.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

I don't have anything that degenerate or memorable. I feel like I'm missing out on so much.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Triple penetrated a fatty with a couple of friends.

Not my best hour, but it was a notch.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-01-2018 02:38 AM)Duke Wrote:  

Triple penetrated a fatty with a couple of friends.

Not my best hour, but it was a notch.

I would not give you a notch for that.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

So I was staying in a hostel in Prague, when me and my mate met a group of American birds in the common room. Anyway, we went out for drinks, and after about a dozen xmas beers, I hooked up with this thick booty American bird.

We get back to the hostel and I realise my buddy had the room key and he was passed out in this bed. So I manage to get into the girls dorm and bang this American. About two hours later she falls asleep and I realise, if I leave the room to take a piss I won't be able to get back in because the doors automatically lock after closing. So I quietly down from her bunk bed and piss in a rubbish bin.

Morning comes, and it turns out the bin was one of those mesh tin office bins and I'd more or less pissed all over the floor which just so happened to be where the girls clothes where.

I wake to screaming as the girls pick up their damp clothes. Lucky for me, they were that dense, that they actually thought someone had snuck into the room and pissed on the floor as a prank.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote:godfather dust Wrote:

I would not give you a notch for that.

I can see why, and agree. Like I said it was not my best hour. Still, it was experience gained. I did the approach, got the number, and banged first before bringing the others in.

Onwards to the next.


What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-01-2018 03:28 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

So I was staying in a hostel in Prague, when me and my mate met a group of American birds in the common room. Anyway, we went out for drinks, and after about a dozen xmas beers, I hooked up with this thick booty American bird.

We get back to the hostel and I realise my buddy had the room key and he was passed out in this bed. So I manage to get into the girls dorm and bang this American. About two hours later she falls asleep and I realise, if I leave the room to take a piss I won't be able to get back in because the doors automatically lock after closing. So I quietly down from her bunk bed and piss in a rubbish bin.

Morning comes, and it turns out the bin was one of those mesh tin office bins and I'd more or less pissed all over the floor which just so happened to be where the girls clothes where.

I wake to screaming as the girls pick up their damp clothes. Lucky for me, they were that dense, that they actually thought someone had snuck into the room and pissed on the floor as a prank.

That is great

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

almost forgot: voted for Perot in '92

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?


I love how you didn’t think to wedge the door open. Drunk logic.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-01-2018 09:13 AM)bbgun Wrote:  

almost forgot: voted for Perot in '92

You voted for the best candidate in that particular election... not degenerate

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

My grandma just gave me a huge bag of Easter eggs that I'm supposed to throw in with the family hunt. They are all full of money.

Well the strippers start work at 2 pm. Look out.


What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Registered on a men's forum dedicated to having sex with many women.

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Kept poking a porker just because it was so easy to make her cum repeatedly and I could feel her pussy spasm repeatedly when she did. It was like a perverted science experiment.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-01-2018 05:07 PM)MMM Wrote:  

Kept poking a porker just because it was so easy to make her cum repeatedly and I could feel her pussy spasm repeatedly when she did. It was like a perverted science experiment.

That is not degenerate. That is AWESOME.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

In the past, I cheated on a girlfriend and noticed a short time later a bit of a burning sensation when I pissed. I decided to go to the doctor and get an STD test which revealed I had contracted chlamydia. They prescribed me an antibiotic that would clear the infection with just one pill — but what was I going to do about my girlfriend? If she wasn’t treated I would just continue to reinfect myself.

So about twenty minutes after I left the doctor’s office, I returned saying I had been driving with my windows rolled down and my prescription had gotten sucked out the window and that I would need another prescription. They obliged my request and I proceeded to go to two separate pharmacies to have each prescription filled. After that, I took my pill and talked my girlfriend at the time into taking the other pill by claiming it was something for urinary health after lying and claiming my doctor diagnosed me with a bladder infection (when it was actually chlamydia).

I knew we couldn’t have sex for a week until the infection cleared so I made excuses a couple times and then a week later I went back for a recheck which revealed I had cleared the infection and then I resumed banging my girlfriend. We would later breakup for different reasons but she never found out I cheated on her. It was a total “Match Point” experience.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-01-2018 05:22 PM)rpg Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2018 05:07 PM)MMM Wrote:  

Kept poking a porker just because it was so easy to make her cum repeatedly and I could feel her pussy spasm repeatedly when she did. It was like a perverted science experiment.

That is not degenerate. That is AWESOME.

It's only degenerate if you invite your friends to join in.

I'm the King of Beijing!

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

This wins the thread. I imagined myself in your position after the deed. I can't think of a more ridiculous situation to be in.

Quote: (03-11-2018 05:07 AM)Winston Wolfe Wrote:  

This thread is probably the best place to share the story of how I got my Japanese flag.

It was on new years day in an undisclosed, big Asian city (not in Japan). Because of a last minute change of plans, I found myself in this city to celebrate new years. Needless to say, because of NYE every single decent and affordable place was already booked. I was on a budget, so I had to settle for a hostel dorm room.

I get to the hostel, it's dirty as hell and I'm in a 16 bed mixed dorm room. There are two shared showers, both of which look like they haven't been cleaned in months. Dirt and hairs everywhere, clogged floor drains, etc.

"Well, in case something hooks tonight, looks like my place isn't gonna be an option" I remember thinking.

I didn't spend much time in the hostel and left pretty early to meet my friends in the city to go party.

Fast forward to 3am. Unfortunately I struck out, but it was a fun night nonetheless. I get back to the hostel and there's this Asian chick smoking a cigarette and having a drink outside at the front patio. She's a 5 at best, but at least she's skinny.

She looks at me very shyly and then looks away. I open her with a simple "Hey how are you."

Turns out she hardly speaks any English beyond some basic words.

We start communicating with Google Translate. Just small talk, turns out she's on holiday from Japan, staying in the same dorm room and leaving the next day, just like me.

I could tell that she was interested, but I decided not to go for it since there was no way I was going to take her into my 16 bed shared dorm room anyway, which by now was full of sleeping people.

Just as I was about to call it a night, she talks into her Google Translate again.

Up until this point, we had just used the automatic voice translation from Google which got some laughs in, but this time, she had me read the translation on her screen.

"I have never been with white man."

Alright... Perhaps there is something I can help you with...

Next message: "I am horny."

She looks at me like we're already fucking.

I decide fuck it. I take her hand and lead her inside and into one of the aforementioned dirty showers. Both of us barely fit into the small cabin.

She undresses and turns out to be REALLY skinny. She is also unshaved and has the full Asian bush. Now I'm usually not into the super skinny girls or into bushes, but something about this shit got me rock hard. It was straight out of some Japanese amateur porn scene.

I bend her over and she starts moaning. I feel her out and she's dripping wet.

I take out my dick, pull a condom out of my wallet and put it on. I go ahead and try to go inside.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Now, my dick isn't the biggest by any means, but that GIF is how it went at first.

Very gently I keep pushing, and eventually I'm all the way in. It's fucking tight.

It really took a while before full motion was possible and I admit that I was a bit afraid to hurt her or something. Until she speaks: "Harder." she just keeps repeating "Harder."

Before I know it, I'm pounding the shit out of her while she's on all fours on the dirty shower floor.

We eventually switch to me sitting on the floor while she's riding me, and last but not least, a pile driver position with her basically folded on the floor and me drilling away.

I'm close to cumming so I pull out. She knows whats up and sits on her knees. I take off the condom and start jerking.

I tell her in English that she's my dirty little Japanese slut and that I'm gonna cum. She's finger blasting herself while looking up to me. She's moaning and talking dirty in Japanese.

I spray all over her face, in her eyes and in her hair.

And then, silence.


It's 5am by this time and I slowly realize the situation I am in.

My entire body is covered in hairs and dirt, as is hers. Her face and hair is covered in cum.

Well, we are in a shower anyway, so let's clean up!

As we shower, I realize we don't have towels in there. I also don't remember having received one when I checked in. Fantastic.

I sneak out of the shower cabin naked and look around me. No towels in sight.

I sneak into one of the dorm rooms and see a towel hanging from a bed. "Sorry buddy", I thought to myself while taking it.

As I walk back to the shower with my freshly acquired towel, my eyes start getting used to the darkness in the dorm room. I notice a pair of eyes looking at me in disbelief, from one of the top bunk beds.

And then another pair.

I look up and I see the wall separating the shower from the dorm room doesn't connect at the ceiling. It's just a high wall.

This means everyone in the building probably just heard my little porn adventure, climaxing with "you dirty Japanese slut" and some gorilla-like growls while I was spraying.

Made sure to wait until most people were already up the next day, then put the towel back at its place and sneaked out of there.

Never saw her again by the way.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-01-2018 08:17 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2018 05:22 PM)rpg Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2018 05:07 PM)MMM Wrote:  

Kept poking a porker just because it was so easy to make her cum repeatedly and I could feel her pussy spasm repeatedly when she did. It was like a perverted science experiment.

That is not degenerate. That is AWESOME.

It's only degenerate if you invite your friends to join in.

[Image: icon_lol.gif]

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Reverse Cowgirl

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Fucked a girl in the ass 45 min after meeting her on the street as she was wrapping up a date with an acquaintance.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Christ, one of three things probably:

1. Fuck my friend's sister. She's an absolute slut in bed and loves anal. She also gave me great head.

2. Fuck a slutty Jewish girl while on vacation with my family.

3. Get a blowjob on a balcony overlooking Jerusalem.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-02-2018 04:55 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

1. Fuck my friend's sister. She's an absolute slut in bed and loves anal. She also gave me great head.

2. Fuck a slutty Jewish girl while on vacation with my family.

3. Get a blowjob on a balcony overlooking Jerusalem.

Having sex is degenerate now?

I'm the King of Beijing!

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-02-2018 07:31 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2018 04:55 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

1. Fuck my friend's sister. She's an absolute slut in bed and loves anal. She also gave me great head.

2. Fuck a slutty Jewish girl while on vacation with my family.

3. Get a blowjob on a balcony overlooking Jerusalem.

Having sex is degenerate now?

He forgot to mention he wasn't married to any of those girls.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-02-2018 07:47 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2018 07:31 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2018 04:55 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

1. Fuck my friend's sister. She's an absolute slut in bed and loves anal. She also gave me great head.

2. Fuck a slutty Jewish girl while on vacation with my family.

3. Get a blowjob on a balcony overlooking Jerusalem.

Having sex is degenerate now?

He forgot to mention he wasn't married to any of those girls.

I like to think they were all the same woman.

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

What's the most degenerate thing you've ever done?

Quote: (04-02-2018 07:49 PM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

He forgot to mention he wasn't married to any of those girls.

I like to think they were all the same woman.

She's a sister alright. Just not his friend's [Image: wink.gif]


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