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Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

You get a little 4'10" athletic girl who likes dick in her ass and it's a whole lot of fun. I love seeing my dick slide in ass.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

But in all seriousness how could getting laid be considered beta?

Is it beta if she kisses you instead of you kissing her? What about if you're taking a shower together and she adjusts the water temp, is that beta? If she aggressively pulls your pants down to suck your dick is that beta for you to let her?

Am I beta if I let my girl choose the girl we take home and fuck?

Don't overthink the alpha beta shit just do as you please. If it feels good it is good.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:52 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:24 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 08:50 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

The key, not shown in any of those pictures, is to have her legs inside your own. This allows plenty of testicular freedom and comfort.

That sort of position makes the pussy much tighter, and makes penetration, in-and-out, thrusting, and her "riding" you even more difficult if you have big girth (thick circumference).

That position is for "thinner" dudes only.

And even if you manage...the man is still lying flat on his back with the girl facing the other way, and almost all of the issues I pointed out still apply.

Perhaps deliriums induced by no fap have banished fonder memories, but there are plenty of minuscule young starlets capable of taking heroic wangs, with great force and velocity, in just about every position conceivable. Reverse cowgirl, legs together or akimbo, is just one of the more mundane of these positions.

The 'issues' you pointed out are all non-issues. The idea that fucking luscious pussy is in any way, or indeed in any position, a 'beta' act, is just silly.

I read this wrong bud, thought for a moment you were on the NoFap train!

Come on in brother, you will be saved [Image: lol.gif]

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (03-31-2018 03:36 PM)Montrose Wrote:  

Missionary is totally useless, unless you have the generally misguided desire to express affection to your partner, because the penis doesn’t thrusts toward the anterior vaginal wall (aka G spot) and that is a major drawback for vaginal women - and it’s not a very convenient position to stimulate the clit either. Fails on both accounts. Also, I dislike missionary because, like the Chinese say, ‘when you’re on the mountain you can’t see the mountain’.

Is it beta when I fuck my girl missionary with a hand on her throat, kiss her, look her in the eye and tell her she's mine and feel her pussy instantly contract?

Women get off on emotion. Learn how to handle that and you will have plenty of repeat business.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

It’s true that women’s appreciation of sex is very inelastic to what you actually do. But if you go that way then there’s no point discussing positions (which was the point of this thread). I contend that missionary is a sub optimal position in almost every respect.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:38 AM)realologist Wrote:  

Limiting beliefs thinking you can't fuck a girl from that position.

Need to work on your glute bridge and hip thrust game.

[Image: barbelle-glute-bridge-butt-main.jpg?itok=4uwqx9FA]

Kettlebell swings. Aim for 300 swings/day.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?


Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-02-2018 10:37 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:52 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:24 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 08:50 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

The key, not shown in any of those pictures, is to have her legs inside your own. This allows plenty of testicular freedom and comfort.

That sort of position makes the pussy much tighter, and makes penetration, in-and-out, thrusting, and her "riding" you even more difficult if you have big girth (thick circumference).

That position is for "thinner" dudes only.

And even if you manage...the man is still lying flat on his back with the girl facing the other way, and almost all of the issues I pointed out still apply.

Perhaps deliriums induced by no fap have banished fonder memories, but there are plenty of minuscule young starlets capable of taking heroic wangs, with great force and velocity, in just about every position conceivable. Reverse cowgirl, legs together or akimbo, is just one of the more mundane of these positions.

The 'issues' you pointed out are all non-issues. The idea that fucking luscious pussy is in any way, or indeed in any position, a 'beta' act, is just silly.

I read this wrong bud, thought for a moment you were on the NoFap train!

Come on in brother, you will be saved [Image: lol.gif]

When I think of that train, I have a vivid picture of a steam train, puffing smoke, careening through a mountain pass, the hillsides outside lush with vibrant green grass, spring water streams, and herds of buxom young girls cavorting through the buttercups in short skirts and pushup bras.

Inside the densely packed carriages I imagine stained furniture from the earnest but abortive attempts to stay the course between sex stations spaced further apart than most on the train would like. The whole place smells like a teenager's bedroom on a hot summer day - the windows on the train don't open lest temptation creep in, and the aircon is broken because some desperate soul, driven half mad by forces beyond his control, pulled the control panel off the wall as he was caught frottaging up against it and dragged away by grim faced and austerely dressed veterans who have taken it upon themselves to police the journey. Everywhere one looks, one is met by the rapacious, semi-glazed glare of a man in the throws of sexual agony. Heronimaous Bosch is the only artist I can think of who would do justice to the grim hell of the No Fap Train.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Guys is having sex with a woman beta?

Asking for a friend.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-02-2018 11:54 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

When I think of that train, I have a vivid picture of a steam train, puffing smoke, careening through a mountain pass, the hillsides outside lush with vibrant green grass, spring water streams, and herds of buxom young girls cavorting through the buttercups in short skirts and pushup bras.

Inside the densely packed carriages I imagine stained furniture from the earnest but abortive attempts to stay the course between sex stations spaced further apart than most on the train would like. The whole place smells like a teenager's bedroom on a hot summer day - the windows on the train don't open lest temptation creep in, and the aircon is broken because some desperate soul, driven half mad by forces beyond his control, pulled the control panel off the wall as he was caught frottaging up against it and dragged away by grim faced and austerely dressed veterans who have taken it upon themselves to police the journey. Everywhere one looks, one is met by the rapacious, semi-glazed glare of a man in the throws of sexual agony. Heronimaous Bosch is the only artist I can think of who would do justice to the grim hell of the No Fap Train.

A very eloquent & poetic way of saying:

I can't stop jerking off to porn, and I won't even be bothered to try... I'm gonna write my usual ostentatious and pretentious word salad.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

A pretty tasty word salad tho

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-02-2018 11:58 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Guys is having sex with a woman beta?

Asking for a friend.


The most alpha thing you can do is fuck trannies, or better yet men. The manlier the better. Even better if it's non-consensual on their part and involves a lot of violence.

That's way more alpha and dominant than letting a weak girl be on top of you (even if it involves you penetrating her).

Wanna do one better? Fuck a live tiger or grizzly bear. Bonus points if you do reverse cowboy and you're the one on top of said tiger or bear... Because that makes you dominant. And alpha.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-02-2018 04:30 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2018 11:58 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Guys is having sex with a woman beta?

Asking for a friend.


The most alpha thing you can do is fuck trannies, or better yet men. The manlier the better. Even better if it's non-consensual on their part and involves a lot of violence.

That's way more alpha and dominant than letting a weak girl be on top of you (even if it involves you penetrating her).

Wanna do one better? Fuck a live tiger or grizzly bear. Bonus points if you do reverse cowboy and you're the one on top of said tiger or bear... Because that makes you dominant. And alpha.

"Ive never seen a more beautiful, elegant or regal creature"

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (03-31-2018 09:38 AM)realologist Wrote:  

Limiting beliefs thinking you can't fuck a girl from that position.

Need to work on your glute bridge and hip thrust game.

[Image: barbelle-glute-bridge-butt-main.jpg?itok=4uwqx9FA]

I don't think that there are Beta positions - you can fuck her brains out via reverse cowgirl too.

The only Beta cuck position I would call is the actual cuck position where you are allowed to hold her hand while some other guy is fucking your girl.

Personally I prefer to have total control of her:

[Image: s-l300.jpg]

I like to tell her what position she should take.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

If you don't like one position, you should try a few others. Problem solved. If you still don't like it, experiment with giving and receiving.


Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Ultimately, unless the position involves you prostrated before the girl enters you with a strap on, I don't think there's much use in pontificating on whether or not a sex position is beta.

I thought we were moving past the obsessive "was this beta" or "is this alpha" binary mindset. It's a false dichtomy that's useful for explaining concepts to absolute newbies but loses its sheen once you get to the meat of the journey beyond your initial first steps.

At least, that's my opinion.


Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

With some girls this position doesn't work, with others it's amazing.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Anyone saying reverse cowgirl is beta or isn't pleasurable has never been to South America.

If you want to up the dominance factor, grab both her arms, straightened out behind her back, and control the pace. Or you can grab the back of her hair and hold her head back while she rides.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Just do it in front of a mirror

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Here's a provocative question that I don't think deserves a new thread, neither do I think it derails this thread:

How many friends of yours do you think you could ask if their wives or girlfriends enjoy reverse cowgirl? Or if they thought it was beta if you liked it or "dominant" if they were in it?

Because to me, it's one of the least "beta" positions around. You got her hair, her neck, her shoulders, her ankles, her waist--you're totally in control if you decide to be.

I can think of 3 friends that would just answer.
I can think of 4 friends that would most likely punch me in the face--maybe not, but I'd be weary.
And I can think of a couple friends that would not even know what I was talking about.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

I bruise her cervix AND tell her I love her when blowing a load, not beta.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-02-2018 10:44 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 03:36 PM)Montrose Wrote:  

Missionary is totally useless, unless you have the generally misguided desire to express affection to your partner, because the penis doesn’t thrusts toward the anterior vaginal wall (aka G spot) and that is a major drawback for vaginal women - and it’s not a very convenient position to stimulate the clit either. Fails on both accounts. Also, I dislike missionary because, like the Chinese say, ‘when you’re on the mountain you can’t see the mountain’.

Is it beta when I fuck my girl missionary with a hand on her throat, kiss her, look her in the eye and tell her she's mine and feel her pussy instantly contract?

Women get off on emotion. Learn how to handle that and you will have plenty of repeat business.

Quote: (04-02-2018 10:51 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

It’s true that women’s appreciation of sex is very inelastic to what you actually do. But if you go that way then there’s no point discussing positions (which was the point of this thread). I contend that missionary is a sub optimal position in almost every respect.

This is how I know Montrose clearly has no stroke game at all.

Learn how to use pillows.

Unless they have huge ultra soft ones and only one at their place, there is no excuse. If you are doing it at your own place, you should have some firm pillows that you can stack (adjust) depending upon their body shape/weight/etc.

You guys wanna know a nasty secret?

Wanna know one of the reasons why some dudes love fucking fat and obese women?

It is because all that gut they have adds leverage a skinny bitch does not have forcing your dick to bend to a particular curvature, creating a natural "stroke" motion inside that pussy. A fat chick can lay flat on her stomach and be the right height for some guys. Nasty huh?

Now neither the dude or that bitch is aware of why it feels so damn good, but it nevertheless helps to solidify the hamster mindset of why they are with each other.

What does this have to do with Montrose? Everything because he is not utilizing tools to create the same sensation. You think beds were designed for fucking? No, they were designed for sleeping on.

Skinny/normal sized woman laying on a bed flat on her back, in a linear direction, at a near perfect 180 degree angle.


So unless someone has decent core strength (her or you), nobody is going to get a good nut.

Slide a pillow under either her butt, her lower back, her upper back, or longways across from her back to her head. (again variations depend on height, etc. you might need two pillows)

Learn how to scoop.

Cup her shoulders with your hands, put your thighs in a V shape and let her legs rest on them, until your stroking makes her wrap them around because she is going crazy.

Once you start hitting those walls in angles you were not hitting before, you will realize that leverage is king. Not only in Jiu Jitsu, but also in fucking. If you have a 7+ inch dick, a curved dick, or some other feature that I'm sure none of us need to know about, you might even be able to stroke not only across her gspot, but you can be tapping the cervix at the same time, using your bodyweight as added pressure to enhance the intensity.

Like Roberto said above, You will get repeat business.

Once you become a pro, you might be able to even do some of this without pillows.

Every decent player needs a solid missionary stroke, a good doggy style stroke game, and that position where you lay across her back that does not have a name

Found a picture from a PUA site no less...

[Image: 03-raised-lazy-grind-sex-position-1.jpg]

Notice how that pillow raises her profile? With missionary make a wedge she can lay on.

Shit you can even buy a killer wedge online, if you really want to experiment exploring those sweet walls.

[Image: 71aaIsfGTuL._SL1500_.jpg]

[Image: 105017147635340p?hei=2000&wid=2000&qlt=50,1]

Anyway, you need to learn tools and how to utilize leverage to elevate that stroke game to the next level.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-15-2018 04:59 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Slide a pillow under either her butt, her lower back, her upper back, or longways across from her back to her head. (again variations depend on height, etc. you might need two pillows)

Learn how to scoop.

Cup her shoulders with your hands, put your thighs in a V shape and let her legs rest on them, until your stroking makes her wrap them around because she is going crazy.

Once you start hitting those walls in angles you were not hitting before, you will realize that leverage is king. Not only in Jiu Jitsu, but also in fucking. If you have a 7+ inch dick, a curved dick, or some other feature that I'm sure none of us need to know about, you might even be able to stroke not only across her gspot, but you can be tapping the cervix at the same time, using your bodyweight as added pressure to enhance the intensity.

Is the position like this with the pillow ?

[Image: liberator-ramp-13a.jpg]

or like this ?

[Image: liberator-wedge-microfiber-red_1.jpg]

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Quote: (04-15-2018 06:02 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2018 04:59 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Slide a pillow under either her butt, her lower back, her upper back, or longways across from her back to her head. (again variations depend on height, etc. you might need two pillows)

Learn how to scoop.

Cup her shoulders with your hands, put your thighs in a V shape and let her legs rest on them, until your stroking makes her wrap them around because she is going crazy.

Once you start hitting those walls in angles you were not hitting before, you will realize that leverage is king. Not only in Jiu Jitsu, but also in fucking. If you have a 7+ inch dick, a curved dick, or some other feature that I'm sure none of us need to know about, you might even be able to stroke not only across her gspot, but you can be tapping the cervix at the same time, using your bodyweight as added pressure to enhance the intensity.

Is the position like this with the pillow ?

[Image: liberator-ramp-13a.jpg]

or like this ?

[Image: liberator-wedge-microfiber-red_1.jpg]

Yes sir!

Now with a pillow it will be a little bit different than a wedge (usually less firm), but either way, they are good to use.

Think about it like this.

Have you ever banged a chick up against a wall before? Maybe a hard surface like the floor? Women that like to squeal and try to pull back a little bit to prevent getting too excited too fast, or to slow the intensity, have nowhere to run against a firm surface. They have to take all that dick and all those strokes. Scooping them = no escape.

Wedges and pillows make it hard/impossible to buck backwards away from your penis, so she has to keep getting continually stroked until she is mindless.

They will have rolling vaginal orgasms and secrete that thicker cervical fluid. That makes her fertility much easier for sperm to travel up, so if your pull-out-game is weak, wear a condom. You have been warned.

The second picture you have, if you bend toward her and scoop her in like the guy is doing, but get a little bit closer, you can usually rub up against her clit and give her both a vaginal and clitoral orgasms at the same time.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Is "reverse cowgirl" a weak (non dominant) beta male sex position ?

Pillow game is real.

If you stack a few pillows under her ass, you can fuck her in her ass at the right angle to hit her g spot through the floor of her cunt.

This will turn most girls into an anal angel.

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