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Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta and White Knight Thread


Beta and White Knight Thread

^ Wow, I'm shocked he'd want to cheat on such a delicate flower. A real portrait of feminine grace right there.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-03-2017 10:08 PM)EDantes Wrote:  

That stupid cuck clown should have stood up and given Serena a visceral beating for even touching him. Unfuckingbelievable.

That bitch would catch hands like the holy ghost if it were me. I can't even type right now.

Disgusting filth. Utter garbage. WSH always gets a rise out of me, but this really takes the cake.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-03-2017 10:51 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2017 10:08 PM)EDantes Wrote:  

That stupid cuck clown should have stood up and given Serena a visceral beating for even touching him. Unfuckingbelievable.

That bitch would catch hands like the holy ghost if it were me. I can't even type right now.

Disgusting filth. Utter garbage. WSH always gets a rise out of me, but this really takes the cake.
Yep, would've been felony domestic violence if sexes were reversed, still I couldn't help but chuckle at the poor whipped bastard.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-03-2017 10:08 PM)EDantes Wrote:  

[Image: laugh5.gif]

[Image: potd.gif]

p.s. Homie lasted longer than Ronda Rousey [Image: lol.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Taken from the comment section of the new project veritas video, about the Disruptj20 faggots. Lauren Southern drops in and you know what happens next.

[Image: southern_zpszqwdzm8h.jpg]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:33 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

[Image: cw5um1pkpvnx.jpg]
Judging by how nice his bedroom is, the 'boy' doesn't only have game in love, he has it in business too.

The beta "man's" wedding is pathetic

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Beta and White Knight Thread

My Facebook feed is a constant source of entertainment.

First, we have some faggot male hijacking a solid status to white knight for consent.

[Image: faFqpwi.jpg?1]

Next, we have a young buck attempting to woo a hot little piece on her new Facebook photo.

[Image: 55awjAw.jpg?1]
[Image: lzVAs7N.jpg?1]

Beta and White Knight Thread

^ Wow that last part was fucking pathetic.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Dude cries and begs his girlfriend to stay. Gets a bit suicide-y toward the end.


Beta and White Knight Thread

Every time I browse this thread my skin crawls. Yikes ..

Beta and White Knight Thread

I think I may have a story that wins this thread. This is a story about a guy I know in real life. I'll call him B for Beta. He was a good friend of mine in college, and got me through some bad times. During college fairly successful with women, but after he graduated he settled into a slump, and that slump's lasted almost a decade, and turned him into some kind of uber-beta, perhaps the greatest beta of them all. This is a story that can only be told in 4chan-style greentext format...

>B works at a call center as a supervisor, where he meets a girl who's 10 years younger than him. The call center crew is fairly social and hangs out a lot outside work, and they exchange facebook contact information. B never makes a move on Girl, and there's nothing to indicate that she feels any romantic interest in him. (Girl is a 7, and way out of his league.)
>B leaves his job at the call center, due to an incident involving another girl.
>A year and a half later, after no contact at all, Girl messages B out of the blue. Girl feeds him a sob story about how she's lost her home, has nowhere to go, and needs a place to stay or else she'll starve in the cold.
>B agrees to let Girl live in his house rent-free.
>Girl dangles the possibility of a romance in front of B, but there's no kissing, no touching, not even hand-holding or hugs. He will sometimes take her on "dates" to buy her food at restaurants, etc.
>B is convinced that any day now, he'll be able to marry Girl.
>B's other friends began to stop talking with him, claiming that they don't like Girl. (I live far away, so I'm learning none of this.)
>One night, after she's been living in his place rent-free for months, he overhears her on the phone with someone.
>"Oh yeah. Yeah, you can come by between 3:00 and 5:00, that's when B's at work. If you steal all his stuff, I won't get in trouble because I'm lawfully allowed to be here."
>MFW he catches Girl planning to rob his house.
>MFW he doesn't kick her out.
>MFW B then finds out that Girl is a heroin addict. She's been using needles, and bringing drugs into his home.
>MFW when he still doesn't kick her out.

>A day or two after this, Girl steals his wallet. He can't go to work without his driver's license and misses a shift at his job. He finally calls the police.
>Policeman tells B to his face that this woman is a loser who's using him for free rent and plotting to rob him. Policeman offers to book her for theft.
>B finally kicks her out, but decides not to press charges. He lets her and her family come inside his house to "pack up".
>In the process of "packing up", Girl and her family swipe a laptop, a guitar, a PS4 controller, and a bunch of video games. Girl also does something to the garage door that makes it easier for her and her family to break into the house later.
>B needs that laptop for work, and is in danger of losing his job.
>B still doesn't press charges.
>Girl immediately goes to live with another beta sucker, but finds the other sucker to be less to her liking. She begs for B to take her back, saying she'll starve on the street if he doesn't.
>B doesn't take her back, but continues talking to her.

At this point, I attempted to stage an intervention, to salve my own conscience more than in any hope that he would actually listen to me. B listened to me and agreed to call the police with the evidence of the robbery. (Girl admitted to stealing his guitar, etc. via text message.) I figured there was about a 25% chance he might just actually follow through with it, but...

>I message B this evening to find out what the police said.
>MFW B did not call the cops.
>MFW when instead of calling the cops, B spoke to Girl again.
>MFW B is now going to be paying money to put her up at an extended stay place outside the city.
>MFW B says he is going to have a "long talk" with her, so that she can realize that all the bad people around her are having a bad influence on her, and instead she should be hanging out with good people (like him).

I'm starting to think that however cool B was to me in the past, it's time for me to stop talking to B.

Beta and White Knight Thread

^That's not "white knight".

That's not even beta.

That's "human toilet paper" behaviour.

Keep in touch with the poor schmuck in as much as sending him a bi-annual text "grown balls yet?"

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread


You know when you're watching a cheesy by-the-numbers horror film, and the teenagers are stumbling around in the dark or falling over running away like a spaz, and you think "don't do that you fucking retard, you're clearly going to get killed"? That's what reading that story was like.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Posted this a year ago in the 'Beta stories of our friends' but thought it's worth a cross-post. Not as horrific as Sam's story, but still pathetic:


Back at school (age 17/18) had a friend who'd recently joined and was accepted into my social circle. Pretty cool guy, not exactly Brad Pitt but maybe a 5 and knew everything about computers. Always came out drinking with us, chilled out, etc.

Anyway, about 6 months later a really hot girl (8-9) joins the school. He's got the hots for her big time, but she's got DJ boyfriend so he's got no chance. Gradually he spends less time with us and more time being her 'friend' (i.e. sniffing around waiting for his chance) Changed his character completely to try to impress her (i.e. turn up the beta to 11), and even disrespected me and my friends in front of her to try to show his loyalty to her. Eventually Mr DJ gives her the boot and she's vulnerable, and gives in and gets with former friend. Talk about a mismatch. Despite his Betamax attempts, she eventually gets over her emotional fragility, thinks "What the hell am I doing with this loser, I'm hot" and dumps him maybe 3 months later. No idea if he even had the balls to seal the deal.

Soon after that he's making overtures to get back in with my friends and way back dude, fuck right off. Now he's got no girlfriend, no friends and lacks the coolness to get in with the super-popular crowd. He spent the rest of his time at school hanging out with his cousin and no-one else.

Lesson there fellas: Bros before hos.

Beta and White Knight Thread

So I called B today, just to make sure that I had the story right, and to see where he was with Girl. I had some minor facts wrong, which don't really matter, but I found out that the story of how he found she was planning to rob the place was even worse than I thought. I no longer have any pity for B. I am totally disgusted. I will keep calling him once in a while just to see the end of this miserable saga, but I'm more or less done with him. I don't want to hang out with a man who has so little self-respect. Once again, in 4chan greentext format, this is the TRUE story of how B found out the girl he was living with was planning to rob him, and what he did...

>For several weeks, Girl has been living rent-free in B's house.
>While Girl is living there, she is going out with and fucking another guy, while claiming that she is "deciding" between Other Guy and B. (She tells B, "You would make a great boyfriend.")
>Finally, some inkling of self-respect stirs within B's mind, and he demands Girl move out (at some unspecified point in the future)
>The day after, B is taking a shower. He remembers something he has to do and ends his shower earlier than usual.
>As he goes to open the bathroom door, B hears girl talking in a loud voice.
>"Oh yeah. Yeah, you can come by between 3:00 and 5:00, that's when B's at work. If you steal all his stuff, I won't get in trouble because I'm lawfully allowed to be here. When you do, you can steal some of my money too, so it looks like I was robbed as well."
>B yells through the door, "I heard what you're saying."
>Girl tells B that she wasn't planning to rob HIS house. She was planning on robbing another house. Girl has no money, she says, so it's okay for her to rob houses.
>Even B doesn't believe this obvious lie.

Here's a transcription of our conversation at this point.
Sam: "So what happened then? She tells you this obvious lie, and what do you do? Do you call the cops right away?"
B: "No. We go a few places."
Sam: "You go a few places? Like where?"
B: "To get a haircut, and to get some food."
Sam: "You took places in your car, instead of kicking her out? After she told you she was trying to rob your house?"
B: "...Yes."
Sam: "................Where'd you go for food?"
B: "Chipotle."

At this point, a horrible possibility suggests itself to me.

Sam: "I thought you said she doesn't have any money. Did she pay for it herself?"
B: ".....................No."
Sam: "..................."
Sam: "..................."
Sam: "..................."
B: "..............Yes."

In the course of the conversation, he told me that he had "fallen" for her, and that even if everyone else told him that was he was doing was stupid, he couldn't help himself. I told him that this was a bullshit excuse.

Guys, I don't know what to do. I want to be loyal to my friend. I've known this guy for years. But I'm also a firm believer that you are the average of all your friends, and I'm worried about what effect hanging out with a guy like this is going to have on me. (I was already so upset after this call that I missed my workout for the day.)
Am I disloyal if I just block the guy's number and never talk to him again? How far do obligations toward a friend go? Is there a point where, even if he isn't doing anything to harm you, you just have to cut your losses?

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-28-2017 08:06 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Am I disloyal if I just block the guy's number and never talk to him again? How far do obligations toward a friend go? Is there a point where, even if he isn't doing anything to harm you, you just have to cut your losses?

No, I think that is completely fair. It would be in your own right to tell him at this point that if he wants to continue to be your friend to show you a copy of the police report and/or restraining order he filed against her for conspiring to rob him. Guys that are this infatuated with a girl cannot have the spell broken without a major shock. If the robbery attempt wasn't rock bottom, he is fucked. 99% he doesn't go to the police, but at least you gave him a shot to redeem himself.

Continuing to associate with someone with a "girlfriend" that is literally a criminal spells nothing but bad news for you. If you're not careful you'll get pulled into it.

Beta and White Knight Thread

This is cray cray.

I don't even know how to approach this. I think just about the only way I could imagine it would be to meet him at his own house. Then just slap the motherfucker.

See what he does. Tell him "you're a bitch".

Slap him again.

"What are you going to do about it, bitch?"


Start wrecking up the place. Tear a poster off of the wall.

"What are you gonna do, bitch? Got some life in you?"


"(name of drug infested cunt) is an ugly, festering whore and when I see her I'm going to hate-fuck her for five dollars."


"For five dollars more she's gonna brush her teeth with my dick until I nut in her ear".


Continue until either one of two things happens. He fights you or he breaks down crying.

If he fights you he's redeemable. Testosterone injections. Lifting. Sparring.

If he breaks down an cries like a little bitch then he's beyond immediate redemption.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-28-2017 09:40 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

This is cray cray.

I don't even know how to approach this. I think just about the only way I could imagine it would be to meet him at his own house. Then just slap the motherfucker.

See what he does. Tell him "you're a bitch".

Slap him again.

"What are you going to do about it, bitch?"


Start wrecking up the place. Tear a poster off of the wall.

"What are you gonna do, bitch? Got some life in you?"


"(name of drug infested cunt) is an ugly, festering whore and when I see her I'm going to hate-fuck her for five dollars."


"For five dollars more she's gonna brush her teeth with my dick until I nut in her ear".


Continue until either one of two things happens. He fights you or he breaks down crying.

If he fights you he's redeemable. Testosterone injections. Lifting. Sparring.

If he breaks down an cries like a little bitch then he's beyond immediate redemption.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Fucking aussies

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
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Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-26-2017 08:39 AM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

...and even disrespected me and my friends in front of her to try to show his loyalty to her.

This is one thing about WKs that disgusts me most. They are so weak, clueless and desperate that they would disrespect (and sometimes much worse) even their oldest, most loyal friends for a girl they just met. Most of the time the girl in question isn't even that hot, sometimes they are like a 4, which just shows you how desperate some of these WKs are.

Another thing about disrespecting friends is that the WK feels safe doing it. If it were a random russian skinhead on the street I'm not sure he would behave in the same way.

Then again, some WKs are so desperate and clueless that they will attempt to physically beat the shit out of anyone, dear friend or complete stranger, in front of a girl in order to impress her. Risking prison, destroying longstanding friendships... these mean nothing to these idiots for the 0.00001% chance of getting some (usually from a 4, 5 or 6).

SamuelB's story is disgusting in its own way. It's about a guy so intoxicated with a girl he just cannot think straight. But I think WKs disrespecting loyal, longstanding friends or beating other men to a pulp just for the sake of what they think will make them look cool in front of some average ho, then its own way is just as disgusting if not more so. Samuel's friend is hopelessly in love to the point of being a danger to himself, but I can feel far more sympathy for him than I could for WKs disrespecting their friends or assaulting others as their "game" strategy.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-28-2017 08:06 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Guys, I don't know what to do. I want to be loyal to my friend. I've known this guy for years. But I'm also a firm believer that you are the average of all your friends, and I'm worried about what effect hanging out with a guy like this is going to have on me. (I was already so upset after this call that I missed my workout for the day.)
Am I disloyal if I just block the guy's number and never talk to him again? How far do obligations toward a friend go? Is there a point where, even if he isn't doing anything to harm you, you just have to cut your losses?

This man wants to be abused. He craves abuse. And he will hate you if you don't abuse him. The air of normality that he wore was nothing but a mask he used to operate in society; at his core he's a black hole of shame and fury, and you're coming dangerously close to the event horizon.

You have two choices for how your relationship with him goes on from here.

A) treat him like a subservient toad to be stepped upon and ridiculed to build yourself up. Think Beauty and the Beast, Garcon & Le Fou. He will offer undying loyalty if you treat him as a punch line.

B) Treat him like a human being, and try and build him up. He will respond by doing everything he possibly can - everything he possibly can - to destroy your life, he might even go so far as murder (through poisoning or something like that), though he's more likely to do something sneaky like falsely accuse you of a crime to the police, or simply gossip about you to your girlfriend.

Cut this piece of filth out of your life. He stopped being a human being long ago, if he ever was one. He's given himself over to a reprobate mind.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-18-2017 04:09 PM)Serious Sam Wrote:  

My Facebook feed is a constant source of entertainment.

First, we have some faggot male hijacking a solid status to white knight for consent.

[Image: faFqpwi.jpg?1]

Somebody needs to make a video of this for comedy purposes. I can't imagine how it would even go down.

"Can I touch your knee with my knee now?"
"No, I'm not feeling it. I will consider that sexual assault."
"Understood. Request withdrawn."
[Image: icon_lol.gif]

The most contemptible bitches in the west are all men [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Beta and White Knight Thread


Leonard is right, force a reaction. I'd tell him to put all of his valuables and anything he can't afford to lose/replace into safe storage, then put all his money into a relative's account. Then let him get his fingers burned with this ho. He'll learn his lesson without it costing him everything.

Of course, he's 99% unlikely to do this, in which case you have to let him hit rock bottom like a heroin addict before he builds back up.

If he won't learn after that, he is not just a sucker but a dangerous fool.

Beta and White Knight Thread

^ More-over.

"Can I take your hand in mine in an act of romantic spontaneity?"

"I guess so."

"Hmm. Not explicit AND enthusiastic enough. And I respect your boundaries. No means no."

"Yeah... umm... this date is over..."

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (01-29-2017 07:36 AM)Matsufubu Wrote:  


Leonard is right, force a reaction. I'd tell him to put all of his valuables and anything he can't afford to lose/replace into safe storage, then put all his money into a relative's account. Then let him get his fingers burned with this ho. He'll learn his lesson without it costing him everything.

Of course, he's 99% unlikely to do this, in which case you have to let him hit rock bottom like a heroin addict before he builds back up.

If he won't learn after that, he is not just a sucker but a dangerous fool.

Or if you just want to hit him where it hurts in order to snap him back to reality, tell him this:

"(Hoe X) is fast-tracked to end up a toothless meth whore because guys like you want to play Lancelot in your own little fantasy world instead of manning up and setting some fucking boundaries. Her entire shitty life and her entire shitty future is the result of limp-dick simps like you giving her pussy pass after pussy pass after pussy pass. And when she's dead in the gutter from an OD and you want to know who's responsible then go look in a mirror."

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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