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Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta and White Knight Thread

WB, WB, WB, and WB (even though I can't see her face. Would roll those dice).

Beta and White Knight Thread

^You would bang. But would you preserve her?

Don't debate me.

Beta and White Knight Thread

The Ireland chick is post wall.

Elbows too pointy.

As for the others, WCWGPW.

Would Contaminate White Gene Pool With.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Kinda disappointed with our Stormfront brothers. No Afrikaner beauty whatsoever. [Image: dodgy.gif] /s

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-13-2016 02:03 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

Kinda disappointed with our Stormfront brothers. No Afrikaner beauty whatsoever. [Image: dodgy.gif]


Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-13-2016 02:31 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2016 02:03 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

Kinda disappointed with our Stormfront brothers. No Afrikaner beauty whatsoever. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Stormfront brothers? Our community is not aligned with neo-nazis.

I was actually being sarcastic, dude.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-13-2016 02:35 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2016 02:31 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2016 02:03 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

Kinda disappointed with our Stormfront brothers. No Afrikaner beauty whatsoever. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Stormfront brothers? Our community is not aligned with neo-nazis.

I was actually being sarcastic, dude.

Sorry. I didn't pick up on it.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-13-2016 01:25 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

^You would bang. But would you preserve her?

Would use fake name, bust inside all 4 of them, and leave countries after hoping to at least get one pregnant.

Beta and White Knight Thread

You guys aren't thinking long term. If you don't take care of white culture then future generations won't be able to enjoy the beauty that current and past generations have been able to. If that's being a "white knight" maybe that's what's necessary going forward.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Honestly there's no "white culture", there are cultures such as Irish Americans, Italian Americans, German Americans, etc - but not much of a singular "culture" as far as I can see. Just as Chinese and Japanese don't consider themselves part of one "culture" simply because they're both Asian.

Even "blacks" aren't a culture, because an African American really has about as much in common with a Nigerian as a Canadian does with an Afghan. Likewise "Mexicans" have very little in common with, say Hondurans. And the Mexican govt actively tries to prevent illegal immigration from other Hispanic countries.

In other words, things such as shared values or specific heritages seem to play a way bigger role in culture or identity than mere "race" or "skin color" - that's just my take.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-13-2016 07:09 PM)EDantes Wrote: a Canadian does with an Afghan.

Or, Haiti, as is the case with Olympic diver Jennifer Abel (WB...)

[Image: Olympics+Day+9+Diving+lcLrE3JBcxAl.jpg]

Beta and White Knight Thread

A 22 year old British man was stabbed in the neck and killed in Ayia Napa, Cyprus two days ago after white knighting for two harassed English girls. His mate was also stabbed in the back several times but survived.

Is that... a polo neck?

[Image: George-Low-1-640x480.jpg]

Beta and White Knight Thread


Hmm, depends on what the 'harassment' was. If it's just "ficki ficki?", leave it. If they're groping her, cornering her etc and she's loudly protesting I'd say he's just trying to do his civic duty.

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: ZtT0Dyb.png]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: pvLOJuH.jpg]

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Beta and White Knight Thread

This entire thread:

[Image: OhQxDrP.gif]

White knights and other thirsty orbiter type men repulse the shit out of me. I'm embarrassed for them while also despising their ignorance that does absolutely nothing more than further degrade the general state of women and dating in general.

Beta and White Knight Thread

How about a thread for knights who died trying to 'save' a woman?

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: wty4XJm.jpg]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

I'm sure that business plan worked wonderfully for mikey.

As for the butt cushion weirdo, is it really THAT beta when you get exactly what you want?..... All weirdness aside.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-16-2016 02:42 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

A 22 year old British man was stabbed in the neck and killed in Ayia Napa, Cyprus two days ago after white knighting for two harassed English girls. His mate was also stabbed in the back several times but survived.

Is that... a polo neck?

[Image: George-Low-1-640x480.jpg]

This is an extremely bad taste of a post.

The boy got killed by two animals, it was premeditated murder. And I think nowhere this belongs to the scope of this thread.


George Low, 22, was enjoying a night out at the end of a week’s holiday in the Cypriot town of Ayia Napa when he allegedly stepped in to stop a group of men who were “disrespecting and harassing” an English girl.

Mr Low is said to have told them “that’s enough.” Two of the men disappeared, only to return twenty minutes later with a knife, the Guardian has reported.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 04:23 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

I'm sure that business plan worked wonderfully for mikey.

As for the butt cushion weirdo, is it really THAT beta when you get exactly what you want?..... All weirdness aside.

Yes. It's a step above shoveling her driveway.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (08-13-2016 07:02 PM)Armada Wrote:  

You guys aren't thinking long term. If you don't take care of white culture then future generations won't be able to enjoy the beauty that current and past generations have been able to. If that's being a "white knight" maybe that's what's necessary going forward.

What you fail to understand is that you have no control over the outcome. You can toss yourself on the sacrificial pyre if you want. Nothing will come of it.

Let's say you see off those nasty men harassing the white girl. What then? Her belief in the pussy pass is reinforced and she goes out tomorrow, makes the same shitty choices (or worse) and ends up in drama again.

Of course, maybe you get stabbed in the neck and die, so now your culture has two murdering thugs, a trashy drama-slut and no alpha male willing to eventually settle down and be a decent father.

Are you seeing a win here? No amount of self sacrifice is ever going to wake up the drama-sluts of this world from their cocoon of self-importance and hedonism. You are simply throwing good money after bad.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:02 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2016 07:02 PM)Armada Wrote:  

You guys aren't thinking long term. If you don't take care of white culture then future generations won't be able to enjoy the beauty that current and past generations have been able to. If that's being a "white knight" maybe that's what's necessary going forward.

What you fail to understand is that you have no control over the outcome. You can toss yourself on the sacrificial pyre if you want. Nothing will come of it.

Let's say you see off those nasty men harassing the white girl. What then? Her belief in the pussy pass is reinforced and she goes out tomorrow, makes the same shitty choices (or worse) and ends up in drama again.

I was talking about the responses to the preserving white women picture.

And I don't mean on an individual level or on a small scale. The alt right/neomasculinity sphere is the best chance we have for bringing the patriarchy back. Part of it is realising that women don't really understand the consequences of their actions, and that an (((outside influence))) is corrupting and degenerating them. You simply can't let your women feel the full consequences if you can help it; then the white race could be damaged for good.

White women are like a rebellious child/teenager. You just simply can't cast them out. They can't handle it.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:17 PM)Armada Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:02 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2016 07:02 PM)Armada Wrote:  

You guys aren't thinking long term. If you don't take care of white culture then future generations won't be able to enjoy the beauty that current and past generations have been able to. If that's being a "white knight" maybe that's what's necessary going forward.

What you fail to understand is that you have no control over the outcome. You can toss yourself on the sacrificial pyre if you want. Nothing will come of it.

Let's say you see off those nasty men harassing the white girl. What then? Her belief in the pussy pass is reinforced and she goes out tomorrow, makes the same shitty choices (or worse) and ends up in drama again.

I was talking about the responses to the preserving white women picture.

And I don't mean on an individual level or on a small scale. The alt right/neomasculinity sphere is the best chance we have for bringing the patriarchy back. Part of it is realising that women don't really understand the consequences of their actions, and that an (((outside influence))) is corrupting and degenerating them. You simply can't let your women feel the full consequences if you can help it; then the white race could be damaged for good.

Name ten guys in the alt-right sphere who are actually suggesting some sort of measurable action towards those ends.

Name five.

It's a basement circle jerk, and IF nature gives us a reality check then it's not even going to be an issue. All the stuff that allows for this nonsense is going to dry up instantly and we'll be back on even footing.

But waxing lyrical about society's problems? How close do you think the alt-right is to revoking womens suffrage? One million years away? Two?

Find a loyal woman (don't bitch about them not existing because it's simply not true), have ten kids and raise them right. Move where this bullshit is not an issue. That's a measurable contribution. Not hot air and pipe dreams about "how it oughtta be".


...White women are like a rebellious child/teenager. You just simply can't cast them out. They can't handle it.

A father has legal authority over his teenager. He may regulate her behaviour within the limits of the law. From where do you plan to summon the lawful authority to remove the rights of the drama-slut to be a drama-slut?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:27 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Name ten guys in the alt-right sphere who are actually suggesting some sort of measurable action towards those ends.

But waxing lyrical about society's problems? How close do you think the alt-right is to revoking womens suffrage? One million years away? Two?

Find a loyal woman (don't bitch about them not existing because it's simply not true), have ten kids and raise them right. Move where this bullshit is not an issue. That's a measurable contribution. Not hot air and pipe dreams about "how it oughtta be".

Trump. Roosh. Milo. Vox. Stefan Molyneux. Duck Enlightenment/Pax Dickinson. Ramzpaul. Gavin McInnes. Lauren Southern. Nick Krauser.

Yes doing the above is a really good contribution. It also helps if you are pushing an ideology which encourages more people to do the same.

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