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Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta and White Knight Thread

Yet as much as we love the content of these contributors, they are not societal reformers (other than perhaps Trump) but lifeboat operators. Furthermore you neglect to address the original point of how it is you (or team patriarchy) intend to take control of drama-sluts. Insulating them from their failures in life will not suffice. We're already seeing a horde of poisonous cat ladies overrunning much of the public service and pushing man-hate from within the deep state.

So again, just what is the literal timeframe of a patriarchal turnaround as compared to the literal timeframe of an overall decline of white society?

This is not a time to start steering the ship in a different direction. It's decades too late for that. This is a time for self quarantine from a terminally infected population.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:17 PM)Armada Wrote:  

You simply can't let your women feel the full consequences if you can help it; then the white race could be damaged for good.

White women are like a rebellious child/teenager. You just simply can't cast them out. They can't handle it.

Armada's posts belong as a screenshot in this thread and not as commentary as he is the epitome of a white knight. By the way, use of (((this))) is effeminate, chickenshit behavior. Wanna call out the j00z? Then do it by name. Stop being a pussy.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

I sometimes wonder if the "patriarchy" is some kind of feminist codeword for "white knights."

They sure seem to despise them about the same.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-09-2016 10:55 AM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:17 PM)Armada Wrote:  

You simply can't let your women feel the full consequences if you can help it; then the white race could be damaged for good.

White women are like a rebellious child/teenager. You just simply can't cast them out. They can't handle it.

Armada's posts belong as a screenshot in this thread and not as commentary as he is the epitome of a white knight. By the way, use of (((this))) is effeminate, chickenshit behavior. Wanna call out the j00z? Then do it by name. Stop being a pussy.

Jewish echoes are shorthand, not passive aggressiveness. Here's my quote with the Jewish echo:


...that an (((outside influence))) is corrupting and degenerating them[women].

Here's an equivalent quote without the Jewish echo that retains the exact same meaning. It's much longer and convoluted:


...that a Jewish influence, which most people not knowing any better simply call an "outside" influence, because the Jews keep themselves well hidden, and so people don't know they are Jewish, is corrupting and degenerating them[women].

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-09-2016 10:55 AM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:17 PM)Armada Wrote:  

You simply can't let your women feel the full consequences if you can help it; then the white race could be damaged for good.

White women are like a rebellious child/teenager. You just simply can't cast them out. They can't handle it.

Armada's posts belong as a screenshot in this thread and not as commentary as he is the epitome of a white knight. By the way, use of (((this))) is effeminate, chickenshit behavior. Wanna call out the j00z? Then do it by name. Stop being a pussy.

I would go with Zionists since I think a lot if not most Jews are the equivalent of our cuckservatives. I personally equate Zionists with globalists and the average Jew with the average western "useful idiot".

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Armada, your terminal white knighting is not going to find any purchase here.

You're in a forum built on the foundation of banging as many sluts as possible. Sure, it might be slowly transitioning into other fields, but you turning up here preaching this shit?

Let me speak for myself when I say "sorry, mate, but I'm not interested in hearing the good news".

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread


aside, I seem to be blocked from posting PMs and in the Material Posessions thread but not here.

Any ideas as to what the deal is? Can't PM anyone to ask directly.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

This is about politics, but pertains more to this topic:

Quote:Daily Caller Wrote:

Guy Asks Chelsea Clinton A Question … Apologizes For Being A Man [VIDEO]

A man asked Chelsea Clinton a question at a campaign event for her mother Hillary in Winston-Salem, N.C. on Tuesday.

But not before apologizing for his biology.

“I saw your hand first, so, yes. Hello,” Clinton told the soon-to-be-emasculated bro. “And maybe just share your name.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the guy answered, to which Clinton stated, “oh gosh called me ma’am. That makes me feel so old.”

“Well, first off, I’d like to state that this is a great idea,” the questioner continued. “Sorry that the first person to get the mic is a man.”

“I do apologize for that. I do think it’s important to encourage women’s voices in every aspect of life.”

A cuck in the flesh.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 12:36 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

[Image: wty4XJm.jpg]
What would have been bitter irony is if a lawsuit had been brought to the Federal courts over Michael Moore's movie citing discrimination under the 14th Amendment.

Similar to how some states have ruled "ladies nights" and special drink prices for women at bars and clubs discrimination.

Beta and White Knight Thread

This is hilarious


Beta and White Knight Thread

Not sure if beta or just a sad story about the 21st century.

[Image: pgo-baby.png]

Beta and White Knight Thread

^ He forgot to mention that the kid isn't his. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Only a dumbass would miss his child's birth for a lame 25 CP pokemon.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Well to be fair the dude was probably stuck in that room for hours. Childbirth isn't usually a particularly short event. Still lame as fuck to post that.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-07-2016 05:18 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2016 02:42 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

A 22 year old British man was stabbed in the neck and killed in Ayia Napa, Cyprus two days ago after white knighting for two harassed English girls. His mate was also stabbed in the back several times but survived.

Is that... a polo neck?

[Image: George-Low-1-640x480.jpg]

This is an extremely bad taste of a post.

The boy got killed by two animals, it was premeditated murder. And I think nowhere this belongs to the scope of this thread.


George Low, 22, was enjoying a night out at the end of a week’s holiday in the Cypriot town of Ayia Napa when he allegedly stepped in to stop a group of men who were “disrespecting and harassing” an English girl.

Mr Low is said to have told them “that’s enough.” Two of the men disappeared, only to return twenty minutes later with a knife, the Guardian has reported.

I'm not advocating the guys murder at all, and the two men should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. BUT...who knows exactly if they were harassing these girls? It could've been a friendly conversation and the guy choose to interfere for whatever reason (maybe he was targeting the girls themselves, or he was doing it because the men were another race, etc.) We all know how in Anglo countries "harassment" can constitute anywhere from unwanted touching and grouping all the way to a friendly hello. Feminists are emboldened by acts like these, knowing that they have the support of the very people they hate: men.

This type of thing is common in the Anglosphere, stepping into situations where you have no business when in comes to women. I support him fully if he was making the girls visibly uncomfortable and were requesting his help. But if he felt the need where he had to interfere as part of his "gentlemanly duties" then I can't really say he made a smart decision. Cyprus sounds like a country where they don't take this kind of thing too well.

Beta and White Knight Thread

MdWanderer, you do know Europe is being invaded by third world migrants right? A man telling some guys to stop harassing some girils is enough to warrant a knife in the throat is it? They didn't come to have a show down with the guy, they went there with intent to kill.

Funnily enough this behaviour is all to common in places the murderers come from.

Under normal circumstances you'd have a street fight and some punches being thrown, now you have immigrants stabbing people because you had the gal to speak up to them.

Beta and White Knight Thread

God forbid you intervene and the goblins fuck off, the next words out of your mouth better be:

"Those types have a habit of coming back with friends and weapons. I suggest not being here when they do. I'm catching a cab to a different venue. Would you like to share it?"

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-23-2016 08:16 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

MdWanderer, you do know Europe is being invaded by third world migrants right? A man telling some guys to stop harassing some girils is enough to warrant a knife in the throat is it? They didn't come to have a show down with the guy, they went there with intent to kill.

Funnily enough this behaviour is all to common in places the murderers come from.

Under normal circumstances you'd have a street fight and some punches being thrown, now you have immigrants stabbing people because you had the gal to speak up to them.

I agree with what you are saying and I do think that these men took it too far (By the way, this happened in Cyprus but the white knight was a British man who was actually the "foreigner" in this case). If this was truly a case of the two men coming off wrong to this woman than I support the man. I have even stepped in when a man has shown lewd behavior (I did it for a female friend who was groped in front of my face by an old roommate of mine and they didn't know each other). But sometimes you can't give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Anglo guys white knighting (who a lot of the times do it for a power trip or to hopefully get laid, and not because a girl is actually being threatened). There have been times where I have been pulled over for a "talk" because I was having a friendly chat with a girl. A lot of times women would display anti-social behavior and men that would call them out on it would get threatened by her legion of male friends/beta orbiters. And you wonder why we have threads about European women banging migrants while their men sit in the corner and wank.

I have visited Latin America (one of the most machismo/anti-feminist cultures in the world) plenty of times for work purposes. Men do "beta" things for their women such as holding doors, kissing their hands, serenading them, and the like. But their women respect them because a.) they don't take their shit, and b.) no man is made to feel bad because he wants to have a conversation with a chick. Places that don't have the "invasion" problems that Europeans countries have (Australia, Canada, United States) still display unnecessary levels of white-knighting. The male run governments that tear men from their families, the legions of beta-orbiters and pussy worshippers that make it hostile for men to game women and excuse bad behavior from women, etc. is prevalent in the Anglo and Western world. And please don't take my tone as combative; I know my brothers on this forum are a minority. I am speaking about the men who are not on our side.

Beta and White Knight Thread

There's a sight called "female first" I'd recommend checking out - it's a forum for women but which allows men to post.

Not only do most of the women who post there sound like complete slags, but the men sound like some of the biggest betas on the planet, talking about how they life to wear their girlfriend's clothes, or how they want to find a relationship with a "fem-dom" because they grew up with a domineering, single mother and can 'identify' with that dynamic better.

What's funny though is that some of the men are completely 'leading the woman on' just as much as the women who tell their "male friend" who they'd never date that women "just want a nice, sensitive guy".

Some of the guys there are saying the "love aggressive women" - but then the guys' other posts show that they are young guys who sleep with anything that walks, and like aggressive women because they're easier to get in the sack and don't require any "game". So these dumb feminists are blindly taking their advice, thinking that acting aggressively is going to "turn on" the "alpha males" they fantasize about dating and marrying - think again.

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: cw5um1pkpvnx.jpg]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Most cringeworthy thing I've seen all of last year:

TL;DW - Beta Hillary supporter cries when Trump wins; says "Hillary you'll always be my queen", and picks nose on camera.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:33 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

[Image: cw5um1pkpvnx.jpg]

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (02-14-2015 11:58 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

[Image: thisiswhat.jpg?w=1240&h=391]

Any man wearing one of those shirts deserves his celibacy.

The dad on the right should really know better.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: 9f355135ef.jpg]

Beta and White Knight Thread


Brutal if real. But no sympathy here. What a fucking idiot.

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