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How Do Women Do It?

How Do Women Do It?

Think about all the depraved sex acts you've made women do...

Pretty young thing looking up at me. I'm looking down at her, cum dripping down her lips after partially swallowing my jizz. Part of me thinks i'm the luckiest man in the world but elsewhere in my mind I'm also completely & utterly disgusted with her.

How do women rationalize these acts in their mind? The degradation I mean. How do they do it? It's beyond comprehension to me.

And because we live in a culture where young women are learning about sex through porn, the depravity keeps ramping up. I'm telling you, these millennial girls are somethin' else man...

God knows how sexually fucked up the youth are going to be 20-30 years from now

Fuck it, maybe I think too much....

How Do Women Do It?

You think too much.

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How Do Women Do It?

Seeing them do that is a big deal to you and they just want to please. Is it worse than a man going down on a woman or what not? If anything it's usually the men who go to extremes in fetishizing women's bodies, isolated body parts, used clothing, discharges and what not. And then you have gays.

How Do Women Do It?

You're not a woman so don't expect to be able to put yourself in their mindset. Why does anyone do anything? Why do people put themselves in life-threatening danger for recreation?

Women do things they are wired and/or programmed to do. Pleasing men sexually and being dominated are things women are biologically pre-disposed to do. Flipping the question around, it might be weird for a woman to imagine why a man would want to shoot his cum on a girl's face, why he'd want to stick his dick in her shitter, or why he thinks her breasts are so attractive when they are just fleshy sacks of fat.

Last sentence in OP is accurate. Also not so sure this is a thread-worthy topic but I have a feeling some interesting discussion may stem from it...

How Do Women Do It?

Nothing you described is degrading. Thats just part of sex. Maybe you could judge how easily she gave it up though. Considering a women sucking your dick as degrading may speak to your own self esteem. Get in the mindset that women should want to suck it.

How Do Women Do It?

Because deep down, every woman is a slut. Even my momma......

How Do Women Do It?

Quote: (08-07-2016 05:18 PM)genevincent Wrote:  

Think about all the depraved sex acts you've made women do...

Pretty young thing looking up at me. I'm looking down at her, cum dripping down her lips after partially swallowing my jizz. Part of me thinks i'm the luckiest man in the world but elsewhere in my mind I'm also completely & utterly disgusted with her.

How do women rationalize these acts in their mind? The degradation I mean. How do they do it? It's beyond comprehension to me.

And because we live in a culture where young women are learning about sex through porn, the depravity keeps ramping up. I'm telling you, these millennial girls are somethin' else man...

God knows how sexually fucked up the youth are going to be 20-30 years from now

Fuck it, maybe I think too much....

I have never understood the pleasure of ejaculating on a woman's face. I think its meant to humiliate the woman. What pleasure is in that?

I would much rather blow my load inside the woman's vajaja or mouth.

How Do Women Do It?

Quote: (08-07-2016 07:53 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Nothing you described is degrading. Thats just part of sex. Maybe you could judge how easily she gave it up though. Considering a women sucking your dick as degrading may speak to your own self esteem. Get in the mindset that women should want to suck it.

I don't think shooting cum on a woman's face or having her swallow your jizz is a "natural" part of sex though; it has nothing to do with procreation. It comes from some place else

Is the humiliation/degradation part of what makes the act such a turn on? Is this just intellectual masturbation? maybe, but sometimes think about what the root of this stuff is, and what it says about us.

How Do Women Do It?

"Natural" is relative. Women have been sucking dick for thousands of years, and men have been eating pussy for just as long. None of that is part of procreation. Maybe we like doing nasty things because it feels animalistic, as deep down we are animals driven by hormones.

How Do Women Do It?

Quote: (08-07-2016 05:18 PM)genevincent Wrote:  

Think about all the depraved sex acts you've made women do...

Pretty young thing looking up at me. I'm looking down at her, cum dripping down her lips after partially swallowing my jizz. Part of me thinks i'm the luckiest man in the world but elsewhere in my mind I'm also completely & utterly disgusted with her.

How do women rationalize these acts in their mind? The degradation I mean. How do they do it? It's beyond comprehension to me.

You came in her mouth. I don't see how this is such a big degradation.

If you shit in her mouth or do something else Dubai Prince style, yeah, I'd also be curious "How do they do it?". But very few men or women do that.

How Do Women Do It?


How Do Women Do It?

Quote: (08-07-2016 05:18 PM)genevincent Wrote:  

God knows how sexually fucked up the youth are going to be 20-30 years from now
Since you did mention God -
you think you're doing anything that wasn't being done 1000 years ago or won't be being done 1000 after you're sand? nothing will change- your vanity astounds me

That which has come to be, that is what will come to be, and that which has been done, that is what will be done; and so there is nothing new under the sun. Does anything exist of
which one may say: “See this; it is new”? It has already had existence for time indefinite; what has come into existence is from time prior to us.
Ecclesiastes 1:9, Bible

How Do Women Do It?

Never understood it either, but do I have too? Thing is women are mirrors. They mirror the emotions and duplicate the joy of whatever they're surrounded by. It's not so much that they enjoy it, but they enjoy you enjoying it.

Why do you think women love shitty pop music so much, the shittiest of the shittiest catchy rap songs, get goaded so easily into taking shots, or are so much easier to be around in general when you are in a truly good mood(or are trying to put up the front of a good mood)? They are in whatever mood that surrounds them.

So when you are jamming your cock down a girl's throat, odds are the fact that you are happy doing that is enough for her to be happy taking it or being "dominated". She gets the same high from being dominated that you do from dominating her. Or when she feels sad from that depressing classical music you put on and wants to cuddle. Same shit. Mood music works.

To segue into something related. It's why being aloof works so well and "be yourself" is the advice that is always given to guys. You should be having a good time irrelevant of wondering if she's having a good time to complete the spell. The more a guy questions her having a good time or not the more she'll start thinking that she's not having one.

If you could give less of a damn what she thinks at that exact moment, the happier she is as you're creating a mood just being there in of itself of being satisfied.

Edit: Another tangent to this being that this is more than likely the same reason that porn stars can orgasm on cue. Girl has to act so hard into enjoying it that she starts actually enjoying it and cums. The female mind is essentially one giant hamster wheel.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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How Do Women Do It?

Quote: (08-08-2016 01:36 AM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

Another tangent to this being that this is more than likely the same reason that porn stars can orgasm on cue. Girl has to act so hard into enjoying it that she starts actually enjoying it and cums. The female mind is essentially one giant hamster wheel.

Which is why I always laugh when I hear an adult "actress" say that sex on camera "isn't real". Physiological responses can cause a feedback loop into influencing psychological states- hence the cliche when women say that sex "just happened".

How Do Women Do It?

Thats not what does my head in.

Its knowing shes kissing you with those lips that have done that to a few hundred men before you that does my head in.

How Do Women Do It?

Quote: (08-08-2016 01:59 AM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

Thats not what does my head in.

Its knowing shes kissing you with those lips that have done that to a few hundred men before you that does my head in.

If you're dealing with a girl that has been with tons of dudes, you need to ask yourself why you even care what she thinks at all. Get what you want, and then GTFO out of that situation.

How Do Women Do It?

Women ultimately get off on feeling desired and pleasing her man. It isn't anymore complicated than this.

How Do Women Do It?

Irrelative not irrelevant*

I shouldn't post late at night when I'm half awake.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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How Do Women Do It?

What you describe is not inherently degrading, just a woman's innate nature wanting to please her man and be marked and owned by him. It's only degrading if she does that with many men. If she only does that with her man, it's bonding.

I suspect you are still subconsciously at the stage of believing women to be pretty little sugar spices and all things nice snowflake angels, and not yet accepting their true nature.

Here's something that's more puzzling and more deserving of a discussion: why do they always try to kiss you immediately after taking a mouthful of cum from you?

How Do Women Do It?

Mr Bozzz?

Mr John Bozzz?

Is there a Mr John Bozzzworth here?

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

How Do Women Do It?

Uh oh! Sounds like we got another one...

You should explain to us precisely what "depravity level" you would find acceptable in the modern woman. I mean, if you really want to analyze things at this level, pulling a woman's clothes off and sticking your schlong balls deep in her vag is already pretty um, "depraved" I guess? So what should she not be allowed to do. Is vaginal sex in missionary OK, but any other position "depraved"?

There are probably many women out there who are extremely boring lays, who simply go through the motions with minimum effort until it's over. Fortunately, I don't come across them that often, because that would make me unhappy. It sounds like you would have difficulty maintaining desire for them as well, but that somehow the boring ones are more deserving of your affection in other realms.

Is taking cum on her face or mouth "depraved"? There are plenty of girls out there who will refuse to do that, if that's really what you want. My first girlfriend in college wouldn' first glance she was 19 and as pure as could be. But...once I got to know her a little better I found out she liked being spanked and choked in bed. And this wasn't any newly developed millennial perversion, this was going on 20 years ago!

Shit man. It's almost as if they come that way from the factory, like almost all these aspects of sex are normal bodily functions among heterosexual humans (except for whatever the Germans are up to.) Who knew?


Freud wrote: "Where such men love they have no desire and where they desire they cannot love."

In short, I think you're looking in the problem with society, there are certainly aspects of society I'm not terribly enamored with either, but it's not the real source of the problem.

How Do Women Do It?

Another point to mention is that I think it might be guys who have that madonna/whore mentality that have the most trouble with "oneitis", the type who go completely off the rails and contemplate suicide when they one day discover that their LTR girl has been cheating on them. They can't cope with that feeling that rips their guts out that the "depraved shit" that their special girl has been doing all this time with them (which I would say 90% of the time usually is not truly "depraved" at all, simply the normal stuff that goes along with sex) she's suddenly doing with another dude.

But I think that's also what cultivating an "abundance mentality" and recognizing that "AWALT" (or at least close enough for government work) is about - it gives you the required self-esteem and defensive capabilities to at that point just say, in the words of Patrice O'Neal: "OH HOE, that's how it is?!" and walk away, if that's what you choose to do. It'll still probably hurt, but at least you shouldn't feel the urge to do anything stupid.

How Do Women Do It?

You are thinking logically, women don't think in a purely logical manner like men do which is why we have such difficulty understanding them. They are a product of their environment.

The environment tells them that they should swallow semen and take it in the ass they'll do it because they are told to do so, it's as simple as that.

How Do Women Do It?

Cause they think it's hot? Same reason why you like doing it to them.

How Do Women Do It?

Newsflash: women are horny too. Women like having sex.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

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