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Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

I have recently discovered that we a thread on gaming girls who are mute

Gaming Mute Girls

and we also have 3 threads on gaming girls who are deaf (who I assume are probably mute as well)

Deaf Girls Game

Learning Sign Language to bang deaf chicks

Deaf Game Datasheet

However, as far as I can see (heh [Image: lol.gif]) there is nothing about approaching and gaming girls who are blind.

Today I saw a cute chick with one of those blind walking sticks and I wanted to approach her, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. It got me thinking though how an approach and a 1st date would work with a girl who can’t see anything at all. Does it matter how I am dressed ? Is my tone of voice going to be a lot more important ? Would we look strange as a couple walking round ?

A lot of my escalation techniques involve strong eye contact and letting my body language and facial expressions communicate much more than the things I say. With a blind girl I’d have to really modify some things.

Also, sex must be on a whole other level for these girls. Often I’ve blindfolded girls (who I have been seeing for a while) and they later say it made the sex very different and exciting when they can’t see what I’m about to do or what’s about to happen…but I’m not sure if that’s a good comparison or not.

Has anyone here ever successfully approached, gamed, banged, or been in a relationship with a girl who was totally blind ?

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

You should go with normal daygame and see how she responds.

If you just go at it like a normal chick you'll most likely be unique compared to most of the dudes who hit on her.

Her friends and family probably require some gaming if you try to plate a blind chick tho.

I've never run into this, it's just interesting.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

I'd make sure I smell really distinguishable since her other senses are obviously very heightened, lol. Seriously though, just be genuine, she's no different from anyone else except being blind.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

You to blind chick-"Hi... my name's Zac Efron"

Your wingman (or pay someone $5) immediately comes up-"Hey Zac can I have your autograph?"

Play on

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

The obvious alpha move would be to throw away her stick and then offer your massive cock for her to use as a walking aid

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

This forum just keeps getting better.

Edit : are there any threads about gaming girls in wheelchairs ? Trying to carve myself out a nice niche.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Ehm, I guess I should provide an answer as I have som experience with this.

There are two types of blind girls:
1) The ones that hate it that you want to fuck them because they are blind. In this case, you never bring it up. If you see she needs help, you give it to her but never mention it (just do it like it's the normal thing to do, those chicks are used to that).
2) The ones that feel very special because they are blind. In this case, over-emphesize how special she must be for being able to do "everything" *cough* based on her other senses. Make her know how brave and intelligent she is.

Don't make blind jokes to either one of those types. There are rare exceptions who can appreciate this, but most of them don't like it (I could turn this into a datasheet).

Contrary to popular belief, the other senses aren't necessarily better developed in blind people. However, there are a few things I can definitely recommend:

1. Pay special attention to touch. If she has learned Braille, her fingers are very sensitive. Touch her fingers. During the date, sit next to each other so your upper legs make contact. Play with distance.
2. With smell and your voice, just don't be a turn-off. As long as you don't stink and talk like a wuss, you'll be fine. Some blind girls are sensitive to the rhythm of your voice. If you have good voice skills, you can captivate her attention fully with your voice.
3. Look at her and in her eyes when you talk to her. Some girls can tell by hearing if you don't look at them. Some can register viscerally when someone looks them in the eye, even if they don't see it (creepy, I know).

Last but not least: you have a huge ace up your sleeve. I call this "the eye-card". By being able to see and by taking her places, you can provide tons of value. A lot of blind people are quite immobile because they have no idea where they walking besides the few routes they have mesmerised. So if they go outside those routes, they are fucked. If you act trustworthy and she feels safe, take her to new places. Be it restaurants, music venues, anything. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you lead her there, you are literally broadening her horizons. You can help her experience places she couldn't get to by herself that easy. Her gratefulness will make it easier to bang her.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Sorry guys the thread below takes the cake:

Soup gaming a girl with part of her arm missing.


Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Approach from behind so she can't easily hit you with her stick. If you get blown out, just roll your eyes and give her dog some people food, then move along.

Other than that, I think it's game on as usual.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

I dated a girl for quite a while that was blind in one eye.

She took tailgating to another level, and I found myself bracing for impact quite a bit when she drove.

I have no real advice for you.


Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-04-2016 01:46 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Sorry guys the thread below takes the cake:

Soup gaming a girl with part of her arm missing.


[Image: laugh6.gif]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Best. Thread. Ever.

[Image: lol.gif]

Next thing you know, there will be a post on how to game the mildly retarded.

"Sometimes I take notes, sometimes I take hostages. It depends on the day."

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Hahaha this is funny, cos I dated a blind girl a few months ago.

I met her in a store, she was looking at books and I noticed her stick thing but talked to her cos she seemed cute, her eyes were kind of weird and she said she can only see a metre in front of her. We talked for like 10-15 minutes and there was definately a connection and she was cool but I felt so fucking weird about it. She said she was going to get a hot chocolate from a cafe and I walked off then I went back and said "I was about to get a coffee" (which I was) and said "I'll come along" and she seemed to like that. Talked more, she kept telling me how sexy I was, turns out she has really overprotective parents but wants to move out.

Seen her for like a month or two, any other girl i'd cut off without sex but in my mind I was like "ok i'll give her more of a chance cos she's blind and overprotected and has been with no guys". And I was also seeing other girls.

I felt so weird walking around with her like "what am I doing" and people reacted so strangely. Cars stopped to let her cross the road, and some people gave me angry looks and glared at me but other people looked at me and gave me big smiles like "how sweet" mainly grandmas and stuff.

She would say weird stuff like "I'm not telling anyone about you, you're my dirty little secret". And she would have to be home by 5pm and her parents were so bad when she was coming to see me one day she left half an hour earlier and her dad was angry like "no you have to leave at the normal time" wtf.

Like the 3rd time I seen her I felt up her tits in the back of my car and she kind of gave me a handjob over my pants, though her arm seemed to not work properly and she said she had scars all over he body so it wasn't just that she was blind. The next time I fingered her, she was the worst kisser ever and it turned me off.. when I was fingering her I got my cock out and put her hand on it and she freaked out and pulled her hand away and was loudly like "OH MY GOD" and the really shocked look look on her face was like "OH MY GOD A PENIS".

So I put it away. [Image: confused.gif] The next day she was sending really weird messages asking where I live in town, my street etc and then just stopped answering. I got really paranoid and a few days later she was like "sorry I was really confused and people were saying all this stuff and I didn't know what to think".

Not long after that I figured I had to end it cos it wasn't going to happen and i'm like "you need a guy who will go way slower" and she was saying "yeah I don't want anyone to rush me into anything". And said "we can just be friends" and I just said "ok cool" and haven't talked to her since.

So no sex, and i'm kind of glad cos I think she would have got crazily attached. It was pretty weird, I don't think I could do it again even if the girl is more normal as in not fucked up with the really overprotective parents and other health issues.. the whole blind thing was weird enough walking around with her and the way people treated us in the cafe.

She already was very attached after not long actually even without sex, literally every single morning for weeks I got a message like "Hi, how are you this morning?" or something similar.

And she also mentioned weird stuff like weird guys following her around and not leaving her alone, which I can't say I expected. Obviously I was different cos she's like "not you, you're sexy".

I just read the 1 arm chick thread.. haha I can see that wins hands down!

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

I can second the weird guys follow blind chicks thing. Blind chicks are at a high risk of getting groped or raped on the street by a stranger. I have heard too many horror stories in this regard.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

"Blind chicks are at a high risk of getting groped or raped on the street by a stranger"

Ah man, that's all my blind game gone right there.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-05-2016 07:53 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

I can second the weird guys follow blind chicks thing. Blind chicks are at a high risk of getting groped or raped on the street by a stranger. I have heard too many horror stories in this regard.

About two weeks ago, for example, an illegal migrant raped a blind girl in Belgium:

With an accomplice, he (Bah Idrissa, a Senegalese name) put a knife to the girl's throat, stole her credit card number to rob her, and orally raped her. [Image: dodgy.gif]
This undocumented rapist has just been sent for 40 months to jail (in the US, it would have been 40 years, followed by deportation...)

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-05-2016 06:50 AM)Dominance Wrote:  

when I was fingering her I got my cock out and put her hand on it and she freaked out and pulled her hand away and was loudly like "OH MY GOD" and the really shocked look look on her face was like "OH MY GOD A PENIS".

So I put it away. [Image: confused.gif]

[Image: lolwtf.gif][Image: laugh4.gif][Image: laugh2.gif]

I feel like this is something Little Dark would say.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?


I feel like this is something Little Dark would say.

Hahahaha wouldn't there be 30 penises if it was little dark though?

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Am I the only one with a blind girl story?

Cos I don't see anyone else posting about it.. so i've no eye deer.

[Image: icon_razz.gif]

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-04-2016 03:56 PM)orythedog Wrote:  

Best. Thread. Ever.

[Image: lol.gif]

Next thing you know, there will be a post on how to game the mildly retarded.

I know you're joking but the two are pretty incomparable in my opinion. A blind woman is still a woman. She doesn't enjoy sex just like everyone else? Would you consider yourself out of the dating world just because you couldn't see?

I've been with about three deaf women and I tell you it's pretty amazing. Their body language and non-verbal communication is out of this world. It gives them a whole other sex appeal most other women simply cannot tap into. Especially if she understands her sexuality and knows how to use it.

It's like you have your own little secret world together that no one else knows about. Chances are she's seducing you! She's learned how to use what she's got to get what she wants, as any human would.

I imagine blind women would be amazing on the physical level. They know things about physical sensation you could only dream of. It would be a paradise of pleasure.

I really don't see what's the big deal. If she doesn't care if she knows what you look like, why should you?

We're all adults here. Not being able to see is not the same as being mentally handicapped no matter what way you swing it.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-04-2016 01:44 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

...By being able to see and by taking her places, you can provide tons of value. A lot of blind people are quite immobile because they have no idea where they walking besides the few routes they have mesmerised. So if they go outside those routes, they are fucked. If you act trustworthy and she feels safe, take her to new places. Be it restaurants, music venues, anything. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you lead her there, you are literally broadening her horizons. You can help her experience places she couldn't get to by herself that easy. Her gratefulness will make it easier to bang her.

I fucking love this forum.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?


Next thing you know, there will be a post on how to game the mildly retarded.

You want to know how to rustle her potatoes?

[Image: rustled_my_potatoes.jpg]

But yes I was laughing yesterday wondering what similar threads might pop up like this.

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-06-2016 07:57 AM)Dominance Wrote:  


Next thing you know, there will be a post on how to game the mildly retarded.

You want to know how to rustle her potatoes?

[Image: rustled_my_potatoes.jpg]

But yes I was laughing yesterday wondering what similar threads might pop up like this.

[Image: you-sir-need-jesus.jpg]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

hahahahaha I never fail to get a good laugh from this forum!

Girls who are BLIND. How do you approach, game and bang ?

Quote: (05-05-2016 06:50 AM)Dominance Wrote:  

Hahaha this is funny, cos I dated a blind girl a few months ago.

I met her in a store, she was looking at books and I noticed her stick thing but talked to her cos she seemed cute, her eyes were kind of weird and she said she can only see a metre in front of her. We talked for like 10-15 minutes and there was definately a connection and she was cool but I felt so fucking weird about it. She said she was going to get a hot chocolate from a cafe and I walked off then I went back and said "I was about to get a coffee" (which I was) and said "I'll come along" and she seemed to like that. Talked more, she kept telling me how sexy I was, turns out she has really overprotective parents but wants to move out.

Seen her for like a month or two, any other girl i'd cut off without sex but in my mind I was like "ok i'll give her more of a chance cos she's blind and overprotected and has been with no guys". And I was also seeing other girls.

I felt so weird walking around with her like "what am I doing" and people reacted so strangely. Cars stopped to let her cross the road, and some people gave me angry looks and glared at me but other people looked at me and gave me big smiles like "how sweet" mainly grandmas and stuff.

She would say weird stuff like "I'm not telling anyone about you, you're my dirty little secret". And she would have to be home by 5pm and her parents were so bad when she was coming to see me one day she left half an hour earlier and her dad was angry like "no you have to leave at the normal time" wtf.

Like the 3rd time I seen her I felt up her tits in the back of my car and she kind of gave me a handjob over my pants, though her arm seemed to not work properly and she said she had scars all over he body so it wasn't just that she was blind. The next time I fingered her, she was the worst kisser ever and it turned me off.. when I was fingering her I got my cock out and put her hand on it and she freaked out and pulled her hand away and was loudly like "OH MY GOD" and the really shocked look look on her face was like "OH MY GOD A PENIS".

So I put it away. [Image: confused.gif] The next day she was sending really weird messages asking where I live in town, my street etc and then just stopped answering. I got really paranoid and a few days later she was like "sorry I was really confused and people were saying all this stuff and I didn't know what to think".

Not long after that I figured I had to end it cos it wasn't going to happen and i'm like "you need a guy who will go way slower" and she was saying "yeah I don't want anyone to rush me into anything". And said "we can just be friends" and I just said "ok cool" and haven't talked to her since.

So no sex, and i'm kind of glad cos I think she would have got crazily attached. It was pretty weird, I don't think I could do it again even if the girl is more normal as in not fucked up with the really overprotective parents and other health issues.. the whole blind thing was weird enough walking around with her and the way people treated us in the cafe.

She already was very attached after not long actually even without sex, literally every single morning for weeks I got a message like "Hi, how are you this morning?" or something similar.

And she also mentioned weird stuff like weird guys following her around and not leaving her alone, which I can't say I expected. Obviously I was different cos she's like "not you, you're sexy".

I just read the 1 arm chick thread.. haha I can see that wins hands down!

Care to elaborate on the bold? Were people looking at you as if you were exploiting her?

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