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Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

So, this second-round of elections played out like I feared it would: [Image: confused.gif]

45% of Whites voted for the nationalist Right FN

45% of Whites voted for the center-Right, almost (cuck-)nationalist LesRepublicains

10% of Whites voted for the leftist PS (socialist party), along with 99% of Blacks and 85% of "Arabs".

So, the Left wins...[Image: angry.gif] The only solution is for the Right (FN) and center-right (LesRepublicains) to say: "fuck you" to main-stream media, and unite.

Because, as long as the White vote will be evenly split between Right (FN) and center-Right (LesRepublicains), it's the Left and its ethnic vote that will win.

Also, it's a sad proof that White people are not masters of their fate anymore in France. We are under the sway of an alliance of SJWs, old commies, Black and Maghreb (ex)migrants.

A positive note: as Bayrou just noted, socialist Bartolone lost the big Paris region to Valerie Pecresse [Image: banana.gif], because Bartolone insulted the White race, a few days ago:

"Bayrou: "Bartolone a peut-être perdu sur cette injure de "la race blanche""
Selon le président du MoDem François Bayrou, la tête de liste socialiste en Ile-de-France, Claude Bartolone, qui avait accusé son adversaire de droite Valérie Pécresse de défendre la "race blanche" pour "faire les poches" du FN, a "peut-être perdu sur cette injure de la race blanche".

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen

"Mes amis,
Merci infiniment et bravo
Merci à nos électeurs.
Merci aux centaines de milliers d’électeurs de Provence, des Alpes et de Côte d’azur qui ont apporté leurs suffrages à notre liste ; la France plein Sud.
Merci à mes colistiers, qui ont fait une campagne exceptionnelle.
Merci à nos admirables militants, à qui je dois tout. Je suis si fière de vous.
Nous sommes premiers dans le Vaucluse
Nous sommes premiers dans le Var
Mes amis,
Il y a des victoires qui font honte aux vainqueurs.
Au nom des valeurs de la République, ils auront ce soir sabordé la représentation du peuple français.
Tout aura été fait : calomnie, mensonge, clientélisme, vote communautaire… et je vous en passe.
Mes amis, ne les écoutez pas, il n’y a pas de plafond de verre. Ce soit disant plafond de verre était de 25% en 2010, aujourd’hui à 48%. Et demain nous serons majoritaires !
Où est le plafond de verre lorsque nous gagnons près de 200 000 voix à l’entre-deux tours !
Où est le plafond de verre ici en PACA alors que nous obtenons le meilleur score Front National en France !
Alors si tous ces profiteurs cyniques peuvent nous effrayer, s’ils pensent nous dégoûter, s’ils pensent nous décourager, je leurs dis : ils se trompent !
Nous redoublerons d’efforts, nous redoublerons de combativité.
Notre amour de la France n’en est qu’exalté.
A la région, je serai, avec mon équipe, votre représentante : celle des patriotes. Honnête, fidèle, libre pour que notre région reprenne toute sa place et que les patriotes soient défendus.
Les vieux rentiers de leur système ont été élus par défaut. Ils sont d’ores et déjà pieds et poings liés par leurs compromissions.
Les électeurs reviendront vers l’envie, l’envie d’être défendus, d’être représentés, d’être Français.
Le succès n’est pas final.
L’échec n’est pas fatal.
C’est le courage de continuer qui compte.
Et parce que nous sommes Français, le courage n’est pas ce qui nous manque.
Notre histoire est faite d’immenses tragédies mais aussi de sublimes résurrections.
La sublime résurrection viendra à force de courage, de droiture et de travail pour et avec tous les patriotes.
Plus que jamais, ce soir, vive la Provence, les Alpes et la Côte d’Azur. Vive la France ! "

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

This is an English speaking forum. I appreciate the contribution, and I'm sure many others do also, but this stuff should be translated since the vast majority of RVF don't read French.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 04:41 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

I feel that guys are underestimating the effectiveness of democracies in channeling the will of the public over time.

It's true that the FN did not win any regions in this election, but the results will put a real scare into the mainstream parties. The consequence of this will be that these parties -- particularly the center right -- will begin to gradually adopt and co-opt the policies that FN is advocating.

Note that the ascendance of FN meant that the Socialists did not even have a chance in some of these regions -- they had to cede their position to the center right to prevent an FN victory. The center right will realize that they are acting at the sufferance of voters who are giving them one more chance to address their concerns.

I expect to see this play out in the coming months. I believe that the center right will start favoring significantly more restrictive immigration policies -- especially for immigrants from Muslim-majority countries -- and a greater emphasis on asserting French national identity. They will adopt wholesale planks of FN's platform to retain the loyalty of their voters. The end result may be turn out to be similar to what would have happened had FN scored outright victories.

Further, I wouldn't be surprised to see similar processes take place in other European countries. The nationalist right parties will grow in popularity to an extent that will force center-right and even center-left parties to adopt many of their policy proposals.

Germany may have some problems, because the Germans are prone to bouts of collective insanity; and further, they have the energy and organizational skills to adopt insane ideas and make them "work". So they may really choose to go pretty far in their current direction and fuck over the rest of Europe in the process. It wouldn't be the first time for them, LOL.

But the French, when all is said and done, are nothing if not sane; so it is quite likely that the near-victory of the FN will have a rel effect on the policies of the French political mainstream. We'll see if that's true in the coming months and years.

I have completely the opposite feeling, and suspect that the 'centre-right', who are really just 'less left' than the socialists will double down on the narrative, and issue policies that are designed to keep hold of the socialist voters at future elections. FN got 40 odd percent of the vote, and because of that I think the centre-right will look at the remaining voter base and try to consolidate votes from that 60 or so percent. I think they will be particularly recluctant, having been championed as the saviours of the people from the nasty fascists, to do anything that could be seen as a lurch to the right. You can see a similar thing here in the UK from the last election. Everyone thought UKIP would either get some seats, or in failure force the conservatives to adjust their policies to cater to the more right-wing voters. That simply hasn't happened - immigration is at the highest level it has ever been, so is national debt, and civil liberties are being eroded so quickly it makes your head spin.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 04:36 PM)Khan Wrote:  

I'd even argue that what happened in France is not a sham of democracy. Strictly speaking, withdrawing from the second round of the election and supporting someone else to prevent the real opposition from coming to power is a perfectly legitimate act within a democratic system.

It is a sham of democracy

The 2-round voting system is scandalous.

The people voted once and FN won 6 regions. But it means NOTHING.
Actually it does. It is a measuring tool for the mainstream parties to see if they need to ally and work on proper anti-FN propaganda.

Why do we need to vote for the same thing twice in a matter of two weeks ?

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

H1N1, I think that there is no comparison between the 12.6% of the vote that the UKIP won in the last UK elections, and the 40%+ of the vote that the FN is winning in France. The UKIP is not a real threat to the mainstream in the UK, at least for now; so they can be ignored. The FN's strength is different in kind.

Further, here is an excerpt from a random news story about today's elections:


Chastened political leaders from the dominant center-left and center-right parties vowed to be more responsive to the concerns of those who voted for the National Front.

“Tonight we are not really relieved. The danger of the extreme right has not been eliminated,” said Prime Minister Manuel Valls, a center-left Socialist. “All of this forces us to listen to the French more, and to act relentlessly, more quickly.”

Sunday’s poor results notwithstanding, the National Front’s policies have already reshaped French political life and sharpened skepticism about France’s mostly Muslim immigrants. In the wake of the Paris attacks, which killed 130 people last month, Hollande echoed National Front ideas when he suggested stripping dual nationals accused of terrorism of their French citizenship. And with France’s 2017 presidential election looming, Le Pen is emerging as a powerful force who could mount a credible effort to oust the president.

Time alone will tell, but I suspect the situation in France will play out differently from what you've described in the UK.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:11 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

This is an English speaking forum. I appreciate the contribution, and I'm sure many others do also, but this stuff should be translated since the vast majority of RVF don't read French.

To sum it up, it's a beautiful patriotic speech from Marion Marechal Le Pen, who says that there is no glass ceiling for the FN, because when they were at 25% media said: it's your glass ceiling, and now they are at 48%, so they keep on progressing...
She also says that the victory of her center-right opponent, being obtained with leftist (and islamic) votes, should make him ashamed of himself (Il y a des victoires qui font honte aux vainqueurs)...

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:24 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

H1N1, I think that there is no comparison between the 12.6% of the vote that the UKIP won in the last UK elections, and the 40%+ of the vote that the FN is winning in France. The UKIP is not a real threat to the mainstream in the UK, at least for now; so they can be ignored. The FN's strength is different in kind.

Further, here is an excerpt from a random news story about today's elections:


Chastened political leaders from the dominant center-left and center-right parties vowed to be more responsive to the concerns of those who voted for the National Front.

“Tonight we are not really relieved. The danger of the extreme right has not been eliminated,” said Prime Minister Manuel Valls, a center-left Socialist. “All of this forces us to listen to the French more, and to act relentlessly, more quickly.”

Sunday’s poor results notwithstanding, the National Front’s policies have already reshaped French political life and sharpened skepticism about France’s mostly Muslim immigrants. In the wake of the Paris attacks, which killed 130 people last month, Hollande echoed National Front ideas when he suggested stripping dual nationals accused of terrorism of their French citizenship. And with France’s 2017 presidential election looming, Le Pen is emerging as a powerful force who could mount a credible effort to oust the president.

Time alone will tell, but I suspect the situation in France will play out differently from what you've described in the UK.

It'll be interesting to see. However, whilst you say UKIP/FN aren't really comparable, and to an extent I'd agree, the rhetoric around them from the mainstream parties is identical to the rhetoric from the Conservatives and Labour before and after the last round of elections. Indeed, your quoted article could just as easily have come from any British paper quoting British politicians back in May. The names are different, but the language used and the hollow promises about 'addressing the reasonable concerns of everyday people' are eerily similar. In my lifetime I've seen no evidence to suggest these people should be taken at their word. They have control, and they are happily importing people that will always vote for the leftist option. The demographic swing, particularly somewhere like France which has such an open door policy to its former territories and protectorates, is likely to take care of the need to appeal to traditionalist voters to ensure parliamentary majorities.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I had a feeling this would happen after I saw Hollande resort to sleight of hand tactics.

I agree - this is not a democracy, this is a sham democracy. FN is now the largest party in France, but the two round system gets to subvert that.

I'm more with Lizard here - we saw this phenomenon in America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some third party candidates got such a large share of the vote in certain elections that it paved the way for guys like Teddy Roosevelt.

Going Strong adds to this narrative when he said that the people who voted for the Republicans hate this invasion as much as FN voters but only voted for the Republicans out of tradition (very, very poor choice, but that is how voting works).

The leftist collaborators and their cat's-paw invaders are probably never going to vote for the Republicans anyway, so they're eventually going to have to adopt some FN positions to keep their base.

I'm trying to sound optimistic of course. This election was stolen from Marine without a doubt.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

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Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I fear we will see the death of democracy in our lifetime.

If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.

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if it happened to you it’s your fault, I got no sympathy and I don’t believe your version of events.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I would not presume the death of democracy as something so horrible. Democracy has lead us into this mess. If Europe was full of Orbans you think we'd be so culturally enriched by the vast amount of migrants? Absolutely not.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:38 PM)storm Wrote:  

I fear we will see the death of democracy in our lifetime.

That's increasingly the only option the elites are giving the masses.

Like I said, Camp of the Saints or Starship Troopers.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 04:41 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

I feel that guys are underestimating the effectiveness of democracies in channeling the will of the public over time.

It's true that the FN did not win any regions in this election, but the results will put a real scare into the mainstream parties. The consequence of this will be that these parties -- particularly the center right -- will begin to gradually adopt and co-opt the policies that FN is advocating.

Your wider analysis has merit but on this point I disagree...if recent European political history is anything to go by, the center right will co-opt those policies in words only, and in practice continue the exact same policies as before. We've already seen this in the UK: the Tory leadership talk about changing immigration numbers all the time, yet it still stands at 300k+ net immigrants per year, same as before and same as in the near future. The center's constant promises of sensible changes are nothing but talk, lies not worth the paper they're printed on.

And not to get on a tangent about systems of government, but it's one of those great paradoxes that democracy, especially one with mechanisms designed to buttress the center as in France, isn't particularly good at responding to the concerns of the people. Media noise, not logic or reason or sobriety, typically wins the day.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:41 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

I would not presume the death of democracy as something so horrible. Democracy has lead us into this mess. If Europe was full of Orbans you think we'd be so culturally enriched by the vast amount of migrants? Absolutely not.

Perhaps it would be so amongst the magyars. Imagine instead the current politicians with different titles.

Kaiser Merkel
King Cameron
Emperor Obama

If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.

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My Testosterone Adventure: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V

if it happened to you it’s your fault, I got no sympathy and I don’t believe your version of events.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:38 PM)storm Wrote:  

I fear we will see the death of democracy in our lifetime.

Agreed. Democracy's death may be soon and it's sad. Furthermore, if Islam wins in the end against the West, it will be very sad, as the choice will be either we're Muslims or we're dead.

The flip side to that is that if Islam wins, feminism is over too. I guess Hanna Rosin's dream world of "end of men" won't be happening.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 04:41 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Germany may have some problems, because the Germans are prone to bouts of collective insanity; and further, they have the energy and organizational skills to adopt insane ideas and make them "work". So they may really choose to go pretty far in their current direction and fuck over the rest of Europe in the process. It wouldn't be the first time for them, LOL.

Unfortunately you are absolutely spot on here. And this is coming from someone who speaks fluent German and has spent extensive time living all over that country in the 20th century. But I also tell you this: The Germans managed to lose two consecutive world wars and thus were seen as the pariahs of the world (justified or not is a different story). If they now, once again, choose the wrong side of history; if they abuse their newly gained status and power to drag not only themselves but also the rest of Europe into an Islamic nightmare; well, then they fucking deserve to be exterminated, sorry. History will not forgive them for a second time. Surely I never will.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 04:49 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

I gave up hope on France after today. You would have to let go of even a family member if he keeps insisting on destructive behavior. Not to mention this is not even my country.


But the French, when all is said and done, are nothing if not sane; so it is quite likely that the near-victory of the FN will have a rel effect on the policies of the French political mainstream. We'll see if that's true in the coming months and years.

Most French people in metropolitan are not even proud of being French anymore. Shit, most French people aren't even French anymore. Those French people who made history are dying out and being replaced by Arab and African refugees.

French laws indicate that after 5 years of staying in France you are eligible for French citizenship. Of course if you are a refugees you will be fast tracked to voting rights soon while people like me who are paying taxes to support the crumbling system can expect to sit our asses over a decade to be naturalized.

And the French election after the next is in 6 years....

I guess I should enjoy my French wine, crepe and foie gras for as long as I can before all is lost.

Bingo. I don't even know how it will be demographically possible for FN to win an election after this.

Easy predictions:

- Illegal immigration will be ratcheted from 10 to 11
- Another 20 million more Muslims in France by the next election, ALL with voting rights

I bet you tons of illegal Muslims voted in this election... given how shamelessly the Left and Right went against FN, what makes you think the voting process was honest?

The "center-right" will do whatever the Left tells them to do in fear of being called racist. Not supporting more refugees? Racist! Not giving voting and democracy to all Humans? Racist! Not supporting Sharia Law? Racist!

Regardless, I'm not even remotely surprised at this outcome. I've said it many times, but it bears repeating: Britain, Germany, and France, and it's people, are nothing more than food for the Islamic beast about to consume them. It was way too late long ago. The tipping point was back in the 1980's when Cultural Marxists became too entriched within all universities there on top of free public education. Right now is the harvest of Jewish efforts. In America, people have less respect for their education because of the huge price tag that comes with it.

The last chance for democracy is in America. If Trump wins and even implements half of his proposals, it will buy an easy 20 years for Western Civ style democracy. I could even see a guy like Trump offer asylum for Europeans fleeing from Muslims but not allowing any Muslims. Why? Because he will copy a leftist tactic of importing future voters: Europeans fleeing to America will then vote for his party when they can. Regardless, Trump still has a long way to go.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:41 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

I would not presume the death of democracy as something so horrible. Democracy has lead us into this mess. If Europe was full of Orbans you think we'd be so culturally enriched by the vast amount of migrants? Absolutely not.

I would say that Democracy is a neutral actor in all this. It is merely a method to an end (the way in which who holds power is determined in a way that can be considered just and legitimate.)

The failure of democracy that we have seen in the West in the last 50 years is but a lagging indicator of the culture degeneracy that we have seen. In this way, democracy does nothing more than provide a reflection of the culture and values that the people hold.

That is how countries that have relatively homogenous populations and where traditional conservative values are mainstream (like Poland, Hungary, or Russia) are better equipped than countries that aren't (the "West" in general.)

What this means is that the change must come in the cultural sphere, not the political. Otherwise it is rendered meaningless.

On the topic of whether this result likely renders our resistance futile I would merely highlight a portion of Mme. Le Pen's speech which I feel is most important:


Le succès n’est pas final.
L’échec n’est pas fatal.
C’est le courage de continuer qui compte.

Success is not final.
Failure is not fatal.
It is the courage to continue which counts.

Abandoning the political sphere to the other side - even when we are closer than we have ever been to making real change - is a losing strategy on our end. I've gone back and forth over this issue in the last few months, but I feel confident in saying this: that we must fight our enemy in all spheres, even when victory is unlikely or virtually impossible. Some of the greatest victories in human history have been those where no one thought anything but annihilation was inevitable.

The FN was defeated even at 40%. All that means is that we need another 10% + 1. So be it.

So to those who are disheartened by this I say:

Look how far we've come.
Look how close we are.
Never give up.
Never stop resisting.


Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-06-2015 07:57 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Looking for this picture of Marion.

[Image: CVlQAkLUEAAHx4W.jpg]

Very disappointed to learn that FN did not take a single region, but I am hoping that The Lizard will be proven correct and that indirect, yet salutary, effects will be seen over time.

Just now I googled "best pictures of Marion Marechal Le Pen's ass" and the following image was among the top hits, LOL

[Image: Donald-Trump1.jpg]

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Every time something bad happens in France due to diversity I will rub it in the faces of the French.

I realize this is hard to ascertain, but any hard stats on voting demographics?

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

TJ, this video is a good way to appreciate Marion's beauty and how truly devastating it is. Still photos don't really do her full justice.

It is very rare to see lively intelligence and feminine beauty -- both very severe and very sexual, sometimes in close succession -- combined in this way; spectacularly rare, in fact.

Her beauty alone will make her president of France one day.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

From Marion's twitter. This is reassuring. As is the fact that FN does best among the 18-24s.

"There's more glass ceiling. It was 25% in 2010, it is today to 48%! Tomorrow we will be majority! ''

Voting may not be viable but support is still growing.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 05:06 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

So, this second-round of elections played out like I feared it would: [Image: confused.gif]

45% of Whites voted for the nationalist Right FN

45% of Whites voted for the center-Right, almost (cuck-)nationalist LesRepublicains

10% of Whites voted for the leftist PS (socialist party), along with 99% of Blacks and 85% of "Arabs".

So, the Left wins...[Image: angry.gif] The only solution is for the Right (FN) and center-right (LesRepublicains) to say: "fuck you" to main-stream media, and unite.

Because, as long as the White vote will be evenly split between Right (FN) and center-Right (LesRepublicains), it's the Left and its ethnic vote that will win.

Also, it's a sad proof that White people are not masters of their fate anymore in France. We are under the sway of an alliance of SJWs, old commies, Black and Maghreb (ex)migrants.

A positive note: as Bayrou just noted, socialist Bartolone lost the big Paris region to Valerie Pecresse [Image: banana.gif], because Bartolone insulted the White race, a few days ago:

"Bayrou: "Bartolone a peut-être perdu sur cette injure de "la race blanche""
Selon le président du MoDem François Bayrou, la tête de liste socialiste en Ile-de-France, Claude Bartolone, qui avait accusé son adversaire de droite Valérie Pécresse de défendre la "race blanche" pour "faire les poches" du FN, a "peut-être perdu sur cette injure de la race blanche".

We agree that the situation is sad, but it's not by posting false information as if it were stastitical facts that we will get anywhere.

It's not true that only 10% of whites voted socialists, the left gathered importants numbers in the West of the country, as Bretagne, Limousin, many places that are highly white, Loire, Normandie also.

It's probable that the number of whites who voted PS in the second round would be more around 30%, and highly more in some regions.

If 90% of whites voted for Les Républicains or FN, then things would be much better, but it's not the case.

Also, it's not a winner takes all system, FN gathered more than 120 seats out of maybe 400 in the country, not that bad, but Marine Le pen needs to win the presidency to get anywhere.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 06:55 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

The FN was defeated even at 40%. All that means is that we need another 10% + 1. So be it.

Yeah. It's frustrating as hell, but that's one of the most dangerous times on the road.

Here's a reframe - even with all the sleight of hand bullshit, FN still got over 40%.

Even with all their scheming, their little games, their backroom dealing and begging, the traitors just barely managed to keep FN out.

That would have been inconceivable a few years ago.

The present narrative was built up over 50 years. It won't collapse overnight.

But we - patriots across every country - are drawing blood.

We have them frightened.

They are resorting to increasingly desperate measures.

And the craziness which they sponsor is only going to make us more powerful.

It's time for patriotic movements across the entire Western world to stand in phalanx.

We'll outthink them, outfight them, and certainly outfuck them. That's why they're bringing in these third world invaders. They can't beat us any other way.

We have the power.

Quote: (12-13-2015 08:13 PM)Tokyo Joe Wrote:  

Just now I googled "best pictures of Marion Marechal Le Pen's ass" and the following image was among the top hits, LOL

[Image: Donald-Trump1.jpg]

I'm now suddenly imagining this interaction.

Would Donald game?

Would his game work?

Would he bang?

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Jean-Marine le Pen has said that he hoped that marine will loose any presidential election before the crash, because if you become president too early, YOU will be stuck with the burden and blamed for the crash.

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