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Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-07-2015 06:00 PM)Edelweiss Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2015 05:53 PM)tom Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2015 05:37 PM)Aer Wrote:  

[Image: francesicklecell.gif]

The above graph is a graph of births which are tested for sickle cell. It is only tested for children of african, arab or west asian ethnicities.

And you see in Brittany the % is very low at 5,5 and the Bretons voted Left.
[Image: 31d7535.jpg]

This is a phenomena that Heartiste mentions often. Basically areas in the Western world that are 95% white or higher vote socialist/liberal consistently. Call it naïve altruism, ignorance, bubble living, lack of contact with "diversity", whatever. They live day in and out, in all white neighbors, shop in all white neighbors, got to school in all white neighbors. They experience Diversity, with the odd Oriental shop keeper, or the Arab high school teacher, or the latino's at the car wash.

Similar cases occur in the NE USA. Maine, Vermont etc. As well as the Atlantic provinces of Canada. These place are literally 97-99% white and have been liberal/democrat strongholds for decades. People that dwell in these cracker havens have to search for the diversity and when they find it, it's unique to them (probably the best places for non-whites to get laid by some dtf white women actually)

I would bet big money, that there are examples from all over the western world that prove this hypothesis, outside of EEurope. They haven't had the agenda crammed down their throats yet.

It's seems when a place gets anywhere from 10-15% diversity, the whites start to vote right of center.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-08-2015 10:29 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

At the end of the day, I don't think FN will win because it's run by a woman. And even if they do win they won't fix France because FN is run by a woman.

Even the greatest women leaders of history weren't that great when you actually break down their policies and effects. Right now the situation facing France is extraordinary, and women don't have what it takes to confront and solve the problem.
[Image: vj78r.jpg]

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

BREAKING: Front Nationale fails to win even a single region after socialists and republicans unite everywhere against it.

Quote:Russia Today Wrote:

In the northern region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Le Pen was beaten by Xavier Bertrand from the center-right Les Republicains (formerly the UMP). According to the Ifop Fiducial poll for iTELE, Paris Match and Sud Radio, Le Pen won 42.2 percent while Bertrand secured 57 percent.

Le Pen’s niece, Marion Marechal Le Pen lost to Republican Christian Estrosi in Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur.

Les Republicans managed to win after the Socialist Party announced that it had withdrawn candidates in three regions – the north, east and southeast, where the National Front made major success – and urged their supporters to vote for the Republicans in an attempt to prevent the far-right party from gaining power.

Bertrand thanked voters from the Socialist Party who voted for him to keep Le Pen out.

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

What a travesty of "democracy"!

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

France is kill.
[Image: 1450033350062.png]

Chance blown. Enjoy your enrichment. I'm done with humanity.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Marine and her niece lost.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Stick a fork in France.

The country is finished.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

The French people no longer have any right to complain about terrorism, crime and censorship. What a fucking joke.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I saw it coming. And honestly I won't be surprised if the left wins the next presidential elections... Sigh.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

A short lived victory for the conservatives and socialists.

The real story here is that this is the day the sham of democracy was exposed.

This is the elite clearly saying 'We do not respect your democratic choice'. It is an anti-democratic coup.

Exactly the same thing happened in Sweden, cuckistan of cuckistans, the Sweden Democrats got around 15% in general elections, but the right refused to use their votes to form a government leading to socialist governance.

Result: Recent polls have the Sweden Democrats at 27%, about a double of their elections.

What happens is that a lot of voters discover that they did not want to be part of such a 'centrist' coalition. They do not like the left or the right. This leaves the door open for the national-socialist party, the populist alternative satisfying the demand for welfare with the demand for nationalism.

Compare the rise of the Nazi party in Weimar Germany:

1928: 2.6%
1930: 18.3%
1932: 33.1%
1933: 43.9%

5 short years.

I've said this before, the establishment - conservatives and socialists - are making a grave mistake in denouncing the right wing populist parties. These are relatively mild forms of right wing populism. By essentially suspending democracy as in France and Sweden, they are setting themselves up for REAL right wing movements.

Democracy suspended now in France too. Don't for a second believe this is the last you'll hear about FN.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Not looking good for France. Because of it's second round voting system, demographically France only has another decade or so before they become too culturally "enriched" that the ethnic French nationalist vote and the non-ethnic French nationalists will have the numbers to beat the combined forces of socialists, cuckservatives and immigrant votes.

The 2017 presidential election will be the same. The national front will have the highest percentage, maybe even reaching into the mid 40% range, but will make no difference when everyone else votes for the other canadidate (probably Sarkozy).

This will continue election after election. Maybe even Houellebecq's future predictions will come true. In 20/30 years these traitors would back a muslim party even over the FN.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Does anyone need more proof that the Right and Left are two wings of the same vulture ?

In effect, millions of French have been disenfranchised by this democratic turf trading by the old cartel.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Pretty much what I expected - and may I point out: exactly like Houellebecq predicted in his book Soumission. Tragically fiction just became sad reality.

Gentlemen! Mark your calendars today - December 13th 2015 will forever be remembered in infamy. It is the day when a country of leftist manginas found itself at the crossroads of history and foolishly chose the path of its own destruction. The libtards are going to double down on immigration now and I predict that France will officially turn into a Caliphat by 2030. So will Germany.

If you live in France or in Germany I also recommend you start learning another language and seriously consider relocation. You have five years tops until the proverbial shit will really hit the fan. My pertinent thread on the topic may come handy.

Good luck.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I just wanted to add, this result is really disheartening. One wonders how bad it has to get before a party like FN gets into power, if ever. How many attacks, how many more migrants, how much more crime etc.. and if people wake up, will they have the electoral strength/numbers to ever turn it around? The possible pool of voters that nationalist parties can draw from is getting ever smaller and constrained.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

The feckless elites of Europe would do well to remember John F. Kennedy's words: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

This doesn't bode well for the US elections.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 03:14 PM)rw95 Wrote:  

This doesn't bode well for the US elections.

It doesn't bode well for any Western nation that has suffered through decades of Marxists indoctrination and mass immigration. These nations just simply don't have the numbers of voters and possible supporters (after finally getting mugged by reality), to vote for individuals and parties that can make drastic changes to our countries.

Only lands that have (mostly) escaped modern western Marxism and are relatively homogenous in their people have a chance (looking to you Eastern Europe)

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

edit* double post

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I've said it before in the migrant thread and I will say it again:
Anyone who expects to solve our issues at the voting boot at this point is clearly delusional.
You cannot win via elections when cultural marxists in academia and the media, business 'leaders', the unelected bureaucracy, the whole public intellectual class and the corporate drones are against you.

The nationalist right is outgunned and outnumbered as we are against everyone else.
The only solution is secession on both ethnic and ideological grounds (and I'm not talking about economics - we can discuss marginal tax rates after we have ensured our survival). However you spin it, we cannot win if we continue to regard centrist and left wing whites as part of us and somehow try to convince them to come to their senses. We need to ditch them and completely emancipate ourselves from them.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 03:23 PM)uncledick Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2015 03:14 PM)rw95 Wrote:  

This doesn't bode well for the US elections.

It doesn't bode well for any Western nation that has suffered through decades of Marxists indoctrination and mass immigration. These nations just simply don't have the numbers of voters and possible supporters (after finally getting mugged by reality), to vote for individuals and parties that can make drastic changes to our countries.

Only lands that have (mostly) escaped modern western Marxism and are relatively homogenous in their people have a chance (looking to you Eastern Europe)

But how long until those countries fall too? It seems like it's only a matter of time. Though it looks like running away might be our only option, eventually there will be nowhere left to run.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Awful result (although sadly predictable). Hope isn't lost yet, and support for the FN will surely continue to grow, but these are dark days for France. Insisting on voting for ruinous, self-destructive policies even after everything that's's insanity.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Oh shit, very bad for French people who want their country to reign in the cncer that has taken hold, bad for the UK too as I doubt the likes of Hollande will stop migrants coming over to us. Just check out the coast of France bordering the Channel to see what I mean.

French people love their revolutions and shouldn't be provoked over the long term. I might see a French President hung by his/her neck in my lifetime if current events & trends continue.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

Quote: (12-13-2015 03:31 PM)johnfortunebg Wrote:  

I've said it before in the migrant thread and I will say it again:
Anyone who expects to solve our issues at the voting boot at this point is clearly delusional.
You cannot win via elections when cultural marxists in academia and the media, business 'leaders', the unelected bureaucracy, the whole public intellectual class and the corporate drones are against you.

The nationalist right is outgunned and outnumbered as we are against everyone else.
The only solution is secession on both ethnic and ideological grounds (and I'm not talking about economics - we can discuss marginal tax rates after we have ensured our survival). However you spin it, we cannot win if we continue to regard centrist and left wing whites as part of us and somehow try to convince them to come to their senses. We need to ditch them and completely emancipate ourselves from them.

Completely agree. I'd even argue that what happened in France is not a sham of democracy. Strictly speaking, withdrawing from the second round of the election and supporting someone else to prevent the real opposition from coming to power is a perfectly legitimate act within a democratic system.

The problem is democracy itself. Democracy works well when the voters are well-educated and vote for candidates with sound policies. In other words, it is a system that performs excellently except when it doesn't, which is becoming more prevalent lately. Just look at Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande and all the other imbeciles currently holding power in the West. They were all democratically elected. It's what the people wanted. The system is broken, and it can't be fixed.

Another thing - those of you who think that this event unveiled the corruption and decadence to the voters are naive in my opinion. Yes, a large percentage of voters might see this for what it truly is, a disgrace. But the effect will be temporary. Tomorrow those same voters will get back to eating fast food, watching Big Brother and reading Huffington Post, or whatever its equivalent in France is. This is just how the masses behave - they absorb ideas and viewpoints from those who yield power over them, not from those most rational or sane. If the media trumpets of Globalist Progressivism say that the FN is a xenophobic, racist gang of warmongering fascists and that no sane Frenchman should vote for them, then so it is in the mind of your average person, and no amount of rational arguments will succeed in influencing them otherwise. Sad but true.

A good historical example to look at would be Napoleon Bonaparte, whose work in laying the political fundamentals of modern France is often unfairly overshadowed by his military campaigns. But how did he achieve all that? By running a political campaign and winning an election? No. He built up his reputation first by saving the Republic from collapsing in 1795, then by winning a series of victories in Italy during the War of the First Coalition, and then by launching a campaign that resulted in the temporary conquest of Egypt. After all this, he returned to France with the public image of a savior, and finally launched a coup d'etat that brought him to power as Consul. Only then did he have enough political capital to succesfully enact his reforms. If Napoleon had instead decided to chose the path of becoming a careerist politician, he would have exhausted himself in the political landscape of the First Republic, and probably would have ended up completely forgotten by history.

This is why I'm highly skeptical of FN's chances of successfully reversing the course France is currently on. The same applies to similar political platforms in other Western countries. With all due respect to Le Pen, but great leaders are rarely made in political offices.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I feel that guys are underestimating the effectiveness of democracies in channeling the will of the public over time.

It's true that the FN did not win any regions in this election, but the results will put a real scare into the mainstream parties. The consequence of this will be that these parties -- particularly the center right -- will begin to gradually adopt and co-opt the policies that FN is advocating.

Note that the ascendance of FN meant that the Socialists did not even have a chance in some of these regions -- they had to cede their position to the center right to prevent an FN victory. The center right will realize that they are acting at the sufferance of voters who are giving them one more chance to address their concerns.

I expect to see this play out in the coming months. I believe that the center right will start favoring significantly more restrictive immigration policies -- especially for immigrants from Muslim-majority countries -- and a greater emphasis on asserting French national identity. They will adopt wholesale planks of FN's platform to retain the loyalty of their voters. The end result may be turn out to be similar to what would have happened had FN scored outright victories.

Further, I wouldn't be surprised to see similar processes take place in other European countries. The nationalist right parties will grow in popularity to an extent that will force center-right and even center-left parties to adopt many of their policy proposals.

Germany may have some problems, because the Germans are prone to bouts of collective insanity; and further, they have the energy and organizational skills to adopt insane ideas and make them "work". So they may really choose to go pretty far in their current direction and fuck over the rest of Europe in the process. It wouldn't be the first time for them, LOL.

But the French, when all is said and done, are nothing if not sane; so it is quite likely that the near-victory of the FN will have a real effect on the policies of the French political mainstream. We'll see if that's true in the coming months and years.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I wouldn't be too quick too quick to say that this is a bad thing. We have no idea how events may play out over the next few months, events may cause even more and more people to shift rightward. These events may occur on the watch of the conservative establishment and attributed to their policies, as opposed to being when FN is in power. This migrant crisis will most likely not get better, but the situation on the ground will continue to deteriorate and the people will become more and more opposed to the politicians that have foisted it upon them.

Yes democracy is a problem and was viewed as such men as early as Aristotle and before. I highly recommend reading his politics, they are against democracy and say that it tends to devolve into tyranny. They generally look more favorable upon a more timocratic government, which the early US was:

Basically you could vote if you were a landowner and male. Being a landowner meant you ran a business because most people were farmers back then. You had to be familiar with having a budget, making payroll and working with scare resources, etc etc. The average voter does not run a business and therefore cannot be expected to make good decisions about the economics of running a country.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections

I gave up hope on France after today. You would have to let go of even a family member if he keeps insisting on destructive behavior. Not to mention this is not even my country.


But the French, when all is said and done, are nothing if not sane; so it is quite likely that the near-victory of the FN will have a rel effect on the policies of the French political mainstream. We'll see if that's true in the coming months and years.

Most French people in metropolitan are not even proud of being French anymore. Shit, most French people aren't even French anymore. Those French people who made history are dying out and being replaced by Arab and African refugees.

French laws indicate that after 5 years of staying in France you are eligible for French citizenship. Of course if you are a refugees you will be fast tracked to voting rights soon while people like me who are paying taxes to support the crumbling system can expect to sit our asses over a decade to be naturalized.

And the French election after the next is in 6 years....

I guess I should enjoy my French wine, crepe and foie gras for as long as I can before all is lost.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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