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Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

And today's award for "Stupidest Use of Modern Technology" goes to the creator of this new Twitter Bot:

Out of honest confusion or willful ignorance, many people and brands — from the Associated Press to commenters on Twitter — are referring to Jenner as "he," even though she has explicitly chosen to be identified with female pronouns. It's a common problem known as "misgendering."

Luckily, there's now an online robot to catch you from slipping. An automatic Twitter bot called @she_not_he is scrubbing Twitter, looking for anyone who uses the "he" pronoun in conjunction with Caitlyn Jenner's name, then giving them a friendly course correction:

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

"I accept decadence as a complex historical mode" - Camille Paglia

This one is going all the way down so make sure you know how to survive and adapt for what comes next. That's what men do.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 05:20 PM)Shrodax Wrote:  

And today's award for "Stupidest Use of Modern Technology" goes to the creator of this new Twitter Bot:

Out of honest confusion or willful ignorance, many people and brands — from the Associated Press to commenters on Twitter — are referring to Jenner as "he," even though she has explicitly chosen to be identified with female pronouns. It's a common problem known as "misgendering."

Luckily, there's now an online robot to catch you from slipping. An automatic Twitter bot called @she_not_he is scrubbing Twitter, looking for anyone who uses the "he" pronoun in conjunction with Caitlyn Jenner's name, then giving them a friendly course correction:

As far as my biology classes have taught me: If its got a penis, its a he.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 02:29 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

Well I'm not trying to upset anyone - but I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history. Records indicate the Romans & Egyptians both had men who dressed like women (this has always been more common than the vice versa). Of course they didn't have the hormones back then or sex reassignment. It's found in every culture around the world, it's really nothing new, regardless of how bad the left wants to present it as this new amazing phenomenon.

Oddly enough, before the left/SJW's/Crusaders of Jack-dressing-up-like-Jill, transgenders/crossdressers/drag queens were basically portrayed strictly as vaudeville, which may have been a better way for the hivemind to deal with it. Look at a movie like the Birdcage for example, it did very well, #1 at the box office for weeks, with a plot centered around a drag show. The left in those days didn't even care to applaud it, today they wouldn't know how to react since it portrayed one of their most protected classes in a comical way. The majority of Hispanic humor if you watch Telemundo/Univision telenovelas, typically relies on a heavy stock of queer vaudeville in the form of a very effiminate stereotypically acting very feminine or men in drag.

By making such a big deal of it and trying to tell everyone this is normal, or to go even step further, that it's impressive and should be looked at with reverence, only makes them look irreversibly stupid in the end to anyone with any working grey matter. It's obviously not normal, but if an aging Bruce Jenner is happier as Caitlyn...does it really matter?

There's way too much right-wing rhetoric in the manosphere these days. Yes, this is a victory for the SJW's/SWPL's/left/democrats/Hillary followers. Those people are barely accountable, that shouldn't be forgotten.

"...I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history."

The big deal is that it's being normalized and people are being told how and what they can say and think.

Man changing into women = a time-tested thing.

People being told to call biological men "women" = media manipulation, newspeak, Orwellian mind-control, political correctness gone mad, inaccurate, and a perversion of the language.

How do we know? Because when cops arrest you or when a hospital admits you, you're a man no matter what you say you are. So telling us to call a biological man "a woman" is telling us to call night day and to call black white. And to shame people for not doing this is beyond the pale. It's definitely the sign of an unbalanced society, if not one in decline.

We think with words. He who controls language controls thought. See the problem now? Transgenderism is, in a way, a proxy for a larger problem when it comes to media manipulation.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

There is a deeper agenda here and it is no coincidence that a ex Olympic Decathlon athlete has been "forced" into acting like a woman.

Our New Blog:

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

This is such a non-newsworthy event. Never mind that ISIS will soon assault Baghdad, or that the war in Ukraine continues to wage. Ignore the increasing Japanese-Chinese tensions. Argentina's economy is in free fall, but that's not important. The United States' economy has shown few signs of growth recently, but ignore that.

But Bruce Jenner "transitioned" into a "woman?" OH MY FUCKING GOD, GUYS!

Look at how heroic he/she/it is! I am convinced that a lot of this LGBTQ-whatever-the-fuck-the-other-letters-are stuff is just a way to divert the masses of unthinking Americans (and Westerners in general) from the real issues. It doesn't matter that a has been athlete is now a "woman." But it does matter that a genocidal Islamic state is on the verge of assaulting the Iraqi capital.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

He missed out on naming himself Brenda Transjenner.

Can you cure the mental disorder with a shrink that these Trannies have? Or at least make it so they don't cut off their dick, get implants, and take probably dangerous hormones for a male for life? I think those hormones can cause diabetes.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Hearing that Bruce Jenner is now officially a 'women' now and for all time, both past, present, and future, I await his returning of his 1976 Olympic gold medal for the men's decathalon, as well as any and all sponsorship dollars that he received as a result, given that he evidently participated under false pretences.

Though I won't be holding my breath.


Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

It's not a conspiracy to divert attention. This is what the masses want to consume. This thread is 7 pages in 2 days, this is what the people want. The non stop coverage about scary brown people in the Middle East in countries most Americans couldn't locate on a map is what's used to divert attention.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 05:26 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

We think with words. He who controls language controls thought. See the problem now? Transgenderism is, in a way, a proxy for a larger problem when it comes to media manipulation.

The level of absurdity and audacity of the media lauding a dude who put on a wig and a dress as some kind of grand human achievement has probably never been seen before in human history. I guess after WW2, most governments realized that using forceful, oppressive means of control genuinely doesn't work long-term, so the public is manipulated in more subtle and seemingly harmless (on the surface) ways.

If they realize everyone will take the bait and start acting like a cross-dressing dude is our generation's Jesus Christ, image how easy it is to manipulate the public regarding more complex political issues that a lot of people don't understand too well?

Someone needs to photoshop a picture of this clown nailed to a cross with a halo around his head. It's obviously the same level of significance for many idiots who don't know any better.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 05:26 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

"...I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history."

The big deal is that it's being normalized and people are being told how and what they can say and think.

Man changing into women = a time-tested thing.

People being told to call biological men "women" = media manipulation, newspeak, Orwellian mind-control, political correctness gone mad, inaccurate, and a perversion of the language.

How do we know? Because when cops arrest you or when a hospital admits you, you're a man no matter what you say you are. So telling us to call a biological man "a woman" is telling us to call night day and to call black white. And to shame people for not doing this is beyond the pale. It's definitely the sign of an unbalanced society, if not one in decline.

We think with words. He who controls language controls thought. See the problem now? Transgenderism is, in a way, a proxy for a larger problem when it comes to media manipulation.

And now they are pushing this stuff on kids big time. There's gonna be a show on TLC (one of the biggest trash networks of all) about a tranny who supposedly knew he was a she at age five.

And this is all supposed to be perfect OK, and should be celebrated in fact.

This story is horrifying. Horrifying. They're apparently justifying it because this kid was taken to a shrink and was diagnosed with gender dysphoria because he was playing with dolls or something.

I still have a memory of walking in my mom's high heels when I was a very little kid. It doesn't mean I wanted to be a girl or cut my dick off. They want to get kids as early as they can and imitate them into this cult of equality, even if they destroy those kids in the process.

People who have an "it doesn't matter" attitude are just putting their heads in the sand.

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Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 06:27 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

And now they are pushing this stuff on kids big time.

Mark my words: Having a "transgender" child will soon become the fashionable thing — in much the same way that having autistic kids is now.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

I was too young for his Olympic career to register.

I only know him from watching the movie 'Can't Stop The Music' as a teenager because I was told on the school grapevine that you get to see Valerie Perinne's [from Superman] tits, though now she looks so old and busted I have no idea *why* I wanted to see them.

[Image: 432285493_9f6eb9c973.jpg]

It's a movie starring the Village People - popular when I was 9 or so, and I just figured were like Lego Men or something, instead of being what they are obviously are: a bunch of flaming queens.

Even at the time, I thought it was really weird that Jenner was dressed like Catherine Bach, so I'm not really surprised by all this. It's just the further normalisation of not judging mental illness, and those people whom decide their hand or leg is not theirs and is surplus to requirements are obviously right, and we, as a nation, should not treat them, but listen to them, and hack off their extremities, all to appease the Smug, Self-Congratulation of the Progressive Death Cult, who can't go five minutes without needing to display what Good People they are.

[Image: article-0-04800DE2000005DC-272_224x514.jpg]

[Image: article-0-1C72858200000578-306_634x393.jpg]

[Image: Can%2527t+Stop+the+Music_Village+People_...Jenner.JPG]

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

I think what many here are overlooking is that this brings gender and neuroscience into the foreground of public discussion.

Most people here believe that there are distinct biological differences between the brains of males and those of females -- we have developed to be different and complimentary. Several recent studies support this:

So if one can have a predominantly male brain, or female brain, it is easier to understand how one could suffer from being born with a female brain in a male body. One such study supports that:

This is what makes it different from body integrity identity disorder, or someone who thinks they are Napoleon, when they are not -- one can have a female biological brain structure, and it might not match the biology of the body.

Now neuroscience is difficult, and constantly changing, several studies show the opposite of the links above.

However, if science continues to confirm that the sexes have different brain structures/pathways, and that transgenders have a brain biology consistent with the sex that doesn't match the rest of their body, then it forces us to have to take seriously that, well, gender is not just a social construct, but rooted in biology. Men and women are different.

Now, the current treatment of gender dysphoria, to make the body appear to match the brain, is debatable. I suspect that will continue to be questioned, particularly since the long-term prognosis is dim for many of those getting a full, irreversible procedure.

It is upsetting that the masses see this as a social justice issue, rather than a medical issue. I would hope that this press wouldn't make someone suffering with such issues to decide to just "be who you are meant to be" rather than to seek the help of a trained medical doctor. But that is not the vibe I am getting from the media coverage.

I think the societies that have recognized "third genders" for transgenders, rather than trying to rewrite history and pretend there is not a disconnect between the person's brain and body, probably are on to something.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 06:44 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

I was too young for his Olympic career to register.

I only know him from watching the movie 'Can't Stop The Music' as a teenager because I was told on the school grapevine that you get to see Valerie Perinne's [from Superman] tits, though now she looks so old and busted I have no idea *why* I wanted to see them.

It's a movie starring the Village People - popular when I was 9 or so, and I just figured were like Lego Men or something, instead of being what they are obviously are: a bunch of flaming queens.

Even at the time, I thought it was really weird that Jenner was dressed like Catherine Bach, so I'm not really surprised by all this. It's just the further normalisation of not judging mental illness, and those people whom decide their hand or leg is not theirs and is surplus to requirements are obviously right, and we, as a nation, should not treat them, but listen to them, and hack off their extremities, all to appease the Smug, Self-Congratulation of the Progressive Death Cult, who can't go five minutes without needing to display what Good People they are.

Not to go off on a tangent, but Valerie Perrine was hot!

Thin, blonde, no tattoos, real tits. What you consider "old and busted" I consider Prime Perrine. If Valerie Perrine doesn't meet your standards, what would?

She would have been around 35-36 when "Can't Stop the Music" was filmed. I caught it on cable around ten years ago and watched it just for her. I love that semi-wholesome, fun California image she projected. You just don't see that anymore. Others who followed always have some weird twist or attitude. Tara Reid is no Valerie Perrine.

Here are some fun NSFW links of the fine Ms. Perrine: One, two, three.

And here is a safe one:
[Image: movies_valerie_perrine058a_1.jpg]

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 05:26 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2015 02:29 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

Well I'm not trying to upset anyone - but I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history. Records indicate the Romans & Egyptians both had men who dressed like women (this has always been more common than the vice versa). Of course they didn't have the hormones back then or sex reassignment. It's found in every culture around the world, it's really nothing new, regardless of how bad the left wants to present it as this new amazing phenomenon.

Oddly enough, before the left/SJW's/Crusaders of Jack-dressing-up-like-Jill, transgenders/crossdressers/drag queens were basically portrayed strictly as vaudeville, which may have been a better way for the hivemind to deal with it. Look at a movie like the Birdcage for example, it did very well, #1 at the box office for weeks, with a plot centered around a drag show. The left in those days didn't even care to applaud it, today they wouldn't know how to react since it portrayed one of their most protected classes in a comical way. The majority of Hispanic humor if you watch Telemundo/Univision telenovelas, typically relies on a heavy stock of queer vaudeville in the form of a very effiminate stereotypically acting very feminine or men in drag.

By making such a big deal of it and trying to tell everyone this is normal, or to go even step further, that it's impressive and should be looked at with reverence, only makes them look irreversibly stupid in the end to anyone with any working grey matter. It's obviously not normal, but if an aging Bruce Jenner is happier as Caitlyn...does it really matter?

There's way too much right-wing rhetoric in the manosphere these days. Yes, this is a victory for the SJW's/SWPL's/left/democrats/Hillary followers. Those people are barely accountable, that shouldn't be forgotten.

"...I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history."

The big deal is that it's being normalized and people are being told how and what they can say and think.

Man changing into women = a time-tested thing.

People being told to call biological men "women" = media manipulation, newspeak, Orwellian mind-control, political correctness gone mad, inaccurate, and a perversion of the language.

How do we know? Because when cops arrest you or when a hospital admits you, you're a man no matter what you say you are. So telling us to call a biological man "a woman" is telling us to call night day and to call black white. And to shame people for not doing this is beyond the pale. It's definitely the sign of an unbalanced society, if not one in decline.

We think with words. He who controls language controls thought. See the problem now? Transgenderism is, in a way, a proxy for a larger problem when it comes to media manipulation.

Key issue for trannies is the reasons you stated. The State, the almighty State, still has trannies stamped legally as thier biological sex on all thier documents. Bruce Jenner in a hospital bed or at the DMV is forever Bruce and will never be Caitlin, and this causes many delusional trannies to loose thier shit. I think in Canada you can change it, but you have to have gone through full transition with hormones plus the surgeries plus pay heavy fees and costs for the government to process the legal change.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"


Having seen those photos of Jenner and the Village People, and of him wearing that cut-off T shirt, it's clear to me that this guy has had sexual orientation issues for a while.

A long while.

No straight man would wear a T-shirt like that.

Is that Steve Guttenberg on Jenner's left?

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

DOBA: She looks old and busted to me now. It's weird to think I was jacking it to a middle-aged woman. This is the shot I found trying to remind me:


QC: Yeah, it's Guttenberg. An actor whose career as a leading man never really took off due to ongoing rumours about his sexuality, which makes me suspicious as to why he was cast, given the company he keeps.

One of my favourite horror movies as a teen was a vampire one called 'Fright Night'. It starred Roddy McDowell, (aging queen), Amanda Bearse (Marcy from 'Married With Children', a lesbian), Chris Sarandon (career never took off due to ongoing rumours... blah blah), and the kid who played 'Evil Ed' only made on more movie, then went on to do gay porn movies.

There's that subversion that doesn't exist again, which, of course, I didn't notice at the time, but now is blindingly obvious.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 08:34 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

DOBA: She looks old and busted to me now. It's weird to think I was jacking it to a middle-aged woman. This is the shot I found trying to remind me:


QC: Yeah, it's Guttenberg. An actor whose career as a leading man never really took off due to ongoing rumours about his sexuality, which makes me suspicious as to why he was cast, given the company he keeps.

One of my favourite horror movies as a teen was a vampire one called 'Fright Night'. It starred Roddy McDowell, (aging queen), Amanda Bearse (Marcy from 'Married With Children', a lesbian), Chris Sarandon (career never took off due to ongoing rumours... blah blah), and the kid who played 'Evil Ed' only made on more movie, then went on to do gay porn movies.

There's that subversion that doesn't exist again, which, of course, I didn't notice at the time, but now is blindingly obvious.

Valerine Perrine's muff must have been thick enough to choke a donkey with.

"Fright Night" is 80s horror, par excellence. Love that flick!!!

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 06:44 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

[Image: Can%2527t+Stop+the+Music_Village+People_...Jenner.JPG]

[Image: Reno9114_L.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

That's a detailed article on what he starred in and why isn't really famous now.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 05:26 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2015 02:29 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

Well I'm not trying to upset anyone - but I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history. Records indicate the Romans & Egyptians both had men who dressed like women (this has always been more common than the vice versa). Of course they didn't have the hormones back then or sex reassignment. It's found in every culture around the world, it's really nothing new, regardless of how bad the left wants to present it as this new amazing phenomenon.

Oddly enough, before the left/SJW's/Crusaders of Jack-dressing-up-like-Jill, transgenders/crossdressers/drag queens were basically portrayed strictly as vaudeville, which may have been a better way for the hivemind to deal with it. Look at a movie like the Birdcage for example, it did very well, #1 at the box office for weeks, with a plot centered around a drag show. The left in those days didn't even care to applaud it, today they wouldn't know how to react since it portrayed one of their most protected classes in a comical way. The majority of Hispanic humor if you watch Telemundo/Univision telenovelas, typically relies on a heavy stock of queer vaudeville in the form of a very effiminate stereotypically acting very feminine or men in drag.

By making such a big deal of it and trying to tell everyone this is normal, or to go even step further, that it's impressive and should be looked at with reverence, only makes them look irreversibly stupid in the end to anyone with any working grey matter. It's obviously not normal, but if an aging Bruce Jenner is happier as Caitlyn...does it really matter?

There's way too much right-wing rhetoric in the manosphere these days. Yes, this is a victory for the SJW's/SWPL's/left/democrats/Hillary followers. Those people are barely accountable, that shouldn't be forgotten.

"...I don't really see what the big deal is. Transgenderism has been around since the beginning of history."

The big deal is that it's being normalized and people are being told how and what they can say and think.

Man changing into women = a time-tested thing.

People being told to call biological men "women" = media manipulation, newspeak, Orwellian mind-control, political correctness gone mad, inaccurate, and a perversion of the language.

How do we know? Because when cops arrest you or when a hospital admits you, you're a man no matter what you say you are. So telling us to call a biological man "a woman" is telling us to call night day and to call black white. And to shame people for not doing this is beyond the pale. It's definitely the sign of an unbalanced society, if not one in decline.

We think with words. He who controls language controls thought. See the problem now? Transgenderism is, in a way, a proxy for a larger problem when it comes to media manipulation.

Well, I do agree with you. Call a spade a spade.

However, if someone wants to legally declare themselves the opposite gender, they should have that legal right. It is impossible to truly redress biology (pardon the pun), even if the left wants to feign it's the exact same.

Bruce is really a woman now. Anyone rational should know the difference, obviously a lot of the hivemind is susceptible to whatever the media says, that's never going to change.

Anyone rational should know the difference, of course, a lot of the public simply isn't rational.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Look at the subtle sarcasm of this stunning flawless face blonde about Jenner. By the way, watching the 'Vloggingblonde' is one of my guilty pleasures.

With God's help, I'll conquer this terrible affliction.

By way of deception, thou shalt game women.

Diaboli virtus in lumbar est -The Devil's virtue is in his loins.

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Quote: (06-02-2015 09:33 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

Bruce is really a woman now.

Still got a dick, as I understand.......

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Bruce Jenner: "Call me Caitlyn"

Some people were talking about the importance of language a few posts back and I was just thinking.

I think a factor in the success of these various LGBT causes was coming up with the words "homophobic" and "transphobic". People have always responded better to stock phrases and cliches that allow them to quickly associate certain emotions with a cue whether it be a word or something visual but we live in an age where the power of memes have been multiplied 100 times fold thanks to the internet. The key for any cause to succeed is to be able to take a cue such as a word and then bind certain emotions and feelings to it whether it be positive or negative. You make up a word like "transphobia" and then associate it with other words that generally have a negative connotation such as bigot, intolerant, hateful etc. and then it becomes a ready to use easy to deploy weapon to use in battles between ideas. You don't even have to make a logical argument - just whip out the right magic words and then in comes the social media likes and support and pats on the back.

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