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My 2 weeks in Budapest

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Hi there

My 2 weeks in Budapest just ended. Here my report.

Last year in summer, I was in Poland (1.5w in Wroclaw and 1.5w in Krakow) and had probably the time of my life. I invested a lot but I was able to bring back multiple girls into my bedroom.

That's why my expectations for Budapest were huge.

I prepared by creating 3 different Tinder accounts (37y, 33y, 28y), so I could reach as many women as possible betw. 18-50. I booked an airbnb in the center of the center. I found 4 Ghostwriters (after 10 screenings) who all got a 15 page long manual from me and who were ready on call to take over the tinder accounts (only 1 ghostwriter at a time though), if I needed a ghostwriter.

My goal was to combine Daygame, Nightgame, and Tinder (Bumble too but I couldn't start Bumble Desktop in Budapest, so I only used Bumble for the first few days).

Didn't have too many good pictures of myself so I hired a photographer and we had a photo shoot right at the beginning of my vacation. Got super good pictures within 1h, for 60$, wow. Spent 120$ on Photofeeler to choose the best ones. By the way, my Ratings were betw. 8.5 and 10.00. However, I look quite normal, the pics were just very good (evening sun, right angle..).

On the first 2 days, I did only daygame, and as I used the app "thing counter", I now know it were 62 women I approached. For those who are interested in the details:

5-6 close: 11
5-6 no close: 24

7-8 close: 2
7-8 no close: 15

9-10 close: 0
9-10 no close: 2

age gap too big: 2

no reaction: 4

However, I was pretty disappointed with those closes as I couldn't transform them into real dates (maybe there was one? I don't even remember). So I said to myself I don't waste too much time with daygame but instead focus on Tinder.

I have a hungarian name (thought this would be a plus) but I wrote in my profile that I am just visiting my dad.

So what was the result?

I got lots of matches. I am not sure how many but after a certain days I once counted all matches of just 1 account of my 3 accounts. It were about 100 matches. I unmatched some girls before and some girls unmatched me by that time. So I'd say I had matches with about 400-600 women in those 2 weeks.

It was extremely time-consuming to keep up with the conversation. My strategy was to keep it very short, to ask for a date after just 2-5 messages.

At the beginning I was creating original openers, to make sure I get as many responses as possible. But after a few days, I came to the conclusion that this is just too time-consuming as well, so I just used the standard opener "great smile!", as most girls have at least 1 picture where they smile. And if not, other openers like "great background", "great outfits", "great hair color" etc.

Can't really say how many replied. But I'd say 50% would have been ready for a date. Some complained or told me indirectly, that I was too fast in wanting to meet them, and of course me being a tourist only, was a problem for most.

I bought some superlikes and boosts here and there but when I found out that I spent over $200 on that stuff, I was pretty surprised. I am not sure but I think I had one or another date with a superliked girl or a boost girl, but still, I probably won't buy superlikes anymore. It's not totally useless but just too pricey for me.

So how many dates did I have and how much did I enjoy them? I set up 81 dates. Here the details for those who are interested:

Dates: 33
Dates canceled by the girls: 29
Dates canceled by me: 15 (didn't have time for all)
Sex: 4

And those sex dates all happened on the last 4 days :-D. I was in a very bad mood after 11d of sex free vacation but those 4 last days, they saved my whole trip haha.

With the standard looking girls, my goal was always to have sex on the first date. So I was probably way too fast for lots of girls as I sometimes tried to escalate within 30 minutes.

It was a huge task to keep those dates organized as most girls:

a) wanted to continue chatting here and then until the date happened
b) some were late or wanted to meet at another place and/or at another time

I was constantly having 3 phones with me and always had to send messages while on the toilet when I was on a date haha.

So how much did I like the hungarian girls? I preferred the ones in Poland. And the ones in Croatia were just playing in a different league. I thought the girls in Budapest were very conservative on Tinder. Lots of them told me that they don't to meet tourists. Didn't remember that many answers like that when I was in Poland.

Budapest felt quite big. Totally different than for example Wroclaw with the cute market place in the center. I preferred Wroclaw so so much more when it came to daygame.

Would I recommend Budapest? Yes, there are those cool thermal baths (party on Saturday evening, missed it though), the girls are looking ok, most have at least basic English skills like me, the nightlife is good (Szimpla), and the food is fatty but tasty.

What was my main problem?

I often went to bed after midnight and I couldn't sleep very well as there were construction works ongoing on the building, starting at 8am. So that killed my energy a bit.

Oh but for all those who want to try a cool Gym in Budapest: Go to the 4% Gym. The music playing there is awesome. Ah and last but not last, there were so so many bars in Budapest. For those who love going to bars, you're in heaven in Budapest.


I can expect that about every 3rd date will be canceled beforehand. That means I still have to make sure I set up multiple dates every day. But maybe I should focus on having first dates whenever possible just after work at around 5-6pm and 2nd dates only later in the evening, like from 9pm or so. Whatever, very theoretical, in practice it always looks very different.

Will maybe hit Belgrade next time. Won't be easier there but at least a 5 over there will look fantastic in my eyes [Image: wink.gif].


My 2 weeks in Budapest

The real question is: did you check the 3 phones while having sex

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Oh and by the way, for all those who think Budapest is huge and there is an endless stream of girls on Tinder:

On account 1 (my age: 28, searching for 18-24y old women) and account 2: (my age: 33, searching for 25-30y old women), I got to the frustrating "there is nobody around you" message. Of course you can restart or just wait a moment or slightly adjust the distance level, but it won't take long to get there again.

p.s. my distance was set to 32km on each account.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Quote: (04-22-2019 08:59 AM)Beirut Wrote:  

The real question is: did you check the 3 phones while having sex

Haha :-D :-D

There was that last girl on the last day.. I finished having sex with here quite early as I had this other date in my head. So I had to go to the toilet to text the other girl to postpone the date for 30min :-D.

The other girl who was waiting for me was probably one of the most attractive girls I ever met in my entire life. But nothing happened, she wasn't disinterested but her level of attractiveness was way too high to jump into my bed on the first date.. tooo bad.. But the date itself felt pretty special as all the guys were looking at her. Damn.. I would have given everything for that girl for that one night.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

And people wonder why certain places are getting ruined!

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My 2 weeks in Budapest

There is something sad about traveling thousands of miles, only to use Tinder, but in 2019 that is probably the best strategy for most people. Professional photos+ghostwriters+bots is the way to go. 90%+ of all lays I hear about these days are from the Internet. Daygame and Nightgame just can't compete anymore. Now that internet dating has lost its stigma, nothing else can really compete with its reach and efficiency.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Wait a second.

If I understood this correctly, you had sex with 17 girls in total?

In two weeks.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

^^No, he's using the word "close" in daygame to mean "number-close." They all flaked. Just like some people use the word "pull" to mean changing venue, not actually having sex

My 2 weeks in Budapest

The ROI for 4 bangs lol

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Oh, I see. Number closes, as if they matter at all.

But 4 bangs in 2 weeks, nothing wrong with that.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Quote: (04-22-2019 09:42 AM)jasond Wrote:  

There is something sad about traveling thousands of miles, only to use Tinder, but in 2019 that is probably the best strategy for most people. Professional photos+ghostwriters+bots is the way to go. 90%+ of all lays I hear about these days are from the Internet. Daygame and Nightgame just can't compete anymore. Now that internet dating has lost its stigma, nothing else can really compete with its reach and efficiency.

Yeah there is something sad about it. But it's 2019 and not 1969. And I wouldn't tell my daughter to not fuck around (if I had one).

However you don't need good pics and ghostwriters etc, the most important thing you need is time. That's the single most important resource, and girls will appreciate if guys invest time. Time I didn't have (and sometimes I almost prefer organizing dates rather than having them) [Image: wink.gif].

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Night game and running the streetz still trumps online game period... (presence, looks, style, dance moves etc...) I don’t bother wit online game I get better looking women and experiences in person... I have my phone on stealth so I don’t get notifications about anything but calls... I don’t text women.. They have to call me... It’s made a huge difference in their interest and my idgaf attitude...Flying across the country to do hours of online game is pathetic... you need to shift your perspective.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Quote: (04-22-2019 11:35 AM)Cation Wrote:  

Oh, I see. Number closes, as if they matter at all.

But 4 bangs in 2 weeks, nothing wrong with that.

Depends on your strategy. You can play it safe to get more sex or you can try to get that super duper experience. So the number isn't relevant, of course (relevant to me though, but that's another topic).

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Quote: (04-22-2019 11:46 AM)International_Casanova Wrote:  

Night game and running the streetz still trumps online game period... (presence, looks, style, dance moves etc...) I don’t bother wit online game I get better looking women and experiences in person... I have my phone on stealth so I don’t get notifications about anything but calls... I don’t text women.. They have to call me... It’s made a huge difference in their interest and my idgaf attitude...Flying across the country to do hours of online game is pathetic... you need to shift your perspective.

I would love to see how you get good results with hot women in Budapest doing daygame, as a tourist. Of course a date here and there should be possible, but I don't think you can get consistent dates every evening with attractive girls, purely from daygame.

When it comes to Nightgame, I probably don't have the social skills (or rather "endurance") for it. Of course I had my adventures with club girls but there are so many annoying moments with other "club people" that it hurts. Maybe that's easier for you but I generally "hate" the club atmosphere, the price I have to pay for just being in a club feels sometimes too high nowadays.

I need to shift my perspective? Maybe you're right. However, the issue is too complex to talk about on a forum. I mean, we can try to talk about our experiences and our opinions, but talking about it is not experiencing them. I visited Budapest, a city with over a million people. I swiped a few thousand girls. I had wonderful and terrible dates. These 2 weeks were super intense. And the ONLY reason I had those wonderful dates was because I invested the time.

Yes, maybe I have to shift my perspective nevertheless. If you're a coach, let me know. Maybe I'm interested.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

How much money did you spend just on apps and ghost writers?

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Fair enough. As long as you're pleased, the trip was a success.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Quote: (04-22-2019 11:09 AM)uhriginal Wrote:  

The ROI for 4 bangs lol

As if only those bangs counted ("lol").

I went to the thermal bath with a teenager. Those views from the other people (because of our 16 year age gap)? Priceless.

I had a teenage fitness model in my bed who watched at her wet pussy, lying in a meanwhile wet bed, who had no idea what just happened and that such orgasms are even possible.

I had a date with probably the funniest girl I ever met (and I almost never find them funny).

I had lots of wonderful philosophical talks with different women.

I was 100% sure a date wasn't interested in me and although almost everything in me said no, I just kissed her in a totally strange situation and she kissed me back (awesome, such a surreal situation).

I said high to a very elegant woman around 40 at night and although she was super distant when saying hi, 10min later I pressed her against her car and she felt something between being frightened and aroused.

And countless other stuff. You know, in the end, I will never forget all these little memories. And saying "the roi for 4 bangs, lol" sounds somehow "incomplete".. but whatever [Image: wink.gif].

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Jesus, as Roosh says, and as I've always believed..what is the point of that massive effort? To bang some 5-6s? even if they there 9-10s, they're still whores [Image: confused.gif]

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Quote: (04-22-2019 12:16 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

How much money did you spend just on apps and ghost writers?

$200 for boosts and superlikes. Next time I will again buy boosts but no more superlikes.

$160 for the ghostwriters (they spent about 8h on my accounts).

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Oh boy where do I start with all this? First off he is correct in that local women are very tough on tourists in Budapest. Even though I did get the Hungarian flag when there it was because I was in the right place right time situation. It’s way easier to game tourists. But with that said how you only got 4 lays on some 30 dates is ridiculous. By the sounds of it being a little more present in the moment with the girl you’re currently with could go a long ways. Instead of this next next next mentality with texting in bathroom and dates booked so closely. Sounds painful. Like you’re entire life surrounded this for two weeks just to get laid. Each to their own I guess. I could see this method working well in nyc though. Cheers!

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Props for writing that all up and getting the flag I guess. But it sounds like an incredibly stressful and not fun way to go on holiday for 2 weeks, to only get laid 4 times. Would it not have been easier to go out to a few bars and just talk to women normally?

If you had two weeks you could even have scheduled one, or two max, Tinder dates a night Sunday->Wednesday each week on the quieter nights. That'd give you 10-15 Tinder dates as your back-up plan, and far less girls to message. Then go out, experience the nightlife, and talk to women organically in real life Thursday->Saturday each week.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

I’m no coach I just remember when women was my main purpose and how much time I invested just to feel empty when they left... Once i shifted my main purpose to my hobbies or lifestyle women came along a lot more natural and I enjoyed them more even after they left my lifestyle. In lamest terms online game vs real life game is like fapping vs actual sex. Same end goal but one feels right. I don’t stalk the streets day gaming either but in my daily routine of going to the gym, dog park or coffeee shop I’ll talk to a cute chick... Once you put money, numbers and calculations on women that’s when you can no longer enjoy the chase...

My 2 weeks in Budapest

Thanks for your answers. I understand you. I know I am a bit of an exotic guy (even here, lol). And maybe it's not the wisest approach that I take. But I definitely enjoy the process. I enjoy sitting in front of a computer and trying to figure out which girls I want to meet, out of those several hundred matches. I started chatting online in 95/96 when the internet came up (I was 14/15 back then). Already at that time I loved to chat with multiple girls at the same time lol.

I prefer that much more than the average small-talk I could have in a bar with an average woman.

Being so focused on women for 2 weeks brings me into a very special state of mind. It let's me do things I wouldn't do in my daily life. I almost feel like in a survival camp. Like it. Love it. I compete against my previous vacations. I compare every encounter with those I already had. Is it goal-oriented? Probably not too much. Do I think I enjoy it? Yes. Is there one thing I'm looking forward to in life? Yes, outperform the best vacations I ever had in my life, Poland 2018 and Spain 2016.

That was it from my side. Looking forward to experience Belgrade later this year [Image: smile.gif]

My 2 weeks in Budapest

To be fair your methods mightn't be for me, or even most people here, but if it makes you happy and you're getting results then more power to you. You're getting out there and experiencing new cities/countries and getting laid which is probably more than can be said for most men in their 30s.

My 2 weeks in Budapest

You got quite organized, and investing 400 bucks surely trumps investing 20 hours on the apps. Still, the percentage of flakes was extremely high.

You should apply for more passive filters while having the conversations in order to delete numbers that will flake. Many of those women should have given indications of low interest if you analyze their writing.

If I was you I would actually pay the ghostwriters to have the phones with them and subcontract all the process until you filter and then you add the women to your whatsapp.

Not a bad strategy, but you can still optimize I think. I would try to shoot for only 10 dates, 4 flakes and 4 bangs.

Still, 4 bangs in Budapest is not that a bad outcome as a tourist.

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