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Soros vs Xi(China)

Soros vs Xi(China)

Good. Let them destroy each other. Both are parasites. This is a win/win situation.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-26-2019 12:54 AM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

Some of you need to read up and understand what are some common practices with the CCP. Saying Xi cares about his people is beyond absurd. The only thing Xi cares about is maintaining and expanding the power of the CCP through increasing China's worldwide influence.

The majority of Chinese still live with less than $10 USD a day on top of being stuck to wherever they are born due to freedom of movement being limited.

Don't forget about the people in Xinjiang and Falun Gong practitioners.

Respectfully disagree CC - here's the big picture: the majority of Chinese lived on $1/day 30 years ago, and the majority of Chinese will live on $100/day in 10-20 years -context-.

[Image: 57c05fe8b996eb0e228b4953-640-552.png]

You can question the motives of Xi, but it's totally undeniable that he and his predecessors have presided over the greatest wealth increase ever recorded in human history, with 500 million of his countrymen being lifted out of poverty in the span of a couple of decades.

Nearly all young Chinese fully expect to be better off than their parents, who were much better off than their own parents. Xi is delivering for his people, bigly, while our rulers are sucking their middle class dry. There is no question to me that Xi cares for his people a whole lot more than Macron, May, Merkel, Clinton or Trudeau care for theirs, a pretty unfortunate fact for us.

Second important point: the social credit system and political repression already are part and parcel of all western societies. There is a no-fly list and a "terrorist watch list" of US citizens that are several millions deep. Guys like Roosh or Damore have had infringements on their travel rights and had their career derailed just for expressing reasonable political opinions. They're just a bit ahead of the curve, in the years to come algos being implemented will expand the list of state pariah/thought criminals to millions of people who dare go against globohomo doctrine.

We have a similar level of domestic political control than China does. Every financial transaction, every email, every phone call is tracked and recorded, and soon analysed by big data algos. But ironically, none of this is used for good, you could practically eliminate crime in America if you were to use the surveillance and enforcement tools, but instead crime is tolerated because the judicial system and media are completely dominated by politically correctness and cultural marxism. There is no rampant gang violence in China, and their government actually protects their people from baizuo.

The globalists were a huge part of China's explosive economic growth and its rise to the world's leading industrial power. The fact that globalists like Soros are attacking Xi makes me think that China might be stepping away from their control and influence, which would be a good thing for the Chinese people and the rest of the world.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-26-2019 03:12 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2019 01:58 AM)NikNik Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 07:27 AM)Mage Wrote:

Out of all people imaginable - George Soros has voiced opinion, shared with many in this forum, that electronic surveillance and total control are biggest threat to freedom in modern world. This total surveillance is currently championed by China and their citizen credit system as well as Facebook, Google and similar silicon Valley big tech companies.

I find it surprising that he out of all people says something I have felt for a long time - China as raising economic and military power, with it's communism, censorship, soft colonization of Africa, most advanced prototype for a technocratic total 1984 type control system, it's export or oppression to other countries like Venezuela and even dumbing down of consumer products like movies and video games is the biggest global threat to freedom in modern times.

What do you think? is Soros pretending? Trying to turn coat? Afraid of raising nationalism? Maybe simply jealous China has surpassed him in successful implementation of social engineering of total control?

Who do you think is more the enemy of freedom? Soros and his supposed covert Cultural Marxism or China with open and unashamed censorship and communist dictatorship?

OP are you Chinese? If not can you please explain how are the Chinese threatening your freedom? Or the freedom of your countrymen?

Are you low on IQ? If not then can you please explain how you don't see that?

China has big and increasing global influence. Western countries and companies change their politics all the time to cater to china. The question of Taiwan, the question of Tibet, the content of movies and TV shows exported to China, the content of social networks. It's many things.

Also China will support raising socialist and communist governments elsewhere even on other continents like evident with Venezuela.

Also China serves as excuse for many communist sympathizers to show that communism can be working, because on the outside China is successful. At cost of health and liberty of it's people of course. if we would have no lingering communism states, there would be less communist sympathizers among western youth and academia.

Also there is something called precedent. China sets a precedent with it's citizen surveillance and evaluation system. Once a precedent is set the whole world is in danger of fallowing it. Another dictatorship willing to introduce such a system will no longer have to design it, they may just buy it from China. This can lead to oppression in many poorer dictatorship countries and can make them somewhat dependent from China too, increasing their power.

World is global, if you think something needs to be close to influence you you just ain't too smart.

You may argue about what is more dangerous China or Soros, but if you mean do declare then China is nothing to worry about you are not credible.

You might even be a Chinese commy yourself, they have their state sponsored net of influences in internet too.

Some people on this thread said Xi cares about his county and people. No, communism has destroyed the traditional culture of China to avoid ideological differences. Only in Taiwan can you still see traditional Chinese culture still practiced in an unmolested form.

Here's some traditional Chinese culture practiced in its unmolested form in Taiwan:

[Image: 5b59f638ee06c.jpg]

[Image: f-taiwanmarriage-a-20181201-870x580.jpg]

As to the mainland, this is not Mao's China, the Cultural Revolution is long gone. While mainland China has been investing hundreds of millions in the production of grand historic series arousing Chinese nationalistism and confucian values, Taiwan is promoting homoglobo culture, with subversion agents like Ang Lee.

I've visited Taiwan back in the 1990s, it was a fairly pristine culture and country. It is now basically like California circa 2000, the degeneracy is there and is set to accelerate, while China actively blocks baizuo, clamping down on pornography and homoglobo subversion. You're going to see this cultural divergence grow in years to come.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-27-2019 07:34 PM)fantome Wrote:  

Good. Let them destroy each other. Both are parasites. This is a win/win situation.

How does this happen anyway? Soros certainly doesn't plan to put his own resources and power base at risk to fight China (he tried to break the bank of Hongkong back in the day, and failed, and stopped doing that strategy). If he is to fight China, he would use someone else's blood to fight his war for him. Isn't that what he and his pals always do? If anyone is expert at this "let them destroy each other" game, it would be them, and not the West.

In fact, if he is just planning to use his own organizations to fight China, he wouldn't have needed to speak at an international forum like Davos. The reason why he spoke at Davos at all, is of course precisely to call on the West and the US in particular to fight China. And all the media are spreading his call.

This seems to the scenario that he has in mind:

"Regrettably, President Trump seems to be following a different course: make concessions to China and declare victory while renewing his attacks on U.S. allies. This is liable to undermine the U.S. policy objective of curbing China's abuses and excesses," he said.
"The reality is that we are in a cold war that threatens to turn into a hot one," Soros added."

Soros vs Xi(China)

They aren’t destroying each other. China is Soros/Zuckerberg’s preferred landing spot once they are finished destroying the West. Israel is already teaching schoolchildren Chinese language.

Now, all thetribe really has in China is control over the bank. Chinese history is thousands and thousands on years of discrimination against non Chinese, including genocides of non Chinese. (The genocides in Tibet/Inner Mongolia/East Turkmenistan are ongoing now). That’s not good if you are an alien tribe belonging to a visibly different race who hopes to take over and run things.

So Soros and the influential financiers who fund Bill Kristol and others want changes made to Chinese culture to accommodate them (and regime change/coup in China if Chinese leadership resists).

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-27-2019 09:23 PM)911 Wrote:  

As to the mainland, this is not Mao's China, the Cultural Revolution is long gone. While mainland China has been investing hundreds of millions in the production of grand historic series arousing Chinese nationalistism and confucian values, Taiwan is promoting homoglobo culture, with subversion agents like Ang Lee.

I've visited Taiwan back in the 1990s, it was a fairly pristine culture and country. It is now basically like California circa 2000, the degeneracy is there and is set to accelerate, while China actively blocks baizuo, clamping down on pornography and homoglobo subversion. You're going to see this cultural divergence grow in years to come.

To see what Taiwan is really like, one needs to look no further than the other thread about a late 36-year old spinster whose claim to fame was posting bikini pics taken atop mountains to social media.

It's very ironic for OP to claim Taiwan as the last bastion of traditional Chinese culture when there's that other thread going on at the same time.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-27-2019 09:41 PM)Rotten Wrote:  

They aren’t destroying each other. China is Soros/Zuckerberg’s preferred landing spot once they are finished destroying the West. Israel is already teaching schoolchildren Chinese language.

Now, all the tribe really has in China is control over the bank. Chinese history is thousands and thousands on years of discrimination against non Chinese, including genocides of non Chinese. (The genocides in Tibet/Inner Mongolia/East Turkmenistan are ongoing now). That’s not good if you are an alien tribe belonging to a visibly different race who hopes to take over and run things.

So Soros and the influential financiers who fund Bill Kristol and others want changes made to Chinese culture to accommodate them (and regime change/coup in China if Chinese leadership resists).

I sure hope for "the tribe" that they have better escape strategies. [Image: confused.gif]

I mean, "taking control of China and relocating there", really? It'd be easier and cheaper to send "the tribe" to a terraformed Mars on a huge flying Noah's Ark (once the West is destroyed by migrations and degeneracy). Coincidentally the trip to Kosher-Mars should take the biblical 150 days, too.

Edit: it's all but done already!

Soros vs Xi(China)

Seeing Soros and Xi fight to the death is a win-win for everyone, not just white countries, but all countries in particular. There is no way in hell the Chinese will bend the knee to Soros, Rothschild, or any other agent, (((baizuo))) or otherwise. The Chinese, like the Slavs, have long memories, and they are not going to repeat the crisis that occurred in the 1800s, no way, no how, no such!

In the end, Xi will be victorious, Soros will be flat on his ass (and on a one-way ticket to hell), and the tribe will not have their escape plan. They will have to make due with what they have and be happy with it.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Very interesting article. Claims that Xi is running with the torch of the good old Joseph Stalin, whose credo was that "As the revolution deepens, class struggle intensifies.” & "The Party becomes strong by purging itself.” So apparently the Chicoms are still somehow hardcore stalinists deeply in their hearts. Well, it seems true to the extent that China - unlike the Soviet-dominated bloc - has never really condemned the old uncle Joe for his "mistakes and deformations".
This time Soros can expect the real Mortal Combat. First time he will take on someone who doesn't run on his own software, capitalism. Will Xi be the next "Man made of steel"? We will see.
In this context, the recent Chinese answer to Soros, essentially - "You are no one" - can be read as "You are neither Marx, nor Lenin, nor Stalin, nor Mao".

In April 2013 the General Office of the Central Committee, run by Xi’s princeling right hand man, Li Zhanshu, sent this now infamous political instruction down to all high level party organisations.

This Document No. 9, “Communique on the Current State of the Ideological Sphere”, set “disseminating thought on the cultural front as the most important political task.” It required cadres to arouse “mass fervour” and wage “intense struggle” against the following “false trends”:

Western constitutional democracy - “an attempt to undermine the current leadership”;

Universal values of human rights - an attempt to weaken the theoretical foundations of party leadership.

Civil Society - a “political tool” of the “Western anti-China forces” dismantle the ruling party’s social foundation.

Neoliberalism - US-led efforts to “change China’s basic economic system”.

The West’s idea of journalism - attacking the Marxist view of news, attempting to “gouge an opening through which to infiltrate our ideology”.

Historical nihilism - trying to undermine party history, “denying the inevitability” of Chinese socialism.

Questioning Reform and Opening - No more arguing about whether reform needs to go further.

By the way,for anyone claiming that "China is capitalist now": read about Lenin's NEP, the New Economy Policy. Socialism can allow for captalist experiments [Image: wink.gif]

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-25-2019 08:33 AM)hv123 Wrote:  

but I don't see how their system can really directly effect western countries unless they physically invade, which, let's assume, they won't.


China's soft-invasion (real estate buy outs, government hacking and infiltration plus population replacement) is well underway. Where on Earth do you live?

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 04:20 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 08:33 AM)hv123 Wrote:  

but I don't see how their system can really directly effect western countries unless they physically invade, which, let's assume, they won't.


China's soft-invasion (real estate buy outs, government hacking and infiltration plus population replacement) is well underway. Where on Earth do you live?

China is still a dwarf in terms of soft power, relative to its economic might. Japan and Korea are way ahead of them in this department, worming themselves into the mushy millennial cosplayed mindscapes. None of these countries are anywhere near the influence of The Tribe on culture and government though, not even close.

"Government hacking" sounds a lot like the Russian hacking gaslighting that TDSers are obsessed with, pure fantasy.

Chinese demography is only a thing in Canada and Australia, and even there, for every Chinese that gets into Canada, there is an Indian, a Latin American and a muslim/Filipino/African.

Oz is much more vulnerable due to geography, so I can understand your concern Jack, Canada on the other hand is still in the US' close orbit, see the Huawei arrest. You can see the US from all three major Canadian cities.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 05:05 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2019 04:20 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 08:33 AM)hv123 Wrote:  

but I don't see how their system can really directly effect western countries unless they physically invade, which, let's assume, they won't.


China's soft-invasion (real estate buy outs, government hacking and infiltration plus population replacement) is well underway. Where on Earth do you live?

China is still a dwarf in terms of soft power, relative to its economic might. Japan and Korea are way ahead of them in this department, worming themselves into the mushy millennial cosplayed mindscapes. None of these countries are anywhere near the influence of The Tribe on culture and government though, not even close.

"Government hacking" sounds a lot like the Russian hacking gaslighting that TDSers are obsessed with, pure fantasy.

Chinese demography is only a thing in Canada and Australia, and even there, for every Chinese that gets into Canada, there is an Indian, a Latin American and a muslim/Filipino/African.

Oz is much more vulnerable due to geography, so I can understand your concern Jack, Canada on the other hand is still in the US' close orbit, see the Huawei arrest. You can see the US from all three major Canadian cities.

We had Huawei arrest in Poland too. Obviously we are in the close USA orbit as well [Image: wink.gif]
It is fun you when you can see the reality of the situation on the basis of such simple things... Countries, which had Huawei arrest last month, hands up!

In terms of culture, however, there is no one to be arrested, since West still is the highest Arbiter Elegentiae here. So, Ai Weiwei - already emigrated to the West. Confucius Institutes are rather drab, offering mainly language instruction. And there is no Chinese Kurosawa for the West.
I think that Japanese generally have been very good at promoting their culture as something very sophisticated and stylish, but the Chinese, not so much. On the other hand, the Chinese are everywhere, in almost any department of big Western universities. They are "on a long march", to become like West and MORE. And they might secretly think that we are still barbarians. As we are barbarians, there is no point to learn us the higher secrets of the Culture.
So maybe we should see the lacking Chinese soft power as a sign that the Chinese culture is not for us, barbarians.

But maybe we are lucky. Look at Korea to see the dangers of Chinese soft power. The Chinese sometimes claim that Korea is a split province of China, and there is no real Korean culture since Korea had adopted the Chinese culture.

Soros vs Xi(China)

As for Soros himself: maybe we overestimate him. He is used to playing against populations, but together with governments. Look at Hungary - it is a small country, and still the government managed to kick him out. Without insider allies, Soros is lost. So where are Soros' Chinese allies? In Hong Kong? But Hong Kong is not "mainland", as they say in China.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 03:58 AM)Kaligula Wrote:
Questioning Reform and Opening - No more arguing about whether reform needs to go further.[/i]

By the way,for anyone claiming that "China is capitalist now": read about Lenin's NEP, the New Economy Policy. Socialism can allow for captalist experiments [Image: wink.gif]

This is all about keeping the CPC in power, not about pursuing Marxist ideals. They say all that while banning Marxist study groups, arresting Marxist and Maoist students who want to do real Marxism:

Ask a Chinese if he believes in Marxism. Not even CPC top dogs believe it. Xi doesn't even believe his own preaching, lol, and would have Marxists who recite his slogans arrested.


They volunteered to help struggling rural families and dutifully recited the slogans of President Xi Jinping

... The young protesters insist that they are good communists who support President Xi.

Before she was detained, Ms. Yue wrote an open letter to Mr. Xi saying that she had been inspired by his fight against corruption and his time working in an impoverished village in the countryside as a young man.
Ms. Yue, also a leader of China’s #MeToo movement who spoke out against sexual harassment and assault on campus, has not been heard from since the police detained her during the Aug. 24 raid.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 08:38 AM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2019 03:58 AM)Kaligula Wrote:
Questioning Reform and Opening - No more arguing about whether reform needs to go further.[/i]

By the way,for anyone claiming that "China is capitalist now": read about Lenin's NEP, the New Economy Policy. Socialism can allow for captalist experiments [Image: wink.gif]

This is all about keeping the CPC in power, not about pursuing Marxist ideals. They say all that while arresting Marxist and Maoist students who want to do real Marxism:

Ask a Chinese if he believes in Marxism. Not even CPC top dogs believe it. Xi doesn't even believe his own preaching, lol, and would have Marxists who recite his slogans arrested.


They volunteered to help struggling rural families and dutifully recited the slogans of President Xi Jinping

True, Chinese abroad don't seem to be very concerned with Communism. On the other hand, they also don't criticize it. I have also heard that they even write Marxism exams in secondary schools.

Marxism is not a monolith, there have been always many factions inside; Stalin, for example, in opposition to Trotsky created the idea of "building socialism in one country".

The students probably are seen as a kind of revisionists, or reformists by CPC. Their arrests actually support the ideas of the article, namely "purging the party", and "ideological purity".

My understanding of this essay was that the Chinese read Stalin's book more as a kind of communist "The Prince" (of Machiavelli) than a real Marxist text, and even as an improvement on their own ancient Chinese wisdom. So CPC avoids real expectations of a new paradise, expectations that could be shattered and lead to the system demise.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 08:38 AM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  


Ms. Yue, also a leader of China’s #MeToo movement who spoke out against sexual harassment and assault on campus, has not been heard from since the police detained her during the Aug. 24 raid.

I have just noticed... Ms. Yue is not a real Marxist-materialism type, but a Western cultural Marxism type.
Obviously she was arrested. In other words, ideology still counts.

If I were her, in my dungeon I would be preparing for "Confess! Confess! Traitorous Soros' accomplice, confess!".
In other news: American white knights not coming. China too big to find one girl. But they are going to CNN studio with that, to hide behind some fancy slogans, for example "I haven't bought my iPhone to spread rape culture in China".

Soros vs Xi(China)

Marxism in China isn't a watered-down or Sinicized version of the ideology, it IS the ideology, because the essential feature of Marxism is dialectical materialism and that is exactly what the Chinese Communist Party follows. They are smart enough to know that communism isn't actually about central planning or Soviet-style apartment complexes.

The question now is whether the old men in charge of China decide to keep following Marx and join forces with the Western globalists (who are also essentially communists), or keep adding "Chinese" characteristics to their regime to the point where dialectical materialism is forced out. If they take the first option then we will see more feminism, homosexuality, and other forms of "liberation" being promoted in China. If the second option is taken then we'll see Xi Jinping continue to purge the Party elite and turn himself into more of a Putin figure.

Soros' statements are a political criticism of a comrade who seems he might be going astray. The globalists are warning Xi to stop with his counterrevolutionary tendencies.

Soros vs Xi(China)

China is the only country that can resist the globhomo advance. They are too big to be bullied by the Western degenerate elites. Cultural Marxists can be identified with glorious AI technology and quietly disappeared. Chairman Xi wants you to wait for the green light before you cross the street. If you do, you will get an increment of your social score. The leftists thugs of the West want you to think the right degenerate thoughts 24/7. That is the meaning of totalitarianism. A dictator just cares that you obey the rules. A totalitarian demands you think the right thoughts. Your children will be taught the virtues of LGBT starting in Kindergarten. By the time they reach 13 they will have changed sex at least once and will hate you. They will report you, if you say anything politically incorrect. If I wasn't a white monkey, I would move to China.

Rico... Sauve....

Soros vs Xi(China)

Soros is a whore.

Anyway with that being said:

"Qiao Liang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, “Unrestricted War.”
In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories and concluded that the U.S. enforces the dollar as the global currency to preserve its hegemony over the world. The U.S. will try everything, including war, to maintain the dollar’s dominance in global trading. He also discussed China’s strategy, to rise as a super power, amid the U.S.’s containment."

I don´t know if the speech is true or false. But worth reading regardless.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-27-2019 03:30 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

I'd like to add that the reason China got this big is that too many Western nations simply ignored them. Whenever you bring up China you get *shrugs* and this is exactly why they're in our backyard now buying up property on the Iberian peninsula and Australia.

You guys really need to understand that this is not the same as Europeans buying property in Europe.

China is absolutely buying property to make moves AGAINST Europe and the West. They have a long memory and haven't gotten things like the Opium wars, Nanjing and the other shameful events they've endured when they were too weak to do anything about it.

I'm not saying you all need to up in arms, but if you see an influx of Chinese capital into your cities be suspicious. They do not do things out of the kindness of their hearts. I can't accurately say what they're setting up for but you should be as suspicious of Xi as you are of Donald, Putin, Soros, Hillary or anyone else.

The concern being raised about Chinese tech companies putting government-funded backdoors in their programs should be taken seriously. They do not have to invade us to manipulate us via technology. Think about the culture war being waged against us by "globalists" and now think about how much a powerful nation with values diametrically opposed to ours could accomplish in that arena?

I don't mean to fearmonger but ignoring China will only make things worse for your kids and grandkids. They're playing to win, not simply to "rise peacefully" or whatever bullshit they always say.

Thanks for the answer, bro. And I largely agree. However I am a bit curious, as your point of view seems to have changed somewhat. If I remember correctly, previously you have said that the Chinese were a short-sighted peasant people who play to "not lose" rather than to win, sucking up resources and think about consequences later, and rich Chinese spent most of their time thinking about how to move their money out of China. From that perspective, it would seem that buying up property in the West is just a way for the rich to move their money out of China, pursuing selfish individual advantages. So what is it that has shifted your thinking to the view that this buying trend is part of some coordinated, grand long-term strategy to pursue national agenda against the West? Even if they don't believe in all that shit about rising peacefully, how do these almost uniformly selfish people manage to act in such a coordinated manner for national interest? This is something I often found myself wondering as well.

Also, previously you also said that you could feel their conservative/traditional system was crumbling around the edges, with China becoming more like the US each passing day, and young people are more concerned with playing on their smartphone than national interest, etc. But recently you said that their social structure is fundamentally masculine and conservative. Do you mind elaborating on this point? And does it strike you that the average young Chinese care about the century of humiliation? What are the sort of people who still care about this sort of things that you have encountered in real life?

Soros vs Xi(China)

@Liberty Sea
My guess is that the average Chinese citizen can't see past their own nose and is caught up in whatever is trendy amog Chinese people.

But it's the powerful elites who are controlling the long term strategy. They influence the people to act in a way that builds up national economic power, e.g. buying property overseas, or pushing their daughters to be career women despite still professing traditional values, so that there will be a larger workforce.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 05:46 PM)Lunostrelki Wrote:  

Marxism in China isn't a watered-down or Sinicized version of the ideology, it IS the ideology, because the essential feature of Marxism is dialectical materialism and that is exactly what the Chinese Communist Party follows. They are smart enough to know that communism isn't actually about central planning or Soviet-style apartment complexes.

The question now is whether the old men in charge of China decide to keep following Marx and join forces with the Western globalists (who are also essentially communists), or keep adding "Chinese" characteristics to their regime to the point where dialectical materialism is forced out. If they take the first option then we will see more feminism, homosexuality, and other forms of "liberation" being promoted in China. If the second option is taken then we'll see Xi Jinping continue to purge the Party elite and turn himself into more of a Putin figure.

Soros' statements are a political criticism of a comrade who seems he might be going astray. The globalists are warning Xi to stop with his counterrevolutionary tendencies.

Cultural marxism is not materialism at all. Whether cultural marxism is truly dialectical is also a question. Truly dialectical oppositions should arise on their own, and not be engineered. Please note that cultural marxism is not really marxism at all; cultural marxism is a very misleading name. The dialectics of sexes was never on the radar of classical marxism. Not every dialectic is marxist in character. Ask yourself: is marxist a world where the capital concentration is greater than ever?

Anyway, I doubt in universal validity of dialectics as a principle of reality, see my post below. You have to remember also that Hegel kind of imprinted the laws of logic on the material reality. He even titled one of his books "The Science of Logic", which shows that his inspiration comes form the purely abstract realm, but, well, the West still follows Pithagoras and thus thinks that mathematics is the supreme science of the Universe. By the way, the Chinese culture did not develop logic at all.


Let's say the elite engineered homoglobism to reduce population. Alternative to that would be the world without homoglobism, the world that would be following dialectical materialism. Both worlds crash due to the ultimate resource scarcity, but what remains will be different for each case.
I suppose homoglobism was engineered to crash the Western civilization before resource crisis could crash it and to preserve some form of high tech, AI, automatization future for the chosen elite. For homoglobo plan to function, it should be adopted in the entire industrial world, non industrial world is not important, does not consume resources, so is left in peace.
So Russia and China are biggest obstacles now. Honestly don't see how they can to deal with the problem, except flying nukes. They have crashed the West too fast and so they have nothing to offer to China to buy the Chinese compliance. Russia maybe... but China is too big to buy it. I think their plan was "convergence"; China was supposed to converge in the direction of liberalism. There was a long-standing meme of "inevitable liberalization that follows affluence". I think this was a master plan: everyone converges to liberalism, goes globohomo, erases himself, elite remains on the empty globe. The end. It did not come out, and as with many plans, if they go awry, we do not know really what to do. The elite do not really know what to do now.

However, even without Russia and China problems, homoglobo plan would be in danger due to the real dialectics: homoglobism destroys intelligence, talent... The problem is that essentially male qualities are needed to continue scientific civilization. It is not really that they can pick up the few geniuses that they need, since for genius creation you need a critical mass of discussions. Nowadays too many things are engineered to provide for real scientific discoveries. However, they stopped to talk about the end of science.

The irony is that real dialectic, not the engineered one, would probably provide for a greater chance for industrial civilization to go on, since it would provide the greater amount of talent. I think that the elite know that and this is why they are so keen on AI.
What is AI ultimately? AI is a replacement of a human being, or more precisely, of a talented human being.
In my opinion, this is not possible. So I see AI movement as a sign of a growing desperation of elites. The end of science is real, and there was no real breakthrough, just a meme which still stands for bruteforcing only.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-26-2019 08:57 PM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  

What's all this talk about Social Credit Scores about I wonder. Does any of you know what it really is apart from Western media reportings? Anyone on the ground in China with street cred here (Suit, Kai, Fortis, etc.) cares to explain what Social Credit Scores really are?

Like many things there is alot to the Social Credit Scores, but the nutshell items are the following below:

1. It can be used to control/blacklist/ban travel by bus, high speed and low speed train, flights, and subway.

2. It can be used to dictate your credit scores for getting loans from banks. They did not really have a central system before for this.

3. It can be used to restrict improper speech or criticisms on Chinese Social Media.

There are more things it is intended to improve that go past those main 3 points.

A) Stop or prevent Islamic Terrorism.

B) Stop or prevent scammers and con artists.

C) Slow down the plethora of Pyramid Selling and Pyramid Business schemes currently going on.

D) Identify "disharmonious" people and possibly prevent them from doing something crazy. They do not have guns, but sometimes older men going nuts will stab people with a knife or try to stab kindergarten kids.

E) Stop frivolous lending and borrowing.

F) Provide another layer of control for Chinese students in the future for higher education.

G) Speed up passport/permits/visa scanning and checks, any turnstyle/mantrap entrances into Chinese infrastructure.

H) Slow down bad businesses from milking banks with BS promises.

I) (my opinion) Will be used to restrict social security payments to bad people and malcontents. I also think it will be used to block future employment in certain industries. This is just my guesses.

J) Stop or help prevent Hukou manipulators and scam artists. People who marry more than one person legally or attempt to defraud things like divorce, etc.

K) Stop or identify the new wave of deadbeats that rent and trash the place or similar. They now track these people when the landowners file a complaint.

As you can see it is not a cut and dry case of "Evil System". There are some good to great aspects of it. America has a current issue with mentally ill people with very easy access to guns and no longer has an Asylum system to separate or deal with those types. Because of our constitutional limits we likely have zero solution and the risk of getting shot is a daily life issue.

China is basically restricting the movements of dangerous people or even crazy people without putting them in prison or hurting them for the most part. Granted they will arrest them if they cross the line even once. Unfortunately there is a ton of room for abuse in the system. The only things that will get you in jail is posting hateful things or threatening Xi physically aside from felony like crimes like fraud. Everything else is a spank on your ass to get your attention to stop fucking around.

While they will use this system to punish feminists and ultra left wing types, they will no doubt punish Christians and others that have no ill will towards the country or it's people.

Their system when you compare it to Equifax, Trans-union, and Experian it really isn't much worse. Those 3 companies know more about you than your own parents might know and they certainly know you better than your friends and neighbors. Reading your credit reports is nothing. Check out the questions they ask you to verify your identity if something goes wrong or you file disputes. You will be like, WTF how do you know that about me?! Same thing goes for ADP payroll and processing.

China has already come out and said, only ~ a million people have a shitty score or are in trouble. That is not even one in 1 in 10 people.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 09:51 PM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2019 03:30 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

I'd like to add that the reason China got this big is that too many Western nations simply ignored them. Whenever you bring up China you get *shrugs* and this is exactly why they're in our backyard now buying up property on the Iberian peninsula and Australia.

You guys really need to understand that this is not the same as Europeans buying property in Europe.

China is absolutely buying property to make moves AGAINST Europe and the West. They have a long memory and haven't gotten things like the Opium wars, Nanjing and the other shameful events they've endured when they were too weak to do anything about it.

I'm not saying you all need to up in arms, but if you see an influx of Chinese capital into your cities be suspicious. They do not do things out of the kindness of their hearts. I can't accurately say what they're setting up for but you should be as suspicious of Xi as you are of Donald, Putin, Soros, Hillary or anyone else.

The concern being raised about Chinese tech companies putting government-funded backdoors in their programs should be taken seriously. They do not have to invade us to manipulate us via technology. Think about the culture war being waged against us by "globalists" and now think about how much a powerful nation with values diametrically opposed to ours could accomplish in that arena?

I don't mean to fearmonger but ignoring China will only make things worse for your kids and grandkids. They're playing to win, not simply to "rise peacefully" or whatever bullshit they always say.

Thanks for the answer, bro. And I largely agree. However I am a bit curious, as your point of view seems to have changed somewhat. If I remember correctly, previously you have said that the Chinese were a short-sighted peasant people who play to "not lose" rather than to win, sucking up resources and think about consequences later, and rich Chinese spent most of their time thinking about how to move their money out of China. From that perspective, it would seem that buying up property in the West is just a way for the rich to move their money out of China, pursuing selfish individual advantages. So what is it that has shifted your thinking to the view that this buying trend is part of some coordinated, grand long-term strategy to pursue national agenda against the West? Even if they don't believe in all that shit about rising peacefully, how do these almost uniformly selfish people manage to act in such a coordinated manner for national interest? This is something I often found myself wondering as well.

Also, previously you also said that you could feel their conservative/traditional system was crumbling around the edges, with China becoming more like the US each passing day, and young people are more concerned with playing on their smartphone than national interest, etc. But recently you said that their social structure is fundamentally masculine and conservative. Do you mind elaborating on this point? And does it strike you that the average young Chinese care about the century of humiliation? What are the sort of people who still care about this sort of things that you have encountered in real life?

Classic LibertySea [Image: icon_lol.gif] pulling random things I said out of context to try and point out supposed logical inconsistencies.

There's a lot to touch on there so I might need to come back later.

I will say this: There is a fundamental difference between the moves of the people (rich, poor, nong etc) and the government.

When I say that Chinese culture is fundamentally masculine, I simply mean male-dominated. You cannot enforce female power in a country where the people can't even vote. What sort of revolution are the women going to mount?

As for materialism in China, they're some of the most materialistic people on earth. I've never seen anyone buy a dog apple watches until I came to China.

As for buying up property, I thought this one was obvious. A Chinese billionaire buying up infrastructure in China is obviously the Chinese government using a catspaw. A Chinese national can't move that sorta money around China (or outside of China) without having 100000 accountants up his ass immediately.

As for short-sightedness: The Chinese do lean too much on being sneaky and not enough on actual diplomacy. Building back doors into your "allies" computer systems is a bomb waiting to happen. How do you write that off down the line considering they already have an awful reputation?

"Oh sorry, bro. It's just our culture to totally subvert our allies for lulz. kthxbai?"

China is still in the midst of learning that the rest of the world does value privacy in ways that China simply cannot understand in its present state. How do you think that sort of thing will play out in the long run other than deeper mistrust?

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Soros vs Xi(China)

This is a really good video of what was going on before Xi and what he is doing now.

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