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Conversation with a Rothchild

Conversation with a Rothchild


The first line is, of course, to avoid situations where one would need MEDICAL ATTENTION.

The americans and their "health" systems!

HEALTH? Think on that!

Americans can be thought of as follows:

There was once a landlord who offered a flat for rent. RENT!

The flat was comfortable and very well maintained! The landlord told the renter he was welcome to stay in the accommodations in exchange for a set amount of monthly toil.

The renter consented to the arrangement!

After a month, the landlord noted that the renter, upon exiting the flat, used a knife to slash the screen in the screen door instead of simply OPENING the screen door! In the evening, the renter would tape the screen closed with tape.

Although the landlord was angry, he was also curious why the renter went to so much trouble to slit and repair the screen rather than simply open the door! He decided to observe rather than confront!

Of course, over time, the screen was "opened" and "closed" so many times that it was completely shredded and useless for its intended purpose!

The renter registered a complaint to the landlord and DEMANDED he fix the DEFECTIVE DOOR!

If you were the landlord, how would you answer the tenants complaint?

Consider this as an allegory to DRINKING ALCOHOL!

The LIVER is essentially a SCREEN!

ALCOHOL, over time, destroys the liver/screen!


The HUMAN, learning his FATE, cries to the LANDLORD for a NEW SCREEN! DEMANDS a new SCREEN!

In both cases, the need for a new screen could have easily been avoided by not ruining the first one!

Don't waste the LANDLORDS time!


Drinking alcohol is ONLY ONE EXAMPLE!

Look at what you eat!

What you breathe!

How you "invest" your energy!

and on and on and on!

Humans create their own dilemmas and seek others for remedy!

Are you understanding, human?

Live a life following NATURAL LAW and you will not fret on such things!


Hello Brazil and Welcome!

You have also posted some thoughtful questions and have comprehended my posts for the most part. And you have expressed yourself quite well in English!

Generally you are correct. I would add that the process is OBSERVATION, which leads to KNOWLEDGE, which leads to WISDOM. There is also the application of scientific principals, by which a hypothesis is formed and TESTED, to confirm that the observed phenomena is correctly understood. And don't forget, a LAW, by scientific definition is a fact set which cannot accommodate exceptions to the LAW. MOST IMPORTANT! If you have indeed discovered a NATURAL LAW, you will be unable to demonstrate a case where the LAW does not apply. If there is such a case, it is NOT a LAW.

The LAW of GRAVITY, for example. Very repeatable anywhere in the known world. No exceptions!Nor are there exceptions to NATURAL LAW.

From these basic precepts and standards the NATURAL LAW IS those who take the time to understand.

NATURAL LAW, is endlessly complex in it's simplicity. TRUE BEAUTY INCARNATE. Of course, once the NATURAL LAWS are understood, they must be ADHERED to, or the consequences PAID.

To your question on JUSTICE. It is a human construct and has no NATURAL LAW is one of the major "BEAUTIFUL LIES".

Consider my earlier example of MONOPOLY, a popular board game. Imagine 4 children playing the game, all who have formed a social contract to abide by the rules. As the game progresses, one child is found to be cheating. The others are angry and the arguments escalate until one child hits the "cheater" who runs to mother for adjudication of the issue. While the three children cheated feel the punishment administered was fair, the mother would chide the child doing the hitting..."stop it, it's just a game". So both sides feel that their position was the just one, and whatever YOU choose to believe is similarly arbitrary. Arbitrary construct based on subjective belief systems.

NATURAL LAW would be neutral. If the cheater pulled it off, he would be rewarded with recognition and flattery for his gaming skills. If caught and punished, NATURE is satisfied as well. He did not have the skill set necessary to cheat and paid a price for his failure. The lad will "learn" to either not try cheating again, or hone his cheating skills so he would not be caught the next time. Feedback loop, and should the cheating skill set be enhanced, his bloodline would benefit!

Not to suggest that adults in societies positions of power; banking, politics, business media etc WOULD EVER CHEAT!

Oh my no!

Or perhaps those were the childhood type experiences which gave them the winning advantage as adults!

Laughing out Loud!!!

One other example.

Think of a rural Irish village in the earlier years when the Roman Catholic Church ruled the land with an iron fist.

Let us say that Sean, a local farmer who was known to imbibe to excess, failed to plant his potato crop one spring. Despite his wife pleading and begging, he spent his evenings at the pub and mornings asleep.

Fall comes and he has nothing to eat. As the snow falls, he becomes hungry and goes door to door begging for scraps to eat. The neighbors refuse to help! The church similarly closes their door to the hapless drunk.

Sean is found face down in a local ditch. The neighbors all say that he got his "just desserts" or the he got what was "coming to him". The parish priest lectured that Sunday of the evils of alcohol and the importance of thrift and industry.

Some might argue that Sean's treatment by his neighbors and church was unjust. But notice how each group uses the facts of the matter to further their own particular agenda, and that the agenda is couched in issues of morality, justice and virtues which are entirely created and maintained by humans, NONE of WHICH (except SURVIVAL) actually exist in NATURE.

In the NATURAL world, if one animal fails to prepare for harsh conditions, it dies. The others in the group are not affected whatsoever and move on after rooting out anything of value from their fallen comrade.

As to breaching the knowledge gap, there is no knowledge gap to breach. One knows or doesn't know. It may have taken TESLA 5 years to uncover a particular NATURAL LAW, but it would only take a week or month perhaps for him to teach another, if he were so inclined. One does not need to travel the same path for the discovery of each NATURAL LAW. Ideally, groups would work independently and share their discoveries for the advancement of the human race. However, as with the potato guy, one cannot expect another to do all the "work" and then expect a knowledge handout later after contributing NOTHING!

In terms of the posters who are critical of our accomplishments, and the sorry fellow saying he has no choices in why he finds himself unhappy!

Almost every human now has access to a computer and the internet...vast information and computing powers!


Conversation with a Rothchild

Someone in the "hollywood is a satanic cult" thread posted this. I read the original. It is definitely a larp but there's a lot of good info contained within.

1. family is all you have and all you need.
2. Do not buy into big media, pharma or anything else. It's designed to make you stupid and suggestible.
3. Find a young wife and keep her far away from all this bullshit
4. Think beyond your lifetime. How can you set up your kids and grandkids to carry the flame
5. Cut expenses and lower your financial profile. Do not make yourself a target.
6. Reinvest gains in knowledge and not gucci gang gucci gang idiot bullshit (see #2).
7. cut sugar and carbs and all that processed bullshit. Stick to lean meats, fats, and veggies.
8. Make learning interesting for you and your kids so that you're not a fucking moron.

There were a few other really good points he made but I can't recall since I read it all last summer. It might be due for a re-read.

He even suggested a few good books to check out. Mostly financial and health-related.
The shit about nano-robots and RH- blood is mostly noise. It may be significant from an occult standpoint but how much does that shit really matter in your day to day life?

I was mostly dissapointed with that godlikeproductions crowd. They were too fixated on the vampire conspiracy theory bullshit and not enough on asking the big, actionable questions:

1. What are the next big tech innovations on the way to fuck us over and what are some of the ways out of it.
2. Which countries would make for good safe havens?
3. How do you deprogram family members from all this bullshit?
4. Which countries don't fit into the Rothschild grand scheme
5. Where does Asia fit in all of this?

He brings up some interesting legal stuff too. He kept hinting at some way to skirt property taxes and keep land without getting it taxed out from under you. Also brings up the point that we mostly enslave ourselves by blindly following laws and regulations that we know are bad for us. I think he used the example of Income tax and said something the effect of if 40% of people didn't pay it then it would cease to be a law by some measure built into the American legal system. I'm embarrassingly ignorant in regards to law but it did pique my curiosity.

Ultimately, if you follow the advice of Roosh, GLL and other manosphere types then you'd avoid most of the shit that the Rothschild guy talks about. His advice mostly boiled down to do not clutter your mind and life with peripheral bullshit. Build up yourself, build up your family and you'll ride out any storm while everyone else is fucked.

The bloodline cultivation stuff is sorta goofy but it makes sense. Fortunes die after three generations but I do think more westerners could be less selfish and think long-term. I'm slowly learning that. I see my father and grandfather doing this and it makes sense. Legacy building, not just for yourself, but for your family's long-term health.

Anyway sorry for the scattered reply.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-02-2019 04:40 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Someone in the "hollywood is a satanic cult" thread posted this. I read the original. It is definitely a larp but there's a lot of good info contained within.

1. family is all you have and all you need.
2. Do not buy into big media, pharma or anything else. It's designed to make you stupid and suggestible.
3. Find a young wife and keep her far away from all this bullshit
4. Think beyond your lifetime. How can you set up your kids and grandkids to carry the flame
5. Cut expenses and lower your financial profile. Do not make yourself a target.
6. Reinvest gains in knowledge and not gucci gang gucci gang idiot bullshit (see #2).
7. cut sugar and carbs and all that processed bullshit. Stick to lean meats, fats, and veggies.
8. Make learning interesting for you and your kids so that you're not a fucking moron.

There were a few other really good points he made but I can't recall since I read it all last summer. It might be due for a re-read.

He even suggested a few good books to check out. Mostly financial and health-related.
The shit about nano-robots and RH- blood is mostly noise. It may be significant from an occult standpoint but how much does that shit really matter in your day to day life?

I was mostly dissapointed with that godlikeproductions crowd. They were too fixated on the vampire conspiracy theory bullshit and not enough on asking the big, actionable questions:

1. What are the next big tech innovations on the way to fuck us over and what are some of the ways out of it.
2. Which countries would make for good safe havens?
3. How do you deprogram family members from all this bullshit?
4. Which countries don't fit into the Rothschild grand scheme
5. Where does Asia fit in all of this?

He brings up some interesting legal stuff too. He kept hinting at some way to skirt property taxes and keep land without getting it taxed out from under you. Also brings up the point that we mostly enslave ourselves by blindly following laws and regulations that we know are bad for us. I think he used the example of Income tax and said something the effect of if 40% of people didn't pay it then it would cease to be a law by some measure built into the American legal system. I'm embarrassingly ignorant in regards to law but it did pique my curiosity.

Ultimately, if you follow the advice of Roosh, GLL and other manosphere types then you'd avoid most of the shit that the Rothschild guy talks about. His advice mostly boiled down to do not clutter your mind and life with peripheral bullshit. Build up yourself, build up your family and you'll ride out any storm while everyone else is fucked.

The bloodline cultivation stuff is sorta goofy but it makes sense. Fortunes die after three generations but I do think more westerners could be less selfish and think long-term. I'm slowly learning that. I see my father and grandfather doing this and it makes sense. Legacy building, not just for yourself, but for your family's long-term health.

Anyway sorry for the scattered reply.

Those are legitimate points I expect a Rothschild (or any educated, nonpozzed elite member) to make with respect to maintaining the family line. It is a system, but a system that can be maintained by setting goals and sticking to them. Akin to the self-improvement points that the Manosphere takes up upon themselves.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Nitpick but he specifically recommended avoiding meat altogether. According to AC, it means if you do well on meat, he just doesn't care about you. (On the other hand, he could be a LARP that is just a kooky vegetarian/alkaline dieter). Also it's bizarre, if fats are good why do lean meat?

Also he never actually said anything about a young wife, as far as I can remember.

This is sort of more important than it might seem. I suspect this is a big reason why Jordan Peterson is praised a lot. He is very broad and vague, and people fill in the blanks, and rationalise things they disagree with. And it's how cold readers get away with that they do.

Conversation with a Rothchild

I can't be arsed to go back and find it for you but he does specifically recommend a young, virgin wife who has not been fucked by other dudes. He says as much. His reasoning was something akin to the more other cocks she's had the more likely she is to be mentally damaged and inculcated by feminist swill.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-03-2019 08:16 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

I can't be arsed to go back and find it for you but he does specifically recommend a young, virgin wife who has not been fucked by other dudes. He says as much. His reasoning was something akin to the more other cocks she's had the more likely she is to be mentally damaged and inculcated by feminist swill.

My apologies if you're right(heh- he even tells us not to apologise!). I've read through most of it and couldn't remember seeing it.

Conversation with a Rothchild

People (especially men) who don't eat meat get all sorts of mental problems, and tend towards being neurotic, and/or paranoid and/or unstable in various ways.
Just hang around vegans and/or vegetarians and you'll see what I mean.

I agree with a lot of what this guy says, but the point about not eating meat makes no sense.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (01-25-2019 04:45 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

That's an interesting thought Aurini, How will someone go about finding the right person or themselves and their children to strengthen their bloodlines?

If you have to ask this question, it's better you forget the topic and move on.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Anonymous Conservative :


Final thought for the day. As I look at young women today, I feel that Rothschild discussion expanding and unraveling into my brain, affecting every aspect of it. Beautiful women still have their allure. But now there is a pause, as I realize how little simple beauty has to do with building an amazing bloodline. The next time you see a beautiful woman stop and try to assess, what is her skill level in mathematics? How literate is she in the biological sciences? How much brainpower does she have? Is there a steadfast, loyal aspect to her personality which can set aside emotion, and fear, and self interest, in pursuit of a greater purpose? How physically capable is she? How devoted will she be to making her kids the absolute best in every facet of their development, even at complete expense to herself? Compare that beautiful “10”, say Heidi Klum in her prime (an astonishing airhead, who has gone through men like nobody’s business), to a lower “7” who has all the other traits in spades. As you ponder this, you will begin to realize that “having kids” is something vastly different from “perfecting the bloodline.” As you look at couples, ask how many merely hooked up to have kids because they were not carefully seeking the traits that mattered, and they felt good together. It will give you a better understanding of what we have been up against over the generations, and how it has programmed all of society to view reproduction as merely an easy accomplishment, however you might do it, rather than a difficult endeavor that requires careful planning to attain something which is the absolute best you can possibly ever accomplish, so there will be a steady improvement from generation to generation. It will also highlight why every K-strategist needs to follow Heartiste and Krauser, and understand the lessons they are giving. Every K needs to begin playing the bloodline game, and then drilling its importance into their children.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-03-2019 09:57 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

People (especially men) who don't eat meat get all sorts of mental problems, and tend towards being neurotic, and/or paranoid and/or unstable in various ways.
Just hang around vegans and/or vegetarians and you'll see what I mean.

I agree with a lot of what this guy says, but the point about not eating meat makes no sense.

Look at Jim Carrey, he's been a vegan for 5 years! The only reason he feels spiritual these days is because he's closer to death every passing year and a gaunt bastard. His visions are literally his brain begging for nutrition and the engine is giving up with no substance in it. This will feel like ecstasy, but its how they want all of us, too out of it, in delerium to give a shit.

The nomads of our (now bygone ancient) world used to consider lean meat useless and of little value and instead ate organ and fatty meats by the bucket load. Straight to the fattiest part of the animal, it was the ideal prize. I should do a data sheet on this thing.

I guarantee that if Jim Carrey bites into a great big ribeye or striploin steak again, he'll realize he doesn't care about politics nearly as much as he thinks he does.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Don't forget the daft suggestions to put lithium into the drinking water supply...

Conversation with a Rothchild

Hey, fluoride is just as good.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-21-2019 08:11 PM)911 Wrote:  

Hey, fluoride is just as good.

That's sodium fluoride to be more specific...

Conversation with a Rothchild

A soluble fluoride salt.

[Image: bashash-2017.from-fig2-simplified-1-768x768.png]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Conversation with a Rothchild

Your kids will have 50% of your dna
Grandkids 25%
Great grand kids 12.5%
Great great grand kids 6.25%
Great great great grand kids 3.125%
Great great great great grand kids 1.5625%
Great great great great great grand kids .78125%

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-21-2019 03:37 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2019 09:57 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

People (especially men) who don't eat meat get all sorts of mental problems, and tend towards being neurotic, and/or paranoid and/or unstable in various ways.
Just hang around vegans and/or vegetarians and you'll see what I mean.

I agree with a lot of what this guy says, but the point about not eating meat makes no sense.

The nomads of our (now bygone ancient) world used to consider lean meat useless and of little value and instead ate organ and fatty meats by the bucket load. Straight to the fattiest part of the animal, it was the ideal prize. I should do a data sheet on this thing.

I really wish I had a taste for organ and fatty meat. I find it to be the worst-tasting part of the animal. I do like fatty cuts for stews though. I've been eating a lot of stews lately and I throw chunks of fat in for more flavor and thickness and I do notice a lot more energy.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-21-2019 10:10 PM)uhriginal Wrote:  

Your kids will have 50% of your dna
Grandkids 25%
Great grand kids 12.5%
Great great grand kids 6.25%
Great great great grand kids 3.125%
Great great great great grand kids 1.5625%
Great great great great great grand kids .78125%

Another way of looking at this notion of 'legacy'.
Ask the average individual, what their great grandfathers favourite food was or what their great uncles occupations were & most folk would have no clue.
I say that knowing full well it applies to me.

Aside from base cultural heritage or knowing what you're grandparents were up to or maybe the odd inheritance.
The notion of legacy doesn't seem to manifest into anything tangible for most folk.

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