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There is no plan

There is no plan

There is talk about a conscious destruction of society, a scheme being made to deliberately change things, a careful plan being logically devised with a clear end goal. But what if there is no plan?

If you think of mankind as an organism that works together, and that undergoes different stages of a cycle, then we really have no free will in the grand scheme of things, and are doomed to go through the phases of the cycle, acting subconsciously in crucial moments of it.

I can't think of a mind being logically driven to cause what is happening now, and watching men of great influence like George Soros and Joseph Nye speak, it seems they have no clue of what is happening, they never speak of it. As if they're acting on a preset function, with no ability to see outside their perspective.

Soros talks about the problems of greed, and suggests that politicians and heads of companies be more moral, instead of approaching their careers in a selfish/monetary way, but then proceeds to act in the same way he's condemning. He knows about the degeneracy, and hates it, yet has no escape from it.

These men don't lie, they genuinely believe that what they're doing is beneficial to society. The only explanation must then be that they are acting out of instinct, as is everyone. People seem to subconsciously want society to collapse--as if the degeneracy is getting to everyone--and they see no way out.

When no one can handle the sickness, they don't instinctively seek to alleviate it, they instead seek to completely destroy everything, do a complete reset, and start over from scratch.

This is, as I understand it, the cycle of a human society.

There is no plan

I don't believe that a secret cabal is running everything. I think the ways that history and societies evolve are too chaotic for a secret group to truly control and direct. Also, I believe there must inevitably be factions and rivalries even at the highest levels.

I do think there are a number of elite groups who are trying to run things, but they have limited ability to truly control outcomes. I think bankers are one of the biggest forces worldwide, with something like 10 to 15% of all human economic activity being paid to bankers as interest and fees. This is a bad thing.

I think the Bilderberg, Davos and G20 gatherings are an attempt to steer things. There groups are dominated by bankers and the heads of the largest multinational corporations.

Finally, you have the Jews, who are heavily present in banking, government, media, and the elite universities and think tanks.. I don't believe they have any kind of unified leadership. They all just follow a gameplan that has evolved within their culture. That game plan tends to focus on encouraging immigration and degeneracy in their host countries. Jews fear living highly nationalistic, homogeneous host cultures, and prefer pluralistic, cosmopolitan cultures. Unfortunately, history shows that the pluralistic, cosmopolitan phase of a great civilization is usually followed by its collapse.

The root of the problem in my opinion is human nature. Humans feel oppressed by social and legal forces that enforce hard work, thrift, and social conformity. When social movements promote women's liberation, minority rights, gay rights, welfare rights, and so on, these are very popular, and soon you end up with the situation today in which the demands of the dependant classes have a voting majority, and so they effectively rule over the productive classes.

None of the bankers or Jews or SJWs would ever have any success if a majority of people didn't want what is being peddled. The elites will try to control things as this whole messy situation plays out, while the continued advances in technology will change the rules of the game. Nobody can know how it will all turn out.

All we can do is look after ourselves and our loved ones, and try to be resilient and try to prosper.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

There is no plan

I agree. Through my family connections, and with my work in finance, I am in contact with many eminent members of the European elites and I have never seen any trace of a plan. As far as I know, the elites are as brainwashed as the people they lead. Most of them are recruited on the basis of compliance with the system already in place. If you have some critical sense you immediately stand out - in a bad way.

As a result, the elites are made of people who are very smart and efficient, but also very naive, and lacking critical sense. No political culture, no sense of history. They repeat what their boss (senior technocrat) told them when they were junior technocrats, because it has worked well for them so far. They generally work long hours, so they have no time to talk to people and find out what’s really happening outside CNN. They live in gated communities or privileged areas where they do not see the damage they are doing. They think globalization is so cool because their daughter studied business in Shanghai.

So there is no *conscious* plan. But there is a concerted effort to promote short term profitability at the expense of social well being: draw women and immigrants into the workforce to lower wages, break social structures to increase the power of the State, reduce people to pure consumers etc...

There is no plan

We humans think way too high of ourselfs for our own good. Somehow we have fooled ourself into believing we are not animals. That we are above our basic evolutionary instincts. But we are not. All these special human qualities we ascribe to ourself are just a thin layer on top of our monkey brain.

To be able to "see" this "secret plan" you only have to throw a bunch of bananas in the direction of a group of monkeys.

One monkey runs towards the closest banana and begins eating. Another monkey grabs a bunch of bananas and runs away. Yet another monkey grabs a stick and beats his buddy untill he drops his bananas. And yet another monkey sits in a corner afraid to get close to a banana.

We are just monkeys. Monkeys able to craft fighter airplanes.

[Image: mb5nYED.jpg]

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

There is no plan

Kind of reminds me of a recent article by Aaron Clarey;

We envisage a lot of elaborate shenanigans that may or may not be true, but ultimately everything comes down to ...
........ Vagina!

I'd recommend reading the whole article. It's funny if nothing else. Might even be true.


This is not to be shocking or crass, but to be direct and as accurate as possible. The world's democracies are moving towards communism because of vagina. Because if you think about it vagina has always determined where the world went and how it worked. And it isn't any different this time as vagina definitely wants to live in a communist economy. And the reason I don't say "women" is because it is NOT solely women who are determining this. But both women (who own the world's supply of vaginas) and men who (for the most part) will do whatever the vagina tells them, are responsible for our doomed path towards communism and the inevitable demise that awaits us all.

First, look at a quick and simple boiling down of history.

Nearly every war, battle, fight, or raid conducted in ancient times was for one thing and one thing only. Vagina. Yes, men fought each other because maybe we didn't like each other. Yes, vikings would raid villages here and there to get loot, livestock, and goods. And yes, all of European history is men (and some women) killing each other all so they could be "king/queen" which translates into "I don't have to work for a living anymore." But don't think for a second it wasn't because vagina was at the end of it. European men put their lives at risk to achieve such positions of power and wealth so they could fuck. Genghis Khan wasn't going for a long western stroll for shits and giggles. And vikings didn't sail their rickety ships across the North Sea to the UK just to steal some sheep. They were there to pillage AND rape (your lovable Captain being a by-product of viking's pursuing vagina some 1300 years earlier). In short, history is nothing more than the various machinations and permutated strategies of men pursuing vagina. Yes, there are some interesting stories that occur along the way, but if you calculated the percent of calories expended by ALL men over ALL of history it would look like this:

[Image: chart.png]

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

There is no plan

Quote: (11-29-2018 11:23 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

I agree. Through my family connections, and with my work in finance, I am in contact with many eminent members of the European elites and I have never seen any trace of a plan. As far as I know, the elites are as brainwashed as the people they lead. Most of them are recruited on the basis of compliance with the system already in place. If you have some critical sense you immediately stand out - in a bad way.

As a result, the elites are made of people who are very smart and efficient, but also very naive, and lacking critical sense. No political culture, no sense of history. They repeat what their boss (senior technocrat) told them when they were junior technocrats, because it has worked well for them so far. They generally work long hours, so they have no time to talk to people and find out what’s really happening outside CNN. They live in gated communities or privileged areas where they do not see the damage they are doing. They think globalization is so cool because their daughter studied business in Shanghai.

So there is no *conscious* plan. But there is a concerted effort to promote short term profitability at the expense of social well being: draw women and immigrants into the workforce to lower wages, break social structures to increase the power of the State, reduce people to pure consumers etc...

This is correct. I couldn't stand it, so I got out of finance (after collecting my fair share of the fat paychecks).

There is no plan

Believing in one "united-front endgame" like those of the Illumunati, the Jooze, the financiers, the politocos, etc. controlling things is fairly akin to being a religious zealot imo. It's just a matter of who you believe is at the very top.

But, like the common sentiment of "why would God allow [terrible thing] to happen?", there are too many unpredictable events that occur for there to really be one long-term philosophy to reach an end goal by one small group controlling everyone else.

There is no plan

Just fyi, check out Flux's basic bitch shilling in the JQ thread to get an idea of where this guy is coming from. I wouldn't be surprised if he and at least one of the other Sep/Oct 2018 newbs in this thread are sock puppet accounts.

There is no plan

Quote: (11-29-2018 09:43 AM)Flux Wrote:  

I can't think of a mind being logically driven to cause what is happening now, and watching men of great influence like George Soros and Joseph Nye speak, it seems they have no clue of what is happening, they never speak of it. As if they're acting on a preset function, with no ability to see outside their perspective.

Great insight. I think you're exactly right. In my experience, almost nobody, however smart, is really thinking about the long term consequences of big trends in society.

For most people, it's just impossible. People are still just animals...we live in the here and now. We don't think more than a few weeks ahead at most.

Very, very few men can think about the larger trends of society. Those men, hey no surprise, often end up great leaders. Lincoln. Teddy Roosavelt. Martin Luther King. Trump (although he's extremely caustic and temperamental, Trump have a very powerful long-term vision). Some of the big business leaders...I think Bill Gates is pretty brilliant about the long term.

Women however, as smart as they might be, are almost completely unable to separate their own emotions from the needs of the long term. I know a lot of really brilliant women, actually, including several aunts who are at a very high level. But I've also seen this real blind spot they have... whenever something threatens them personally, or threatens their feminine self-image, for example if they feel personally attacked ... instantly their intellectual mind shuts off and they go into kneejerk reaction mode, and it's ALWAYS about THEM. There are a few exceptions to this: Margaret Thatcher. Queen Elizabeth (what is it about those Brit women, they can be tough cookies, but only in very rare cases). Other women like Merkle are merely high-end bureaucrats.

All of this is due to the fact that women are genetically wired NOT to sacrifice themselves for others. Men are genetically wired and trained to sacrifice their own needs to save women and children. Women will NEVER sacrifice their own needs for men. That's why women in the military will inevitably fail, and why women will never be 50% of the government leaders.

Give an average women a huge amount of power, for example Steve Jobs' widow, and they will inevitably blow it on trivial SJW bullshit, the whims of the moment. The difference between how Steve Jobs deployed his power, and how his widow is not deploying his estate, is breathtaking.

Anyway I'm ranting about women again, go figure.

There is no plan


I am absolutely convinced.

I've been living in EE, and this trip back home...Jesus.

I can't watch TV...

The demographic is CRAZY...

Guys are rocking around wearing skirts, and nail polish and mascara...and they actually think it's cool.

The financial pressure on the middle class is unreal...

Sabrina the teenage witch has bathomet horns now??

Man, there's a plan for sure...

There is no plan

Just scrolling through this thread...

'I'm in conatct with elites....[there's no plan...]

People I know have said...'I know someone who works in music with name indie bands', 'a friend of a friend of a Hollywood actress', someone who worked as a consultant for a major political party (and sat in on top level meetings)'

I can see them smirk, like 'yeah, these conspiracy theories are for the little people so FAR from this world, but I'VE actually met them. Conspiracy pfff!'

Like they'd confide in YOU (I wanna say)...

Like they've sworn to secrecy and will have their 'tongue pulled through their neck' if they ever dare reveal secrets to ANYONE (except YOU)...

It's so arrogant...

Anyway, it's not how it works.

I've never spoken of this to anyone, but I'm pretty sure I had an offer once, and it was pretty opaque. Plausibly deniable.

There's nothing concrete, but they know

Just ask DMX.

(Just to be clear - not attacking anyone at all, just the idea)

There is no plan

Quote: (11-29-2018 11:23 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

I agree. Through my family connections, and with my work in finance, I am in contact with many eminent members of the European elites and I have never seen any trace of a plan. As far as I know, the elites are as brainwashed as the people they lead. Most of them are recruited on the basis of compliance with the system already in place. If you have some critical sense you immediately stand out - in a bad way.

As a result, the elites are made of people who are very smart and efficient, but also very naive, and lacking critical sense. No political culture, no sense of history. They repeat what their boss (senior technocrat) told them when they were junior technocrats, because it has worked well for them so far. They generally work long hours, so they have no time to talk to people and find out what’s really happening outside CNN. They live in gated communities or privileged areas where they do not see the damage they are doing. They think globalization is so cool because their daughter studied business in Shanghai.

So there is no *conscious* plan. But there is a concerted effort to promote short term profitability at the expense of social well being: draw women and immigrants into the workforce to lower wages, break social structures to increase the power of the State, reduce people to pure consumers etc...

Most peoples are victims ideological subversion. I cannot think freely but think through the lens of a framework. Only until you attempt to reason with contradicting frameworks that you come closing to have a sense knowledge that mirrors an image of truth.

There is no plan

I'v worked at many jobs, and I can tell you for sure: I don't believe in owners.

Like there is some person behind the whole thing, steering the ship or something?

I have seen employees, they are definitely real, as well as managers, who seem just as compliant as the other employees, just a little smarter and hard working.

The idea though that there is a class beyond that, some founder or something who built it from scratch and has plans for its future, well, never seen it.

Never met an owner. Never seen an owner. Not buying it.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

There is no plan

Right. Like ask 95% of people who owns the company they work for and they'll have no clue...

There is no plan

Quote: (11-29-2018 11:23 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

I agree. Through my family connections, and with my work in finance, I am in contact with many eminent members of the European elites and I have never seen any trace of a plan.

So there is no *conscious* plan.

But then who do I blame for my fucked-up life?

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

There is no plan

This is a naive take. There are plans in every organization, from local businesses to big media outlets. I had a plan with a cohesive agenda with ROK, and that's just a blog. Every organization has an agenda they want to push. You better believe that the people with the most power in the world also have a plan to maintain that power.

There is no plan

OP's starting to get the Shill Reputation... just sayin!!

There is no plan

@Roosh There are many international discussion groups, and these people do meet and are all friends, but they seem to be acting out of own self interest, and to survive, rather than truly scheming the future, devising a grand plan.


While we should never give up our principles, we must also realize that we cannot maintain our principles unless we survive.

That's a quote by Henry Kissinger, and I think it applies a lot more than we think. When people are afraid they act in stupid ways, and that might be what we're seeing. A lot of our society resembles Weimar Germany, and they'd know that stage is extremely dangerous... They might be acting out of desperation, and in turn making things worse for themselves.

If things were going well these drastic steps would not be taken. I see vulnerability, not a mastermind.

@Captain Gh I'm genuinely writing my thoughts on the forum, my logical leaps, and ideas. I have no agenda, simply exploring to figure out the truth.

There is no plan

The issues you guys are trying to explain aren't conspiracies, they are "spirit of the age" problems which are problems with every age, just hidden or less manifest in one age as compared to the next. Those that have wealth and power do things to preserve wealth and power. This is precisely where Montrose nailed it when he said,

Quote: (11-29-2018 11:23 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

So there is no *conscious* plan. But there is a concerted effort to promote short term profitability at the expense of social well being: draw women and immigrants into the workforce to lower wages, break social structures to increase the power of the State, reduce people to pure consumers etc...

Give selfish humans opportunity long enough (think America, 1960s) and it devolves to what we now see. Other places it's half that time, some places instantly, depending on other leadership factors within the society and "help" from outside ...

It is the fundamental problem with this world, if not obedient to God, rebellion and degeneracy will reign. Very archetypal. And people have gotten very good at making people forget the past (our eternal past, present and future is with God our Father, think of it, every action currently is a form of patricide --- and you wonder why things are so chaotic!), or dulling them with superficial, instant goodies employing the ideological subversion Polymath Guru referred to. Yuri Bezmenov explained this all to a T over 30 years ago. He's not going to be able to talk about all the forks in the road or eventualities (because it's hard to predict who steps up to stop it and if he will be successful) but his accuracy is incontrovertible. Even then they were grooming language like "Social Justice" to be used on a massive scale in our time for the brainwashed lemmings to recite over and over. Remember: demoralization, destabilization, crisis, full stock control.

Any and every power or government follows this recipe.

There is no plan

Quote: (11-29-2018 11:23 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

But there is a concerted effort to promote short term profitability at the expense of social well being: draw women and immigrants into the workforce to lower wages, break social structures to increase the power of the State, reduce people to pure consumers etc...

Sure sounds like a plan to me...

There is no plan

The OP confuses "there is no fate" with "there is no plan."

There is no fate determining your outcomes, but the idea that there is no plan contradicts the globosocialist "plans" they have put in writing, and what is in plain sight.

The only way to attempt to achieve the below is to make you and me into slaves. Where else are they going to get the energy to MAKE poor people not poor and MAKE women equal and MAKE the unsanitary of this world sanitary.

Quoted from the link above:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

There is no plan

From working in media, if you detect a bias, you can be absolutely sure that they have it written on a white board at editorial meetings plain as day. Eg. "Let's have interracial couples but only black male white female". It's in plain sight and we spend our time wondering "are they really pushing an agenda?" Of course. We even know where the big boys meet to share their big whiteboard bullet points. Davos, Bilderberg, CFR, etc.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

There is no plan

@Off The Reservation

A world in which every woman and girl enjoys full gender equality and all legal, social and economic barriers to their empowerment have been removed. A just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met.

That means they get more power... I get it, there are many power hungry people, but there is also their individual insecurities. I see their weakness from a mile away.

They might have a conscious plan but their subconscious is betraying them. My point is that there is a larger force at work, the force of our nature, and none can disobey it no matter what conscious front they put.

They think they're going one place, but they're going another, and have no free will to stop it.

There is no plan

Francisco Lopes Suasso financed William of Orange and the Glorious Revolution back in 1688 ( Coincidentally, the world's first central bank (Bank of England) opened in 1694.

Daniel Itzig and Veitel Ephraim were Frederick the Great's bankers and during the Seven Years' War (1760s) devalued the Prussian coin five times. (

The Rothschilds "almost single-handedly" financed the British war effort in the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). (

Jacob Schiff saved the Empire of Japan by lending it a vast amount of money in the Russo-Japanese War (1904). (

This list can really go on endlessly.

What do all of the men above have in common? They were all devout Jews. And they all had devout Jewish wives and countless children.

Since those times, these families have suffered no setbacks. They have financed every major war effort around the world and profited doubly because war = destruction and destruction = rebuilding and rebuilding = loans.

If a single Jewish family was powerful enough to finance the fucking Glorious Revolution or the entire British Empire a few hundred years ago, then just how powerful are they now?

Soros is new money. That's why he's on stage. Every Jew that's on stage is new money. The old money masters are far behind the scenes and completely untouchable. We don't even know many of these people exist because their births were never registered.

Carry on. You either get it or you don't. And acquaint yourself with the basic supremacist tenet of Judaism: Jews are the chosen race of masters. Goyim were created by Yahweh to serve them.

There is no plan

^^Spare me the bullshit.

Intelligence comes and goes in families. The Rothschilds have lost their stars, they have no great men left in their family. The Rockefellers had a nice run too, but now have also lost their stars.

Power doesn't stay in families because intelligence runs in the mtDNA, and women don't display it, so it's pretty much impossible to have generations of geniuses within a family. The noble European houses did it best, but it ultimately failed.

The Rothschilds kept theirs through inbreeding, but that can only last so long, and they're no longer doing that. Even Jews now are mixing with other races and that will lead to a loss of intelligence.

Jews are just like a royal house, but they will eventually fall too.

Your way of thinking is toxic--these people are weak and beatable, they show it everyday. The reason the world has been so unstable for its entire history, is because power and talent is born unexpectedly. Nature runs the show, God even, not the plans of humans.

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