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Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:07 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:50 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

You take it daily? Or just during a high risk encounter?

I feel like having heterosexual sex only (penis to vagina), in a first world country, with a condom. You're pretty much covered.

You probably 1000x your risk if you're doing Ladyboys in the ass, raw, whilst doing a drug bender.

Everyday. It takes time to build up in your system.

See my earlier post about the odds of getting HIV. Its not about the risk in a country. Its about the behavior of two people that have sex (especially if those two people bang a lot of other people).

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:46 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Spyder-- I agree 100% with you. I am married and my player days are over. But if I were to fool around a condom for sure. If the situation changes and I start banging a lot condoms and prep to ve hopefully closer to 100% safe. Then again nothing is 100% except abstinence.

Ok and thank you. Really want to help the young men here with solid advice.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 08:03 AM)wellrockthecity Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 02:39 AM)Prince Charming Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 10:51 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Here's a chart showing the risk of transmission for both male and female in all types of sexual encounters.


Does any one know why HIV TRANSMISSION is 10X higher in low income countries vs high income countries? Makes no sense to me..

Same reason why many low income people have children at teenage age in developed countries, fornicating like rabbits and ignorance regarding contraceptions.

Upper classes are not near as promiscuous, or at least have the good sense to wrap it up..
I am talking at least about Southern Europe, might be a different dynamic in the states where promiscuity is more accepted culturally.

That is bullshit. What happens is that HIV starts to spread from high risk to normal populations based on contact rate. Uncontrolled, the disease spreads into the low risk population because the frequency of high risk contacts increases, as disease prevalence in the population increases. Also, things like vertical transmission happen more often in shitty countries with poor healthcare technology and systems.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-21-2018 07:00 PM)Luther Wrote:  

A question to those of you fretting about the odds. Yes there are risks... but do you guys also avoid other risky behaviour? Would you not ride a scooter or tuk tuk in SEA? Do you back down from fights? Cower from “dangerous” people and lose your soul in the process. Would you not fuck a married woman... cuz that’ll get you killed right there.
I work alone at heights, without safety gear, that could kill me or just leave me lying incapacitated for a day or two until somebody maybe finds me. I certainly don’t worry about that (although my family does) or anything else in life killing me. I’m not going to worry about aids either. Life is short. Push your chips forward. Roll the dice.
Wrapyojunk was unlucky. So was the last guy who got hit by a bus.

No, but that does not mean that people shouldn't take basic precautions like taking PReP and using condoms if you are banging a lot of women (even trustworthy).

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

What meds are you talking about..? specifically.

What compounds exactly?

You are referring to data and opinions that are decades old. The whole HIV landscape changes every few years a decade is a lifetime ago.

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:24 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:04 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

On September 1, 2013, Morrison died at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska at the age of 44.[41] According to the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, Morrison's cause of death was cardiac arrest, resulting from multiorgan failure due to septic shock caused by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.[42] (sources ESPN.com and Wikipedia)
False positives and negatives happen. It is prudent to live a healthy and safe sexual life. Wrap it up guys.

Multi-organ failure is one of the leading side-effects of those meds. That is nothing new.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Here is what you guys should understand. HiV risk increases with contact rate (number of bangs / per week/month year). Gay, straight, tranny risk factors are important, but women (and trannys) lie about this. The more people you bang the higher your risk.

You can best mitigate the risk by taking PReP daily, using condoms, and by avoiding other high contact rate sex partners and other risk factors (trannys, women that have sex with bi/gay men, Iv drug users).

Notice in this figure that the higher number of contacts (bangs per month), the higher the HiV risk in every type of sexual encounter.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:50 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

In most countries the drugs used for PEP and PReP are identical (Truvada)

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Ok guys I am out - have a great day

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:33 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:50 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

In most countries the drugs used for PEP and PReP are identical (Truvada)

The effectiveness is different and you cannot discern who is high risk easily (women lie)

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:34 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:33 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:50 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

In most countries the drugs used for PEP and PReP are identical (Truvada)

The effectiveness is different.

What does that mean... effectiveness.

The difference is the protocol.

PEP you take a 28 day course after a risk exposure.
PReP is on-going.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

No one knows how many have HIV in Africa and other poor countries.

Do you think they go around testing millions of people?

They estimate it based on smaller populations and probably shoot way off, because of testing in areas with more prostitutes and drug users. The reliable studies that have been done in the Philippines for example, show very little HIV even among prostitutes, while the majority being the euphemistic "men who have sex with men" and drug users.


Out of a total 40.000 new HIV cases in the Phils from 2013-2018, there was only 2000 female.

Let that sink in again: 2000 out of 40.000 or 6% of total cases, this despite the absolutely massive prostitution industry in the Philippines.

Of the cases documented to be prostitutes (5000 over a 5 year period) only 5% were women and a whopping 96% were male prostitutes.

I really can't see the stats other than being very clear. Heterosexual sex, particularly vaginal sex, is a very, very small risk factor, when only 6% of new HIV cases are from women, many of whom engage in no-condom sex only due to religion.

Which is also why it would be interesting, in a completely non-judgmental manner, if OP would have answer if he had sex with ladyboys or if it could have happened without him knowing.

I guess, if OP is black, it is also worth pointing out that people of African heritage have a significantly higher risk of contracting HIV.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:38 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:34 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:33 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:50 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

In most countries the drugs used for PEP and PReP are identical (Truvada)

The effectiveness is different.

What does that mean... effectiveness.

The difference is the protocol.

PEP you take a 28 day course after a risk exposure.
PReP is on-going.

ok back real quick - lol. like a moth to the flame. Good question. Yes the protocol is different - for some reason in clinical trials they have found that the drug prevents HiV at different rates when taken pre exposure versus post exposure. nobody knows why. I wish I could tell you.

Regardless, you don't know who the nasty hoe is. Just like the OP said - he doesn't know who infected him. Take it everyday and reduce your risk

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:39 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

No one knows how many have HIV in Africa and other poor countries.

Do you think they go around testing millions of people?

They estimate it based on smaller populations and probably shoot way off, because of testing in areas with more prostitutes and drug users. The reliable studies that have been done in the Philippines for example, show very little HIV even among prostitutes, while the majority being the euphemistic "men who have sex with men" and drug users.


Out of a total 40.000 new HIV cases in the Phils from 2013-2018, there was only 2000 female.

Let that sink in again: 2000 out of 40.000 or 6% of total cases, this despite the absolutely massive prostitution industry in the Philippines.

Of the cases documented to be prostitutes (5000 over a 5 year period) only 5% were women and a whopping 96% were male prostitutes.

I really can't see the stats other than being very clear. Heterosexual sex, particularly vaginal sex, is a very, very small risk factor, when only 6% of new HIV cases are from women, many of whom engage in no-condom sex only due to religion.

Which is also why it would be interesting, in a completely non-judgmental manner, if OP would have answer if he had sex with ladyboys or if it could have happened without him knowing.

I guess, if OP is black, it is also worth pointing out that people of African heritage have a significantly higher risk of contracting HIV.

Actually, the US government gets estimates of populations from the military. The have excellent HIV surveillance of service members, US contractors, US government personnel (usaid, cia, state dept) and their families in foreign countries (some countries not all). When the military finds infected members (screening 80,000 US military personnel a day) they use contact tracing to find the nasty hoe that gave it to them in the foreign country. Then, they use these data to estimate HiV contact rate risks and prevalence in foreign countries and distribute the information in intelligence reports to soldiers in the field. Some other countries' militaries do the same, especially in high risk regions. Also, you can model the prevalence of HiV fairly accurately with limited data.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

We really need an answer to the LBQ from OP. Otherwise this thread is probably causing undue paranoia.

I knew a lot of self proclaimed straight dudes in Thailand banging LBs. These were conservative, clean cut guys not your sterotypical SEA degenerate. Thailand just fucks a lot of guys up in the head.

There's been like 5 people asking and op has dodged them. So I'm gonna assume that's a yes unless he says otherwise.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:46 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Eye opening thread. Always wrap it up, people. Lots of bragging on this forum over the years about raw dogging but thankfully I always considered that foolish.

If OP could, how do you think you got the disease, specifically? Lots of people here adhere to the belief that it's practically impossible to get HIV through heterosexual vaginal sex. I remember Cernovich even had a post that there's never been a documented case of it and that straight men with HIV are invariably IV users or on the down low.

Quote: (09-20-2018 01:51 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 05:14 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Just found out ~3 months ago. Doc said I have been infected for 2-5 years but my last test was around 4 years ago so most likely 2-3 years. Never really had any symptoms. Never experienced what they call a seroconversion (acute flu-like symptoms a few weeks after infection). Went to get a hormone test and thought I should check just to make sure. Well I'm sure now, sure that I have da hiv.

Not sure where I picked it up, most likely in Vietnam or Philippines (where I live now).

The virus had progressed so far that clinically I actually have AIDS. (A CD4% under 13% is deemed an AIDS defining condition. Mine tested at 10.5%.)

Started taking meds as soon as a found out. Took me around 2 months for the virus to become undetectable in my blood. This means its impossible for me transmit to anyone else.

I am hopeful there will be a cure in the next 10-15 years. The research looks quite promising.

Just thought I should post this as a warning for anyone raw-dogging in these parts of the world.

I probably banged around 100-150 girls during this time, the majority with a condom (probably 70-80% of the time), but sometimes it broke, we ran out or I just didn't bother because I thought it wouldn't happen to me.

I thought only gays were at risk but I guess not….

Happy to answer any questions.

No troll.

Just remember that the reason people die of AIDS is due to their immune systems getting old. That is what aids is, an old immune system in an otherwise young soma. The retrovirus forces the leukocytes to divide and divide, and eventually you get short telomeres, i.e. old cells. This in turn opens the door to all possible diseases.

I would seriously consider taking telomerase activators. Expensive yes, but it should help a lot. (I`m taking it myself in order to stop or slow down ageing in general.)

There is actually a method using gene therapy delivery of the telomerase gene that would cure AIDS right now. Not because you eliminate the virus, but rather due to full telomerase activation, meaning the HIV infected white blood cells can divide all they want, since telomerase resets the clock for each successive round of mitosis. Retroviruses are not cytocidal, it`s the accelerated cell division that is the problem. Unfortunately it`s still to expensive for mainstream use, but that might change in not to long.

Now this is interesting. Have you made a thread about these capsules and telomeres in general?

Yes, I did a long write up on it (telomeres and ageing/disease) a while back, but I wasn`t taking the capsules at the time! thread-67103.html
They came out just recently in fact, licensed by Sierra Sciences and Bill Andrews too a Kiwi company. The research behind it is solid though, but the price is annoyingly high, but it reflects development costs I think.

The TAM 818 molecule is on it`s way through the FDA system in the US, where it will probably be classified as a drug, and not a supplement like in New Zealand when it`s launched in the US. But it`s very safe though.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 12:56 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:46 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Eye opening thread. Always wrap it up, people. Lots of bragging on this forum over the years about raw dogging but thankfully I always considered that foolish.

If OP could, how do you think you got the disease, specifically? Lots of people here adhere to the belief that it's practically impossible to get HIV through heterosexual vaginal sex. I remember Cernovich even had a post that there's never been a documented case of it and that straight men with HIV are invariably IV users or on the down low.

Quote: (09-20-2018 01:51 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 05:14 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Just found out ~3 months ago. Doc said I have been infected for 2-5 years but my last test was around 4 years ago so most likely 2-3 years. Never really had any symptoms. Never experienced what they call a seroconversion (acute flu-like symptoms a few weeks after infection). Went to get a hormone test and thought I should check just to make sure. Well I'm sure now, sure that I have da hiv.

Not sure where I picked it up, most likely in Vietnam or Philippines (where I live now).

The virus had progressed so far that clinically I actually have AIDS. (A CD4% under 13% is deemed an AIDS defining condition. Mine tested at 10.5%.)

Started taking meds as soon as a found out. Took me around 2 months for the virus to become undetectable in my blood. This means its impossible for me transmit to anyone else.

I am hopeful there will be a cure in the next 10-15 years. The research looks quite promising.

Just thought I should post this as a warning for anyone raw-dogging in these parts of the world.

I probably banged around 100-150 girls during this time, the majority with a condom (probably 70-80% of the time), but sometimes it broke, we ran out or I just didn't bother because I thought it wouldn't happen to me.

I thought only gays were at risk but I guess not….

Happy to answer any questions.

No troll.

Just remember that the reason people die of AIDS is due to their immune systems getting old. That is what aids is, an old immune system in an otherwise young soma. The retrovirus forces the leukocytes to divide and divide, and eventually you get short telomeres, i.e. old cells. This in turn opens the door to all possible diseases.

I would seriously consider taking telomerase activators. Expensive yes, but it should help a lot. (I`m taking it myself in order to stop or slow down ageing in general.)

There is actually a method using gene therapy delivery of the telomerase gene that would cure AIDS right now. Not because you eliminate the virus, but rather due to full telomerase activation, meaning the HIV infected white blood cells can divide all they want, since telomerase resets the clock for each successive round of mitosis. Retroviruses are not cytocidal, it`s the accelerated cell division that is the problem. Unfortunately it`s still to expensive for mainstream use, but that might change in not to long.

Now this is interesting. Have you made a thread about these capsules and telomeres in general?

Yes, I did a long write up on it (telomeres and ageing/disease) a while back, but I wasn`t taking the capsules at the time! thread-67103.html
They came out just recently in fact, licensed by Sierra Sciences and Bill Andrews too a Kiwi company. The research behind it is solid though, but the price is annoyingly high, but it reflects development costs I think.

The TAM 818 molecule is on it`s way through the FDA system in the US, where it will probably be classified as a drug, and not a supplement like in New Zealand when it`s launched in the US. But it`s very safe though.

so you are dropping 10gs a year on this stuff? what is your age range?

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 12:59 PM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 12:56 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:46 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Eye opening thread. Always wrap it up, people. Lots of bragging on this forum over the years about raw dogging but thankfully I always considered that foolish.

If OP could, how do you think you got the disease, specifically? Lots of people here adhere to the belief that it's practically impossible to get HIV through heterosexual vaginal sex. I remember Cernovich even had a post that there's never been a documented case of it and that straight men with HIV are invariably IV users or on the down low.

Quote: (09-20-2018 01:51 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 05:14 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Just found out ~3 months ago. Doc said I have been infected for 2-5 years but my last test was around 4 years ago so most likely 2-3 years. Never really had any symptoms. Never experienced what they call a seroconversion (acute flu-like symptoms a few weeks after infection). Went to get a hormone test and thought I should check just to make sure. Well I'm sure now, sure that I have da hiv.

Not sure where I picked it up, most likely in Vietnam or Philippines (where I live now).

The virus had progressed so far that clinically I actually have AIDS. (A CD4% under 13% is deemed an AIDS defining condition. Mine tested at 10.5%.)

Started taking meds as soon as a found out. Took me around 2 months for the virus to become undetectable in my blood. This means its impossible for me transmit to anyone else.

I am hopeful there will be a cure in the next 10-15 years. The research looks quite promising.

Just thought I should post this as a warning for anyone raw-dogging in these parts of the world.

I probably banged around 100-150 girls during this time, the majority with a condom (probably 70-80% of the time), but sometimes it broke, we ran out or I just didn't bother because I thought it wouldn't happen to me.

I thought only gays were at risk but I guess not….

Happy to answer any questions.

No troll.

Just remember that the reason people die of AIDS is due to their immune systems getting old. That is what aids is, an old immune system in an otherwise young soma. The retrovirus forces the leukocytes to divide and divide, and eventually you get short telomeres, i.e. old cells. This in turn opens the door to all possible diseases.

I would seriously consider taking telomerase activators. Expensive yes, but it should help a lot. (I`m taking it myself in order to stop or slow down ageing in general.)

There is actually a method using gene therapy delivery of the telomerase gene that would cure AIDS right now. Not because you eliminate the virus, but rather due to full telomerase activation, meaning the HIV infected white blood cells can divide all they want, since telomerase resets the clock for each successive round of mitosis. Retroviruses are not cytocidal, it`s the accelerated cell division that is the problem. Unfortunately it`s still to expensive for mainstream use, but that might change in not to long.

Now this is interesting. Have you made a thread about these capsules and telomeres in general?

Yes, I did a long write up on it (telomeres and ageing/disease) a while back, but I wasn`t taking the capsules at the time! thread-67103.html
They came out just recently in fact, licensed by Sierra Sciences and Bill Andrews too a Kiwi company. The research behind it is solid though, but the price is annoyingly high, but it reflects development costs I think.

The TAM 818 molecule is on it`s way through the FDA system in the US, where it will probably be classified as a drug, and not a supplement like in New Zealand when it`s launched in the US. But it`s very safe though.

so you are dropping 10gs a year on this stuff? what is your age range?

It`s about 2100 USD (current rate) for a full years supply. Those are NZD on the site. Each bottle lasts 3 months. But you can maybe get some discounts here and there also if you get buy in bulk. Just started taking them so haven`t done that yet.

No point is starting prior to say 30-35 I would say. Better to focus on diet etc. at a younger age. I`m 38.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:58 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

If I date a girl for more than a few months I will tell her.

I know you have a GF who's already aware of your condition, but if you start dating a new girl and don't tell her until a few months in, and bang her before then... that's seriously fucked up on your part.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Truvada is poison. Not something i'd take on a daily basis. Especially for a longer period.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

"Exactly. Low probability does not equal zero probability"

I am baffled by the guy who thought OP was trolling. Even more ashamed that he got Roosh involved. Roosh would only get involved and doubt if another member PM him. Both the accuser and even Roosh should apologize IMHO. This is a serious matter and OP is a hero for starting this thread.
i have a friend who died in a plane crash. Would someone be trollish enough to say it is a 1 in 11 million chance probability therefore impossible?
In most cases it is the unlucky son of bitch who gets caught holding the ball.

It is like day game. The 1st women could accept your date or the 100th women.

*I am a high rep member who lost my account due to losing my email adress.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:59 PM)jking73 Wrote:  

"Exactly. Low probability does not equal zero probability"

I am baffled by the guy who thought OP was trolling. Even more ashamed that he got Roosh involved. Roosh would only get involved and doubt if another member PM him. Both the accuser and even Roosh should apologize IMHO. This is a serious matter and OP is a hero for starting this thread.
i have a friend who died in a plane crash. Would someone be trollish enough to say it is a 1 in 11 million chance probability therefore impossible?
In most cases it is the unlucky son of bitch who gets caught holding the ball.

It is like day game. The 1st women could accept your date or the 100th women.

*I am a high rep member who lost my account due to losing my email adress.

[Image: Serena-Williams-argues-960x538.jpg]


It's an extremely rare case among heterosexuals. OP provided evidence, respect prevailed.

Even I who made my points clear regarding many in the scientific medical community who disagree - my condolences go to OP, since this is a shit-sandwich regardless how you twist it.

Rare claims are checked on anonymous forums - that is not new. When Greenman said that he approached 5000 women with zero bangs, then he got called out until he added more pieces and his story while incredibly rare turned out to be true. We also helped him and found out the reasons for his lack of success.

No one disrespects OP here.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:59 PM)jking73 Wrote:  

"Exactly. Low probability does not equal zero probability"

I am baffled by the guy who thought OP was trolling. Even more ashamed that he got Roosh involved. Roosh would only get involved and doubt if another member PM him. Both the accuser and even Roosh should apologize IMHO. This is a serious matter and OP is a hero for starting this thread.
i have a friend who died in a plane crash. Would someone be trollish enough to say it is a 1 in 11 million chance probability therefore impossible?
In most cases it is the unlucky son of bitch who gets caught holding the ball.

It is like day game. The 1st women could accept your date or the 100th women.

*I am a high rep member who lost my account due to losing my email adress.

Running a site like this requires heavy moderation, Roosh doesn't owe anyone an apology.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 11:39 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

No one knows how many have HIV in Africa and other poor countries.

Do you think they go around testing millions of people?

They estimate it based on smaller populations and probably shoot way off, because of testing in areas with more prostitutes and drug users. The reliable studies that have been done in the Philippines for example, show very little HIV even among prostitutes, while the majority being the euphemistic "men who have sex with men" and drug users.


Out of a total 40.000 new HIV cases in the Phils from 2013-2018, there was only 2000 female.

Let that sink in again: 2000 out of 40.000 or 6% of total cases, this despite the absolutely massive prostitution industry in the Philippines.

Of the cases documented to be prostitutes (5000 over a 5 year period) only 5% were women and a whopping 96% were male prostitutes.

I really can't see the stats other than being very clear. Heterosexual sex, particularly vaginal sex, is a very, very small risk factor, when only 6% of new HIV cases are from women, many of whom engage in no-condom sex only due to religion.

Which is also why it would be interesting, in a completely non-judgmental manner, if OP would have answer if he had sex with ladyboys or if it could have happened without him knowing.

I guess, if OP is black, it is also worth pointing out that people of African heritage have a significantly higher risk of contracting HIV.

Duterte launched a war on drug dealers for some reason.

Never been in the Philipines, but hard drugs abuse might be a big problem over there, and men have much more tendency to be drug addicts than women.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:20 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:59 PM)jking73 Wrote:  

"Exactly. Low probability does not equal zero probability"

I am baffled by the guy who thought OP was trolling. Even more ashamed that he got Roosh involved. Roosh would only get involved and doubt if another member PM him. Both the accuser and even Roosh should apologize IMHO. This is a serious matter and OP is a hero for starting this thread.
i have a friend who died in a plane crash. Would someone be trollish enough to say it is a 1 in 11 million chance probability therefore impossible?
In most cases it is the unlucky son of bitch who gets caught holding the ball.

It is like day game. The 1st women could accept your date or the 100th women.

*I am a high rep member who lost my account due to losing my email adress.

Running a site like this requires heavy moderation, Roosh doesn't owe anyone an apology.
True but it still remains likely that another member sent a pm to Roosh to "check" out the OP story because they thought he was trolling. I didn't see any reason why the OP would be scrutinized from any thing he said. People tend to know a lot more than average people do when they have a condition, about that condition. When my cat had lymphoma I ended up knowing a lot to the extent that my regular vets knew less than myself and I had a level of understanding to have frank discussions with my oncologist.

Point is OP didn't owe it to anyone to reveal paper records of his lab results. There have been a lot more unbelievable notch claims on this forum in the past that weren't called out at all but were actually later on proven to be fabricated.

As I said, I know a plane crash victim, people who have been wounded in bombings, etc. You live long enough you will see/hear it all.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:12 PM)jking73 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:20 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:59 PM)jking73 Wrote:  

"Exactly. Low probability does not equal zero probability"

I am baffled by the guy who thought OP was trolling. Even more ashamed that he got Roosh involved. Roosh would only get involved and doubt if another member PM him. Both the accuser and even Roosh should apologize IMHO. This is a serious matter and OP is a hero for starting this thread.
i have a friend who died in a plane crash. Would someone be trollish enough to say it is a 1 in 11 million chance probability therefore impossible?
In most cases it is the unlucky son of bitch who gets caught holding the ball.

It is like day game. The 1st women could accept your date or the 100th women.

*I am a high rep member who lost my account due to losing my email adress.

Running a site like this requires heavy moderation, Roosh doesn't owe anyone an apology.
True but it still remains likely that another member sent a pm to Roosh to "check" out the OP story because they thought he was trolling. I didn't see any reason why the OP would be scrutinized from any thing he said. People tend to know a lot more than average people do when they have a condition, about that condition. When my cat had lymphoma I ended up knowing a lot to the extent that my regular vets knew less than myself and I had a level of understanding to have frank discussions with my oncologist.

Point is OP didn't owe it to anyone to reveal paper records of his lab results. There have been a lot more unbelievable notch claims on this forum in the past that weren't called out at all but were actually later on proven to be fabricated.

As I said, I know a plane crash victim, people who have been wounded in bombings, etc. You live long enough you will see/hear it all.

Lymphoma is an AIDS related disease btw. Maybe your cat is gay?

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

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