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Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Eye opening thread. Always wrap it up, people. Lots of bragging on this forum over the years about raw dogging but thankfully I always considered that foolish.

If OP could, how do you think you got the disease, specifically? Lots of people here adhere to the belief that it's practically impossible to get HIV through heterosexual vaginal sex. I remember Cernovich even had a post that there's never been a documented case of it and that straight men with HIV are invariably IV users or on the down low.

Quote: (09-20-2018 01:51 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 05:14 AM)wrapyojunk Wrote:  

Just found out ~3 months ago. Doc said I have been infected for 2-5 years but my last test was around 4 years ago so most likely 2-3 years. Never really had any symptoms. Never experienced what they call a seroconversion (acute flu-like symptoms a few weeks after infection). Went to get a hormone test and thought I should check just to make sure. Well I'm sure now, sure that I have da hiv.

Not sure where I picked it up, most likely in Vietnam or Philippines (where I live now).

The virus had progressed so far that clinically I actually have AIDS. (A CD4% under 13% is deemed an AIDS defining condition. Mine tested at 10.5%.)

Started taking meds as soon as a found out. Took me around 2 months for the virus to become undetectable in my blood. This means its impossible for me transmit to anyone else.

I am hopeful there will be a cure in the next 10-15 years. The research looks quite promising.

Just thought I should post this as a warning for anyone raw-dogging in these parts of the world.

I probably banged around 100-150 girls during this time, the majority with a condom (probably 70-80% of the time), but sometimes it broke, we ran out or I just didn't bother because I thought it wouldn't happen to me.

I thought only gays were at risk but I guess not….

Happy to answer any questions.

No troll.

Just remember that the reason people die of AIDS is due to their immune systems getting old. That is what aids is, an old immune system in an otherwise young soma. The retrovirus forces the leukocytes to divide and divide, and eventually you get short telomeres, i.e. old cells. This in turn opens the door to all possible diseases.

I would seriously consider taking telomerase activators. Expensive yes, but it should help a lot. (I`m taking it myself in order to stop or slow down ageing in general.)

There is actually a method using gene therapy delivery of the telomerase gene that would cure AIDS right now. Not because you eliminate the virus, but rather due to full telomerase activation, meaning the HIV infected white blood cells can divide all they want, since telomerase resets the clock for each successive round of mitosis. Retroviruses are not cytocidal, it`s the accelerated cell division that is the problem. Unfortunately it`s still to expensive for mainstream use, but that might change in not to long.

Now this is interesting. Have you made a thread about these capsules and telomeres in general?

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Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-21-2018 02:39 AM)Prince Charming Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 10:51 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Here's a chart showing the risk of transmission for both male and female in all types of sexual encounters.


Does any one know why HIV TRANSMISSION is 10X higher in low income countries vs high income countries? Makes no sense to me..

Same reason why many low income people have children at teenage age in developed countries, fornicating like rabbits and ignorance regarding contraceptions.

Upper classes are not near as promiscuous, or at least have the good sense to wrap it up..
I am talking at least about Southern Europe, might be a different dynamic in the states where promiscuity is more accepted culturally.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:46 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

If OP could, how do you think you got the disease, specifically?

This would be very helpful if you could answer OP.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:46 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Eye opening thread. Always wrap it up, people. Lots of bragging on this forum over the years about raw dogging but thankfully I always considered that foolish.

Always wrap it up. I feel for the OP, appreciate him posting and sharing.
I only know one other straight dude in Thailand who got it, and cant figure out where...when went back to test sketchy chicks, they were clean.

Life is all about risk/reward, sometimes we are incredibly lucky or unlucky, but I try to mitigate the risks.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 08:18 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:46 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

If OP could, how do you think you got the disease, specifically?

This would be very helpful if you could answer OP.

How can I possibly know?

I have no idea exactly how long I have even had the virus for. Most likely I contracted it 2-4 years ago.

I had 100s of sexual encounters during that time. Barely remember most of them.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Some of you guys should really start taking PReP. It is highly effective at preventing HIV transmission.


For questions about HIV risk. Everytime you have sex there is 2 possible outcomes. HiV yes/no. You can further reduce your risk a number of ways by not having high risk sexual partners. A few other doctors in the forum have chimed in on this subject before. As your N increases so does your chances of having contact with other high risk sexual contacts. Think about this for a second: say that you have a N of 150 and you bang a woman (lets call her Jessica) with an N of 150 (unknowingly). How many of Jessica’s 150 sex partners have had high risk sexual contacts? The network graph explodes exponentially, meaning that that 1 high risk sexual contact could expose you to tens of thousands other sexual contacts, and high risk sexual contacts (gays, ladyboys, IV users, prostitutes, bi men, etc.). Now here is the sad part about statistics and population statistics: the ecological falacy. At the individual level there is no predicitng your odds or risk as a sexual contact is a bernoulli trial. What the hell does that mean? It means that your only possible outcomes from any sex encounter are: yes hiv OR no HIV. Averages (reported in these report posted by forum members) are at the population level and are based on the sum of sexual encounters (divided by new hiv cases). The population information tells you nothing about your individual risk in any single sexual encounter, as you could simply just have an unlucky roll of the dice. This is how averages work and outliers exist (variance- some people will be unlucky and contract hiv on their first contact (very rare) and some people will bang 40,000 people and not contract hiv (very rare). At the individual sex encounter level you can only mitigate transmission risk with condoms or PReP. PReP is effective without condoms.

FWIW: Research shows that people with an N over 250 sexual partners have significantly higher odds of hiv transmission.


1. Take PReP
2. Use condoms
3. Screen women for hiv risk factors in rank order (formerly had a penis, iv drug users, has sex with gays, has a large N, lack of health insurance, visible health problems [teeth, mouth, nails, ears, mouth, feet, vagina]

You can expect women to lie about many of the items listed in number 3. Also, if you are picking up ONS drunk or while partying this shit becomes more difficult to evaluate objectively.
Sorry OP, I have been reading the thread for a while and I wish you the best. My two cents: keep taking the drugs and make sure that you disclose it to your partners. You don’t want these people out hunting you or your family in your sleep, want the legal trouble, or a corrupt government hunting you down.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:53 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

I am sorry - I am simply not buying it - not that you got a positive HIV test, but that this "disease" is any real.


AIDS CRITICS A-Z: (own page here)

Geshekter, Charles

Whoa, this dude was one of my history profs at college and probably my favorite one I had overall....I was aware of his stance on Aids.

He was (is) a true liberal in the old school tradition, he questioned everything, did not believe or adhere to any of the normal University PC bullshit (even years ago) and he was seriously schooled on Africa and traveled there frequently.

Trying to remember his theory on it but basically he said every time he would go there he would get the same AIDS like symptoms that the local population that were considered infected had exhibited.

I think overall he came away with the idea that the sexuality aspect of it is way overblown.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

AIDS like symptoms... what does that even mean?

Quote: (09-22-2018 08:55 AM)RVF400 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:53 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

I am sorry - I am simply not buying it - not that you got a positive HIV test, but that this "disease" is any real.


AIDS CRITICS A-Z: (own page here)

Geshekter, Charles

Whoa, this dude was one of my history profs at college and probably my favorite one I had overall....I was aware of his stance on Aids.

He was (is) a true liberal in the old school tradition, he questioned everything, did not believe or adhere to any of the normal University PC bullshit (even years ago) and he was seriously schooled on Africa and traveled there frequently.

Trying to remember his theory on it but basically he said every time he would go there he would get the same AIDS like symptoms that the local population that were considered infected had exhibited.

I think overall he came away with the idea that the sexuality aspect of it is way overblown.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

+1 to using Telomerase - just read the clinical trial results in hiv patients. It has some effects. Long term nobody knows. Seems like it could be useful to everyone - anti-aging.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Regarding testing positive then negative one of the more famous cases I remember was former heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison.

Taken from Wikipedia: Tommy David Morrison (January 2, 1969 – September 1, 2013) was an American professional boxer who competed from 1988 to 1996, and held the WBO heavyweight title in 1993. He retired from boxing in 1996 when he tested positive for HIV, but returned for two more fights in 2007 and 2008.
Then the negative results taken from ESPN. Morrison, 38, tested positive for HIV, the virus known to cause AIDS, on the eve of a 1996 bout in Las Vegas and was suspended indefinitely.

Eleven years later, Morrison mounted a comeback after several blood tests came up clean, and he was granted a license to fight in West Virginia, where he knocked out John Castle in the second round Feb. 22.

Now back to Wikipedia: In August 2013, Elizabeth Merrill of ESPN.com reported that Morrison's mother Diana disclosed that Tommy had "full-blown AIDS" and was "in his final days." She also stated that Morrison had been bedridden for over a year. The same article also stated that Morrison's wife, Trisha, did not believe Morrison had AIDS.[39][40]

On September 1, 2013, Morrison died at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska at the age of 44.[41] According to the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, Morrison's cause of death was cardiac arrest, resulting from multiorgan failure due to septic shock caused by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.[42] (sources ESPN.com and Wikipedia)
False positives and negatives happen. It is prudent to live a healthy and safe sexual life. Wrap it up guys.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Did op tap or not tap ladyboys?

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Tomtud - these guys should be using PReP in addition to condoms, and so should you if you are banging a lot of women.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 08:55 AM)RVF400 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 03:53 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

I am sorry - I am simply not buying it - not that you got a positive HIV test, but that this "disease" is any real.


AIDS CRITICS A-Z: (own page here)

Geshekter, Charles

Whoa, this dude was one of my history profs at college and probably my favorite one I had overall....I was aware of his stance on Aids.

He was (is) a true liberal in the old school tradition, he questioned everything, did not believe or adhere to any of the normal University PC bullshit (even years ago) and he was seriously schooled on Africa and traveled there frequently.

Trying to remember his theory on it but basically he said every time he would go there he would get the same AIDS like symptoms that the local population that were considered infected had exhibited.

I think overall he came away with the idea that the sexuality aspect of it is way overblown.



Keep in mind that the HIV medications that you may be taking now (or will probably be pressured into taking if you are newly diagnosed as HIV-Positive) have been proven to be more dangerous than HIV itself. According to a presentation at the AIDS Conference in Barcelona in 2002, and a scientific study published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (December, 2003), more HIV-Positives are dying from organ failure as a side effect from the HIV drugs than are dying from AIDS; and according to the largest and longest scientific study of HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy), the drugs being given today are even more dangerous and offer no increase in longevity than those given in 1996.

This is a site of people who tested positive, then later negative, who stopped taking the meds and those who never started taking them.


If you started looking at the issue and all you saw would be "sovereign citizens" with an average IQ of 80 who spout some insane drivel of travling vs driving, then you could discard it, but when you start seeing the opinions of Nobel price laureates, seasoned and respected doctors all around the world, then it merits a second glance what this is all about.

But suit yourself.

I am adamant - both AIDS/HIV (retrovirus itself exists, but that does not prove anything) as well as Hepatitis C are fake diseases. The tests used to prove Hep C were also criticized by a Nobel price winner who actually came up with the tests. He said that the test reacts to cell debris. Incubation period of 3-20 years, but you are taking chemotherapy light against Hep C right now? Good luck surviving those 20 years until the disease "breaks out". {Hep A and B are obviously real, but they follow conventional disease patterns observed since the beginning of medical knowledge.}


Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Guys go to the doctor and ask for a prescription of PReP if you are banging a lot of women:


It is highly effective at preventing HIV.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:04 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

On September 1, 2013, Morrison died at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska at the age of 44.[41] According to the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, Morrison's cause of death was cardiac arrest, resulting from multiorgan failure due to septic shock caused by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.[42] (sources ESPN.com and Wikipedia)
False positives and negatives happen. It is prudent to live a healthy and safe sexual life. Wrap it up guys.

Multi-organ failure is one of the leading side-effects of those meds. That is nothing new.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

I assume PReP is the same as the PEP regimen?

I would not take that again unless necessary (high risk exposure).

Besides that: going raw is generally a terrible idea because of other shit you can catch. Don't underestimate what a relatively benign virus can do to you if you are tired or stressed. And don't forget bacteria that take residence in your pipi.

That said: i go raw way too often and soon. It is a bad habit.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:28 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

I assume PReP is the same as the PEP regimen?

I would not take that again unless necessary (high risk exposure).

Besides that: going raw is generally a terrible idea because of other shit you can catch. Don't underestimate what a relatively benign virus can do to you if you are tired or stressed. And don't forget bacteria that take residence in your pipi.

That said: i go raw way too often and soon. It is a bad habit.

I mentioned this before but I think 90% of the reason why guys want to go raw is because of erectile issues. Everyone is better off getting a viagara/cialis script than go raw once in a while.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Spyder-- I agree 100% with you. I am married and my player days are over. But if I were to fool around a condom for sure. If the situation changes and I start banging a lot condoms and prep to ve hopefully closer to 100% safe. Then again nothing is 100% except abstinence.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:50 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Jesus. Read the link!

No PReP and PEP are not the same.

PReP prevents HIV. You take it daily before having sex.

It is highly effective.

Yes wear condoms too (facepalm).

You take it daily? Or just during a high risk encounter?

I feel like having heterosexual sex only (penis to vagina), in a first world country, with a condom. You're pretty much covered.

You probably 1000x your risk if you're doing Ladyboys in the ass, raw, whilst doing a drug bender.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:15 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

Did op tap or not tap ladyboys?

This is indeed the question.

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Sorry guys for the multiple posts my phone glitched...

Got the HIV... Warning to RVFers

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:38 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 10:28 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

I assume PReP is the same as the PEP regimen?

I would not take that again unless necessary (high risk exposure).

Besides that: going raw is generally a terrible idea because of other shit you can catch. Don't underestimate what a relatively benign virus can do to you if you are tired or stressed. And don't forget bacteria that take residence in your pipi.

That said: i go raw way too often and soon. It is a bad habit.

I mentioned this before but I think 90% of the reason why guys want to go raw is because of erectile issues. Everyone is better off getting a viagara/cialis script than go raw once in a while.

Condoms suck, they're not natural, our bodies aren't meant to have sex with a condom on.

Drugs suck, I'm sure some work wonders, but folks who stand to make money from them make sure to hide the side effects as long as possible. Probably 90% of "erectile dysfunction" could be cured by the guy losing weight, working out, and dating a younger, hotter, or simply more pleasant woman.

I gotta say this is turning into a sad place.

Recommendations so far:

1. Get on prep.
2. Wear condoms.
3. Take viagra/cialis.

Huh? How about we just have some self-control, refrain from banging whores, paid or unpaid, and don't abuse our bodies?

That's my strategy and I'm sticking to it. YMMV.

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