Quote: (09-25-2018 10:28 PM)nomadiam Wrote:
Quote: (09-25-2018 09:37 PM)monsquid Wrote:
We don't know if OP was using drugs or banging trannies/ladyboys. Even if OP wasn't using needle drugs, being under the influence increases risk because you are more likely to bang ladyboys, not use a condom, and in general be surrounded by people with high risk lifestyle.
When members asked about this and called him on it he never answered or misdirected. He was definitely hiding something.
If OP was a troll kudos but the general awareness brought to all was worth something.
This post freaked me out a little to be honest, but when the OP responded to the ladyboy question saying he "might have had sex with a post op tranny but wasn't sure" because he didn't remember a lot of his experiences I felt like something was definitely off. I've been with a lot of women but I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT sure I've never been with a post op transexual. How would you not know this??
Years ago in a thread in the travel section I got into a very heated discussion with guys because they were unable to tell the difference between a fully post op ladyboy and a regular girl. I ended up getting a warning from Roosh because I posted NSFW photos to back up my reasoning them without a link (which I deserved). I let it go but I know I was right. I was really trying to warn guys because some of these gals have sugardaddy money for those surgeries. The OP sided with me over PMs when he realized my points. I recall another thread or same thread, someone said something about a girl he was banging was way too dry was one way to tell. All this was Thailand related but does anyone remember that Brazilian dude in some thread that claimed her got a blowjob from a tranny but was too drunk and said it was the best BJ he has ever had and the person really knew what they were doing?
The ladyboys that chop it off and get the silicon or inverted whatever you call em, vaginas, have surgery scars on the sides that look like flesh seams. They keep their legs together so that you cannot see the scars on the side of the crotch/pelvic bone.
They are on hormone therapy and gain soft features from all the estrogen, etc. Ladyboys in Asia know alot about hormones and cycles and there are good clincs for them.
If you are drunk enough, you likely won't and cannot tell at all you are fucking a fully post op ladyboy. If their features are soft and rounder and hands are no longer vascular with veins popping out, how the fuck are you going to tell if that vag is real or not while drunk?
The answer is that you cannot. Even the guys here with the best ladyboy radars and lots of Asia experience know better than to be so arrogant and think we cannot be fooled.
Anyone rawdogging in Asia must demand themselves to study up and keep up with how to spot ladyboys otherwise you could end up paying for it with your life.
I won't say who they are, but quite a few guys here keep a folder with gals that either fooled them or was way too suspicious, in terms of pictures. We usually ask others for their opinions just to be on the safe side. Make some friends on RVF in Asia and get second opinions.
If you are gonna roll pissed drunk in Asia, I honestly have no good suggestions other than do not get rip roaring drunk in public or alone with random girls. Fucking a ladyboy isn't even the worse thing that can happen. You could get robbed, beaten, or stabbed by a pimp or the whore herself.
Asia is a big playground but you gotta protect yourself at all times. Don't look for a referee to keep that knockout punch from hitting you in the jaw after a bell sound. Also, anytime you are in doubt, NEXT! There are PLENTY of real women around, no need to be thirsty in Asia and get lazy.
Also guys really need to get off the anal bullshit. It does not feel better than pussy. If you think it does, you need a good girl with a tight vag that makes a phwop sound with the cock comes out and stop fucking hotdog hallway sluts. Real talk.
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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.