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Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

I've had a few girls do this to me every one in a while. One recently in fact, which is why I'm making this thread. Thought it would make for interesting discussion.

Think a situation like you'll meet/know a girl and they seem to be getting along well with you, then they decide to cancel a date or just cut you off out of nowhere for a while. Eventually they send you a message months later. These messages will be like "Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, what's up?" or something similar.

I feel the best thing to do in this situation is to not answer them or just act uninterested (correct me if I'm wrong). From what I can tell, whatever reason the girl put you in a secondary "back-up" guy type of position. Rather, she had a guy she deemed as better than you in the past and may have liked you to some extent, but not enough to considering being with you then (or even now). Thus she put you in a "back-up" male type of category.

When a girl does this, the way I see it is she'd have no problem doing it again. In this type of position you usually aren't there for anything more in her mind other than to boost her ego; she probably isn't even considering meeting up with you. If you don't want to be identified as betabux to her or moreover waste your time, then don't feed into her bs.

With these types of women, a positive relationship is near impossible (even if you want to be "friends"), as she just views you in something of a utilitarian mindset more or less. I assume if you have solid enough game you could still probably fuck these kinds of girls, but trying for anything more would be a mistake.

Is this the right approach to the situation? How would you/did you deal with said situation?

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

For me it's about self-respect and having an abundance mindset. Also, the time talking with a girl who rejected you in the past will better spent on working on your business, education or hitting up other, better girls etc.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Absolutely agree. I share your opinion as to the reason - she'd found another guy whom she deemed best.

Often it's good to put yourself in her position and ask yourself "why would I do that?"

I haven't even read your post to the end when a thought hit me - yeah, I did that a couple of times when I've gotten something better in the pipeline...

The course of action: keep your dignity, screw that bitch (metaphorically), be cold and reserved.
You MIGHT turn her on and fuck her once or twice; either way, nothing more than that. She's not worth it, definitely not GF material.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Nah you guys got it all wrong and are coming from the bitter jaded rejected side of things.

That's female thinking brothers, and you're much more than that!

Think of it from a man who has his life together and is happy.

If you have plenty of your girls in your life, what do you got to lose with her texting you and you replying?


It's not about posturing, or self respect, think of it as an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

If a girl hits you back, it means this entire time you've been in the back of her head. (AND she saved your number)

Just play the "new phone who dis" game.

Play stupid, if she has a common name, ask her if it's Jessica X or Jessica Y.

Or if she says her first name, say it doesn't ring a bell, have her send you a selfie.

You aren't investing much as 5 minutes in your convo.

This way you can put a bitch in check who thinks you remember her.

If she can get past her ego she'll comply.

Then like natural, catch up with her, see what's new, you can play mysterious, then pull the trigger on meeting up for a drink.

Its an easy play, not much time investment.

Let's be real, us guys have girl back ups and so do girls.

It's not your pussy, it's just your turn.

Act accordingly.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:52 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Nah you guys got it all wrong and are coming from the bitter jaded rejected side of things.

That's female thinking brothers, and you're much more than that!

Think of it from a man who has his life together and is happy.

If you have plenty of your girls in your life, what do you got to lose with her texting you and you replying?


It's not about posturing, or self respect, think of it as an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

If a girl hits you back, it means this entire time you've been in the back of your head.

Just play the "new phone who dis" game.

Play stupid, if she has a common name, ask her if it's Jessica X or Jessica Y.

Or if she says her first name, say it doesn't ring a bell, have her send you a selfie.

You aren't investing much as 5 minutes in your convo.

This way you can put a bitch in check who thinks you remember her.

If she can get past her ego she'll comply.

Then like natural, catch up with her, see what's new, you can play mysterious, then pull the trigger on meeting up for a drink.

Its an easy play, not much time investment.

Let's be real, us guys have girl back ups and so do girls.

It's not your pussy, it's just your turn.

Act accordingly.

There you go bro. Put these young cats onto that Rolodex game.

[Image: z5ytz.jpg]

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:13 PM)Coffee Wrote:  

With these types of women, a positive relationship is near impossible (even if you want to be "friends"), as she just views you in something of a utilitarian mindset more or less.

Is this the right approach to the situation? How would you/did you deal with said situation?

This reminds me of my early beta days back in high school. The struggle with hot girls, for me, was real back then (circa 2004).

One time, in particular, I used to have a crush on a hot golden-blonde that used to call/text me up and tell me about her many sex-capades with guys that were our high school's rivals. Finally, after bitterly accepting she was never going to be mine or sleep with me, and after being her no-sex pet for the past one and a half long year, I eighty-six the babe from my cell phone.

She texts me like clockwork one afternoon asking me what I'm up to. It was this day that I had vowed to myself that I was no longer going to be any woman's shoulder to cry on or puppy. So, I played it off like I didn't know who texted me, and kept most of my responses one-word short:

BABE: "Hey, what's up?"
ME: "Who is this?"
BABE: "It's Danielle."
ME: "Oh, hey."
BABE: "Do anything fun this weekend?"
ME: "No."
BABE: "What are you doing today?"
ME: "Nothing."
BABE: "Is everything okay? Are you upset about something?"
ME: "No."
BABE: "Are you mad at me for anything?"
ME: "Oh, of course not."
BABE: "Oh, okay. So, what's new?"
ME: "Nothing."
BABE: "OMG! What's with the one-word replies?!!!!"
ME: *sweet, sweet silence*

In retrospect, I may have been a little harsh but I had had enough being friend zoned by this girl and needed to figure out what I needed to do to get myself seen with and sleeping with young hotties. Sadly, I wouldn't discover/harness game for five more years and another couple of years after that before I learned of Roosh's 'Day Bang'.

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 03:00 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:52 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Nah you guys got it all wrong and are coming from the bitter jaded rejected side of things.

That's female thinking brothers, and you're much more than that!

Think of it from a man who has his life together and is happy.

If you have plenty of your girls in your life, what do you got to lose with her texting you and you replying?


It's not about posturing, or self respect, think of it as an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

If a girl hits you back, it means this entire time you've been in the back of your head.

Just play the "new phone who dis" game.

Play stupid, if she has a common name, ask her if it's Jessica X or Jessica Y.

Or if she says her first name, say it doesn't ring a bell, have her send you a selfie.

You aren't investing much as 5 minutes in your convo.

This way you can put a bitch in check who thinks you remember her.

If she can get past her ego she'll comply.

Then like natural, catch up with her, see what's new, you can play mysterious, then pull the trigger on meeting up for a drink.

Its an easy play, not much time investment.

Let's be real, us guys have girl back ups and so do girls.

It's not your pussy, it's just your turn.

Act accordingly.

There you go bro. Put these young cats onto that Rolodex game.

[Image: z5ytz.jpg]

Not sure the younger guys will even know what a "Rolodex" is. These days, they have their smartphones (but don't use them for this purpose)."

You think Rolodex is ancient... Try telling a young guy about a "flip chart" or a "butcher block."

**crickets, crickets**

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:52 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Nah you guys got it all wrong and are coming from the bitter jaded rejected side of things.

That's female thinking brothers, and you're much more than that!

Think of it from a man who has his life together and is happy.

If you have plenty of your girls in your life, what do you got to lose with her texting you and you replying?


It's not about posturing, or self respect, think of it as an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

If a girl hits you back, it means this entire time you've been in the back of her head. (AND she saved your number)

Just play the "new phone who dis" game.

Play stupid, if she has a common name, ask her if it's Jessica X or Jessica Y.

Or if she says her first name, say it doesn't ring a bell, have her send you a selfie.

You aren't investing much as 5 minutes in your convo.

This way you can put a bitch in check who thinks you remember her.

If she can get past her ego she'll comply.

Then like natural, catch up with her, see what's new, you can play mysterious, then pull the trigger on meeting up for a drink.

Its an easy play, not much time investment.

Let's be real, us guys have girl back ups and so do girls.

It's not your pussy, it's just your turn.

Act accordingly.

All of the above is true. Here's a little more:

If a girl is texting you out of the blue she wants 1 of 2 things.

It's your job to figure out if it's DICK or ATTENTION.

If you WERE going to go out and were flirty and getting positive responses before she cancelled and then ghosted, then it's probably dick she's after.

Do like Kaotic says and find out if she wants dick. Minimal investment and good practice. If you get the hint she wants attention, ignore her.

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Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 08:00 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Not sure the younger guys will even know what a "Rolodex" is. These days, they have their smartphones (but don't use them for this purpose)."

You think Rolodex is ancient... Try telling a young guy about a "flip chart" or a "butcher block."

**crickets, crickets**

23 checking in. I know what all three are. One of my former bosses used a rolodex. Shit was crazy, he was extremely efficient in keeping that thing rolling.

On topic: Yes, I've had plenty of girls contact me months later and I've managed to bang a few of them.

Kaotic is spot on about the investment piece. If she's opening you, she's a likely a warmer lead than a new girl. No reason not to engage a little bit. If she just fell off the map on her own, no reason not to continue. Plus, there's something particularly satisfying about closing a bang that took a long time to finally come together.

Even better, if you can track the girls that fall off (I do) you'll be able to play the forgetful card, but thoughtfully lead them into doing things you want to do.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

I ended up browsing through the thread without logging in yesterday before taking action.

I did what kaotic said and just rolled with it. Apparently I came up in conversation among the girl and someone else. She messaged me because she wanted to introduce me to some of her female friends. That surprised the hell out of me honestly. Especially after not speaking with her for so long. Thanks for the advice. Guess when you go in without anything to lose, you can only move up.

Guess if they contact you later it's not really flaking? Or is it still?

I really have to stop watching some of that pseudo-mgtow shit on youtube. They've put me more on edge over some trivial things, even without religiously following their philosophy like a lot of them.

As for the rolodex, I've seen them but didn't know what that's what they were called until I just looked it up (22 here).

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-31-2018 02:10 PM)Coffee Wrote:  

I ended up browsing through the thread without logging in yesterday before taking action.

I did what kaotic said and just rolled with it. Apparently I came up in conversation among the girl and someone else. She messaged me because she wanted to introduce me to some of her female friends. That surprised the hell out of me honestly. Especially after not speaking with her for so long. Thanks for the advice. Guess when you go in without anything to lose, you can only move up.

Well holy shit BOOM, this girl is your pivot! That's awesome!


Guess if they contact you later it's not really flaking? Or is it still?

Flaking comes with the territory, just assume it'll happen with women.


I really have to stop watching some of that pseudo-mgtow shit on youtube. They've put me more on edge over some trivial things, even without religiously following their philosophy like a lot of them.

As for the rolodex, I've seen them but didn't know what that's what they were called until I just looked it up (22 here).

That black pill shit is toxic man, I don't watch any of the stuff or read it.

The only forum or shit I read online is on this forum only.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Some women literally have no concept of time. For them, it is always the eternal now. For them, a year later is as good as a day later. In an equally magical vein, who could ever forget them? Oh, let's see, what else? Oh yeah. There are always second chances, in fact there are as many chances as she feels she needs. Other people will always be fine with that.

Don't puzzle over it. She is in an alternative dimension. It makes no sense. Call her back if you feel like it.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Dude I fucked my high school crush after she found me on social media 12 years after graduation. I had no chance before.

Just go with it, is little investment with possibly huge returns.

The harder you practice, the luckier you get.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-31-2018 02:10 PM)Coffee Wrote:  

I ended up browsing through the thread without logging in yesterday before taking action.

I did what kaotic said and just rolled with it. Apparently I came up in conversation among the girl and someone else. She messaged me because she wanted to introduce me to some of her female friends. That surprised the hell out of me honestly. Especially after not speaking with her for so long. Thanks for the advice. Guess when you go in without anything to lose, you can only move up.

Guess if they contact you later it's not really flaking? Or is it still?

I really have to stop watching some of that pseudo-mgtow shit on youtube. They've put me more on edge over some trivial things, even without religiously following their philosophy like a lot of them.

As for the rolodex, I've seen them but didn't know what that's what they were called until I just looked it up (22 here).

That mgtow shit is poison man. You're in the right place now. The elders in here definitely know that it is not just doom & gloom out there. You have far more influence on your success with women than you think.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

I think if a girl flakes and then sends you a message later, especially if it's more than a few days after you were supposed to meet, she probably doesn't want to go out with you (demonstrated by her flaking) and she probably does want to know she could go out with you if she did want to go out with you.

She's looking for you to validate her ego, not penetrate her vagina

I'm guessing, no way to know for sure. To be honest I'd still ask her out again if I didn't have another date, nothing to lose

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

I’ve had girls reject me for other guys then I banged them later. One girl one time pretty much left with another guy right after we had made out. Then a couple of weeks later we banged.

Now most would say “she disrespected you, next her”, but I totally disagree.

1- she owes me nothing
2- she’s not my gf or wife (nor am I trying to make her either)
3- my ego and respect is not the least bit affected by any of it.

If she had another guy that she liked more and now she’s hitting u up, where’s the problem? Do you expect to be every girls favorite guy in the world at all times? Obviously when you’re investing you expect the same, so keep that in check but don’t feel bitter about the past.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:13 PM)Coffee Wrote:  

These messages will be like "Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, what's up?" or something similar.
In which case I would respond "I'm sorry, who is this?" and then claim not to remember them or misremember them and talk about another girl.

I wouldn't even entertain the girl with a potential meet, unless I'd gained a better foothold than she was expecting by contacting me, I'm not there to validate her existence.

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-31-2018 02:47 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Some women literally have no concept of time. For them, it is always the eternal now. For them, a year later is as good as a day later. In an equally magical vein, who could ever forget them? Oh, let's see, what else? Oh yeah. There are always second chances, in fact there are as many chances as she feels she needs. Other people will always be fine with that.

Don't puzzle over it. She is in an alternative dimension. It makes no sense. Call her back if you feel like it.

So much truth here. You see it everyday in these delusional 40+ year old hags demanding a guy they bagged in their 20's. In their eyes, they are still that hot piece of 22 year old ass. The mirror is lying to them.

Time is a foreign concept for a woman. There are no consequences for today's actions.

Solipsism at its finest.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

Quote: (08-30-2018 03:00 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

[Image: z5ytz.jpg]

Not sure the younger guys will even know what a "Rolodex" is. These days, they have their smartphones (but don't use them for this purpose)."

You think Rolodex is ancient... Try telling a young guy about a "flip chart" or a "butcher block."

**crickets, crickets**.

Sorry for disrupting the thread, but I just watched a scene of a Netflix program (Ozark) where the son (11 y/o) of the main character said something that reminded me of this exchange we had.

He said:

"I found a 'paper wheel' with lots of phone numbers' in his office."

His dad corrects him and says, "It's called a Roledex, Son."

Girl Flaking then Contacting Months You Later

There's only one caveat - if you're at a stage of looking for a serious girlfriend/future wife, her actions define what your life with her will be like down the road, thus very little bad behaviour can be tolerated.


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