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Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I banged new 15 girls so far this year from online game. I do have a shirtless photo as my main one, I do have about 5 other photos which I send when necessary, I do have solid logistics, I do live in a big city and I do have about 3 years of experience doing this in multiple cities. That all counts in my favour. If I didn't have a long hours job I could meet more girls.

It is not what it used to be but I've upped my game and adapted to it as necessary. I don't even use OKCupid anymore it's turned into complete shit. I used to get some really good girls from it.

I have pure dry spells where 4 girls are terrible some even walk out after 10 minutes (and you can see from my posting here how frustrating that can be), followed by a week later where I bang 4 girls in a row.

We are all animals at the end of the day and women can smell the pussy on you - after one bang the rest follow. Women are also products of their environment and they share at the basic level similar environments and based on weather, news, the latest shit they read on facebook or thousands of other factors they may get excited to meet someone new or go to the default position and just flake.

I have turned my hand to day game as well, got three numbers doing it for 2 hours and all three ghosted.

The best tip is to avoid girls 29-39 and screen hard for DTF.

I still absolutely despise online dating and would much rather meet in social gatherings.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:07 PM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

The best tip is to avoid girls 29-39 and screen hard for DTF.

Whats the age difference between you and the girls on average? I'm in my 30's and finding it extremely difficult with girls 10 years younger than myself. On average Im getting limited to 6 years younger and every year younger than it compounds in difficulty. The problem is the most receptive demographics at this point is literally 29-39. (By receptive I don't mean DTF but I mean the demographics that both email me first and that are receptive to my initial emails)

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Let me give everything a very interesting insight.

I was on a date the other evening with a chick from online. She had last attempted online dating 3-5 years ago (which is when I noticed its peak and had no trouble getting numbers and dates and lays with hotties of all ages). She complained that back then she was hardly getting any messages from men(!!!), compared to now being totally inundated.

It made me think that the reason internet dating has become so utterly useless is its increasing mainstream appeal, and thus the influx of more and more thirsty men who have wrecked the sexual economics.

With the increasing level of betas sending alternately supplicating and perverted messages, a lot of semi-decent women have rejected the online experience.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-22-2016 08:12 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

It made me think that the reason internet dating has become so utterly useless is its increasing mainstream appeal, and thus the influx of more and more thirsty men who have wrecked the sexual economics.

With the increasing level of betas sending alternately supplicating and perverted messages, a lot of semi-decent women have rejected the online experience.

And thus what makes normal approaching in real life that much more effective. No competition, women relieved that real men still exist, and that she is pretty enough to attract a confident man.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:39 PM)Stirfry Wrote:  

Yes, there are serial daters, a bunch of fatties, dates that didn't turn out so great (I had a girl ditch me with a dinner check once [Image: tongue.gif] ), but all that happens in the real world too. Cities in the Northeast are getting worse and worse every year, and I see online dating at least as a low-effort way to hedge my bets, like adding bonds to a portfolio.

Night game in the Northeast is definitely a shitshow these days. I have been banging these girls out like gangbusters from online...well maybe not compared to some guys here, but I consider around 10 lays in a year pretty good. I don't think it's my look that's turning girls off in night game in Boston, I've hooked up with a couple stunners from's just that the average girl you see at a club on a weekend night just isn't fucking with it...for anyone in the real world.

They're rolling around the city in sets of five poking away at Tinder and Instagram as they go: I see it happening on the streets so it's no illusion. Guys that aren't pre-screened via apps aren't even on the fucking radar.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:48 PM)The Wire Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:07 PM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

The best tip is to avoid girls 29-39 and screen hard for DTF.

Whats the age difference between you and the girls on average? I'm in my 30's and finding it extremely difficult with girls 10 years younger than myself. On average Im getting limited to 6 years younger and every year younger than it compounds in difficulty. The problem is the most receptive demographics at this point is literally 29-39. (By receptive I don't mean DTF but I mean the demographics that both email me first and that are receptive to my initial emails)

I'm in my 30s as well and I have been banging 18-21 year olds consistently, I banged three just the other week. No LMR whatsoever - one of them got back to my living room making out with her on top of me on the sofa and before I knew it she put my dick inside her before I could even reach for a condom. [Just a point of warning I do generally practice safe sex and got tested recently and all clear]

Of course girls at that age go ghost generally after the date sex or no sex since the whole premise of it is that we're just having fun. They send me a thank you later in the night and never utter a word again. The cock carousel doesn't stop for anybody.

I do look young for my age which definitely helps. My game generally is demonstration of high value without actually speaking of it with a lot of intrigue and sense of mystery (I don't tell them even what I do), which plays a lot towards attracting the younger women.

I also use a very methodological approach to game. The same proven to work outfit (with backups or slight alterations if necessary) down to my underwear and socks, the same logistics, the same dive bar, the same general script, wines and drinks at the ready at mine, laptop with movie at the ready on my bed, a few items scattered around my place to make them intrigued whether I actually have had girls round recently, the same items in my jacket pocket I carry to every date, cash at hand so I can pay quickly at the point of high buying temperature, uber at the ready on my phone to bounce elsewhere, condoms with sealing slightly open next to the beds so I don't have to fumble around trying to open them, toys at the ready, shisha pipe as alternative bounce, yoga mat next to bed, gym bench in spare room as another alternative escalation method (indoor logistics are highly important). The list goes on and on. For me after a certain stage it is all about creating your own game.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I'm a veteran of modern online dating (mainly OKC - using it in several different locations throughout the US and a bit overseas) but in the beginning of this year, I decided to hang it all up. I haven't been back online since but I might go back in the future if I change locations. Moving along...

One problem I found with online dating is that you can waste a TON of time to MAYBE get some sub-par pussy. Often times, I would go through the whole song and dance just to find that the woman either:

1) Didn't look like her photos (almost always worse; sometimes significantly so)

2) The chemistry simply wasn't there. Unattractive odd quirks, horrible conversation skills, and incredibly boring personalities being the major issues.

With online, you get to know somebody before you know whether attraction exists or not. When you get a number on the street, both people can INSTANTLY sense if a vibe is there or not. However, it's near impossible to get that from an online/pre-meet interaction; you usually have to wait until the first meet to sort that out. That first meet comes after:

1) 50 messages to 50 different random whores. This is after you have spent 45 minutes scanning every profile quickly screening for MySpace angle photos, fucked up personalities, and chicks you banged 10 months ago who now have a new user name (you blocked the old one) and who are also now looking for a "serious relationship." I guess those creampies I gave her got her thinking long-term? You double and triple check her kids status to make sure you didn't fuck up.

2) 2-6 back and forth messages to an individual; many that go nowhere.

3) Getting a phone number

4) Talking on the phone (which is what I did for filtering purposes) or texting. Some will ghost at this point.

5) Setting up a meet. Some will flake here.

6) Blocking time out for a meet

7) Then finding out 10 seconds into the meet that the bitch is 20 pounds overweight, has weird personality problems, or isn't feeling you for whatever reason.

Now, if after all THAT hassle I was meeting women with awesome looks and great personalities with some consistency, I could justify the grind. But in several years of online dating, I can honestly say the personalities I ran into were not impressive by and large. The only women who were half-way decent it seemed were the folks brand new to online dating and were generally repulsed by it and I would catch them before they deleted their accounts within several weeks of trying things out. These are the women who don't do online dating and only tried it out of curiosity briefly and were done. You can only find these type of women now via non-online means and it was in realizing that simple fact that partially pushed me away from the online world.

Since a lot of women have done online dating now, you don't get those sort of women anymore since the one's who didn't like it (the ones I liked the most), aren't coming back to the online world. The one and done online chicks had their hey day back in the late 2000's/early 2010's; that's why everyone here talks about how online was the shit back in the day. You could find quality chicks online back then since every other chick was doing it briefly.

But that era is gone now. The types of women attracted to online dating now are in my opinion: broken people and the dating pool garbage dump. Losers, weirdos, cumdumpsters, rejects, and the undesirable. All with inflated sense of egos driven by a generation of autistic men who were raised on social media and know jack shit about communicating with someone via the phone or in-person.

Now, online dating will be location dependent to a degree. NYC for example is amazing for online dating if you just want to kick back and do nothing; the women are thirsty there and you can run auto-pilot game for the most part. But the QUALITY (particularly on looks), while a bit better than the general USA, is not THAT much better. It's still the typical online chick who is generally low rent garbage; especially in personality. But if you just want to bang 6-7's with blah personalities with no effort, online in NYC is as good as it gets.

I should be clear though that online does still has some niches worth exploring:

1) If you want to target women who can't meet men easily (teachers, nurses), it can be a decent resource.

2) If you want to target specific niche groups (foreign chicks of a certain background being a big one), it can be good for that too depending on platform.

But general online dating for most guys in most locations in the USA is a waste of limited resources (time, energy, and money).

Since I've left the online world, I have dived into something I never saw myself doing years ago: social circle game.

See, I can be a bit of a loner at times and have never really cared about building social circles. The cost/benefit never made sense to me back in the day.

However, there is an activity I like to do that is good for building relationships and contacts with people and since I don't waste time trying to bang online chicks anymore, I've been able to devote more time to my activity and making connections via that. Generally, I'm inviting people into my world to something I naturally enjoy doing and of which I'm good at; which never hurts when dealing with women.

It's a slow burn but it gives me an opportunity to meet women who don't touch online dating as well as do something I enjoy regardless of the woman factor. Just the other day, I ran into a woman through a mutual contact and she expressed a passing interest in my activity. As soon as I heard that, I seized the moment and got her digits. It took me 3 minutes and in those 3 minutes prior (and afterwards very briefly), we established a great vibe. I can also tell from the get go that she has the looks that would result in a full inbox in about 24 hours or that she would be inundated by a billion messages by the end of the week. No risk of ending up with a SIF here; this girl has an amazing body.

Alas, maybe she has an online account as well but I just bypassed all the bullshit in 90 seconds. Due to less frequency of opportunities, I admit that the bangs and numbers come in at a slower pace. But the satisfaction from meeting better quality women and bypassing the online bullshit has never been higher.

Just something to think about for you online players still grinding away who I feel are fighting a losing battle. Believe me when I say it: There is another way. A better way. A healthier way. You just have to leave your comfort zone and take a chance. It's worth it, I promise.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:07 PM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

We are all animals at the end of the day and women can smell the pussy on you -

Very true, Vincent. When you turn up to a first date after having banged your last couple of dates, you are non-needy and have a vibe of total confidence. You stink of pre-selection. It's really quite funny how women can sense this, it's a sixth sense they have. Works the opposite too, if you're in a cold streak it's a bitch breaking out of it and nobody will touch you.

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:07 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Now, if after all THAT hassle I was meeting women with awesome looks and great personalities with some consistency, I could justify the grind. But in several years of online dating, I can honestly say the personalities I ran into were not impressive by and large. The only women who were half-way decent it seemed were the folks brand new to online dating and were generally repulsed by it and I would catch them before they deleted their accounts within several weeks of trying things out. These are the women who don't do online dating and only tried it out of curiosity briefly and were done. You can only find these type of women now via non-online means and it was in realizing that simple fact that partially pushed me away from the online world.

Since a lot of women have done online dating now, you don't get those sort of women anymore since the one's who didn't like it (the ones I liked the most), aren't coming back to the online world. The one and done online chicks had their hey day back in the late 2000's/early 2010's; that's why everyone here talks about how online was the shit back in the day. You could find quality chicks online back then since every other chick was doing it briefly.

I found a chick on FB yesterday who I had a POF date with three years ago. She was a legit 9 - an actual model - and a thoroughly decent person. I almost wept because back then I didn't realise how little time was left to find women like this online. Chatting with her, getting her number, and meeting her was easy.

There's a lot of gold in your post. I've been doing online since back in the days of Yahoo Chat. Yes, really.

In my area at least, the women who are still doing online (and have been on it for years) are sub-par. I made the point in an earlier post, what type of women is going to join a dating site and stay on the site to be bombarded by horny, aspergy men? The women I've been meeting in the last year have been damaged, awful human beings, and none have been above a 6. I posted a few weeks back about my recent experiment: I used pics of a male Instagram model and wrote a cocky/funny profile. The hot girls still never responded, and I had a few messages trickle in from chubby single moms.

I don't doubt Vincent pulls some hot chicks - but it's largely-location dependent. There are possibly some locations where you can pull high-quality women, but still, the ROI ain't what it used to be. Your main point is a salient one: social circle and/or daygame is the future.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:16 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

I do look young for my age which definitely helps. My game generally is demonstration of high value without actually speaking of it with a lot of intrigue and sense of mystery (I don't tell them even what I do), which plays a lot towards attracting the younger women.

When you get the 'what do you do for a living' question how are you answering that?

Reading your post was a good wake up call for myself. Even though I've had varying degrees of success I'm not where I want to be and my general vibe must be wrong. I have no issue matching with the under 29 crowd for the most part but im floundering early on with early conversation.


I also use a very methodological approach to game. The same proven to work outfit (with backups or slight alterations if necessary) down to my underwear and socks, the same logistics, the same dive bar, the same general script, wines and drinks at the ready at mine, laptop with movie at the ready on my bed, a few items scattered around my place to make them intrigued whether I actually have had girls round recently, the same items in my jacket pocket I carry to every date, cash at hand so I can pay quickly at the point of high buying temperature, uber at the ready on my phone to bounce elsewhere, condoms with sealing slightly open next to the beds so I don't have to fumble around trying to open them, toys at the ready, shisha pipe as alternative bounce, yoga mat next to bed, gym bench in spare room as another alternative escalation method (indoor logistics are highly important). The list goes on and on. For me after a certain stage it is all about creating your own game.

and I thought I planned well. The condom sealing slightly open is a good one. I like to leave condoms scattered around like easter eggs. A lot of good info and some of the same routine planning as myself. I am curious on the bait you leave around to make them wonder if other girls have been around. Any good examples of this? I remember reading about this years ago but I never followed up with doing it myself. I'm pretty clean and usually just ended up throwing out anything that was left behind.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

^ Yes, it has to be location dependent. Great posts by black knight and griffin.

Building the social circle is tough as you age, but you got it right, nothing worth it is easy.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I'm in NYC and I still think it sucks for anything below a 6. It really has just gotten much worse in the last year or two. Then again, I'm not in Manhattan so logistics ups my flake rate considerably. This was much less of an issue though even just a year ago. Now most girls try and negotiate the location, and I feel like if I bite on that I've already lost. So I don't budge, and the date doesn't happen. Then maybe I restart in a week or two but my motivation is low after the initial flake.

Vinny are you not meeting girls within walking distance of your place?

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 04:58 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

One problem I found with online dating is that you can waste a TON of time to MAYBE get some sub-par pussy. Often times, I would go through the whole song and dance just to find that the woman either:

1) Didn't look like her photos (almost always worse; sometimes significantly so)

2) The chemistry simply wasn't there. Unattractive odd quirks, horrible conversation skills, and incredibly boring personalities being the major issues.

With online, you get to know somebody before you know whether attraction exists or not. When you get a number on the street, both people can INSTANTLY sense if a vibe is there or not. However, it's near impossible to get that from an online/pre-meet interaction; you usually have to wait until the first meet to sort that out. That first meet comes after:

Chemistry is always going to be a tough one to sort out before hand. Probably your best option is a phone call before hand(which isn't guaranteed either but it's an additional screening). In this day and age you should be able to pretty accurately tell what a girl looks like before meeting her. If I am messaging a girl and Its going well I will find her entire social media and scout her pics hard. This is part of the reason the number of dates ive been on has been lower than in the past(the other part is I haven't spent much time on it lately). I eject at least 50% of the time once I get a hold of her social media and get her actual pics. I haven't actually been surprised by a girls look in a long time(the 6's look like 6s and the 7s look like 7s.....i never get legit 8s online).


The only women who were half-way decent it seemed were the folks brand new to online dating and were generally repulsed by it and I would catch them before they deleted their accounts within several weeks of trying things out. These are the women who don't do online dating and only tried it out of curiosity briefly and were done. You can only find these type of women now via non-online means and it was in realizing that simple fact that partially pushed me away from the online world.

The above paragraph is how I would sum up my experience with online dating whether its now or years ago. You need to catch the new users when they first get on. Typically the process of a new girl that has quality(imo) is she gets out of a relationship is single for a while and then decides to try one of the apps. This is when you need to get that girl because like a ticking bomb she is going to get exposed to the cesspool of online dating that awaits her and shes going to bounce. I believe most decent looking girls who are sane usually bounce permanently and don't go around to all the different apps. Either they find a guy or they get the fuck out. Mind you what I wrote is for the girls mid 20's and above out of college. I don't have enough experience with the younger crowd using the apps so it might apply different but in my experience quality girls bounce quick because they go right back to social circle and night game.


Since I've left the online world, I have dived into something I never saw myself doing years ago: social circle game.

See, I can be a bit of a loner at times and have never really cared about building social circles. The cost/benefit never made sense to me back in the day.

However, there is an activity I like to do that is good for building relationships and contacts with people and since I don't waste time trying to bang online chicks anymore, I've been able to devote more time to my activity and making connections via that. Generally, I'm inviting people into my world to something I naturally enjoy doing and of which I'm good at; which never hurts when dealing with women.

It's a slow burn but it gives me an opportunity to meet women who don't touch online dating as well as do something I enjoy regardless of the woman factor. Just the other day, I ran into a woman through a mutual contact and she expressed a passing interest in my activity. As soon as I heard that, I seized the moment and got her digits. It took me 3 minutes and in those 3 minutes prior (and afterwards very briefly), we established a great vibe. I can also tell from the get go that she has the looks that would result in a full inbox in about 24 hours or that she would be inundated by a billion messages by the end of the week. No risk of ending up with a SIF here; this girl has an amazing body.

Alas, maybe she has an online account as well but I just bypassed all the bullshit in 90 seconds. Due to less frequency of opportunities, I admit that the bangs and numbers come in at a slower pace. But the satisfaction from meeting better quality women and bypassing the online bullshit has never been higher.

Just something to think about for you online players still grinding away who I feel are fighting a losing battle. Believe me when I say it: There is another way. A better way. A healthier way. You just have to leave your comfort zone and take a chance. It's worth it, I promise.

Good points. My current social circle is aging and becoming smaller as the years go on. I've been trying to branch out more in my own interests so I will see how I can loop them together. I've always said social circle is definitely the best in terms of quality by a mile. I don't care if its day game, night game, whatever nothing touches it. The catch is you need to get the right social circle which is easier said than done.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Location, Location, Location. I once had a layover in San Francisco, and pulled up tinder. Having been used to constantly matching, it was quite hilarious to match with only a handful after some decent swiping.

I'm personally still a huge fan of online game, especially as the nightlife venues keep shutting down. I would rate my average tinder bang hotter then the one's I've met via nightlife (as beer goggles tend for you to go +1) and I save a ton of money.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 07:26 AM)griffinmill Wrote:  

There's a lot of gold in your post. I've been doing online since back in the days of Yahoo Chat. Yes, really.

Hey hey, if we want to talk about how OG we are, I was pulling chicks off AOL and AIM around 1999-2000...[Image: banana.gif]

It usually wasn't worth the effort though, as in those days there "were no girls on the Internets" and most messenger app chicks fit the stereotype of the 300 pound WoW girl gamer. There were a few diamonds in the rough, but it wasn't really necessary college because social circle, and particularly night game at clubs/raves once I turned 21 was so. fucking. easy.

I remember I met up with one sloot from AOL at a Type O Negative concert circa Halloween 1999. She ditched me at the end of the concert to go hang out with the band on their bus. It seems I lost my one chance to become eskimo brothers with Peter Steele. Oh well, in hindsight I can hardly blame her. [Image: sleepy.gif]


I don't doubt Vincent pulls some hot chicks - but it's largely-location dependent. There are possibly some locations where you can pull high-quality women, but still, the ROI ain't what it used to be. Your main point is a salient one: social circle and/or daygame is the future.

Yeah, Vincent's posts seem to make me really want to visit the UK, and soon.

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:15 PM)Putin Closes Wrote:  

I'm personally still a huge fan of online game, especially as the nightlife venues keep shutting down. I would rate my average tinder bang hotter then the one's I've met via nightlife (as beer goggles tend for you to go +1) and I save a ton of money.

All the straight clubs I remember from ~15 years ago in Providence, Rhode Island are gone now. Pretty much every nightclub or bar has to be at the very least gay friendly if not outright gay to survive. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that social media has made Providence the gayest little city in the nation.

Boston's headed the same way. All the dive bars and dance clubs are being bought out, and turned into condos or upscale wine bars with organic appetizers and shit to appeal to couples and white collar professionals.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)


Yeah, Vincent's posts seem to make me really want to visit the UK, and soon.

I'm in the UK too and where I am it's utter shit.

Stick with the major cities.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:26 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

I'm in the UK too and where I am it's utter shit.

Stick with the major cities.

Any more reasonable options than London? It's a nice place to visit, but it's been many years since I've been to the UK. I don't have London money for any length of time, at least.

I'll have to check the datasheet. I wonder if UK chicks dig a Boston accent. On women at least it's an instant dick-softener.

"All I'm saying is that Boston women are a paler, uglier sort than women from the elsewheres of life..."


Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 10:51 AM)The Wire Wrote:  

Good points. My current social circle is aging and becoming smaller as the years go on. I've been trying to branch out more in my own interests so I will see how I can loop them together. I've always said social circle is definitely the best in terms of quality by a mile. I don't care if its day game, night game, whatever nothing touches it. The catch is you need to get the right social circle which is easier said than done.

I realized this pretty early on, because it just seemed obvious how marginal and/or dirty the average app girl had become (I only looked into it starting last year).

Wasn't it Jay Leno who said if a girl needs the internet or a dating profile, she isn't hot? It was something like that. Insert sane, normal, etc. (as far as the average woman is concerned, inasmuch as they can be).

It's a struggle being shut out of social stuff and people not really looking out for you, mostly because of the age gap --- they try to hook you up with 30+ year old girls who you could give a flying fuck about. Of course they aren't hot, and it's almost never a guy that hooks you up anyway (why would he), it's a woman, which means she has no clue about what you are looking for.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Manhattan, Miami, DC, Vegas, Philadelphia - you can pull hot girls 19-23 in any major city from online. I'm up to +5 in just the past 2 months. As Vince said, don't waste time on the 30-39 yr olds [unless they are model hot I guess]. Young girls, especially in the summer, want adventures, they want to try something new, hang out with a guy who can buy them a bourbon or two, outside their social circle they can fuck with no regrets and no one else knowing.

You don't have to be their 'best option,' just the best option they can get away with that evening.

Co-sign yet again on having your plan tight, and logistics, logistics, logistics.

There's no possible way social circle leads to hotter girls than the infinite number of hot girls online. You just gotta develop that part of your game.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

donny, do you post the sexually oriented (suit with open shirt type thing) stuff, or do you just have normal but clear pics?

I wonder what the 19-23 [female] brain seeks as far as images

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I am suited up 100.00% of the time. But they are very good pics. I didn't use a professional photog, but I recommend it unless you have a friend who is great with a camera. Make sure you get other opinions on the shots too.

It's become more clear to me what a great screening tool those photos are: young girls not interested don't bother me, don't waste my time and the ones that are interested message me, send me photos, reply back quickly, happily agree to meet me for a drink, apologize for being out of town this week, etc.

Frankly, if they know you're 10+ years older, you go into the 'adventure' part of their brain imho. They're just looking for fun and think you won't be following them around campus like a beta, because you have a real life outside the 2 hrs a week you spend fucking them. They can also ghost with no repercussions.

I think you not being in their social circle, ironically, has become more and more important as social media takes over their lives. There's gotta be more than 1 reason girls drive/train in 45 mins to have a drink, fuck me and go home after.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

^ seems right

Do you meet with them at your place, go out, then bounce back? Or are you pretty obviously aware that they are meeting to chat, feel you out, then you feel them out, LOL

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-24-2016 03:46 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

Manhattan, Miami, DC, Vegas, Philadelphia - you can pull hot girls 19-23 in any major city from online. I'm up to +5 in just the past 2 months. As Vince said, don't waste time on the 30-39 yr olds [unless they are model hot I guess]. Young girls, especially in the summer, want adventures, they want to try something new, hang out with a guy who can buy them a bourbon or two, outside their social circle they can fuck with no regrets and no one else knowing.

You don't have to be their 'best option,' just the best option they can get away with that evening.

Co-sign yet again on having your plan tight, and logistics, logistics, logistics.

There's no possible way social circle leads to hotter girls than the infinite number of hot girls online. You just gotta develop that part of your game.

[Image: tMyCJmeXHBetq.gif]

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

It is summer, you should turn off the PC and go talk to some girls.

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Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I would agree with this post somewhat.

Yes, the paradigm shift does seem to be going more toward an instant gratification platform. However, you can still get bangs from OKC and POF depending how tight your openers are.

On the other hand, tinder is incredibly easy to slay, depending on where you live.

It should be noted that online datings apps SHOULD NOT REPLACE face to face pick ups. They should augment them only.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Bitches are on there for attention and to accrue more followers on social media platforms. I matched with a gothic hottie and she messages me all excited to "get to know me" when I mention hanging out she says "Oh I can't meet" I ask why not "I'm chronically ill with (some disease) but you should check out my Youtube channel where I talk all about it." I check it out and it was painfully cringey shit even though she is hot. Of course lots of well wishing orbiters in the comments. I am 99 percent sure shes 100 percent full of shit and doesn't suffer from anything, other than narcissism.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

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