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Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

well considering there are edekas,reves and aldis everywhere. I feel like big grocery stores aren't a German thing.

any store near college resident areas will have women though.

whatever area that you live in...just go to around there..unless you live around old people.

I know Berlinertor is right off a street with a student apartment block and dammtor is near the university.

personally I found more quality trolling around the hauptbanhof. there's and edeka on the second floor and a big food court under it.

also. Europe passage has at least one small grocery store within the shopping center.

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Quote: (01-15-2013 09:51 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

any store near college resident areas will have women though.

I know Berlinertor is right off a street with a student apartment block and dammtor is near the university.

personally I found more quality trolling around the hauptbanhof. there's and edeka on the second floor and a big food court under it.

Thanks for the info. I was thinking of Dammtor and places where there is a high student concentration.

In my university town there was this supermarket with almost 99% university students being customers, in Hamburg the student population is just more spread out.

I guess it does't matter though since there are so many young people and the quality is quite good in Hamburg anyway.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Hauptbahnhof? That is druggie territory. I lived in Hamburg and no one of halfway decent background would spend more than the minimum transfer time there. No matter what they try to tell you in ads,the only people you will find around there are down and out or tourists. I can smell the urine and filth just thinking about the place!

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

every large city's main station is gonna attract vagabonds.
that is because a large influx of people will move through there.
higher numbers equal more possible approaches and Germans are hard to cold approach anyway.

he asked for grocery store like places.
the main station has and edeka that was even open on Sundays while I was there.

where in the city do you live sheesh?
there might be a small shopping center near you that you don't even know about.

it took me over a month to realize two train stops near me had enclosed shopping centers.
one was pretty much a multi story mall

* also near dammtor( gansemarkt)
there is a Quarree sophienhof. I've never been to it, but the one in my area was full of young girls (haha a lot of them very young) but you never know. the other one might be different

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

I'm in Hamburg from Thursday till Monday. I've been before, but this time I'm going on my own. Should be interesting. What's the deal with riding solo in the clubs/bars over there? I've never gamed before in a foreign country, should I think of an interesting, but bullshit story for why I'm there? In actuality I'm meeting my Dad there for a day or two but will be going out at night alone obviously.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Im planning to restart my blog with stories and continue own since ill be back in Hamburg soon.
First update posted
First Day In Hamburg

Surprisingly but unsurprisingly the expat and Couchsurfing community is pretty big.

Since I used CS a lot to meet people in different cities. I occasionally went to couchsurfing meetings
Since Hamburg has a large female population. I found out that a lot of AU Pairs and women interested in fashion are in Hamburg. Also with the big university, theres lots of students interested in meeting foreign people.
Its easy to pipeline Hamburg since there is an abundance of CSers and Expats.
I messaged about a dozen girls before I even got there so I could at least find a social worked out for the best. My first day-2 weeks I got more bangs than almost any other time

A lot of the girls I knew in the city, were Swedish,Lithuanian,Spanish Au pairs
This could be a whole thread on its own..maybe ill do it later..but this is for Hamburg
Au pair game is easy.
These are young girls in their 20s that are babysitters for rich families all day long.
They don't get paid much and don't have much free time. They aren't making very many friends because they are in a house all day.

Their only release is going out and partying as hard as possible when they can.
They are literally starved for dick.

My Au pair friends..would always bring out the other Au pairs and introduce them.
The legs open easy because these girls love to meet expats that have even a little status in the city..or know how to get around.

* For people that say, they have a hard time with Germans for being cold.
The Expat communities usually have women that are more liberal and "understanding"

While CS and EXpat communities get a rep of being low quality.
Hamburg is one of the few cities where theres lots of attractive girls..its a upperclass style city.
less busted girls

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

I've arrived back in Hamburg.
Ill stay here till the end of the month.

Im really not trying to do sweeping motions through the reeperbahn.
Its expensive and time consuming.

But after my first week ive noticed a couple things

1. Girls and Asses.
After coming from Poland and Budapest.. I can say for a fact.
German asses arent all flat. At least in Hamburg ( where there are more females, that males) there is not a shortage of girls with flat asses.

Yes. German girls are a little more stocky. Bigger legs compared to the stick thin legs of Polish girls.
But their legs dont seem as muscular are Hungarian girls who also have thicker legs.

What I think the big difference is, is German chicks seem to have much stronger, bigger pack muscle.
There asses dont have the nice bubble at the top. because their back muscle seem big.
There butts seems to be plump at the bottom more than anything.

The weather is starting to heat up and thee party district is getting bigger.
Girls are wearing tighter and more revealing clothes.
I love the look of polish and hungarian girls...but im not disappointed at all with the faces of German chick. Especially in Hamburg.

2. Blacks and minorities

When I was in Hamburg 2 years ago. It was extremely rare that I saw another Black person on the reeperbahn. let alone an american.
Now, I feel like the amount of Africans out trolling has gone up signifigantlly.
The problem with this..Is they ruin the game.
They dress like they came right out of a late night BET video. Act extra (stereotypical black american)
and are are extremely aggressive.
Not to mention..enough of them sell drugs.
That I was approached twice in on night, while standing around smoking a cigarette, by people asking if I was selling anything.

Im gonna have to go out a little more to completely confirm this.
But I was denied entry to 3 different clubs...that Ive been to before in the past.
Even one night a girl I was with had to explain to the bouncer that we were together to let my friends and I in.
And I dress nothing like the stereotype

Part of the problem is the non german looking bouncers.
But Im theorizing that africans are so left field with their game.. that they are only wanted in the hip hop clubs.
...Which greatly limits your access to the higher quality chicks.

3. Weather.
Now that summer has hit. its extremely warm around here.
Even as high as 82 degrees.
Germans dont often wear shorts..but ive seen quit a few germans wearing shorts.
They can stands the heat.

4. Prices.
Prices are still high as fuck.
This is adding to the reason that I probably wont go out 3-4 nights a weeks like I use too.
Im gonna focus more on reading, writing , going to the gym and hopefully learning a little hungarian for my future trip.
If you are coming from any non euro are gonna be mad as fuck at the prices. especially if your are converting tollars.
I think the exchange is 1.36usd per euro right now.
Average beer in bar or club is about 3 euro...or 4 dollars.
More high range clubs you might pay up to 5 euro- 7 dollars a beer.
Better to buy your beer at the market and predrink..

But I just came from paying 1.5usd half liter beers in warsaw and budapest. So of course im not happy paying 3 times that for in some cases, smaller ammounts.

Im gonna stop here and include some pictures.. but if anyone wants info on other bullet points for hamburg or germany let me know

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

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[Image: 15qVPmol.jpg]

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

How do you find the au pairs Sourcecode? On OKCupid?

A whore ain't nothing but a trick to a pimp. (Iceberg Slim)
Beauty is in the erection of the beholder. (duedue)
Grab your life by the pussy.
A better question to ask is "What EXACTLY do I want out of life and what EXACTLY am I doing to get EXACTLY that? If you can answer that question truthfully you will be the most Alpha motherfucker you will ever need to be. (PapayaTapper)

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany
Quote: (04-29-2014 02:14 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

This thread is old as dirt but I'm gonna brush some dirt off.
A lot of people are asking..How do you find Au Pairs.
Im Gonna make this so easy you'll feel dumb for not thinking about it.

Facebook has made it easy as fuck to use their search function
The Graph Search pretty much lays out groups and images.
You can separate by city and group.

I literally typed NYC Au Pair Groups.
Facebook automatically searches for groups with that the NYC Au Pair
NYC Au Pair Facebook Groups
[Image: Aj6eG40l.png]

The biggest group is a group for nightlife.
Like we have said time an time again. Au Pairs just wanna get away from the kids...Party,get drunk and fuck too..only they have less time to do it.

Im not gonna link anyones facebooks.. but I looked through the new and active members of these groups
Lots of Spanish,Brazilian,Argentinian. A few european and Russian
There will be more South American broads for the simple fact that its closes.
European city will have more girls from places like, the Baltics and Balkans

You can easily edit the search box and just type whatever city you are from or are closest to.

All over Europe, theirs Au pair groups full of Swedish,Norwegian,Polish,Croatian ect girls.

Honestly..this is the best way to find them.

Join the groups. Theres no shame. You gotta start somewhere.
IF you want..make up an excuse. Say you were interested in being Au pair. or know someone who is.. Anything.
at some wont even matter..Some girls will bite..some girls wont.

Dont join and go straight to trying to send friend request to girls.
Personally..I don't even post...I just lurk..Let them talk.
its mostly girl stuff that you dont want to be part of anyway.

Everynow and then, someone might talk about selling something like furniture.
You can buy..or sell.
Hell..I remember once, a girl posted about needing something fixed.
Guys can chime in an offer services as handymen.
This isnt "beta" You are meeting a girl that cooks,cleans,hasnt been with someone her age in a while....this is a set up for a porn script

Often they will make post towards the weekends saying people should get together for a drink.
You can take a bold route and say that you want to join.
Just stalk and show up in the area.
You have insider information..and may" accidentally" pop up in a bar where the Au pairs are located.

We're all players here...Game like normal..make conversation. strategy was to intentionally just be friendly..not to sexual.
You don't wanna the bomb disposal guy...if he takes off running..everyone will follow.
If a few of the girls are friends. They will eventually introduce you to more and more girls and youll build social proof

For a good to months straight. 3 girls would text me go out. I never banged any of them..But my social proof was through the roof having 3 girls come with me to every club I went to.
Other Women would stare me down and sometimes approach me..which is extremely rare in Germany.

Guys would be jealous and try to come into my group.
Pussy should be shared..I wasn't cock blocking any dude..given he wasnt stone cold drunk.

Bang Logistics

I think Bang logistics should be a thing here.
Some of these chicks are pretty shy about taking a person home.
They dont have their own places...they dont wanna lose their jobs and places of residence. And the kids are gonna be their also.

You need to have decent logistics.
They will usually be pretty willing to come to your places..given you take proper measures
*tell them you have drinks. ect

Often..You luck out..because they girl wont stay the night.
She still has full time job..she cant be at some dudes house while the kids are at home starving

Just search a city and put Au pairs
Theres groups like this all over.. They will of course have more dudes in them. But its still and option

*Au Pair girls are perfect girlfriends.
They Cook, Clean, Are usually foreign, so you get a taste of different culture and values.
Usually dress well.. They take pride in their appearance because its their job.

**Some of these girls will have hit jackpot families.
Super Rich
Plus points is you can meet the girls host family and build your connections up

Did I miss anything?

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Any recommendation for going out Sunday-Wednesday?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Almost all German Erasmus girls seem to be cold as fuck and don't seem to like any kino. Even the Italian girls seem easier than German girls who quite often isn't good looking.

Is it seriously any different if you go to Hamburg (apart from the foreign girls there)?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Guys, i am living in Hamburg for 13 years and every time i come back to hamburg, the girls are just pure shit.

Just this weekend again, i am 27, good looking and stylish. I went to Hamburger Berg for some Pre Drinking and i had also the feeling that girls around there, are a little bit more open, but this shit also changed. If you approach them, just regular and indirect, they dont answer you in a normal way, but most of the time rude.
Hamburg is a fancy city together with munich in germany, because of that there are either hipster or fancy looking girls, that think they are the queen of the world.
Like you guys said, in Kiev a 7 thinks, she is a 5 and think she is just a normal random girl. In hamburg every fat pig, thinks she is a miss world. this is just ridiculous and i would not ever going to hamburg for pickup up fat HB5 with attitude.
Its a social circle game and ONS are not common. I am rolling with some other cool guys they get laid, but ONS happen every few Months once, if you go out regulary.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday are dead days and with the winter there is also depressive mood coming. On top on it, i often date girls that were born in germany, but have a different cultural background, but the feminin virus is already inside of them...
Next to that, we have a hugh moslem population and i think its harder to game them at the night club or streetgame and now with all the refugee, its just not cool here
Thanks good i am leaving for 4 Months to Medellin and will enjoy everything there.

But i made good results aproaching older girls 23 and up in english and telling them a made up story. So i think it should be ok, but nothing special, go to poland, its cheaper, easier, prettier and more interesting.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany


What about all those stories about girls going to toilets with guys?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Like you write, stories. It can sure happen and I know one friend that had it. Still Germany is not a strong ONS culture and most sex happen in relationships. Social circle game.

Read also one article, that German singles are the ones with the highest claims. I agree with that complete.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

exactly "stories", i saw it in 9 years 2 times and i was a partyholic...or maybe it was cologne on karneval, but hamburg? Never
i am well travelled, i am a freelancer and own apartments, i am fit, working out, 5,11, good looking face and the reactions i get are just funny, because the expection of woman is not real, maybe it has changed because of tinder and that they have 10 betas on every hand.
but after experiencing, ukrainain girl, asian girls, south american girls, i just dont want to deal with this bullshit, because i know how i am and i know that there are a lot of AFC...
i was also maybe unlucky, but there are woman who are feminist + vegan+ share apartment with others + hipster + dont use make up + are strictly against alcohol + wear mens clothes 3 times bigger than they should + dont even try to dress up. and if she had 1-2 of this attributes, i would be cool with it, but they have most of them combined, its a fuckign nightmare, if you ever travelled and know there are woman who appreciate a real man and a man appreciate a woman

Hamburg is not the town of new rich, its the opposite, hamburg is conservative, cold and there are only 2 places in town, where something is going on.
on the other hand sure you are good friends, but it takes time to warm up with people, and most guys dont stay that long to become friends... I am chatting with some students or girls/guys who came here to work, for them it is sometimes to find friends from hamburg, because they have already their own friends, and its harder to get into it.

Maybe if you are a hip cali surfer dude, who likes to rescues birds and plays guitar and is againt capitalism and is helping refugee in his free time you can get laid better or easier....but i am not that kind of a guy
thats why i love this forum, cause we are all adventourous and cool normal guys who love feminin woman and me TOO [Image: smile.gif]

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany


Good points,

but aren't you a little unfair to the German girls to compare them with non western girls?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

I've noticed that Germans usually do horrible compared to the foreigners with game.
Hamburg was a goldmine for both me as a black guy and my white friends a couple years ago.
ONS were rare...but Hamburg university area,Reeperbahn, Jungfernstieg, were all great areas for both day an night game.

German guys are known for being relatively boring... their women want new an interesting people.
When in clubs, I noticed German guys stick to their groups and rarely make approaches... even the guys that are a little higher on the game scale will rarely break into other groups.

I may have had the foreigner card in my hand, but I had absolutely no problems breaking into groups and befriending a group. Often the guys were too...polite.. to push me out of the group or protect their girls.

Maybe if you are in the grudge sternshanze area of Hamburg or Hans Albers Platz area, will you find feminst,/hipster/grunge type people.

But Hamburg isn't a grudge city like Berlin. Even just walking the Hamburg university campus, you can find girls dressed up for class.
My circle and those I interacted with was full of women that looked nice.

And if they went out to the Reeperbahn... there is almost no way they would be vegan or against alcohol.

People share rooms in Hamburg because.. Housing is expensive and so many of the younger population are students.
That didn't stop women at all from inviting me to their places while their housemates were over to fuck.
I ended up friends with a lot of the housemates of girls I banged.. A couple of them were even guys.

I am the cock carousel

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

Quote: (11-02-2015 07:19 PM)wolfer Wrote:  

Guys, i am living in Hamburg for 13 years and every time i come back to hamburg, the girls are just pure shit.

Just this weekend again, i am 27, good looking and stylish. I went to Hamburger Berg for some Pre Drinking and i had also the feeling that girls around there, are a little bit more open, but this shit also changed. If you approach them, just regular and indirect, they dont answer you in a normal way, but most of the time rude.
Hamburg is a fancy city together with munich in germany, because of that there are either hipster or fancy looking girls, that think they are the queen of the world.
Like you guys said, in Kiev a 7 thinks, she is a 5 and think she is just a normal random girl. In hamburg every fat pig, thinks she is a miss world. this is just ridiculous and i would not ever going to hamburg for pickup up fat HB5 with attitude.
Its a social circle game and ONS are not common. I am rolling with some other cool guys they get laid, but ONS happen every few Months once, if you go out regulary.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday are dead days and with the winter there is also depressive mood coming. On top on it, i often date girls that were born in germany, but have a different cultural background, but the feminin virus is already inside of them...
Next to that, we have a hugh moslem population and i think its harder to game them at the night club or streetgame and now with all the refugee, its just not cool here
Thanks good i am leaving for 4 Months to Medellin and will enjoy everything there.

But i made good results aproaching older girls 23 and up in english and telling them a made up story. So i think it should be ok, but nothing special, go to poland, its cheaper, easier, prettier and more interesting.

I've noticed from videos posted on YouTube that in the past two years the women in Germany have really ballooned out and and wondered how this, together with social media whoring, might have caused the price of pussy there to skyrocket and women's attittudes to tend in the direction of the Anglosphere, i.e. cunty and snarky and otherwise ignorantly aversive to all but the most alpha speciments of the male species.

I'd be interested to hear whether German women have picked up the British female habit of avoiding all eye-contact with men while on the street. Are they now as paranoid and dismissive of men as they are in the UK?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany

I wouldn't call this an accurate field report since I was only there a weekend and I was visiting one of my buddies whos not really a PUA guy so I have limited info.

I spent the weekend (from Friday to Sunday) in Hamburg, Germany and only pretty much got to check out the nightlife.

I spent all two consecutive nights on the infamous "Reeperbahn"

First night :we went to an alternative type of location which I always tend to look out place since I tend to dress up alot.. I was actually opened by a girl who was there with two other guys. We talked for a bit but I think she was just more curious about me than attracted or maybe its cause I just told her I was there for the weekend she lost interest. Girl was originally from Poland!

Second Night: We went to two "high end" locations and I had NO trouble getting in to these places since I always dress well.

Club Du Nord:

- Was ok... lots of potential for nice girls but just was empty on this night. Seemed like an early/mid 20s kind of place with college girls. Would recommend if you can be sure if its full.


Two floor rooftop club on the Reeperbahn.... We got there really late because we wasted time waiting for "club du nord" to pop off but it never did. IMO Noho is the best club ive seen in Hamburg with EDM on the main floor (rooftop) and Hip hop on the floor below..

- Lots of potential and pretty girls
- Lots of bottles being popped
- International (I met some guys from Sweden) and my friend told me he met some Finnish girls there once.

Face Control (I'm black) - For Black guys/Minorities:

I had NO problems getting in to either of these places and we were well aware we could get rejected... I went with two other white german guys and also I was suited up... Meaning full suit (from suitsupply), button down shirt, tie and suede shoes. Suiting up will potentially ensure that you get into places. Its better to be overdressed than underdressed. I heard NOHO is notorious for racism at the door and I didn't really see any other brothers inside but me.

Don't give the bouncers an excuse to fuck with you.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

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