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Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - hunter7 - 11-07-2011


Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Sourcecode - 11-09-2011

Good post Hunter..Ill put it to use

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Sourcecode - 01-07-2012

Been in Germany for a couple days now.
Hit up Moondoo and China louge(or at least I think thats where i went unless theres another chinese style place on reeperbahn.

I went out last thurday
The China place. like you said was pretty chill but no action was going on.. The girl I went didnt like it either..we pretty much went in for 5 minutes an left.

Moondoo was pretty ballin though. I noticed they turned quit a few people away.
Luckily I rolled in with 5 girls and 3 of them could pass for models.
You said it was house music..maybe thursday is different. because it was almost all hip hop music. I stayed there the longest but left cause I was tired of dancing and the place was fogged with smoke.
*This club has to floors. the second floor is much more chill, still smoked fogged.
Chicks were hot, but to be honest i didnt look to hard. I had 4 girls and a main girl to dance with

I also went to some Latin club. I forgot the name
It was real big high ceilings...Ive never been to a latin club...I just discovered I love gettin down to reggeton

Both moondoo and the spanish club actually had really good ratios. and like you said..moondoo gets in hot chicks.

I pipelined before coming here. smashed the girl that brought me club hopping the same night. only got dressed because her roommate got home.
then again the next days..when i showed up and we was wearing nothing but panties and a robe.

so far..I ive gotten laid more days here than I havnt

I said Id put this post to use didnt I haha

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - americanInEurope - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-07-2012 08:42 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Been in Germany for a couple days now.
Hit up Moondoo and China louge(or at least I think thats where i went unless theres another chinese style place on reeperbahn.

I went out last thurday
The China place. like you said was pretty chill but no action was going on.. The girl I went didnt like it either..we pretty much went in for 5 minutes an left.

Moondoo was pretty ballin though. I noticed they turned quit a few people away.
Luckily I rolled in with 5 girls and 3 of them could pass for models.
You said it was house music..maybe thursday is different. because it was almost all hip hop music. I stayed there the longest but left cause I was tired of dancing and the place was fogged with smoke.
*This club has to floors. the second floor is much more chill, still smoked fogged.
Chicks were hot, but to be honest i didnt look to hard. I had 4 girls and a main girl to dance with

I also went to some Latin club. I forgot the name
It was real big high ceilings...Ive never been to a latin club...I just discovered I love gettin down to reggeton

Both moondoo and the spanish club actually had really good ratios. and like you said..moondoo gets in hot chicks.

I pipelined before coming here. smashed the girl that brought me club hopping the same night. only got dressed because her roommate got home.
then again the next days..when i showed up and we was wearing nothing but panties and a robe.

so far..I ive gotten laid more days here than I havnt

I said Id put this post to use didnt I haha

Glad you're having fun man. Club game is Germany is all about getting your face seen. Go back to those clubs more and more and get noticed by the girls, bouncers, etc, introducing yourself to chicks and being a friendly guy. No numbers, just small talk. Dress fresh to def every time. It should only take 2 or 3 times at a place before chicks start approaching you or you'll be on friendly enough terms to approach them. I hope the girl you're smashing, or her friends, aren't club monsters that frequent those clubs a lot cause that'll make what I just said harder to do. If they are, hit up some other spots and sms her before you go out like "hey where are you going out tonight" and avoid that one lol.

One last thing, I don't know how NRW clubs are but I know in the south the bouncers sometimes don't like to let foreign guys in the clubs. If you roll by yourself you may have to strike up a convo with some chicks in line and get them on your side so you can roll in with them. I'd be straight up direct and honest like "hey I think this bouncer ain't gonna let me in cause I'm American. can I roll in with you girls?" and 99% of the girls will be like yeah of course. Gotta love those friendly NRW girls [Image: smile.gif] And shit you may even be able to keep a convo going with them and that'll start your social proof thing when you get in the club. Germany is very cold now and that affects people's mood, so if you run across a bitchy group freezing in line with a short skirt on, you might want to avoid talking to her. But def. if you're getting eye contact or a girl is by herself consider her game and open her. I personally like go to hip hop clubs with black bouncers, and hipster clubs cause both of those are usually open and friendly to foreign dudes.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Sourcecode - 03-17-2012

Here is another essential to add to the list

Thomas Read Irish Pub

I was actually recommended to go here by some US Officers.
They said they spend 3 hours listening to pub music watching girls go to the bathroom and never come back before they realized..the downstair of the pub is a ragefest of teen girls. The top area really is drunk or near drunk englishmen and Irishmen who pay no attention to the women at all

ages range from like 16-40 in this place.
anyone over 18 gets a black band..but i noticed quiet a few girls without them.
Along with quiet a few older guys late 20s early thirties.
But there are alot of DTF chicks running around here in skin tight dresses and too tight shirts.
very stylish dress. there were even some suited up guys around.

Check the site for more details.
They places is big.
Pub,Disco,live bar area plus a bier garten.
Buy 2am people are making out in random places.

I was shitty this night and had a weak wingman(would have done better solo) that kept making rookie mistakes. then left early in the night.
I managed to make out with two 20 year old from the ukraine. that were just excited to test their english out on an american.
I didn't get laid cause..the girls took to long at the bathroom. I assumed the dropped me and when they came back I was already dancing with another girl.

Ratio was actually really good. *and being st patricks night*
lots of variety in here too.
I don't know what the cover is, or how many people they turn away at the stairs because I came early in the night while scouting good clubs.
[Image: 423987_10151436070995145_367392305144_23...8780_n.jpg] [Image: 416952_10151436072965145_367392305144_23...7414_n.jpg][Image: 64741_10151436065655145_367392305144_234...1829_n.jpg]

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Sourcecode - 03-17-2012

and of course my attempt at a ratio pictures
this is one of the dancefloors. ration isnt horrible.. but you can see there are blocks of chicks and guys straggling the edges.

There the bier garten area was where alot of chicks were hanging out to get there dance break and cig on.

Plus 2 long halls where i found more girls hanging out( I assume so they could get away from the packs of guys

ps. if you are here earlier in the night 11-2. there were less guys.. on the floor.
The guys were posed on couches in another room watching girls go buy. for the first 45 minutes the dance floor ratio was almost 3:1 girls

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - scotian - 03-17-2012

Hunter7, good data sheet dude, but you forgot to mention the Hamburg Fischmarket where you go after getting pissed all night in the Reeperbahn, just walk down to the harbour and all along the boardwalk are places to eat and drink, sometimes bands playing all morning. You'll see guys down there at 6-7am with a hooker, buying them breakfast, good times!

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - hunter7 - 03-17-2012


Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Eliogabalus - 03-18-2012

Are they much different than the women in southrn germany? Are most girls in hamburg(talking about the ethnic german ones) tall natural blondes?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Greek kamaki - 03-18-2012

Quote: (03-18-2012 08:21 AM)Eliogabalus Wrote:  

Are they much different than the women in southrn germany? Are most girls in hamburg(talking about the ethnic german ones) tall natural blondes?

In Germany there are four types of girls?
1.Nordic girls(the area above Koblenz till the Danish border.It includes Hambgurg,Bremen,Hannover etc).Girls there are tall(the tallest in Europe close to Dutch) blonde and have the classic Germanic characteristics.(I have already described them.Small breast,small ass,square jaws).
2.Bavarian girls(this includes cities like Munich,Stuttgard,Nuremberg etc).Girls there are shorter and very close to Austrian girls.You get more into central European variety with many brunettes.Also slightly fatter.Again breasts are not so developed as in the neighbouring slavic nations(Czechs,Slovaks etc).
3.Middle German or Rhein girls(Dusseldorf,Koln,all the area between Bavaria and Koblenz).Girls there do not look particularly good all of them have more fat than ideal,they have either very thin or very fat thighs,very mediocre breasts and asses.They are rather masculine as well with harsh voices.
4.Eastern German girls.(former DDR,Berlin,Saxony etc).Among the best looking German girls due to high slavic mix(about 20%).Real breasts,some with very good asses,not so tall like nordic girls(due to genes and relative impoverishment in areas of former DDR),some with high cheeks due to slavic mix anyway more attractive than western German girls.The problem with this area is that the slavic girls in close countries(CR,Poland) look much much better so you skip the area totally.

Comparison between slavic type Germanic type.
1.Lips:Slavic type fat lips,Germanic type thin lips
2.Cheeks:Slavic type high cheeks,Germanic type low cheeks
3.Jaw:Slavic type round or triangular jaw,Germanic type square jaw
4.Nose:Slavic type big,pointing nose,Germanic type small,symmetric nose
5.Hair:Slavic type thin hair dirty blonde,Germanic type more dense straight hair real blonde
6.Legs:Slavic type very shapely legs,the best in the world slavic women real asset,Germanic type either very fat or very thin legs like bird
7.Height:Slavic type average height:1.65 cm depending on region,Germanic type average height:170 cm depending on region
8.Eyes:Slavic type almond shaped big eyes with green color,Germanic type round eyes with blue color.
9.Skin:Slavic type earthy skin,a bit hard on surface(very prominent among Ukrainian women),Germanic skin transparent white with fat
10.Freckles:Very common among slavic women,less common among Germanic women
11.Scoliosis:Very common among slavic women(like they bow somehow),less common among Germanic women(straight like soldiers)
12.Ass:Good dimensions,a bit popping among slavic women,very small almost mens like among Germanic women(some like the latter variety disgusted by the Mediteranean huge asses aka air fields others prefer the real ass and there are admirers of the medium dimensions slavic asses).
13.Voice:Very feminine high pitched voice among Slavic type(your mind phantasizes instant BJs by hearing them talking) masculine harsh low voice by Germanic females(you imagine a dominatrix with leather boots and a whip when hearing them talking it is like SS order.German language helps in this regard).
14.Breasts:Excellent among Czech,Slovak and polish females(bursting grenades among the best in Europe),not so much developed in other countries like Russia and Ukraine(a big problem with not known solution),Germanic type breasts totally unimportant close to male like with shrinked dimensions.

We see here why the slavic women are so good in tennis(all no.1 tennis players now come from Russia,Poland,CR,Serbia) it is probably due to their excellent shaped legs.Germanic women have an advantage in running(lack of breasts,male type asses) and throw of disc(very thick thighs,muscle power with no feminine features to obstruct its exercise).

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - sheesh - 03-18-2012

I have been to the club "Grüner Jäger" a couple of times and liked it. Attracts mainly university students in their mid twenties...lot's of good looking girls. Mostly Britpop playing.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - sheesh - 03-18-2012

Quote: (03-18-2012 08:47 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

14.Breasts:Excellent among Czech,Slovak and polish females(bursting grenades among the best in Europe),not so much developed in other countries like Russia and Ukraine(a big problem with not known solution)

[Image: icon_mrgreen.gif][Image: icon_mrgreen.gif][Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Eliogabalus - 03-23-2012

Quote: (03-18-2012 08:47 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2012 08:21 AM)Eliogabalus Wrote:  

Are they much different than the women in southrn germany? Are most girls in hamburg(talking about the ethnic german ones) tall natural blondes?

In Germany there are four types of girls?
1.Nordic girls(the area above Koblenz till the Danish border.It includes Hambgurg,Bremen,Hannover etc).Girls there are tall(the tallest in Europe close to Dutch) blonde and have the classic Germanic characteristics.(I have already described them.Small breast,small ass,square jaws).
2.Bavarian girls(this includes cities like Munich,Stuttgard,Nuremberg etc).Girls there are shorter and very close to Austrian girls.You get more into central European variety with many brunettes.Also slightly fatter.Again breasts are not so developed as in the neighbouring slavic nations(Czechs,Slovaks etc).
3.Middle German or Rhein girls(Dusseldorf,Koln,all the area between Bavaria and Koblenz).Girls there do not look particularly good all of them have more fat than ideal,they have either very thin or very fat thighs,very mediocre breasts and asses.They are rather masculine as well with harsh voices.
4.Eastern German girls.(former DDR,Berlin,Saxony etc).Among the best looking German girls due to high slavic mix(about 20%).Real breasts,some with very good asses,not so tall like nordic girls(due to genes and relative impoverishment in areas of former DDR),some with high cheeks due to slavic mix anyway more attractive than western German girls.The problem with this area is that the slavic girls in close countries(CR,Poland) look much much better so you skip the area totally.

Comparison between slavic type Germanic type.
1.Lips:Slavic type fat lips,Germanic type thin lips
2.Cheeks:Slavic type high cheeks,Germanic type low cheeks
3.Jaw:Slavic type round or triangular jaw,Germanic type square jaw
4.Nose:Slavic type big,pointing nose,Germanic type small,symmetric nose
5.Hair:Slavic type thin hair dirty blonde,Germanic type more dense straight hair real blonde
6.Legs:Slavic type very shapely legs,the best in the world slavic women real asset,Germanic type either very fat or very thin legs like bird
7.Height:Slavic type average height:1.65 cm depending on region,Germanic type average height:170 cm depending on region
8.Eyes:Slavic type almond shaped big eyes with green color,Germanic type round eyes with blue color.
9.Skin:Slavic type earthy skin,a bit hard on surface(very prominent among Ukrainian women),Germanic skin transparent white with fat
10.Freckles:Very common among slavic women,less common among Germanic women
11.Scoliosis:Very common among slavic women(like they bow somehow),less common among Germanic women(straight like soldiers)
12.Ass:Good dimensions,a bit popping among slavic women,very small almost mens like among Germanic women(some like the latter variety disgusted by the Mediteranean huge asses aka air fields others prefer the real ass and there are admirers of the medium dimensions slavic asses).
13.Voice:Very feminine high pitched voice among Slavic type(your mind phantasizes instant BJs by hearing them talking) masculine harsh low voice by Germanic females(you imagine a dominatrix with leather boots and a whip when hearing them talking it is like SS order.German language helps in this regard).
14.Breasts:Excellent among Czech,Slovak and polish females(bursting grenades among the best in Europe),not so much developed in other countries like Russia and Ukraine(a big problem with not known solution),Germanic type breasts totally unimportant close to male like with shrinked dimensions.

We see here why the slavic women are so good in tennis(all no.1 tennis players now come from Russia,Poland,CR,Serbia) it is probably due to their excellent shaped legs.Germanic women have an advantage in running(lack of breasts,male type asses) and throw of disc(very thick thighs,muscle power with no feminine features to obstruct its exercise).

Are the people in the pictures mostly natives? because I see a lot of dark heads, specially compared to what you seen in scandinavian and dutch crowds, even most dudes there are blonde.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - sheesh - 03-24-2012

There are not that many blondes in Hamburg, the population is just too mixed. Also, Northern Germany doesn't have as much blondes as Scandinavia or the Netherlands have, although there are noticeably more blondes than in the south of Germany.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Sourcecode - 03-24-2012

yea..Its kinda a myth about Germany being full of blondes.
especially bigger cities..

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - sheesh - 03-25-2012

Most Germans have brown, at best dark blond hair. This is not Iceland or Sweden, lol.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Eliogabalus - 03-25-2012

Quote: (03-25-2012 06:36 AM)sheesh Wrote:  

Most Germans have brown, at best dark blond hair. This is not Iceland or Sweden, lol.

Well Iceland is also somewhat less naturally blonde, althought not by much, than the scandinavian countries (due to the huge irish influence which brought more of the blue eye/dark hair convo). My point was compared to the dutch and danes who neighbour with germans, not even the germans from north are as blonde, I've noticed the drop of blondeness levels when you pass from holland/denmark to germany, how germans are automatically more dark blonde or brown haired, and much less light blonde haired.

Its not an intention bring this post into a racial bias discussion, Its just to put as a fact that germany is not the land of big blonde people as most people wants to believe, maybe in some rural areas of the north it kind of hold some truth, still it doesnt apply to the vast majority of the country. I'd say you still have way higher chances of scoring a tall slim genuine blonde girl in germany than in countries of the anglosphere where nearly every blond girl (who isnt dirty blonde but real blond haired) comes from a bottle, this accounts for the UK, Ireland, US, Canada, etc.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - sheesh - 03-26-2012

You are right Eliogablus, the Dutch and the Scandinavians have much more blondes and they do have the light blondes that are very rare in Germany.

Whoever invented this myth about Germany being blonde anyway ? That's certainly not the way Germans portray themselves.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Eliogabalus - 03-26-2012

Quote: (03-26-2012 03:13 PM)sheesh Wrote:  

You are right Eliogablus, the Dutch and the Scandinavians have much more blondes and they do have the light blondes that are very rare in Germany.

Whoever invented this myth about Germany being blonde anyway ? That's certainly not the way Germans portray themselves.

American media stereotype germans according to Nazi ideals whom in some ways promoted blonde and blue eyed people. I've never heard a german telling those things. And also the fact thats Germany is the "big country" in europe with more blondes per capita, if you consider spain and italy are nearly homogeneously dark haired, france has a few blondes with a majority of chesnut haired people, and the Brits are definitely more medium/mousy brown hair (with a lot of "celtic" black haired types) and the vast majority of the blondes there are all fake (similar to the US). Germany although not the true blonde land of people has still much more blond haired/stereotypically germanic looking people than any of those populations. I found also people in poland tend to be less blonde haired than germans overall, although not by much. Many germans look like they could fit anywhere in europe, specially in central european countries, poland, austria, germany, belgium ,etc. Dutch and Scandinavians in the other hand look almost always only northern european, even the ones who arent blond haired, and have much more homogeneous looking populations than germany do.

Those smaller countries play a less important role worlwide wise hence they are less mainstream than germany.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Deluge - 03-27-2012

60% of Dutch have light hair (includes very dark blondes that we wouldn't call blonde).

Three quarters of Germans are blue, grey or green eyed. 90% for Danes (native populations only). I think it's just over half to 60% for Brits and Irish.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Eliogabalus - 03-27-2012

Quote: (03-27-2012 07:01 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

60% of Dutch have light hair (includes very dark blondes that we wouldn't call blonde).

Three quarters of Germans are blue, grey or green eyed. 90% for Danes (native populations only). I think it's just over half to 60% for Brits and Irish.

Its because the tourists always visit Amsterdam (or rotteram, den haag) where half of the population is foreign ancestry and many of the ethnic dutch are mixed with other europeans or indonesians,etc. I've been to eastern and northern part of the country and like 75% are light haired and 50% are blond similar to what I've seen in Denmark outisde Copenhagen. In Ireland only 10-15% are naturally blond. Contrary to the popular belief anglo countries have few natural blonde women, because they start up blond as children but become brown haired quickly before they hit puberty or even earlier. Most blonde women you see in australia, uk, ireland, the US, new zealand, etc are all fake.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Greek kamaki - 03-27-2012

Poles look maybe more blonde than Germans on average(dirty blonde not light blonde like Scandinavians).The fame of Germans as blonde refers to Nordic Germans(in cities like Hamburg,Bremen etc) who are indeed blonde in a great degree.Bavarians in the south are not blonde.Hitler himself had a great admiration for the Nordics who regarded the epitome of Germanic beauty and intellect although he himself had south German Austrian roots(black hair medium height etc).
It is interesting that when Nazis tried to apply somatometric features(hair color,eye shape,height etc) as criteria to join the SS it was proved that Slavic nations possessed them in a greater degree than Germans themselves so the whole plan to integrate Slavs into the SS was abandoned.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Eliogabalus - 03-27-2012

Quote: (03-27-2012 11:53 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Poles look maybe more blonde than Germans on average(dirty blonde not light blonde like Scandinavians).The fame of Germans as blonde refers to Nordic Germans(in cities like Hamburg,Bremen etc) who are indeed blonde in a great degree.Bavarians in the south are not blonde.Hitler himself had a great admiration for the Nordics who regarded the epitome of Germanic beauty and intellect although he himself had south German Austrian roots(black hair medium height etc).
It is interesting that when Nazis tried to apply somatometric features(hair color,eye shape,height etc) as criteria to join the SS it was proved that Slavic nations possessed them in a greater degree than Germans themselves so the whole plan to integrate Slavs into the SS was abandoned.

I Disagree, even more consiering the fact that most northern poles have root in southern poland. Polish carpathians are very dark haired on average, more so than bavarians, google polish carpathians on youtube. I have a lot of polish friends in facebook and they do not look particularly blond, they are either brown/dark-brown hair or dark blond. People go to poland for facial features, bodies and behavior of women, nor because they have a fetish for blondes.

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - speakeasy - 03-27-2012

Good datasheet. Germany has been on my radar for awhile. Can anyone that's spent time in Hamburg comment on the overall quality of the women in this region? I've seen my share of ugly German girls and I've seen some cuties as well. They seem to be quite a mixed bag. Are there are fair amount of decent looking women in Hamburg?

Data Sheet: Hamburg, Germany - Deluge - 03-28-2012

Quote: (03-27-2012 11:47 AM)Eliogabalus Wrote:  

Quote: (03-27-2012 07:01 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

60% of Dutch have light hair (includes very dark blondes that we wouldn't call blonde).

Three quarters of Germans are blue, grey or green eyed. 90% for Danes (native populations only). I think it's just over half to 60% for Brits and Irish.

Its because the tourists always visit Amsterdam (or rotteram, den haag) where half of the population is foreign ancestry and many of the ethnic dutch are mixed with other europeans or indonesians,etc. I've been to eastern and northern part of the country and like 75% are light haired and 50% are blond similar to what I've seen in Denmark outisde Copenhagen. In Ireland only 10-15% are naturally blond. Contrary to the popular belief anglo countries have few natural blonde women, because they start up blond as children but become brown haired quickly before they hit puberty or even earlier. Most blonde women you see in australia, uk, ireland, the US, new zealand, etc are all fake.

I'm 17 and live in Australia. A lot of the British/Irish/German/Slavic girls are blonde. The majority of the natural blonde girls at school had there's darken a lot from a year ago, but they dyed it to maintain their old colours. I don't see that as fake.

I don't make any judgements based on something as meaningless as hair colour, but whenever I see an Italian/Greek girls (lot's of them in Australia) with fake platinum bottle blonde hair, it always strikes me because there's no possible way they can fool anyone into thinking it's real. It also sets off my skank radar.