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Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

keep us posted. If you bang the 9 we want pics.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Question for Vinny or you experienced members. For the last couple months I've been pouring over the Russian and Ukraine threads trying to plan my strategy for my three weeks of naughtiness in Ukraine next month. When it comes to the women I'm relying on the brutal gentleman game. Strong alpha but, romantic with chivalry.

Currently I'm pipelining on two different sites. It seems that on occasion I'm to arrogant and cocky. Acouple of the girls stopped responding to me.

Do they not like that? Do you guys find it difficult to separate cocky with strong alpha vibe?

Also, it seems like getting their numbers and switching them over to whatsapp or viber is easy. But, they don't like small talk or sending pics.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

She showed up. She was wearing heels on the beach but wore flats in the evenimg because "when i said bye she noticed i was short". Downgraded to an 8.

Made out but did not bang. Should seal the deal next date.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-26-2016 04:23 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

Question for Vinny or you experienced members. For the last couple months I've been pouring over the Russian and Ukraine threads trying to plan my strategy for my three weeks of naughtiness in Ukraine next month. When it comes to the women I'm relying on the brutal gentleman game. Strong alpha but, romantic with chivalry.

Currently I'm pipelining on two different sites. It seems that on occasion I'm to arrogant and cocky. Acouple of the girls stopped responding to me.

Do they not like that? Do you guys find it difficult to separate cocky with strong alpha vibe?

Also, it seems like getting their numbers and switching them over to whatsapp or viber is easy. But, they don't like small talk or sending pics.

Just call them.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-26-2016 04:23 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

Currently I'm pipelining on two different sites. It seems that on occasion I'm to arrogant and cocky. Acouple of the girls stopped responding to me.

can you give us an example of a line u used which stopped her to respond? Might be interesting for everyone here. In my opinion especially with online girls who don't know you u need to be careful with cocky kind of chatting. Especially if you talk to her in English. Cocky never worked for me because the Ukrainian humor is different and because of the existing language barrier. I would rather avoid this and just talk straight forward.

Quote: (08-26-2016 04:23 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

Also, it seems like getting their numbers and switching them over to whatsapp or viber is easy. But, they don't like small talk or sending pics.

When are you arriving in Kiev? Maybe you started pipelining too early? If you start too early there is a good chance that conversation dries out because these girls get 100s of messages a day also from guys who are already in Kiev and ready to meet.

Usually in my experience girls like doing small talk on Whatsapp or Viber especially in evenings during the week. You know you made a big step towards her finding you more than interesting once she starts sending you pictures of her without asking for it.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

@ Rocha
No I haven't tried calling. I will give that a shot when I'm in Ukraine.

@ superschalk
One I sent a pic of me with my shirt off at the beach. Her response was question marks and never heard back. Two other incidents I made comments about being handsome. Both times girls seems turned off. Exact opposite of American women.

Yeah, I started pipelining way to early. Three weeks in advance. Couldn't help myself. Like a kid in a candy store.

Overall I think the talent is really good. Some of these women in their mid thirties are still very attractive. Just hope the talent is just as good in person. How have your experiences been with online dating as far as the women looking like their pics? And also, as far as getting them on a date?


Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-26-2016 12:54 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

@ superschalk
One I sent a pic of me with my shirt off at the beach. Her response was question marks and never heard back. Two other incidents I made comments about being handsome. Both times girls seems turned off. Exact opposite of American women.
With girls here I never discuss looks at all. If they are hot they know it there is no point telling them. And if you are handsome they will see it also no point telling them.

Quote: (08-26-2016 12:54 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

Overall I think the talent is really good. Some of these women in their mid thirties are still very attractive. Just hope the talent is just as good in person. How have your experiences been with online dating as far as the women looking like their pics? And also, as far as getting them on a date?
Pretty much every girl who is doing online dating does professional photo shots. I think I went with about 70 girls from online on dates. From these girls maybe 40 looked better on pictures than in real. About 20 looked liked the same. And 10 looked better than expected. This is the sweet kind of spot. But in general if a girl looks like an 8 or a 9 on her pics expect her to be a 7 in the best kind of scenario. The really big problem with the online girls are skin quality and teeth quality.

Getting them on a date is really easy. Just be careful with girls who have these kind of attributes I am listing below. Honestly if they have one of these attributes stop talking to them.

1. Don't have a proper full time job or doing some kind of "freelancing"
2. Want to bring a friend on the first date (if they suggest that I block them on Viber or Whatsapp straight away)
3. They want to tell you where to meet
4. They have more than one phone. This one you will only find out on the first date but this is a huge red flag.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

^ thanks for the advice. Yeah, any woman with two phones is a major red flag. I started pipelining way to early but, I was to excited. So far its looking good. Currently on two dating sites and have alot of numbers.

I more question superschalk
What do you think about the ages of the women? Are the older ones ( 33 plus ) easier or harder? What have you found to be the perfect age?

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Why do they have two phones? P4P on the side?

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-27-2016 07:02 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

I more question superschalk
What do you think about the ages of the women? Are the older ones ( 33 plus ) easier or harder? What have you found to be the perfect age?

For me age does not matter too much and I would say that older girls are not easier than younger they all require the dating process.

For a relationship I always look for girls in mid 20s but I had great girls who were 30 and even 40. Just check if they have children. If they do you need to figure out if they are looking for a new father or if they look for fun. Just make it clear beforehand that you are not interested in the children kind of part.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-28-2016 03:42 AM)scrambled Wrote:  

Why do they have two phones? P4P on the side?
Yes usually it is just exactly because of this. Another reason can be that they are doing the marriage agency kind of business and deal with their orbiters on a separate phone.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

And the "bring a friend to our romantic dinner" trick is based,I guess, on them not being attracted to you so wanting to get two free meals? Why do they do this clumsy ploy, to game chumps who think they'll get a threesome?

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-28-2016 01:50 PM)scrambled Wrote:  

And the "bring a friend to our romantic dinner" trick is based,I guess, on them not being attracted to you so wanting to get two free meals? Why do they do this clumsy ploy, to game chumps who think they'll get a threesome?

Yeah they just look for two free meals. The usual story is that their English is not good enough so they bring a friend who would help to translate. But the bring a friend thing also happened to me with online girls in Colombia and Brazil. Seems to be a universal kind of scam.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-28-2016 01:50 PM)scrambled Wrote:  

And the "bring a friend to our romantic dinner" trick is based,I guess, on them not being attracted to you so wanting to get two free meals? Why do they do this clumsy ploy, to game chumps who think they'll get a threesome?

A lot of the time they do it so their friend can judge and test you. It's not always a scam.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (08-27-2016 07:30 AM)superschalk Wrote:  

1. Don't have a proper full time job or doing some kind of "freelancing"
2. Want to bring a friend on the first date (if they suggest that I block them on Viber or Whatsapp straight away)
3. They want to tell you where to meet
4. They have more than one phone. This one you will only find out on the first date but this is a huge red flag.

1-IMO, not necessary a red flag. I dated an freelance architect who showed up in the date in the newest BMW. The way she talks and speaks was quite high level, after a long talk she took her iphone and showed me some Buildings in Moscow she designed. I also dated a freelance translator once, well, ok this one didn't seem to have a lot of cash but in general she was normal, for sure not a golddigger.

2-I agree, I don't tolerate cockblocking either. If it would be a afterbang dinner this might be ok, but not on prebang phase.

3-This is relative. If she is 8 or above I might agree if the rayon she lives is still reachable by metro. No way I would pay a taxi to get there. And as I don't live alone, bang her in her place is always preferable for me.

4-Not sure. Some girls work for big companies (specially those who work in sales) who give them a corporate phone. So they have the other phone for private life. So there are some exceptions.
Actually, P4P is prohibited in Russia, the wild 90ies are over... unfortunately.

Part Time Gynecologist
PhD Cunni Linguist
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US aggression against Russia

Trophy wives are hot in bed

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Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Interesting thread. It seems a lot of the conventional game wisdom flies out of the window, when dealing with russian girls (don't put up with her shit, don't pay on dates, better to pursue new leads instead of ploughing through with a girl who gives a lot of resistance etc.).

Can I ask you guys, if the situation I encountered with a russian girl and described here (girl flaked on me hard, no message telling me it's off, just an apology text 2,5 hours later) is just a typical russian "persistence test"?

If yes, would you recommend breaking the 4th wall with her? I'm thinking of texting her something like "Normally I would say forget about it [meet another time], but a russian girl I met in Tallinn explained to me, that your behaviour is just the typical russian way of finding out, if a guy is really interested. So, ok maybe another time"
Any comments? [Image: confused.gif]

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Btw Macomber, with your girl and the one i gave an example about, i dont necessarily mean they did it on purpose as a test.

She might have just forgotten or simply chose to do something else.

What i did mean however is that your persistence in this case would not be viewed as beta or desperate or something that should hurt your pride, but rather something normal that a guy would do in pursuit of a girl.

So with that out of the way,
1- you forget about her = 0 chance getting laid
2- you give it a shot = >0 chance getting laid

I probably wouldnt explain to her all that over text though. Id probably just send "lets give this one last try. Whats your schedule next week/few days/whatever" or something like that.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Thanks for the explanation regarding persistence and thanks for the texting tip! I did exactly that, just sent her a "We can give it one more try"-text and then scheduled a date for next week. She confirmed and again replied back with lot's of smilies, so let's see, if she flakes on the next one as well, lol.

Beirut, I don't want to pester you about your advice too much, but would recommend starting the date a bit more cold, because of the flake or just act like the flake didn't happen?
I usually start a date with a spike (slightly sexual compliment or a cheesy hand kiss delivered with a smirk, something like that) to set the frame that this is a date from the get go and then dial it down a bit. But in this case I wonder, if it would be false calibration.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

If i had to choose one in the absolute, id say forget about it and enjoy the date away from any negative sentiments.

Too much can go wrong when you get into a "settling the scores" mindset so early.

With that said, for example with the girl who gave me a fake number and name, i did mention it but in a joking "i cant believe you did that to me" manner. ( for example i told the waiter can you believe this girl gave me a fake number etc...)

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Thanks, I was leaning in this direction as well (I normally can't stay mad at people anyway must be some kind of genetic defect)! But yeah, good idea about teasing her a bit about it, if there's a chance.

I'm actually a bit scared now. According to this thread she will be quiet & passive if the date goes well and lively if the date goes bad [Image: huh.gif] [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Wouldnt worry about that. That hasnt been my experience.

But if you want to deduce something from it, id say it means dont assume things are bad if shes cold and quiet.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Beirut, could use a little advice

Went on date last night with very attractive early twenties girl here in Kier. Everything was going great. We went and had sushi and chatted for hour or so. Seemed like she was really into me. At the end of the date I knew it was chilly outside and put my jacket around her. She kinda acted strange and refused. Then I went out to get in taxi. Went to give her light kiss on the mouth and she pushed me away. Haven't heard from her since.

This is my third day in Kiev and struggling badly.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Just got back from the date with this girl and it was pretty bad, but not for reasons I would've expected in advance.*

1) I was really hung-over & tired and grumpy. I did not feel "on" at all. In fact I was pretty bored during the date and felt like I was boring the girl too.

2) She was almost half an hour late, so I had to wait about 20 minutes for her (because I was 10 minutes late). This added to my grumpiness and evaporated any notions of a fresh & positive start for me.

3) About 40 minutes into the date she dropped the bomb: she is actually married. At first I thought she was joking, but it turns out she is indeed married and wants to stay with the guy for another 6 month, because otherwise she could loose her visa. Meanwhile the guy is extorting money from her, threatening to break up the marriage earlier. It seemed like the guy is ok with her dating other men, but still it's not really a situation I want to get involved.

4) I didn't picked the location (a park) well and didn't know a lot of spots nearby. She actually knew it better and was often leading me instead of me leading her.

In the end I think my poor state was actually working for me, because I think she doesn't meet a lot of guys giving off a dismissive vibe. So I might have saved the chance to long game her (which I still want to do because a) she is smoking & b) whilst being totally wrapped up in her own world, see below, she is also quite sweet and super feminine) and wait for her shitty situation to be resolved.

It was still an interesting date though. So far I've never been on a date where literally everybody who was walking past us, guys or girls, was first checking her out and then me. The guys were giving me the WTF-look and the women were giving me sexy eyes whilst squinting at her and examining her from top to bottom.
Also it was a nice glimpse into the solipsism described in this thread and generally by guys like Rollo. When she finally arrived I saw her a couple of moments before she saw me. She got off the bus, with not one concern in her mind for being late, strutting to the date location like a butterfly flying from one flower to another and looking at her reflection in the shop windows.
When she went to bathroom in the first location the door was open for a couple of moments. I saw her looking at herself in the mirror with total fascination, like Narcissus first seeing his own reflection.

Lessons to be learned:
1) Don't go on a date with a shitty state.
2) Screen for the girl's situation in advance.
3) Pick a location you know better than the girl.

*I'm not sure if all of this actually belongs in this thread, if not please delete or move it, thank you.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Schlep i dont wanna talk out of my ass so i doubt i might be of much help given my 0 reads on the girl or situation.

What comes to mind as far as options is:
- shes conservative and thought you were being too thristy and fast
- she was being deceptive from the start
- she has some kind of bf/ guy issues that suddenly sprung to her mind
- your read on the date was wrong

No idea really, but youre there for few weeks, so you should pursue other options and no harm in ploughing through with this one but dont let it take more than a few seconds of ur time.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

I went to a posh party last weekend. So here is what happened. The participants: My Russian friend (lets call him S), his British friend (lets call him J) and the 2 female acquaintances of the British guy (but he later said that he only knew one of them, lets call her A). I guess his plan was to bring us to neutralize the cockblocker (the female company of A, lets call her C).
It was hard for normalos to get in because it was atomic face control; so me and the Russian guy (who were wearing good but not too expensive cloths) were in danger of staying out, the British guy has some years more of Moscow nights, so basically he already knew this place and its atomic fc, so he dressed up in black suit and white shirt (classic style).
For some miracle we all got in, I suspect the Bouncers were attracted/blended by the 2 females (A is kind of 9 while C could be seen as a solid 8).
I have many of such events throughout the year, but this one made me shocked because it made me loose my faith on the legendary Russian LMR. That’s why I decided to post.
While J from the beginning of the evening paid for both A&C all the drinks & snacks, I understood from the beginning that I will have to hunt on the dance floor or in the lounge, since S was interested in C. Well the party went on, A was kind of refusing J approaches and even one of his attempt to kiss were repelled. And remember: They already knew each other, kind of.
And again I went for walk in and around the dancefloor, and after a while I was get bored from this upper class snobbish girls, so later on I came back to say goodbye to my friend, but when I returned only J and A were in our table. Hmm, where is S? “-They must be dancing or something” J said. “-Im texting her for almost 1 hour and no reaction” said A (who seemed to be furious). I could read in her eyes, “stay here I am get bored too”, but I am not an asshole, bros before hoes.
And to be honest I don’t really care where S+C were, so I took my phone and texted that I am leaving to another bar, just in case. When I was leaving the club I passed the Bedrooms entrance and from a distance I saw both coming out from there. OMG, this is what shocked me because 1-I never saw a WC fuck in Russia before and 2-They knew eachother for just 20-30 min.
“I can’t have sex with you, I don’t even know you enough as we are meeting for the first time” lol, what a bullshit line, next time I hear it I will laugh my head off. And this is the proof that, despite of mega gold digging among Russian girls, money not always save you ass because J didn’t get A and, on the other extremity, S banged C without spending one single Kopeki on her.

Part Time Gynecologist
PhD Cunni Linguist
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US aggression against Russia

Trophy wives are hot in bed

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