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SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:44 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Not gay. Most straight men in the northwest (especially Seattle and Portland) have that same baby fat, bearded face. In addition the men are skinny fat and have high pitch voices as if eunuchs.

Most of the women of Seattle have dad-bod.

The sexual polarity of Seattle is completely inverted.

Gotta think some guy who isn't a complete pussy and works out would do well up there. They seem like they would stand out from the crowd.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Washington State is At will - Nintendo of America doesn't really need that strong of cause to terminate.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Im going to school in bellingham wa,an hour and a half north of seattle and for the most part the competition is a joke.

Most of the guys chicks would be into are strung out, incarcerated, or tied down/married. Theres defintely a subset of dudes that hit the gym but even then alot of them are basically bitches with muscles.

Its not a huge town, but with the colleges there is a retarded amount of ass around here ripe for the donging. Been meaning to drop a data sheet but i need to buy a computer or use the schools i try not to access rvf from my gorls laptop.

I can also drop a data sheet on bozeman, missoula, billings, montana. Or on breaking then healing your dick... No bullshit i broke my dick four years back and it sent me into a tailspin i torpedoed myself. Those montana towns sound like bullshit but they are diamonds in the rough. If i was black in the us i would fuckin beeline for missoula and never look back, the amount of trashy pussy i ran through in a six month period in billings would boggle the mind, its like a giant trailer park out in the desert infested with tramps. Bozeman is nice but nowhere near the lizard population of b ham, billings, missoula.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

This shit is just too much.

[Image: 1460341662627.png]

[Image: 1460341882950.png]


As a result of Ali’s return from her conference and my non-stop doting on her, I haven’t blogged in the past couple days.

Even though she was only gone for five days, I’m elated as all get out. I could not wipe the smile off my face as I went to get her at the airport, and it has hardly left since then. We’re soon approaching our first year together (March 10th), and I wouldn’t ask for a minute of it back. If you told either of us at “The Big Show” a year ago where we’d be today I think we’d call you crazy, but it’s amazing what it has become. I love sharing my life with this woman, and I hope to continue to.

[Image: JQLgwRy.png?1]

[Image: rapp-png.83150]

[Image: kJqrys8.png]

[Image: VE1ddOR.png]

Someone put this guy out of his misery [Image: suffering.png]

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 07:32 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 06:37 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

The crazy thing is him thinking people want to "tear him down" when he has built nothing up. Put him down would be more appropriate, he is a barista not a CEO.

I don't want to tear the guy down.

I want to sit him down, order a shot of whiskey, and be like "Dude... I don't care how good this poon is. I don't care if it tastes like chocolate covered bacon. You need to get the fuck out of this relationship and start acting like a man, and not a dress wearing cucked sissy. You're better than this, bro."

When all said and done, this guy needs some guidance and help from someone with the red pill. The hamster in his head is making so many justification for how his life is and his views, it sad to watch. Before his marriage, this guy was weak in mind and spirit, that lack an role model with hint of masculinity. His wife/pimp latch on him and mold him into cuck we see now. He every feminist dream 'man'. I would love to laugh at him, but I rather take the bottle of whiskey and try to help him.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 04:27 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

You simply train them to think toxic, damaging attitudes that don't reflect observable reality are 'enlightened views' held by 'intelligent people'. I've written before about how people of Midwitted Intelligence are very susceptible to this sort of thing because of their intellectual insecurity, which is why his essays read as artificial and pretentious rather than reflective of a natural intelligence.

So, if you're wondering how this happens, note this passage:


I think the ability to not claim ownership over my partners in the form of jealousy, etc (and vice versa) is one of the most respectful things I can do for them - they aren’t my property and I’m not theirs.

See how he was carefully-taught?

If there's anything he was taught, it was how to use the passive voice. Let's recast that sentence in active voice:


I can respect my partners in a number of ways, but I think one of the best ways is to not be jealous. And I feel respected when they aren't jealous of me. We are not each other's property.

But active voice is too blunt for wannabe columnists. Too declarative. Too obviously opinionated. The cowardly writer and the insecure writer both hide behind passive voice, gobbets of Latin, and words that the English language borrowed from French. This is the language of the academic and the bureaucrat, designed to say nothing in a hundred words or more, designed to appear as though it's a considered opinion when it's anything but.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:56 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:44 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Not gay. Most straight men in the northwest (especially Seattle and Portland) have that same baby fat, bearded face. In addition the men are skinny fat and have high pitch voices as if eunuchs.

Most of the women of Seattle have dad-bod.

The sexual polarity of Seattle is completely inverted.

Gotta think some guy who isn't a complete pussy and works out would do well up there. They seem like they would stand out from the crowd.

You might think so. I did too. But then the last time I went there, last summer, for three nights with airtight logistics, money in hand, fresh suits, and tons of swagger it was a mess. It was just a matter of not seeing more than a few hot women the whole time I was there.

The town just feels so oddly undersexed.

Quote: (04-14-2016 09:42 PM)LongDongSilver Wrote:  

Im going to school in bellingham wa,an hour and a half north of seattle and for the most part the competition is a joke.

Most of the guys chicks would be into are strung out, incarcerated, or tied down/married. Theres defintely a subset of dudes that hit the gym but even then alot of them are basically bitches with muscles.

Its not a huge town, but with the colleges there is a retarded amount of ass around here ripe for the donging. Been meaning to drop a data sheet but i need to buy a computer or use the schools i try not to access rvf from my gorls laptop.

I can also drop a data sheet on bozeman, missoula, billings, montana. Or on breaking then healing your dick... No bullshit i broke my dick four years back and it sent me into a tailspin i torpedoed myself. Those montana towns sound like bullshit but they are diamonds in the rough. If i was black in the us i would fuckin beeline for missoula and never look back, the amount of trashy pussy i ran through in a six month period in billings would boggle the mind, its like a giant trailer park out in the desert infested with tramps. Bozeman is nice but nowhere near the lizard population of b ham, billings, missoula.

Now you're talking. These places used to be my motorcycle tour stops. Bellingham especially was good to me. But Montana straight blew me away. First time I had three girls in 48 hours was in Montana.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Patreon bux incoming!

The question is whether they launch a dual "Jake and Allison" account or try for separate ones where, must like the escort biz, she gets prime "harassment" bux while he gets the sad, sad dregs.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 09:59 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 07:32 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 06:37 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

The crazy thing is him thinking people want to "tear him down" when he has built nothing up. Put him down would be more appropriate, he is a barista not a CEO.

I don't want to tear the guy down.

I want to sit him down, order a shot of whiskey, and be like "Dude... I don't care how good this poon is. I don't care if it tastes like chocolate covered bacon. You need to get the fuck out of this relationship and start acting like a man, and not a dress wearing cucked sissy. You're better than this, bro."

When all said and done, this guy needs some guidance and help from someone with the red pill. The hamster in his head is making so many justification for how his life is and his views, it sad to watch. Before his marriage, this guy was weak in mind and spirit, that lack an role model with hint of masculinity. His wife/pimp latch on him and mold him into cuck we see now. He every feminist dream 'man'. I would love to laugh at him, but I rather take the bottle of whiskey and try to help him.

I wouldn't, he's past the point of bringing back, being redeemed or saved is out of the question.

There is no hard reset on this guy, any advice you give him, he'll shun, he'll shame, he'll argue.

READ his response to being called out for fucks sake, THIS GUY ISN'T WORTH SAVING.

He'll fight everything in his head and body, rationalizing his thoughts, no matter how dark or fucked things get.

Fuck him.

[Image: tumblr_lo5yvhr9XI1qf063ko1_500.gif]

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 10:49 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:56 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2016 08:44 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Not gay. Most straight men in the northwest (especially Seattle and Portland) have that same baby fat, bearded face. In addition the men are skinny fat and have high pitch voices as if eunuchs.

Most of the women of Seattle have dad-bod.

The sexual polarity of Seattle is completely inverted.

Gotta think some guy who isn't a complete pussy and works out would do well up there. They seem like they would stand out from the crowd.

You might think so. I did too. But then the last time I went there, last summer, for three nights with airtight logistics, money in hand, fresh suits, and tons of swagger it was a mess. It was just a matter of not seeing more than a few hot women the whole time I was there.

The town just feels so oddly undersexed.

Quote: (04-14-2016 09:42 PM)LongDongSilver Wrote:  

Im going to school in bellingham wa,an hour and a half north of seattle and for the most part the competition is a joke.

Most of the guys chicks would be into are strung out, incarcerated, or tied down/married. Theres defintely a subset of dudes that hit the gym but even then alot of them are basically bitches with muscles.

Its not a huge town, but with the colleges there is a retarded amount of ass around here ripe for the donging. Been meaning to drop a data sheet but i need to buy a computer or use the schools i try not to access rvf from my gorls laptop.

I can also drop a data sheet on bozeman, missoula, billings, montana. Or on breaking then healing your dick... No bullshit i broke my dick four years back and it sent me into a tailspin i torpedoed myself. Those montana towns sound like bullshit but they are diamonds in the rough. If i was black in the us i would fuckin beeline for missoula and never look back, the amount of trashy pussy i ran through in a six month period in billings would boggle the mind, its like a giant trailer park out in the desert infested with tramps. Bozeman is nice but nowhere near the lizard population of b ham, billings, missoula.

Now you're talking. These places used to be my motorcycle tour stops. Bellingham especially was good to me. But Montana straight blew me away. First time I had three girls in 48 hours was in Montana.

I forgot to add that another example of sexual polarity inversion is the tendency for both Seattle manlets and womyn to refer to their significant others/boyfriends/girlfriends/mates/husbands/wives as their "partner."

Anytime I hear a man refer to his girlfriend/wife as his partner I automatically assume that she pegs him with a strap-on.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 09:54 PM)Just_Die Wrote:  

This shit is just too much.

[Image: 1460341662627.png]

[Image: 1460341882950.png]

[Image: rapp-png.83150]

My opinion regarding those pics:

[Image: puke.gif]


SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Please stop reposting those pictures.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-14-2016 11:10 PM)Last Parade Wrote:  

Patreon bux incoming!

Ding Ding Ding! we have a winnner!

[Image: image.jpg]

I'm one of the luckiest man alive, nothing in my life has been easy...

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Completely unrelated RvF business plan:

1) Create fake Internet female presence
2) Create Patreon, etc.
3) Collect $ from white knights
4) Profit

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (06-02-2016 06:01 AM)262 Wrote:  

Completely unrelated RvF business plan:

1) Create fake Internet female presence
2) Create Patreon, etc.
3) Collect $ from white knights
4) Profit

You missed a 1.5 there: "take actions and make comments that purposefully rile people up and claim harassment as a result"

[Image: XUPQEIZ.jpg]

But yeah, the Patreon bux, it really is too easy...

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Nothing about being caught as a prostitute or supporting her gay husband. This entire wall of text is just to try to redirect attention from the fact she is promising supporter pics so they can fap to her. I had no idea her thighs were that big-one of the pics in her solicitation materials - I mean patreon page.


Why Alison Rapp is on Patreon

Hey y'all!

Do you want tech and games to be more sex and fem-positive? Do you want to learn more about mental illness? Do you think I'm sorta cute, albeit a little dweeby?


I've been into these kind of intersectional shenanigans and more for many years - since I was a wee lass in college, conducting research on partnerships in yaoi and yuri manga and organizing lingerie parties. The paths I've taken in my career have put me all over the map; sometimes I had a lot of leeway to do these fun (and important!) things, and sometimes I've had very little leeway. Regardless, the money involved in doing this particular kind of work is obviously scarce because we live in a world dominated by bastardized forms of capitalism, and anti-fem, anti-intellectualism, anti-sex, and might-is-right politics. In the last few months, my ability to make a difference in these kinds of things has grown (thanks, angry manchildren, for making me more important than I ever intended to be), and I'd like to take advantage of that as best as I can, with your help.

Things I've done in the past:
Written about games in relation to communication studies theory: How to Use Cultivation Theory to Defend Violent Video Games
Covered E3 pro bono for Extra Life, the non-profit that raises money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals: Top 3 Things to Know about Sony's E3 Press Conference
Cosplayed as Bellossom, Ness, "BadNess," and Tetra
Gotten together with other rad media ladies to discuss anime that uniquely explore themes of sex and gender: Chic Pixel Plus Podcast Episode 20
Curated a list of scholarly publications about games: Your Game Studies Reading List
Spoken on sex, gender, media, and alternative education at Emerald City Comicon, Mechademia: Schoolgirls and Mobilesuits, the Japan Studies Association Conference, the Popular Culture Association Conference, and the National Collegiate Honors Council Conference
Modeled for funsies
Created a tongue-in-cheek pen-and-paper dating game called "Cute Boys"
Judged CodeDay projects and presented the event's Best Game award

Things I want to do:
Do more fun, sexy modeling and cosplay
Be more openly involved as an advocate in taboo topics like sex work and mental illness
Speak on social issues at conferences and conventions
Write about my disability, a difficult and rarely discussed diagnosis
Team up with other rad ladies in games to do other sex-positive work (e.g. women in games calendar or book)
Teach communication and social classes in the community and online
Do pro bono marketing, communication(s), and copy services for non-profits or marginalized creators with limited resources
Be more involved with coding and other "hard" tech groups
Get Karen, my ESA (emotional support animal) additional training for service and therapy work
I think I have a unique opportunity to continue making a difference doing these things (and more!), but monetizing most of them is either functionally impossible and/or ethically ambiguous, and doing them requires resources - time away from "normal" work, transportation, fee/contractor payments, tuition, and - ya know - money. Want to pitch in?

Your pledge will go to costs such as all of the above, as well as bills and rewards.

Examples of specific work-related costs include photographers (~$500), costumes (~$200), con registration ($100), prints/film (~$20), and workshops (~$100).

Thank you so much for your continued support of me, and the things that are important to me (and maybe important to you as well). I've been blessed with an incredible support network for many years, and I can only hope for many more.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Might just be the most pathetic male I've ever seen.

What a thread.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
My Blog | Twitter

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

WB? Yes.

WBAPFI? (Would bang and pay for it?) Yes, at Thailand or Philippines rates. She can't object to that comment because that would be considered racist.

WBIFTPNFTROML? (Would bang if forced to play Nintendo for the rest of my life?) Um, no thank you.

Notice the cosplay-inspired photos on her Patreon page: catering to her target demographic.

Feel sorry for the guy: can't work out if he's just gay or such a cuck he's been brow-beaten into the (poor excuse of) a man he is. Almost feel like taking him under my wing and going out on the town for a night.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Her hustle is strong. I kind of respect her despite being a epic whore.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-12-2016 07:50 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

[Image: 350px-Alison_Rapp_-_Cam_Whore_2.png]

You really are breeding some seriously twisted, fucked up creatures over there in America. Remind me again to steer well clear of that place. Scary devil-like stuff going on there.

Her eyes scream creepy to me. Its like I am staring at a monster inhabiting the body of a petite female.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

I’m Maria – a highly-educated, independent, upscale escort based in Seattle, where I also work in tech.

As a professional with a graduate education who loves to talk metaphysics, humanities, nerdy things, and sexuality, I’m perfect for discerning, professional gentlemen looking for an equally clever and fun-loving courtesan.

We can talk politics over dinner, see a comic book movie, play video games, check out a museum, or just enjoy each other’s company. Let’s chat about work, love, life, or the lack of support for a strong and respected proletariat class capable of overthrowing the bastardized version of capitalism in the U.S. I love to listen, make people feel good, help them enjoy their time, and encourage them to learn to love themselves. I’m also a skilled amateur masseuse…

Isn't a courtesan's job to give me a boner? This does not give me a boner.

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

What a surprise - Alison Rapp was diagnosed as a BPD and is now blogging about it:

Only a BPD could cuck a man that hard.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (06-16-2016 10:20 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

What a surprise - Alison Rapp was diagnosed as a BPD and is now blogging about it:

Only a BPD could cuck a man that hard.

Guaranteed she'll be off the medication in months. At her own word in that blog:


Borderline is vicious, and isolating. It makes me sad, and both literally and figuratively alone. And it is deadly: Estimates are that 1 in 10 people with BPD commit suicide.
But Borderline is also fun. I’m fiery and stubborn and indignant, and I don’t like being told what to do. I’m sassy, and I have a million favorites. Everything I love, I love a lot. Everything I hate, I hate just as much.


BPD medication is usually a drug cocktail of things like antidepressants and mood-stabilizers, and the medication I’m on right now has to be upped in dosage very gradually because otherwise deadly allergic reactions can occur. One of the main goals of the medication is to even out my temperament…but I sometimes fear that the higher, normal doses of the medication will, in the process of taking away the edge, also take away the fun.

You can't treat someone who doesn't want to be treated. I think she did sum herself up, though, in her gif choice:

[Image: 1*Ufavfj64oacnucEms8PPow.gif]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Borderlines are evil, at least within the context of a romantic relationship. Avoid at all costs.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (06-16-2016 10:38 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (06-16-2016 10:20 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

What a surprise - Alison Rapp was diagnosed as a BPD and is now blogging about it:

Only a BPD could cuck a man that hard.

Guaranteed she'll be off the medication in months. At her own word in that blog:


Borderline is vicious, and isolating. It makes me sad, and both literally and figuratively alone. And it is deadly: Estimates are that 1 in 10 people with BPD commit suicide.
But Borderline is also fun. I’m fiery and stubborn and indignant, and I don’t like being told what to do. I’m sassy, and I have a million favorites. Everything I love, I love a lot. Everything I hate, I hate just as much.


BPD medication is usually a drug cocktail of things like antidepressants and mood-stabilizers, and the medication I’m on right now has to be upped in dosage very gradually because otherwise deadly allergic reactions can occur. One of the main goals of the medication is to even out my temperament…but I sometimes fear that the higher, normal doses of the medication will, in the process of taking away the edge, also take away the fun.

You can't treat someone who doesn't want to be treated. I think she did sum herself up, though, in her gif choice:

[Image: 1*Ufavfj64oacnucEms8PPow.gif]

Typical BPD...

She found a guy who is relatively attractive, romantic at heart, and inexperienced. She blew his world with the most unbelievable sex, combined with the most tumultuous relationship he's never had, and in doing so cucked him harder than anyone has ever been cucked before. BPDs tend to "date" guys who have lower SMV than they do, while fucking everyone else under the sun.

I remember reading the original article and thinking "this is the most BPD chick I've ever read about."

Then she goes and confirms it.

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