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SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 08:37 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:22 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Another good man destroyed by a woman, justified by feminism.

Pretty disingenuous thing to say because it removes all of the man's agency from this outcome.

Guy, for whatever reason, just did not make it. Probably bullied in school. Desperate beta. The whore saw her chance to swoop in and take advantage.

But even if that hadn't happened he would now be with some neon-haired fatty or still a virgin.

Maybe at some point, if someone had given him a good talking, he could have been saved, but point is, there will always be guys like him. Even a healthy society is not going to produce 100% capable men all the time.

I think we can all agree that after a certain age only you yourself are responsible for the decisions you make in life.

So no, he was never a good man, because to be a good man, you have to make good decisions.

I suspect he is hooked on her like a bad drug. I've seen too many guys get hooked on terrible women like they were heroin. To the uninitiated, prime poon is a rare commodity. These guys get physically, mentally, and emotionally addicted, and truly believe they cannot live without it.

It's a shame because this guy is young, educated, and good looking. With some masculine mentorship he would probably be living the good life. This was a clear cut instance where a father, older brother, or some other masculine male needed to sit down with him and say "Kid, there are other women out there. Look at what you're doing to yourself. How will you be viewed in your community? By your employers? By your future children? Do you really want to experiment with homosexuality and be married to a prostitute? Don't you want more out of life than following her around like a puppy dog? Man up."

Sadly, this is the most extreme case of a cucking I've ever seen.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:26 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Edit: to theollam
Yeah I'm overanalyzing. 85 posts and a tranny looking princess Peach pops up. I search google images for princess Peach cosplay (first place you would look.)

I'm on my phone but figured no one would refresh the results for that so just went with the top 100 or whatever.

Where did you get the picture?

I DM'd you. Turns out there is a TON. Google Image Search.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Shit my bad double checked editing my post, I'm a little fired up by political shit (the Trump Globe thing was sitting on the table when I got to work) got me paranoid.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 08:07 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

It's entirely depressing to me that so many moderately attractive women chose the whoring lifestyle. Another victim of the social mores du jour.

Someone take the boyfriend out in the woods and put him out of his misery. This is painful to watch.

Would you rather they hide their true selves and lure in more victims? [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: ?format=1000w]

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-10-2016 10:11 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Where she gives a shout out for a special gift

I had to see what the dude who bought her stuff from her wishlist looked like:

[Image: uWUPOHQT.jpg]

Seems alpha to me. He is good at holding eye contact with a dog. I always wondered what happened to him after "Whose Line is it Anyway?"

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-10-2016 08:55 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Why is it girls can look so cute wearing just a shirt with no bottoms, but when I do I just look like an awkward slob. Never can pull off the Pooh bear.

[Image: pooh.jpg]

[Image: shirt1.png]
[Image: shirt2.png]

I can't help looking on this whole situation as a tragic waste. It starts with the schools teaching children that masturbation is normal and healthy, and it winds up with them experimenting with all sorts of degenerate philosophies and lifestyles until they're irreparably damaged.

There's a line from that guy's essay about how they thought they'd be experimenting with polyamory as a couple; what young man wouldn't be tempted by that? A hot blonde girlfriend (so she's a slut? Who's to judge? It's just masturbation - I mean, sex right? It's normal and healthy to have thirty partners in College) who's into kinky sex. What could go wrong?

Everything; that's what.

The whole goddamned system is set up to turn people into these shambling wrecks, incapable of bonding emotionally, and ultimately reliant upon a state or corporate health plan to take care of them.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

All this shit is hilarious.

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Am I the only one here who thinks that she may be able to capitalize on this for her benefit? How long before her Patreon page appears and she starts making thousands of dollars a month for doing nothing?

There's obviously plenty of thirsty white knights and SJW's sympathetic to her "cause" and would throw cash at her just to make a point.

She'll probably go into porn next, and this will be considered a "minor speedbump" in her "journey".

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-10-2016 08:55 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Why is it girls can look so cute wearing just a shirt with no bottoms, but when I do I just look like an awkward slob. Never can pull off the Pooh bear.

[Image: pooh.jpg]

Can't remember where I read it, but, the idea why we see ok women wearing like this and wearing men shirts ok has to do with women fluidity of sex, is the same why we see ok two or more women going together to the bathroom but not men. We never question women sexuality like we do for men, if after having sex a girl wears the guy's shirt he will not see problem.


Now, imagine how a girl will react if a guy star wearing her clothing in the morning.

In the case of the women only wearing a shirt and else nothing on, we like it because it make them look submissive and vulnerable. Men never look good in position when they look submissive and vulnerable.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

I hate to sound like a 2/10, but my tolerance for degenerate shit on chicks is low as fuck. WNB, more than one tattoo is a dealbreaker.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

^ this is why you got the "True Player" status

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

I really believe that it should be punishable by law for hipsters and faggots to have ANY sort of beard. This...creature...of her husband included.

Myself, as a bearded man, feel very triggered when I see such a "mistake of evolution" wearing one.

I am going to my safe space...feel free to join me.


SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

There really is no bottom for society to sink to, is there? I'm calling it now: Useless, Incompetent people are drawn to the Public Service to leech off of it. Dysfunctional, Mentally-damaged people are drawn to the Technology Sector. Expect less and less functionality and productivity over the coming years, and the brands to become associated with Mental Toxicity. We've seen this happen with Twitter.

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:23 AM)SvenTuga Wrote:  

That's one manipulative bitch, and that's one emotionally damaged 'man'.

I guarantee you he was already dysfunctional before he met her.

As I mentioned back when Lindy West got married, dysfunctional people gravitate towards each other.

This guarantees their most deeply-feared outcomes will come to pass.

If you can be bothered to read through his 'Love. Marriage....' overrationalising, emotional whining where he talks about patience, understanding and committment, you can see his deep fear is really about choosing the wrong women who won't value these things.

Remember, he's dysfunctional, so he chooses a girl who doesn't offer any of the things he thinks he wants. He chooses the girl who will leave him spending his nights alone, wondering who else is banging her.

To flip the manosphere script on its head, i'm sure there girls who could have offered him the monogamous committment he needed if he'd lowered his standards. No, he chose the crazie DUA-Hottie*.

The sad part is that this pair thinks they're educated'. What's the use of university education if the end result is that they whore out all their holes like a backwoods, working-class Ice addict? They could have saved $60,000.


* 'Deteriorates Upon Approach'. Looks hot-ish until you look closer then notice the deadness in the eyes, and the mental dysfunction spilling from their lips, until the internal ugliness overrides the external cuteness. I read this as your unconscious mind warning you to not stick your dick into crazy.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Man, if that was my girl. I'd let her whore. I would also let her to get me some chicks for myself. I'd be holding her money. I think she needs a pimp. Any takers?

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Some facts:
  • Yes she was an SJW and anti-GG tool online
  • Yes she did work as a Nintendo PR rep, which is very sensitive to public image both in terms of the company and the department in particular
  • Yes she was relativising pedophilia by the looks of it
  • Yes she did help to turn her beta husband into a total desperate loser fag
  • Yes she almost certainly initiated an open/poly relationship which her husband reluctantly agreed to
  • Yes, no one would be surprised if she sucked a few dicks or played a tease to losers in the game industry to get a job
  • Yes she did take cock for cash as an escort, one that "doesn't take shit"
  • Yes she probably did encourage him to start taking cock
  • Yes she probably did then encourage him to start taking cock for cash
  • Yes she did muddy the reason for her firing, trying to blame GG, anti-SJWs and a not politically supportive Nintendo
  • Yes, this forced Nintendo to come out with the real reason for her firing: moonlighting as something that doesn't fit their corporate culture
  • Yes, given her previous online presence and her blaming GG, it's very not surprising people did detective work to connect the dots
  • Yes, it's not surprising she didn't come clean even now
  • It's not cool for people to harass and assault her and her family.
  • And I am against that personally
  • But given that she tried to blame the GG movement for her firing instead of the real reason, it is fucking brazen for her to have done that knowing how that movement would've reacted once the skeletons fell out of the closet
So again I'm against the harassment, but I wouldn't for example have an anti-SJW presence online if I was posting online ads for an illegal and embarrassing activity on the side while also working for the PR department of a family friendly company. Then blaming my firing out of said job on my political views, forcing anti-SJW ire on said company, then forcing said company to have to issue a public announcement leading to the reveal of my very embarrassing online activity that *actually* caused my firing.

The unethical part was blaming the firing on her political views, forcing her ex-employer to come clean on the reasons for the termination because of the flack they obviously got because of it. The illegal part was breaking the law (I personally don't care, if this girl was fucking for cash while working in PR and I knew that, I wouldn't necessarily want her to lose her job on a personal level). She's extremely despicable for people who are against the debauchery, her extreme cucking of her husband, and the social degradation people like her perpetuate. But even above all of this (we all know degenerates, we don't harass them), her INSANE, INSANE lack of judgement and scapegoating got her and her close ones in a very, very dark place now. And her total and complete embarrassment.

From here she either 1) gets sufficiently shamed by her close circle into being less degenerate, putting her on a path to some form of redemption. Or 2) She uses this to become a martyr, start a patreon, use this as an example of GG-misogyny and patriarchial oppression. For security and self-esteem, her escorting days are over. Her relationship with her cuck husband will be strained, as he is basically outed as fag and no doubt his family and friends, though in Seattle they may be, will have a hard time swallowing his cum swallowing for cash side-job.

This is brutal yet totally unexpected. I still don't think harassment is right but man did she play with fire, and got burned. Hard. This is explosive levels of life-changing events. A reasonable person could feel bad for her, but her husband cucking and GG-scapegoating makes it hard for me to feel pity.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 01:44 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Am I the only one here who thinks that she may be able to capitalize on this for her benefit? How long before her Patreon page appears and she starts making thousands of dollars a month for doing nothing?

There's obviously plenty of thirsty white knights and SJW's sympathetic to her "cause" and would throw cash at her just to make a point.

She'll probably go into porn next, and this will be considered a "minor speedbump" in her "journey".

She should try discussing the fall of capitalism in a scene with Nick "Dropping loads" Manning or with Wesley Pipes.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Well, at least she's young and cute and only charges $250 an hour in man heavy, high cost of living heavy, and tech (read rich and nerdy with no game) heavy Seattle.

I remember when that 40 something former USA olympic runner got busted for whoring at $600 an hour in whore heavy and not so bad cost of living heavy Vegas.

That incident rattled my faith in capitalism and the free market far more than the bursting of any financial bubble, such as the tech or housing ones.

[Image: 226.jpg?a=1112251018174]

WB both, but picking princess peach first every time.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

I for one, fully support her continued "harassment" and shaming. When you let yourself get lulled into a false sense of sympathy for people who so audaciously and publicly flaunt their degeneracy and aren't penalized for it, the cycle continues. Meanwhile this chick continues to carry on and deserves every bit of what she gets... besides the lulz are just too good. The guy i feel sorry for. Weak-minded, easily influenced, beta blue pill and a sad excuse for a man. He gets my pity but not my support. Yet another reason to learn game.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

What a pair of worthless cunts, that video begging for 7k for a week long vacation was the most pathetic shit i have ever seen. I think the best thing for these two would be to jump off a cliff, two of the most useless cocksuckers ive ever seen. Funny that just not being a fat stinking hog is enough to charge 250 an hour for some beat stinky pussy. The simpin out there is outrageous i had no clue how bad shit was out there til reading rvf, half tempted to just stick my head back in the sand, ive been feeling some massive anger lately.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:23 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

I was convinced the dude was full on gay just looking at his hand gestures and voice but after reading that gobbledegook he wrote trying to intellectualize polyandry I'm beginning to believe he was manipulated into being an unwilling cuck.

The guy basically sucks and has no options because he has no game and no paper. he eventually decides to give in to her demands of gay for pay. After he tried it once he backwards rationalised that he did it for the wife he loves and that he's progressive liberal male feminist. So then he continued to take it up the ass and suck dick for 200-300 bucks a pop. If he ever got paid (big if since gay guys get laid for free) that cash probably went straight to her frivolous impulse buys. This story delivered.

Yeah, that's the saddest and scariest part to me. He followed an ideology that allowed them to beat him down to this. And they're coming after our kids next. Literally, she's pro "child sexual agency" and this is what she thinks men should do. She would have no problem whatsoever attempting to browbeat a desperate 12 year old boy into doing the same thing.

Never forget, however the cry-bullies try to play the victim, this is the end game for the degeneracy we're fighting.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:12 PM)Just_Die Wrote:  

Some facts:
  • Yes she was an SJW and anti-GG tool online
  • Yes she did work as a Nintendo PR rep, which is very sensitive to public image both in terms of the company and the department in particular
  • Yes she was relativising pedophilia by the looks of it
  • Yes she did help to turn her beta husband into a total desperate loser fag
  • Yes she almost certainly initiated an open/poly relationship which her husband reluctantly agreed to
  • Yes, no one would be surprised if she sucked a few dicks or played a tease to losers in the game industry to get a job
  • Yes she did take cock for cash as an escort, one that "doesn't take shit"
  • Yes she probably did encourage him to start taking cock
  • Yes she probably did then encourage him to start taking cock for cash
  • Yes she did muddy the reason for her firing, trying to blame GG, anti-SJWs and a not politically supportive Nintendo
  • Yes, this forced Nintendo to come out with the real reason for her firing: moonlighting as something that doesn't fit their corporate culture
  • Yes, given her previous online presence and her blaming GG, it's very not surprising people did detective work to connect the dots
  • Yes, it's not surprising she didn't come clean even now
  • It's not cool for people to harass and assault her and her family.
  • And I am against that personally
  • But given that she tried to blame the GG movement for her firing instead of the real reason, it is fucking brazen for her to have done that knowing how that movement would've reacted once the skeletons fell out of the closet
So again I'm against the harassment, but I wouldn't for example have an anti-SJW presence online if I was posting online ads for an illegal and embarrassing activity on the side while also working for the PR department of a family friendly company. Then blaming my firing out of said job on my political views, forcing anti-SJW ire on said company, then forcing said company to have to issue a public announcement leading to the reveal of my very embarrassing online activity that *actually* caused my firing.

The unethical part was blaming the firing on her political views, forcing her ex-employer to come clean on the reasons for the termination because of the flack they obviously got because of it. The illegal part was breaking the law (I personally don't care, if this girl was fucking for cash while working in PR and I knew that, I wouldn't necessarily want her to lose her job on a personal level). She's extremely despicable for people who are against the debauchery, her extreme cucking of her husband, and the social degradation people like her perpetuate. But even above all of this (we all know degenerates, we don't harass them), her INSANE, INSANE lack of judgement and scapegoating got her and her close ones in a very, very dark place now. And her total and complete embarrassment.

From here she either 1) gets sufficiently shamed by her close circle into being less degenerate, putting her on a path to some form of redemption. Or 2) She uses this to become a martyr, start a patreon, use this as an example of GG-misogyny and patriarchial oppression. For security and self-esteem, her escorting days are over. Her relationship with her cuck husband will be strained, as he is basically outed as fag and no doubt his family and friends, though in Seattle they may be, will have a hard time swallowing his cum swallowing for cash side-job.

This is brutal yet totally unexpected. I still don't think harassment is right but man did she play with fire, and got burned. Hard. This is explosive levels of life-changing events. A reasonable person could feel bad for her, but her husband cucking and GG-scapegoating makes it hard for me to feel pity.

You title this "some facts", but is it actually factual that any EVER assaulted her family? Or assaulted her?

And if you decide to make a career of grandstanding everyone else's issues and values, these are certainly fair game in any public debate.

We're not on a thought policed SJW campus, TALKING about ideas and behavior are NOT assaults, it's what people in a democracy are supposed to do.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Where are these assaults mentioned, is there a link?

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute


The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:12 PM)Just_Die Wrote:  

...I still don't think harassment is right but man did she play with fire, and got burned. Hard. This is explosive levels of life-changing events. A reasonable person could feel bad for her, but her husband cucking and GG-scapegoating makes it hard for me to feel pity.

If she had any right to privacy it died when:
  • She advertised her whoring online.
  • She advocated on twitter for child sex .
  • She started whoring her husband online.
  • She called in SJW reinforcements on false grounds to lay siege to a company that had a perfectly reasonable cause to fire her.

    So, no, a reasonable person could not feel bad for her. She deserves everything she's getting, and if it weren't for her dumb luck in being born pretty she'd be universally condemned for her bullshit.

    I for one will laugh hard after she hits the wall and this thread comes back with a twist of "where are they now" only for us to find out she's choking on homeless dick under a bridge for a hit of crack.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:12 PM)Just_Die Wrote:  

Some facts:
  • Yes she was an SJW and anti-GG tool online
  • Yes she did work as a Nintendo PR rep, which is very sensitive to public image both in terms of the company and the department in particular
  • Yes she was relativising pedophilia by the looks of it
  • Yes she did help to turn her beta husband into a total desperate loser fag
  • Yes she almost certainly initiated an open/poly relationship which her husband reluctantly agreed to
  • Yes, no one would be surprised if she sucked a few dicks or played a tease to losers in the game industry to get a job
  • Yes she did take cock for cash as an escort, one that "doesn't take shit"
  • Yes she probably did encourage him to start taking cock
  • Yes she probably did then encourage him to start taking cock for cash
  • Yes she did muddy the reason for her firing, trying to blame GG, anti-SJWs and a not politically supportive Nintendo
  • Yes, this forced Nintendo to come out with the real reason for her firing: moonlighting as something that doesn't fit their corporate culture
  • Yes, given her previous online presence and her blaming GG, it's very not surprising people did detective work to connect the dots
  • Yes, it's not surprising she didn't come clean even now
  • It's not cool for people to harass and assault her and her family.
  • And I am against that personally
  • But given that she tried to blame the GG movement for her firing instead of the real reason, it is fucking brazen for her to have done that knowing how that movement would've reacted once the skeletons fell out of the closet
So again I'm against the harassment, but I wouldn't for example have an anti-SJW presence online if I was posting online ads for an illegal and embarrassing activity on the side while also working for the PR department of a family friendly company. Then blaming my firing out of said job on my political views, forcing anti-SJW ire on said company, then forcing said company to have to issue a public announcement leading to the reveal of my very embarrassing online activity that *actually* caused my firing.

The unethical part was blaming the firing on her political views, forcing her ex-employer to come clean on the reasons for the termination because of the flack they obviously got because of it. The illegal part was breaking the law (I personally don't care, if this girl was fucking for cash while working in PR and I knew that, I wouldn't necessarily want her to lose her job on a personal level). She's extremely despicable for people who are against the debauchery, her extreme cucking of her husband, and the social degradation people like her perpetuate. But even above all of this (we all know degenerates, we don't harass them), her INSANE, INSANE lack of judgement and scapegoating got her and her close ones in a very, very dark place now. And her total and complete embarrassment.

From here she either 1) gets sufficiently shamed by her close circle into being less degenerate, putting her on a path to some form of redemption. Or 2) She uses this to become a martyr, start a patreon, use this as an example of GG-misogyny and patriarchial oppression. For security and self-esteem, her escorting days are over. Her relationship with her cuck husband will be strained, as he is basically outed as fag and no doubt his family and friends, though in Seattle they may be, will have a hard time swallowing his cum swallowing for cash side-job.

This is brutal yet totally unexpected. I still don't think harassment is right but man did she play with fire, and got burned. Hard. This is explosive levels of life-changing events. A reasonable person could feel bad for her, but her husband cucking and GG-scapegoating makes it hard for me to feel pity.

No one on this board is harassing her or her family. As far as I can tell, everyone is discussing information that they chose to put out in the public, much of which is highly relevant to our broader discussions about masculinity. While we might be doing so critically, we're doing it in a respectful manner. I have not seen any discussion about "outing" her family, harassing her, or anything of the like. I doubt that would be tolerated.

I am completely against doxxing her, her family, etc. and harassment of any kind. However, discussing information she and her husband chose to disseminate into the public, particularly as it relates to our discussions, is completely reasonable and quite frankly warranted.

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