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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

All I know is that any globalist who comes at me with "Christ said blah blah blah about loving thy neighbour" can eat shit and die when guys like me start tipping the tables of the money changers like Soros.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-25-2016 06:47 PM)Lucky Wrote:  

For anyone who doubts that our "best and brightest" are living in a fantasy world, look at this article in The Columbia Spectator:


Columbia’s vigils and memorial services allow us to mourn victims and condemn terrorism. Moving forward, however, they should condemn not only terrorism, but also the specific Islamophobic attitudes and policies that facilitated the recent attacks.

First of all, it is important to recognize that terrorist attacks are usually not arbitrary events without any justification—they often are responses to institutionalized hate and oppression. Unfortunately, the Brussels attacks are not that surprising because Islamophobia is widespread in Belgium.

It comes as no surprise that the municipality Molenbeek—the site of one of the explosions—has an unemployment rate of more than 25 percent where the majority of Muslim youths are denied equal access to the labor and housing market. This is just the tip of the iceberg of Belgium’s Islamophobic attitudes and policies. Thus, although Islamophobia is certainly not the only reason the Brussels attacks occurred, it needs to play a critical role in explaining these attacks.
This is what is known as "the soft bigotry of lowered expectations."

In other words, the writer gives the bombers a free pass for their behavior, because after all, they're Muslims, and they're not capable of using reason and nonviolent measures to cope with their problems. Violence is to be expected as a response because this is what they're capable of. But you're the racist for provoking them.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Another update from Belgium:

-In past days a lot more housesearches and a handful of arrests. There are rumors now that they have the third man in the picture and that he is an independent journalist by the name of Faycal Cheffou, who is suspected of being a recruiter. He was arrested with two other men in front of the federal justice building.

-Meanwhile, a nuclear plant guard has been killed and his badge was stolen. It has already been de-activated, but obviomusly a very worrisome fact. The investigation is underway.

-Another guy was shot in a metro stop today by special units, after he refused to obey orders. It is unclear if he was a known terrorist suspect, there were rumors it was Abini, one of the last known people of the network of Abdeslam. He tried to hold a woman and child hostage, but he was taken out. Few details released, it seems Belgian police is keeping information on lock for once.

-Abdeslam himself refuses to speak now. He want to be send to France, which before he tried to prevent by all means. My intuition says after the attacks they finally made some moves on him, which shut him up. There are sources saying that before the attacks he was only interrogated one hour, since he was injured in his leg and in the hospital or a special division of the prison. If that is true, then that is an incredible blunder for which heads should roll.

-Another serious attack was prevented in France as well, where they discovered another sleeping cell. Chemicals, bomb etc. found.

It sure feels the summer will be hot. Recent estimates state that they believe there might be up to 500 IS guys spread out in Europe. If that is the case, then the blood spilling won't end soon.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

This Romanian girl talking with Stefan Molyneux is super smart and worth listening to.


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-25-2016 11:08 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

It sure feels the summer will be hot. Recent estimates state that they believe there might be up to 500 IS guys spread out in Europe. If that is the case, then the blood spilling won't end soon.

Sorry in advance for a long post.

Authorities have already stopped shipments of hundreds of combat shotguns and kevlar vests, and there's no telling how many shipments have gotten through.

Paris raided a heap of Mosques and found thousands of guns and tons of ammunition.

Anyone see these articles?

Keep in mind that this ship stopped at a number of European ports before the Swedish one and was also bound for the Netherlands, Belgium, and Montenegro before heading back to the middle-east.

There's a vein of thought that ISIS is not going to bother with the difficulty of making bombs. Now that they have so many people in the EU (500 would be the tippety tip of the iceberg) they're just going to give a few grunts some guns and some vest and get them to start shooting up the place, only it won't be once every six months like a bomb attack but once every six days, or maybe even more frequently than that.

More likely their core soldiers will act as command and control for the newly minted local jihadis who have better area knowledge, vehicles, etc.

And it wont be just subways. It will be schools and hospitals. Likely they will gear up and simply drive around looking for areas with lots of people that are lightly guarded, only they won't do the suicide thing because if this sort of attack is happening bi-weekly then they'll be able to disappear back into the ghettos and the authorities will be stretched too thinly to relaibly catch them.

This might sound far fetched to you, but it doesn't to the French Army. They're making contingency plans for if Islamic ghettos go from no-go zones to flat-out war zones.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

What is the legality of European military action against their own "citizens?" For example, is there anything in Belgian law to prevent the military cordoning off Molenbeek while the artillery razes the area to the ground?

Edit: This isn't an irrational angry post. I actually want to know whether, if shit hits the fan, European soldiers are allowed to act against citizens.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Slightly OT, however it bears mentioning.

Last year I made it known here on the forum that I was engaged to a woman that checked off all the requisite boxes for a potential wife/mother.

I did not divulge her religion. She is muslim (Indonesian).

Despite all the positives, the thought of converting and bringing up children as muslim began to fester away at my heart and mind.

As hard as it was, I decided that I could no longer ignore the elephant in the room and ended the relationship (and now feel like I've dodged a bullet).

There is a concerted effort by muslim women to wed Caucasians, just one of Islam's multi-pronged strategies to destroy the West, which I imagine has been going on for a while now. I have now come to lump any muslim alongside the extremists, despite their claims that they share nothing in common.

Men - carry on gaming these foreign beauties, but I implore you to only fuck them in the ass because that's all they deserve from us.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 02:53 AM)Horus Wrote:  

What is the legality of European military action against their own "citizens?" For example, is there anything in Belgian law to prevent the military cordoning off Molenbeek while the artillery razes the area to the ground?

Edit: This isn't an irrational angry post. I actually want to know whether, if shit hits the fan, European soldiers are allowed to act against citizens.

Odds are the no-go zones will end up looking like the Gaza strip. Israel could go in and end the Palestinian problem for good in a week, but since they want to be seen as an enlightened liberal democracy they can't just go in and slaughter the population. EU countries will behave in the same way, walling the migrants in their ghettos.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 02:53 AM)Horus Wrote:  

What is the legality of European military action against their own "citizens?" For example, is there anything in Belgian law to prevent the military cordoning off Molenbeek while the artillery razes the area to the ground?

Edit: This isn't an irrational angry post. I actually want to know whether, if shit hits the fan, European soldiers are allowed to act against citizens.!...TBz-HN40!/

The use of armed forces inside are set clear constitutional limits. This is a lesson from the history of Germany and in particular means a clear separation of responsibilities of the police and military: the police is solely responsible for the internal security responsibility.

The Basic Law states: "Apart from defense, the armed forces may be used only where this Basic Law expressly allows." (Article 87a, paragraph 2 GG)

These exceptions are set out as follows:

Disaster Assistance (Article 35 para. 2 sentence 2, para. 3 GG)
When a natural disaster or an especially grave accident, the armed forces may be required to restore security and order and to provide assistance when the police no longer is this alone capable.

"Disaster Relief" is also used in a terrorist attack into consideration. Namely, when it represents a grave accident. The Federal Constitutional Court has, however, set in 2012, the threshold of this very high.

An especially serious accident case there is only, at a "unusual exceptional situation catastrophic proportions", the Court notes. In this case, the Bundeswehr must be used to support the police and apply police resources. Military means are not generally excluded, however, may only be used in an absolute crisis.

Specifically, this means: Just because the police forces to protect a concert or a football match is not sufficient, can not be resorted to soldiers for protection.

Inside emergency (Art 87 a IV GG)
Only when the democratic order or the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany is in immediate danger, the Bundeswehr must be used to protect civilian objects (for example, schools, train stations and airports) and to combat so-called insurgents with specifically military weapons.


The current provided by the Bundeswehr in support of refugee assistance will be provided as assistance (Article 35 para. 1 GG). This assistance is no use. It is limited to technical assistance such as accommodation, catering and transport and includes any statutory work.

Soldiers who secure the German borders in this context, also holds Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen inadmissible. "This is not a task of the Bundeswehr, but the police," she said in an interview with the German Press Agency. "The Basic Law is clear. As part of the assistance we provide an infinite number of tasks, but the border is where it comes to sovereign tasks and the enforcement of coercion. This may in Germany only the police. "

Thats the definition how the German Army can used inside. In Germany you have the state police that belong to each of the 16 federal states. And the federal police that is there for border protection, railway stations, airports.

Every state Police has an SEK. A special unit like a SWAT team. They are located for example in Bavaria in Munich and in Nuremberg.
Then you have the Bundespolizei - federal police. They have the GSG 9. Its a special unit like the SEK but a little better. They can also go into foreign territory but not always because they are a civil unit. Not military.
The Bundespolizei got now a new unit:


The plans were already longer in the drawer, because of the attacks of Paris, they are now being implemented: In addition to the anti-terrorism unit GSG 9, which was made famous by the liberation of a hijacked Lufthansa plane in 1977, there is now a further special unit of the Federal Police , Your bulky abbreviation is "BFE +". That stands for "arrest unit plus".

"This unit can protect this unit may search, and this unit can act decisively - thereby keeps the GSG 9 back free for hostage rescue and other sturdy materials," Romann explained the tasks of the new special force. The structure of the attacks of Paris and the subsequent events that led to the conclusion that the Federal Police should be better equipped for the fight against terrorism, de Maiziere said.

When used against terrorists and serious violent offenders BFE + response and sustainability of the federal police to increase. At least this is the goal of the Ministry of Interior. The special unit will support 9 in addition to the federal police and the state police GSG "at multiple, prolonged" dangerous situations, they say. Unlike the GSG 9 equipped with special weapons official will be also used in the riot.

So mostly you will see the German army only in a real war scenario inside Germany. With other countries its different, they have kind of paramilitary police units and other laws.
Furthermore on European level you have the Treaty of Lisbon:


By Article 42 7 of the EU Treaty, the EU took on the character of a defensive alliance for the first time; that is, in the case of an armed attack on one of the Member States, the other must make him "all in their power assistance and support". The wording of this provision goes beyond the mutual commitment of NATO member countries from the Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which requires only to support the scope of the measures considered necessary.

The reality is quite different. After September 11 2001 the EU said they want to work together against terrorism. This include the sharing of information. Belgium get a lot of blame from France because Belgium has a bad structure to face terrorism. Often one country has a terrorist on screen but there is no central data for every country. Its up to the own agencies if they share the information or not.
Even inside Germany, the State Police runs different computer systems then the federal police and both are different then the data the Refugee agencies have. There is no coordination. Imagine you have a company but you don't know what your departments are doing because they don't share information or they are not able to do so.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Christians vs Muslims.

Don't debate me.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-25-2016 03:38 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Billionaire globalist and open-borders zealot George Soros, in denouncing European officials trying to control the human tsunami coming across their borders, similarly declared, “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”'

This man needs to die....soon. Radical Islam is the symptom but globalism is the cancer.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 08:38 AM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2016 03:38 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Billionaire globalist and open-borders zealot George Soros, in denouncing European officials trying to control the human tsunami coming across their borders, similarly declared, “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”'

This man needs to die....soon. Radical Islam is the symptom but globalism is the cancer.

Isnt going to happen. Same with Henry Kissinger who has been around forever despite being near senile.

I *suspect* that the reason these people live so long with no health issues is because they're having their organs replaced repeatedly as they fail. The only way they're going to die is when the brain finally gives out.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 04:09 AM)Parzival Wrote:  

By Article 42 7 of the EU Treaty, the EU took on the character of a defensive alliance for the first time; that is, in the case of an armed attack on one of the Member States, the other must make him "all in their power assistance and support". The wording of this provision goes beyond the mutual commitment of NATO member countries from the Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which requires only to support the scope of the measures considered necessary.

A great write-up. It's noteworthy that when the Greeks were kicking off over austerity measures that German police were sent in to bolster the Greek police forces (if I'm not mistaken).

That said, if muslim ghettos in multiple cities in each country started going ape-shit at roughly the same time (either planned or in a domino effect) then there would be no way whatsoever that the police forces would be large enough to handle it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Nigel Farage tells the truth as always:


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 06:31 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

Christians vs Muslims.

Any need to inject moral relativism into this thread? Dropping that in here without worded justification is trolling. Zealous atheist trolling with false relativism is what encourages people to disrespect atheism. Leave it in the atheist themed threads, instead of trolling that shit in here after one of those groups actually fucking killed a bunch of innocent people.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Belgian security guard for nuclear plant murdered in his home two days after airport attack:


A security guard who worked at a Belgian nuclear plant was murdered and had his security pass stolen, just two days after the Brussels terror attacks.

Didier Prospero was shot several times in the bathroom of his home in the Charleroi region of Belgium.

The unidentified killers shot Prospero, who worked for G4S security at a Belgian nuclear research centre.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

This is not a danger to the power plant because his security pass will simply be banned, right? Or can someone who holds his authorization clearance use it to somehow make copies or hack the system?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-25-2016 03:32 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

On a final note, I can't get on board with the notion that we can somehow blame the average European for this. In reality, they have about as much say in this as your average American had in mass NSA data collection, the PATRIOT act, the 2009 NDAA, so on and so forth. Alt right leaders have risen among them despite being threatened with jail time (Le Pen), being disenfranchised at the polls (UKIP), and threatened by domestic police forces. Politicians like Orban have risen to power against all odds, and natalist sentiment is reaching critical mass within other countries (such as Poland). The ones who vocally support suicidal policies in the media and on social platforms are usually paid shills, women performing empty status signalling, or those just trying not to stick out from the crowd. Anyone with half a brain and a functioning instinct knows which side of an issue is the "correct" (socially approved) one. Which side of an issue is correct is decided from above. They are not independent actors, and are only repeating the narrative which is given to them by the media. Many, if not most are against this abomination they're being subjected to. I stand by them, I have a lot of time for my European brothers.

I see it as rabble rousing aimed at right-leaning europeans.

"Muslims are committing mass violence and theft and rape all across europe and it's the average european's fault" is a manipulative, conscious lie that tries to make the reality on the ground of europe seem worse than it is, both in terms of how widespread the migration is and in terms of how complicit the average european is in harming his or her country.

There are two possible end goals of telling that lie. Get right-leaning europeans to take violent action against local muslims, or get them to leave their country and move to whatever part of the world the liar is hyping up (USA, V4, eastern europe, asia, whatever.) The former is an attempt to start or strengthen a grass roots resistance to islam in the west. The latter is an attempt to physically draw a certain type of person into the liar's life, a form of tribe building in other words.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 12:08 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

This is not a danger to the power plant because his security pass will simply be banned, right? Or can someone who holds his authorization clearance use it to somehow make copies or hack the system?

Yes and no.

Someone who had access to the systems that would be able to crack encryption on a digital card probably wouldn't either need to steal the card, nor be stupid enough to draw attention to themselves by shooting a guard and leaving the body to be found.

Remember your average grunt in the cell isn't that smart, and many are barely literate. I'd bet that they did it that way because they've been watching too many movies.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 01:14 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (03-26-2016 12:08 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

This is not a danger to the power plant because his security pass will simply be banned, right? Or can someone who holds his authorization clearance use it to somehow make copies or hack the system?

Yes and no.

Someone who had access to the systems that would be able to crack encryption on a digital card probably wouldn't either need to steal the card, nor be stupid enough to draw attention to themselves by shooting a guard and leaving the body to be found.

Remember your average grunt in the cell isn't that smart, and many are barely literate. I'd bet that they did it that way because they've been watching too many movies.

Or maybe they killed the guard and accessed the plant before they deactivated the security card and now ISIS has figured out a way to get permanent access to the plant.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead


That doesn't seem very likely. I'll readily admit I'm not sure what security is like at a nuke plant, but I think we can safely assume the guards all know each other at least by sight, would know if there had been a new hire, and there's probably more than an unmanned gate to go through before accessing anything important. If those basics aren't true, the security is horrifyingly amateur.

I wouldn't be surprised if the keycard was only good for granting access to an employee parking lot without having to get past other guards. But you never know how lax the guards might be; guard duty is boring as fuck and it's easy to become complacent. Now that (it appears) the terrorists killed a guard, though, those security personnel will be very vigilant for awhile.

If you're trying to infiltrate an installation stealthily, it's best not to let your target know you're coming by murdering one of the guards if you don't plan on going in immediately. They must not be watching the right movies. You're supposed to get the guy drunk and steal his card so he thinks he lost it, or use a honey trap. Frickin noobs.

If these ISIS types were truly sophisticated and using long term planning, they'd just insert believers into positions legitimately. Have them get degrees in Nuclear Engineering and get jobs at the plant. Or do a few years in the military, get security training, and join the security force. Maybe they have done so already. I tend to doubt it, because we haven't seen anything like that so far, but maybe the time just hasn't come.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Michael Scheuer, a former CIA analyst, is on point as always when it comes to matters of national security:

"What the aftermath of the Brussels attack requires is popular recognition that the Belgian and Western intelligence and police services — no matter how successful they are — will have not the slightest impact on the strategic reality that the West, is now, and for at least a decade past, being beaten to death by the Islamists. They have defeated our armies in two wars, they have spread worldwide, they have — despite the lying if condescendingly soothing words of Obama, Biden, McCain, Cameron, Hollande, Clinton, Cruz, the treason that calls itself Neo-Conservative, etc. — very successfully changed the way we live, whether in regard to worrying about where children go for social events, where vacations should be taken, or the all too obvious reality that the civil liberties of Westerners are being incrementally abrogated by their rulers in the name of security; that is, by elected men and women who know that the West is bleeding to death at the hands of Islamist fighters and, even more, by their own voluntary pacts with the six horses of the West’s coming apocalypse: diversity, multiculturalism, political correctness, interventionism, irreligion, and open borders."

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

^Michael Scheuer is a good read. He's also a Trump supporter. I'm a regular reader as he really knows his stuff. Can recommend.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Yep, that blog is amazing. I've just read it for the first time and was blown away. But how big is his audience? Does he wield any influence?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 04:37 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Yep, that blog is amazing. I've just read it for the first time and was blown away. But how big is his audience? Does he wield any influence?

Not sure how many people read his blog, but his book Imperial Hubris was a New York Times Bestseller. He's also been featured on Bill Maher:

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

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