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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Sad that places like Europe and USA have some of the strongest military alliances in the world, but allow themselves to be bullied by goat farmers.

We should just threaten to turn Mecca to glass. They would shape up real quick if they knew that we'd drop a nuke on their "holy place."

Think about it. After we put a nuke on the Japanese they went from being bad ass, suicidal samurais to shy techies who won't even reproduce enough to ensure that they'll be around in a few generations.

I think Islam needs to experience what the Japanese experienced. I hate to say it, but a nuke is in order.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Roosh's tweet just got posted at the WRSA.

That's +100 national security tickets.

Earn a few thousand more and you can redeem them at the counter for your own satellite. [Image: smile.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:16 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Sad that places like Europe and USA have some of the strongest military alliances in the world, but allow themselves to be bullied by goat farmers.

We should just threaten to turn Mecca to glass. They would shape up real quick if they knew that we'd drop a nuke on their "holy place."

Think about it. After we put a nuke on the Japanese they went from being bad ass, suicidal samurais to shy techies who won't even reproduce enough to ensure that they'll be around in a few generations.

I think Islam needs to experience what the Japanese experienced. I hate to say it, but a nuke is in order.

As someone who detests the kind of people that advocate nukes as the solution to every problem in the world, I actually don't have a problem with this.^^^

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:57 PM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

I know this is a hugely sensitive topic, but in the light of the Brussels attacks I felt like I should let my fellow rvfers know.

As far as I know there are three muslim members, you, Mikado and Kaotic, who left the religion, and I commend him for that because I can imagine how hard an ex-muslim's life can be. I think it's safe to assume the three of you, and other muslims like you, do not wish harm or destroy western civilization, and I can only hope more muslims will join you, we need more to criticize and denounce the atrocities of Islam, both for your own sake and for ours. Unfortunately it appears to me you guys are still a very small minority.
I know it's a private matter and you guys don't have to share it but I would honestly like to know how your families and muslim friends react and think about all these events, are they pro western or pro Islam? Are they ok with Islam and think everything's fine or do they admit in private it needs to radically change? Do they feel conflicted or just pend to one side?

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Some advice to European RVFers...

We gamed this when I was in the military and I've trained for it as a first responder.

If you are somewhere and something goes down what are you going to do? If you don't have a plan at that point it is too late.

Do you have an Every Day Carry (EDC) bag? Get some good swim goggles and an n94 respirator or the best particulate mask you can get from a home improvement store in your country. This will help in the event of a gas attack, police tear gassing an area in response or just getting through the smoke and haze after a blast.

Plan for a secondary device. Standard Operating Procedure for the well trained cells is to place a secondary device for police, fire and EMS. It could be on a timer or they could have someone line of sight waiting to detonate it. Figure it is going to happen.

Look for choke points and funnels. Is there a blast at the end of of a train platform? Is everyone going to be forced to flee to an escalator or stairwell? Is someone waiting at the top with an AK? Don't run blindly. Take the few seconds and scan your surroundings.

I am a firefighter with a major municipal department in the United States. I figure there is a now at least a 10% chance I will respond to an incident of this type before I retire.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:03 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Whats really troublesome is that someone without enough brain matter to take TWO cabs is able to build a bomb. They are a horde of brainwashed imbeciles, fighting a war they will not win.
Which is precisely what makes them dangerous, they have no intention or aspiration of winning. They want to die, and take as many of us as they can down with them.

Definitely. It has be mentioned before how Trump is just a happy guy that wants him and others to live a happy life and I think this is exactly the point. Most humans just want to live prosperous, happy and fulfilling lives, try not to harm others and enjoy the good and outlast the bad. I know it's a very crass over generalization but muslims (in general, as with everything there are obviously exceptions) appear to just seek destruction, darkness, obedience and capitulation to their death cult, they are not happy, they are miserable and rotten inside and want the world to be like that.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:03 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Whats really troublesome is that someone without enough brain matter to take TWO cabs is able to build a bomb. They are a horde of brainwashed imbeciles, fighting a war they will not win.
Which is precisely what makes them dangerous, they have no intention or aspiration of winning. They want to die, and take as many of us as they can down with them.

I highly doubt those lads built the bombs. I also don't buy into the lone wolf logic. Between bomb making expertise, procuring the supplies needed, and safe houses for them to lay low I suspect they have/had an extended network of 20-30 people who knew this attack was going to take place.

This lad they have in custody, Saleh Abdeslam; they need to be outright horrible to him. Any limits on torture, fucking lift them due to 'extraordinary circumstances. Waterboard him, as Trump said, pull his fucking fingernails out. See how committed to his cause he is then. It's time to get tough; twitter hashtags and chalk drawings outside the town hall don't cut it anymore. They never did.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

European jihadis are omega male losers. Each and every one. Read their stories they turn out the same, drinking, partying as teenagers, dabbling in crime and gangsta culture, not cutting it, not getting women - or outright gay like Abdeslam - low IQ, no education, no job, no chance at getting married to local muslim women who largely won't marry degenerates and criminals. Their parents too poor to fetch a bride from the Middle East.

What future for them? Nothing.

That's where the imams do their thing, glory awaits in the afterlife. Omega male disposal islam style.

It's no coincidence the European jihadis in Syriah mostly end up suicide bombers while the locals end up with harems of slave girls.

The islam immigrant gene pool in Europe is very poor, very inbred, very low IQ. There are a lot of dregs with absolutely no place in modern society and too debased and cultureless for their homecountry culture.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:16 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Think about it. After we put a nuke on the Japanese they went from being bad ass, suicidal samurais to shy techies who won't even reproduce enough to ensure that they'll be around in a few generations.

I think Islam needs to experience what the Japanese experienced. I hate to say it, but a nuke is in order.

I appreciate the sentiment, but solving the Japanese issue was not quite that simple. Japan was only quelled because the Allies went in after the war and completely reorganised their society along Western lines. They ripped up the Meiji Constitution and basically put in one that looked a lot like a standard Western Constitution. That required Allied forces to stay in occupation of Japan until 1952. And the Japanese Constitution has explicit provisions renouncing war of all forms.

More significant was the fact -- and again, it's a similar challenge for dealing with Islam -- that the postwar Constitution fundamentally changed the nature of the Emperor. Up until 1945 he still had the status of a divine being; the new Constitution turned him into a ceremonial figurehead and he publicly admitted he was not divine.

This will be a much different prospect with Wahhabist Islam because, unlike Japan, it is not hierarchical and it is not confined to a single geographical area, as Japan is.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:33 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:16 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Sad that places like Europe and USA have some of the strongest military alliances in the world, but allow themselves to be bullied by goat farmers.

We should just threaten to turn Mecca to glass. They would shape up real quick if they knew that we'd drop a nuke on their "holy place."

Think about it. After we put a nuke on the Japanese they went from being bad ass, suicidal samurais to shy techies who won't even reproduce enough to ensure that they'll be around in a few generations.

I think Islam needs to experience what the Japanese experienced. I hate to say it, but a nuke is in order.

As someone who detests the kind of people that advocate nukes as the solution to every problem in the world, I actually don't have a problem with this.^^^

The threat is all we need. if they decide they don't care about Mecca then that's another thing, but the threat of turning Mecca into glass would probably make those boys play honestly.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 06:39 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

It's happening everywhere, mate.

AB, can I ask roughly what part of Aus these events are referring to?

Metro, Rural? Vic, New South?

"Pain is certain, suffering is optional" - Buddah

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:49 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:57 PM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

I know this is a hugely sensitive topic, but in the light of the Brussels attacks I felt like I should let my fellow rvfers know.

As far as I know there are three muslim members, you, Mikado and Kaotic, who left the religion, and I commend him for that because I can imagine how hard an ex-muslim's life can be. I think it's safe to assume the three of you, and other muslims like you, do not wish harm or destroy western civilization, and I can only hope more muslims will join you, we need more to criticize and denounce the atrocities of Islam, both for your own sake and for ours. Unfortunately it appears to me you guys are still a very small minority.
I know it's a private matter and you guys don't have to share it but I would honestly like to know how your families and muslim friends react and think about all these events, are they pro western or pro Islam? Are they ok with Islam and think everything's fine or do they admit in private it needs to radically change? Do they feel conflicted or just pend to one side?

I'm also muslim, and I can tell you that whether they are pro western or pro islam (and I have plenty of relatives who are both) none of them are pro-isis. If you find someone who is 'in real life' pro-isi I will be surprised. That said I will just come right out and say it that ISIS is run out of US and Israel and they are very weak. They are more or less Al-Qaeda re-branded. Hence why no US policy really wants to wipe out this (their) group. Anyway most people know this already but it is always good to keep this in mind when events like this happens. Don't be so fast to believe the Govt's and MSM when they give you the story of who-dunnit, you cant trust them on other things so dont think you can trust them on this. As if they can figure it all out within hours of the event, that itself makes the story stink to high heaven.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:15 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

European jihadis are omega male losers. Each and every one. Read their stories they turn out the same, drinking, partying as teenagers, dabbling in crime and gangsta culture, not cutting it, not getting women - or outright gay like Abdeslam - low IQ, no education, no job, no chance at getting married to local muslim women who largely won't marry degenerates and criminals. Their parents too poor to fetch a bride from the Middle East.

What future for them? Nothing.

That's where the imams do their thing, glory awaits in the afterlife. Omega male disposal islam style.

It's no coincidence the European jihadis in Syriah mostly end up suicide bombers while the locals end up with harems of slave girls.

The islam immigrant gene pool in Europe is very poor, very inbred, very low IQ. There are a lot of dregs with absolutely no place in modern society and too debased and cultureless for their homecountry culture.

True. But that doesn't mean they can't be effective. Do you remember the Mumbai hotel attack a few years ago? The guys who carried that out were illiterates who had never worn shoes prior to the attack. Yet they were able to hold off Indian Special Forces for days.

An American who was financed by the DEA(!) made a half a dozen trips to India staying at that hotel filming every square inch of it. The hotel is a labyrinthine maze as like most middle eastern structures, has renovations done haphhazardly when they have the money for it.

He filmed not just the hotel but the route from where they were inserted at night via sea to the hotel and inside. I've never been to Mumbai but I've been told that there are very poor street signage, layout, etc. Yet these goat fuckers were able to find there way to the hotel (despite the first time ever in a city) and carryout one of the most devestating attacks in modern Indian history.

Funny historical one explained to the Mumbai attackers how an elevator works. There is video of them jumping up and down in it and slapping the numbers above the door to try to make it move.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

A rash of San Bernardino style attacks is the only thing that will make a majority percentage of europeans turn against the importing of muslims.

So far, every story of something bad happening, whether a terrorist attack or a series of personal attacks, has been in a capital, or a tier 1.5 city such as Malmo or Cologne or Rotherham. As long as that remains true, most europeans will assume, correctly, that they aren't in any danger.

If the worst of the migrants keep their misdeeds to the big cities, they aren't really affecting the bulk of the european population at all.

If horror stories start coming out of places like university towns, industrial cities and rural villages, everyone will turn against them.

The only way they can truly cause long term harm to europe is if they spread out into the boonies, regularly victimize people there, but go just light enough that no scandal hits the mainstream media or goes viral on the internet.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:44 PM)Walker Wrote:  

A rash of San Bernardino style attacks is the only thing that will make a majority percentage of europeans turn against the importing of muslims.

So far, every story of something bad happening, whether a terrorist attack or a series of personal attacks, has been in a capital, or a tier 1.5 city such as Malmo or Cologne or Rotherham. As long as that remains true, most europeans will assume, correctly, that they aren't in any danger.

If the worst of the migrants keep their misdeeds to the big cities, they aren't really affecting the bulk of the european population at all.

If horror stories start coming out of places like university towns, industrial cities and rural villages, everyone will turn against them.

The only way they can truly cause long term harm to europe is if they spread out into the boonies, regularly victimize people there, but go just light enough that no scandal hits the mainstream media or goes viral on the internet.

You must not remember Paris, very violent, very bloody, yet you got the left saying OH WE MUST GIVE INTO HATE.

Mark my words - it's going to happen again. They caught the 2 guys on the train.

They found weapons caches, it's only a matter of time before some ISIS fuckheads start sweeping high traffic areas.

When it happens, I won't be surprised, and it won't instill hate towards ISIS.

They won't wake until something seriously drastic and high profile happens.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

You highlight the problem with Muslims perfectly. Any time something like this happens they deflect blame.

"That said I will just come right out and say it that ISIS is run out of US and Israel and they are very weak." Of course, the Jews are behind it.

"They are more or less Al-Qaeda re-branded. Hence why no US policy really wants to wipe out this (their) group." Please explain why the USA wants to keep ISIS in tact and operational. This conspiracy is going to be epic.

"Don't be so fast to believe the Govt's and MSM when they give you the story of who-dunnit, you cant trust them on other things so dont think you can trust them on this. As if they can figure it all out within hours of the event, that itself makes the story stink to high heaven." Here come more conspiracy theories. We live in an age of smartphones. How hard is it to snap a couple pics? A cab driver told the police about the bombers. Do you think this was a conspiracy too? It didn't really happen? This is exactly the problem with Muslims, always passing the blame instead of fixing their messed up religion.

The truth about Islam:

Contrary to what this Muslim says, a huge percentage of Muslims in the Middle East and Europe support ISIS.

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:30 PM)doodlebug786 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:49 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:57 PM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

I know this is a hugely sensitive topic, but in the light of the Brussels attacks I felt like I should let my fellow rvfers know.

As far as I know there are three muslim members, you, Mikado and Kaotic, who left the religion, and I commend him for that because I can imagine how hard an ex-muslim's life can be. I think it's safe to assume the three of you, and other muslims like you, do not wish harm or destroy western civilization, and I can only hope more muslims will join you, we need more to criticize and denounce the atrocities of Islam, both for your own sake and for ours. Unfortunately it appears to me you guys are still a very small minority.
I know it's a private matter and you guys don't have to share it but I would honestly like to know how your families and muslim friends react and think about all these events, are they pro western or pro Islam? Are they ok with Islam and think everything's fine or do they admit in private it needs to radically change? Do they feel conflicted or just pend to one side?

I'm also muslim, and I can tell you that whether they are pro western or pro islam (and I have plenty of relatives who are both) none of them are pro-isis. If you find someone who is 'in real life' pro-isi I will be surprised. That said I will just come right out and say it that ISIS is run out of US and Israel and they are very weak. They are more or less Al-Qaeda re-branded. Hence why no US policy really wants to wipe out this (their) group. Anyway most people know this already but it is always good to keep this in mind when events like this happens. Don't be so fast to believe the Govt's and MSM when they give you the story of who-dunnit, you cant trust them on other things so dont think you can trust them on this. As if they can figure it all out within hours of the event, that itself makes the story stink to high heaven.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:59 PM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

Please explain why the USA wants to keep ISIS in tact and operational. This conspiracy is going to be epic.

I don't think it's much a conspiracy that the US funded FSA moderate head choppers and let military assets fall into the hands of the enemy.

If you've been reading the other threads you'd know quite a few agree that the US has funded ISIS and so have the Saudis. It is a fact Israel does assist Syrians medically.

There's this country called Syria, where they want this president named Assad out of power.

You know there were these 2 guys named Saddam and Qaddafi also that got kicked out of power.

"Nation Building" aka toppling the leadership of countries we don't like is nothing new in this world.

Islam IS a problem, no doubt about that. It doesn't help that we help either side.

As far as what you believe are conspiracy theories....end up being the truth to us on the forum. We see through the bullshit and lies.

I'm not just talking about Islam, I'm talking gamer gate, the presidential race, false rape charges, the toppling of known figures, etc.

Ahmed the Clockboy was a perfect example.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

It's a lot more complicated than you're making it seem. Yes, they want Assad gone but doesn't mean they were intentionally funding ISIS to do so. There is no proof the US is funding them. Were they funding rebels who had ISIS members within them? Probably, but that's a different scenario.

Quote: (03-23-2016 12:08 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:59 PM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

Please explain why the USA wants to keep ISIS in tact and operational. This conspiracy is going to be epic.

I don't think it's much a conspiracy that the US funded FSA moderate head choppers and let military assets fall into the hands of the enemy.

If you've been reading the other threads you'd know quite a few agree that the US has funded ISIS and so have the Saudis. It is a fact Israel does assist Syrians medically.

There's this country called Syria, where they want this president named Assad out of power.

You know there were these 2 guys named Saddam and Qaddafi also that got kicked out of power.

"Nation Building" aka toppling the leadership of countries we don't like is nothing new in this world.

Islam IS a problem, no doubt about that. It doesn't help that we help either side.

As far as what you believe are conspiracy theories....end up being the truth to us on the forum. We see through the bullshit and lies.

I'm not just talking about Islam, I'm talking gamer gate, the presidential race, false rape charges, the toppling of known figures, etc.

Ahmed the Clockboy was a perfect example.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:15 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

European jihadis are omega male losers. Each and every one. Read their stories they turn out the same, drinking, partying as teenagers, dabbling in crime and gangsta culture, not cutting it, not getting women - or outright gay like Abdeslam - low IQ, no education, no job, no chance at getting married to local muslim women who largely won't marry degenerates and criminals. Their parents too poor to fetch a bride from the Middle East.

What future for them? Nothing.

That's where the imams do their thing, glory awaits in the afterlife. Omega male disposal islam style.

It's no coincidence the European jihadis in Syriah mostly end up suicide bombers while the locals end up with harems of slave girls.

The islam immigrant gene pool in Europe is very poor, very inbred, very low IQ. There are a lot of dregs with absolutely no place in modern society and too debased and cultureless for their homecountry culture.

And pertinent to this thread...


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-23-2016 12:17 AM)Slay it Forward Wrote:

It's a lot more complicated than you're making it seem. Yes, they want Assad gone but doesn't mean they were intentionally funding ISIS to do so. There is no proof the US is funding them. Were they funding rebels who had ISIS members within them? Probably, but that's a different scenario.

It's complicated sure, I know this, I'm breaking it down to the basics.

If you don't think they were intentionally funding ISIS, I don't know what to tell you.

There is plenty of proof the U.S. funded them.

They had entire FSA groups who switches sides after they got funding and training. They got vehicles, weapons and logistics which they turned over to ISIS or joined with ISIS. ?

[Image: laugh4.gif]


Vox is a politically liberal American news website run by Vox Media, founded by liberal columnist Ezra Klein

You don't google search much on the forum do you ?

Do yourself a favor, read up on the Donald Trump thread, the Syria thread, and the European Immigration thread:




Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:59 PM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

You highlight the problem with Muslims perfectly. Any time something like this happens they deflect blame.

"That said I will just come right out and say it that ISIS is run out of US and Israel and they are very weak." Of course, the Jews are behind it.

Not deflecting the blame, whoever did it will burn...we both can agree on that. I don't believe what the MSM says. Hey have you ever wandered why ISIS and Alqaeeda have not attacked Israel once....I guess we dont hate jews after all.

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:59 PM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

"They are more or less Al-Qaeda re-branded. Hence why no US policy really wants to wipe out this (their) group." Please explain why the USA wants to keep ISIS in tact and operational. This conspiracy is going to be epic.

"Don't be so fast to believe the Govt's and MSM when they give you the story of who-dunnit, you cant trust them on other things so dont think you can trust them on this. As if they can figure it all out within hours of the event, that itself makes the story stink to high heaven." Here come more conspiracy theories. We live in an age of smartphones. How hard is it to snap a couple pics? A cab driver told the police about the bombers. Do you think this was a conspiracy too? It didn't really happen? This is exactly the problem with Muslims, always passing the blame instead of fixing their messed up religion.

The truth about Islam:

So you poo poo conspiracy theories and then post a Alex Jones Infowars youtube video in the same post......nice.

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:59 PM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

Contrary to what this Muslim says, a huge percentage of Muslims in the Middle East and Europe support ISIS.

Not really, plenty of people supported the rebels when they were trying to oust the Syrian president 4 years ago but after that rouse was found out you will only find young kids - loser omegas as one poster put it supporting any of this stuff. and to be honest I have even not managed to find any of these losers but yeh sure I guess they have to be out there.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:44 PM)Walker Wrote:  

If horror stories start coming out of places like university towns, industrial cities and rural villages, everyone will turn against them.

The only way they can truly cause long term harm to europe is if they spread out into the boonies, regularly victimize people there, but go just light enough that no scandal hits the mainstream media or goes viral on the internet.

As someone who lives in the boonies and suspects most rural folk are quite similar the world around, trust me, no muslim troublemaker is going to venture beyond the suburbs.

They live for infamy, and there's no infamy for people quietly weighted and sunk into flooded mineshafts.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-23-2016 12:17 AM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

It's a lot more complicated than you're making it seem. Yes, they want Assad gone but doesn't mean they were intentionally funding ISIS to do so. There is no proof the US is funding them. Were they funding rebels who had ISIS members within them? Probably, but that's a different scenario.

Are you serious? ISIS has been dumping black market oil into Turkey since forever and Turkey is a member of NATO.

And how do explain Putin wiping the floor with them when sustained bombing by NATO for over a year appeared to have no effect at all?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Bernie Sanders was just on Jimmy Kimmel talking the party line - ISIS is bad, but we need to welcome Muslim immigrants with open arms.

No lesson learned by the left.

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