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R.I.P. London

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-25-2016 06:48 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^ We are all slaves in some form or another.

Wage slaves, tax slaves, Mortgage slaves, Corporate slaves, Pussy slaves etc etc

The false equivocations take some serious mental gymnastics to perform. Tell me, how does one live with such cognitive dissonance?


Travel dude, the world ain't all that bad. You might find somewhere you like, void of muslims.

No need to travel, already found a great place.

[Image: trump-muslim-ban.jpg]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

R.I.P. London

Let me get this clear, you want to ban all Muslims from entering the USA.

You are voting for Trump and he will save the day.

What does this have to do with London!

Our New Blog:

R.I.P. London

I posted this thought on another thread, but I find it funny that most of the guys on here getting whipped into a frenzy about the Muslim invasion of Europe, don't even live in Europe. Most of them are probably living somewhere in the suburbs of the Mid-West.

R.I.P. London

^ But yet they want to argue with people who have spent alot of time there and with people who are living there, who aren't really complaining.

My friend just returned from France last week, sure they hate Muslims there but he said there is alot of opportunity to game women. My friend is Oriental, if that matters.

Our New Blog:

R.I.P. London

[Image: a0xJKJR.png]

Trump is playing chess while Soros is playing checkers, and the other cucks are off playing Candyland at Jeb's house. - iop890

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-25-2016 03:49 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

The primary issue with immigration is and always will be assimilation. Multiculturalism that liberals are always bleating on about is the antithesis of assimilation.

You can't have it both ways, it's impossible.

It's even debatable whether or not immigration works in the long run if the appearance and culture of the people immigrating is extremely different. I'm speaking of this from the point of view of someone born from very recent immigrants myself. I'm a firm believer that homogenous societies still function better overall and last longer. The monster of identity politics and the wacky internal turmoil of many minorities in anglo countries is just a reminder that multiculturalism is extremely flawed and is damaging for both the host culture and the people immigrating into it.

You definitely can't assimilate masses from a third world foreign shithole especially when they form their own little medieval style enclaves and enact their 12th century tribal primitive laws. Their entire mindset is undeveloped and past the point of assimilation to begin with. Immigration as a concept can function as a flawed policy when it's done at the minimum but when there is zero respect for the host culture and people then it becomes an absolute disaster.

Assimilation requires the numbers of migrants and the rate of their entry into a host nation to be low.

Neither is the case.

Moreover, there is an inverse exponential process as new high numbers of migrants arriving at high rates are settling into areas where the native population is very low.

What is there left for these new arrivals to integrate to? The middle classes in the BBC can write them into soap opera scripts to try and encourage integration but with satellite tv and the internet, new migrants are watching the media from their countries of origins.

Complete assimilation is impossible now unless the host cultures give up their social mores and replace them with a globalised goo from which the most masculine and confident and assertive culture will rise from primeval swamp.

Study after study has found that multiculturalism destroys civic participation rates as the sense of community and belonging is shattered.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-24-2016 11:57 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I was born and spent alot of time in London. I saw the migrant map a few weeks ago and was a bit surprised by it, I think it is a bit overblown.

Can we get feedback from people that actually live there, not keyboard jockeys that keep turning every thread into a "beware of the muslims" warning.

Comparing London to a shithole like Detroit is idiotic.

I may be a little partial, London is one of the best cities in the world.

As many here have said, London is an amazing place to live if you're an oligarch with money. Oligarchic financiers, real estate developers, property owners, corporate executives, well-established local entrepreneuers, and connected politicians are making a lot of money. Immigrants keep down the oligarch's labor costs, expand the GDP (which ends up in the oligarch's pocket), and inflate the local housing bubble. However, if you're a regular workingman (even an educated professional), then London is unaffordable. Housing is too expensive and wages are too low. The English workingman is economically caught between oligarchs at the top and immigrants at the bottom. Cockneys get squeezed out and head to places like Essex.

Aside from the economic issues, the immigrants destroy the sense of homgenous community that used to exist. For generations, there were very stable and close knit neighborhoods throughout the city, each with its own distinctive culture (cockneys, etc). Now that's gone, especially in East London. The place has been foreignized beyond recognition. Englishmen are strangers in London. There's a sense of atomization in today's London. It's ridiculous to say that the Bangladeshis of East London are imposing Islamic Shariah law, but it's true that they've culturally displaced the cockneys. That's a shame.

You're correct that London is not Detroit. Crime is actually pretty low in London. Even Islamic fundamentalism is not much of an issue. However, the city has very real problems with its oligarchic, unequal economic structure. That's driven largely by immigration.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-25-2016 02:01 PM)WarMachine Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2016 08:27 AM)frenchcorporation Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2016 11:57 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I was born and spent alot of time in London. I saw the migrant map a few weeks ago and was a bit surprised by it, I think it is a bit overblown.

Can we get feedback from people that actually live there, not keyboard jockeys that keep turning every thread into a "beware of the muslims" warning.

Comparing London to a shithole like Detroit is idiotic.

I may be a little partial, London is one of the best cities in the world.

I'm from london,born and raised etc.

I cant relate to this doom-and-gloom (wrt migrants), its more expensive and gentrified than ever. parts of inner london that were predominantely populated with ethnic minorites have been replaced, with mostly middle-class native english people.

Places like Hackney, brixton, clapham, stratford. proper shitholes becoming a lot nicer.

My commute to work , more than 9 out of ten people are white. Maybe thats not everyones experience in London but it is mine.

London does have its problems, but this migrant stuff is overblown. Poor people/low wage-earners are being pushed out of london, to places like manchester and wales. There's less and less council housing, as they are being torn down and replaced with v.expensive apartments

If anyone is going to post doom-and-gloom articles about ldn, they should state if they are actually from london, as opposed to being on the outside looking in, copying and pasting alarmist articles.

edit: There is a shitload of money to be made in London, where the fuck is this "decline" stuff coming from ??. I was flat broke 3 years ago, and now I'm partying abroad every weekend, on my own dime. I cant take people seriously who come with this defeatist attitude anymore. London isnt the problem, the people complaining in this thread are. Guys are telling on themselves.

Let me echo this 100. I live in London, born and raised. There is no decline. For me this is sensationalist anti-islamic/anti-immigrant KoolAid of the sweetest and most addictive flavour.

Some don't even know they're drinking it.

The open secret is that the man with his small building business is hiring these immigrants for less than minimum wage, some of them sleep 8 to a room, paying no tax. Landlords welcome the guaranteed rentals, and they don't even have to renovate to accommodate these people.

Why would they come here if they didn't know they could work, or sometimes "recruited" as cheap labour?

The English businessman / businesses do very, very well out of immigration.

Yes, but what happens to the workingman?

I agree there's sensationalism with respect to the issues of crime and Islamic fundamentalism, neither of which is a major issue in London...... but do you deny that the white working class has been economically squeezed out of the city?

R.I.P. London

London has been like this for a while, if anything in terms of crime it was previously worse. Back in the late 90s/early 00s a lot of areas, which are now gentrified where virtually no go areas. Brixton was able to compete with the Watts District in Los Angeles, after having three unrelated shootings taking place in one day.

London is a city for the rich, I genuinely don't think this is a place that you can easily make money if you are just starting out. Unless you already come from a family who has contacts or you have a substantial funds on you already.

R.I.P. London

The issue here is not the current rate of crime. The crime rates will go through the roof overnight if the situation on the ground changes (or if the free internet porn becomes unavailable, whatever happens first.) In fact, if there's too much disbalance, and the banks/capital have to flee and all those overrated houses and terraces of Knigtsbridge/Mayfair/Belgravia are abandoned, London is in for some nasty power grab street-level style. The white Brits will not be in this war, having fled to the country side (other countries), but it will be a war between latest migrants from Eastern Europe (Polish/Romanians/Bulgarians) and others who are not. And the losers will be those who are lesser in numbers, and whose hearts are not really in it.

The issue is also not how many exotic sluts you can bang (get hold of yourself for a minute.)

The issue is displacement (and ultimately destruction) of white British people from their own ancestral land. When Brits went to India their goal was never to displace natives from Mumbai/Calcutta/Delhi. Compare that to the larger strategy of the joish masterminds for the past 70 years to abolish nation states, open borders and muddy waters.

Because London was home to white Brits forever, forgive us if we take five minutes to mourn their passing. I'm sure you can understand the feeling.

London is just the first city on their British path, but you just know that other British cities will end up the same. Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, etc. Everything that is or could possibly be white will be phased out as such and replaced with multicult. The same blueprint is in place for other western cities: Paris, Brussels, Toronto and Vancouver are already lost. New York is in cross-hairs. Large German and Scandinavian cities are to follow. Vienna, Amsterdam, you bet. When those are fucked up, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Lisboa, Zurich, will be next. After those are exhausted, the relentless tide will go to Warsaw, Budapest, Moscow, etc. etc.

The ultimate end goal of this strategy is a creation of a global "flat world" populated with identity-less individuals who are removed from their own "background story" so to speak, and as such unable to mount any form of meaningful resistance. This world will be managed and governed by way of various regional and global power consortiums. The future world citizens will be highly indebted and highly brainwashed individuals who will toil in serf-like conditions for the benefits of the elite. Their own lives will be relatively valuable only insofar that they are useful to this system (young and stupid will take blatant precedence over old and smart/or sick and unhealthy all who will be disposed via occasional systemic purges whether through regional wars/upheavals, through new bio-forms, through denial of proper medicine/care, or through some other as of yet not invented means) which will ensure that the world population is kept only in highly productive numbers.

The elites will continue to elite, move capital around at the click of a button, and live in their secure private island compounds. Should it become feasible, the future elites will also colonize Mars and/or other planets or extraterrestrial man-made objects (think of module-like mini cities made up of large space stations) to ensure their own continuous survival.

If you think that we are already half-way there it's because we are.

R.I.P. London

Democracy, bitches.

Quote: (01-23-2016 01:41 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This is unbelievable.

Don't make me laugh [Image: biggrin.gif]

Quote: (01-23-2016 01:41 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

But is the royal family pozzed as the rest of 'em? Or can they pull a Trump-style takeover?

This is the question. Can the next king stand up and say, "that's enough"? Can he say "I'll refuse assent to anything presented to me until it's a pre-1911 constitution restoration bill"?.

Only one real question exists though. Do the English just rot away, leaving England a giant slum-ridden brutal 3rd world hell hole? Or do they stand up, in ranks, with their king, and do what their ancestors did before them, to secure the existence of their posterity on this earth?

Naturally, they will start by putting leftists in their proper place in society. They will have detailed name records on their sides.

R.I.P. London

I suspect the Royal Family is behind the displacement of the British people. The Royal Family will retain it's incestuous bloodlines well into the future, simply making them that much more "Royal / elite / special /different" from the common people.

I know Prince Charles said something to the effect that he would like to come back as a virus to kill off as many people as possible. These are true globalist eugenic puppeteers.

There is the EDL (English Defense League) and other populist movements and organizations that value the British cultural and national heritage and are prepared to fight for it. These groups have been demonized and more blamed for terrorism than Muslims by the media! Hopefully President Trump's influence will encourage and expand these groups in Europe. When it comes to our national aid, these are the kinds of groups we should be giving money to.

Quote: (01-23-2016 01:41 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This is unbelievable.


So how has it happened? Well, get rid of any notion that we are doing the world’s poorest many favours. Judah quickly discovers that multiculturalism for many migrants is a euphemism for slave labour. It starts when would-be immigrants listen to the sales pitch of the agents for the people-traffickers. They promise that London is ‘a second paradise’ where ‘every man is rich’. On offer is free NHS treatment, free housing, free schooling and countless welfare benefits. It is a place of opportunity, security and, above all, available women. This was a definite pull for one young Afghan working in a butcher’s in Neasden, North West London. As he put it, in his village, if you slept with more than one person in your life, ‘they shot you in the back’. In Britain, however, sexual opportunities were immense. The agents explain how to take full advantage of the UK.‘London is a country of rights,’ they say. How very true! If you tell the correct story, they are informed, ‘you will never be sent home’. And yet, when migrants manage to reach the UK, they all have to pay back the people-traffickers who got them here. Indeed, it is this debt, sometimes with interest rates of 100 per cent, that lies behind the often appalling working conditions they are forced to accept. This is the simple fact that the immigration lobby ignore — with appalling consequences for the migrants concerned. Typical of the views of those Judah met was someone who said: ‘I thought the money would be growing on trees. Six months later, I was crying myself to sleep. I was homeless.’ A Roma violin player in a tunnel beneath Park Lane explains what this means. ‘We’re all here to beg, to work off our debts. We give the enforcers all the money. They told us to come here. But we are never going to make back the loans they gave us to come here. We’re trapped.’ He explains that the people-traffickers are a constant threat to the children migrants have left behind in places such as the Romanian city of Slobozia. Defiance could bring brutal retribution on those they love.

Judah quickly learns that the people who make it here are ‘virtual slaves’. And it is the same wherever he goes. In a hotel laundry room, Africans curse the tricksters who brought them here on counterfeited visas and passports. A Ghanaian came on a student visa with plans to set up an international business. All he wanted, he said, was to wear a suit and work in an office. Yet the traffickers never told him what would happen when he tried to work as an illegal migrant. He used up his savings of five years in a matter of months. Instead of running his own business, he stacks shelves in a warehouse. Frustrated, angry and exhausted, he knows he has ruined his life. He can never escape, never get home to his children, because his low wages mean he cannot imagine ever paying off his debt.

Literally slavery on the streets of London. What a nightmare.

I've predicted that Britain is doomed to fall to Islam, and stories like this help confirm it. As the rapefugees reach the shores of Albion ISIS will take over.

There is only one wildcard that could stop this, however. I don't know if it is possible but I suppose anything is possible.

Will the royal family of England reclaim their country? They are the only ones with enough popularity and wealth to successfully lead a military revolution and take back the country, close the borders, and rebuild. Not only could they rally the White brits in the countryside, but I strongly suspect a shit-ton of immigrants would join as well.

But is the royal family pozzed as the rest of 'em? Or can they pull a Trump-style takeover?

R.I.P. London

You're seriously overestimating the power of the Royal family.

All they are now is a tourist attraction and pomp thrown in, nothing more. Whilst the queen is a valuable head of state politically, she has no power to overcome the government, we had wars over this and the government won.

If they were to even attempt anything of a political coup like they do in Thailand every now and then, the government will merely adopt a way to write them out of the law and all of their power is lost. They could then gut them financially and destroy it as an institution.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 09:08 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

You're seriously overestimating the power of the Royal family.

All they are now is a tourist attraction and pomp thrown in, nothing more. Whilst the queen is a valuable head of state politically, she has no power to overcome the government, we had wars over this and the government won.

If they were to even attempt anything of a political coup like they do in Thailand every now and then, the government will merely adopt a way to write them out of the law and all of their power is lost. They could then gut them financially and destroy it as an institution.

Whoever has the power of the people, has the real power. The British royalty have serious popularity, it is feasible for them to use it to throw a revolution if they wanted. The question is a matter of willpower, as always.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 09:08 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

You're seriously overestimating the power of the Royal family.

All they are now is a tourist attraction and pomp thrown in, nothing more. Whilst the queen is a valuable head of state politically, she has no power to overcome the government, we had wars over this and the government won.


Also you mean 'parliament' not government. There is also no such thing as a final war. People have too much deference to the status quo, as though the current form of government is always some invincible entity. The question is, if the local slaves revolt, who's will will prevail? That of the welfare parasites, feminists, multiculturalist hippy doucebags? Or the ranks of angry marginalized British male serfs, fighting for their right to life, liberty, and happiness?

I hope to see. And preferably sooner rather than later.

R.I.P. London

The definition of Capitalism:

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Our New Blog:

R.I.P. London

London has always been grimy. Even when I was growing up there I knew it was grimy, dirty, downtrodden. The English can be just as grimy as the migrants that are coming to replace/supplant them. Maybe not rural village in Pakistan level of grit, but certainly I saw little distinguishing characteristics between the Londonders on the East end, and the ones in Brixton other than skin colour.

London has had slums up to the 1950s. Im surprised they haven't fully made a return yet. Classist societies always suffer from these issues, they're not going away. England is as classist as they come, and has had no shortage of the tensions that arise as a result.

London at the end of the 19th century/early 20th

[Image: th-pier-district-before-slum-clearance-1-museum.jpg]

[Image: iqlveg.jpg]

[Image: iqlveg.jpg]

Brixton Riots 1981

[Image: article-1052881-044DB9B90000044D-204_468x286.jpg]

[Image: riot.jpg]

The Miner's Strike in 1984 (2 decades before mass migration, this is when the white working class Brits started losing out to globalization)

[Image: 2014%2B23scrum.jpg]

[Image: ONE-USE-Thatcher.jpg]

The more things change...

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 11:20 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

The definition of Capitalism:

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Right. And people aren't property. Therefore the wage slavery you see is not capitalism.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 12:13 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

London has always been grimy. Even when I was growing up there I knew it was grimy, dirty, downtrodden. The English can be just as grimy as the migrants that are coming to replace/supplant them. Maybe not rural village in Pakistan level of grit, but certainly I saw little distinguishing characteristics between the Londonders on the East end, and the ones in Brixton other than skin colour.

London has had slums up to the 1950s. Im surprised they haven't fully made a return yet. Classist societies always suffer from these issues, they're not going away. England is as classist as they come, and has had no shortage of the tensions that arise as a result.

London at the end of the 19th century/early 20th

[Image: th-pier-district-before-slum-clearance-1-museum.jpg]

[Image: iqlveg.jpg]

[Image: iqlveg.jpg]

Brixton Riots 1981

[Image: article-1052881-044DB9B90000044D-204_468x286.jpg]

[Image: riot.jpg]

The Miner's Strike in 1984 (2 decades before mass migration, this is when the white working class Brits started losing out to globalization)

[Image: 2014%2B23scrum.jpg]

[Image: ONE-USE-Thatcher.jpg]

The more things change...

This argument sounds eerily similar to the "Christians did bad things in the past so Islam is fine" argument.

Let's get one thing absolutely, abundantly clear. The British working class of the post-war 1950s may have been poor. They may have been ill-educted. They may have been ignorant by today's standards.

But they were proud, fiercely patriotic people who rebuilt their communities and cities after the visits from our German friends in the sky.

They were people who looked after their homes and their surroundings to the best of their abilities and who were proud of their communities and neighbourhoods.

These were the people that contributed their fathers and sons by the millions to die for their country in the Great War and WW2.

Let alone inaccurate, to call where they lived slums is downright unfair and rude.

Comparing them to the filthy Pakistani peasants that have ghettoised our cities now, in the 21st Century, with all that the modern world has to offer, is offensive.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 01:02 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

This argument sounds eerily similar to the "Christians did bad things in the past so Islam is fine" argument.

Let's get one thing absolutely, abundantly clear. The British working class of the post-war 1950s may have been poor. They may have been ill-educted. They may have been ignorant by today's standards.

But they were proud, fiercely patriotic people who rebuilt their communities and cities after the visits from our German friends in the sky.

They were people who looked after their homes and their surroundings to the best of their abilities and who were proud of their communities and neighbourhoods.

These were the people that contributed their fathers and sons by the millions to die for their country in the Great War and WW2.

Let alone inaccurate, to call where they lived slums is downright unfair and rude.

Comparing them to the filthy Pakistani peasants that have ghettoised our cities now, in the 21st Century, with all that the modern world has to offer, is offensive.

I'm not doubting their patriotism. While England did bad things in the past doesn't mean they should be punished, especially the working class who had little decision making powers.

But London has always been grimy, patriotic or not.

I was growing up in London the 90s and it was grimy back then too. And as a mixed race kid, I chased tons of Indian poon because it was easy (that was my thing, Indian girls in my area were plentiful and down to fuck). I never had too many issues with the Indian girls, or my Indian friends, most of their parents were very hard working, lived in nice houses, I didn't know any that were on the dole, I even remember them facing discrimination in the business world. So many of them started their own little businesses, or became doctors or lawyers, professions where pure brains and hard work beat connections that they didn't have (yet).

In many ways I got my work ethic from them, work hard, study, persevere, and eventually things will come around. My experience with Somalis was me getting a beatdown, and running home from school because I was being chased for picking on one of them. Or a knife being pulled to my throat on the Wembley to Harrow Tube Line, but that's just kids being kids. Kids gotta grow up.

I guess I'm reminiscing more than critiquing.

London is grimy, can't say I miss it.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 01:25 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

While England did bad things in the past doesn't mean they should be punished, especially the working class who had little decision making powers.

London is grimy, can't say I miss it.

Good riddance to you.

Don't come back.

R.I.P. London

^Dude you are getting a bit sensitive, comments like that aren't really needed.

Our New Blog:

R.I.P. London

Chill bro

[Image: s-589.gif]

R.I.P. London

The thing is, it's so easy to take take take from a country.

Then criticise it and its history, despite all it has given, after you've gone.

It's a common theme amongst expatriates. It makes me sick.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (01-26-2016 01:47 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

The thing is, it's so easy to take take take from a country.

Then criticise it and its history, despite all it has given, after you've gone.

It's a common theme amongst expatriates. It makes me sick.

Maybe you misread, maybe not. I said the English should not be punished for the past actions of their government.

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