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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I've lost count of the number of times Thai and Japanese men have asked me why western men like ugly Thai / Japanese women. I think there's a taste difference, with a lot of western men liking more tan women, but I also think it's down to low hanging fruit and not being bothered to put in the effort to get a higher standard. I lived in Thailand for over 4 years, went out almost every night, and can count on one hand the amount of foreign men I saw with quality. A lot of men in the expat scene have got a lot going for them as well (looks, money, etc.), but they have no idea how to really put it to use, or are just not built for the game and so settle with the first half decent girl that comes along.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-26-2015 04:18 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

I've lost count of the number of times Thai and Japanese men have asked me why western men like ugly Thai / Japanese women. I think there's a taste difference, with a lot of western men liking more tan women, but I also think it's down to low hanging fruit and not being bothered to put in the effort to get a higher standard. I lived in Thailand for over 4 years, went out almost every night, and can count on one hand the amount of foreign men I saw with quality. A lot of men in the expat scene have got a lot going for them as well (looks, money, etc.), but they have no idea how to really put it to use, or are just not built for the game and so settle with the first half decent girl that comes along.

You realize these guys are thirsty, a by product of there prior environment. They have suffer for decades in the Anglo-sphere. Any touch or smell of true femininity is breath taking. They have live in scarcity for a majority of there life.

I too live in scarcity in North America, but I wasn't as thirsty, but I was mentally weak for female affection. But I try to focus on what I want. When you go to Asia or Europe, it is a major step up in quality of social life, where you can have a normal conversation with a women, without feeling like it is a game. In the Anglo-sphere it is a game, there is no real genuine connection, its all a game and a power struggle.

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
– Bruce Lee

One must give value, but one must profit from it too, life is about balance

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-25-2015 10:05 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2015 09:50 PM)Onto Wrote:  

What kind of loser publicizes his exploits like that? It's like some kind of desperate attempt for validation from the world. Maybe it's more he's a child than being thirsty?

Why did it make the news though? That's the part I don't understand?

Is the news, "Look at foreigner getting it on with our women, this is terrible?"

Or is it that it's terrible he would post it on YouTube?

Kinda hard to explain why stuff like this would make the news. You would have to get a crash course in China to really understand why they like to poke at shit like this. "Kiss and Tell" behavior is 100% a Western thing. They cannot understand why anyone would want to behave like that (Asians). They also like to pounce on any dumb thing any foreigner does. The CCP encourages it too because they could easily shut down the news in a second.

There is a reason why on sites like Beijing Cream or Chinasmack, the concept of a "Bad Laowai" as a news tag exists. Any brazenly bad behavior by foreigners is going to get called out or reported in the news. Any rapes, fights, crimes, drugs, mob justice beat downs on said laowai for starting a fight, etc.

Hey Traveler I was about to write that you're over-exaggerating a bit on this guy, and that he simply does what Roosh did, but then it hit me that the main clientele for this guy will probably be White Guys who ain't pulling consistently here in North America, and who won't even know proper Game principle.

And with that in mind, your concerns damn sure make sense to me now!! I might be wrong, but this guy is still in the I'm happy to Daygame all day- Everyday talking to women stage. You can see it in his promo clip. He looks like the happiest guy in the world since he's taking pictures with Hot Chicks.

Every guy that's really pulling like that I've ever seen has that look in his eyes that's showing confidence, all the while showing a bit of indifference because no matter what you'll never be 100% you'll get the Bang!

Ain't nothing wrong with that, and I went through that phase as well, but you're not projecting sexuality when you're in this I'm happy just to be around you mode. My opinion is that this Dude is not ready to teach since he's not being in the trenches long enough. I'm not saying he's bad because I haven't listened to him, but anything RSD related after Julien sounds suspicious! Only time will tell if he'll be teaching preper Game concepts before he tells guys to be coming over in Japan.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The story might be old but these dudes are still running around asia acting like clowns.

They're openly trolling a conservative culture (even worse, putting it on youtube for the world to see), that wishes to repel the YOLO hedonist bullshit. As another poster said, its like shitting in a guests coat room. This isn't how RVF members act (at least from what I've seen) so I wouldn't compare this shit to what some of the guys here do. Guys here do go to asia and bang a lot of chicks, but with necessary discretion.

Jump to the 2:15 mark to hear this guy let the cat out of the bag.

I don't think he has much effect, but if enough clowns listen to this guy and see what hes doing and take that as how you should actually act in asia, this could fuck a lot of shit up. With the dire situation in the West, you have to expect that more and more guys, and not just fat old slobs, are going to start thinking about getting the fuck out.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

All the doom and gloom cultural stuff concerning asia is also a bit overblown too. Asia (in general) isn't going to follow a linear path into cultural oblivion like the anglosphere and parts of western europe because asia is still asia. The language barrier, the cultural barrier, and even the attitudes of the people are still very different. Asia also isn't going to jump off the multicultural cliff anytime soon either and import millions of (mostly) male immigrants like the west has done making male thirst so much worse.

If modernism meant the end times then Japan would have been finished in the 80's. True, westernization will always infect a minority of women but this has always been the case. Social media and shifting economic scale has made things worse but it's not the end times.

If you can speak and understand an asian language fluently you'll realize even with all this social media shit people still think differently in asia.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-26-2015 11:46 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Quote: (12-26-2015 07:46 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (12-26-2015 07:35 AM)Dipar Wrote:  

That is true. From my experience though, the first type of girl is very rare to find in Bangkok. Maybe it is different in other countries like China or Taiwan. Most girls definitely are of the other type you and I mentioned. I always have to laugh when a Thai girl accuses a foreigner of coming to Thailand because he can't get laid in his home country. Thai girls who fuck foreigners are exactly the same. They fuck them because they can't get a decent local man. The difference is that nobody talks about it.

It's not so rare to find the first type actually. Bangkok is a pretty small place when it comes to these social circles. It seems like it took me a year to meet a lot of the active westernized thais or thais born abroad types at least once.

Manila isn't all that big either when it comes to westernized filipinas or u.s. born fil-ams and the like. There's significant overlap in those social circles especially when you're talking club scenes.

Quite a few of these girls are YOLO as fuck and I have no idea who some are fucking since they wanted L.A. or NYC treatment so I didn't bother in most cases. I'm not interested in putting in the effort when I can bone their local sister equivalent with the same attractiveness for 1/4th the effort and time.

Just today I talked with an older player about Manilla. He said he does not go to Manilla anymore. It bacame so difficult with the girls. The want to be wined and dined but won´t have have sex.

He thinks the Asian rich guys spoil the girls. Probably it´s a mix of reasons. Smartphone may play a role. Sponsors Online. Girls learning the Gold-digger game.

The Koreans are flooding Philippines and are now the largest group of tourist in Philippines. There are inexpensive flights and it's only a few hours away. They are preferred to Western guys, because they blow tons of money on the girls. If a Filipina has a smartphone, she didn't buy it herself, but her sponsor or previous boyfriend did. Also the Korean guys coming to Phil aren't the older men. Many Korean guys are in their 20s are in Phil. I have been out with several Filipinas who have told me that I'm their first Western guy, but they've dated many Koreans. I asked them why they like them and their usual answer is, "they are generous."

As far a Thailand goes, the white skin is a big deal for these girls. Darker girls can't get the best Thai guys, so it they want to date up they usually go the foreign route.

I don't care where Western guys go, but we never date the top girls of the country, those girls are always taken by the local wealthy guys. At best Western guys get the second or third tier girls.

Back to David Bond: Are the girls in Japan that he videoed himself with in the bathtubs, regular girls or P4P girls. Would a normal Japanese girls let themselves be videoed in a bathtub with a Western guy?

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Japanese culture is such that you can be pretty inappropriate but the people will still laugh and giggle meanwhile they think you are a fucking asshole in their mind.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Those videos were painful to watch. This is the first time I'm actually grateful to look like a middle-aged adult.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-26-2015 04:18 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

I've lost count of the number of times Thai and Japanese men have asked me why western men like ugly Thai / Japanese women. I think there's a taste difference, with a lot of western men liking more tan women, but I also think it's down to low hanging fruit and not being bothered to put in the effort to get a higher standard. I lived in Thailand for over 4 years, went out almost every night, and can count on one hand the amount of foreign men I saw with quality. A lot of men in the expat scene have got a lot going for them as well (looks, money, etc.), but they have no idea how to really put it to use, or are just not built for the game and so settle with the first half decent girl that comes along.

It true that Western men in Thailand and whole Asia for that matter end up with women of lower socioeconomic status BUT are they really less prettier than what Thai men find pretty?

Their ideal girl has flat ass/chest, snow white skin, emotionless expression on their face (doll like head), body language too stiff and acting like she is top shit which usually mean HIGH maintenance.

If you ask me there is nothing sexy about these girls, the only thing going for them is that they hail from upper-middle class families due to their Chinese bloodline so naturally they will have manners and sophistication and not act like jungle monkey type girl most Expats end up with

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Jungle money?


I am the cock carousel

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

According to the previous data sheets on the forum, in Indonesia you can get the top tier quality girls who are not all with local wealthy guys. Maybe a difference to Thailand there.
The girls do tend to be the clubbing types as well and are well off. I myself have not dated Indonesian actresses or upper tier girls so am not certain.

With regards to why foreign men date ugly women even if they've got looks and things going for them . I think one important factor a lot of members don't consider is this :
Emotional cost of being in a foreign country. Especially a third world one.
I'm not just talking about thr monetary costs. Its the hidden costs. Like getting things done on time. The cultural and language barriers. The limited social circles. The scams. The bureaucracy of getting things done. For example I d rather spend more Money to get things done in one day rather than 1 week for free.
All these things are emotional costly and it makes you a bit tired at times to then go out and alot of people settle for the low hanging fruit.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-26-2015 10:43 PM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

According to the previous data sheets on the forum, in Indonesia you can get the top tier quality girls who are not all with local wealthy guys. Maybe a difference to Thailand there.
The girls do tend to be the clubbing types as well and are well off. I myself have not dated Indonesian actresses or upper tier girls so am not certain.

With regards to why foreign men date ugly women even if they've got looks and things going for them . I think one important factor a lot of members don't consider is this :
Emotional cost of being in a foreign country. Especially a third world one.
I'm not just talking about thr monetary costs. Its the hidden costs. Like getting things done on time. The cultural and language barriers. The limited social circles. The scams. The bureaucracy of getting things done. For example I d rather spend more Money to get things done in one day rather than 1 week for free.
All these things are emotional costly and it makes you a bit tired at times to then go out and alot of people settle for the low hanging fruit.

Don't forget Indonesia is a Muslim country, not as conservative as middle east but that in itself can be an issue.

How you feel about women that have mutilated vagina? i.e missing clit or part of it
Im telling you its not pretty look and not fun to bang them

That is what you are going to encounter over there unless you going to target Christian girls (about 20% of population are non-muslims)

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-26-2015 04:04 AM)262 Wrote:  

That would be funny if there were online Asian nationalists like there are online white nationalists [Image: tongue.gif]

What would be even more ironic is if they only really cared about non-Asian guys and Asian girls, and not the other way around [Image: tongue.gif]

What's abundance mentality again? [Image: wink.gif]

You think there aren't? Those Korean netziens are pretty darn crazy and extremely nationalistic. There are also board for Japan, ever heard of 2ch?, that are havens for extreme nationalists. Hell I even have a close buddy who gets pissed whenever he sees a foreigner swooping a cute Japanese girl.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-26-2015 10:13 PM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-26-2015 04:18 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

I've lost count of the number of times Thai and Japanese men have asked me why western men like ugly Thai / Japanese women. I think there's a taste difference, with a lot of western men liking more tan women, but I also think it's down to low hanging fruit and not being bothered to put in the effort to get a higher standard. I lived in Thailand for over 4 years, went out almost every night, and can count on one hand the amount of foreign men I saw with quality. A lot of men in the expat scene have got a lot going for them as well (looks, money, etc.), but they have no idea how to really put it to use, or are just not built for the game and so settle with the first half decent girl that comes along.

It true that Western men in Thailand and whole Asia for that matter end up with women of lower socioeconomic status BUT are they really less prettier than what Thai men find pretty?

Their ideal girl has flat ass/chest, snow white skin, emotionless expression on their face (doll like head), body language too stiff and acting like she is top shit which usually mean HIGH maintenance.

If you ask me there is nothing sexy about these girls, the only thing going for them is that they hail from upper-middle class families due to their Chinese bloodline so naturally they will have manners and sophistication and not act like jungle monkey type girl most Expats end up with

I would say that nearly always yes, they are less pretty, but then I like the same type of Asian girls that Asian men do (a lot of Thai guys I know actually have no problem with girls up to that light coffee kind of skin tone, especially for sex). There are exceptions, but they are very few and far between. Time and again I've met young guys with everything going for them and then seen their girlfriends and they've been the opposite of what I was expecting.

I think that if western guys were getting all the pretty young girls, there'd be a lot more violence towards westerners with Thai girls - guarantee it. As it was when I was living there, on the whole we're not really on the radar in that regard.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

On the one hand I agree with OP, guys are hitting way below what they should be here. Lots of guys go with the first girl they meet. I certainly did when I first got to China. Nothing special but way better than what I was doing before.

On the other hand, Asia is huge. Way too many people for a few guys to screw it all up. From what I've found its either the girl only sleeps with foreigners and most of her friends are the same, or it was because the guy made a move on a girl and its her first time with a foreign guy. The foreign circle girls are in some ways outside of their culture - maybe not in Thailand or Philippines.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The problem really is that the media landscape has changed so drastically. With social media and Youtube, someone like David gets his videos seen by hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, and if they're not seeing it on Facebook where people then rile each other up in the comments with anti-foreigner rhetoric, then they see it picked up by Taiwanese media which is infamous for its hyperbolic reporting style, xenophobia and latent racism - see here for a recent example. In a giant country with state-controlled media like China maybe it wouldn't matter as much, but in a small place like Taiwan with a yellow press keen to jump on any story that puts foreigners in a bad light, the effects are definitely felt.

The thing is if you don't speak the local language and only gravitate towards girls who hang out with foreigners then it's easy to remain ignorant in that bubble and not realize what people around you really are thinking. I've been with quite a few girls this year who speak no English, have no foreign friends and their prejudices against foreigners are pretty strong. There's a positive flipside to this which is that it's easier to set yourself apart from the rest - by status, language skills, or otherwise. Girls are girls, you can get them one way or another. But what really concerns me are the effects of these stories on local men, parents, and society as a whole.

As thoughtgypsy said it's not exactly hard to have some basic respect for the country and culture you're a guest in. I will never understand guys who go out of their way to disrespect or make fun of another country's people and who consciously make it more difficult for everyone else. I agree - they're the enemy.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Yes westerners absolutely date Asian girls who are objectively less attractive. I was asked about it only a few days ago by some Japanese businessmen.

Hot Japanese girls were into westerners much more before they saw who we usually choose to date in Japan. Nowadays they don't want to be associated with the "gaikokujin no suki sou na taipu" (Japanese girls stereotypically liked by westerners). Basically, you get handsome guys (in their eyes anyway) who come to Japan and date 5s and 6s. Like it or not, this affects how the top tier view us. Hot Japanese girls are actually embarrassed by the idea of dating a white guy because of what it typically implies for their (lack of) attractive traits to locals.

Is this unsurpassable? No. I'm just spelling out the prevailing attitudes. Good game can often overcome these things but thirsty westerners invading a spot does have a concrete negative effect.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

There are a lot of laughs to be had on Japanese boards if you can read the language.

A quick Google of "Why do foreigners date such ugly Asian women? produced the following gems:

[Image: buij.jpg]
[Image: b73a5797.jpg]
[Image: 1941dc63.jpg]
[Image: ebe80d0d-s.jpg]
[Image: 546d25b6-s.jpg]
[Image: bc1c6336.jpg]
[Image: 62f0bcf1-759x1024.jpg]

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Those panels are terrifying. With the exception of maybe 5. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) is such an odd one. Wasn't he a professional model before he was an actor? Not the type of dude you'd imagine to have a '3' as a girlfriend, Asian or no.

Zuckerberg at least was a huge nerd for so long before he struck it rich, and has such an oddball personality, it makes a little more sense for him.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia


I don't care where Western guys go, but we never date the top girls of the country, those girls are always taken by the local wealthy guys. At best Western guys get the second or third tier girls

I'm from a small town in the Midwest so maybe I am ignorant about how things go in NYC and LA or elsewhere, but how many of you guys are regularly pulling "top tier" girls here in the States/Australia/London? Not the hot college student or the 9 working some dead-end office job, but bad broads who are using their looks and pussies to secure higher social status, wealth, or fame?

It seems sort of unreasonable to point out that farangs can't pull the dolled up/surgeried up 9s strutting around Siam (or wherever) when we can't regularly get with comparable women in our own countries.


I've lost count of the number of times Thai and Japanese men have asked me why western men like ugly Thai / Japanese women. I think there's a taste difference, with a lot of western men liking more tan women, but I also think it's down to low hanging fruit and not being bothered to put in the effort to get a higher standard.

I don't drink so haven't spent too much time in SE Asian clubs, but I think facial aesthetics and body shape play just as important a role as skin color does. Asian guys seem to want women with a very specific nose shape, for example, whereas I am able to "overlook" the nose if I'm attracted to the other parts of an Asian woman's face. Same thing with legs, hips, height, etc.

I don't speak enough Thai to truly gauge how "beautiful" these women are by Thai standards, but the women in the picture below are from that modeling show "The Face" you see advertisements for everywhere.

Seriously, how many of these women do you find "beautiful"? I like the girl in the top middle, and the girl to her right is very nice but something seems "off" about her face. I am not attracted to the girls in the bottom row or the girl with the curly hair . . . but, I'd still bang 'em all, though!

[Image: OkdUwa1.png]

Here's a photo with more contestants. I dunno, there's something "off" about a lot of these faces. Not saying I wouldn't drill, but I think I could assemble a better collection of talent if you gave me a day at one of the malls or something. Is the sort of "quality" you're referring to?

[Image: 7923389_orig.jpg]


I think that if western guys were getting all the pretty young girls, there'd be a lot more violence towards westerners with Thai girls - guarantee it. As it was when I was living there, on the whole we're not really on the radar in that regard.

Definitely agree with you here.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Its different for marriage I would guess. We all know how after a certain level of attractiveness women will often be less likely to be good wives and mothers.

While Josh Halloway's wife is not exceedingly hot, those pictures of her are also some of the worst I have seen. She falls into the 7 range I think, and likely has the personality some Asian women have that make them almost nauseatingly nice.

Knowing that your partner is with you through thick and thin and will protect her family at all costs is a huge factor in a mans happiness. Its one less thing to worry about and a guy can focus on more important issues rather than wondering if he is going to be in the 'dog house' for staying out for a beer with his buddies.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I agree it's unfair to criticise western men for not pulling Asian 9s, or even 8s for that matter. But it's extremely rare to even see one with a true 7. Of course taste is subjective, but most of these girls with foreigners are very plain. And I'm not just talking about tourists, but young men in the expat circles that have everything going for them and should be doing a lot better for themselves.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

This trend of subpar asian women dating celebs/mega celebs in the west probably started with John Lennon. I remember growing up I was always confused why Lennon would be with someone who is a crazy asian cat lady.

Can't totally blame these women though. They are just realizing they have significant leverage in the west and get a points bump due to exotic value too. To a large degree asian women are pedestalized in the west too...maybe even on par with white women. I mentioned this in another thread but don't be surprised if you see a trend of subpar to average looking asian and subcontinent women reinventing themselves in the west.

It's already happening with that fat asian porno chick doing spreads.
Someone like that would be hocking dildos, fake viagra, t-shirts and som tam on the streets of bangkok and not flashing her nasty bovine tits for our displeasure.

Quote: (12-27-2015 03:07 PM)lukewarmchillin Wrote:  

I don't speak enough Thai to truly gauge how "beautiful" these women are by Thai standards, but the women in the picture below are from that modeling show "The Face" you see advertisements for everywhere.

Runway models are not a good representation of typical beauty that locals find attractive anywhere.

A closer sample of what local Thai guys would find hot would be found in something like the Thai FHM. Lots of higher end club looking girls in that mag and they are usually the hot girl next door types.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

[Image: 7923389_orig.jpg]

Not bad at all, these faces!

From top and left to right and bottom, I'd say:
6, 7, 5, 5
5 8 5 5
5 7 8 6
7 5

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