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Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (02-23-2013 01:29 PM)Bill Wrote:  

Many are not into salsa music. Dancing salsa is very difficult too but this a good "fake salsa". It´s much easier and is more fun at least for non latin guys.

Bill, i am not trying to be confrontational with you but, from my point of view (having had danced salsa for 11 years), this is NOT "fake salsa," this is the real deal, and the couple in the video is dancing at a performance level - and incorporating moves that are being done for show to impress the audience, but those same moves would not likely be carried out in a social dance setting, unless the girl happens to be really advanced, like Yesenia, surely she is an advance salsa dancer, at least in 2006, she was.

That couple is from LA, and I knew them and frequently would see them in the LA salsa dancing scene when they were dancing together in about 2004 or so ( or at least if my memory serves me), and they were competing at the professional level for quite some time and the video is from 2006; however, I am not sure about whether currently that couple is still dancing together.

The song that is being played is not really a traditional salsa song that you would hear in the clubs b/c the words are about cha cha; however, Rodrigo and Yesenia are dancing salsa on the "1" - LA style. Sometimes professional dancers will chose a unique song to perform to b/c they do not want to pick a song that is played too much, and they want to distinguish their routine with that song.

IMHO, it would take the guy, if he had no background in dance, quite a while (more than a year) to be able to lead at that level. If he was extremely talented and had good and intense training, he may be able to learn to lead at that level in 6 to 12 months. That is my humble estimate.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (02-24-2013 02:08 AM)Pokerbaby Wrote:  

Ok I'm going to risk asking a dumb question...

But what do you if you sweat? It's pretty warm in the dance clubs, especially in the summertime. Even with air conditioning..a few hundred people dancing and heat from the lights and electronic equipment. I'm in ok shape. Not an athlete. But when I dance with any kind of moves...I get sweaty. My dress shirt gets sweaty and then it's well...not good.


Frequently, I will dance for about 4 hours straight. After a couple of hours the sweat may start to get more heavy - certainly some guys sweat more than others and will be drenched after 30 minutes. I consider myself to be an average sweater; however, if I am sweating a lot, I will try to be diplomatic about it, and to perform some moves in which the girl may not notice the sweat so much. In those circumstances, I will avoid moves that would cause her to touch the back of my neck - b/c that area tends to accumulate sweat more.

Also, if I know that I am planning to dance a lot, then I make sure that i shower before I go to the club. It helps a lot b/c believe it or not, your sweat does not smell as much as long as you have recently showered, as compared with if you had showered several hours earlier.

I had seen some posts about baby powder and/or baking soda and personally, i have never tried either baby powder or baking soda, and I may need to give that a shot sometime, at least its in my thoughts. I think that you can still pull when sweating, and i have; however, there may be some instances in which some girls will be turned off by the sweat, especially if they are not that much into dance (and I have had some of that, as well). In that regard, if I were considering dance as game, which is a central tenant of the initial post, then yes, it would probably be a good thing to pay attention to whether the girl is sensitive to too much sweat - however, overall, I do not believe that they mind the sweat so much, especially, if they are otherwise into you and so long as your sweat is not stinky (in the several hours old sense). As i already mentioned, if the sweat is fairly fresh, then it will not have a great turn off scent.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Hi Jay, I like your avatar though the girl is put on the pedestal somehow but it´s ok as it´s dancing. I tried that move but my shoulder muscles were to weak somehow. I thought about doing such a picture on my t-shirt but first I have to become much better at partner dancing.

Yes you are right in the matter of fusion between solo dancing and partner dancing. This is obviously a tricky stuff I could get a way with it on low levels. The higher levels need much more salsa skills.

On behalf of "fake salsa" you are right though I did mean it different.I know that yasemina is a top notch salsa dancer. Here I did post her winning dance in the salsa competition in my thread. It´s at position 4:
Here the vid separetly. She is mindblowing and hot:

Anyway the point I tried to make is that for people who are alien to salsa music and dance it´s very difficult to feel the vibe. In the vid where yasemina dances to the music of mary j. blidge which is mainstream the dance is more enjoyable to people than "classic salsa". In munich at least most salsaseros would not accept this show of yasemina because it´s not "true" salsa. In munich most dance cuban style.

I do like the style of yasemina or LA-style more than the "classic" cuban style. I like energy and fire while dancing. Most salsaseros imho like the elegant floating style imho. So for me it´s THE REAL DEAL too.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (08-04-2013 04:50 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Hi Jay, I like your avatar though the girl is put on the pedestal somehow but it´s ok as it´s dancing. I tried that move but my shoulder muscles were to weak somehow. I thought about doing such a picture on my t-shirt but first I have to become much better at partner dancing.

Yes you are right in the matter of fusion between solo dancing and partner dancing. This is obviously a tricky stuff I could get a way with it on low levels. The higher levels need much more salsa skills.

On behalf of "fake salsa" you are right though I did mean it different.I know that yasemina is a top notch salsa dancer. Here I did post her winning dance in the salsa competition in my thread. It´s at position 4:
Here the vid separetly. She is mindblowing and hot:

Anyway the point I tried to make is that for people who are alien to salsa music and dance it´s very difficult to feel the vibe. In the vid where yasemina dances to the music of mary j. blidge which is mainstream the dance is more enjoyable to people than "classic salsa". In munich at least most salsaseros would not accept this show of yasemina because it´s not "true" salsa. In munich most dance cuban style.

I do like the style of yasemina or LA-style more than the "classic" cuban style. I like energy and fire while dancing. Most salsaseros imho like the elegant floating style imho. So for me it´s THE REAL DEAL too.

Bill, Thanks for you further clarifications, and your links.

Regarding the avatar, I have not personally done that move, and as we likely realize that particular move is a “show” move more than a social dance move. There are some “show” moves that the guy would not naturally be able to lead the girl into on the dance floor. However, sometimes with a little bit of training or pointing out the move to the girl, some girls can perform performance dance moves on the social dance floor, and with any of those techniques in which the guy is picking up the girl, the girl needs to know how to hold herself in such a way that she feels light – and many times, holding oneself like a board rather than a noodle will achieve the feeling of lightness – and surely, skinny will help that… even though sometimes a fat girl with good technique will be much more easy to dance with than a skinny girl with bad technique.. though for various reasons in the whole scheme of things, I generally prefer skinny, so long as the skinny girl’s personality is not too difficult.

Dance performance, for show, can be or appear somewhat Beta, and sometimes, one may not recognize when he has crossed over certain lines into Beta-ness.

Before I registered for Roosh’s forum, I had been reading various forum postings about game for nearly a month, and I had not realized the Beta-ness (if there is such a word) of some of the dance interactions that I had been having through the years, and for quite some time, dance has been one of my principle means of meeting and interacting with women on a social basis. Increasing my awareness about game and about how I am interacting with women will certainly allow me to make some adjustments in order to improve my game. At the same time, sometimes, it may be difficult to break old habits, but I believe that being aware of what you are doing and/or how you are coming across to the woman can certainly be a step in the right direction.

Regarding the melding of partner dance and solo dance, some of the trick will be in the execution of reading the music, reading the girl and your own inspiration to be able to balance that in a way that moves you in the direction that you want. In this regard, there will be transition between solo and partner dancing that will not always be easy to execute and may somewhat depend upon the music, the reading of the girl and your own inspiration. As you are learning how to improve and/or to perfect transitions, inevitably, there will be mistakes in the execution, and sometimes those mistakes will be more obvious than not. Sometimes, when one really screws up in dance (I have had situations where I dropped the girl and or accidently hit the girl or made some other obvious blunders), the best may be to admit it and to move on; however, one of the positive aspects of dance remains the ability to dance through it and to act as if nothing happened. Another form of faking that goes on. And, in this context, I mean faking in a good way, because frequently part of the key in spinning a positive light to any screw up may be to dance through it, and to make the screw up almost appear that the move which was a mistake is what you intended to carry out. Also, sometimes the mistake can become a new move or even a parody of a move, and that can be part of the fun and/or creative aspect of dance because sometimes, one witnesses totally ridiculous moves that people perform, but if those totally ridiculous moves appear intentional, sometimes those ridiculous nature of the moves can be quite interesting, comical and/or appealing. And, if the move is really outrageous, you may want to be strategic in the frequency in which you employ such move(s). Certainly, there is some judgment in this, and we do not always realize how we look, but I surmise there is a difference between the bad dancer who bounces around the dance floor and looks foolish and the dancer who is smooth but making a parody out of bouncing, and strategically employing such bounce.

One of the areas in which I need to improve my dance is regarding increasing my incorporation and/or learning of more solo techniques because currently, my dance does seem to employ too much partnering, and my solo repertoire is not as complete as it could be in order to really be able to use the dance game in more dance game situations.

As others have posted in various dance threads in this forum, through my years of dancing, I have never been too interested in dancing with “top notch” female dancers, especially, when it comes to game or trying to impress the girl. The “top notch” dancers will be hard to impress and hard to keep entertained – they have seen the moves of even the most impressive dance moves. However, we know that dancing with the “top notch” female dancers can be used as a mechanism to impress other dancers (including the beginner and intermediate dancers).

When I was a beginner dancer, it was more difficult to impress even beginner dancers; however, as my dance has improved, I have increasingly been able to impress higher and higher skilled dancers – though certainly, it can be a time suck to get to this level, and if you are really just interested in game, rather than dance, then it may not be worth all the time and effort to improve dance to that level. Also, sometimes, contrary to belief, some of the “top notch” female performers, may not be as good at social dancing as they may appear in their performance. Sometimes, I have danced with girls who perform, and those girls cannot follow worth a shit because they have been too choreographed in their training and experiences and they no longer know or are willing to follow socially. In my view, a good female social dancer has the ability to adapt her style to a variety of dance leads, and some of the performer girls are just not up to that level either willingly or not. Sometimes those performer girls can be way more work than they are worth, and may even have bad attention whore mentalities to go along with their inabilities to follow different leads. In that regard, it will frequently be much better to focus on dancing with (and/or dance gaming with) the less advanced dancers and also the ones who may be wow-ed by your dance repertoire and/or game at whatever level that is.

Regarding various styles of salsa, it is true that there is quite a bit of variation. Certainly, I am not really an expert on the different salsa styles, and mainly I have been trained in LA style, dancing on 1, and my lead is in that direction. It is surprising that there are a lot of different salsa styles including dancing on different beats and also whether the style is more partnering or solo, more circular or linear, more turns or body movement or the incorporation of lots of footwork, and most likely a guy that is learning would want to first learn and/or develop the style that has the most bang for the buck in his region because that can be less awkward in getting girls to dance with you and/or having opportunities to practice and learn whatever it is that you are learing (whether practicing and learning dance or game). Once the guy reaches a certain comfort level in his dance moves, then he can export those dance moves to areas and/or regions that may not dance the same style of dance, and in those instances the guy can become a novelty and that novelty may be a good thing.
When I travel outside of LA, sometimes, the girls will be so exuberant about my dance style because it is very different from what they are locally used to; however, the style is not so different that they are not able to follow it. So, in that regard, the novelty of the different style can be used to get attention and to open a variety of girls.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

I lift girls all the time! It's a great litmus test to see if she's down to bang. If she gets pissy or angry when you try a lift, you know she's a cunt to be avoided. However if she giggles and smites or screams, then you know you're giving her the gina tingles and she's ready to be gamed.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

^^ That's a very interesting test for compliance. I never thought of it that way.

On another note, the lift-makeout is the most exciting part of dance floor game, that I have found thus far.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (08-04-2013 06:56 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

^^ That's a very interesting test for compliance. I never thought of it that way.

On another note, the lift-makeout is the most exciting part of dance floor game, that I have found thus far.

It depends on the venue. In a club setting this is a standard go-to move I use often. In a place where there are "regulars" in a salsa club or swing club, I keep the PDA out of the equation. Far more effective to save kissing for once you're at the next bar or your apartment.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Yes!!! there are a variety of dance dips, lifts and tricks that you can perform on the dance floor, and some of them are more leadable than others. However, some of the dips, lifts and/or tricks will require either some knowledge of the girl in how to execute or some instruction from the guy for how the girl is to perform her part. All of that can be quite fun, and as you indicated, Samseau, her following can be a good test of the girl's willingness to trust the guy and/or to go with him to various places. They also need practice to perfect, and I do not claim to be an expert in this regard, even though I know several dips, lifts and tricks. However, if I do not practice, sometimes, I get a little rusty in the execution of the ones that I know.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Did somebody check this guy from the NN forum? Thoughts?

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (09-16-2013 06:50 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Did somebody check this guy from the NN forum? Thoughts?

It took me a little while to read through the posts on the thread, and the 2012 article.

An initial thought from an overview of the article is that I do not really subscribe to the idea of absolutes... as dance being the ONLY game b/c I think of dance as a supplement... but people can have their perspectives...

When I looked through the NN thread, I was NOT really thinking about what 007 was doing as dance game so much, and that goes to show that each of us can have a different definitions of what is "dance game." Of course, he is incorporating dance moves into his pick up, and in that regard, I have no problem with him calling this dance game.

On the other hand, if you are traveling to a location that the girls are into you, and in those cases, you already have exotic value, that can change the dynamics of ease quite a bit as well... and the amount of game you have to use may be minimal.

Further, I understand that if you carry yourself with a certain confidence, that is a form of game, but if you have looks that cause girls to think that they need to pay you, then there may or may not be game in that.

Certainly, some game will help, no matter the situation - whether this is dance game or some other form of game. There is foreplay game, too, and just banging on the spot game.. If you are finding girls that are down to fuck already, then the dance may or may not make any difference... and really, in his videos, 007 seems to talking to the girls too - unlike what he was suggesting in his 2012 article. In essence, the 2012 article seems to suggest some kind of Neanderthal movement is all that is necessary, and who needs verbal communication skills.. .which does not seem to be the case.

Bill, have you any thoughts on the info in the links?

Thanks for pointing out these out.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Hi Jay,

I think you are right. Most of his success comes from his good looks. He is also a very good trained PUA. But the thing is he is one of the few guys who is mostly focused on dance floor game. He also has some interesting theories why it works. I would compare it to a chess player versus basketball player (dance floor game). The second is more rewarding than the first in most fields when you have the skills.

Here are some quotes of him which are very good in my opinion:

Fuck it… dance-floor game is 100 times better than running normal game. Normal game is for day time or for a bar, but if there is a dance-floor… forget it, it’s a total waste of time. On the dance-floor I do in 5 minutes what would take me two hours in a normal situation. Why? Because on the dance-floor you hit on girls who are dancing and having fun, who you KNOW are sexual, who you KNOW are looking for a good time, who you KNOW are physical and cool…. you cut thru so much bullshit with them without saying a single word, one look at them and you know who you’re dealing with.

No matter where they are from, what they do, who they are… they are dancing and as soon as you dance with them – you’re connecting. You take her hand, you spin her, and then bring her closer to you. Within 20 seconds you’re as close as it gets. Then you can FEEL, within seconds, if she’s DTF or not.

Why would I EVER want to run any other kind of game??? Fuck being unsocial. I’ll be social during the day. Night time is dance-floor game forever, all the rest is bullshit.

But lets face it – as soon as the attraction is there, when talking, it is more likely than not that the communication will quickly turn from sexual (playful, ironic, suggestive) to mundane (everyday boring chit chat). No matter how good your verbal flirting skills are – keeping a conversation sexually charged for more than five or ten minutes is hard. You can always work on this skill and improve it but no matter how good you’ll become – words will always be an artificial vehicle in expressing what is a physical need and a physical act.

Sex is physical and therefore sexual communication is best done physically. Anything else is just a substitution, an artificial veil.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (09-18-2013 09:39 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Hi Jay,


Here are some quotes of him which are very good in my opinion:

There is nothing really profound in what you quoted from 007 or even the description of any tactics that he employs, exactly.... like when she does this then you do this.. or even the fact when I saw some of 007's interactions with the women within the linked videos, there was also some verbal communication going on between him and the girl as well as physical communication.

I don't really disagree with the punchline of the points that he is making that dance game can work pretty well and in several instances better than other kinds of game to get bang results, even for people with marginal game in other applications, yet it seems that 007's message is pretty simple and straight forward, without too many specifics to guide us in improving our own dance game.

In essence he says do this, this and this and grunt and viola, results. o.k. maybe.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid


without too many specifics to guide us in improving our own dance game

Jay, I think there are so many dancing vids which can be inspirational. Basically, you only need music and a mirror the rest will come automatically but one has to invest some energy and try to be creative and train everyday for yourself.

The second step is to put oneself in the proper environment watch other guys and work with trial and error.

Anyway, this guy reminds me how important dance game is. Seduction through dance makes me much more alive than normal pick up which somehow feels boring in comparison. Only when I dance with her only than I deeply feel that she is not a robot but a living hot girl.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (09-18-2013 03:47 PM)Bill Wrote:  


without too many specifics to guide us in improving our own dance game

Jay, I think there are so many dancing vids which can be inspirational. Basically, you only need music and a mirror the rest will come automatically but one has to invest some energy and try to be creative and train everyday for yourself.

Bill, you seem to have a lot of admiration for 007, and that is fine for you to have that assessment.

I stand by my earlier comments about what seems to be several limitations to 007's presentation of the information that he is sharing as it relates to dance game, and I have no problem considering various ways to learn from seeing what other guys do and potentially to use some of their techniques so long as I can fit those various techniques into my style or I am comfortable with incorporating some of their techniques into my style... I remain interested in various techniques to improve what i would like to get out of my interactions with the girls on the dance floor (and potentially leading up to bangs), and that is why I have read through and commented on a large number of dance threads on RVF.

I have over 11 years salsa dancing under my belt, and that means that I look at some of what 007 is doing and saying with a bit of an informed and experiential eye... and I continue to question the extent to which 007 has communicated styles and/or techniques that can be applied to me or to other guys in other environments - besides where he is, in Ukraine, I believe. Of course, there will always be some guys who can totally relate and apply his techniques, and Bill, you may be one of those guys.

I do applaud 007 for putting himself and his videos out there in his various postings b/c it does not seem to be very common that others are putting out this kind of framing of their interactions in video formats ... so in that regard, we have some food for thought and springboard for discussion from 007's perspective.

I already have been attempting to frame my observations in ways to give some credit to the 007 videos and postings, even though some others may consider them to be total garbage.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

For guys that do DF game;

Experiment with grabbing a girl to dance, as opposed to just putting your hand out as invitation.

I've noticed a pattern of some sort. My success rate in terms of getting dances is much higher if I grab her.

One of the approaches I did tonight was with a girl that had the highest sexual value in the club. She got approached 4 times in 2 minutes by different guys who got confident off each other's approaches. They all stuck their hand out. She saw them and ignored them, and even physically pushed one away.

I went up to her and grabbed her hand afterwards and twirled her without hesitation. She hadn't even seen my face yet or who it was, but she obliged. Her friend got pissed I interrupted their dance and physically separated us. If it hadn't been for that I surely would have had at least a brief dance.

It's about calibration though. In the above case I was a bit more aggressive than usual with my grip because I felt I had to show something more dominant to succeed. But usually I'll just grab their hand or wrist very lightly, when they will usually face me if they hadn't noticed me yet, as I pull her in for a twirl and dance.

Sometimes I will touch her upper arm and run my hand down until I grab her hand slowly and that is effective too.

If you've never done this you might feel this is too aggressive if you are more laid back in your approaches. I know I felt that way before. Girls are usually very polite about it though when they deny it. If she gets pissy which happens 10% of the time its because she was having a bad night or some other reason anyways and if you had approached her by putting your hand out instead it wouldn't have made a difference.

Lastly, this is also great for girls that are walking by. Simply stopping them and putting your arm out asking for a dance tends to not be enough. Just remember to calibrate.

I'm surprised there aren't too many posts in this thread. DF game is underestimated.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

^ You're right about the arm/hand grab, and you're right that being more aggressive is more effective - sometimes.

I don't know how to explain it, but experience has taught me when it is effective to be more passive or aggressive.

For example:

- Crowded club? Go with hand grab.
- Is she in a circle with her friends? Offer her your hand.
- Is she facing you? Offer the hand.
- Is her back to you? Take her hand lightly.

Lots of little things that you learn through trial and error and teach you the best way.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Especially in a crowded club, going putting hand out leads to astronomically low results for me. I might get a dance every 10 approaches. If I do hand grab however, that jumps to at least 3 or 4.

I also think in terms of the club being busy, the best scenario is when the club is slightly crowded - so not too full but doesn't look empty either.

If the dance floor isn't too busy girls get self conscious of what they do with you when they dance. It's hard to dance without escalating physically and proper escalation can be extremely difficult when the dance floor/club isn't crowded.

If the club is too busy, girls' ego get inflated and they have shields up due to a higher number of approaches on them.

Also, I usually get to clubs around or just after 11, when it is starting to pick up. Peak times I find are between 12-130, and that is the best window of approaches. I usually dance around or 'vibe' until 12ish when it noticeably peaks and I approach in numbers then.

I have also experimented approaching early in the night. At 11, there are usually only a few girls there and little to no guys. One time my buddy and I grabbed the hands of two girls and started dancing with them. It was fun and full of energy, we were spinning them in every possible way and picking them up, dipping and such. We clearly made their night. Problem that I found was that it's hard to sexually escalate this early as well, especially because they get self conscious since they are the only girls doing this at that moment.

I've learned to leave the bulk of my dance approaches for the peak time.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

What i noticed last night is that girls will make dance approaches on you if you relax and dance on your own.

But you know a downside of this? Most of the time they are attention whores.

One girl comes closer to me on the dancefloor but when I pull my hand out for her to grab it, she doesn't go for it.

Second one dances with me for a while but the way she was looking at her friend gave me a warning. Bitch almost left the party with my Pokemon hat on.

Still I had a good night.


Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

New dancefloor move:

Approach her, grab her hand, and spin her. If she complies to this point, proceed to slowly grab her drink out of her hand, take a sip of it, and then raise the drink to her mouth and have her take a sip of it.

I got really drunk on friday and I did this and for self amusement. She wasn't taken aback by it but she was definitely surprised. I think this ties into aloofness which we all know is attractive to girls.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

This is awesome.

I dance salsa and bachata exclusively and though I have a lot of girls giggle and have fun dancing with me (I also lift them and throw them around all the time, they love it) I have never really scored in dance. I do well with girls in martial arts though....

The reason mainly is because Im afraid to go for the kiss. I think its against social dance etiquette to kiss a girl on the dance floor, and the latin dance community while full of fresh game is small enough for people to remember you. Even more since Im Asian and I dance very well. There are very very few Asian guys doing Latin dance in Paris. Its tough

I took a wing advice and try to venue change her and kiss her there if possible. But as you suspect the success rate is very low.

Also, theres something that frustrate the hell out of me. Some girls really enjoy dancing with me. Their eyes flare up; big smile when I invite them, giggle laugh etc., but as soon as I escalate/ask to hang out/number close she suddenly turns into an ice queen. Boggle my mind... And I run the usual closing game that has been working for me.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

^^ Maybe it's because as soon as you try to escalate she gets self conscious of how she appears in front of her friends?

Try giving her your number and tell her to send you a text, as opposed to the other way around.

Also, some girls just want to use cool guys for a good dance and nothing more. If 50% of my approaches on the dance floor result in a dance, half of those will be girls just looking for a good time with a cool guy strictly on the dance floor. Low chance of anything else that night or even considering seeing her some other day, getting her contact info isn't even on my mind. The other half though might be receptive to something that same night, at the very least a kiss or make out or a number exchange to proceed to some texting game.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (07-16-2014 09:46 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

^^ Maybe it's because as soon as you try to escalate she gets self conscious of how she appears in front of her friends?

Try giving her your number and tell her to send you a text, as opposed to the other way around.

Also, some girls just want to use cool guys for a good dance and nothing more. If 50% of my approaches on the dance floor result in a dance, half of those will be girls just looking for a good time with a cool guy strictly on the dance floor. Low chance of anything else that night or even considering seeing her some other day, getting her contact info isn't even on my mind. The other half though might be receptive to something that same night, at the very least a kiss or make out or a number exchange to proceed to some texting game.

Thats very possible.

If thats the case would you suggest not giving the girl your best dance moves? No reasons to waste your cool on a girl who s simply gonna leech off of it without giving any return.

Its pretty hard to screen for girls who like dancing with you bc they wanna have fun and attention and girls who like dancing with you and also like YOU. Any ideas?

Also do you guys suggest going for the kiss on the dancefloor in ballroom dancing? Im sure that people WILL talk, so Im considering if the potential damage to reputation is worth it.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (07-16-2014 10:08 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

If thats the case would you suggest not giving the girl your best dance moves? No reasons to waste your cool on a girl who s simply gonna leech off of it without giving any return.

Its pretty hard to screen for girls who like dancing with you bc they wanna have fun and attention and girls who like dancing with you and also like YOU. Any ideas?

Also do you guys suggest going for the kiss on the dancefloor in ballroom dancing? Im sure that people WILL talk, so Im considering if the potential damage to reputation is worth it.

It depends. Do you like these girls you are dancing with? I had a bit of a rough time dancing with girls when I started to realize some of them only wanted to use me to look good dancing in front of people. Then I realized I also do the same with them. And because it feels good to dance with an attractive girl who's into you.

I'd say invest in dances with girls you like, are attracted to and enjoy their vibe. Sometimes the game is enjoying the process. You don't always need a result.

You'll also start to develop a sense at which girls are dancing with you because they like you and which are only using you for your dance skill. It might take some time. For the latter I end up cutting them short once I realize it and move on to another girl. It's hard to explain how you can tell the difference. Sometimes the girls genuinely like you but at the same time want to spend time with their friends. Pick up on this, take their number or give them yours (experiment with that) kiss them and bid them a good night. Go back and have fun with your friends or approach new girls.

I don't have much experience with ballroom dancing. My dance game is at clubs with hip hop/house/dance music where the light is dim and kisses and make outs occur. Although I have to say using some ballroom moves, salsa moves and latin spins work really well even to american beats as long as you calibrate.

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Question for you guys, especially you JJG: Do you get APPROACHED and INVITED by girls? If so does it results in successful bang?

Last saturday for the first time a girl was deliberately seeking me out from a crowd and asked to dance with me. Happily obliged. When the song ended I took a break and she got invited by another guy. Then her friends gestured to me "come and get her man!" I came over to talk to them. She said "my friend really wanted to dance with you and would love to again", and toward the end of the song she was screaming "sonia sonia come here" so I could dance with her. Lol. Best wing girl ever.

Strangely enough the girl was very shy and not really receptive for chit chat, and they all left before I could close.

This is the sticking point in dance game. Even when a girl is clearly interested in you its pretty hard to tell, and not easy to close neither. This is why when in doubt, always push and close with every girl.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Dance Floor Game – using music to get laid

Quote: (08-25-2014 03:14 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Question for you guys, especially you JJG: Do you get APPROACHED and INVITED by girls? If so does it results in successful bang?

I am NOT really sure about how to characterize my incorporation of banging into my dancing because my dancing is different from the kind of dancing that is shown in the night club places. My dancing is also different from some of the ideas described by OP because many times, I am NOT prioritizing banging as the first priority that I am attempting to get out of dancing.

I am in NO way denigrating or attempting to criticize guys who use dancing as a means to bang women, because in many venues dancing can work very well to work towards and to achieve banging.

Largely, I go to dance places that are more for dancing rather than drinking and picking up, and I dance salsa and there are salsa dance groups and a sort of social salsa dance circles with a lot of regulars and then at the same time in the Los Angeles area, there are also a fairly high number of people who are peeking into (or dabbling in) the salsa social dance scene.

My success in getting bangs varies, and it really does NOT follow a pattern because the dynamics is different between whether attempting to pick-up upon regulars girls or to pick up upon girls who may be dabbling in the salsa dance scene (or traveling from out of the area).

Frequently, there are a lot of weird dynamics with regular girls on the salsa dance scene because of social circles and that a lot of the regulars know each others or know of the circles of each other (even in such a large dance scene as Los Angeles), and I mostly would NOT target the regular girls for bangs unless the bang is NOT going to overly complicate my life in various ways. Frequently, I dance with several of the regular kinds of girls to show other (non-regulars) that I can easily find girls to dance with me (and believe it or NOT, I find some of the dancing to be quite fun as a hobby related to skills and exercise and just playing around, including really enjoying that music).

I have found that some strange drama could occur out of those kinds of situations, if I were to pursue banging regular girls within the salsa dance scene. Don't get me wrong, I have banged a few of the regular girls in the salsa dance scene over my years (about 12) of dancing salsa, but there can be some awkward juggling involved when working the regular girls.

Frequently, the best targets for me to attempt to get to bang close in a more immediate manner have been the girls who are new to salsa dancing or who are new to the LA salsa dance scene or they are travelers or when I am traveling to places outside of my regular dance circles. If I find out that a girl is only in the area for a short period of time, then I have to decide whether I attempt to close with her.

Quote: (08-25-2014 03:14 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Last saturday for the first time a girl was deliberately seeking me out from a crowd and asked to dance with me. Happily obliged. When the song ended I took a break and she got invited by another guy. Then her friends gestured to me "come and get her man!" I came over to talk to them. She said "my friend really wanted to dance with you and would love to again", and toward the end of the song she was screaming "sonia sonia come here" so I could dance with her. Lol. Best wing girl ever.

From time to time, these kinds of things happen to me, and sometimes girls will really attempt to set you up with their friends. If you are interested, it would be good to have a plan to be able to follow through with some certain ends, yet frequently, it can be difficult to figure out the dynamics of the situation (especially when you just met them), even when the friends seem to be allowing for a means for the girls to break up and for you to be able to take her away. For me sometimes, the logistics may be bad to be able to close that night, and depending on location, I may NOT have thought about some bounce location.. and then often times, if you try to number close, then flake factor will kick in for attempting to restart the kindle on another night or to be able follow through in a way that will work. For me, this has been more of a problem in LA because people seem to be fairly spread, but there can, sometimes, be ways to attempt public banging (on the beach for example, if the logistics are manageable).

Quote: (08-25-2014 03:14 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Strangely enough the girl was very shy and not really receptive for chit chat, and they all left before I could close.

This is the sticking point in dance game. Even when a girl is clearly interested in you its pretty hard to tell, and not easy to close neither. This is why when in doubt, always push and close with every girl.

YEP... I have had quite a few regrets when the girl(s) disappear, and considerations for me about how I could have played my cards a little bit better with that girl(s), because you don't even know, sometimes, how much time you are going to have to work the girl. Sometimes (or frequently) I have experienced when I finish dancing with a girl and she say that she and her friends are going to be there and going to be available to dance one or two songs later, and the next thing you know they are slipping out the side door or they are gone...

But, yep it is a good sign, though if her friends are already assisting in the selection of you as their target if you are agreeable to such.. OH by the way, if I am targeted, I am most frequently am targeted by girls whom I am NOT interested (but I suppose that is the way of the world, and we have to figure out ways to use the situation to our advantage)... like for example, some girls have commented, that girl just does NOT seem to leave you alone, and I will say something like, yep.. I am just trying to be nice to her because she likes dancing with me so much, or something like that.

So, I agree that if one of your main goals is to bang some of these girls, then you may have to figure out your logistics and ways to bounce on that same night, and at times, I do NOT play my cards in such a way to have my logistics set up and planned, which does end up in lost bang opportunities.

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