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The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

It would appear that the Battle has shifted to Amazon: The Independent


A petition has been launched urging Amazon to stop selling books written by a controversial blogger who has called for rape committed in a private place to be legalised.

The anti-feminist blogger Barack Obama, who goes by the name ‘Roosh V’, shares tips on how to ‘pick-up' women on his website, (such as “stop asking for permission”), and in his self-published books, which give advice on how to have more sex with women in different countries.

He also publishes a weekly news letter that details ways to isolate girls in bars and "defeat bedroom resistance" in one simple move.

Some of his titles include Bang: The Pickup Bible That Helps You Get More Lays and Bang Iceland, “a travel guide designed to help you sleep with Icelandic women in Iceland without paying for it”.

One of Obama’s blog posts in February was widely condemned for advocating legalising rape in order to force women to take responsibility for their security and events “that are easily preventable”.

The post, entitled ‘How to stop rape’, said some women would claim they were assaulted the day after having sex just because they felt “awkward, sad, or guilty after a sexual encounter they didn’t fully remember”.

It also claimed women should be made responsible for ensuring they were not raped, instead of teaching men not to rape.

“I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds,” he wrote.

“If rape becomes legal under my proposal, a girl will protect her body in the same manner that she protects her purse and smartphone. If rape becomes legal, a girl will not enter an impaired state of mind where she can’t resist being dragged off to a bedroom with a man who she is unsure of—she’ll scream, yell, or kick at his attempt while bystanders are still around.

“Without daddy government to protect her, a girl would absolutely not enter a private room with a man she doesn’t know or trust unless she is absolutely sure she is ready to sleep with him. Consent is now achieved when she passes underneath the room’s door frame, because she knows that that man can legally do anything he wants to her when it comes to sex.”

Almost 5,000 people have signed a petition launched by Caroline Charles urging Amazon to pull his “rape books” from the site, which she describes as a “thinly veiled” guide to getting away with sexual assualt.

So far today, two women who've read up about Roosh V (Barack Obama) and his views on rape, women and 'dating' have ended up being physically sick,” her petition states. “It’s that repugnant.

“Amazon currently stocks all of his books. They’re making money from a man telling other men how to overcome and rape women. So is he.

"Obama claims protest against him only 'makes him stronger'. So let's hit him where it hurts - financially. Help petition Amazon to remove his works from their their stock."

Amazon has been contacted for comment.

So, instead of wondering why, with a petition of 45,000 people and national media coverage, they failed utterly at suppressing Roosh's speeches through venue cancellations or being banned/deported from Canada .... they decide to double down on their failed strategy. Figures.

The petition, for those who are interested: Link


So far today, two women who've read up about Roosh V (Barack Obama) and his views on rape, women and 'dating' have ended up being physically sick. It's that repugnant. His books, the 'Bang' series, are a thinly veiled guide to getting away with rape. He's campaigned to end rape -- by calling for it to be made legal.

Amazon currently stock all of his books [here].

They're making money from a man telling other men how to overcome and rape women. So is he. He's openly confessed to raping a woman in 'Bang Iceland'.

"While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she legally couldn’t give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated. I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do."

No, committing rape is what he does.

Obama claims protest against him only 'makes him stronger'. So let's hit him where it hurts -- financially. Help petition Amazon to remove his works from their their stock; sign and share.

To those who'll cry 'censorship' - back off. He's entitled to write and think and say what he likes. He's not, however, protected from the backlash against his output, or removal of platform. This isn't about banning books, it's about ensuring he, and Amazon, can't profit from rape.

I'm not going to link his site here; it's too awful. If you want to read up, I am warning you; it's grim. Help us shut him down. We stopped Julien Blanc getting a visa for the UK -- let's see if we can make Amazon hear us.


The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works


To those who'll cry 'censorship' - back off. He's entitled to write and think and say what he likes. He's not, however, protected from the backlash against his output, or removal of platform. This isn't about banning books, it's about ensuring he, and Amazon, can't profit from rape.

LOL. Of course it's not censorship. Censorship implies selectivity and editing. This is a digital form of good old-fashioned book-burning.

[Image: 31077.jpg]

Ain't just a resort to Godwin's Law, either. Had it been around at the time, copies of BANG if not Roosh's entire catalogue would have wound up on the Nazi book pyres. Per Wikipedia, a specific category of banned books under the regime was: "Writings on sexuality and sexual education which serve the egocentric pleasure of the individual and thus, completely destroy the principles of race and Volk (Hirschfeld)."

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Didn't they already try this?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

This is where these cowardly specimens should have kept the fight to begin with--behind the comfort of their Macbooks and firmly on the "report" button. You saw how it turned out when they tried moving their internet courage into real life.

Hopefully--and unlike two mayors and several media outlets in Canada--Amazon will actually read the books and realize these clowns are a parody of themselves, and are straight-up inventing things out of thin air about the content of these books.

Even for people who don't care for Roosh's subject matter, this should raise an alarm. This is a dangerous internet witch-hunt that can create a precedent for anyone deviating from the narratives. Make no mistake: this has nothing to do "rape." This is about hating an individual (Roosh) or his background (American Muslim) or the simple fact that he won't acquiesce. This is not a joke or an exaggeration. Only a mentally challenged person would read a book that tells you to lift weights, stand in the right spot in the bar, and ask girls where the local pet shop is as a call for "rape." I've read worse on a "sex-positive" dating profile. No one with a middle-school education can be that dumb. This is the most cynical and reprehensible abuse of the term "rape" I've seen yet, and I've seen some despicable dredging-up of the specter in recent years.

These professional "activists" fold up like lawn chairs when they're confronted or when they don't have a massive numerical advantage, but they have no compunction about lying to whoever's in charge to alleviate the unresolved issues in their psychiatrically damaged minds.

These people are, by the dictionary definition, bullies.

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The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Tell them you want to read Roosh's books, and you get your books off Amazon so you can read on your Kindle.

Then ask them why they're trying to dictate what you read.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

From the comments:


While this group bodyguard strategy might be the wise option, we also need to teach men not to use alcohol as a way to overcome women's lack of interest in them.

See, men force women to drink free drinks! All social drinking is a prelude to rape!

So, if she's had 2-3 drinks with dinner or 4-5 the whole night, any sexual contact is rape. And it's our responsibility to police her alcohol consumption and then what - cut her off? Drive her home? Force her to quit? Be her white knight chaperone all night until she wants to go home, then refuse her advances for sex?

And feminists would have no problem with men controlling women like that?

Imagine starting the date with, "You can't drink tonight because I might want sex later and don't want alcohol affecting your decision."


Then decent men, sexy, interesting men, could get on with having cool sex with women - based on full consent.

More like decent (by this definition) men can sit back and watch women have cool sex with some other guy. The "decent" man can spend the time dreaming of a world where millions of years of evolutionary (or God given) instincts don't apply and his nice guy, beta routine will result in sex.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

^I don't remember who mentioned it or in what thread, but a great satire article could be written about how the solution to stopping rape is make it illegal for women to drink alcohol.

Americans are dreamers too

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

First it was attacking a moderate muslim figurehead, now it's book burning over sexuality. ISIS and feminists share a lot in common

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Again - more counter-productive endeavors.

The quickest way to entice people to want something is to tell people they shouldn't have it. No one would have watched the sorority video- if it hadn't been blocked in the first place.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Propaganda article attempting to spread selective aspects of Roosh's victories in Canada, using worn out feminist dogma and cherry-picking rhetoric.

Is it news worthy? Or, is it news?: It's news to the so-called Cathedral that another piece of their flimsy foundation has been chipped away. It's news to the supporters of Roosh but they are already aware of the outcomes and have their own opinion that won't be influenced by weak as fuck hit pieces like this.

On a slightly related note, there are currently more guests than members viewing the forum. I wonder what percentage are feminist ideologues, seething with rage as they read our posts, and what percentage are open minded and free-thinking people who will make solid opinions.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works


The anti-feminist blogger Barack Obama, who goes by the name ‘Roosh V’, shares tips on how to ‘pick-up' women on his website, (such as “stop asking for permission”), and in his self-published books, which give advice on how to have more sex with women in different countries.

He also publishes a weekly news letter that details ways to isolate girls in bars and "defeat bedroom resistance" in one simple move.

Notice how they're trying to make this sound as sinister and malevolent as they possibly can, when it's really just game 101. Guarantee that the guys who read this and think it's some malicious thing don't interact with women except as their beta orbiters. They're totally clueless.


So far today, two women who've read up about Roosh V (Barack Obama) and his views on rape, women and 'dating' have ended up being physically sick.

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

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The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Reminds me of a wonderful bit on the logic of the witch hunter. Obviously those doing the witch hunting are on the side of power. Roosh gets a few dozen men together in a room yet people are acting like he's some omnipotent force for evil, meanwhile there are apparently tens of thousands of them out there fuming at the thought of Roosh even existing...


The logic of the witch hunter is simple... The first requirement is to invert the reality of power. Power at its most basic level is the power to harm or destroy other human beings. The obvious reality is that witch hunters gang up and destroy witches. Whereas witches are never, ever seen to gang up and destroy witch hunters. By this test alone, we can see that the conspiracy is imaginary rather than real.

Think about it. Obviously, if the witches had any power whatsoever, they wouldn't waste their time gallivanting around on broomsticks, fellating Satan and cursing cows with sour milk. They're getting burned right and left, for Christ's sake! Priorities! No, they'd turn the tables and lay some serious voodoo on the witch-hunters. In a country where anyone who speaks out against the witches is soon found dangling by his heels from an oak at midnight with his head shrunk to the size of a baseball, we won't see a lot of witch-hunting and we know there's a serious witch problem. In a country where witch-hunting is a stable and lucrative career, and also an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend, we know there are no real witches worth a damn.

We do not see Pax Dickinson and Paul Graham ganging up to destroy Gawker.
We see them curling up into a fetal position and trying to survive. An America in which hackers could purge journalists for communist deviation, rather than journalists purging hackers for fascist deviation, would be a very different America. Ya think?


The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Coincidentally, I opened my emails this afternoon and there was one from there waiting for me. And, of course, it was the petition to have Roosh's books banned from Amazon.
My reaction:
[Image: attachment.jpg27795]   

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Quote: (08-18-2015 03:15 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  


Then decent men, sexy, interesting men, could get on with having cool sex with women - based on full consent.

At this rate, any use of Game will eventually become non-consent. "He manipulated me by being confident/lifting/dressing/living well! Just like how guys used to manipulate me with alcohol! I'm not responsible for my choices, that's victim-blaming!"

Would be funny to see men in the West silently wearing burqas as a result, in the few instances they're allowed out. Defcock 0.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

The petition got started by the same person who started the Julien Blanc petition to ban him from the UK. She already had 150,000 signatures on that, so by starting the new petition, she could simply transfer the mob over seamlessly. Then the UK media got on board:


Then send an email to all their users about it. So just like the Toronto protesters needing help from politicians to protest against me, these people need help from higher ups to build outrage against books that are legal in every way.

This whole thing is manufactured, and that is proven by wondering how a "rape guide" that has been on sale for 8 years and sold thousands of copies went "undetected" for so long.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

This useless "petition" started after the retarded post from the obese
feminist "Manboobz":

The same like the previous petition, feminists
found a pathetic way to blow off their steam and
waste their time.

The only result of this idiotic petition is that Roosh will get more
coverage, and his book sales will raise even more.

By the way, I can bet that Manboobz mangina never saw a woman
undressed in his sad life:

[Image: viceinterview.png]

[Image: david-futrelle-manboobz.jpg]

The True Story Of Barack "Roosh" Obama

Barack "Roosh" Obama official biograph

Barack "Roosh" Obama wikipedia resource

Barack Obama In Washingtonian magazine

Barack Obama Newsweek magazine

Barack Obama Dissent Magazine Cockblocker

Barack Obama Vox Rape

Barack Obama Huffington Post

Barack Obama Rebel Media

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Quote: (08-18-2015 10:03 AM)lido Wrote:  

This useless "petition" started after the retarded post from the obese
feminist "Manboobz":

The same like the previous petition, feminists
found a pathetic way to blow off their steam and
waste their time.

The only result of this idiotic petition is that Roosh will get more
coverage, and his book sales will raise even more.

By the way, I can bet that Manboobz mangina never saw a woman
undressed in his sad life:

[Image: viceinterview.png]

[Image: david-futrelle-manboobz.jpg]

That motherfucker lives right by me......

Chicago Tribe.

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Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

It should make the people of RVF happy that such a number of people are having their days ruined by the mere existence of Bang, ROK and this forum.

I can just imagine the fury building within such specimens as they read tales of men going about their day slinging their metaphorical schlong in the faces of women.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Is there any precedent for Amazon removing game/pickup works from its store? I've googled this trying to determine the likelihood of their campaign succeeding, but all I get are links on how authors can remove their own works.

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Obviously this is just desperate acts by some crazies. But I do believe should Amazon really do this it could be another big news event and Roosh would just grow in popularity and influence. Huge unintended consequences over some hurt SJW feelings and inability to comprehend English.

His sales would also rocket. I don't know all the economics of Amazon but I am sure the pdf version has better margins than the printed. It is not like all his sales are from the U.S. so some were always going to get it electronically anyway due to distance.

I am also sure there are a ton of influential people who would not be pleased to see Amazon pulling the plug. I am pretty sure they would offer Roosh assistance to battle this if it happened. I am not wishing Amazon to pull his books, but if they did, it would draw a lot of attention.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

If Amazon actually removes Roosh's books (because they 'promote rape' or whatever), it will be stunning hypocrisy. Here are some titles available for purchase on the website today.

[Image: 51n6oy9YK7L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

[Image: 51hvH7OK2uL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

So the million dollar question, how can we help?

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works


Ja, all this hysteria about "rape" this, that and the other has nothing to do with actual rape, but everything to do with the state of mind of the hysterical ones. Basically a particular sublimated (at least to them, it's obvious to many others) rape fantasy. All the "50 Shades" stuff would have to go as well.

Amazon needs to be careful here. They really cannot afford to give in to any particular interest group, because if they are seen as being weak every Tom, Dick and Harry will be lining up asking them to ban this or that book. For any practical purpose there are an infinite number of things to be "offended" by, so some group somewhere has a beef with almost every book they stock. They really can't give in, even if, as is likely, there are large numbers of lower and mid-level staff at amazon who would like to do just that with respect to Roosh's books.

As was mentioned elsewhere, they sell Mein Kampf... As an aside, why is it that Mein Kampf is so popular all of a sudden? There's a large display of them near the checkout at my local bookshop, which I consider a bit weird. Also, one of the cashiers is a Jewish girl. Not sure what she thinks about it. Anyway, unless you're a serious historian I can't think of any good reason to read it. But I am just astonished. I'm not starting campaigns to boycott the store or have the books removed. Whats wrong with people? Why can't they just leave (nonthreatening) things be?

The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

Quote: (08-18-2015 12:09 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

So the million dollar question, how can we help?

In this campaign there is nothing to really do until Amazon makes a response.

I'm not worried about it. When books are banned, they increase the long-term readership of the author. In the short term there will be lost income, but in the long term, I'll become bigger than I could have dreamed. The Streissand effect is very real.

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The Battle of Canada Moves To Amazon: Petition to Remove Roosh V's Works

If Amazon does decide to ban the books, it will give the SJW's a tiny bit of satisfaction for about 10 minute until they find something else that will offend them. But, like Roosh said, his readership will sky rocket since people will be desperate to find his other books on different sites. More people to ROK, to the forum, and to his blog. So much to look forward to.

[Image: damnitfeelsgood-434.jpg]

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