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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I'd be crying too in his position. It's the least enviable position a man can have. Following orders from the government and following orders from god.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Well, I don't know if it's intentional on the couple's part (they may just be like most Christian believers who've never actually read the Bible) but there's nothing glorifying about God in this photo.


5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Matthew 6:5-8

Thus, the reward this couple got for their prayer is a viral photo. But God thinks they are hypocrites or simply didn't hear them at all.

As for serving in the military, I don't see much of a difference between your average mercenary and an American marine. The average mercenary is still above an ISIS soldier but nothing compared to the old American soldiers who actually defended a government that had it's citizens interests at heart.

By the time Vietnam started the American military was already just a mercenary troop. There's not much honor in being part of people who kill for profit.

Being a regular cop is infinitely more honorable nowadays, since they actually help the people who live here instead of slaughter random dudes all over the world.

When I see the average Vet, I simply pity them. Probably most of them went into the military with good intentions. By the time they are out they know the truth.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

They're both overcome with emotion and it's a big day for them. Let them be happy. I doubt I'll ever get married, but I'm not going to rain on someone's parade because they're going against the player lifestyle.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

The Marines I've known personally have been on the whole impressive guys.

In my mind they deserve some respect for being willing to put life and limb at risk for the country, even if to the U.S. government they are just another asset, one which our leaders and politicians may very well squander at that.

Maybe if the franchise were restricted there would be less of that.

Anyway the comment above is right, this was Memorial Day + wedding season click bait. I think the photo is missing a dog, to tug at even more heart strings.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

samseu... you know that a quarter(over 600k) vietnam vets were drafted.
66 percent of all WW2 vets were drafted also... These old soldiers were in the same boat as vietnam vets

I am the cock carousel

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-28-2015 11:16 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

samseu... you know that a quarter(over 600k) vietnam vets were drafted.
66 percent of all WW2 vets were drafted also... These old soldiers were in the same boat as vietnam vets

Yep, and that's why people protested the US Gov so much back then - they were being drafted to fight for a worthless war. They were killing for someone else's profit and not the safety of their country.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I find it funny that the photo is getting a lot of hate here. For all we know his bride could be a sweet, feminine woman. They are both traditional, praying before God before they enter a union between he and themselves. Shouldn't that be something this forum can respect?

We hate on women for being cock carousel whores, but also hate on a man and wife getting married under, presumably, good intentions?

Good luck to them. My grandfather and grandmother, deeply religious, he serving in the Navy, raised 11 children and stayed married for 60 years before his death. If there was more of that, this world would be a better place.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Taking a picture, or having a picture taking of you praying is just being an attention whore.

The Bible literally says don't pray in the street and don't draw attention to yourself, I think photos would probably go against that.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

That was my initial reaction too, but then I remembered that wedding photographers kinda just run around and do their own thing. So the couple might not have actually been in on it.

If they staged the photo for Facebook likes, well that's bullshit. But there's no indication of that one way or another.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:34 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I would like to hope this marriage last and they stay happy til they are old and grey. The world still has happy couples that stay in love and make it.... not as many as back in the 50's and 60's like your grandparents. The manosphere seems to only focus on and point out the bad in relationships. But there are still some happy couples out there who stay married and stay in love with each other and raise their kids together. Not everyone was built for the player lifestyle and thats a good thing. It takes all kinds of people to run the world. Imagine if everyone was a jacked smooth talking playboy that didn't believe in marriage... the world would be a fucked up place.

Sometimes I think there are a lot of jaded guys in the "manosphere" that only wish to see and point out the bad in the world....

Kind of refreshing to read this.

I think the cynicism some have becomes their anti-game......

By "some" I mean me included

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:21 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Yup - the 7 Army Values are great virtues when dealing with men, but terrible when being in a LTR with a woman.

Think more like Conan the Barbarian when your wife is concerned instead like Captain America. According to some more faithful military women 80%+ of the young wives fuck around their deployed husbands.

80%+ of the young wives fuck around their deployed husbands.


[Image: giphy.gif]

Daaaaamn. I had no idea it was that common.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

If my experience in the military is any indicator she was probably praying that her husband begins his next deployment as soon as possible so that she can fuck the cute dude she saw at the exchange a few days ago.

Further, attention whoring doesn't even begin to describe this photo. If this is what they call praying -- a just God won't be kind to their sham worship.

Finally, based on other photos of the bride I was able to find. Frumpy body, 4/10, WNB.

[Image: marine27n-1-web.jpg]

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

She's needs to lose 25lbs. Then she would be really nice IMO.

The guy could definitely do better though. Haven't met many marines that weren't jacked.

I don't know I'm starting to wonder if strategically picking someone like this in that situation (marriage) isn't the way to go. As long as he maintains frame of being higher SMV than her she'll never leave. Hypergamy squashed.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I have lived in more God fearing countries other than the US and it has an effect on what I think of people when they do things like this. People may look at them and say that it is all good, but speaking from experience, I have never met many who pray for the camera and actually meant what they were praying. What I have seen, however, is that the people who pray for people to see them doing it are not very good people.

In one country that I have been to, they say, "Watch out for the man who shouts his prayers for everyone to hear." Because those guys are putting up a front.

( That is unless the camera caught them unawares, then disregard)

Oh, I also think the wife looks pretty nice for her size. Just needs to lose some pounds.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

If you're best night as a couple was your wedding day then you're in for a short marriage.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-29-2015 02:10 PM)Class-8 Wrote:  

I have lived in more God fearing countries other than the US and it has an effect on what I think of people when they do things like this. People may look at them and say that it is all good, but speaking from experience, I have never met many who pray for the camera and actually meant what they were praying. What I have seen, however, is that the people who pray for people to see them doing it are not very good people.

In one country that I have been to, they say, "Watch out for the man who shouts his prayers for everyone to hear." Because those guys are putting up a front.

( That is unless the camera caught them unawares, then disregard)

Oh, I also think the wife looks pretty nice for her size. Just needs to lose some pounds.

Agree completely!

It is VERY possible though that the photographer really did happen to capture that shot. Good ones will try to capture things from the day that weren't posed or planned

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Fuck she's already fat. That just ain't right.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Yikes she is large.

She will never have skinny legs no matter how much she diets.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-29-2015 02:24 PM)RURALGAMER Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 02:10 PM)Class-8 Wrote:  

I have lived in more God fearing countries other than the US and it has an effect on what I think of people when they do things like this. People may look at them and say that it is all good, but speaking from experience, I have never met many who pray for the camera and actually meant what they were praying. What I have seen, however, is that the people who pray for people to see them doing it are not very good people.

In one country that I have been to, they say, "Watch out for the man who shouts his prayers for everyone to hear." Because those guys are putting up a front.

( That is unless the camera caught them unawares, then disregard)

Oh, I also think the wife looks pretty nice for her size. Just needs to lose some pounds.

Agree completely!

It is VERY possible though that the photographer really did happen to capture that shot. Good ones will try to capture things from the day that weren't posed or planned

Yeah, the photographer just HAPPENED to catch them as they HAPPENED to bump into each other around a corner that just HAPPENED to be on their wedding day while they HAPPENED to be praying...

Reminds me of girls who you game back to your place, and they're like "Wow I can't believe how things just HAPPENED tonight!" [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Fact is, for women things just happen, but for men there are no accidents. Look at how the man's leg is lifted up on the stair with his hat on his knee. Yeah I'm sure the groom knew how to do that. [Image: rolleyes.gif] What a magical picture! [Image: puke.gif]

Also, the idea behind the groom not seeing the bride was for women who were virgins and not seeing them was symbolic of the bride's purity. What are the odds this chubster was a virgin on wedding day?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Lol, this picture is more funny than anything else

Deus vult!

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