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Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise


I came to live in Spain since one month,I'm based in Madrid but I went previously to Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante, Malaga,Murcia,Sevilla and another cities of Spain.

I'm half french/half spanish and I've travelled almost all Europe except balkan countries.

I lived during one year in Lithuania so I enjoyed the Eastern European ladies.

Why I consider Spain a pussy paradise?

-Relatively,there are lot of quantity and quality of hot girls around

-If you like brunettes,Spain will be your paradise,but don't be fooled, just 60 % of people in Spain are dark haired with brown eyes, the rest are brown and light haired with blue/green eyes,result of the mix of celtics,vikings and other barbarians through the history of Spain.

As a result,a spanish girl can look like with either iberic,celtic,arab,scandinavian or mix features.

-The social culture makes very easy to socialize in the street,also is very safe country(but be careful because there are some thieves than can stole your mobile,just this kind of "danger" in crowded places).

-Is the second most visited country in the world,with 61 million visitors during 2013,so if you want you can get the international flag.

-Good weather makes easier to socialize(mentioned above).Maybe because of that its indubitable that spanish people are very smily.

-The country is getting being more attractive for startups,entrepreneurs,etc.As a result, a better atmosphere:

Bad points about Spain?

For some people it can be kin of "hard" to hack the spanish pussy, but don't be fooled, spanish girls seem to appear difficult, they just are more playful than Eastern European girls,but the result is kind of the same.

If you come to Madrid,best day game spots:

-Parque del Retiro.

-Puerta del Sol





-New Garamond


A little gift for your eyes. What does a tipycal hot spanish girl look like? Surprisingly,not all of them are brunettes

And for your surprise,you will notice that most of those hot girls are not approached as much as "average" girls.

If you have any questions about Madrid,just write them on the post

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Giorgio, I am sure that in Madrid, a northern european looking dude, or a suave sophisticated mediterranean type like yourself , could do well. For the rest of us, I would go to Paris or New York, instead.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise


For some people it can be kin of "hard" to hack the spanish pussy, but don't be fooled, spanish girls seem to appear difficult, they just are more playful than Eastern European girls,but the result is kind of the same.

In what way are they playful?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Any notes on how much English would be required? For those that are too burnt out on becoming fluent on more languages.. Im guessing Barcelona is where most english-speaking locals are.

The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
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Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 10:15 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Giorgio, I am sure that in Madrid, a northern european looking dude, or a suave sophisticated mediterranean type like yourself , could do well. For the rest of us, I would go to Paris or New York, instead.
for the rest of...who? why Paris or New York? It doesn't make sense. I have friends from all over the world who are doing good in Madrid,and with all over the world I mean, guys from diverse origins such as India,Marroco,China,South America,all over the world..
They have good game and have style(looks,style and personality).
Quote: (04-20-2015 10:38 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  


For some people it can be kin of "hard" to hack the spanish pussy, but don't be fooled, spanish girls seem to appear difficult, they just are more playful than Eastern European girls,but the result is kind of the same.

In what way are they playful?
They are playful because they are the opposite of the "cold" eastern european personality.I mean, they have more attitude,but at the end all women need a man who leads them so at the end the "result" is the same.
And with attitude I mean,they are more talkative and warmer generally than the eastern european ladies (for example,I don't understand where is the point to get ukranian/russian/etc beauties,to realise at the end that they're just cold as ice)

If you put at one side ,randomly 10 eastern european beauties, and at the other side,10 spanish beauties,they're the same attractive but with different exotic features,but if you put personality in the equation,spanish women beat them.

NOTE: and I preffer light ayes and blonde ladies
Quote: (04-20-2015 12:00 PM)Cyclone Wrote:  

Any notes on how much English would be required? For those that are too burnt out on becoming fluent on more languages.. Im guessing Barcelona is where most english-speaking locals are.
Yes, Barcelona is where most english-speaking locals are,but in Madrid you can also find lot of english speakers.

Barcelona,after the olympic games got kind of "aura" ,making it the most touristic place of Spain.That phenomenon prompted some problems(and opportunities) to the city:

For those who want to visit Spain for the girls,visit Madrid either in September-November or March-June.

Barcelona,Valencia,Alicante,Malaga,Murcia,Granada,Sevilla,Cadiz,Almeria,Cordoba.​.due to excellent climatic conditions can be visited during all year.

Canary islands and Balears are also good touristic destinations but personally I would avoid them

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 10:38 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  


For some people it can be kin of "hard" to hack the spanish pussy, but don't be fooled, spanish girls seem to appear difficult, they just are more playful than Eastern European girls,but the result is kind of the same.

In what way are they playful?

Also,I have meet lot of "pussy travelers", and they concluded that Spain is a country with one of the most beautiful girls in the world,at the same level of Russia,Ukraine..(eastern europe).

All my friends from Scandinavia,France,UK,Ireland,Belgium,Netherlands..etc etc..are pissing me off because they want to come to Spain because of the girls.

They say that is super easy to socialize with them,you just need to say "hola que tal" to start a conversation with them and start flowing without any social awkwardness.

Travelling to eastern europe..i preffer spanish much more than girls from Hungary,czech republic,poland.I could consider at the same level girls form the baltics,Ukraine(lviv),belarus(minsk) and Russia(st petersburg),but at the end the cold attitude of the girls over there made me change my opinion

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

FYI, don't visit Seville or Granada especially, and in general any interior Spanish city in July and August. The heat is miserable and half the population is gone.
I lived in Spain for over 5 years.
I like the women a lot, but I wouldn't call it a pussy paradise.
I think Spanish is very important - the Spaniards have some of the worst English skills out of all Europeans.
Even in Madrid or Barcelona, few who are not using English as an essential part of their job will speak English at any sort of decent level.
In Seville, where I spent the majority of my time, you will miss out on most things if your Spanish is not advanced. Really, unless your Spanish is at an advanced level, you won't really understand a damn thing, as they speak fast, cut off the endings of words, and use a lot of slang. English is not at all common there outside a small number of people involved in the tourism industry.
Sure, some people live in Seville with poor Spanish skills, but they pretty much only go out to the foreigner places on Calle Betis and the Irish pub.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 10:15 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Giorgio, I am sure that in Madrid, a northern european looking dude, or a suave sophisticated mediterranean type like yourself , could do well. For the rest of us, I would go to Paris or New York, instead.

I think the issue in Madrid is not so much race, but more about

1) Spanish Ability
2) Cold Weather Fashion Sense
3) How Much Time One is Spending in The City

All three are very co-dependent on one another.

The one thing I've never had however was #3 despite a hookup but with no actual lay.

The demographics there consist of:
A) many friendly female locals
B) Spanish women from other cities moving there for work/school
C) Same as B except from Latin America (Inclusive of Brazil)
D) Tourist gals
E) Erasmus chicks

Lot of options to choose from. Heck I'm an East Asian who's supposedly the worst type of guy to be in Spain, but got plenty of IOI & great convos in during my very limited stays in Madrid.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Nice report OP, can you guys comment on your monthly costs in Madrid or other second tier cities such as Valencia? I've been to Spain a couple of times but only briefly and I really like the country, I'm thinking of going back for a longer visit but am wondering what the costs of a studio apartment, meals, transport, etc will be, thanks.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I'm going to start planning my trips by looking at trip advisor restaurant photos of food. I just did Rome and liked what I saw.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I can second that about Seville. I am intimately familiar with the city. You need Spanish. Tons of hot girls...curiously enough you find tons of them out and about during 2 huge events - Semana Santa Holy Week (supposed to be "holy", but you need to see the shit going down that week in terms of drinking and parties), and the Feria de Abril (going on right now). There are a lot of Ferias in Spain...just Google to find them out. Seville is a bit particular (like the people as it's a private feria, with a few public tents). But the ferias are def a good place to find girls slippin...Jerez is a good one, Malaga has a nice one...both open to the public. You need a lot of social circle game in Seville, but once you have that, you're in. I just wish the Spanish girls there had the sluttiness factor of N would be the best city on the planet when you add in weather and food. Bigger cities in Spain have somewhat easier girls, due to the fact that they can avoid the whole social circle shaming that probably goes on by going off with some random dude.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I speak Spanish and have always wanted to go to Spain, for the nature and food if nothing else. It's always gotten a bad rep here for girls not putting out easily.

I'm really curious though, for guys living there, what is the game like in Spain? I'd love to see what kinda game works out there, since it seems like a wonderful country in every area that really counts.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 04:13 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Nice report OP, can you guys comment on your monthly costs in Madrid or other second tier cities such as Valencia? I've been to Spain a couple of times but only briefly and I really like the country, I'm thinking of going back for a longer visit but am wondering what the costs of a studio apartment, meals, transport, etc will be, thanks.

I lived in Spain for a while two years ago as an expat. To be brief, I loved the city. It is very vibrant, very international, weather is great, food is cheap, every day is a day to go out, people sitting outside all the time having a drink or some tapas.

Costwise: a decent room in a shared apartment: 400$, a solo apartment more like 500-600$ for cheaper options. Meals and drinks... cheap, dont worry about it. Transport, the metro is excellent and not to expensive compared to London, Paris, etc.

Womenwise, yes many good looking women, but also pretty strong competition. At that time I still didnt speak Spanish so not sure how it influenced my game, but the big international crowd and the endless parties make it a cool game city. I must say though that almost all success I had there ended up being with non-spanish girls and if it were spanish girls they were from outside of Madrid. Madrid and northern Spanish girls are not at all easy. Many of them have a princess complex, guys there are also very weak, all 'nice guys'.

If I ever get a good job offer there, Ill accept it for sure.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I don't understand, if Spain is a poosy paradise then why do young Spanish guys seem to be trying so hard to flee it?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Poor economy.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 09:42 PM)civpro Wrote:  

I don't understand, if Spain is a poosy paradise then why do young Spanish guys seem to be trying so hard to flee it?

This. Spanish guys must rank among the thirstiest worldwide. They are also terrible cockblockers. Why are they so keen to go abroad if they live in PP?

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Well I think like some have said it's twofold - the economy now sucks and many are leaving to find jobs elsewhere. But also guys can only have blue balls so long before they need to bust a nut. A lot of girls here in the south are looking for boyfriends - something stable. They are not looking to go out and fuck some random dude. On vacation - whole diff story. That's why I have always done well with Spanish girls on holiday. I almost feel like I am meeting a whole different person than what I meet in Spain. Add to the fact that a lot of Spanish guys are players and like fucking around, and it's pretty normal for them to get the fuck outta dodge. I have friends in Spain who are married and still go off and travel and cheat on their wives. Meanwhile to the outside world they present the image of the Spanish family, with kids, etc...and it's great. The guys are still guys at the core, and this is not going to change. And if Spanish girls are not giving it up, well it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you simply need to travel to get your dick wet and solve your problem. Why do you also think Spanish guys put the full court press on foreign girls when they come to Spain? They view them as easy targets vs. the stuck up Spanish princesses.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 05:33 AM)Giorgioo Wrote:  

If you come to Madrid,best day game spots:

-Parque del Retiro.

-Puerta del Sol





-New Garamond


If you have any questions about Madrid,just write them on the post

Can you break down night game a little more if you get a chance? What kind of spots are these? How do you compare night game in Madrid to Barcelona? Better/worse, harder/easier?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-21-2015 05:11 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 09:42 PM)civpro Wrote:  

I don't understand, if Spain is a poosy paradise then why do young Spanish guys seem to be trying so hard to flee it?

This. Spanish guys must rank among the thirstiest worldwide. They are also terrible cockblockers. Why are they so keen to go abroad if they live in PP?

There are no jobs (especially for young people and fresh graduates). The government is awful. Not everything in life revolves around pussy...that being said Spanish girls do have the princess reputation in a lot of regions. As opening23 rightly says though they absolutely crush it with the Euro (especially British) tourist girls so why leave if they come to you anyway? I have a decent number of Spanish friends, some of them moved abroad because of the economy, but they sure as hell wouldn't do it for the pussy. They have it pretty good there.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I think Spanish girls, at least in Seville, are typically very high value for LTRs, but not as much for your standard fuck and chuck.

I'll speak specifically about Seville, since I lived there for years, and know the lay of the land.

Seville is the principal city of Andalucia, and most of the people there either come from Seville, or from one of the villages of the province of Seville, typically 1.5 hrs by car or bus from the city at most.

People's social circles are very parochial. They typically don't move to other parts of Spain, and their ties to their family and their village are extremely important to them. Their close friends will be people they have known most of their lives, and it is common for people who live in Seville, but are from a village, to go back to that village and stay at their parent's place nearly every weekend.

The women will slut it out a bit during their university years and festival times, but one night stands are not standard. Maybe when they are on vacation, but in Seville, she will be very careful about her reputation. If she fucks around, she knows that word will get out and possibly shame her family. It really works like that. They are also pretty romantic women, and when they fall for you, they fall hard. That is what they want really, a connection. There is not really a "guiri" (the Spanish slang for foreigner) boost, as there are 20,000 foreign students and a bunch of tourists who come to Seville each year, so you are not special to them.

During my first time in Seville when I was a 20 year old exchange student, I met and fell in love with a beautiful 21 year old Spanish virgin from a village who was studying in Seville. We ended up dating on and off for 6 years. At the start of our relationship I used every move I knew to move things along physically and I also treated her like a princess and I was fluent in Spanish and had my own 3 bedroom apartment. It took 7 weeks to get the bang.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I'm Spanish and I definitely wouldn't call my country a "pussy paradise", although the talent in general is quite good. I did a datasheet on my home city of Valencia a while ago (Spain's 3rd biggest after Madrid and Barcelona):

I conccur with most of what has been said in this thread. Spanish girls have a bit of a princess attitude, ONS are not common and social circles can be tough to crack. Spanish is a must if you want to do well with the locals. My guess is that all these things might not apply as much for Bracelona and Madrid but I don't really have enough experience with those cities to tell for sure.

Personally, I wouldn't mind living in a city like Barcelona or maybe Madrid. They are big and offer a lot of options, there's also a lot of foreign girls that are easier than the locals, it is true that the economy is in the toilet right now though.

Overall however, I don't agree with the OP that EE girls are "cold" compared to Spanish girls, they can bust your balls quite a lot and make you put up with a lot of shit. Again, this is coming from a local, so take this with a grain of salt. Spanish girls can make decent girlfriends and in general they are more femenine than other western women, but even then I sometimes wonder if they're worth the headache.

Quote: (04-21-2015 05:11 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 09:42 PM)civpro Wrote:  

I don't understand, if Spain is a poosy paradise then why do young Spanish guys seem to be trying so hard to flee it?

This. Spanish guys must rank among the thirstiest worldwide. They are also terrible cockblockers. Why are they so keen to go abroad if they live in PP?

The reason is that it can be quite hard for the average guy to have a decent sex life without a stable gf. The student scene sucks when it comes to getting laid (again, this doesn't quite apply for BCN/Madrid). Most dudes just accept it and eventually (i.e after months of no sex) land a gf they meet through social circle.

Also, here's a good example of the average english level of most Spaniards:

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Spain is better for women than Italy but I'd hardly call it a pussy paradise.

Pros: great food, great weather (especially on the Valencian coast), if you build a social circle they will be some of the most loyal and generous friends you'll ever have.

Cons: The Economy and women.

Good strategies:
1. Speak Spanish
2. Build a social circle
3. Target 'English groupies' at local universities and language schools.

I find the middle-upper class girls from the big cities who have travelled a bit to be arrogant and annoying.

If I wanted a long-term girlfriend there I would either date a Latina immigrant or a Spanish girl from the country - think Andalusia, Galicia, Basque country etc.

Learn Spanish Game Latinas

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Yes, I have a question: how many girls have you actually banged during your entire stay in Spain?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I spent a few months in Andalucia many years ago, and everything VVV said rings true. I had next to zero luck with the locals, and ended up mostly sleeping around with foreigners from Irish pubs and the like.

Spain is kind of a mystery for me. I'm unsure how much of my struggles there were due to my at the time poor game and Spanish, and how much were due to the difficult nature of Spanish women.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise


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