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Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 12:11 PM)Jons Coffee Shop Wrote:  

The European man is waking up all over the world. The sons of Achilles and Aeneas will march again in unison in righteous retribution.

[Image: davhor.jpg]

Well now, dude has been here longer than me, has far fewer posts, and probably won't be here tomorrow. And I have the word Troll in my name! [Image: smile.gif]

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

2 of the SAE's have now been expelled from OU.

No other college will take them, itd be a PR nightmare for any other college to let them enroll.
Campuses are ground zero for social justice warriors so these kids are basically fucked.
They should be punished, but ruining their lives by running them off every campus is overdoing it. Black people say 'nigger' all the time.

SAE at OU has (had) 160 members, punishing them all for the actions of maybe 8 of them is pretty absurd.

I wonder if the sorority girl who recorded and leaked this video feels any remorse? OU's reputation is now shit, they've lost football recruits, now they cant have date parties with them etc.....I bet some of the other sororities are pissed at this girl.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

I wonder what the legal battle for expelling the students is going to look like/cost?

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 12:46 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

2 of the SAE's have now been expelled from OU.

No other college will take them, itd be a PR nightmare for any other college to let them enroll.
Campuses are ground zero for social justice warriors so these kids are basically fucked.
They should be punished, but ruining their lives by running them off every campus is overdoing it. Black people say 'nigger' all the time.

I wonder if the sorority girl who recorded and leaked this video feels any remorse? OU's reputation is now shit, they've lost football recruits, now they cant have date parties with them etc.....I bet some of the other sororities are pissed at this girl.

Well, that didn't take long.

That's where I think the line needs to be drawn and the point Sherman was making earlier. When we start to have moral panics over private behavior, anyone is under threat for running afoul of the prevailing orthodoxy, whatever that is.

As a matter of fact these guys are probably going to be a bigger threat now than if they had just been mandated to do some community service like Wastelander suggested. They're going to be blacklisted from academia and any good job that might have been waiting for them. They're a bigger threat now because they no longer have anything to lose.

The university disbanding the fraternity and punishing the students was appropriate, but ruining someone's life over this is something that bothers me, no matter how horrible what they said was.

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Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

So now students can be expelled for something they say off campus that isn't illegal and is in the privacy of their own homes/cars/buses/etc. if the university doesnt agree with their views.

The kids are dipshits, but the university is way over stepping here.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant


"Black people say 'nigger' all the time."

Not really man. This seems to be much more prevalent in the lower classes. Hell, even in the lower classes you won't find any FOB Africans saying this. I think, personally, that the reason so many lower class blacks engage in this behavior is sort of like a form of social protection. They know they won't raise out of poverty but they also know they could fall a rung or two lower and be homeless or a crack addict. So they embrace their position. You see the same sort of thing with lower class whites in the trailer park or white projects/subsidized housing. But instead of the "nigga image" they embrace the white trash redneck image. Hell, thanks to Kid Rock and ICP both have representation in music too.

I think this is really where a lot of this sentiment comes from. You have upper-middle and middle class people who haven't really ever been outside of their hermetically sealed suburban helicopter parenting mostly white enclaves. They might have been friends with an "oreo" here or there but most probably haven't been. Their only knowledge of black culture is what they see on tv and the few lower class black guys who have scared the shit out of them when they ended up on the wrong side of town.

If they had experience with larger numbers of middle class and normal black people I don't think they would be prone to as much racism or whatever you want to call it. I know it was a bit of a shock for me several times in my life to meet black people that went well past the American stereotype. I will never forget being in middle school, and actually a bit younger, and knowing several black people who spoke English like a English person. Hell, it still throws me off a bit to see the queens English come out of a black persons mouth or even an Indian or Pakistanis mouth.

I know I can't be the only one:

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Has anybody heard about the University of Mississippi's riot/protest of 400 students in 2012 who were mad about Obama's re-election yelling racial slurs and epithets? Its very similar to this situation, but the President of Ole Miss just stated that it was immature and that was about it. Also that same year a noose was found hanging on the statue of James Meredith at the university.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 12:17 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

It doesn't matter, the President does not want his university to be labeled as a racist university. Regardless if people think the punishment was harsh, its his house his rules, they can go somewhere else.

Who taught you that the leaders of institutions must take corrective action to "distance themselves" from the unsavory opinions of its members?

Who taught you that public declarations of "We, as an institution, don't tolerate such views!" represent the most formidable weapon in the fight against "hate" and "discrimination"?

The media did, and the media did. If you, on the one hand, accept that the media is a corrupt, lying institution that doesn't care at all about you - that would sacrifice your very future to further a bullshit story. But you, on the other hand, accept the media's rules about "Public institutions must protect their public images.", then you are unwittingly feeding the system that seeks to definitely control and possibly destroy you.

Only you can unplug yourself from the media.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:06 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

Has anybody heard about the University of Mississippi's riot/protest of 400 students in 2012 who were mad about Obama's re-election yelling racial slurs and epithets? Its very similar to this situation, but the President of Ole Miss just stated that it was immature and that was about it. Also that same year a noose was found hanging on the statue of James Meredith at the university.

Was there really 400 people yelling racial slurs, or was it just some people out of the 400 and you're embellishing to make your point more valid?

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:07 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Who taught you that the leaders of institutions must take corrective action to "distance themselves" from the unsavory opinions of its members?

Who taught you that public declarations of "We, as an institution, don't tolerate such views!" represent the most formidable weapon in the fight against "hate" and "discrimination"?

The media did, and the media did. If you, on the one hand, accept that the media is a corrupt, lying institution that doesn't care at all about you - that would sacrifice your very future to further a bullshit story. But you, on the other hand, accept the media's rules about "Public institutions must protect their public images.", then you are unwittingly feeding the system that seeks to definitely control and possibly destroy you.

Only you can unplug yourself from the media.

Oklahoma has one of the most prestigious football programs in the entire country. A large part of their livelihood as a university is predicated on their ability to attract (often black) high school football players.

You guys can talk about the "media" all you want, but this affects the University's namesake and their ability to make money. Oklahoma, as a state, is absolutely crazy about their Sooners football team.

The media did not leak this video or cause it go viral on the internet. That happened before they even picked it up. And just that is enough to make a young black blue chip prospect choose one of the other schools that is aggressively recruiting him.

When you've got a Florida, Texas, Alabama, etc. flying you all across the country and doing everything they can to win you over, as a 17- or 18-year-old kid, it's going to come down to splitting hairs.

Losing just one or two of those players is HUGE for Oklahoma's football program. Hell, even losing a few 3 or 4 stars is a major blow. Even with them taking action, there's a good chance they'll be set back years.

On a side note, I don't think the kids should have been expelled, just to be clear.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 12:46 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

2 of the SAE's have now been expelled from OU.

No other college will take them, itd be a PR nightmare for any other college to let them enroll.
Campuses are ground zero for social justice warriors so these kids are basically fucked.
They should be punished, but ruining their lives by running them off every campus is overdoing it. Black people say 'nigger' all the time.

SAE at OU has (had) 160 members, punishing them all for the actions of maybe 8 of them is pretty absurd.

I wonder if the sorority girl who recorded and leaked this video feels any remorse? OU's reputation is now shit, they've lost football recruits, now they cant have date parties with them etc.....I bet some of the other sororities are pissed at this girl.

American universities have become death stars of political correctness. I don't see how any rational person could support this.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Disbanding the frat at OU probably had a contractual rather than a legal basis.

If OU owned the premises, they gave a license to the frat to use it and delegated the authority to run it and its housing, basically in behalf of OU.

If the frat expressed an intention to violate antidiscrimination laws by the chant, then OU could pull its delegation of authority and license.

The video I saw, it would be hard to tell who said it, how many, and whether they were in the leadership of the frat. Someone might have talked and admitted they said it.

The expulsion is troubling if there was no hearing and no opportunity to confront witnesses. It might also have been the result of a rapid "plea bargain" under which the students agreed to summary "expulsion" will be re-admitted after doing some community service or attending some anti-racism course. This is the way large institutions often work such public relations issues, the illusion of instant and forceful action.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:34 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:07 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Who taught you that the leaders of institutions must take corrective action to "distance themselves" from the unsavory opinions of its members?

Who taught you that public declarations of "We, as an institution, don't tolerate such views!" represent the most formidable weapon in the fight against "hate" and "discrimination"?

The media did, and the media did. If you, on the one hand, accept that the media is a corrupt, lying institution that doesn't care at all about you - that would sacrifice your very future to further a bullshit story. But you, on the other hand, accept the media's rules about "Public institutions must protect their public images.", then you are unwittingly feeding the system that seeks to definitely control and possibly destroy you.

Only you can unplug yourself from the media.

Oklahoma has one of the most prestigious football programs in the entire country. A large part of their livelihood as a university is predicated on their ability to attract (often black) high school football players.

You guys can talk about the "media" all you want, but this affects the University's namesake and their ability to make money. Oklahoma, as a state, is absolutely crazy about their Sooners football team.

The media did not leak this video or cause it go viral on the internet. That happened before they even picked it up. And just that is enough to make a young black blue chip prospect choose one of the other schools that is aggressively recruiting him.

When you've got a Florida, Texas, Alabama, etc. flying you all across the country and doing everything they can to win you over, as a 17- or 18-year-old kid, it's going to come down to splitting hairs.

Losing just one or two of those players is HUGE for Oklahoma's football program. Hell, even losing a few 3 or 4 stars is a major blow. Even with them taking action, there's a good chance they'll be set back years.

On a side note, I don't think the kids should have been expelled, just to be clear.

Good observation Enigma. Just to focus on the football aspect of it. OU is one of the best college programs with a long history and like many schools college football supports most if not all of its other sports programs. To lose a few star prospects could hurt the program in the long run. And a lot of these kids are influenced by adults, who most likely, are also black. I doubt some of them want to have their kids go to a place like that.

I don't want to derail this thread any further but college sports use kids up to make $$$ but a lot of those kids end up with a useless degree or not even a degree. They don't get paid that is for sure, well not legally. In some ways it is a new form of slavery.

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Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:11 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:06 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

Has anybody heard about the University of Mississippi's riot/protest of 400 students in 2012 who were mad about Obama's re-election yelling racial slurs and epithets? Its very similar to this situation, but the President of Ole Miss just stated that it was immature and that was about it. Also that same year a noose was found hanging on the statue of James Meredith at the university.

Was there really 400 people yelling racial slurs, or was it just some people out of the 400 and you're embellishing to make your point more valid?

Some, all, does it matter? The fact is that they did. Hey if people want to be racist, knock yourselves out for all I care, but just remember that free-speech has consequences. Like someone else earlier mentioned that the football team and basketball team at OU will suffer because Blacks will no longer go. Same thing happened at Ole Miss where the following year the university saw a drop in Black athletes going there.

All I said was that what happened in Ole Miss happened in OU in terms of what happened later. Oh and the frat that hanged the noose was also suspended.

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