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Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - samsamsam - 03-09-2015



The University of Oklahoma is immediately severing "all ties and affiliations" between the school and its local Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, the university president said today, and is exploring the possibility of expulsions in the wake of a video that purportedly shows members of the chapter singing a racist chant.

The video, which surfaced over the weekend, was posted to Twitter by Unheard, which describes itself as "an alliance of black students organized for change within campus administration and atmosphere." The video shows young men on a bus chanting, "There will never be a n----r at SAE."

The tweet, directed at OU president David Boren, said, "Racism is alive at The University of Oklahoma."

Boren said at a news conference that he was "sickened by the video," and, "I couldn't sleep after that."

Boren said in an earlier written statement today that all ties and affiliations between the school and chapter are "hereby severed."

"To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful," Boren's statement read. "You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourselves 'Sooners.' Real Sooners are not racist. Real Sooners are not bigots. Real Sooners believe in equal opportunity. Real Sooners treat all people with respect. Real Sooners love each other and take care of each other like family members.

"All of us will redouble our efforts to create the strongest sense of family and community," Boren added. "We vow that we will be an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation."

Boren said SAE residents would have to remove their possessions and vacate the house "by midnight tomorrow."

At today’s news conference, Boren added that he doesn't plan on helping the displaced residents find housing.

"That's not our responsibility," he said. "We don't provide student services to bigots."

In fact, he said he'd be happy if the "bus-load" of students involved left school, adding that the university's legal team is exploring possible further punishment up to and including expulsion.

"As they pack their bags, I hope they think long and hard about what they've done," Boren said.

Boren called the video "heartbreaking for every member of this community."

The national SAE organization said in its own statement that it closed the Oklahoma Kappa chapter at the University of Oklahoma and suspended all of the fraternity's members -- and the members involved with the incident could have their membership privileges revoked permanently.

"We apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video, and we are disgusted that any member would act in such a way," the online statement read. "Furthermore, we are embarrassed by this video and offer our empathy not only to anyone outside the organization who is offended but also to our brothers who come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities."

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - EuphoricWizard - 03-09-2015

I don't see the problem with what happened to them honestly. It seems every SAE is known for this kind of behavior. The one at my school was on probation for extreme hazing and I think sexual assault.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Brosemite - 03-09-2015

SAE is pretty well-known for being more of a rigid old money fraternity. Then again, all chapters are different in terms of how they conduct themselves & with regards to stupidity. The ones I knew from the past were pretty cool guys.

Just an absolutely stupid thing to do though. Rumors are always bound to spread around suspicious activity in a formal setting as shown in the clip. Filming & releasing the clip is even dumber.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - CactusCat589 - 03-09-2015

The chant doesn't even rhyme. :/

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Goldin Boy - 03-09-2015

Who wants to bet that video was "leaked" by a girl who got pumped and dumped by one (or more) of the brothers?

If there was proof they were actively discriminating/barring other ethnicities from membership then I'd think the punishment was ok. But this is just another example of how you can do something while not technically illegally but this still be convicted in the court of public opinion.

Oh and in before the lock, haha.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - BortimusPrime - 03-09-2015

This anti-racism hysteria is really getting to the point where our society is going to resemble medieval Europe with burning people at the stake for political incorrectness instead of blasphemy.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - PhilE - 03-09-2015

I think when we start "where do black guys do well threads" we are just looking to avoid these type of places and/or events. If you know that its harder to pull women in Oklahoma University as a black guy than it is at Cal-Tech then why go to OU if you're a black guy if you have the option to choose your College. This is why those threads are important for us so that we can take information and make good decisions and more importantly NOT WASTE TIME!!

And with that said, I am pretty sure of the following:
- Any one of the women on that bus would FUCK any of the Black Athletes helping the Sooners win Football Games. They just wont fuck a normal black guy as they would a normal white guy.
- There are black guys who think they can convince any women to fuck them and that race is just another barrier/shit test that game can smooth over (I am not one of them, although I do believe that a woman can fuck any man at any time for any reason)

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Kabal - 03-09-2015

Most fraternities have explicit or implicit codes on conducting themselves in the spirit of traditional gentlemen, codes to which these Oklahoma SAEs clearly do not seem to be abiding. They certainly seem like a chapter that needs a strict kick in the ass as to not behaving (too much) like dipshits in public, especially on film.

However, I'm also very troubled by the increasing HR-ification of fraternities. Mean-spirited chants are now a national story, with fraternity headquarters acting like Big Brother, eager to throw their chapters under the bus to appease the PC Gods?

I'm still on the listserve of the fraternity of which I'm an alumnus. Over the years, I've seen in increasing amount of emails from brothers begging each other to attend seminars and events to "raise awareness against sexual assault" and the like to curry favor with other fraternities/sororities and the university, although really they're hoisting their own petards in supporting more witch hunt-like policies. They are by far the most "red pill" chapter on campus, yet still beholden to the PC-feminist complex.

On a side note, I guarantee there's a large overlap between people offended and/or outraged by the racist chant of the Oklahoma SAEs ("another example of the white racist cis-heteronormative patriarchy, I literally can't even!") and the people who shrugged off the falsely-accused Duke Lacrosse members getting dragged through broken glass ("whatever, serves them right for being white cis-scum").

I guess when white guys make speech-crime it's a Big Deal, but when white guys have their lives ruined, it's an afterthought.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Felix46 - 03-09-2015

Funny how the President says "we don't provide student services to bigots." So I guess it is okay to be a bigot as long as it is against racist, stupid, yet non-violent white fraternity members?

I suppose the next step is outright expulsion for something like this.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - samsamsam - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 07:56 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

Most fraternities have explicit or implicit codes on conducting themselves in the spirit of traditional gentlemen

I guess there are some but you never hear about that. Just like I know there are good cops but you never hear about them also.

Quote: (03-09-2015 07:56 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

I guess when white guys make speech-crime it's a Big Deal, but when white guys have their lives ruined, it's an afterthought.

No offense, but they grew up in the age of social media, never entered their heads that this might get recorded? Also, it wasn't like the camera was 100s of feet away it was maybe 5 feet, didn't see it? Didn't give a fuck?

I don't have a horse in this race, I just thought it was interesting news.

No one here so far seems to think it was a dumb idea to sing that song, I find that interesting.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - scorpion - 03-09-2015

A few random thoughts on this:

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Sourcecode - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 07:05 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

Who wants to bet that video was "leaked" by a girl who got pumped and dumped by one (or more) of the brothers?

If there was proof they were actively discriminating/barring other ethnicities from membership then I'd think the punishment was ok. But this is just another example of how you can do something while not technically illegally but this still be convicted in the court of public opinion.

Oh and in before the lock, haha.

I notice that some of you are slyly saying what these kids did was OK.
I am interested in seeing where this thread goes.

As for the kids.. I'm sure some more experience racist will teach these fines boys to keep their racism on the inside.
The Klan rally days are over.. But those white sheets and hoods didn't just disappear.. They just stay in the closet

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Libertas - 03-09-2015

On the one hand I have little sympathy for these guys since they obviously should have known better and it's perfectly within the college's right to shut them down as it should not be condoned.

On the other hand, I have to agree with some others. This is another latest example of a faux media outrage over what basically amounts to a bunch of assholes on a bus engaging in a thoughtcrime and the celebration of the Cultural Inquisition's successfully culling them.

Case in point, some stupid gossip show was cheering on about how great social media is because it hunted these guys down and got them axed. Like Bortimus said, it's just a celebration of the punishment of thought criminals.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Basil Ransom - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 07:56 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

Most fraternities have explicit or implicit codes on conducting themselves in the spirit of traditional gentlemen, codes to which these Oklahoma SAEs clearly do not seem to be abiding. They certainly seem like a chapter that needs a strict kick in the ass as to not behaving (too much) like dipshits in public, especially on film.

Virtually all fraternities are just guys drinking and fucking with their bros in tow. Gentlemanly behavior is something they reserve for their photo-op charity events.

It looks like a date night/date trip. Everyone in attendance will be hammered. All the men present are members of the frat - think wolfpack syndrome on steroids.

Every once in a while, some frat gets in trouble for something they write on their listserv after someone forwards it outwards. I wonder if there's a snapchat for email, just for that purpose.

In this case, it was probably a girl who filmed and forwarded the video. She may have done it for shits and giggles, or maybe because she wanted to get the frat condemned.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Vice - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:18 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

A few random thoughts on this:
  • Yet another example of smartphones absolutely destroying normal socialization.

So... singing "You can hang them from a tree, but they'll never sign with me. There'll never be a nigger at SAE." is normal social behavior? That's news to me.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:18 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

[*]Black fraternities regularly beat the shit out of their pledges and brand them with hot irons. The media never says a peep about this.

Bullshit, black fraternity hazing been in the media for decades. If you don't hear about it then that's on you.

Others may speak on the this, but I'm pretty sure that its not pledges that are getting branded with hot irons.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Vice - 03-09-2015


Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - scorpion - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:22 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

I notice that some of you are slyly saying what these kids did was OK.
I am interested in seeing where this thread goes.

As for the kids.. I'm sure some more experience racist will teach these fines boys to keep their racism on the inside.
The Klan rally days are over.. But those white sheets and hoods didn't just disappear.. They just stay in the closet

Legally, I don't have a problem with this frat getting sanctioned, since blatant racism of this type clearly violates the national charters of all major fraternities. Under the law they have no defense. They were in the wrong.

But this is why I think the national fraternity organization will soon be extinct. It's simply antiquated in the modern era of political correctness and hypersensitivity. Collegiate fraternal organizations have absolutely nothing to gain by shining a spotlight on themselves and courting national attention like they have been for the past several decades. The fraternities of the future will be much smaller, local/regional in scope and very secretive. White men want to be able to associate with other white men without being forced to admit token minorities to satisfy a quota or constantly police their speech for fear of offending someone, or worse being recorded and having their thoughtcrime go viral.

Men should be free to associate with whoever the fuck they want and should not have to apologize or police themselves for fear of offending people when socializing at privately hosted events. This goes for men of every color and stripe. Latino, Jewish, Black and Asian fraternities all exist and should continue to exist, just as white fraternities do. But soon white fraternities will be forced to go underground simply to preserve their freedom of association and traditions in the face of this extreme hostility and persecution by the progressive media and culture at large.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - scorpion - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:33 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:18 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

A few random thoughts on this:
  • Yet another example of smartphones absolutely destroying normal socialization.

So... singing "You can hang them from a tree, but they'll never sign with me. There'll never be a nigger at SAE." is normal social behavior? That's news to me.

So you've never told intentionally offensive jokes or made other off-color/politically incorrect remarks when hanging out with your friends?

Reminder: this is a forum for real talk, not faux outrage.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - scorpion - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:38 PM)aSimpNamedBrokeback Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:18 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

[*]Black fraternities regularly beat the shit out of their pledges and brand them with hot irons. The media never says a peep about this.

Bullshit, black fraternity hazing been in the media for decades. If you don't hear about it then that's on you.

Others may speak on the this, but I'm pretty sure that its not pledges that are getting branded with hot irons.

Please tell me with a straight face that the media devotes the same attention to black fraternity violence as they do to white fraternity screwups in general. Black fraternities have literally killed pledges by beating them and gotten less heat in the press than this frat is getting for singing a racist song. The double standard is absolutely enormous.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - mikado - 03-09-2015

Some reactions in this thread really disappoint me. As if having people call others niggers and refusing to associate with them is perfectly normal and healthy.

I think we should just recognize true racism when there actually is, and stop throwing so easily the "attacks against white men" card. The race doesn't matter here. I am sure if these chants were directed against white men it still would have been the same result for the perpretators.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:51 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Please tell me with a straight face that the media devotes the same attention to black fraternity violence as they do to white fraternity screwups in general. Black fraternities have literally killed pledges by beating them and gotten less heat in the press than this frat is getting for singing a racist song. The double standard is absolutely enormous.
The fact that you know black fraternities have killed pledges lets me know the media has done its job and you're exaggerating.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Vice - 03-09-2015

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:46 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:33 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2015 08:18 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

A few random thoughts on this:
  • Yet another example of smartphones absolutely destroying normal socialization.

So... singing "You can hang them from a tree, but they'll never sign with me. There'll never be a nigger at SAE." is normal social behavior? That's news to me.

So you've never told intentionally offensive jokes or made other off-color/politically incorrect remarks when hanging out with your friends?

Reminder: this is a forum for real talk, not faux outrage.

No, not even nearly of that kind—and how is that a joke?

Free speech is a two-way street. So they can sing "You can hang them from a tree, but they'll never sign with me. There'll never be a nigger at SAE" but people can't be outraged and reply accordingly? You do know that "outrage" constitutes free speech too, right?

Say what you want to really say man. Your last line basically insinuates what you say is "real talk" but everyone else's opinions equates to "faux outrage".

Anyhow, I'll bow out. Knowing how race threads on this forum go I'll be the first to get banned given my 0 rep count.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - KorbenDallas - 03-09-2015

Lol mikado. No it wouldn't and everyone knows it. Everyone knows who mike brown is, bit not the white man in Utah killed unarmed by a black cop or the white man I'n st. Louis killed by hammers in "revenge" for Brown. Black on white crime is hushed up and never called hate crime even when the perpetrators explicitly cite race as a reason.
Similar to the porn actress who was raped by a gang of black men, brutally, will never be a national story, but if she was raped by a gang of whites , that story wouldn't die for a decade. This is a non-story if the media portrayed racism fairly. The media would be too busy covering black on white and Hispanic on black and black on Hispanic hate crimes.

Oklahoma Frat Shut Down - Racist Chant - Disco_Volante - 03-09-2015

"Who wants to bet that video was "leaked" by a girl who got pumped and dumped by one (or more) of the brothers?"

I think the video was obviously recorded and leaked by a woman who was at that date party.
They were on a bus going to a date party, you can see another girl in a dress sitting across the aisle.

You shouldnt trust any woman with any kind of dirt on you.
Obviously these guys thought they were safe chanting this around their dates.
Yes they were being jackasses, but why this girl felt the need to leak the video knowing it would sink the whole fraternity shows she was vindictive.

All a girl needs is any dirt on you and society will take you out for her.
Be fucking careful what you allow girls in your life to know about you.