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Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

[Image: B2g_OSc_XCc_AA0_EOb.jpg]

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

The shirt is sold out. I wonder how popular the shirt will get?

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

I know we all like to vent and stuff but we can't loose sight that feminists(SJW'S) are being used also. Even the old hardcore feminists who started the movement are unhappy.

The 1% who runs the western world and controls our gov't support feminism and are their biggest champions for it. Like most things it comes down to MONEY.

As I said multiple times before, our capitalist system profits and gets stronger from Feminism and liberalism. That is all corporations care about. Women having the right to be independent is a godsend for them:

1. Can deflate real incomes because they don't have to pay 1 worker enough to support a family of 4 anymore.
2. more workers competing for the same job , means they can pay less and get more productivity, which in turn:
3. More consumers to purchase their goods , giving them profit which in turn:
4. increases GNP and the revenue gov'ts bring in from both corporate and individual taxation.

In other words , all the venting and manoshere blogs might be a good read and make some of you money(Roosh for example) but they aren't going to amount to much because we aren't actually countering the real culprit.

It isn't feminists or SJW's(they are stupid victims who just don't know it) , it is the corporate elites and their government cronies that are profiting off this new system.

If you don't believe me, just look globally. The countries that the gov't controls the corporations have very little feminism or/and Social justice. China and Russia comes to mind. The countries that have it the most are the countries with the biggest corporate logo's working in combination with a democratic liberal govt. In other words a gov't that can be bought , lobbied and deposed of when needed.

You want change. Start a lobby in Washington. Contact corporations threatening boycotts. Men own most assets so ultimately men actually could win the war if we actually organized.
Problem is unlike women, mn aren't going to get powerful sponsors. The opposite: the corporate giants and richest men will want a manosphere movement to fail.

The unfair irony of it all is that the rich and powerful in their private life can totally degrade women if they want. They have anti feminist mistresses , etc. And when they lose a few billion in a divorce , it is tiny price to pay for them.

We also know the lower class doesn't get hurt by feminism since ghetto thugs slap their women with impunity and the justice system can't touch them economically.

It is middle class that suffers.

He should be our hero. He only apologized because his job/legacy was threatened. In other words it was blackmail.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 02:02 PM)Ocelot Wrote:  

deadmau5, famous dj/producer with a large internet presence, posted this on his official facebook page:

He has a run-in with SJW's a few months back:

Note his accuser is a SIFSJW.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

The saddest part is that we live in a culture where a middle aged man's reaction to being confronted with this trivia from a woman who is a complete nothing is a tearful apology rather than anger and aggression.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:31 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 02:02 PM)Ocelot Wrote:  

deadmau5, famous dj/producer with a large internet presence, posted this on his official facebook page:

He has a run-in with SJW's a few months back:

Note his accuser is a SIFSJW.

That's pretty great.

Here she is, expecting him to give a shit about something that is SOOO important to her. She's actually delusional enough to believe that he would care...this is a guy that sells out venues and has millions of adoring fans cheering him on stage, makes over $10 million a year, a guy that likely gets dozens of 9+ girls thrown at him on a daily basis, and this internet twat thinks that he's going to give a shit what she has to say, especially when it's about who he decides to hang out with.

Feminists can take a line from Antonio Salieri in Amadeus:


I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Has anyone posted the below meme, which shows Rose Eveleth is a hypocrite? She wears the female equivalent of the shirt Matt Taylor was wearing.

Eveleth is the one who started this whole thing with one of her Tweets.

Eveleth, who lives in Brooklyn (of course), does "tech things" for The Atlantic (of course), thinks herself and majored in geology as an undergrad (rocks for jocks) although she thinks of herself as a "science nerd." More like "failed nerd."

I guess when you're ugly, you try to take refuge in being nerdy, but it seems she can't do that right either.

Feel free to giver her a piece of your mind on Twitter or at her Web site.

[Image: attachment.jpg22895]   

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:53 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Here she is, expecting him to give a shit about something that is SOOO important to her. She's actually delusional enough to believe that he would care...this is a guy that sells out venues and has millions of adoring fans cheering him on stage, makes over $10 million a year, a guy that likely gets dozens of 9+ girls thrown at him on a daily basis, and this internet twat thinks that he's going to give a shit what she has to say, especially when it's about who he decides to hang out with.

The problem with Twitter is it gives free access to accomplished, talented people by those who possess neither. I expect both celebrities and companies to recognise the marketing pluses are far outweighed by negative brand management problems within 5 years.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:43 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

The saddest part is that we live in a culture where a middle aged man's reaction to being confronted with this trivia from a woman who is a complete nothing is a tearful apology rather than anger and aggression.

And mind you, this man is, or should be, powerful. He is physically quite big, looks very healthy, has no doubt lots and lots of money in his bank(s), has world-class brains that would make it very easy for him to find a job anywhere in the world... And still, he crumbles at the first ridiculous attack from a nobody hyena-feminist, and crumbles spectacularly, with public tears and quivering ...[Image: icon_question.gif][Image: undecided.gif]

I mean, I would understand if the guy was weak, vulnerable, a low level employee, without money and clinging to the only poor job he could find... Then, it would be understandable that he'd break at the thought of (maybe, just maybe) losing his job over this stupid shit... Then I would understand: poor men with no protection or money, have to lay low, in our world, okay...

But, this powerful man could have weathered this shitstorm, financially and professionally... For, what does he care? he's got to have $$$$$ in his bank, and can get a golden job in Germany or China or Russia any time he wants... So, he had the means to fight. But he didn't. Not only that, but he actually cried live on cam... A tearful disgrace to men.

(Disclaimer : I don't forget that he is the victim here, and that the feminist hyena who brought him to his knees, is and has to be the main object of our contempt. I am just saddened by the lost opportunity of having found a hero, in him! If he had stood his ground... it would have been a huge slap in the face of feminists!... too bad!)

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

First of all, clearly she is a shit bird for the nonsense she is pulling.

But, she is also annoying because in all of her pics she tries to have this "cute/adorable" thing going. Or she tries to have a big smile, saying, "wow I am so happy, having a good time."

Reality is she is probably pretty miserable. She couldn't hack it in science, so she writes about it. Much like a movie critic who never had to make a movie or a food critic that never learned how to cook.

And I have no idea how old she is but she is aging pretty fast and badly. She ever think of teeth whitener?

[Image: e7mfc.jpg]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 11:52 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

I understand this guy is under professional pressure and all... but, I do feel bad about him, too... Where are the times when a man would speak up and defend his honor, even at the cost of his career?

So, fuck the fat, jealous, ugly bitches who attacked him over his (funny, sexy) shirt! But also, fuck him for breaking so easily! Crying like a child, man!... Is your career worth renouncing your balls and honor? Bitches insult you and you don't fight back, you actually curl up and cry? man...

I pretty much concur. If he hadn't responded to this like a total pussy, I would have supported him.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

When I try to tweet I'm getting the following message:

"This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later"

Am I blacklisted? Haven't used Twitter in a while.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 01:29 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

As usual, the scientist in question here handled it exactly wrong. According to this BBC article, he "apologized", and even "broke down in tears."

Instead of standing up for himself and firing back at his persecutors, he curled up into the fetal position and kowtowed to his persecutors.

And this is the type of behavior that hurts all men.

This is what Ayn Rand called the sanction of the victim. He told them that they were totally justified and belittled his own accomplishments. For this reason alone, he is beyond contempt.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:31 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 02:02 PM)Ocelot Wrote:  

deadmau5, famous dj/producer with a large internet presence, posted this on his official facebook page:

He has a run-in with SJW's a few months back:

Note his accuser is a SIFSJW.

Notice when he laid the smackdown on her she backed down into her corner.

A firm e-pimp slap is all it took.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

This seems like one of those tipping point events that makes even equality feminists raise their eyebrows and wonder if the ideology they've been supporting isn't what they thought it was. More and more of these in the news recently. Every time one of these stories arrives in the news, feminists lose followers. There is going to a tipping point where people have had enough and tell these bitches to shut the fuck up.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

DOBA I posted that a page ago. Talking about the vegeta part.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 05:21 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

This seems like one of those tipping point events that makes even equality feminists raise their eyebrows and wonder if the ideology they've been supporting isn't what they thought it was. More and more of these in the news recently. Every time one of these stories arrives in the news, feminists lose followers. There is going to a tipping point where people have had enough and tell these bitches to shut the fuck up.

It's already happening.

Read the comment section of this article of him crying. 4500 comments, 80% of them bashing femcunts. That's pretty huge.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

It would have been refreshing and bracing to see Dr. Taylor defend himself, but the sight of him reduced to a tearful apology - an enthusiastic, accomplished scientist who participated in a historical event - will have far more resonance.

I have sensed a a growing contempt for the "trial by Twitter" dogpiling invoked by these extremists for some time, but I don't know that any of its targets have been as defensible as Dr. Taylor.

(An aside: if I had to name a Facebook page where one could find a veritable goldmine of SJWs and associated ilk, it would be the "I fucking love science" page. And now all these science-enthusiast millennials see a man who would normally qualify as one of their Mythbusters/Bill Nye-esque heroes brought to heel by these abrasive, braying, cultish bullies who have claimed to share their pun intended.)

Our enchantment with the stars is as old as we are. The night sky holds us as spellbound today as it surely did ten thousand years ago. Dr. Taylor's work helped us reach a little deeper into the heavens. A comet - one of the most wondrous sights in the cosmos - now bears the mark of our touch, thanks in part to his efforts.

And now the public has to reconcile that truth with the sight of him hunched down in a muted teal NASA hoodie, his vision swimming with tears, apologizing...

...because a feminist podcaster couldn't handle his shirt.

Rage is a sword that cuts both ways.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 05:15 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:31 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 02:02 PM)Ocelot Wrote:  

deadmau5, famous dj/producer with a large internet presence, posted this on his official facebook page:

He has a run-in with SJW's a few months back:

Note his accuser is a SIFSJW.

Notice when he laid the smackdown on her she backed down into her corner.

A firm e-pimp slap is all it took.


Allow me to explain that above Twitter conversation for those who didn't see it. In it, two people say someone Deadmau5 is going to lose is LGBTQ audience and be judged because he hung out with Rob Ford, who isn't a friend of that community.

This is frightening. This is like the Red Scare of the McCarthy Era, where you got blacklisted if you were alleged to be friends with communists.

Does anyone else see where this is heading? SJWs are the new McCarthyists and the women on there who is coming off like some kind of religious fanatic is the perfect example of what's wrong.

Hang out with the wrong person or express the wrong opinion? You're branded for life.

This is fucking bullshit. This doesn't even seem to be coming from the gay community per se, but from the scads of do-gooder college idiots who apparently have nothing better to do. In other words, these are the same programmed robots who would have been turning you in to Joseph McCarthy in the '50s, or sending your daycare provider to jail for being "satanic" in the '80s.

The only thing I can say to keep my sanity is that these people might be the reason Republicans swept the recent elections and the reason the line at my local Chick-Fil-A is always ten to fifteen cars long at all times of the day.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 02:42 PM)germanico Wrote:  

And y'all forgetting the real agenda here: the probe was from the EUROPEAN agency.

So the obvious course of action is to:

1- Portray it in the media as an achievement for "humankind" making no mention of who made it happen.

2- Nitpick every and all details to find something that can be bashed on to distract attention to the fact that it was the europeans who landed a probe on a freaking comet while the american space shuttle is rotting away somewhere in Florida.

Come to think of it, a few months back India send a rocket to Mars (on a shoestring budget by the way). Guess, what? They got shit for it, because "people dying in the streets" and boohoo poverty. Yeah, that's how most (sad to say, often Western) columnists responded to a country finally getting up on its feet & doing something that helps all of humankind.

All of these SJWs/Cultural Marxists (a goony term, but suitable here) seem to feel like the loser and the outcast must be uplifted at all costs, while the achiever and the insider must be slammed at ANY cost.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:21 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I know we all like to vent and stuff but we can't loose sight that feminists(SJW'S) are being used also. Even the old hardcore feminists who started the movement are unhappy.

The 1% who runs the western world and controls our gov't support feminism and are their biggest champions for it. Like most things it comes down to MONEY.

As I said multiple times before, our capitalist system profits and gets stronger from Feminism and liberalism. That is all corporations care about. Women having the right to be independent is a godsend for them:

1. Can deflate real incomes because they don't have to pay 1 worker enough to support a family of 4 anymore.
2. more workers competing for the same job , means they can pay less and get more productivity, which in turn:
3. More consumers to purchase their goods , giving them profit which in turn:
4. increases GNP and the revenue gov'ts bring in from both corporate and individual taxation.

In other words , all the venting and manoshere blogs might be a good read and make some of you money(Roosh for example) but they aren't going to amount to much because we aren't actually countering the real culprit.

It isn't feminists or SJW's(they are stupid victims who just don't know it) , it is the corporate elites and their government cronies that are profiting off this new system.

If you don't believe me, just look globally. The countries that the gov't controls the corporations have very little feminism or/and Social justice. China and Russia comes to mind. The countries that have it the most are the countries with the biggest corporate logo's working in combination with a democratic liberal govt. In other words a gov't that can be bought , lobbied and deposed of when needed.

You want change. Start a lobby in Washington. Contact corporations threatening boycotts. Men own most assets so ultimately men actually could win the war if we actually organized.
Problem is unlike women, mn aren't going to get powerful sponsors. The opposite: the corporate giants and richest men will want a manosphere movement to fail.

The unfair irony of it all is that the rich and powerful in their private life can totally degrade women if they want. They have anti feminist mistresses , etc. And when they lose a few billion in a divorce , it is tiny price to pay for them.

We also know the lower class doesn't get hurt by feminism since ghetto thugs slap their women with impunity and the justice system can't touch them economically.

It is middle class that suffers.

He should be our hero. He only apologized because his job/legacy was threatened. In other words it was blackmail.

jimukr104, what are you suggesting?

We are living in dark times, that is for certain. But please don't go down the slope of envy and resentment.

What do you think is a viable solution? Would you completely destroy our system in favor of an authoritarian government? Would you go ahead and take away opportunity from men and women who could create something great and lasting (maybe even earning 1% status themselves)?

Don't get me wrong, I agree with much of what you say, especially the part where our system profits from feminism and liberalism. But I don't want to destrot that in favor o a system where people like Roosh never have an opportunity to do something on their own.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Amazing Atheist had a good take on this. I don't agree with this guy on a lot of issues, but he's great on feminism and PC police related stuff.


Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Technically someone can become a rich oligarch in other societies as well..the point is separation of politics/governance from the corporate conglomerates.

As for the chance of being able to come into the 1% that is a fantasy for 99% so that isn't a great justification for a system to maintain. Plus I am talking about 1% elites. Not every rich person or self made person would be a 1% elite just because they MAKE it in monetary terms . It is the corporate capitalist conglomerates that control the system. Self made billionaires aren't necessary in control.

p.s. I don't envy anything. I am not a 1% but apparently I might be a 2% but it is irrelevant because I am conservative, anti liberal and don't believe in feminism so obviously I don't appreciate a system that perpetuates those qualities or lack of qualities that I don't admire.

But you can't get one without the other. But if you want the system as is than you can't bitch about it because it is a desired product of the system. You can't attack feminism and all that good stuff while participating in the very system and helping to create the conditions that foster it. And ultimately all the attacks and blogs against feminists, or SJW is and can't be nothing more than venting because the system is supporting them for profit.

Kind of reminds me of the Clone Wars.. remember councilor Palpatine? He was puppet master in background.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:21 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I know we all like to vent and stuff but we can't loose sight that feminists(SJW'S) are being used also. Even the old hardcore feminists who started the movement are unhappy.

The 1% who runs the western world and controls our gov't support feminism and are their biggest champions for it. Like most things it comes down to MONEY.

As I said multiple times before, our capitalist system profits and gets stronger from Feminism and liberalism. That is all corporations care about. Women having the right to be independent is a godsend for them:

1. Can deflate real incomes because they don't have to pay 1 worker enough to support a family of 4 anymore.
2. more workers competing for the same job , means they can pay less and get more productivity, which in turn:
3. More consumers to purchase their goods , giving them profit which in turn:
4. increases GNP and the revenue gov'ts bring in from both corporate and individual taxation.

In other words , all the venting and manoshere blogs might be a good read and make some of you money(Roosh for example) but they aren't going to amount to much because we aren't actually countering the real culprit.

It isn't feminists or SJW's(they are stupid victims who just don't know it) , it is the corporate elites and their government cronies that are profiting off this new system.

If you don't believe me, just look globally. The countries that the gov't controls the corporations have very little feminism or/and Social justice. China and Russia comes to mind. The countries that have it the most are the countries with the biggest corporate logo's working in combination with a democratic liberal govt. In other words a gov't that can be bought , lobbied and deposed of when needed.

You want change. Start a lobby in Washington. Contact corporations threatening boycotts. Men own most assets so ultimately men actually could win the war if we actually organized.
Problem is unlike women, mn aren't going to get powerful sponsors. The opposite: the corporate giants and richest men will want a manosphere movement to fail.

The unfair irony of it all is that the rich and powerful in their private life can totally degrade women if they want. They have anti feminist mistresses , etc. And when they lose a few billion in a divorce , it is tiny price to pay for them.

We also know the lower class doesn't get hurt by feminism since ghetto thugs slap their women with impunity and the justice system can't touch them economically.

It is middle class that suffers.

He should be our hero. He only apologized because his job/legacy was threatened. In other words it was blackmail.

[Image: potd.gif]

Could not agree more. Like I've said, we've been sold out by our fathers' generation.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 03:21 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I know we all like to vent and stuff but we can't loose sight that feminists(SJW'S) are being used also. Even the old hardcore feminists who started the movement are unhappy.

I was a kid when the Second Wave Feminists were doing their thing, complaining about the evil patriarchy, rape culture, victim blaming, sexual double standards, the glass ceiling, the tyranny of makeup, female objectification and the wage gap. They flashed their tits and swore a lot to protest their oppression. They were going to end sexism, racism and homophobia, and destroy all societal inequality. They said feminism was the radical notion that women were human beings, and that if women ran the world, there would be no wars. They called pretty women 'shallow' and 'bitches' and were lead by uniformly-unattractive lesbians.

By the time I was 20, they were all in their 40's: never married and bitter / divorced and bitter / single parents and bitter / or had rediscovered their femininity and married dominant, successful men. Many of them were struggling with fertility problems to have their children they put off having in their physical prime.

So, there I was in my 20's, in University amongst the emerging Third Wave Feminists, all doing their thing, complaining about the evil patriarchy, rape culture, victim blaming, sexual double standards, the glass ceiling, the tyranny of makeup, female objectification and the wage gap. They flashed their tits and swore a lot to protest their oppression. They were going to end sexism, racism and homophobia, and destroy all societal inequality. They said feminism was the radical notion that women were human beings, and that if women ran the world, there would be no wars. They called pretty women 'shallow' and 'bitches' and were led by uniformly-unattractive lesbians.

Now I'm in 40's, and those third wave feminists are also in their 40's: never married and bitter / divorced and bitter / single parents and bitter / or had rediscovered their femininity and married dominant, successful men. Many of them were struggling with fertility problems to have their children they put off having in their physical prime.

Now I'm watching the fourth Wave feminists all doing their thing, complaining about the evil patriarchy, rape culture, victim blaming, sexual double standards, the glass ceiling, the tyranny of makeup, female objectification and the wage gap. They flashed their tits and swore a lot to protest their oppression. They were going to end sexism, racism and homophobia, and destroy all societal inequality. They said feminism was the radical notion that women were human beings, and that if women ran the world, there would be no wars. They called pretty women 'shallow' and 'bitches' and were lead by uniformly-unattractive lesbians.

Dear Fourth Wave Feminism: do you know what the definition of insanity is?

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