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Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Associated Press story:


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kesha and her mentor and producer filed dueling lawsuits Tuesday over the pop singer's claims she was subjected to nearly a decade of sexual and emotional abuse.

Kesha's lawsuit filed in Los Angeles accuses hit-making producer Dr. Luke of raping her and subjecting her to other sexual and emotional abuse for nearly a decade. The abuse led the "Tik Tok" singer to develop a severe eating disorder that required her to enter rehab earlier this year, according to the lawsuit.

Dr. Luke, whose real name is Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald, filed a lawsuit against Kesha in New York calling the claims defamatory and saying his protégé is making them in an attempt to extort him into giving her a better recording deal.

Kesha's suit does not specify when the alleged rape occurred, but her attorney wrote that the singer didn't report the abuse to anyone out of fear of retaliation by Dr. Luke.

"She lived in a prison of his abuse and was terrified of speaking, messaging, tweeting or doing anything at all that he might disapprove of in the event that he would later use it to torture her and her family, as he had done so many times before," the lawsuit states.

Her lawsuit seeks to invalidate recording agreements she signed with Dr. Luke and his recording company when she turned 18. Kesha, whose real name is Kesha Rose Sebert, is a Nashville native who was lured to Los Angeles by Dr. Luke with promises of a music career, her suit states.

"As set forth in the complaint that we have filed on behalf of Dr. Luke, Kesha and her mother are engaged in a campaign of publishing outrageous and untrue statements about Dr. Luke to third parties, including scurrilous and false statements of purported physical and mental abuse of Kesha," Dr. Luke's attorney Christine Lepera wrote in a statement.

Kesha's attorney, Mark Geragos, said Tuesday that the producer's lawsuit was legal gamesmanship and not unexpected.

"This is exactly the way he plays," Geragos said. "He abuses people."

Geragos said Kesha is finally healthy enough to confront her mentor.

"She's finally at a point where she can deal with it and wants to deal with it, wants him out of her life and wants him held accountable," Geragos said.

Dr. Luke has been one of the music industry's most consistent pop hit-makers in the past decade. He's produced or co-produced several hits for Katy Perry, including "Roar" and "Teenage Dream" and worked with Rihanna, Britney Spears, Pitbull, Flo Rida and Miley Cyrus on her hit, "Wrecking Ball."

Kesha's suit accuses him of lobbing insults at her about her appearance, her vocals, and repeatedly threatened her and her family. Kesha's mother is her songwriting partner, according to the lawsuit.

Her lawsuit states that doctors who treated Kesha earlier this year have warned her that continued contact with Dr. Luke would be life-threatening, the lawsuit states.

Lepera wrote that she had not yet seen Kesha's lawsuit, but was "confident that Dr. Luke will prevail in all matters, and that our client will be awarded substantial damages for this malicious conduct."

This is definitely interesting. If Kesha loses this case then she will be out of work because no decent producer will want to work with someone who might take them to court. I personally think she shot herself in the foot because it will be hard to find indisputable evidence that validate her claims.

It seems from other reports that the goal of Kesha's lawsuit is indeed to break her existing contract with Dr. Luke. Additional accusations are that Dr. Luke would drug and booze her up to make sexual advances on her.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Lying so she can break a contract she agreed to? Interesting but not surprised...

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Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

The fact that he filed the suit on the same day means he knew that she was going to sue, which means that she told him about her intentions, which means in all likelihood she tried to extort him for money or something in exchange for not filing the suit.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

I feel like I should be able to sue Kesha for sexual and emotional abuse after listening to her music.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

You could also file a suit against her for being shaped like a refrigerator but oddly not fat.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

I would file a suit against her for looking like she crawled out of a dumpster from Long John Silvers. Would be a huge monkey on my back.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse


"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Exactly Vinman! Who are these? Never heard of them!

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Quote: (10-14-2014 07:34 PM)vinman Wrote:  


I had to google her.

I've banged enough chicks to know that stupid hair colours are de rigueur for a batshit drama queen lying liar. This is the type of chick who slices her wrists if she thinks you're not paying her enough attention.

[Image: o-KESHA-570.jpg?6]

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Quote: (10-14-2014 05:21 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Lying so she can break a contract she agreed to? Interesting but not surprised...

She signed the contract just after she turned 18 and it has been almost 10 years--this is what I am getting from the article. This is much too long a contract for an 18 year old (or anyone else).

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

This was probably a play for more money, spearheaded by Kesha and her single mother, who was part of the music industry once. Let's consider her history:

Kesha's career was built on her being a party girl. She's told stories about throwing up in Paris Hilton's closet and breaking into Prince's house, among other things. She also fashioned herself as the ultimate independent spirit.

So it's totally out-of-character that she'd claim she was being drugged and controlled.

From what I gather, her career tanked. She went from playing major arenas to tiny outdoor stages in a few summers. So she claimed to have an eating disorder, went away for a while and came back looking like she had a lot of plastic surgery.

Now she has new management and they're probably trying for something. Maybe they want to change her image, or break a contract, or get money. Or maybe he did assault her. Or maybe it was consensual. Who knows.

The only thing we know for sure is that it's going to be hard to prove she was drugged and controlled by someone when practically every interview she ever gave tells a different story. If anyone controlled her, it was her mother.

Update: Looks like after Kesha, Dr. Luke went on to work with Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, and others, co-writing the big hit "Shower" for Becky G. I wonder if one of the hit tunes he wrote wasn't originally earmarked for Kesha and she either refused it or didn't do it like he wanted, so he gave it to someone else. That could have broken the relationship.

That scenario, by the way, is what ended Sonny and Cher. He was her producer and passed on a #1 hit called "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia." Someone else took it to the top and apparently she never forgave him for it.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Both can be true. He wouldn't be the first guy to ply an 18-yr old with drugs and alcohol. But it could more likely a play by her for $$$$

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

What the fuck? She's white? White women naming their daughters Kesha? What's next? Tayaqua, and Poomshequa?

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Quote: (10-14-2014 09:35 PM)vinman Wrote:  


[Image: mindblown2.png]

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Quote: (10-14-2014 09:16 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

From what I gather, her career tanked. She went from playing major arenas to tiny outdoor stages in a few summers. So she claimed to have an eating disorder, went away for a while and came back looking like she had a lot of plastic surgery.
This seems to be the most likely. She went on tour last year, kinda sucked, disappeared, went into rehab, and then reappeared without the $ and some sort of weird post-pop spaced out hippy. She then wanted out of the contract or more money. Who knows.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Quote: (10-14-2014 09:07 PM)PastTense Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2014 05:21 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Lying so she can break a contract she agreed to? Interesting but not surprised...

She signed the contract just after she turned 18 and it has been almost 10 years--this is what I am getting from the article. This is much too long a contract for an 18 year old (or anyone else).

Usually, record contracts span over the amount of records produced. It is not completely uncommon for a record contract to span 5-6 records. However, most average around 3 or 4. Kesha currently only has two releases. It's given that she has at least one more release under her current deal.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Vicki Lawrence was married to Bobby Russell at the time she got "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" so that probably helped her get it.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

delete...djjembe replied already

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

One thing that doesn't get mentioned:

It's telling that all these so-called powerful female artists are backed by male production/songwriting teams. Top 40 music has become something like a sex show for women, so this arrangement is almost like the producers have become nightclub owners and the singer are their strippers or "music models."

I know that production teams are now behind most commercial music, whether it's rap, country, or Top 40 -- probably one reason it all sounds so homogenous. But this is different than in the '60s when producers like George Martin and Andrew Loog Oldham just oversaw the sound. This is total control of the product -- something most '60s artists would have never allowed.

The Male Svengali/Female Sex Puppet arrangement is something that's starting to come off as (here goes!!) "creepy," but you won't see the feminist media comment on this.

What kind of woman lets herself be controlled by a male "artistic" team for the purposes of success? Probably one with so little talent she couldn't make it on her own. Why has Jezebel or Newsweek not thought to bring this up?

Indie artists like Sharon Van Etten produce themselves. If I was still writing about pop music, I'd write an article mentioning this. Pop writers are so caught up in the hoopla that they don't stop to ask why more female artists aren't going that route. Kesha could easily have done this, since her mother was a veteran songwriter and she grew up "in the industry." The fact that she didn't says something.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Yeah this is nothing more than her trying to get out of her contract. Typical chick use the "he sexually assaulted" me argument. Glad he is fighting it. I would fight it till I spent my last dime. Rather be broke then let some chick like her try to ruin me.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

She has apparently testified before that no rape happened. Things that make ya go hmmmm...

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

She just lost the case today.

This was just posted:

Judge said there was not enough proof and that Sony and Dr. Luke said they were fine with Kesha working with other producers, as long as the album was released by Sony.


The judge said that granting that request would undermine the state's laws governing contracts and the court couldn't do that.

She also noted that Sony had offered to let Kesha work with another producer.

Kesha's lawyer, Mark Geragos, argued that Sony's promise was "illusory" because even if the recordings were made, the record company wouldn't promote them. He contended that Sony had more invested in Dr. Luke than in Kesha and it would do everything to protect him because he makes them more money.

The judge said that Geragos had offered nothing concrete to back up his "speculative" argument.

I don't really know if she's telling the truth or not, if she was really abused. But it's quite weird that in 2011 she said nothing happened and now, that she's not happy with the contract, she says she's been abused.

[Image: 26DAEB2E00000578-3005070-Attorneys_for_L...597657.jpg]

She was faking her whole career. If you see any of her TV Interviews, she's all fluff, no real content... so I could never really believe in her. She just seemed so manipulative (don't know if that was part of Sony PR making her a crazy party girl or what).

But never felt any connection with her. Just felt that she was a huge FAKE artist. Which she totally was.

Dr. Luke has worked with many female artists and nothing bad has ever happened with any of them. He was even working with a very young teenager latina. This is very different from Bill Cosby, where many girls came forward.

If he was a terrible rapist wouldn't other girls come forward? Doesn't a rapist keeps on making the same stuff over and over?

Someone as "terrible" as Dr. Luke could have drug raped Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cirus... etc (but none said anything).

It's not a perfect logic. But why wouldn't he do the same thing with every single girl he has ever worked with (they were all nobodies before working with him, he had all the oportunities to take advantage of them if he wanted)?

According to the article the Judge also said this about the case:


The lawyers also argued yesterday over motions by Dr. Luke and Sony to dismiss the underlying case in which Kesha contends that Dr. Luke abused her emotionally and psychologically for a decade, forcing her to take a sabbatical and go into rehab in January 2014.

The judge was critical of those claims as well, saying she didn't think the information provided by Kesha's lawyers was detailed enough to keep her civil rights, sexual harassment and discrimination claims alive. However, the judge postponed making a decision on the dismissal motions.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

twitter is exploding with hasthag #freekesha, I was wondering what was this about and hoped that I will find thread here.

I was not disappointed, another fake claim about assault.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Yeah I found out about what happened when a "feminist bitchy girl" posted it on her Facebook.

It really makes me sad that people believes in any rape claim, there is no serious proof and people already said: RAPIST. Which to me is a terrible thing.

Twitter, Facebook and online media now has an incredible amount of power that all comes from "tons of idiots" and just a few good heads. So now we have a world of bad information that comes from emotion and not facts. People just say "he is a rapist" and that's it.

That could happen with me, that could happen with YOU.

If someone says you are a rapist, it will take at least 6 months before you can clearly say you are innocent. And that's not before your life is completely changed.

Some friends will leave you, family will quit on you. Even if you prove legally you didn't do anything... people will keep on judging you forever. So in the end you'll have to move to another place and start a new life.

Dr. Luke is a huge producer, probably one of the most succesful POP producers alive (just check how many Top 1 hit songs he has produce), he is probably worth $300 million, but this will be terrible for his career in the short term (image the feminists supporters that won't like to work with him) and that could even mean other things too.

It will be bad for any female artist to release a song with Dr. Luke now, publicists will stay clear of him.

What ever happened to guilty until proven innocent?

Now we will destroy the life of any man just by saying "rape", it doesn't matter if he's innocent or not. I'm totally fine with it, if it's true, but what pisses me off is that any girl can do that just using some words and not delivering any kind of proof at all.

That's what pisses me off.

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

I didn't care about this story before I saw the hashtag #freekesha trending on Twitter. Some thoughts.

1. I've been on Twitter for 6 years now. I'm very much a fan but I'm ready to leave thanks to the censorship. But I've learned more about human behavior from six years on Twitter than anything I could learn in a book or going to college.

The current groupthink is that Kesha was raped and this is somehow a human rights issue and a "women are treated as slaves" narrative. This particular trend is toxic because its added in the younger female pop music fans who are by far the dumbest most inspid group on Twitter. Seriously, they treat people like Justin Bieber or One Direction or whomever as literal gods and I've seen some of the most vicious mobbing behavior from their to whomever insults their precious idols. So you have the typical SocJus and the dumb teenybopper female pop fans and combined you have the worst of both worlds.

2. Its amazing we had the Enlightenment and created things like seperation of chuch and state, the scientific method, reason, seperation of powers, trial by jury, etc. I see the mindless masses and how they tweet I honestly can't say they're wiser than the people in the middle ages. Maybe a bit hyperbole but wow. Its amazing people lack the ability to take 10 seconds to really use their critical thinking skills. They're completley drunk on emotion like one would be on alcohol.

3. I'm alwayd dissapointed in social media because its always dominated by leftist/liberals. Do conservatives just stay off social media? Do they not tweet as much? Because from elections its clear there's more a even split in America but when you go on social media it seems like 90/10 in favor of liberals/Democrats/SJWs etc. I'm not even a conservative I just like a balance of power which keeps both sides in check. Also I can accept that MSM and Sillicon Valley are controlled like puppets but anyone can theoretically make a Twitter or Facebook account. Obviously there's more social stigma for conservatives but its a little disheartening all the same. We're losing the information war even in the theoretically democratic playing field of social media.

4. I don't even know the details of the case or whether Kesha really was sexually abused or whatever. I always take a agnostic approach to these things. I don't know so I won't take one side or comment. My problem is with this atmoshere of complete emtional irrationality. This is the kind of thing that lead to the Salem Witch Hunts or McCarthyism or the more obscure case of daycare teachers being accused satanic ritual abuse of children.

Its kinda exhausting having to see the same thing week after week and realizing how dumb and unwise people are. I've honestly thought about not reading news or doing social media which would unfortunately include Roosh's tweets and even this forum. I'm just so sick of it.

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