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Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

The boyfriend's original twitter account ( is just a festival of cringe.

Here is a quick sample of his tweets made BEFORE the gangbang:

[Image: attachment.jpg20806]   
[Image: attachment.jpg20807]   
[Image: attachment.jpg20808]   

Dude was asking for it by making himself her bitch. Then again, it seems like he is still in high school so let's cut him some slack. Hopefully, he recovers from the shock and uses this as a turning point.

Extreme numbers aside, it's just the same old story of young guy dates girl, pedalizes her and falls in love before betaing out. Girl loses attraction and whores it up. It's tragic and comical at the same time.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Is it possible that he is bi curious? A wanna be twink or something like that? That is so effeminate it's ridiculous.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

I hope he wifes her up. It would be a fitting end of the story.

Deus vult!

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Everything about this is hilarious. Just the image of this guy doing this whore's nails while she gets double teamed later that night is Dave Chappele level comedy.

Despite the humiliation, if he's banged her at least once and didn't put any money into her he's already come out ahead.

On the other hand if this was my daughter i'd seriously think she would be better off "disappeared" somewhere.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:28 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Everything about this is hilarious. Just the image of this guy doing this whore's nails while she gets double teamed later that night is Dave Chappele level comedy.

Despite the humiliation, if he's banged her at least once and didn't put any money into her he's already come out ahead.

On the other hand if this was my daughter i'd seriously think she would be better off "disappeared" somewhere.

Stories like this make me understand the logic behind honor killings.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:33 AM)Seboist Wrote:  

Stories like this make me understand the logic behind honor killings.

Certain offenses are unforgivable and a taint on your own name and family.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:33 AM)Seboist Wrote:  

Stories like this make me understand the logic behind honor killings.

If this doesn't make the RVF hater twitter feed, nothing else should. [Image: lol.gif]

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-13-2014 02:58 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

This cat is so young I am not sure redpill would even have gotten 2 inches from his lips.

He's closer to those dudes cocks than he is the red pill.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

This reminds me of this high school chick I was hooking up with a couple years ago. She told me some crazy shit, like how she and her friend were in some sort of competition to see who could fuck the most guys or suck the most guys off. I was guy number 17 for her. I asked about her family and she was just a normal chick who actually seemed to have a good relationship with her father. She just really liked dick. There is no way I would have been able to handle a girl like that when I was in high school, she acted like a total cunt right up until we fucked. It was an incredible feeling though, to be able to bang the sort of girl who I would never have been able to talk to when I was her age. She also told me about how her friend met some dude on the internet who was 10 years older than her and she secretly fucked him on the side for a couple months until her parents found out. These young girls are way sluttier than I ever thought.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

I'd be concerned about him doing a murder-suicide, but I honestly think he doesn't have it in him. Not that I'm condoning it.

The fact that he hasn't dropped the bitch is just pathetic. He deserves this.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Who has the full video?

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

How long before those guys she banged are charged with rape because she was "drugged" and did not "give consent"?

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 10:15 AM)roid Wrote:  

Who has the full video?
The DA should have it within the next few days.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

I hope Heartiste does a post on this. Damn, I feel the pussy pedestal crumbling. Hurts even to watch. Game recognised on the guys who got their dicks sucked. Shame recognised on the 'boyfriend'. 8/10 on the bitch WB, even now. It's a mad house yo!

Don't debate me.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Hate to say it.

I have no problem in what this girl did or who she is. She is a gutter slut and worth nothing after you have had yours.

The only issue I have is women claiming she was raped or taken advantage of, men like her BF worshiping her and other men being white knights.

By all means fuck her but do not even consider having her around long enough to get you emotionally involved.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Someone is putting up more pics/vids:


Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Told you ! Called it on page 2 - Rape !!

I knew she'd play victim and scream rape and make an excuse.

Fucking pathetic. Not to mention the beta BF getting back with her.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Her daddy must be proud.

Take care of those titties for me.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-13-2014 09:08 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2014 06:21 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

What I want to know is what girls get from BJ suckfests. We just had a thread on a girl sucking off 20+ guys in Spain.

Have you ever heard of a guy eating out 6 girls at once, even in porn? What satisfaction could she possibly be getting from this? Are women that stupid that they would ruin a relationship for zero gain? Is my male brain preventing me from seeing the benefit in such behavior???

Some girls get off from it. Serious. I see these hungry broads in the swinging clubs and they are sopping buckets via being throat banged by hordes of dudes. These girls make me sick because they throw any standards out the window. I can re-call one girl I was chatting with, she was cute enough for me to get with, but I wasn't 100% sold on her so I was still sniffing around for other broads. I ended up finding something better and I realized I was good to trust my initial judgement as the next time I see this girl shes getting rammed in her mouth by like 5 thirsty ass dudes whom are were goofy as hell. I can smell a thirsty vibe of a broad and I ain't down with it, she was too eager and it wasn't the good kind. I wasn't surprised to see her getting throat rammed by a bunch of wack skinny fat dudes with no game and IRTs.

Don't even get me started though on the level of thirst that dudes can display in that environment. It goes hand in hand sometimes, and they feed off each other. Its fucked up.

My theory is that once a girl commits to going down 'Hoe Hill' it does not take much for her to escalate further and further. If you have seen or been part of girls getting down on a groupie level with athletes, or bands its basically the same thing. Once status cock or her inner whore are able to be unleashed like Horses at the Belmont she is off to the races. Hell you can even get this level with women simply just with drugs. An example would be on the weekend I had a girl naked at a party and making out with me just because I trolled her into thinking I had drugs, she eventually left though with somebody whom did have stuff but I kinda laughed because we swapped so much spit that that dude was going to be getting sloppy seconds simply by default.

Once she smothers her hamster all bets are off on what she wont do. She will get trains rammed on her and suck a whole football team off and not think twice of it (until after the fact). You would think that if she starts sucking a dick out in the open... with a group of folks watching.. maybe that would be enough.. Nope. Once the 2nd dude goes nuclear and whips his shit out 85% of the time she's gonna grab at it and do stuff to it. She knows the deal. Its either its not her first time, or its something she has always wanted to do.

Like this is common among brothers, hockey players, and some frat circles, and I am just keeping it real. Its a mix of thirst, trust, and not giving two fucks that when a girl is down to go downhill full speed off 'Hoe Hill' all these dudes in that brotherhood/crew will jump in with no qualms about it. I've never been like that (I'm just a greedy guy, I want her to myself, after the fact I really don't care what she does..cue Ray J's 'I hit it first'), but I've seen to much of it from partying with my old Hockey homies, to the swinging scene, to not say it don't go down.

I can even recall sluts I would even fuck back in the day just resting on my homies bed, and one of my other homies just saying 'fuck it' and going nuclear in trying to smash. 80% of the time the hoe would oblige and then once that gate opened any other thirsty dude would just line up for his turn. One time the hoe just said to keep the lights off my homie told us after the fact, like that made any difference. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

This one thousand times.

In high school i played hockey and witnessed "puck sluts" get trained frequently. These girls would knowingly show up to a house with a bunch of guys drinking and catch a train. Then come back a few weeks later and do it again. It's very common among athletes from the high school level all the way up to the pro level.

I'm starting to lose count of the "super sluts" I've met in the past 2 years. I'm not even shocked anymore when they tell me their war stories.
Most recently i met a girl who at the age of 13 sucked of 6 guy friends because she was tipsy and they all went skinny dipping. She was still a "virgin" but she's 20 saying she's only been with 6 guys but sucked well over 50 guys.
Another girl i met loved to suck off random guys. When i say random i mean she see a guy looking at her on the bus/train and will start up a conversation and go home with him. That kinda behavior turned her on very quickly.
She told me she's had a train ran on her for so long she passed out, woke up and they were still going 5hrs later.

Girl love to be dominated. They love to submit to a high value guy. A lot of the time they just want to be taken and used anyway you as a man see fit.
A lot of the time i don't even physically escalate with my main girl, i just throw her down and take off her clothes. By the time i remove her panties she's like a damn waterfall.

The soft beta dude who kisses her ass and asks if shes ok all the time isn't even getting a hj, but the guy who ignores her and calls her stupid and smacks her ass gets a girl willing to do some depraved shit for free that porn girls get paid for.

Anytime i meet a girl i just assumed she's done some depraved sexual shit that she will never admit to.
I have a very hard time respecting females or even taking them seriously now considering how easily they do high risk sexual behavior just to feel something. I consider them not unlink drug addicts in this regard.

Back to the topic of this girl...
She probably had a rep for doing this sorta thing before. That's why she was rolling with those black guys.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

I like to ask girls I'm banging regularly and know well what kind of porn or movie sex scenes they like.

Most of them say gangbang scenes is at the top of the list. BDSM and rape type scenes are frequently mentioned as well

This is the dark side of female sexuality that polite society and feminists are either unaware of or want to hide

I've read that in chimpanzees and other primate species that are polygamous, the female vocalizes loudly during sex. Why? Because she's announcing to other males in the vicinity that shes' in a sex mood and the inviting the other males to have a shot after the current male is finished. By contrast, gorilla females are silent during sex - they are monogamous and all females in the group only mate with the dominant male.

During most of human existence, gangrape was common, either by men of other tribes or by conquering armies. Women who fought back too fiercely were more likely to be killed while those who were more amenable to it were more likely survive and pass on their genes, resulting in a female population more adapted to this behavior

It's telling that gangbangs always involve the more alpha type males-athletes, thugs, etc. You never hear about a girl being gangbanged by her beta orbiters or a cosplay girl with nerds at a comicon

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:25 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

She told me she's had a train ran on her for so long she passed out, woke up and they were still going 5hrs later.

I don't doubt you at all but...
[Image: 952n2.jpg]

What's funny is basically a snake is a snake. A hoe is a hoe. Nothing will change. No matter how hard they try. There have been some gems dropped lately like " a hoe is community property." The best thing it seems is to hit it (wrapped) and quit it and move the fuck on. Both of these kids will need some therapy and I am not sure it will help. I just see two lives spinning out of control forever. Not that they were going to be contributors to society or anything in the first place. But there is a little touch of sadness to fall off a cliff at such a young age.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:54 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

I like to ask girls I'm banging regularly and know well what kind of porn or movie sex scenes they like.

Most of them say gangbang scenes is at the top of the list. BDSM and rape type scenes are frequently mentioned as well

This is the dark side of female sexuality that polite society and feminists are either unaware of or want to hide

I've read that in chimpanzees and other primate species that are polygamous, the female vocalizes loudly during sex. Why? Because she's announcing to other males in the vicinity that shes' in a sex mood and the inviting the other males to have a shot after the current male is finished. By contrast, gorilla females are silent during sex - they are monogamous and all females in the group only mate with the dominant male.

During most of human existence, gangrape was common, either by men of other tribes or by conquering armies. Women who fought back too fiercely were more likely to be killed while those who were more amenable to it were more likely survive and pass on their genes, resulting in a female population more adapted to this behavior

It's telling that gangbangs always involve the more alpha type males-athletes, thugs, etc. You never hear about a girl being gangbanged by her beta orbiters or a cosplay girl with nerds at a comicon

Funny you say that haha

A few years i was at a anime convention and there was a semi-popular female cosplayer staying at the official lodgings. Everyone knew who she was in the scene.
She got drunk and popped ecstasy on the last night and got really wild. Every guy had a turn with her. That night was a dream come true for a few of those guys There was a bit of facebook shit talking on her fan page for being a slut/whore etc.
I think the guys slut shaming her were more pissed off they didn't get their chance with her that night.


Yeah it was definitely a mind trip her being so honest about it. She had30 signs of being a slut according to Tuth's list.

Also Heartiste dropped this a few minutes ago. Enjoy.
The Number One Sign A GIrl Is A Raging Slut

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Some of the snaps on Twitter are top-shelf.

[Image: attachment.jpg20847]   

[Image: attachment.jpg20848]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:54 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

I like to ask girls I'm banging regularly and know well what kind of porn or movie sex scenes they like.

Most of them say gangbang scenes is at the top of the list. BDSM and rape type scenes are frequently mentioned as well

This is the dark side of female sexuality that polite society and feminists are either unaware of or want to hide

I've read that in chimpanzees and other primate species that are polygamous, the female vocalizes loudly during sex. Why? Because she's announcing to other males in the vicinity that shes' in a sex mood and the inviting the other males to have a shot after the current male is finished. By contrast, gorilla females are silent during sex - they are monogamous and all females in the group only mate with the dominant male.

During most of human existence, gangrape was common, either by men of other tribes or by conquering armies. Women who fought back too fiercely were more likely to be killed while those who were more amenable to it were more likely survive and pass on their genes, resulting in a female population more adapted to this behavior

It's telling that gangbangs always involve the more alpha type males-athletes, thugs, etc. You never hear about a girl being gangbanged by her beta orbiters or a cosplay girl with nerds at a comicon

That's really interesting! Silverbacks are as alpha as alpha can get. They do not tolerate any other males doing anything behind their backs and will hit a female even to get their point across. Chimps are not like that at all.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Girl Cheats on Boyfriend with 12 Guys and...he forgives her.

Just think, somebody's gonna marry her one day


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