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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

If you read Bodi's books you will see that a lot of Krauser's rants whether in writing or in speech are just that - rants. There are some sensible parts mixed in with dubious unproven theories. It's important to remember that Krauser is a guy who has made and analyzed a lot of approaches. His theories may vary in accuracy. If you start to blindly trust "PU Guru X" then you're not seeing the world through your own eyes when you try to approach girls.

I think so much of women's behavior in the modern context can be traced back to the times of human tribes in the wild prior to civilization. Mystery Method is big on this, but a lot of it is true. If you know that women's brains even today are not so different from those designed for an environment where acquiring the best DNA possible for a harsh environment, to ensure the survival of her children, and where death upon childbirth was a very common occurrence, and where basic resources such as food and water were scarce, seemingly bizarre behaviors of women in this modern "day game" start to make sense.

For example, when in the act, women enjoy sex a lot, in many cases more than men. So why is it that they compared to men put so many roadblocks or throw so many curveballs in the way of the man, if they want to have sex so much? For their protection, women have a "No" circuit. Even if they are attracted, a woman may say "No". At any point in the interaction, "No" may come out, or equivalents e.g. she starts acting weird. Some even panic as their brains are telling them they are bringing themselves closer to a dangerous act (sex) even if it is pleasurable. This might be more likely if the man is more attractive in some cases, paradoxically, because he is seen by the girl as a clear sexual threat. In some cases, she worries about losing control and giving in to her "Yes" circuit (love of sex), and not listening to her "No" circuit.

This explains a lot of the "failed" daygame interactions: date with high attraction, you feel this is "on", but if you can't get her that night, she is gone. Or even if you take her home that night, she does some stuff but then panics and runs out the door, often forgetting to leave some item of clothing or jewelry behind.

A random guy on the street, who seems very cool, who seems like a sexual threat... some girls will just never go for it. They have no trust or verification from third parties (their "tribe") that the guy is for real (actually has "good DNA") and certainly he does not project provider values which are very important to the woman's hindbrain.

This is why I say, the most conservative girls will not fuck via day game. They will be out of bounds, accessible only via safe social circle. Conservative girls you can get, but the most conservative, are ridiculously cautious.

I'm not sure if Krauser includes that, some one said some stuff about our ego etc. etc. but I believe in daygame we are slaves to the bizarre "cavewoman in the modern smartphone era" dynamic and everything that happens to them as a result.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-22-2018 12:26 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

This is why I say, the most conservative girls will not fuck via day game. They will be out of bounds, accessible only via safe social circle. Conservative girls you can get, but the most conservative, are ridiculously cautious.

You are as far from the truth as a tortoise from climbing up Mount Everest. Don't make vacuous claims that something can't be done because you've never experienced it. [Image: dodgy.gif]

I think you still need a...

[Image: attachment.jpg38399]   


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

If you're talking about SNL I agree that conservative girls will not spread their legs so easily but why rush ?

Day game is a better choice than night game in this case since conservative girls will not be fucking around in the clubs on a weekend.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Have you seen my posts? This is not an issue of red pill or blue pill.

Some girls are simply not accessible by cold approach. The girls you fuck quickly via daytime cold approach, were revealed to be not so conservative after all by that very act. Nothing wrong with that, but the absolute highest of quality in personality is available by social circle. The stories you use to disprove a theory (e.g. of mine) are simply a story of the same thing. I said the most conservative girls and a degree and then some harder than conservative girls, who, if you recall, I did not say were inaccessible by day game, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. They put a hell of a lot more roadblocks in front of me I will say that, especially by phone/text.

If you put a single "conservative" girl in front of lots of approaches from good looking guys with good game and it's just never happening, this is very different from an apparently similar "conservative" girl who is exposed to the same but succumbs to the advances of the men.

It's that whole: conservative girl from the village debate again; should we give her credit for being reserved and sweet when she has not yet been exposed to the big city and smartphones. Only when she is exposed to it consistently and remains the same, without any outside conservative influences e.g. islam checking their women, might we give her credit for this.

@Pointer, at first I thought, "why rush? This [conservative] girl is totally into me." And when she is with me, it's all clear. She has her last train home or whatever soon and has to be up early for school (doesn't drink alcohol so nothing in her system). At first I thought, she's bullshitting. But I kept getting this. So I sent her home. Then the weird text shit starts. It can vary from being barely responsive and vague to weird stuff about getting anxious because I (not arrogantly - I wish this didn't happen) make her feel things she's not supposed to feel or that she feels strongly she wants to see me again but is scared if she sees me again. I think with these girls I will try a SNL, that blew up in my face. "I knew you are a foreign player!" (If only she knew how badly I was failing she would say that.) I know it's an issue of qualification and comfort. This one conservative girl I approached in the mall dressed like a conservative chode, no blazer or anything like that, but then when I saw her on the date I obviously dressed better, and she started to have a panic attack. I felt sorry for the girl but the girls I want, seem to be scared of me. (Or just not interested usually because BF, obviously.) I had a girl say this is her first date ever, she could be lying, but weird things just didn't look like it. She was dazed and confused on the date, saying she is surprised she was there because usually she rejects every time, including guys in her SC but especially "random guys". All positive signs for hours on the date, and again the phone shit starts. My theory is that the closer to sex they get, the more their No! circuit sends them into panic, and they run. I need to talk more on dates. Usually in the US I relied on just sitting back, watching the girl talk shit about her life, and the more she talks about herself, the more she feels she knows me. I'd ask some deep questions to get some rapport and that's it. For non-Anglo white conservative girls, it's almost like they have to know you x10 because most are LTR minded. It definitely depends on country as well. I figured I should just go kamikaze on the first date with one, but even though I have much more influence over her when I'm in person, anything to do with "my place" or even "we go for a walk" ("Where?!")

I think if my non-Anglosphere white girl qualification/comfort game was better I could get them. I've no doubt that a better daygamer could get a fair % of these, but all of them? No matter how good any of us is, no one can get all. When you see a girl in front of you having a full blown panic attack in public, and hugging her just makes her worse, so you literally can't do shit (eventually I went to sit on a bench where she couldn't see me), some girls just have shit going on in their heads that only a guy in their social circle can get them. Queue the "game denialist" accusations. Whether it's due to mental problems, conservatism, laziness, strict no cold approach rules about how couples "should" meet etc., a certain % of girls will be inaccessible even to the best cold approaches. That's a dose of some other pill that guys who have already taken "the red pill" should keep in mind. It's one reason among many why the world's best in day game hit 3% conversion rates. Cold approach isn't only unnatural to men, hence our fear of approach or whatever you want to call it, it's also unnatural to women, because we were for many thousands of years living in tribes where everyone knew each other, the modern equivalent of that being social circle. The dangerous looking lone wanderer on the opposite mountain: the "sigma wolf". To get girls of any quality in daygame it definitely has to be "predatory, precise and perfected". i.e. you're essentially extracting a girl from her native tribe...

I'm looking forward to seeing what Krauser has to say.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

In Daygame you can meet a ‘serious’ girl who is not on Tinder and doesn’t get drunk at night in bars. In that case you have very little competition (only her close social circle).
Happened to me last August and I’m still banging her twice a month.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Also, as some have said above, successful day game is the ultimate feeling of power over women. It’s the idea that you could (conceivably) fuck who you want, when you want, if you want. Of course it’s an illusion but it’s close. Great confidence builder.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:55 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

In Daygame you can meet a ‘serious’ girl who is not on Tinder and doesn’t get drunk at night in bars. In that case you have very little competition (only her close social circle).

Yes, these are the type of girl I go after in day game, and in general. They don't tend to have online dating accounts, may only drink in small private social circle gatherings, and that's it. Some are intelligent and have interesting things to say, but overall they are quite boring.

Exciting, open, liberal sluts will bang, but I've started to not feel so good the second I have ejaculated into them. Making this worse is that day game bangs are so relatively rare, I never wear a condom. Then I sit on the edge of the bed as the girl is having a shower, thinking, "You stupid fucking idiot, you could get that slut pregnant, you idiot!"

Hardly the "Victory Lap" I'm supposed to have after a bang.

I've been doing and thinking about indirect vs direct. I have solved the whole debate:

Do both.

Having both in your arsenal will mean that you are not forcing a square peg in a round hole e.g. where a girl is sitting on a bench you can ask directions and if you get a warm reaction try and transition. If a girl is moving fast she either doesn't want to be bothered or if you're going to go for it, hard and direct it usually has to be. If the girl is walking slow to the point you can easily stop her, you can pretend to be lost and again ask directions. Whatever gives you the most plausible deniability. Running up to a woman fast and stopping her fast needs one hell of a reason as to why you're stopping her. It also takes the most energy. But most girls in the day will be walking at a decent pace, so even if you really prefer indirect, sometimes you just have to do direct and try and subtly lower the pedestal going direct puts her on as you talk.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:39 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I said the most conservative girls and a degree and then some harder than conservative girls [...].

To begin with, 'conservative girls' is a vague, non-scientific and non-existent in psychology of personality concept. I'd say it's pretty much meaningless (psychologically speaking), and bears no relevance to the problem at heart. We should, rather, try to be empirical as much as we can in our approach.

Alas, all psychology has little empirical grounding the way physics and chemistry have. Nevertheless, we need to somehow operationalise the problem and try to describe, explain and predict people's beliefs and behaviour. Enter models of people's behaviour. None is precise (the way five-sigma predictions in physics are) enough to give you a high predictive power but they are a good enough in general use as a guideline or a heuristic.

One of such models is a Five Factor Model which aims at explaining behaviour as a linguistic description of:

- openness to experience,
- conscientiousness,
- extraversion,
- agreeableness,
- neuroticism.

I claim that along these axes some girls will appear more or less responsive to the speed of seduction, depending on the combination and intensity of the forementioned traits and other factors: her neurohormonal level (especially during ovulation), location, autobiographical history, seducer's phenotype, fitness, intelligence, socio-economic standing, experience, and so on. Whereas there are definitely trade-offs with particular (non)social settings, I can't see why any girl should be off limits, whatever her psychological (as per, for example, the Five Factor Model) profile and this should be treated as a default. Rather, I posit that the burden of proof is on you to provide as much evidence as possible to show that girls with certain psychological profiles will not be amenable to having a sex with a man (via daygame) who is not a part of her group no matter what.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

There are many studies showing that Openness to Experience is correlated to being politically liberal and conversely, Conscientiousness is correlated to conservative.

This can have consequences for game. For example, as a married man, I focus on high openness to experience girls, who are usually not right wing.

Granted, those are only heuristics and not absolute rules.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

ksbms -- I actually wrote out a detailed reply to your above post, even in assumption that psychology were objective as "real" sciences, but the reason I did not post was because this led me to get on a tangent about day game that doesn't really fit into a lot of the style of content which is appreciated on here, be it the quick retorts, memes, "+1 8.5 hot brazilian slut swallowed my splooge" (not that I don't often find these things funny).

I will say briefly that whatever negatives of day game I have written about on here are occurring at the same time as I am addicted to it. I have had some of the most unpleasant, humbling, "I feel like absolute dogshit, no, as small as a fly that eats the dogshit" moments of my life in day game. And like the miniscule dots of tiny stars dotted across an otherwise pitch black sky, some of the greatest moments have also been in day game, when I feel "on top of the world", to put it mildly. That's all I can say without sounding too much like a faggot.

It's unfortunate because, although Krauser through a mixture of brute force, the camaraderie of his group of friends, and ultimately millions upon millions of words in total on the subject of day game, when considering all published and unpublished/private notes etc., day game is still not an exact science. Perhaps we cannot improve much on it other than work on ourselves to appeal to our target market, go to that target market and constantly apply the model we know best (i.e. that there is not much more significant room for "breakthroughs" in knowledge of day game), if there are to be any further breakthroughs, as well as techniques to keep up with a rapidly changing worldwide environment, some intense, admittedly bordering on autistic discussions are necessary. Examples are: how can we make day game more efficient? How can we make it a more pleasant experience? Is there any way we can at least wrestle some control over variables seemingly beyond our control e.g. smartphone addiction, invasion of Turkish hordes to EE etc.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

I don't get what's actually wrong with waiting a bit for sex. Obviously you'd prefer to get a move on if possible but to me waiting as long as she needs within reason is totally fine.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-27-2018 02:29 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I will say briefly that whatever negatives of day game I have written about on here are occurring at the same time as I am addicted to it. I have had some of the most unpleasant, humbling, "I feel like absolute dogshit, no, as small as a fly that eats the dogshit" moments of my life in day game. And like the miniscule dots of tiny stars dotted across an otherwise pitch black sky, some of the greatest moments have also been in day game, when I feel "on top of the world", to put it mildly. That's all I can say without sounding too much like a faggot.

I have a feeling you make a great companion and a wingman!

Quote: (01-27-2018 02:29 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

It's unfortunate because, although Krauser through a mixture of brute force, the camaraderie of his group of friends, and ultimately millions upon millions of words in total on the subject of day game, when considering all published and unpublished/private notes etc., day game is still not an exact science.

I couldn't agree more! heck, the psychology as a discipline, has an explanatory and predictive power hoovering around .3, whereas physics approaches 1.0. In physics you can do experiments in isolation, controlling for almost all variables with very high precision, not so much in psychology with multitude of variables, both dependent and confounding. Add ethical consideration, our lack of understanding how the brain works (at cortical columns granularity, for example) and it's a one-eye man leading the blind. Concomitantly, game is just the same. That is, there's quite a bit of empirical data, but formulating hypotheses, testing them, gathering data and running analysis in consistent, controlled manner, impossible. Hence, as a consequence, we have a bunch of heuristics, guidelines, signposts mixed together with psychological findings so we can somewhat systematise how to run interaction and why we do this and that, and not something else. This better than having a blind for a king.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

No, it’s the EASIEST. There are no cockblocks, blaring music, friends getting in the way, bad ratios, etc.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-27-2018 03:17 AM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

I don't get what's actually wrong with waiting a bit for sex. Obviously you'd prefer to get a move on if possible but to me waiting as long as she needs within reason is totally fine.


It seems that lately, guys are starting to think, "if I can't smash her on the first date itself, it's over" which is complete bullshit. I'm seeing this attitude in some younger guys in my friend circle, I'm guessing they're believing all the fake PUAs out there. On the flip side, you definitely don't want to wait too long, but 3-4 dates (max), with decent progression on each, and provided you're not spending too much, should be ok. Any longer than that would be too much, I agree.

We all want to find that perfect 10 slut who swallows on the first date itself, but to have that experience consistently is something reserved for 10-status guys, usually.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (08-07-2014 07:23 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

I find daygame meditative. I like being out and about with no agenda on my mind, wandering through the city and soaking everything in. As my mind frees up, my vibe resonates more. And by not being stuck to a schedule, I can make use of an idate or SDL opportunity.

Sure there are times when you're hustling and you may get a quick #, but that # has a higher chance of flaking. You do a quick # close to 'save time' you may be spending time later going through text gymnastics trying to get the girl out (lots of attraction but no real comfort established). Whereas if you had time to enjoy and tease out the interaction, you would have a more solid connection.

Making time for daygame gives me a sense of freedom. I don't feel free if I have to be "on" all the time - that's too much pressure. Do we need to run clown game in the daytime now too? It's ok to be "off" if that's what you feel at the moment. Your vibe doesn't have to be high energy, but it does have to be present. And a good way to be present is not to constrain yourself with future worries.

If you're serious about daygame, it shouldn't be penciled in. It's not "beta" to want to make time to meet women. I'd rather pencil in my errands; I'm sure Whole Foods is not going to run out of broccoli.

Quote: (08-07-2014 05:37 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

I don't know what kind of girls you guys go after, but most broads aren't going about their day unmolested by cats trying to get at them.

If a chick is worth banging, best believe you aren't the first one to realize, or the first one that day.

Just cause you didn't see it happen, doesn't mean it didn't happen.


A guy just has to walk up and down union square in nyc to see how much attention an attractive girl can get. Between the bootcamps, chuggers, hare krishna, snake oil salesmen, and other assortment of characters, she's not hurting for attention.

Numbers game includes how fried her circuits are from the thirst encountered that day + her willingness to entertain your (charming) novelty.

Hahah, I laughed pretty hard at the notion of hare krishna & snake oil salesmen hootin & hollerin at chicks in Manhattan. Funny mental image.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-19-2018 10:37 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Other parts of the video- The London daygame model, calibration, vibe, technique, anecdotes. Also interesting how they talk about "flashy" game that looks good to an observer but isn't optimally effective.

That's a fascinating interview. Really, really good. Krauser is a narcissistic, but he certainly knows his stuff.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-03-2018 06:39 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (01-19-2018 10:37 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Other parts of the video- The London daygame model, calibration, vibe, technique, anecdotes. Also interesting how they talk about "flashy" game that looks good to an observer but isn't optimally effective.

That's a fascinating interview. Really, really good. Krauser is a narcissistic, but he certainly knows his stuff.

That he is and doesn't deny it. There's a few misconceptions about him and Bodi in here. However I'm not going to promote their stuff here and their lives are there in their books/websites to be seen in anyway anyone here wants to. I used to day game a lot and I rarely do it now. As you well know yourself I've been following District's model now. However the best post I've read in the last few pages is Giovany's. What he said about daygame is true and that's how I started my path.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-03-2018 07:43 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

As you well know yourself I've been following District's model now.

What's that?


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

social game

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:39 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I'm looking forward to seeing what Krauser has to say.

Krauser's banned mate.

Quote: (02-04-2018 07:41 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2018 07:43 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

As you well know yourself I've been following District's model now.

What's that?

I think Bo might have meant Distant (Light)'s model, rather than District's? But you're right Bo, you probably know Krauser (and Bodi) better than anyone else on this forum (well it's not probably, you do) so if you don't feel the need to correct the misconceptions that's fair enough. Their own sites and books etc speak for themselves.

Edit: I've read Bodi's first book and it was one of the funniest books I've ever read. Yeah, it had some dark parts, but it's one of few books I've read that have made me laugh out loud. Skank, him ripping on Krauser constantly is sort of an in-joke between mates, or at least that's what I've gathered from other sources and people who know them both. I'm sure much of it is true, as in Krasuer is a narcissistic reformed gamma, but Bodi doesn't dislike him or anything like that. If anything, he admires him as they come from a similar place.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@bojangles, I think you were mentioned in Bodi's book or maybe one of Krauser's. Not extensively, I can't remember exactly, but that you were out daygaming with someone, a sentence or two about you and that was it I think. Nothing bad IIRC. So, why did you give up day game? Intolerably low ROI? Too painful (dentist's chair daygame, as Krauser calls it)? Too busy with work? It's sad that someone mentioned by Bodi or Krauser has left it.

There are a still a few daygamers kicking around occasionally for short weekends or weeks, in the main cities, but in general a huge % has given up, maybe in general or just on the specific country (PL).

And again, going from the "notch" thread, it's mostly online with some night game in there.

Mostly I find nightgame sausagefests in the Anglosphere and maybe even worse in Poland. Nightgame is just intolerable for me personally. So it leaves day game. But I feel a tiny, tiny % of guys are actually doing let alone getting consistent results from day game. Online technically has more rejections if you're not a shredded male model, but the rejections are "virtual" and you just play the numbers game hard to find a couple DTF sluts and strike while the iron is hot.

The only guy who I have read recently of great success in night game scenarios is DigitalNomad. Some have said his thread is one of the most epic on rvf. In terms of results, hell yeah it is. But in terms of how he did it and how other guys might replicate it, there is precious little insight compared to say, a journal of Bodi which contains far fewer lays but more insight as to what actually goes on in the process. I've wondered that unless you're a male model or you're approaching like a machine, it's hard to imagine about 120 notches in a year. If he's approaching like a machine, that's great, but there is far less mention of failures in his cold approaches than there are of +1s. There were a few posts where he honestly but quickly mentions got rejected by a ton of Estonian girls one night IIRC, and other mentions of "planting seeds" and then seeing if one comes through later. This implies that he might be approaching a lot, and he has the strength and positive mental state to keep it up and not dwell on the failures. That's why it comes out looking so good as if there is no failure in the process, of which I would be skeptical. DN is a perfect mix of positive traits for traveling and cold approaching for fast lays on slutty girls.

Not all of us have that, though. And DN doesn't like Day compared to Night game because of the simple and correct fact that SNLs can happen - especially in the places he visits with loose tourists, slutty local girls etc. - while day game often requires waiting, dates, flakes etc. I still think DN would outperform most of us if he sincerely tried Day game as per Krauser's model, but it would still be fitting a square peg in a round hole.

The tales of "epic" success in Day game are few and far between. Tom Torero loses count of his approaches as he does so many, so his stats don't include initial approach count. They only include how many numbers he turned into dates and bangs. Krauser does under 3% lay to approach. This is a guy who is asking for 5k per week to teach daygame that fails 29 out of 30 times. But then I come across threads on rvf where guys who don't like night game, who are "hard cases" e.g. virgins, long dry spells etc., and who approach hundreds and hundreds of girls, up to 1000, either with nothing to show for it or maybe 3 or 4 lays from it. These sub 0.5% conversion rates are just not sustainable and very low, but maybe they are closer to the average than the 3% "masters". So if 3% is nearing the top of our chances in the long-run, you have to decide whether failing 29/30 times is worth having your 1 success. Day gamers (3% "coaches") have told me about a quality ceiling even in day game. That's because all the best girls have been snapped up already.

Sometimes I feel that part of my game is most suited to night - western clown game, logistics, fast escalation, cheating on BF often accepted - while the other part is most suited to the day - quiet, no alcohol, no music to the point where you can't speak etc. I never anticipated how hard the multiple date requirement of EE girls would be.

@Teedub - I was referring to "what Krauser has to say in Daygame Infinite" i.e. in his new book not on this forum.

As far as Bodi's books - they are extremely funny at times albeit in a dark way. Some of the most pathetic circumstances where you can't imagine it would get worse, it can be incredibly depressing, shocking and laugh out loud "what the flying fuck am I reading". As for Krauser, even if Bodi likes him, he just comes across as someone who, ultimately in defence of his own ego, constructs a reality about himself as some sort of "Secret King", but this is what enables him to game the hottest girls and protects him from a lot of the emotional pain of rejection for example. If you're an ugly ~40 year old bald guy going out to game hot 20 year olds, stubbornly viewing yourself as a sort of royalty of the streets that no one has heard of yet - a diamond in the rough - this delusional confidence is strong and can be felt by the girls he approaches. If he had the personality of an average guy, he wouldn't be able to get anything from these higher quality sluts. So I understand a bit why he looks upon himself in that way and why it might be necessary even for me in the end, putting in as many numbers as he has, but he admits that this does not lead him to being a very "likable" person. In Bodi's books Krauser is not a character portrayed in much of a positive light. He comes across as a narcissistic, primitive, loud Geordie who is always crudely munching on something. Very often Monster Munch, of which he made sure to keep a few packets under his bed. I also read that he doesn't wash his hands after taking a shit?! WTF?! Another hilarious moment in Bodi's books but fuck me man, that's just gross. Krauser just gives a little confident justification for this practise. Nor does he use soap or shampoo or any kind of stuff like that in the shower. Just water, not even baking soda.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

^ Krauser isn't ugly*. He's average, and in good nick for someone his age. Give his knowledge and experience to a 22 year old, 6ft 1, athletic dude and they would clean up with daygame.


*Unless you think being bald equals being ugly. Then explain the sex appeal of Bruce Willis, The Rock etc. Women care about status significantly more than looks and don't give a fuck about guys being bald when actually approached in real life. Yes, I have skin in this game.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Anything written about any of the guys in Bodi's books was approved by said guys before he published it. So if it's embellishment on them on his part and they don't care its highly likely.

I stopped daygame for multiple reasons really - I was really starting to enjoy nightgame and getting lays from it, I guess I have great social proof here and even if I didn't get laid I was just enjoying going out and talking to loads of random people. Made a lot of new acquaintances this way some that have introduced me to new sluts. Also at the time I made my decision there was a sort of 'burn out' here. There had been it seems quite a few bootcamps run in the town and most of them in the main mall, creating a burn out. I knew of at least 15-20 girls from my workplace who had been hit on in the mall. In fact the mall became famous for it and it was well known amongst the locals. Finally yes work, though that's just an excuse, as Gio says you can approach women anywhere. I guess another factor is that I've become very lazy in hunting pussy and found it a chore, whilst in a club I'd just rock up, order a drink at the bar from one of the many bartenders im friends with and chat up the girl standing next to me and if she's not the one I'll find another.

I noticed in my final few months of doing my ROI had dropped although I attribute it to those bootcamps, maybe I'll start up again. I don't have any pain from it, I had been doing daygame for god knows how many years, I met those guys at the turn of the decade(09/10). Maybe i'll start again, but my ROI has dropped across all types of game here, talking to others I know here it seems to be a common theme unless you're just looking to fuck any old girl, there's plenty of low hanging fruit willing to fuck. Seems the higher standard girls are holding back much more than ever before (even with polish naturals).

Yeah he's not ugly, he's an average looking guy. Torero on the other hand yes he's ugly. I've met some of the women Krauser has had and they have been of a high standard. He also doesn't do bootcamps for £5000, he does but you really have to convince him to give up his time. He really has no interest in doing bootcamps for anyone but if you can really twist his arm then maybe, he'd rather spend a week hanging out with us, out of pocket with no "game sessions" involved.

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Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-04-2018 08:43 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

@bojangles, I think you were mentioned in Bodi's book or maybe one of Krauser's. Not extensively, I can't remember exactly, but that you were out daygaming with someone, a sentence or two about you and that was it I think. Nothing bad IIRC. So, why did you give up day game? Intolerably low ROI? Too painful (dentist's chair daygame, as Krauser calls it)? Too busy with work? It's sad that someone mentioned by Bodi or Krauser has left it.

There are a still a few daygamers kicking around occasionally for short weekends or weeks, in the main cities, but in general a huge % has given up, maybe in general or just on the specific country (PL).

And again, going from the "notch" thread, it's mostly online with some night game in there. [...]

SH, are you trying to say it's a tough call? I think it's obvious it is. So is any method to pick up younger, hotter, tighter. I get a date/idate out of 9 approaches (admittedly, don't close on a first date and still a lot to learn) so it beats the shit out of Tinder, hands down.

There's no way I'd swipe 9 girls who are younger than me more than 10 years, 7+ looks, feminine, haven't banged a ton of guys, and would straightforwardly come out on date with me. Daygame done right (that is, with advanced mode calibration and sniper style method), can yield good results - not to mention I operate in fucked-up environment, that is Scotland. I can't imagine what it would be like in Eastern Europe but should figure out in a few months time...


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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@bojangles -- forgive me for condensing your post somewhat, but aside from the very understandable burnout given that you've been in it since '09, your reason seems to be decreasing ROI, and better ROI through other ways of meeting women. It's just the same common theme of globalization, smartphones, and invasion of foreign hordes and bootcamp spammers. I get a weird contrast in Poland, where a girl's initial face to face interest actually means a lot less than it might in a medium sized city near me in the US, in terms of getting the girl into bed. I think on the one hand girls are bombarded with bullshit from their smartphones and they are sick of foreigners approaching them on the street, but on the other hand if any sort of at least semi-decent foreigner comes in with a semi-decent approach then she is still susceptible to autonomic responses to a man she's attracted to, and duly displays IOIs aplenty. The problem is cutting through the long EE dating process along with the suspicions she may have of you as a random foreigner (since it's not social circle). She knows what's up from the other random men who (perhaps less skilfully) approached her on the street. At night, as well, foreigners are accosted to enter one of the many strip clubs under the assumption that they are of course all there as fly by night pussy rats. I felt like I almost got through to a couple - one stood in deep thought for a long time as I tried out a grounding story about how "I'm not like the rest" - it was truly a near Oscar winning performance, tears welling in this sweet girl's eyes, but she knew I was only there for a few months. I received some lovely, what I believe to be sincere compliments, but she cannot get involved with someone like me.

@ksbms -- Indeed I am saying it is a tough call and given your location your date to approach rate is very good indeed. I am also saying that, if we assume Krauser to be pushing the top end of what is actually possible, around 3% lays to approaches, then unless we learn to be masters ourselves, in our own right, we are doomed either to failure, or to being reduced to outright spam, even with decent "skills". I read posts about lay rates of 1 in 250 approaches and that goes beyond a "tough call" and into "ridiculous, spam necessary" territory. I see these rates as completely unsustainable but a few brave, in my opinion somewhat crazy, men are going out and getting these sorts of results, even in places formerly held as PP e.g. Poland. In light of this, I definitely believe in and employ "advanced mode calibration and sniper style method". It takes me longer to run through volume, but without it I would be just another half blind spammer. I sometimes go to the absolute top level of a mall and "snipe" targets from a distance with nothing but my own average vision, sometimes dots in the distance, other times standing on the level below me.

In EE if you choose Poland you will be very impressed by the quantity of pretty girls, depending on how bad it is where you are specifically and where you go, possibly even shocked somewhat, and very inspired by the amount of initial interest shown by polish girls, and by the relatively low local competition. Upon first landing, it appears to be a pitch perfectly cut and watered for some fine Game. But for each major positive there is an equal or greater negative, in my opinion. I would be curious to see what you make of the place, should you go there. I am in the (lower regions) of the UK from time to time and will return to EE within the year I hope but further East. In these situations at least trying to make daygame fun even when failure is pre-eminent is key. We probably have our own unique quirks but it does seem that we at least believe in some sort of Krauser-inspired structure for day game, and the at times very difficult love for it as well. I met daygamers in Poland and they also incorporated direct, completely structured day game, but we just didn't become friends, there was almost negative camaraderie from my end as I watched them mindlessly approach any skirt in sight, carpet bombing one of my favorite locations. In short, maybe one day we should game together or just shoot the shit for a while, because if there is one thing that drove the success of even the most "Sigma" of them all in his memoirs, it is the initial friendship between RP men with a common goal. Ultimately perhaps with a couple other guys some sort of "EE RSG" team can be formed from members of this forum, with rules, a code, like the original RSG group e.g. restrictions on spamming/burning down cities etc.!

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