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Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Regardless of political stance, your racial preferences, etc. When demographics are shifting, one may have to accept what is happening or continue to deny it is happening. Minorities will play a greater role in the coming years, I guess I am stating the obvious.

So it is funny to see this. It is funny to me because it must be dealt with if Republicans want to win down the road - but few really care. Below the pic is a quote of an article from Brookings.

[Image: BiEQCk9IYAAMV2G.jpg:large]


Thursday afternoon, CPAC hosted a panel on GOP outreach into minority communities. The panel included Virginia Senate candidate Ed Gillespie and a panel of Republican political strategists: Jason Roe, Elroy Sailor, and Robert Woodson.

The panel delivered a remarkably pointed review of GOP voter outreach (largely its failures) and explained, in very straightforward terms, how the party can (and must) do better. However, the most revealing part of the experience was not what happened on stage, but what happened off stage, and reflects the national electoral struggles Republicans are facing.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Politics is more showbiz than anything else. The left has been successful employing identity politics. Republicans need to take a page out of their book and put a minority at the top of the ticket. Ted Cruz anyone? Maybe Rubio or Col. Allen West second on the ticket. A Cruz West ticket would be nice.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel


Republicans need to take a page out of their book and put a minority at the top of the ticket. Ted Cruz anyone? Maybe Rubio or Col. Allen West second on the ticket. A Cruz West ticket would be nice.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Ted "Calgary" Cruz at the top of the ticket? This should be fun.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

I'm worried that I see Hillary destroying all her opponents in the polls already, but her name recognition is strong. On the topic of minority outreach... I've been involved in Republican politics on different levels for many years now. I've been in many strategy meetings and no one ever wanted to surpress minority votes or keep minorities down. We always discussed ways to be inclusive and show how our ideas are better than our opponents and will be beneficial to minorities as well as everyone else.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Quote: (03-07-2014 05:47 PM)Uzisuicide Wrote:  

Politics is more showbiz than anything else. The left has been successful employing identity politics. Republicans need to take a page out of their book and put a minority at the top of the ticket. Ted Cruz anyone? Maybe Rubio or Col. Allen West second on the ticket. A Cruz West ticket would be nice.

100% pointless. Republicans are never going to out diversity democrats at their own game.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel


100% pointless. Republicans are never going to out diversity democrats at their own game.

They have to figure out a way to win a larger share of the minority vote, or else the demographic wilderness awaits them. Once Texas comes into play, and it will within the next 10-15 years, republicans are going to have a very hard time EVER winning the presidency again if they don't figure out how to expand their electoral coalition. If Hillary Clinton gets the nomination in 2016, and the republicans don't nominate someone with broad appeal, with probably someone on the ticket who can speak Spanish, Texas could very well be in play. If that happens, it's pretty much game over.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

One more thing to think of, Republicans have lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections already.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

The Republicans are already playing identity politics. They just happen to be playing to whites.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

The Republican party is dead.

And can only win if they steal and election.

Barring that they are they are headed the way of the dodo bird and or will eventually split.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

“… If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn’t there a war before 1861?
The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity.” - Republican

"The institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise." - Republican

“We have the opportunity to send President Obama back to Chicago — or Kenya.” - Republican

[Image: dont2012.jpg]

[Image: offensive-tshirt-16x9.png?w=560]

With shit like this, it's amazing the GOP gets any black people to vote for them at all. I personally don't know any black people who would even consider voting Republican, the party has poisoned their own well for over a generation.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

No Anglo country will be run like a 1 party dictatorship. Don't bet on the Republicans being dead. There's times when one party can find itself in the wilderness for years, in Canada the Liberals ran the country for much of the country's history. Now the Conservatives have caught up.

The Republicans will be in the wilderness, maybe already are. But in a season or two, the electorate my tire of the democrats, or unforseen events will shift politics again.

Republicans can't get minorities? Who's to say that in 2 presidential cycles a black or Indian Republican won't rise to the ticket?

If the Democrats find themselves in a position of undisputed power, like all one party monopolies, will be torn apart from within by political differences.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Republicans can hold onto parts of the the Congress. It is entirely possible, you will have a democratic president battling a republican congress in both the house and senate.

Can't wait for the progress that will be achieved with that situation [Image: biggrin.gif]

Re-districting has saved the Republicans to some degree.

Deomcrats just need to start re-locating their people from the big states to places like Oklahoma. Lol, start a kickstarter campaign to do that.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Quote: (03-08-2014 04:36 AM)Capitán Peligroso Wrote:  


100% pointless. Republicans are never going to out diversity democrats at their own game.

They have to figure out a way to win a larger share of the minority vote, or else the demographic wilderness awaits them. Once Texas comes into play, and it will within the next 10-15 years, republicans are going to have a very hard time EVER winning the presidency again if they don't figure out how to expand their electoral coalition. If Hillary Clinton gets the nomination in 2016, and the republicans don't nominate someone with broad appeal, with probably someone on the ticket who can speak Spanish, Texas could very well be in play. If that happens, it's pretty much game over.

OR....they could work to shore up white support and forget about minorities (a battle they can't win.) Voters, of course, aren't well-informed. Affiliations are mostly emotional. In the minds of minorities, and liberal whites, republicans are inherently evil and wrong just because they are. Parading around a few perceived uncle toms might get a percentage point or two of increased support, but not enough to meaningfully change things.

I agree that republicans are doomed no matter what due to demographics. At least go out with some dignity rather than trying to be democrats-lite.

Republican have just been less enthusiastic, foot-dragging liberals for a long time. There is no mainstream conservative party in the U.S.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel

Quote: (03-08-2014 12:29 AM)Uzisuicide Wrote:  

I'm worried that I see Hillary destroying all her opponents in the polls already, but her name recognition is strong. On the topic of minority outreach... I've been involved in Republican politics on different levels for many years now. I've been in many strategy meetings and no one ever wanted to surpress minority votes or keep minorities down. We always discussed ways to be inclusive and show how our ideas are better than our opponents and will be beneficial to minorities as well as everyone else.

Hillary will be tough to beat, she may even be unbeatable, regardless of who the Republicans run. Too many dependent upon govt. and too many women wanting a first woman president. Add in name recognition.

And she will be an extension of the Obama presidency. More destruction of the middle class. More targeting men and boys. More taxes on men to pay for women.

I am just lucky I am a little older so I got my financial security before this disaster started.

All in all, I don't think it is so much about race, as much as about despair. Some people really don't believe they can survive without govt (aka stealing from other people in the form of the IRS) and they are not the least bit shameful about it.

The problem isn't so much this, is it fair or not. The problem is, we can't keep spending money at this rate, and this whole thing will collapse, and those who were dependent on the govt. will be crushed.

Political Comedy: CPAC Minority Outreach Panel


No Anglo country will be run like a 1 party dictatorship. Don't bet on the Republicans being dead. There's times when one party can find itself in the wilderness for years, in Canada the Liberals ran the country for much of the country's history. Now the Conservatives have caught up.

I'm talking about at the presidential level here, barring significant outreach and success with expanding the electoral coalition. I have no doubt in the ability of democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Re-districting has saved the Republicans to some degree.

The House of Representatives is a different thing. In Arizona and South Carolina, Obama got a similar share of the vote~45%, but Arizona sent five democrats out of nine in their house delegation to Washington after 2012, South Carolina sent one democrat out of seven in theirs. The difference? District lines in SC were drawn by the republican legislature, Arizona recently passed a law mandating a non-partisan board for redrawing congressional districts. You're going to start seeing a bigger push for non-partisan redistricting in the next few years, and as those efforts become successful, there will be some changes in the makeup of Congress, as part of the incumbent protection racket apparatus is dismantled. And ultimately, I think that will be better for everyone, but it will also force republicans in a lot of those districts to figure out how to appeal to what will be a broader base of voters.

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