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Short guy game

Short guy game

You have to face reality and realize that most women want a guy that is taller. Although it's not black and white (there are always women who don't care if you're a few inches shorter), the majority of women are attracted to taller guys. It's embedded in their DNA, just like guys are attracted to women with feminine bodies.

I come from a country where the average height of men is around 185cm (6'1") and the average height of women is around 175cm (5'9"). Guys under 180cm (5'11") are simply fucked, unless you have very good looks and good game. The only shorter guys that are popular are foreigners, because they have the 'exotic' factor. Short white guys are not considered attractive here.

It just depends on the country you live in. 5'7" is pretty average for international standards, but short in most Western countries.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-09-2015 04:21 PM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

You have to face reality and realize that most women want a guy that is taller. Although it's not black and white (there are always women who don't care if you're a few inches shorter), the majority of women are attracted to taller guys. It's embedded in their DNA, just like guys are attracted to women with feminine bodies.

I come from a country where the average height of men is around 185cm (6'1") and the average height of women is around 175cm (5'9"). Guys under 180cm (5'11") are simply fucked, unless you have very good looks and good game. The only shorter guys that are popular are foreigners, because they have the 'exotic' factor. Short white guys are not considered attractive here.

It just depends on the country you live in. 5'7" is pretty average for international standards, but short in most Western countries.


This is self defeating and game denial.

I'm fucking 5'8" and I've banged taller, shorter, and the same height.


The majority of women THINK they're attracted to taller guys (albeit it might be a slight bit genetic)

It's your job (game) to convince them otherwise - I have no qualms about banging taller and I always disarm women who hamster that notion because I'm shorter than them.

And for the girls who want tall guys and won't budge ? FUCK THEM.

They just made it easier for you (eliminated them from the dating pool) to ignore them and find ones that are interested in you.

Short guy game

I've met many short dudes who kill it. What I've noticed is that although they have a small stature they usually have huge personalities; are very charismatic and have a great sense of humor.

I've also known some tall guys who don't know Game, who get by being tall and just not fucking up (don't fuck up Game).

Girls are naturally attracted to the taller guy because he has a large presence, and instinctively want to feel protected.

Coming from a relatively tall dude (6'1), In my opinion; having good Game, a fit body, high social status makes height not even an issue.

Short guy game

I agree with everything here. I have a mate, 6' but I'm the dominant one. I decide where we go, who we approach etc. and women can read that. I'm also getting pretty ripped at the moment, as I said elsewhere, only 1/100 guys I see in C. London is more ripped than me.

As short guys, when we optimise our game, demeanour, look etc. we can give tall guys more than a run for their money.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-09-2015 05:53 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

The majority of women THINK they're attracted to taller guys (albeit it might be a slight bit genetic)

It's your job (game) to convince them otherwise

Spot on. They THINK they're attracted to height, but they're using height as what they believe is a reliable predictor of confident, dominating masculinity that triggers female sexual submission.

All you have to be is confident and dominant, no matter your height, and the pussy will flow.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-09-2015 06:36 PM)Matrixdude Wrote:  

Girls are naturally attracted to the taller guy because he has a large presence, and instinctively want to feel protected.

Another funny thing, most women understand very little about protection. A prime example, in their prime most women would feel more protected by Schwarzenegger than Bruce Lee but everyone know when it came down to it who would protect them better from danger...

Short guy game

Quote: (10-10-2015 08:41 AM)The_Wonder Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2015 06:36 PM)Matrixdude Wrote:  

Girls are naturally attracted to the taller guy because he has a large presence, and instinctively want to feel protected.

Another funny thing, most women understand very little about protection. A prime example, in their prime most women would feel more protected by Schwarzenegger than Bruce Lee, but everyone knows when it came down to it who would protect them better from danger...

Short guy game

Quote: (10-10-2015 08:41 AM)The_Wonder Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2015 06:36 PM)Matrixdude Wrote:  

Girls are naturally attracted to the taller guy because he has a large presence, and instinctively want to feel protected.

Another funny thing, most women understand very little about protection. A prime example, in their prime most women would feel more protected by Schwarzenegger than Bruce Lee but everyone know when it came down to it who would protect them better from danger...

My money'd be on Arnie [Image: wink.gif]

Short guy game

Quote: (10-10-2015 01:17 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2015 05:53 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

The majority of women THINK they're attracted to taller guys (albeit it might be a slight bit genetic)

It's your job (game) to convince them otherwise

Spot on. They THINK they're attracted to height, but they're using height as what they believe is a reliable predictor of confident, dominating masculinity that triggers female sexual submission.

All you have to be is confident and dominant, no matter your height, and the pussy will flow.

100% agree with Kaotic and AB.
Girls THINK they're attracted to height and pretty much every girl I've ever banged has said something along the lines of "I don't usually go for short guys" or "I usually only bang guys over 6 foot", etc. However when it came down to it that didn't stop them banging my 5'5" ass. If you have the game, you'll get the pussy.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-11-2015 05:51 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2015 08:41 AM)The_Wonder Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2015 06:36 PM)Matrixdude Wrote:  

Girls are naturally attracted to the taller guy because he has a large presence, and instinctively want to feel protected.

Another funny thing, most women understand very little about protection. A prime example, in their prime most women would feel more protected by Schwarzenegger than Bruce Lee but everyone know when it came down to it who would protect them better from danger...

My money'd be on Arnie [Image: wink.gif]

Arnold with the terminator powers or just regular arnold? Bruce Lee vs Arnold reminds me a little of the discussion of who would win in Superman vs Rambo vs McGuyver? Give McGuyver a gift card to walmart with 50 cents on it. Assume no kryptonite.

Rambo can shrug off bullets, shrapnel and hand grenades and is strongest in facing insane odds and being greatly outnumbered. Not really his cup of tea.

Superman seems to do best when he has to rescue someone or save the planet type scenarios. McGuyver would probably do the best here, he would make a sticky kryponite bomb out of chewing gum and the walmart gift card. He would then have to slit Rambo's throat with the gift card.

Short guy game

You will see many 'not tall' (I say 5'8"~5'10") guys with hot model looking girls in LA.
They either have california surfer model look or Kenndy jr look.

Yeah it will affect it greatly. Don't blame women though since Guys will treat you differently based on your height too.

It's just obvious and wasting time to talk about how height will affect your attractiveness.

You can't change it so do other things better. Simple as that.

Short guy game

Have a good face or a good body. Ideally both. If you have neither then forget about it.

Short guy game

Tall guys don't know how difficult game can be being short.
Short guys feel offended, specially if the short-guy-example is taller than them. Both cases use some exceptional examples (my friend who's 5-feet tall is dating a 6' feet model…).
I'm just a little taller than you so I can give you some perspective.

There's a graph (can't find it right now) but it shows the obvious; Height matters. If you're 6', you're attractive to girls ranging from 4' to 7'. If you're 5'5, obviously the range decrease exponentially. To make things worse, a short girl will prefer (very) tall dudes to compensate for her "genetic disadvantage". Having a taller mate means taller offspring and of course, she can "brag" to her friends.

Using some exceptions does not count (rich, famous, etc).

Luckily for men, looks is not the only factor to attract the opposite sex. Unfortunately you have to do a lot of work to compensate for it. My advice? Be the best you can be and go to where you're most valued.

If you live in Beverly Hills, it doesn't matter if you have a good job, decent looks, etc. There's a huge sample of guys who has all of that and much more (including height). It is possible to find a perfect girl willing to date you but realistically, your chances are slim. Same if you're in a nightclub in Netherlands. You can have game, money, etc. But when that perfect girl see you dancing around the tallest men in the world, you'll look like you're 1-feet shorter (maybe look like a dwarf), decreasing your chances.

The point of this forum is to improve yourself. My advice? As in economics, it's all a matter of supply and demand.

Be the best as you can possibly be, mentally and physically.
-Hit the gym. Target is to have the physique of a fitness model, not a gym-rat. You're going to look even shorter if you bulk too much. Do some MMA classes to improve your stamina and gain even more confidence. And you never know when that knowledge will come handy.
-Dress properly. Girls judge you by the looks. Dress to impress.
-Shoes insole? I don't use them but 1-inch might give you an edge. My opinion is that girls can spot it easily and you'll look insecure about your height. Maybe short guys could create a thread with experiences.
-Have game. It'll increase your chances 100-fold to bang girls.
-Have money. Rich is a relative term. You need enough money to rent your own apartment and pay for a girl's entertainment (drinks, condoms, lubricants, etc). Don't expect to get laid inviting a model to hang with you do drink water in a park.
-Have a social circle. When you approach a girl randomly on the street, she already knows you fancy her. She will start analyzing you (judging you) and will create a instant barrier. If she's on your social circle, that shield is a little down (unless you act like a creep). It will be much easier to game her.

-Be different.
Another important and difficult point is location. As I mentioned, your chances are slimmer being in Beverly Hills than in let's say, Ukraine. If you live in US, spend some time in Colombia. Girls are nice (I've been there). At 5'6 you'll be average height but way above average in the other factors. I could write pages about it but it's out of the scope of this thread and you'll find plenty of information in this forum.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-11-2015 09:06 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2015 01:17 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2015 05:53 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

The majority of women THINK they're attracted to taller guys (albeit it might be a slight bit genetic)

It's your job (game) to convince them otherwise

Spot on. They THINK they're attracted to height, but they're using height as what they believe is a reliable predictor of confident, dominating masculinity that triggers female sexual submission.

All you have to be is confident and dominant, no matter your height, and the pussy will flow.

100% agree with Kaotic and AB.
Girls THINK they're attracted to height and pretty much every girl I've ever banged has said something along the lines of "I don't usually go for short guys" or "I usually only bang guys over 6 foot", etc. However when it came down to it that didn't stop them banging my 5'5" ass. If you have the game, you'll get the pussy.

I'm not short by any means but this is the type of guy you want to be. You want to be the guy that "I don't usually like _________ guys but something about you." That's when you know your game is tight because you won despite the odds.

Short guy game

Funny this thread got bumped. I ran into this last week:

Prepare for a bunch of statistics geekery if you click through, so here's the interesting parts; basically, science agrees with The_e_man's own experiences.


After dividing respondents into different height groups, the researchers found that every group of men taller than 5 feet 4 inches had the same median number of sex partners: seven. Only men classified as “very short,” or between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 4 inches, had a significantly different sexual history. They reported a median of five sex partners.


According to the authors, David Frederick and Brooke Jenkins, the explanation for their findings might be that women have a “minimal threshold” for male height — anyone taller is pretty much an acceptable potential mate and anyone shorter, not so much.

Short guy game

^ Says nothing about quality. Also, self-reported survey.

Short guy game

There are plenty of things that can easily negate the height issue (I'm a little shorter than 5'9")

1. Make her laugh
2. Display through body language/conversation/positive attitude that you don't give a fuck and her approval does not affect your state of mind
3. Approach more girls.
4. Make her feel lower value than you by ignoring, insulting, and treating her with the same disdain she treats short/bald/ugly/poor guys.
5. Be Ray Rice.

I highly recommend the first three, they have worked wonders for me. Number four is highly effective on low self-esteem girls, but puts you in a bad mood and fills you with negative energy, so I try to avoid it nowadays unless an extremely rude, asshole girl needs to be put in her place. Number five certainly lets her know who is in charge, but you will receive extreme negative attention and virtually ruin your career in the NFL.

Short guy game

I'm also 5'6... some random advice I've found to be helpful...

1. Always wear boots. They give you like 3 or 4 inches. A lot of what I do involves construction, so I can get away with wearing contractor boots with super thick heels. I've found that this upped my success rate tremendously - it was unreal how much more productive my approaches became with that small boost.

All you need is the initial bang and then you can do whatever you want. My preferred boot is the Chippewa Apache, but tailor this to your own style. (i.e., if you wear a suit, get dress boots).

I used to wear Adidas when I'm dressed down, boat shoes for business casual, and standard wingtips with a suit. I switched to contractor boots for casual, and then black dress boots with a suit. Huge difference.

2. Get big, or at least look big. The easiest way to look big is to do a lot of extra wide grip, bar to neck benchpress. This exercise is hard - you probably won't be able to bench more than 135 - 145 for sets of 5. However, it gives your chest a MUCH wider appearance in a relatively short period of time.

I do that exercise like 3 times a week, in addition to squats. If you're short, muscles are extremely important. Wide grip neck press makes your chest look big and wide.

3. Approach shorter girls. Short girls, like all girls, prefer taller guys. However, they don't hold it against you as much. I haven't dated or banged a girl over 5'2 in years. Well, one girl was like 5'8, but I broke up with her because I didn't like the fact she was taller than me. Made things weird in bed when I felt like the little spoon.

4. Make a conscious effort to take up space in a room. Always spread out. If I'm at a restaurant, I usually grab the chair next to me and put my arm up. "Manspread" all the time.

5. Smile rarely. Brood. Make eye contact. "Pregnant pauses". Be interesting. The hardest thing about being short is to not overcompensate for it, by "trying to spit mad game." I've found that it's easier to be quiet, brooding, and let the conversation come to you.

My height is, without a doubt, the biggest impediment to my game. I used to be self conscious about it, and thought I'd be stuck in a world of 6s and 7s. The good news is that hasn't been the case.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-12-2015 09:34 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

I'm also 5'6... some random advice I've found to be helpful...

1. Always wear boots. They give you like 3 or 4 inches. A lot of what I do involves construction, so I can get away with wearing contractor boots with super thick heels. I've found that this upped my success rate tremendously - it was unreal how much more productive my approaches became with that small boost.

All you need is the initial bang and then you can do whatever you want. My preferred boot is the Chippewa Apache, but tailor this to your own style. (i.e., if you wear a suit, get dress boots).

This is a good advice but maybe you meant 4cm instead of 4 inches?

Those are nice boots. I always thought that shoes with tick heels were ugly. I'll check that brand for other models.
What dress shoes you recommend?

Short guy game

Quote: (10-12-2015 10:57 AM)joost Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 09:34 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

I'm also 5'6... some random advice I've found to be helpful...

1. Always wear boots. They give you like 3 or 4 inches. A lot of what I do involves construction, so I can get away with wearing contractor boots with super thick heels. I've found that this upped my success rate tremendously - it was unreal how much more productive my approaches became with that small boost.

All you need is the initial bang and then you can do whatever you want. My preferred boot is the Chippewa Apache, but tailor this to your own style. (i.e., if you wear a suit, get dress boots).

This is a good advice but maybe you meant 4cm instead of 4 inches?

Those are nice boots. I always thought that shoes with tick heels were ugly. I'll check that brand for other models.
What dress shoes you recommend?

Sort of depends on your style. For traditional dress shoes -

Depending on your build, and if you can pull off a dress boot, this also works -

For what it's worth, I've found suit game isn't great. I try and avoid it. Wingtips kill your height. I feel shorter in a suit, even when I'm wearing elevator shoes. I've had the most success wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, and my Chippewas.

That said, wearing boots plus the size difference in my chest made a world of difference. And it has nothing to do with confidence - people, including women, just treat you differently.

Short guy game

"Over the years I've noticed that tall girls are low-key awkward about height..."

^This is a good thing to say to a taller female you're gaming. Assuming one's mannerisms are congruent (aka you're not fussed about height, spitting good game), this line conveys that you've "been there before," so to speak, with taller girls and it can potentially put them on the defensive, or - sometimes even better - get them talking about how they've felt odd being the tall girl.

I'm posting this as a man who's 5'9" on a good day who slept with a woman who's 5'11" and twelve years my junior last night. I've had girlfriends taller than me since high school. < The last two sentences are not to brag so much as I want people to understand that height only matters as much as it matters to you.

The line at the top of the page can work well, but again: a shorter man needs to first get over the height-insecurity or the line won't feel authentic to you or to the girl. I'd love to be 6'3", but I'm not and never will be - tough shit!

Of course, I've gone through this insecurity at various times, and women of all heights unconsciously/subconsciously know if it troubles me.

Easier said than done, but be your best self by developing the right mindset and the confidence will come. Worrying about something you cannot control is foolish. Women dig the confident man no matter his height. When you bring that confidence they'll rationalize sleeping with you just like they'll rationalize ANYTHING ELSE UNDER THE SUN (OR MOON).

Short guy game

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:46 AM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Easier said than done, but be your best self by developing the right mindset and the confidence will come. Worrying about something you cannot control is foolish. Women dig the confident man no matter his height. When you bring that confidence they'll rationalize sleeping with you just like they'll rationalize ANYTHING ELSE UNDER THE SUN (OR MOON).

That's not entirely true, though. I've approached some girls and it's been completely flat, even though I have a good notch count, money in the bank, and some celebrity. There are girls who are flat out not attracted to guys under a certain height, no matter how confident the man is.

From a practical standpoint, I've found that fucking girls a lot taller than me isn't fun. It's awkward. I don't like feeling like the littlespoon. I just don't.

You just have to take it with a grain of salt. In the same vein, I don't date girls over 5'2, I don't date fat girls, and I don't date SJWs. There's enough to go around.

Generally, I haven't found my height to be a huge problem. I also don't get upset if a girl rejects me for my height. I'll just find one who is interested.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:55 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:46 AM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Easier said than done, but be your best self by developing the right mindset and the confidence will come. Worrying about something you cannot control is foolish. Women dig the confident man no matter his height. When you bring that confidence they'll rationalize sleeping with you just like they'll rationalize ANYTHING ELSE UNDER THE SUN (OR MOON).

That's not entirely true, though. I've approached some girls and it's been completely flat, even though I have a good notch count, money in the bank, and some celebrity. There are girls who are flat out not attracted to guys under a certain height, no matter how confident the man is.

Point taken, some taller females that you approach aren't going to be interested no matter what level of confidence you bring. There are, however, plenty of exceptions. There are also a million and a half other reasons why she is not being receptive, as well (including height). At the same time, if a man's insecure about his height going in, then he's already disqualified himself before opening his mouth.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-12-2015 12:07 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:55 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:46 AM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Easier said than done, but be your best self by developing the right mindset and the confidence will come. Worrying about something you cannot control is foolish. Women dig the confident man no matter his height. When you bring that confidence they'll rationalize sleeping with you just like they'll rationalize ANYTHING ELSE UNDER THE SUN (OR MOON).

That's not entirely true, though. I've approached some girls and it's been completely flat, even though I have a good notch count, money in the bank, and some celebrity. There are girls who are flat out not attracted to guys under a certain height, no matter how confident the man is.

Point taken, some taller females that you approach aren't going to be interested no matter what level of confidence you bring. There are, however, plenty of exceptions. There are also a million and a half other reasons why she is not being receptive, as well (including height). At the same time, if a man's insecure about his height going in, then he's already disqualified himself before opening his mouth.

Some shorter females only want to date really tall males. I've tried to spit game at girls who are like 5''1 and say they only date taller guys. At the same time, I've managed to bang girls who are like 5''10. Generally, I find that shorter girls are more forgiving of height, but sometimes it's the complete opposite - they're hellbent on meeting a big tall man. The current girl I'm seeing likes short stocky guys, so I fit the bill.

There's no rhyme or reason to it. Personally, I like short dark haired girls. Some of my shorter friends like taller girls. It's just preference.

There's plenty of exceptions both ways around. I don't take it personally, nor do I let it limit my approach to dating.

Short guy game

Quote: (10-09-2015 05:53 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2015 04:21 PM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

You have to face reality and realize that most women want a guy that is taller. Although it's not black and white (there are always women who don't care if you're a few inches shorter), the majority of women are attracted to taller guys. It's embedded in their DNA, just like guys are attracted to women with feminine bodies.

I come from a country where the average height of men is around 185cm (6'1") and the average height of women is around 175cm (5'9"). Guys under 180cm (5'11") are simply fucked, unless you have very good looks and good game. The only shorter guys that are popular are foreigners, because they have the 'exotic' factor. Short white guys are not considered attractive here.

It just depends on the country you live in. 5'7" is pretty average for international standards, but short in most Western countries.


This is self defeating and game denial.

I'm fucking 5'8" and I've banged taller, shorter, and the same height.


The majority of women THINK they're attracted to taller guys (albeit it might be a slight bit genetic)

It's your job (game) to convince them otherwise - I have no qualms about banging taller and I always disarm women who hamster that notion because I'm shorter than them.

And for the girls who want tall guys and won't budge ? FUCK THEM.

They just made it easier for you (eliminated them from the dating pool) to ignore them and find ones that are interested in you.

Height DOES matter. Tall guys have an advantage over short guys, just like ripped guys have an advantage over guys who are not in shape and guys with a full head of hair have an advantage over bald guys.

I'm not saying it's impossible for a short, bald and fat guy to game women, it's only harder. If looks didn't matter, then why paying attention to it? Your look is very important and consists of your height, body shape, clothes, hairstyle etc.

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