anyone ever lost faith or felt they needed to switch a church. i say that because right im having doubts because my mom is sick with lung cancer ive been praying even church members havent help much. jus prayin for her and not prayin for me at church. so i kind of giving up with God.
faith in God
Well, I believe in Sana Klause.
God is not some dude chilling on a cloud in the sky, listening to the whole worlds' prayers, with a spread sheet, waiting to fix everyones' problems. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, my father just discovered he has cancerous tumor as well, it is very sad and tragic, but in his case, it maybe removed via an operation. It's good to have faith in a higher power, but to me God is an abstract idea, and not one that you can learn about in "church". Organized religion to put it bluntly is bullshit. Look within yourself and the connections you have with your loved ones for strength and inspiration.
I'm not touching the question, but I sincerely hope that your Mom gets better. Thats a terrible situation.
Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:
anyone ever lost faith or felt they needed to switch a church. i say that because right im having doubts because my mom is sick with lung cancer ive been praying even church members havent help much. jus prayin for her and not prayin for me at church. so i kind of giving up with God.
There is no God, don't waste your time on prayer expecting something to happen.
God's ways are beyond our comprehension. He shares your pain with you.
Contributor at Return of Kings. I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.
Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
I'm not religious or spiritual. I was raised Catholic, but I just sort of dropped it once I was old enough to do my own thing. I try to live by a code of ethics, but the code is highly fluid given certain situations.
Although, 'I'm an atheist and if you aren't you're stupid' girl is one of my least favorite girls. You run into tons of that on university campuses.
Although, 'I'm an atheist and if you aren't you're stupid' girl is one of my least favorite girls. You run into tons of that on university campuses.
"I used to be an atheist, until I realized I had nothing to shout during blowjobs. "Oh Random Chance! Oh Random Chance!" just doesn't cut it…."
-Robert Anton Wilson
-Robert Anton Wilson
Quote: (07-15-2010 10:38 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:
"I used to be an atheist, until I realized I had nothing to shout during blowjobs. "Oh Random Chance! Oh Random Chance!" just doesn't cut it…."
-Robert Anton Wilson
I've fucked a few atheists (I've noticed that lots of atheists are sluts...or is it lots of sluts are atheists?), they all say 'OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD!'
But their smugness and snobbiness towards people who embrace religion is sickening. An atheist girl will talk about people who practice Islam, Christianity or Hinduism the same way she talks about the girls she's jealous of.
Just because religion has no place in your life doesn't give you the right to criticize someone elses' faith.
But then again, expecting much in the way of courtesy or sympathy out of most girls is setting yourself up for a letdown.
I can see how you'd feel that way. I'm not an atheist, but an agnostic (meaning I don't have any hard and fast beliefs that a god does or doesn't exist).
I think a lot of atheists are jaded from religious people trying to jam it down their throats their entire life, or they otherwise are fed up with the so many blatant hypocrisies in modern religion. So, they wind up seeing religious belief as being a failure of thought or character. Its probably difficult for them to hold back their distaste, given their views. They need to learn to judge people individually.
I try to do as much, but all bets are off when someone tries to "save" me or otherwise solicit me to come to their church in a public place.
Oh, and a lot of atheists may be sluts, but Ive fucked far more sluts with religion than atheists. Its funny, that you can be fucking a slutty girl over a period of time, and then you'll uncover some weird religious hangup about what she will and wont do Examples include: sex (ever met the always hilarious anal whore/vaginal virgin?) abortion, three ways, dirty talk (arrgghh!-the worst), etc. I think its the hard wired shame mechanism of their religious upbringing that they weren't able to shake loose, despite letting themselves be free in other ways. They seem conflicted to me, but I would never challenge that.
I think a lot of atheists are jaded from religious people trying to jam it down their throats their entire life, or they otherwise are fed up with the so many blatant hypocrisies in modern religion. So, they wind up seeing religious belief as being a failure of thought or character. Its probably difficult for them to hold back their distaste, given their views. They need to learn to judge people individually.
I try to do as much, but all bets are off when someone tries to "save" me or otherwise solicit me to come to their church in a public place.
Oh, and a lot of atheists may be sluts, but Ive fucked far more sluts with religion than atheists. Its funny, that you can be fucking a slutty girl over a period of time, and then you'll uncover some weird religious hangup about what she will and wont do Examples include: sex (ever met the always hilarious anal whore/vaginal virgin?) abortion, three ways, dirty talk (arrgghh!-the worst), etc. I think its the hard wired shame mechanism of their religious upbringing that they weren't able to shake loose, despite letting themselves be free in other ways. They seem conflicted to me, but I would never challenge that.
Quote: (07-16-2010 09:34 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:
I can see how you'd feel that way. I'm not an atheist, but an agnostic (meaning I don't have any hard and fast beliefs that a god does or doesn't exist).
I think a lot of atheists are jaded from religious people trying to jam it down their throats their entire life, or they otherwise are fed up with the so many blatant hypocrisies in modern religion. So, they wind up seeing religious belief as being a failure of thought or character. Its probably difficult for them to hold back their distaste, given their views. They need to learn to judge people individually.
I try to do as much, but all bets are off when someone tries to "save" me or otherwise solicit me to come to their church in a public place.
Oh, and a lot of atheists may be sluts, but Ive fucked far more sluts with religion than atheists. Its funny, that you can be fucking a slutty girl over a period of time, and then you'll uncover some weird religious hangup about what she will and wont do Examples include: sex (ever met the always hilarious anal whore/vaginal virgin?) abortion, three ways, dirty talk (arrgghh!-the worst), etc. I think its the hard wired shame mechanism of their religious upbringing that they weren't able to shake loose, despite letting themselves be free in other ways. They seem conflicted to me, but I would never challenge that.
Atheists are fed up with the hipocrisy of religion, I've heard this before...but what they fail to see is that Atheism is essentially comforming by choosing not to conform.
Really, if they just shut up and stopped judging everything and one, they'd be fine, but there are few who can. I'd say my own views, if anything, are Agnostic.
Funny that you mention the girl who lets you fuck her in the ass to retain her vaginal virginity ('vaginal virginity' is a delicate term, let's assume she's never masturbated
![[Image: angel.gif]](
I just want to clarify that I never personally fucked one, but have known them as friends of girlfriends that I have had. I have known about them because their friends/my gf told me their dirty little secrets. Unsurprisingly, their husbands also lacked for sex when they got married, in general.
I don't think people are atheists merely to be non-conformists an more than people are religious to be conformists (at least that would be a weak reason).
But I do see atheism as just another form of belief. Instead of 'believing' in god, an atheist 'believes' that there is no god. From an agnostics perspective, both are still beliefs and there is no basis for 100% belief either way. There just isn't enough information available to make that type of decision.
Some more quotes by one of my intellectual and agnostic heroes, R.A.W.:
“If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of shit.”
--- Robert Anton Wilson
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.”
--- Robert Anton Wilson
“I don't believe anything I write or say. I regard belief as a form of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of creativity, the atrophy of imagination. I have opinions but no Belief System (B.S.)”
--- Robert Anton Wilson
An excellent book on agnostic logic/ the logic of belief / and reality in general by him is 'Quantum Psychology'. All his books are gold though, if you want to improve your ability to evaluate things, and to improve thinking in general. Very entertaining too. Quantum Psychology is dense-ish, but very worthwhile. If you want some stuff thats lighter on the philosophy, but more entertaining, try the Cosmic Trigger series. He gets into the logic of modern cults and perspectives on reality there, as well. But in a way that provides an entertaining history of sorts.
I don't think people are atheists merely to be non-conformists an more than people are religious to be conformists (at least that would be a weak reason).
But I do see atheism as just another form of belief. Instead of 'believing' in god, an atheist 'believes' that there is no god. From an agnostics perspective, both are still beliefs and there is no basis for 100% belief either way. There just isn't enough information available to make that type of decision.
Some more quotes by one of my intellectual and agnostic heroes, R.A.W.:
“If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of shit.”
--- Robert Anton Wilson
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.”
--- Robert Anton Wilson
“I don't believe anything I write or say. I regard belief as a form of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of creativity, the atrophy of imagination. I have opinions but no Belief System (B.S.)”
--- Robert Anton Wilson
An excellent book on agnostic logic/ the logic of belief / and reality in general by him is 'Quantum Psychology'. All his books are gold though, if you want to improve your ability to evaluate things, and to improve thinking in general. Very entertaining too. Quantum Psychology is dense-ish, but very worthwhile. If you want some stuff thats lighter on the philosophy, but more entertaining, try the Cosmic Trigger series. He gets into the logic of modern cults and perspectives on reality there, as well. But in a way that provides an entertaining history of sorts.
Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:
anyone ever lost faith or felt they needed to switch a church. i say that because right im having doubts because my mom is sick with lung cancer ive been praying even church members havent help much. jus prayin for her and not prayin for me at church. so i kind of giving up with God.
That's one of many things about religion that is funny to me as well. No one stops to think, "How do I know I have the right religion?" There are thousands and thousands of different religions out there. What makes you think that just because you are Christian, or any other religion, that you have the right answer? Your chances of being right are probably a lot slimmer than saying there is no god.
Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:
anyone ever lost faith or felt they needed to switch a church. i say that because right im having doubts because my mom is sick with lung cancer ive been praying even church members havent help much. jus prayin for her and not prayin for me at church. so i kind of giving up with God.
sorry to hear about your mom. what a church or other church members do should have no baring on your faith.
the world is plagued with sorrow and sadness. it is not dependent on anything we have done. no one is immune. its a terrible reality.
it is easy to have faith when everything is going good. true faith is revealed in times of sorrow / depression.
Quote: (07-16-2010 02:32 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:
Atheists are fed up with the hipocrisy of religion, I've heard this before...but what they fail to see is that Atheism is essentially comforming by choosing not to conform.
Really, if they just shut up and stopped judging everything and one, they'd be fine, but there are few who can. I'd say my own views, if anything, are Agnostic.
I'm agnostic personally(I actually hope there is a god as I was like to believe there's something after this life), but I think you're misrepresenting atheism. Atheism isn't a belief, it's a LACK of belief. Atheism asserts nothing. A dog is an atheist, and so is a young child before they are taught religion by society.
This guy has a really good blog on atheism and just logic and thinking in general:
Not to get overly technical about this stuff speakeasy, and not to pick apart what your saying, but I think that agnosticism is the lack of belief. (the prefix 'a' means 'absence of' and 'gnostic' means 'spiritual knowledge', more or less).
Atheism is the 'belief' that there is definitely no god.
Agnosticism means "I have no fucking idea, because I cant possibly know the answer". Therefore, there is no definite belief that there is a god, and there is no definite belief that there isn't a god.
But I get what your saying about the dog and the kid. I cant speak for the dog, but perhaps the counter argument, as far as the kid goes, would be some type of innate human spirituality thats instinctual. This would preclude kids from being natural atheists, however, they still wouldn't definitely have to conclude that there was a god either. Good examples would be pre-Christian pagan societies. Did native American have spirituality because it was forced down their throats something akin to modern day religion, or did they genuinely feel some type of spiritual connection to their environment regardless of anything that they were taught? Its hard to know, but perhaps kids would develop a form of spirituality anyway. I don't think a spiritual instinct and religion are the same thing at all. However, that spiritual instinct could be a psychological trick, or it could be real. We don't know. Thats why being agnostic is the logical choice.
Again, I'm not trying to come off as douche-y by correcting you. I just got into this stuff for a while, and like to talk about it.
Atheism is the 'belief' that there is definitely no god.
Agnosticism means "I have no fucking idea, because I cant possibly know the answer". Therefore, there is no definite belief that there is a god, and there is no definite belief that there isn't a god.
But I get what your saying about the dog and the kid. I cant speak for the dog, but perhaps the counter argument, as far as the kid goes, would be some type of innate human spirituality thats instinctual. This would preclude kids from being natural atheists, however, they still wouldn't definitely have to conclude that there was a god either. Good examples would be pre-Christian pagan societies. Did native American have spirituality because it was forced down their throats something akin to modern day religion, or did they genuinely feel some type of spiritual connection to their environment regardless of anything that they were taught? Its hard to know, but perhaps kids would develop a form of spirituality anyway. I don't think a spiritual instinct and religion are the same thing at all. However, that spiritual instinct could be a psychological trick, or it could be real. We don't know. Thats why being agnostic is the logical choice.
Again, I'm not trying to come off as douche-y by correcting you. I just got into this stuff for a while, and like to talk about it.
I gotcha man. I realize belief in some sort of a god is pretty much universal. Maybe there are a few small exceptions of some isolated tribe with no creation belief, but 99.9% of humanity has always believed in something or another. I don't know if it's an innate spirituality or just a desire to explain things that can't be explained prior to the advent of science. I mean if you are an eskimo thousands of years ago and you see the aurora in the sky, you almost have to think it's something supernatural because they wouldn't understand the truth even if you explained it to them i.e. solar particles clashing with the earth's magnetic field. Of if there's an earthquake, you think you angered some god or unseen force of nature. Even today, people attribute everything they can't explain to God, until science and logic provide an explanation. I always get a chuckle when I hear some woman whose home was demolished by a tornado say, "It was God that spared us and he must have some special purpose for us!" I guess she never asked why God didn't spare all her neighbors who are now dead and who probably went to the same neighborhood church. Religious people can annoy the hell out of me sometimes when they say stuff like that. I'm like, really??? You think YOU are so important that the creator of the universe had to spare just YOU and to hell with your neighbors? Gimme a fucking break.
Quote: (07-18-2010 05:04 PM)speakeasy Wrote:
You think YOU are so important that the creator of the universe had to spare just YOU and to hell with your neighbors? Gimme a fucking break.
I am agnostic as well.....I truly feel that our existence is beyond any human comprehension, BUT for those that find solace and strength in something that makes them a better be it.
i.e a drug addict kicking his habit believing that a divine creator guided them to health...a prostitute seeks new hope in a divine creator and gives more of her time to a child she neglected....a lonely, old woman who is sick in the hospital, and believing is a divine power gives him/her strength to pull through a painful, and tough surgical be it..what else is there?
My mother is a born-again christian..and we have spirited debates all the time...yet, I never really want her to stop believing...simply because it helps her be strong, when I'm not around to watch over her. Why take away the only solace and strength she claims to have from Jesus? be it.
Atheist is not someone who believes there is no god. Atheist is someone who rejects the belief in god, typically on some logical grounds, Occam razor being the most popular. If you ask a typical atheist whether he would believe in god if he is proven beyond reasonable doubt that god exist, in most cases I bet the answer would be "yes".
In my opinion there are no agnostics. If you look on it the way every religion does, it does not really matter what you believe. It matters what you do. A Christian who has an affair is not Christian even if he claims he believes in Jesus. An atheist who follorws Ramadan and does Namaz "just in case" is not really an atheist.
Some people define agnostics as someone who does not know if there is a god. This is an useless definition which makes everyone agnostic. Nobody knows if there is a god, even hardcore Christians just believe there is god, and atheists reject such belief. So if you behave like there is no god (like having sex outside marriage), you are basically no different from atheist, even if you believe in god. If you behave like Christian, following the bible and going to church, you are technically a theist.
In short, you either act like there is god, or you are not.
PS. Here in NorCal getting into a bar with a shirt saying "Free drinks to anyone who can prove God exists" generates some funny attention.
In my opinion there are no agnostics. If you look on it the way every religion does, it does not really matter what you believe. It matters what you do. A Christian who has an affair is not Christian even if he claims he believes in Jesus. An atheist who follorws Ramadan and does Namaz "just in case" is not really an atheist.
Some people define agnostics as someone who does not know if there is a god. This is an useless definition which makes everyone agnostic. Nobody knows if there is a god, even hardcore Christians just believe there is god, and atheists reject such belief. So if you behave like there is no god (like having sex outside marriage), you are basically no different from atheist, even if you believe in god. If you behave like Christian, following the bible and going to church, you are technically a theist.
In short, you either act like there is god, or you are not.
PS. Here in NorCal getting into a bar with a shirt saying "Free drinks to anyone who can prove God exists" generates some funny attention.
Quote: (07-19-2010 09:03 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:
Atheist is not someone who believes there is no god. Atheist is someone who rejects the belief in god, typically on some logical grounds, Occam razor being the most popular. If you ask a typical atheist whether he would believe in god if he is proven beyond reasonable doubt that god exist, in most cases I bet the answer would be "yes".
In my opinion there are no agnostics. If you look on it the way every religion does, it does not really matter what you believe. It matters what you do. A Christian who has an affair is not Christian even if he claims he believes in Jesus. An atheist who follorws Ramadan and does Namaz "just in case" is not really an atheist.
Some people define agnostics as someone who does not know if there is a god. This is an useless definition which makes everyone agnostic. Nobody knows if there is a god, even hardcore Christians just believe there is god, and atheists reject such belief. So if you behave like there is no god (like having sex outside marriage), you are basically no different from atheist, even if you believe in god. If you behave like Christian, following the bible and going to church, you are technically a theist.
In short, you either act like there is god, or you are not.
PS. Here in NorCal getting into a bar with a shirt saying "Free drinks to anyone who can prove God exists" generates some funny attention.
Funny thing is that even though I'm agnostic and essentially live like an atheist, I still wonder if someone is watching me and it influences my behavior. I had the chance to sleep with a married woman that was coming on to me last year. While I didn't want the complications or drama, I have to admit that religious upbringing played a role in turning it down. I mean damn, not coveting another man's wife is on the freakin' 10 commandments right up there with thou shalt not murder. God must consider that a pretty big offense! So if there is a God, I don't want to piss him too much!
Quote: (07-19-2010 09:03 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:
Atheist is not someone who believes there is no god. Atheist is someone who rejects the belief in god, typically on some logical grounds, Occam razor being the most popular. If you ask a typical atheist whether he would believe in god if he is proven beyond reasonable doubt that god exist, in most cases I bet the answer would be "yes".
In my opinion there are no agnostics. If you look on it the way every religion does, it does not really matter what you believe. It matters what you do. A Christian who has an affair is not Christian even if he claims he believes in Jesus. An atheist who follorws Ramadan and does Namaz "just in case" is not really an atheist.
Some people define agnostics as someone who does not know if there is a god. This is an useless definition which makes everyone agnostic. Nobody knows if there is a god, even hardcore Christians just believe there is god, and atheists reject such belief. So if you behave like there is no god (like having sex outside marriage), you are basically no different from atheist, even if you believe in god. If you behave like Christian, following the bible and going to church, you are technically a theist.
In short, you either act like there is god, or you are not.
PS. Here in NorCal getting into a bar with a shirt saying "Free drinks to anyone who can prove God exists" generates some funny attention.
I disagree with some of this. A Christian can have an affair with a married woman and still be saved or a Christian. A sin is a sin and just because you have faith in God doesnt mean your gonna stop sinning completely. What it means is your gonna alter or change your life style or views about life and TRY to live accordingly. People will still mess up from time to time. Being a Christian has nothing to do with actions ie good deeds / sinning. It is solely a belief or faith in Jesus. Now through that faith / relationship you will see changes in ur behavior and you will strive to live a better life.
Quote: (07-20-2010 12:02 AM)speakeasy Wrote:
Funny thing is that even though I'm agnostic and essentially live like an atheist, I still wonder if someone is watching me and it influences my behavior.
Me too - but it is strictly curiosity, as I do not change my behavior just because there is a chance it may be the case.
I had the chance to sleep with a married woman that was coming on to me last year. While I didn't want the complications or drama, I have to admit that religious upbringing played a role in turning it down. I mean damn, not coveting another man's wife is on the freakin' 10 commandments right up there with thou shalt not murder.
So you just limiting yourself to Christian definition of god?
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