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Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Self-assessment like this is hard. You think that some particular thing is helping you, while really it is irrelevant to getting you laid, may actually be hurting you, or is only something that happens in your head.

I subscribe to the Assanova school of thought: 80% of success is just showing up at the right time. I would say the top 3 for me (in increasing order of importance):

3. Endurance. You have to be there at the right time when the girl is ready to ditch her friends/her friends have ditched her, the competition is on its last legs or has already left, the girl has had enough drinks and is starting to get horny, and the only choice for her left is "do I go home, or do I go with this guy?" Same thing with day game and dates, plow through all the bullshit and spend the time to where she's thinking "why not?" instead of "what else?" Remember, choice is bad.

2. Not pushing the wrong buttons AKA being normal. You can run the tightest game, have the best looks and the biggest bankroll, but one big mistake and you're out. If there's nothing wrong with you, there's nothing she can say when asking herself "why not?"

1. Confidence. This is the only thing that all women agree on that they find attractive, and works in any situation and cultural context. I have worked mine to a sociopath level, and this is what makes girls go "I just can't help it, I melt around that guy."

Quote: (04-14-2012 12:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I mean, if she's agreed to come this far then that means she likes and wants to fuck you, so how in the world do you fuck that up?

Even in Eastern Europe? I would have agreed with you a year ago, but I've had many cases of girls coming over but absolutely not putting out.

This is because in the FSU many people visit each other at their homes for tea or drinks and conversation, while in the USA this is not typical. So in USA, "visit my apartment" = social script for sex, while in the FSU "visit my apartment" = social script to hang out, talk and have some refreshments.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (04-16-2012 02:20 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Giovonny: how do you go about figuring out fears + eliminating them from your mind? Any resources or tips to share?


Here is a bunch of stuff that I wrote over the last few years. Alot of it will sound repetitive but I think you will find some techniques that you like.

However, my philosophy and techniques are always evolving. At the end of this post I will write my most current and up-to-date plan for eliminating fear from your body and mind

Quote: (02-09-2012 01:14 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

The short answer is to simply do more repititions of whatever it is that you're scared of. If your scared to talk to girls, talk to 100 girls, if your scared to give speeches, give 100 speeches.

Facing your fear head on is the alpha thing to do!

I also recommened doing things that are much scarier then talking to girls like:

bungee jumping
handling large snakes
Public speaking
fighting (like live sparring for boxing/mma)
talking to a therapist about your deepest fears (this is a highly underrated inner game tactic)

And simultaneously,

Addresing your specific fears like:

the dark

When you eliminate your deep seeded childhood fears, all other little fears melt away. Fear and confidence are in a constant struggle to control your mind. Attack your fear and feed your confidence!

Quote: (02-10-2012 03:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

This type of stuff has worked for me. I take fear elimination very serious.

Conquering my fear and feeding my confidence has been maybe the most important thing in my life the last few years. I realized that the less fear I have, the happier I am, the more free I am. That might be the most fundamental part of Game - having no fear. Its so liberating. You don't have to worry about people judging you, people liking you, or trying to fit in. You are free to just be yourself and have fun. You don't give a fuck! (when fear is gone)

I can't live with fear. I feel like a little pussy loser who is afraid to face the world. So I attack fear. I've talked to many sports psychologists and many colleagues in psychology to develop a strategy that works for my specific situation. I work hard on "inner game" because game begins in the mind.

Fear has infected many people. Everybody is so scared of everything. I can't live like that. I live for fearlessness.

Quote: (02-11-2012 03:29 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Giovonny just one more thing. You mentioned all important things apart from working out or lifting weights, dont you think that this can be a very effective tool in eliminating fear? Dont you think that this can help eliminating fear?

Quote: (02-12-2012 01:53 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Working on all aspects of your appearance is very important!

You want to look as good as possible, of course.

But I consider that "outer game". It doesn't fix the weaknesses is your mind. (though it may help them somewhat)

I think we have to work on both at the same time.

If lifting weights works for you then of course due it hard.

But, don't ignore those little fears that are in the back of your head when you go to bed at night. If you can conquer those, you will go to another level.

I'm trying to get to an almost spiritual level where its like I'm on ecstasy even though I'm not.

Quote: (02-12-2012 03:33 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Do you mind if you breakdown how you go along with skydiving, bungee jumping, handling large snakes etc, i mean, do you do those activities on regular basis (for example twice a week) or you reccommend to do it for a one time life experience

Quote: (02-12-2012 04:18 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I didn't know about "game" when I did those things, but now when I look back, I think those things helped me. I've only done those things once in my life and would never do them again but I'm glad I did it once. With skydiving and bungee-jumping, once is enough to shake you up a little. I thought I was dead, so when I got back on the ground I was approaching like crazy.

You should do something extreme like this asap AND find a fear eliminating exercise that you can do on a regular basis. Maybe a boxing/mma gym or a rock climbing class or firing range where you can shoot guns or surfing or something that will force you to face some fear.

AND, You should identify the top 2 or 3 fears that are holding you back from being the man you want to be and aggressively attack them.

AND, you should consider talking to a professional therapist about any fear that you may have carried from your childhood. If you have any "issues", deal with them honestly and aggressively.

Design a fear elimination game plan and get to work.

So you are doing extreme once in a lifetime stuff, regular confidence boosting maintenance, and also working on root of the problem in your mind. AND, at the same time you are improving your "outer game" in terms of appearance, vibe, and conversation.

Thats what I would do. (Thats what worked for me)

Oh, and I must admit, these helped alot too..

Quote: (09-29-2011 04:08 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Something related that I posted last year:

I learned this by accident but something that helped me was DOING THINGS THAT WERE MUCH SCARIER THEN APPROACHING GIRLS.

I went skydiving and nearly shit my pants, when i got back on the ground i couldn't wait to approach girls..i had just experienced a great deal of fear and i was laughing it off...approaching girls didn't seem that scary anymore.

Other things that helped were boxing in the Golden Gloves, talking to my mom about why she left my dad, bungee jumping, etc. The bottom line is the more you face your fears...the less fear you will have stored in your body/mind...when you eliminate all that fear, approaching girls is easy.

Quote: (07-06-2011 04:26 AM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Another way to increase confidence is to deal with any unresolved emotional issues that you might have. I think that stuff is deep Inner Game. Carrying around alot of emotional baggage can have a negative effect on your vibe. Sometimes you gotta just stay home alone for a few days and really think about stuff. If you have more internal peace, you might be more comfortable and have more confidence.

Talking to my parents about why they divorced helped me get over alot of anger and pain.

Which allowed me to be more relaxed and soften my vibe so that it was more attractive to females. My sense of humor picked up and my attitude was more playful and less intense. I started dressing with more swag because I was more comfortable with who I was.

Forgiving someone, forgiving yourself, having a heart to heart talk with a parent or sibling, these kinds of things can sometimes release weight off your chest and allow you to display more of your "best self".

As far as approaching girls to build confidence?

I think its the best way. Because you are killing 8 birds with one stone.

When you approach a cute girl, you are working on your:

body language
eye-ball language
conversational skills
social skills
quick wit/humor
quick thinking/problem solving

And it builds the right kind of confidence. Confidence in talking to cute girls.

Here is my most current answer:

If fear is controlling your life and you lack confidence..

Get professional help!

Yes, that is my answer. If your fear is paralyzing you and you can barely take action, that is what you need. You can figure it out on your own but that will take alot longer and wil have alot more ups and downs. A professional psychologist or therapist can help you identify your fears, their causes, and how to eliminate them. Those people do this everyday. This will kick start and accelerate your fear elimination process. Try different people and find one that you like. Once you get your fears identified and their roots, you can really get to work. I only did this for about a month when I was a teen but I wish I would have done it more.

I would compare it to getting into game. What would be better? Reading and studying on your own? Or, doing a bootcamp with Roosh?

The bootcamp with Roosh would probably be more helpful. Because he is A PROFESSIONAL!

Spend the money, take the time, get professional help!

Doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, life coaches, puas, etc.

Find the people who are experts at your situation!


Here are some techniques that I didn't mention in the earlier posts..

1)Google "eliminating fear" and educate yourself

2)Read books on the subject

Here an author that I like:

3) Traveling

For some reason experiencing another far away culture often helps eliminate some fear.

4) Meditation

This means different things to different people. For me, its just getting into a situation where I don't have to think, I can just react and play. I play soccer, basketball, and tennis. I do yoga. I dance. These things allow me to operate without thoughts or fears. These things come mostly from my muscle memory, I don't have to think. This break from fear and thought allows me to see who I really am. I am a guy who sees that there is no reason to be scared. If I am scared, then I am confused by my thoughts. Make sense?

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Epic post Giovonny! I'll definitely try some of that stuff out. I think the hardest part will be figuring out what I am really scared of. I did some deep thinking about a month ago, figured some things out and wrote them down. I cant find it now which kind of sucks. I think one of the main ones was "I am scared of getting super fit, good at game, or top marks in school because I am scared that I will fail horribly along the way, that my confidence will be shattered and I will get upset because of that."

I realize now that you have to fail to succeed no matter what, you can just reduce your failures in certain ways. I am working on this and will take some of your suggestions to heart. I think this is a great thread for the reason that we can all see eachothers self-proclaimed weaknesses and evaluate them in accordance to ourselves. Learning from others' mistakes if you would put it that way.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (04-16-2012 10:28 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I think the hardest part will be figuring out what I am really scared of

Just start with approaching girls fearlessly. When you can do that, you will have eliminated many of your other fears.

When you get to a deeper level, see the pros

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs


21 y/o brit.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

1) Nonchalant
girls love this about me, they think i'm the chillest dude. i don't put anyone on a pedestal, i pretty much go with the flow
2) Good looking
i'm 6'0 and a lean 165lbs, a soccer playing type physique and on top of that i'm racially ambiguous with a handsome face, they think im exotic. plus i have good fashion sense.
3) Knowledge
i am really worldly, eccentric, and witty. i can make shit up on the fly and i have the social skills to get in wherever i fit in

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

1) date game- my date game is tight. I always hook up and often close on my first date when I choose to. I am confident and the pauses that kill me sometimes in a loud bar or club approach help me here when there is only me to focus on.

2) dhv- I am educated from a top college, was a top d-1 athlete in my sport, I am well off and tall and in shape (6'4 208) Girls see the things I have going for me or I spell it out from th thru subtle dhv

3) kino,escalation
I find out quickly which girl is dtf and the ones that are I get the bang out of. Some guys never know because they aren't aggressive with their escalation and keno. This is not the case for me and I am rarely the guy spending a ton of my night with a girl and not getting the lay. Ironically this did just happen to me in Vegas tho ...made out with a girl and hung out w her on my balls for 1.5 hrs only for her not to go back with me. She lives close to me back home and wants to hang out....she has one more chance only if she drives down here

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Giovonny nailed that shit..."Conquering my fear and feeding my confidence has been maybe the most important thing in my life the last few years. I realized that the less fear I have, the happier I am, the more free I am. That might be the most fundamental part of Game - having no fear."

Man, I won't lie. I had a nervous breakdown after I stopped playing pro basketball. I tore my ACL in training camp and my knee was never the same. Getting paid to play, having everyone licking your ass crack, fooling around with cheerleaders. My ego and confidence was at an all time high. I saw how guys looked up to me, jealous as fuck, but still had my respect to the fullest. I was lucky to experience it because few do, but I also look at it as a curse, and wished I never got a taste of it. I have never been able to reach that level mentally since. I look back, and I feel like just a shadow of myself, a limp dick. It hurts. I been trying to work on my confidence but it's hard for me to get back to that level. Fear and confidence never crippled me like it does now. I put on a good act, but deep down I feel like a shadow. I still can't step on the court because it brings back way to many memories. I get soft just trying to type it out but I could never express myself to anyone about it...

I can't express enough to find a SPORT that you LOVE. Eat, sleep and breathe that shit. When you put your all into something like that, people around you will automatically gravitate towards you effortlessly. Ball came first and everyone and everything came second. But people didn't mind, they wanted me even more. It brings out your primal side. Confidence will fly through the roof . Don't be a fucking fan, actually participate and become the best in it. Even when I played ball, I hate watching it because I saw it as worshiping another man and his glory. Till this day I can't watch sports on TV , but I will participate in just about any sport.

My passion for basketball at the time led to more bangs than anything else....

One day at a time...

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

I wanted to add, you dont even need "Game" when your on that level and have a passion like that in your life... That passion is light years ahead of any nut you can bust or any chick you can pull. People who experienced the same know what I'm talking about. Now that I'm an average Joe, I gotta learn "Game"

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Good answers, here are my 2 cents:

1. Quickness: I am freaking quick, no matter if is in spanish, english, portuguese, I am quick as hell, not to cum, but when I talk, jokes, props, flirt,etc...I have good comebacks....You will never put me on the spot so to speak, girls like that....

2. I get away with words: Good vocabulary and communication skills, that's key if you are short like me. 5; 7. I make up words all the time, sometimes i record myself and Believe I sound like the guy from a Clockwork Orange in a funny non-crazy way.

3. Observador: In whatever situation, I am always looking at everything, I become part of my habitat and see rooster blockers from km away. That's when I am 100% sober. When I am on the 4th whiskey and coke, I become useless, loose my focus.

The harder you practice, the luckier you get.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

1 - Funny , casual.

2 - Baby Face (can be a minus or a huge plus depending on the chick)

3-Financially stable , have my shit together.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (04-23-2012 12:35 PM)Nujabes Wrote:  

Giovonny nailed that shit..."Conquering my fear and feeding my confidence has been maybe the most important thing in my life the last few years. I realized that the less fear I have, the happier I am, the more free I am. That might be the most fundamental part of Game - having no fear."

Man, I won't lie. I had a nervous breakdown after I stopped playing pro basketball. I tore my ACL in training camp and my knee was never the same. Getting paid to play, having everyone licking your ass crack, fooling around with cheerleaders. My ego and confidence was at an all time high. I saw how guys looked up to me, jealous as fuck, but still had my respect to the fullest. I was lucky to experience it because few do, but I also look at it as a curse, and wished I never got a taste of it. I have never been able to reach that level mentally since. I look back, and I feel like just a shadow of myself, a limp dick. It hurts. I been trying to work on my confidence but it's hard for me to get back to that level. Fear and confidence never crippled me like it does now. I put on a good act, but deep down I feel like a shadow. I still can't step on the court because it brings back way to many memories. I get soft just trying to type it out but I could never express myself to anyone about it...

I can't express enough to find a SPORT that you LOVE. Eat, sleep and breathe that shit. When you put your all into something like that, people around you will automatically gravitate towards you effortlessly. Ball came first and everyone and everything came second. But people didn't mind, they wanted me even more. It brings out your primal side. Confidence will fly through the roof . Don't be a fucking fan, actually participate and become the best in it. Even when I played ball, I hate watching it because I saw it as worshiping another man and his glory. Till this day I can't watch sports on TV , but I will participate in just about any sport.

My passion for basketball at the time led to more bangs than anything else....

One day at a time...

Quote: (04-23-2012 01:47 PM)Nujabes Wrote:  

I wanted to add, you dont even need "Game" when your on that level and have a passion like that in your life... That passion is light years ahead of any nut you can bust or any chick you can pull. People who experienced the same know what I'm talking about. Now that I'm an average Joe, I gotta learn "Game"


Great "talking" to you yesterday. I didn't play at the high levels that you did but I did play small college and minor leagues. I also tasted that fame and celebrity. It is like a drug. No "game" is necessary. You are "pre-selected" as alpha and cool before girls ever meet you. They want to fuck you before they even talk to you. It can be hard to adjust back to reality after experiencing that. When my little bit of local fame wore off, I realized that I never got girls because of my "game", I got them because of my "fame". Thats when I knew I had some work to do.

Like we were saying yesterday, its hard to replace that passion and life energy that we had with basketball. It gave us purpose, it gave us power, it gave us status and women. Like you said, it's more powerful then "game", sex, women and all that shit. When a man invests all of his energy and passion into something he believes in and is willing to fight for, he goes to another level psychologically and spiritually, women can almost smell it, they know they can not have his full attention, they must play by his terms if they want him, its powerful. I don't know if I will ever be able to get back to that level, thats why I am improving my game so at least I have a fighting chance with quality women.

Here are some related posts on the subject..

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Great shit G. I was reading those two threads you posted in. I have a smile from ear to ear reading it. A big grin looking like Joker from Batman. Like a little kid in a candy store. A theme I recognize and can relate to.

This shit gave me chills.....

"When a man invests all of his energy and passion into something he believes in and is willing to fight for, he goes to another level psychologically and spiritually, women can almost smell it"

Young gents reading this post... Print that quote and staple it to your wall..

One minor adjustment, take out the word "Almost"... "Women Can Smell It"

Put your passion first, eat, sleep and breathe it. Dream about it. "Visualize it" when your not able to work on it. Tears should come to your eyes if failure runs across your mind. Become obsessed, borderline psychotic. Put it first before EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. My passion put me through a nervous breakdown, lol. Opportunities will be born and you'll get more pussy than a toilet seat. Then all you'll need is ''Not Fuck It Up'' game...

Do you know how many times I passed up supreme pussy to train (Drills, working out, film)!?!?!?

I have a few good friends in the NBA/NFL and it's hard to put into words the "Mental" state you need to be to reach that level. Words can't express it. You have to be missing a few screws in your head. You need to be around it to see what I'm talking about. You want to talk about fearlessness and confidence. Hang around my crew for an hour and you'll feel like you have the world by the balls. Your mental state will be on a WHOLE NEW level. Whip the "Beta" right out of you. You will learn everything you need to know about "Alpha" in the course of ten minutes. Like I said though, I have to put on a show even though I don't play anymore. I can't show my weakness.

It's funny, I never heard of "Alpha" or "Beta" traits until I came here. Never knew all this shit existed. When your constantly surrounded by "Alphas", your really just too self absorbed to think that there is any other way of life.

It's soul crushing when you have to surround yourself with people who don't have that "EPIC" mindset but majority of people don't know the difference because that's all their use to and never experienced anything else.

Great shit G...

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

need 10 posts before I can post a pic of myself but so far

1. Eyes

2. Body

3. Not shy

seriously, I get so many compliments on dem eyes

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Great Posts RVF members.

Willingness to walk away

Thing that has gotten me laid surprisingly was willingness to walkaway, not acting like I was going to walk away but literally when I meant that I'm leaving... Girls turned around.

Case # 1: My colombian Flag gave me the mother of the LMR for good 3.5 hrs that I Literally was pissed , nothing was working and I gave up, jumped out of the bed and told the Girl to leave as I have a early flight to catch and started packing my bags, I seriously wanted to catch a few hrs of nap prior to leaving. The girl started asking why don't you come and watch the movie with me...., I told her I need her to leave as I am about to go to bed and turned the lights and TV off and she turned around and started kissing me and asked the magic Question " Do you have a condom"

Case # 2: A young Girl who is not so good in Bed but was my option on a given day started giving me the attitude and I couldn't put up with that and jumped out of bed threw the condom off, dressed and called a friend to come pick me up, she changed her attitude and said to come lie down with her, i told her that i'm interested in her anymore as she's not fun, She literally started begging me, I told her the only thing that will make me stay will be if she comes and sucks my dick and fucks me no questions asked, she come to me took my pants off and started sucking me, I took her to bed , Slammed the shit out her in Grudge Fuck and got out of bed , showered and literally left the place with her naked waiting for me to cuddle her [Image: smile.gif] I am usually not like this but this bitch deserved this [Image: whip.gif]........

Lesson: Start throwing bitches out and you will get some turned around to come bang you.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

1. My height. At 5-7 girls just can't resist

2. Fitness. I'm out of shape. I don't give off a vibe that I'm trying to hard. Girls love this.

3. Laziness. I'm too lazy to respond to women they way they want me to. They have to try harder.

I'm at a standoff right now with one of the hottest girls I've ever met. I'm not doing shit about it. I blew her off twice because I had easier sex thrown my way. I haven't responded to her texts because I'm too lazy. I went out with her once and she complained about how I was dressed. She's Russian and thinks I should wear pants and not a bathing suit. I told her to shut up. I didn't open any doors for her and I tried to force her to smoke a cig with me. She was disgusted. I took her to a outdoor mall full of hot women. Even the girls turned their heads to look at this girls ass. Smokin! Guys would do full turn arounds and say shit like "oh my god" We went to a Mexican place for some Margaritas and a bite to eat. The staff at the place were just staring at her and trying to figure out why we were together. She's the kind of girl who can walk up to you and say I haven't taken a shower in a month so eat my pussy and you'll just say ok and do it.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (05-03-2012 11:24 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

3. Laziness. I'm too lazy to respond to women they way they want me to. They have to try harder.

I'm at a standoff right now with one of the hottest girls I've ever met. I'm not doing shit about it. I blew her off twice because I had easier sex thrown my way. I haven't responded to her texts because I'm too lazy. I went out with her once and she complained about how I was dressed. She's Russian and thinks I should wear pants and not a bathing suit. I told her to shut up. I didn't open any doors for her and I tried to force her to smoke a cig with me. She was disgusted. I took her to a outdoor mall full of hot women. Even the girls turned their heads to look at this girls ass. Smokin! Guys would do full turn arounds and say shit like "oh my god" We went to a Mexican place for some Margaritas and a bite to eat. The staff at the place were just staring at her and trying to figure out why we were together. She's the kind of girl who can walk up to you and say I haven't taken a shower in a month so eat my pussy and you'll just say ok and do it.

Yeah, but what got her hooked in the first place?

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Gio and Nujabes, these posts are awesome.

Kudos to Gio. You've hit the nail on the head. And it's also refreshing to see more serious basketball players on the forum.

Nujabes, where did you play at?

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (05-03-2012 11:51 AM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 11:24 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

3. Laziness. I'm too lazy to respond to women they way they want me to. They have to try harder.

I'm at a standoff right now with one of the hottest girls I've ever met. I'm not doing shit about it. I blew her off twice because I had easier sex thrown my way. I haven't responded to her texts because I'm too lazy. I went out with her once and she complained about how I was dressed. She's Russian and thinks I should wear pants and not a bathing suit. I told her to shut up. I didn't open any doors for her and I tried to force her to smoke a cig with me. She was disgusted. I took her to a outdoor mall full of hot women. Even the girls turned their heads to look at this girls ass. Smokin! Guys would do full turn arounds and say shit like "oh my god" We went to a Mexican place for some Margaritas and a bite to eat. The staff at the place were just staring at her and trying to figure out why we were together. She's the kind of girl who can walk up to you and say I haven't taken a shower in a month so eat my pussy and you'll just say ok and do it.

Yeah, but what got her hooked in the first place?
I have no clue. I'll explain it in detail when the job is finished.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (05-03-2012 12:25 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 11:51 AM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 11:24 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

3. Laziness. I'm too lazy to respond to women they way they want me to. They have to try harder.

I'm at a standoff right now with one of the hottest girls I've ever met. I'm not doing shit about it. I blew her off twice because I had easier sex thrown my way. I haven't responded to her texts because I'm too lazy. I went out with her once and she complained about how I was dressed. She's Russian and thinks I should wear pants and not a bathing suit. I told her to shut up. I didn't open any doors for her and I tried to force her to smoke a cig with me. She was disgusted. I took her to a outdoor mall full of hot women. Even the girls turned their heads to look at this girls ass. Smokin! Guys would do full turn arounds and say shit like "oh my god" We went to a Mexican place for some Margaritas and a bite to eat. The staff at the place were just staring at her and trying to figure out why we were together. She's the kind of girl who can walk up to you and say I haven't taken a shower in a month so eat my pussy and you'll just say ok and do it.

Yeah, but what got her hooked in the first place?
I have no clue. I'll explain it in detail when the job is finished.

I think El Mech exemplifies in his statement the two main traits (which are in essence the same) that synthesize what you need to be good at this:

1.Balls; sheer testicle power.
2.Not giving a fuck reeking off your pores.

There ya go.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

1. funny

2. language skills

3. endurance

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Realized the other day that I've probably had sex with more girls than Sid Vicious.

My count is over 60 something.

Am I wrong?

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (05-07-2012 02:44 AM)soup Wrote:  

Realized the other day that I've probably had sex with more girls than Sid Vicious.

My count is over 60 something.

Am I wrong?

You live in NYC, one of the most promiscuous cities in the world.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Quote: (05-07-2012 02:44 AM)soup Wrote:  

Realized the other day that I've probably had sex with more girls than Sid Vicious.

My count is over 60 something.

Am I wrong?

Sid Vicious probably banged 600+ women. Those rock stars can do 2-3 a day when the are at the height of their fame and out doing shows.

I'm sure we have guys on this forum who do close to 60 in a year or 2.

Your top 3 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

1. Looks. This can be both good and bad because the biggest hurdle can be convincing a girl that I'm not a player even though I look like one.

2. Surgical technique. The more approaches I do the sharper my skills get up to the point where I have the perfect answer for every objection a girl might have instantly. The downside is the blade can get dull if its not used on a consistent basis.

3. Persisitence. I once went from " What part of get the fuck out of my car don't you understand!?" To having her blowing me on my friends couch an hour later.

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