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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 11:02 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 06:59 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

No matter what anyone is saying in these forums, right now is not a good time to be a foreigner in China. There are HUGE swaths of Chinese men not getting pussy and when something goes wrong in China, the first ones to be blamed are the foreigners. I am getting TONS of dirty looks all day. Usually its not so bad, usually its about 1 or 2 an hour, now its EVERY other guy and then all his friends too. They are hurting for pussy from the massive imbalance.

Last week we went to a nightclub, my wife tagged along and sat down as usual. Some guys invited us to a table and gave us drinks but stopped after they found out we were teachers, not business people. My wife also told them that she was married to me which resulted in them telling her how garbage foreigners were and how evil we were and then them trying to secretly get her phone number. She said she refused a few times and they started getting quite pushy so that's when she grabbed me and we left (I had no idea what was going on, I'm usually off dancing and I don't speak enough Chinese).

As for me, I'm getting the fvck out of China at the earliest opportunity... the only people that really like it here are people that have it WAY worse back home (usually Americans).

Yeah there is a alot of hate there in those big cities. Guangzhou is full of hating ass young people. Jealous all the time. If you could understand them, you would get angry more often. Or laugh, like I did. One skinny ass loser and his mop headed girlfriend were talking shit about us in the subway, while sitting across from us. They were speaking regular Mandarin too. My wife and I looked at each other and l laughed out loud while looking at them. Then he started hugging his gf closer and started kissing on her. I just shook my head at them and made fun of his gf's clothes and mop hair style. They got up and left.

Much of the haters in Guangzhou are not even locals. Just some shitty fucking brats from some countryside far away or something. Never seen a foreigner with a pretty Chinese girl before. These are the types that would get a Mao tattoo if they could afford it.

Have you ever been hated on by military punks before? Those fuckers are rude and mean times 100. I won't mess with them. My wife yells at them though, which makes me nervous because I do not know what they are capable or willing to do to save face unlike others.

A smug stare back at them goes a long ways too. Sometimes I wink at them to let them know I can understand what they are saying, depends upon the situation.

When you get here, the hate will not stop. Black women hate on us hard after they get over the initial shock of seeing us! Younger White women and single mother ones roll their eyes and raise their noses. They stare at me as if I am covered in blood.

They ask if my wife is 18 or if she is in high school. I got blocked from buying beer from a jealous bitch in a grocery store because they thought my wife was underage and demanded her drivers license and wouldn't look at a passport!

Older black women 40-80 grimmace. So you might catch older white ladies doing the same too.

Other Chinese women here are mixed. Some love us and some think we are strange, and some hate either me or her, etc. etc.

Overall I love it. These are all the same fat and unfeminine bitches that more or less caused me to run outta this country like my hair was on fire.

BTW - For all the other reading this, don't do anything I did in China like that. I don't recommend it. Always stay quiet and mind your own business. Just ignore haters as if they do not exist. Shit talking is not a good thing to do. I never did it again after that. I just had a the wrong mood that day I guess.

This is why I always carry a big bag of "I don't give a fuck what you think" around with me - and Kai, I know from reading what you've written, you carry your own as well. Why would I care at all what a stranger thinks - that said (BadWolf's consistently negative experiences aside), once Chinese men find out that its your laopo (wife) and not just a girl you're slamming, the hostile ones tend to lighten up. A lot. Many of them do get kind of agitated seeing interracial couples walking around, though they definitely care less when the girl is unattractive.

Quote: (07-01-2014 07:15 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 06:39 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 01:19 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If you look at those men, they are bottom of the barrel in looks as well. Also they are only African. furthermore, with the exception of the fatties, those guys did well considering what they look like. A wife should always be at least one point higher than you. If you look anything like them, I could understand your sentiment. If you look anything like a decent average looking black american man, you would not pull that low unless your mindset corralled you into that. We invited a 70 year old black guy who is retired, to my house for a visit, that married a 40 year old Chinese woman that is waayyyyyyy hotter than these women above. He is tall, good looking for a 70 year old man, he grew up in Trinidad, worked for IBM for years, and is very intelligent and well spoken. His wife adores him too.

If you are black American, 70, and can get a pretty 40 year old, what do you make of that?

You have to understand that this is somewhat new territory, you are not going to see 100 samples on Google and quite frankly, why would you want to wait for hundreds of other black men with more money than you to take all the good ones anyway? Guys like me are going to be the new trend very, very soon. I saw a kinda-fat rich-looking black guy at a Mike Epps stand up show with a legit 10 Chinese wife (she had on a huge ring). He sat right up in the front. Epps didn't even mess with him. This was like 4 or 5 years ago. I was with my black exwife at the time, but I never forgot that day. Maybe he is former NFL or something, because he had an icy watch. I dunno. Regardless he left a serious impression on me that I never forgot.

Moral of the story. Money is race blind. Especially in Asia. If you are an ugly guy in the states with boatloads of money, you will be raped by the gold diggers in the US, while in Asia probably find a nice loyal wife who appreciates you taking care of her.

I don't see this being relevant for casual hooking up. Ukraine has tons of 8's but they are definitely not down for the ONS. It takes effort and lots of bullshit. I don't have time nor stamina for that shit.
Actually a lot of Chinese women will tell you that actually, they don't want a very handsome guy. They feel like men (their example being Chinese men) cheat once married, and a handsome man will be that much more tempted by the availability of women to him due to his looks. I've heard this directly from Chinese women many times - and its not something ugly women say, as they tend not to get the handsome guys in the first place.

It is VERY relevant for casual hookups. How we are perceived to Chinese women as black men absolutely matters for all things! Not all Chinese girls are "highly disciplined virgins", but they still might be good girls, just horny. I turned down an 7.5-8ish lizard in Wuhan who begged me for two hours to come visit her to fuck. She promised me the entire world. A nigga lover in Beijing with Huge DDD tits sent me naked photos, that was arguably an 8, I passed on her too. It doesn't take a ton of effort and bullshit, but it can be difficult if your game sucks. I will address these strategies in full depth in my dating guide when I finish updating it.

Yes, relevant, especially because outside sex workers, girls in China want to believe there is something more to a casual hookup. To be sure there are girls who ride the cock wagon, but the girls I pursue are not jumping on white dick (or yellow or black or brown or whatever0 all over the place. You close them, among other reasons, because they want to believe that maybe there is a future with you, that there can be something between you (not necessarily very long term, but they want to believe (like many women everywhere) the Prince Charming fantasy). You've gotta let them know you have the glass slipper (did I mix up the metaphor? not sure, but Im sure people can get my drift).
Quote: (07-01-2014 10:59 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 06:39 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Moral of the story. Money is race blind. Especially in Asia. If you are an ugly guy in the states with boatloads of money, you will be raped by the gold diggers in the US, while in Asia probably find a nice loyal wife who appreciates you taking care of her.

I don't see this being relevant for casual hooking up. Ukraine has tons of 8's but they are definitely not down for the ONS. It takes effort and lots of bullshit. I don't have time nor stamina for that shit.

There’s Asian gold diggers as well – ask Rupert Murdoch! I know loser Indian guys (fat or ugly) from UK/USA who’ve gone and married an 7-8 village girl from India. The fact that they live a western country will make any village woman want to marry them.

TravelerKai – A question, which you do not have to answer, but did you meet your wife online?

BadWolf – I was thinking of heading over to China in a few years for the experience and to work for a year or two. Would you say it’s a bad idea? I “get” Chinese people if you know what I mean, I’ve been around them for most of the last 15 years and I have close female friends that are originally from Guangzhou and Shanghai. I’m not black or white BTW- I'm brown!

Walter, come over and make your own assessment, no matter what anyone (including me) says here. At minimum it will be an experience. Don't let me or BadWolf or Kai or anyone else dissuade you. Do it for yourself.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 10:05 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  


In a KTV or club it might look cool, but if you are greasing up a 4-6 KTV xiaosan, that isn't impressive! Not to anyone that knows anything about China. Clubbing does not yield the same lizard quality that it would in Latin America.

Clubbing in China is only for RICH kids and they all go with their own women. No one talks to each other, its basically a private party and you as a foreigner are definetely not invited. The anatomy of a Chinese club is a tiny little dancefloor which is usually used as a stage (Chinese can't dance), with a couple of bars, lots of seating areas and some uncomfortable standing areas (with tables to show who has money and who doesnt). If you want to sit down you must pay $100 USD. The Chinese who pay, will lay on the couches and play with their phones, oblivious to everyone around them, they are clearly the elite of China. The club in China is a weird place, they play decent dance music but have no room to dance. Chinese try and imitate America but it always comes out ass backwards, and its all for FACE. Forget meeting new people, they don't want to meet each other, they go there to show off who has the most expensive stuff and who has the most expensive table. I've been to TONS of clubs all over China and I've yet to see ONE china man approach another china man to strike up a conversation or even dance together (men and women). It's simply not done here... now if you bring a woman to a table, they will be all over her like white on rice.

I go with my friends only, never go by myself, they are dangerous places. Ask anyone who lives here. Kai if you are in GZ we should get together, do you know Pizza 2 Pizza or Chicken Express, Ill bring my wife and you can bring yours. Mine isn't Cantonese so I bet they get along.

Spot on! The whole stand around and "hold face" operation never changes. Handcuffing and bringing the fish to the lake as well. Night clubs can be very dangerous in China. Lots of clubs have xiaojie in there and if your Mandarin cannot help you figure out which ones are and which ones are not, their "Chinese style pimps" will beat the shit out of you if you fail to pay her for her time you wasted/used up. Different provinces have different nightlife cultures. If Chinese guys get played like this, what do you think your chances are if you roll in some of these places solo?

I would also never attempt to club it up at in a non-tier 1 city either, if I were a single man again, knowing what I know now. If you take care of your business in the day, you probably won't be lonely that night anyway. But if you just want fun, go for it. HK and Shanghai have the best clubs from what I hear, but I do not visit them.

Badwolf, we would love to hang out with you guys. Those places don't jog my memory, but we can find them easily enough. We will keep in touch. PM sent.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 10:59 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 06:39 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Moral of the story. Money is race blind. Especially in Asia. If you are an ugly guy in the states with boatloads of money, you will be raped by the gold diggers in the US, while in Asia probably find a nice loyal wife who appreciates you taking care of her.

I don't see this being relevant for casual hooking up. Ukraine has tons of 8's but they are definitely not down for the ONS. It takes effort and lots of bullshit. I don't have time nor stamina for that shit.

There’s Asian gold diggers as well – ask Rupert Murdoch! I know loser Indian guys (fat or ugly) from UK/USA who’ve gone and married an 7-8 village girl from India. The fact that they live a western country will make any village woman want to marry them.

TravelerKai – A question, which you do not have to answer, but did you meet your wife online?

BadWolf – I was thinking of heading over to China in a few years for the experience and to work for a year or two. Would you say it’s a bad idea? I “get” Chinese people if you know what I mean, I’ve been around them for most of the last 15 years and I have close female friends that are originally from Guangzhou and Shanghai. I’m not black or white BTW- I'm brown!

Rupert probably fucked up that marriage based upon the publicly available intel, but he knowingly married a xiao san. That is HIS fault. That said, she smacked a pie attempt from a clown before his personal bodyguard could get out of his seat, like a proper Tiger Wife is supposed to do. That bitch was more than loyal enough. He just had zero understanding of what he had and how Chinese women operate. As evil as he is, he is a poor example to draw from. Women always mirror their men. Game and perception work doesn't stop after marriage either.

To answer your question, yes. To give a quick frame of reference, I have had almost every dating situation in China from 1 arraigned marriage attempt to a super rich 10 via her parents (my social circle game) down to several poor girls at the same time (personal and business circle game).
All of which are very long stories, and I cannot share all of those details.

The long short of it was that I found myself running into extremes too often. Online game helped me, as a black guy, find more "well rounded/versed" women that were better for me and suited my tastes better. Better blends of quality (7-10) with the right temperament and good manners/class/money etc. Would it have been super easy as a white guy? Absolutely! Especially with my circles, I wouldn't have had to leave the US probably and I would have gotten something amazing sent to me.

My day game and social/business circle game would have eventually find something great in the long term probably, but I never live in China for months on end or years on end non-stop. So I wanted to make my trips there to be more productive.

Overall, my wife is the best hands down. Perfect for ME. She is a ride or die chick. DMX would highly approve! I have NO regrets at ALL!

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 12:59 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 10:05 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  


In a KTV or club it might look cool, but if you are greasing up a 4-6 KTV xiaosan, that isn't impressive! Not to anyone that knows anything about China. Clubbing does not yield the same lizard quality that it would in Latin America.

Clubbing in China is only for RICH kids and they all go with their own women. No one talks to each other, its basically a private party and you as a foreigner are definetely not invited. The anatomy of a Chinese club is a tiny little dancefloor which is usually used as a stage (Chinese can't dance), with a couple of bars, lots of seating areas and some uncomfortable standing areas (with tables to show who has money and who doesnt). If you want to sit down you must pay $100 USD. The Chinese who pay, will lay on the couches and play with their phones, oblivious to everyone around them, they are clearly the elite of China. The club in China is a weird place, they play decent dance music but have no room to dance. Chinese try and imitate America but it always comes out ass backwards, and its all for FACE. Forget meeting new people, they don't want to meet each other, they go there to show off who has the most expensive stuff and who has the most expensive table. I've been to TONS of clubs all over China and I've yet to see ONE china man approach another china man to strike up a conversation or even dance together (men and women). It's simply not done here... now if you bring a woman to a table, they will be all over her like white on rice.

I go with my friends only, never go by myself, they are dangerous places. Ask anyone who lives here. Kai if you are in GZ we should get together, do you know Pizza 2 Pizza or Chicken Express, Ill bring my wife and you can bring yours. Mine isn't Cantonese so I bet they get along.

not all clubs are for the super wealthy. there are a few clubs for the lower class girls, and the foreign packed clubs are full of girls looking to be picked up by a foreigner. clubs are the number one place to go at night if you venue select properly

That is very true Clever. Location matters alot as well. Almost no club has truly poor girls in it. If so, they either work there or are runaways trying to get lucky and find a potential husband or become an er nai or xiaosan. All the others are middle-middle to middle upper class. Only they would waste the money and time to go there. Because to them it is worth it for face reasons. Sometimes Chinese guys on vacation hit up local clubs.
Foreigner based clubs are great for foreigners to check out. No funny business going on for the most part and plenty of 4-7s, with some English skills(or desire), sometimes a few 8-10s, and best part of all great practice! You could possibly add rotations to your stable that way.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

i met quite a few lower class, nonpro girls at clubs. not even has an air conditioner lower class. they exist.
i also found it very easy to crash tables and drink for free. i spent maybe 500 rmb at clubs in 20 months.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 08:55 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

i met quite a few lower class, nonpro girls at clubs. not even has an air conditioner lower class. they exist.
i also found it very easy to crash tables and drink for free. i spent maybe 500 rmb at clubs in 20 months.

Oh I know they exist in there alright. They are just there for a deliberate reason. Whether they tell you or not. Chinese women play for keeps and play to win. They deliberately do everything for a reason. You know you have a good read on them, when you can describe their past, guess why they are somewhere currently, and what their intentions are to their face and they walk away from you without saying anything back. I have only done that twice, but still.. You can think find no reason to suspect they are non-pro-ish at that time, but they turn up that way 2 months later in the form of a xiaosan/ernai. The difference between a xiaojie and a er nai or xiaosan is just the individual Johns. None of them have any good values or morality. All of them are trouble. Steal the wrong one away from someone and you may find out very quickly.

Just because numbers games are so large in China, it is possible to never have the situations Badwolf and I talk about happen to you. Just never be surprised if it does and I would rather over prepare you guys with a heads up than to keep shit to myself and come off as a smug bastard when a bad report pops up on the forum.

I know people that live in China and never been cheated by a taxi driver. My wife never got cheated by one in her whole life. Once we were in Guangzhou we got cheated by a taxi driver. My wife was in shock and furious, I kept calm because I read enough trip reports and expat warnings about it and what to do from people who had. I started writing down his number and information and was going to have my wife call the police. He quickly stopped, we gave him the correct money and we left. My wife still cannot believe that even happened.

You never know when your card number will be called for a "China Situation". Always stay prepared.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Shit happens (and not only in China). In my experience, little petty shit happens here and there, and then conversely, i've had people run after me when I left a phone on a restaurant table that costs as much as they earn in the better part of a month. There are scams that are more typical, like the fruit ladies trying to "round off" your purchase by dropping far less than would actually bring the purchase up to an even number. We're talking a few nickels and dimes here, but I'll call them on it, more on principle. Obviously, you can take any approach. I don't choose to take the approach that I'll ascribe the behavior to the entire population and make myself miserable, or else I'd just leave.

A note on the clubs. Its unfortunately but the foreigner clubs just have, typically, far worse looking women than the Chinese clubs. Of course, the foreigner clubs aren't full of little sisters and er nai, and those girls definitely bring up the quality level (on looks alone) of the girls in the Chinese clubs. You're better off, to me, online or in day game to find a 7+ girl who you'd want to date in China. Its certainly possible to pull a girl from a Chinese "only" club, especially in Beijing or Shanghai, and also, I'm told, in Chengdu, but once you cancel out the girls in social circles whose friends will block you, most likely, and the hookers and the semi-pros and wannabe semi-pros and even the girls who are paid to make you drain your bottle faster (btw, Vegas has these girls nowadays too), there isn't that much left, and its not so easy. Online dating is very popular, just realize that as much as you need to screen for er nai, xiao san etc in the clubs (and gangster's girlfriends, if you can), you need to screen for english language hunters online, girls who want to meet you primarily to practice their english. Vicious...absolutely vicious.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 10:01 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2014 08:55 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

i met quite a few lower class, nonpro girls at clubs. not even has an air conditioner lower class. they exist.
i also found it very easy to crash tables and drink for free. i spent maybe 500 rmb at clubs in 20 months.

Oh I know they exist in there alright. They are just there for a deliberate reason. Whether they tell you or not. Chinese women play for keeps and play to win. They deliberately do everything for a reason. You know you have a good read on them, when you can describe their past, guess why they are somewhere currently, and what their intentions are to their face and they walk away from you without saying anything back. I have only done that twice, but still.. You can think find no reason to suspect they are non-pro-ish at that time, but they turn up that way 2 months later in the form of a xiaosan/ernai. The difference between a xiaojie and a er nai or xiaosan is just the individual Johns. None of them have any good values or morality. All of them are trouble. Steal the wrong one away from someone and you may find out very quickly.

Just because numbers games are so large in China, it is possible to never have the situations Badwolf and I talk about happen to you. Just never be surprised if it does and I would rather over prepare you guys with a heads up than to keep shit to myself and come off as a smug bastard when a bad report pops up on the forum.

I know people that live in China and never been cheated by a taxi driver. My wife never got cheated by one in her whole life. Once we were in Guangzhou we got cheated by a taxi driver. My wife was in shock and furious, I kept calm because I read enough trip reports and expat warnings about it and what to do from people who had. I started writing down his number and information and was going to have my wife call the police. He quickly stopped, we gave him the correct money and we left. My wife still cannot believe that even happened.

You never know when your card number will be called for a "China Situation". Always stay prepared.

so youre saying that undercover pros, hunting for a man are in clubs and will get insanely clingy? dude, thats just chinese girls. they dont need some ulterior second motive: some of them just like fucking white guys or black guys

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 10:53 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2014 10:01 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2014 08:55 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

i met quite a few lower class, nonpro girls at clubs. not even has an air conditioner lower class. they exist.
i also found it very easy to crash tables and drink for free. i spent maybe 500 rmb at clubs in 20 months.

Oh I know they exist in there alright. They are just there for a deliberate reason. Whether they tell you or not. Chinese women play for keeps and play to win. They deliberately do everything for a reason. You know you have a good read on them, when you can describe their past, guess why they are somewhere currently, and what their intentions are to their face and they walk away from you without saying anything back. I have only done that twice, but still.. You can think find no reason to suspect they are non-pro-ish at that time, but they turn up that way 2 months later in the form of a xiaosan/ernai. The difference between a xiaojie and a er nai or xiaosan is just the individual Johns. None of them have any good values or morality. All of them are trouble. Steal the wrong one away from someone and you may find out very quickly.

Just because numbers games are so large in China, it is possible to never have the situations Badwolf and I talk about happen to you. Just never be surprised if it does and I would rather over prepare you guys with a heads up than to keep shit to myself and come off as a smug bastard when a bad report pops up on the forum.

I know people that live in China and never been cheated by a taxi driver. My wife never got cheated by one in her whole life. Once we were in Guangzhou we got cheated by a taxi driver. My wife was in shock and furious, I kept calm because I read enough trip reports and expat warnings about it and what to do from people who had. I started writing down his number and information and was going to have my wife call the police. He quickly stopped, we gave him the correct money and we left. My wife still cannot believe that even happened.

You never know when your card number will be called for a "China Situation". Always stay prepared.

so youre saying that undercover pros, hunting for a man are in clubs and will get insanely clingy? dude, thats just chinese girls. they dont need some ulterior second motive: some of them just like fucking white guys or black guys

No they are not necessarily clingy per se. They have their reasons for being there. Whether that involves turning you down on a approach, giving you the qq number, going home with you, does not matter on the whole. They are not like Westerners. Westerners go out for no good reason other than they are just bored. These women all individually have some reason for being there that is just not as simple as they want to fuck a dark skinned person. Maybe 1 person in there 1 night that year probably wanted that literally. Vast majority wont. I brought up xiaojie, xiaosan, ernai hunters up for the specific reason that you do not want to get caught up with them because it elevates the potential for dangerous situations or giant wastes of time.

In the past before I knew any better I wasted time with flaky-ass cockteasing hoes that ended up being one of those 3. They do drop clues and the gist is that you when you think they are doing shit just because they are bored, they got you fooled. That is their way of being slick and playing little games, like the ones black girls in the US play with us, thinking they are slick. Breaking those hoes down is only possible if you know the games they run right off the bat. Makes sense? I could write up a scenario comparison if not. You might be natural with this, but the others may not be.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-25-2014 08:24 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 09:00 PM)Billionaire2000 Wrote:  

As a black dude, you should go to Japan.

Overall, black men do a bit better in Japan than China.

As a black guy, you can have some success with the women in China.

Some guys are saying that just because some of the people of a particular make racist comments about blacks that you won't have success with their women is FALSE.

There are people in EVERY COUNTRY in the world who don't like blacks, it doesn't mean you can't get with their women.

Give China a try. There was a dark skinned Jamaican man who had a lot of success with the women of China by the name of Walt Goodridge.

Don't let anyone discourage you from trying out China, Japan or the Phillipines, just don't bother with South Korea.

I agree. That said, Goodridge seems like a celibate traveler or some spiritual journeyman. Everyone is nice to someone like that wandering around in their country. He also on the surface has lower quality game, if any at all. He looks like a smaller version of Dikembe Mutombo. With none of Mutombo's mega alphaness. Not hating on him, he is okay, but he is not quite the example you will want to pattern your game after.

I read his online blog about his interactions with women.

He said that the Chinese women were asking him to be their lover on the streets and that the Chinese women liked him a lot romantically.

From what I gather and read from his website, he was very successful with the women and says that Chinese women do like black men.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 04:31 PM)Billionaire2000 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-25-2014 08:24 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 09:00 PM)Billionaire2000 Wrote:  

As a black dude, you should go to Japan.

Overall, black men do a bit better in Japan than China.

As a black guy, you can have some success with the women in China.

Some guys are saying that just because some of the people of a particular make racist comments about blacks that you won't have success with their women is FALSE.

There are people in EVERY COUNTRY in the world who don't like blacks, it doesn't mean you can't get with their women.

Give China a try. There was a dark skinned Jamaican man who had a lot of success with the women of China by the name of Walt Goodridge.

Don't let anyone discourage you from trying out China, Japan or the Phillipines, just don't bother with South Korea.

I agree. That said, Goodridge seems like a celibate traveler or some spiritual journeyman. Everyone is nice to someone like that wandering around in their country. He also on the surface has lower quality game, if any at all. He looks like a smaller version of Dikembe Mutombo. With none of Mutombo's mega alphaness. Not hating on him, he is okay, but he is not quite the example you will want to pattern your game after.


Have you ever read his journals about China?

He said that the Chinese women were asking him to be their lover on the streets and that the Chinese women liked him a lot romantically.

From what I gather from his website, he was very successful with the women and says that Chinese women do like black men.

I read it a long time ago on Winston Wu site.

Women on the street always cat call at men. Especially in non-tier1 cities. (places he went) Those women are xiaojie. They are hanging out of babershops and massage spas, and other fronts, because they want your money. Anyone with good China experience knows this. Anyone throwing their pussy at you wants something specific and most of the time it means money in some form.

Being romantic with Chinese women is not hard at all for us. They are not French. 3 roses gets most of them wet because Chinese men never bother with that shit. Big deal.

Im not saying he isn't reputable. Just examine what information you read about China with a grain of salt from writers that are way too upbeat and positive over something and never tell you straight dope about a place, like Badwolf, clever, suits, etc. would. Don't be naive like Goodrich was about certain things. Chinese women like that think laowai are stupid. Well someone obviously gave them that impression for them to run with it like that.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Let me say this too for everyone benefit.

xiaojie lick their lips and call black men on the street or hotel, not because they cannot wait to get that big black cock, but because they are about to get paid! Why? Because many of them if not all, charge black men 2 to 4 times as much money as they charge Asian and white guys to fuck. For two reasons : they think black dick is too big for their pussies. Second they think all black people have HIV.

Don't believe me? Go p4p with a Chinese guy and let him ask for price first, then you come up second.

The biggest reason you should not p4p is because if you are big and you use their condoms and that shit comes off because their pussies are too tight, you just raw dogged a prostitute.

Chew on that for a bit. Then the need to avoid pros matters way more than you originally thought.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

okay, time out. I'm throwing my challenge flag here. Are you saying that Chinese girls do not want random sex with foreigners? That you can't take a girl home and bang her the same night you meet her unless shes a pro? dude those things happen ALL THE TIME. now if you're saying it doesnt happen to black guys, okay, I'll give you that one. but to say the only girls you will pull for SNL are pros or psychos is dead wrong.
hell ive been propositioned on wechat for a 3some because i was white and spoke chinese.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

^what is the quality?

Our New Blog:

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 08:29 PM)clever alias Wrote:  

okay, time out. I'm throwing my challenge flag here. Are you saying that Chinese girls do not want random sex with foreigners? That you can't take a girl home and bang her the same night you meet her unless shes a pro? dude those things happen ALL THE TIME. now if you're saying it doesnt happen to black guys, okay, I'll give you that one. but to say the only girls you will pull for SNL are pros or psychos is dead wrong.
hell ive been propositioned on wechat for a 3some because i was white and spoke chinese.

No. Some do want to have random sex with foreigners. No, you can take them home for ONS if they like you enough. It can happen for black guys too, I had that happen for me multiple times. What I am saying is to be careful, especially if you are black about pussy that comes way to easy for no reason at all, because some of these whores are not what you think they are. Surprise demands for money for services rendered happens sometimes to guys in China. There may be more to them than what you penis is looking at is all I am saying. Does the idea that you may have fucked a pro that was hoping for a white sugar daddy instead of charging you money bother you? We all like to think are game is flawless and our lays are always legit conquests just because we did not pay 400 rmb up front, but sometimes it is what it really is and nothing more. Of course you can get a crazy proposition like that, especially because you are white.

Wanna know a secret though? If you have a certain kind of game in China, you can get a marriage arraignment to a 9-10-ish wife, that will allow you to have as many mistresses that you want while married. They will follow you around wherever you go like a personal harem. The cool thing is that almost no foreigners know how to do that. Only some ABCs and ethnic Chinese men know how to do this. You don't have to be rich either, although it could always help of course. The biggest obstacle is actually the learning curve required to get it.

Who was it that asked if Chinese men are beta? [Image: lol.gif] I can just tell when I finish updating this guide I will be answering questions for months. I love you guys! I'm dead serious. No group has ever asked me or challenged back with intelligent insight before. This is refreshing. Thanks again VP for drawing me here!

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

you can usually tell: spending her own money on drinks at the bar by herself (i mean full bottle service) is not a pro, giggling with her friend in a corner wearing converse and a pikachu hat is not a pro, drunk girl who stumbles up to you with a glass and says cheers before going back to her table is not a pro (wait 20 mimutes then crash table later).
if youre talking about the girls wearing a pound of make up, huge.heels, and the shortest and tightest dress ever, yes shes a pro.
not THAT hard to tell. its not like.every girl is gonna and.then get her pimp to jump you. just use commin sense

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 08:53 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^what is the quality?

You wanna know the quality of the whores? Man that varies greatly. You could be in a place like Dongguan, a city known for whores and redlight stuff, and pay out the ass because it is too organized in a way. You could be in Guangzhou get whistled at by the 3-5's at this barbershop near a certain hotel I like to stay at, and I am sure you shouldn't pay more than 200rmb. I wouldn't if I was into that. You could get stone cold 9-10 Beijing Normal University students that fuck on the low for school money and they charge around 800usd. Go to a 4-5 star hotel nearby and ask one of the fellas that works there, if you can speak Mandarin and they can slide you their business cards or whatever.

I am not advocating p4p. This is somewhat common knowledge.

Like I said before, some of these angels are not what guys think they are. I know some of you guys give Badwolf a rough time about his experiences, but man, you cannot give hoes a pass. Some of them reflect the fucked up society that is Chinese society. First thing you learn is face, like badwolf talks about. Second, you learn the history and the patterns, then you learn all the fucked up shit about China, then you realize why everything is like it is. There are girls that are bad girls for reasons that makes no sense to us, unless you understand how China really works. A girl you may be chatting up, seems decent to you, but what if she is the secret lover (xiaosan) of a local CCP govt. leader? Well, if you get some guys surrounding you and threatening you, what do you do? Chances are less than 1% of this happening depending upon where you hunt, but awareness helps overall. When you see things that doesn't make sense, you will spot the problem alot quicker. Just want to provide a big picture.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 10:01 PM)clever alias Wrote:  

you can usually tell: spending her own money on drinks at the bar by herself (i mean full bottle service) is not a pro, giggling with her friend in a corner wearing converse and a pikachu hat is not a pro, drunk girl who stumbles up to you with a glass and says cheers before going back to her table is not a pro (wait 20 mimutes then crash table later).
if youre talking about the girls wearing a pound of make up, huge.heels, and the shortest and tightest dress ever, yes shes a pro.
not THAT hard to tell. its not like.every girl is gonna and.then get her pimp to jump you. just use commin sense

Like I said before you been there a while, so you know what's up. Some of these guys haven't gotten there yet. Not everything is common sense. I couldn't tell a xiaojie from a regular girl when I first got to China on the street. They honestly dressed the same in some cities I felt. A super short skirt on a girl with high heels was not always enough to know. Took me a little while to figure it out completely. Like you said, the best bet is to watch that behavior and know how to question them.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I will say, the situation has been altered in China with regard to these girls. I imagine its going to end up changing how everything appears, and change the degree of difficulty in figuring out which girls are the "bad girls" - though I don't really subscribe to heartily to that philosophy in countries where there are a lot of people who come from families who live near the subsistence level of income (many do in Hunan and Sichuan). I obviously don't want to fuck former pros, but its not like I have some huge moral issue with them, they're just making due with the cards they were dealt (many of them, anyway).

In february, China basically closed almost every brothel in Dongguan, the Guangdong city most famous for being the sex capital of China. Its also the second biggest export city in China, after Shanghai, and the electronics mfg. capital of China. In any event, in the related sweep that month, brothels, shower places, KTVs etc all over the country got cleaned out of chicken (working girls in China are called ji-nu, or chicken women). Anyway, after the arrests, intimidation, some moderate public backlash, etc. most of the stuff has (1) stayed closed or (2) gone deeper underground. The result is millions of women across China involved in the trade (yes, low millions) (1) going back to their hometowns with their savings, (2) relocating to a new city to find a benefactor or sometimes, open a shop, or study english/find other work, (3) try to go abroad to continue working as a chicken, in places like Hong Kong (HK has recently had border guards stopping young women traveling alone across Futian Ka-Wan asking why they're going to HK - they are screening for pros), Brunei, Malaysia, et al, or some other plan. These women are out there (they always have been, women leaving this life behind, but now its a huge one-time influx of them), and there is absolutely no way that most westerners could ever figure out from whence that girl came, certainly not without some deeper understanding of Chinese culture, life and style. Realize that drinking for women in much of China, especially unmarried women, is not really popular (I'm not talking about modern Chinese drinking french wine, I'm talking Bai jiu).

Probably the best single way to avoid these girls is to avoid girls who can drink. KTV girls definitely can drink, they're used to doing it every night of the week. So do the club girls....

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

TravellerKai - dude was talking about a potential 3 some. I was curious the quality of these girls.
I could care less about whores, I wouldn't go to Asia for whores.

Our New Blog:

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 11:03 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

TravellerKai - dude was talking about a potential 3 some. I was curious the quality of these girls.
I could care less about whores, I wouldn't go to Asia for whores.

wrong kind of 3some. the girl was slamming though, but im not doing a devils threesome

FYI a 3some in chinese is 做3p

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-02-2014 10:24 PM)G_global Wrote:  

I will say, the situation has been altered in China with regard to these girls. I imagine its going to end up changing how everything appears, and change the degree of difficulty in figuring out which girls are the "bad girls" - though I don't really subscribe to heartily to that philosophy in countries where there are a lot of people who come from families who live near the subsistence level of income (many do in Hunan and Sichuan). I obviously don't want to fuck former pros, but its not like I have some huge moral issue with them, they're just making due with the cards they were dealt (many of them, anyway).

In february, China basically closed almost every brothel in Dongguan, the Guangdong city most famous for being the sex capital of China. Its also the second biggest export city in China, after Shanghai, and the electronics mfg. capital of China. In any event, in the related sweep that month, brothels, shower places, KTVs etc all over the country got cleaned out of chicken (working girls in China are called ji-nu, or chicken women). Anyway, after the arrests, intimidation, some moderate public backlash, etc. most of the stuff has (1) stayed closed or (2) gone deeper underground. The result is millions of women across China involved in the trade (yes, low millions) (1) going back to their hometowns with their savings, (2) relocating to a new city to find a benefactor or sometimes, open a shop, or study english/find other work, (3) try to go abroad to continue working as a chicken, in places like Hong Kong (HK has recently had border guards stopping young women traveling alone across Futian Ka-Wan asking why they're going to HK - they are screening for pros), Brunei, Malaysia, et al, or some other plan. These women are out there (they always have been, women leaving this life behind, but now its a huge one-time influx of them), and there is absolutely no way that most westerners could ever figure out from whence that girl came, certainly not without some deeper understanding of Chinese culture, life and style. Realize that drinking for women in much of China, especially unmarried women, is not really popular (I'm not talking about modern Chinese drinking french wine, I'm talking Bai jiu).

Probably the best single way to avoid these girls is to avoid girls who can drink. KTV girls definitely can drink, they're used to doing it every night of the week. So do the club girls....

I stayed in a hotel in Donnguan a couple of years when I was there on a grad school trip. I had no idea it was a p4p location when I got there. The trip was arranged by an old Taiwanese professor. Upon arriving there I was wondering why there were a lot of white guys (and a few Japanese) hanging out in a hotel which I thought was in the middle of nowhere.

I had to go and throw some stuff in my hotel room, and my American classmates told me to meet them in a bar (I had no idea where it was and I thought I’d figure it out on my own). After I put my stuff in my room, I went into the elevator - the 3rd floor button said “Rainbow Club”. I thought it was a bar so I got off there.

The door opened and there were two cute women in traditional Chinese costumes in the lobby. I said “Have you seen any Americans?”..they didn’t understand what I was saying so I walked past them. I walked out of the lobby and turned a corner. I then saw about 50 Chinese women, ranging from 6-8.5s, all wearing skimpy ballgown type dresses with a number on them. I thought that it was some kind of ballroom dancing club. I said to a few, “Have you seen any Americans?”. Again, I got blank faces since none of them understood me.

A Chinese man then approached me and shook my hand. He handed me his business card which had the title of Assistant Entertainment Manager. He said, “Hi, my names, Tom – you tell me which girl you want and I’ll send her to your room!”. I don't do p4p so I got out of there and walked down to the lobby. The Taiwanese professor who organized the whole thing was standing there. I asked him if he knew what was was going on in the hotel - he had a big grin on his face!

On my way back to my room I spotted a drunk Aussie. I said to him, “Did you know what kind of hotel this is?” He said, ”Yeah, it‘s great, they even lick your arse here”!

I thought that the women in Dongguan (not just the whores) were way better looking that the ones in Hong Kong. I guess this is because the Dongguan women are from all over China. Hong Kong Chinese (Cantonese) women are not very attractive in my opinion.

Regarding drinking – almost all of the FOB Mainland Chinese women I personally know (from an educated background) either do not drink or drink very rarely.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Well said on the drinking parts. Both you and G know the truth on that part of the culture. Men are to do the drinking in traditional Chinese culture. My wife drank alot with me maybe 3 times when we were just dating. After we met her parents she pretty much stopped drinking and then started to gently ask me not to drink too much with her dad and others. After we got married I could not get her to drink anything pass a "taste this thing called a margarita." *sip*, "it's nice, you drink it honey". In fact I bet that was the last time she ever tasted alcohol. I think she did it so that she would not embarrass me or cause me to lose face in front of my best friend and business partners.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Cities in China for black guys: avoid tier one cities (SH, Beijing, Guangzhou). If you can put up with the staring (sometimes open mouthed gaping) then I really suggest tier two cities, especially some of the nicer ones like Xian, Nanjing, Xiamen, Qingdao. Take advantage of your exotic status, and ANY girl who is willing to go out for dinner, a walk in the park, etc, is potential. There is a hitch (isn't there always?) though: most Chinese girls are not down with the idea of a one night stand, but they can be coaxed into letting you hit it soon (often very soon) after meeting you.

Give props. Girls love it when you can speak Chinese, plus it opens up tons of doors, because many girls lack confidence in their English. It helps when you actually know a little bit about Chinese food and culture, or when you are willing to eat whatever it is they consider real Chinese food. Don't talk politics. For what? China is one of those countries where the girls get really down on the local guys, who they consider crass and unfaithful... even though Chinese women are crass and unfaithful as hell! So your doing ish like opening the door for them, refilling their water glass, sending them "good morning" text messages, that helps. Corny, yes, but corny does VERY WELL in China. Not thirsty, corny.

I first went to China over a decade ago, and I was so wed to the idea of American "game" and what I thought was world-wide, standard issue getting it. Luckily, I quickly figured out that it wasn't like the west, where (I at least) just associated an evening out with going to a bar and drinking, having a glass of wine to hit that mood, or being sure to show interest so as not to get friend-zoned. In China, nearly every girl you meet will already assume that you, as a black man, are athletic (read: sexually ravenous) and lively. Westerners are seen as sex fiends,and black guys doubly so. Play to this stereotype as need be. When you are approaching strange girls on the street, none of them, NONE, will assume that you just want to be friends, despite what they say. That doesn't mean you throw for the end zone on first down, but you just gotta hang in there... talking and talking, then once you get past that magic hour, find some excuse to take her back to your place in a cab. I swear, once you stay with a girl past say... 10 PM, it's like magic, and all you have to do is stay steady and don't let her escape, lol. China is the only place I can think of where chatting and laughing in a dingy little hotpot restaurant till they close is more likely to get you laid than running your A game, haha.

All the above comes with the caveat that I prefer to pick my fruit from the tree. I hate clubs: too many burners, too much thirst, and staying out late just F's up the next morning, I like to get up in the morning and grind, but that's just me. If you like some tore up club skank, I can't help you with that. Actually, you shouldn't really need any help there!

How I pulled:
* walking around on campus, just making up excuses to talk to girls - I would show them a text message in Chinese (perhaps one I had sent to myself, ha) and ask them to explain one of the characters. I met two stone hotties this way, including one who I still bang whenever I go back to China.

*coffee shops. I don't know how many times I would walk into a crowded coffee shop and ask if I could sit with them since there were few seats, then start studying Chinese, really earnestly and shit... I mean writing characters and all, textbook on the table. Girls would be "oh, you speak Chinese?"
Me: Oh yes, I study Chinese at the uni nearby...
her: "may I ask where you are from?" and from there, whether it is on or not, you at least have an opening, a break in the routine, which builds confidence. Lately there have been tons of foreigners with spanking-good Chinese, so this doesn't always work as well for foreign guys in the big cities, but again, in tier two cities, or out in the boonies, it's gold.

*If in Shanghai or Beijing, just keep her out till the subway stops running. This should be easy to do, since by the time she finishes work and meets you it's kinda late, and after dinner and a walk (the walk is mandatory) the subways will have shut down. They stop running around 11 or so. Once the subway stops running, you can just tell her to hang out a bit more, then she can get a taxi.

*language exchanges. When I was actually enrolled at a Chinese uni back in the day, I used to do these all the time. After awhile I would just exchange a few messages with the girl and invite her to my house before we even met. Language exchanges are (in general) the biggest joke ever, I think they are just a safe way to internet date while pretending you are in it just for some good wholesome, linguistic fun. Well, be careful: some girls really do want to learn, but you can always kinda nudge it in that direction... if you so choose. One time this skinny girl came to my house in tight leather pants at 10 PM on a Friday on the pretext of "studying" together. Yeah okay, you are interested in practicing English, ha.

*restaurant staff. In China, restaurants are invariably overstaffed, and so lots of fat-booty countryside girls just standing around at times with nothing to do. Let them practice their English with you, or ask them about their hometown. Again, the opening that you seek.

*girls from the northeast (Harbin, Shenyang) like to drink and party. The rest of China, it's really hit or miss. So a girl from Harbin will go out with you to knock back a few, but other girls, hit or miss. Many will tell you they can't/won't drink because it turns their face red, but I have found that drinking culture is quickly growing all over China.

*married women are easy, and shamefully I have to say that I went through a period where married women were like potato chips, I couldn't just stop with one. If you want to go down that road, it's utterly safe, but I would say pass the temptation up.

*Don't just settle for the number ever! If it's close to dinner or lunch, have a meal with them, that way you really kind of cement things. When I would just get a number after 15 minutes of conversation/game, they often flaked, but if we broke bread I was much, much more likely to at least see them again without having to play any text-tag games.

*If you don't have a lot of time - I admit my shit can take more than the 3/4 days some people might have in town - then pipeline before you come. Chinese people have this... English mania... and they seem to be all over the internet looking for any and every chance to improve. Many Chinese girls feel safer chatting with strangers over the net at first.

Basically what you are looking for is a conversation starter, and that should be easy because just you being black is good for a grip of conversation! Oh, and don't be a lame and get played for your money. All the girls I have dated/hooked up/hung out with with will pay for our outings as often as I do. It is not something I even ask about, it's something they insist on doing. ALL OF THEM, and I am well into the dozens. I think A LOT of guys get hosed in China because they expect to have to play Mr. Moneybags, but really, if you are dealing with a girl with any class, she will not try to bleed you. I date dime piece girls, airhead countryside girls, Shanghainese snobs, confused girls who have studied abroad and no longer feel like they fit in, girls who have never been anywhere near a black guy before and wonder if my hair is naturally that curly and are dying to touch it, Korean exchange vixens, etc, but it's always the same: any chick worth dealing with won't try to play you for your cash. Last year I met a 8.5 Shanghainese who took me out to lunch 45 minutes after we met at Costa Coffee, and dropped over $40 on lunch at a Chinese restaurant, which is a lot of money, even in Shanghai. Wouldn't even let me reach for my wallet,and after lunch just went to work, it wasn't like she was really sprung or anything! So of course the next time I reciprocated, but, you get where I am coming from.

I never hooked up with a girl who asked me to pay her afterwards. If that is happening to you, you are doing something really wrong.

sorry that post is all over the place, I prefer to go stream of consciousness when talking about how to get that pink taco. Go Get Yours, Player.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

^^ Spot on, this, and really applicable for the most part whether you're black or white or whatever. I actually don't disagree with anything at all in this post, and i've experienced most of it personally.

Moon, where do you spend your time in China?

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

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