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Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

There is a cure for having the desire to have 10+ kids...wait for it...

...yep, that is right..start with ONE kid and actually be a father to your child. You will not likely feel like you need many more! Each an every child is a big deal.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-27-2014 08:15 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Jesus chirst. Nigeria is growing faster than a speeding bullet.
Need to knock some Russian and Japanese chicks to save their race though...

If you knock up a Japanese chick, you won't save their race but contaminate it (assuming you are white).

If you knock up a Russian chick, that's a different story. We Russians have mixed with just about everybody - one more one less doesn't matter.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-27-2014 10:04 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Philippines is the right place. It´s a win win. They like white genes anyway. Think of this:

Hahaha Rodman's dad impreggo'd 16 women and his name was Philanderer!!

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-26-2014 05:43 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

It's a real urge, a primal thing deep down that few of us express. I remember reading a science fiction story where some wealthy mogul secretly creates a whole network of schools all populated by his seed and educates them to take over the world.

Read Robert Heinlin's "Time enough for love"

Isaiah 4:1

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-28-2014 06:06 PM)anonymous123 Wrote:  

There is a cure for having the desire to have 10+ kids...wait for it...

...yep, that is right..start with ONE kid and actually be a father to your child. You will not likely feel like you need many more! Each an every child is a big deal.

No. It's part of the contemporary sentimental cant about these things to regard every child as "special" and deserving of his parents' undivided attention at all times. This leads to today's excessive helicopter parenting and such idiocies as grown men inundating each other with baby pics, something that would have been unthinkable a few generations ago.

While each child should be loved and cared for, it is not true that each child is "special" and needs to be the exclusive focus of the parents' lives at all times. The distribution of love and attention that naturally occurs in a larger family is, given the resources and other things being equal, a healthier and more realistic environment for a child to grow up in. It is good when a child feels love and warmth, but also sees love and warmth shared out amongst a number of siblings and is not excessively and exclusively dwelled upon.

It all depends on the circumstances, but 3-4 kids is a very healthy minimum and there is absolutely nothing wrong with going above that if resources allow.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-28-2014 06:58 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2014 08:15 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Jesus chirst. Nigeria is growing faster than a speeding bullet.
Need to knock some Russian and Japanese chicks to save their race though...

If you knock up a Japanese chick, you won't save their race but contaminate it (assuming you are white).

If you knock up a Russian chick, that's a different story. We Russians have mixed with just about everybody - one more one less doesn't matter.

Funny you say that. Before i used to want to date and bang foreign girls. Now I only want white girls. I don't want a mixed race kid that looks nothing like me.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (03-01-2014 01:19 PM)frenchie Wrote:  

Now I only want white girls. I don't want a mixed race kid that looks nothing like me.

You have just discovered the spiritual root of "racism".

Racism, at its best, stems from a desire for continuity and succession.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Lizard of Oz,

Do you have kids? I ask, because I had your same mentality for a long time (all through 20s for sure). I also chose a career path that would allow me to feed an army. But, actually having a kid is a rude awakening. Once you have one (and maybe you do), you look at each kid you plan to have as a very serious decision. You no longer think in terms of "3 or 4", but rather "sure, let's have another and decide at that point if we want to keep going."

I don't necessarily disagree with your view, but if your son wants some attention you will likely give it to him. It is your son, right?

Again, my only thesis is that EACH kid is a big deal. So, you have one and it doesn't break you. Go for two. Have two and you're still sane? Go for three. At three, my guess life is so crazy that the thought of going for four makes you think a vasectomy sounds incredible.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (03-01-2014 08:51 PM)anonymous123 Wrote:  

Again, my only thesis is that EACH kid is a big deal. So, you have one and it doesn't break you. Go for two. Have two and you're still sane? Go for three. At three, my guess life is so crazy that the thought of going for four makes you think a vasectomy sounds incredible.

Taking care of the kids is the mother's job. A man's job is to provide for the family, so that the wife can take care of the kids full-time. If the wife does not like this role, and does not appreciate the sanctity and importance of it, then you made the wrong decision when you decided with whom to procreate.

Once the kids are 9 years old or so, a man can get somewhat more involved, especially in their education, since at the age of 9 a kid is something resembling a human... and hopefully past the stage where he or she is something resembling a loud, snotty shaven chimpanzee.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Icarus - so, you have kids?

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

I'm the eldest of 3 brothers whom are the last of a last name as far as I know. I need to pass on my line as well, and don't you worry all the Japanese and Russian hotties daddy's coming. I'll be taking up Japanese and Russian as fast as I can and I shall raw dog you. Until then, I'll leave you waiting [Image: nuts.gif][Image: icon_twisted.gif][Image: kermit.gif][Image: boogiepika.gif]

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (03-01-2014 09:13 PM)anonymous123 Wrote:  

Icarus - so, you have kids?

No, I don't. But I know plenty of traditional Catholic families with plenty of kids, and they don't see things the way you do. Sure, each kid is a lot of work, but after a few, the oldest kids start taking care of the youngest.

Perhaps being religious is a necessary condition for one to be able to have a large family.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

I don't know if we see things that different. Just like anything with life, things change as you pick up experience. Having a kid is just another experience that may change your perspective.

Everything you described is pretty much how I lived. And you are right, you probably need a lot of Jesus to handle the compound lifestyle of having enough kids that the oldest start taking care of the youngest.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-27-2014 07:05 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

The title of this thread is awesome, as is the OP's username.

As for me, I say fuck legacies. Not to be morbid, but once you're dead this show is over forever. Doesn't matter whether you had 0 or 10,000 kids. Enjoy this life because its the only one you will get.

To each their own, but I don't buy into nihilism.

Life is short for humans. We typically don't even last a century. Mortality is a bitch - it severely limits our influence.
So, how does a human cheat that mortality and maintain influence well after their death? Two options:

1. Be great. Do something so spectacular that you will not only be remembered, but influential to other humans long after you're gone. Einstein has done this. Julius Caesar has done this. Even very bad men like Stalin and Hitler have done this.

2. If you're 99.999% of people, your best bet for persistence after death is reproduction. Your children carry your thoughts, your teachings, your appearance, and your DNA (the fundamental components that make you you) into the future, and they can pass them on as well. Procreation is as close as Joe or Jane Average will ever get to actual immortality - their children (who actually carry the fundamental material that made Joe and Jane who they were) will carry on long after they die.

I've also seen firsthand the value of legacies. What my great-grandfather accomplished has had a substantial impact on the quality of life for all of his descendants, including myself. What my grandfather did has had a tremendous impact on who I am and the opportunities I have today. My family has been somewhat successful in some ways, and those successes stem directly from the actions taken by my predecessors. They cared about their legacy, and we all benefited from that. We've carried their legacy forward long after they've gone.

The fact that they chose to have children is actually important: my great-grandfather has many descendants who carry his name forward, as well as his blood and his DNA. It has been spread all across the world - I have cousins who have married Scots, Sri Lankans, English, Austrians and more. He's long gone, but key aspects of his identity (his actual DNA/blood, his influence and his name) persist. His actions have ensured that he has had a hand in deciding where a significant number of the people who currently inhabit this earth get their blood, their history, their perspectives and their heritage. There are many other very prominent examples of just this kind of thing.

The man who chooses not to have children doesn't get this. Now, that's fine - maybe he really and truly doesn't care to have it, and he's certainly not obligated to give a damn, but we can't pretend that it isn't consequential at all. It is ok not to desire children or a legacy, but it is folly to pretend that there are no benefits to doing so.

This life is indeed the only one I'll get. I'm not going to see my great-great grandchildren. That doesn't mean that any action I take now to lay a foundation for them isn't worthwhile or important. These things do matter. I care about my descendants. I want to make sure that the actions I take now have a positive impact on them, even if I'm not there to see it.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (03-01-2014 01:19 PM)frenchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2014 06:58 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2014 08:15 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Jesus chirst. Nigeria is growing faster than a speeding bullet.
Need to knock some Russian and Japanese chicks to save their race though...

If you knock up a Japanese chick, you won't save their race but contaminate it (assuming you are white).

If you knock up a Russian chick, that's a different story. We Russians have mixed with just about everybody - one more one less doesn't matter.

Funny you say that. Before i used to want to date and bang foreign girls. Now I only want white girls. I don't want a mixed race kid that looks nothing like me.

My feelings are actually the opposite of this. I want a lot of diversity in my descendants.

In the first post I made in this thread, I mentioned that I have often imagined scenarios in which I have actually gone through life and father 20-30 children. In all of those scenarios, there are multiple mothers (at least 3, as many as 7 or 8) and they are not all of the same genetic background. Some are European. Some are new world blacks who are predominantly West African with some significant European or Asian admixture like myself. Some are Asian. Some are products of interracial unions themselves.

I kind of want them all. Why? I come from a country whose motto is "Out Of Many, One People". I love the fact that my own family's racial heritage sort of already embodies that, and I love the idea of continuing that in the future. From many people, one family, united by my name, my blood and my legacy.

Is that a little egotistical? Sure. It's probably not entirely practical either, but I'd love to see it happen. I've seen the products of my family's diverse heritage in my relatives and, to a lesser extent, in myself, and I'm anxious to re-create that. I'm genuinely proud to have come from it.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

If it wasn't for child support laws, what I know about natural childbirth, or the importance of having dads around... I'd probably have twenty dozen kids by now.

Still want, like, nine. Kind of joking. But not really.

Short version... yeah... I feel you, op.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

I sympathize with the op as the last remaining bearer of my family's lineage. At least men can always delay having children until we are older and are more established in life compared to women who have a stringent biological clock (anything over 30 or so and women are at risk of having serious increase in birth defects). My plan is to wait until I am 35-40 before even considering kids. This way I get to have plenty of fun and hedonistic pleasure before having to bear the responsibilities of being a parent. Then find a traditional women in a third world country and procreate (probably Russian or Eastern European girl).

He has often been called the "Last of the Romans"

"We have prostitutes for our pleasure, concubines for our health, and wives to bear us lawful offspring."--Demosthenes (384–322 BC), Red Pill Greek Statesman

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Been watching Game of Thrones again?

Everytime I watch I feel like this as they just go and fuck everyone and blow inside girls not giving a fuck if they father bastards as its not their problem.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

I am confident that Indonesia's population well outstrips the US's right now. At least 50 million people under age 18 don't have birth certificates and don't officially exist, inflating the "middle class" stats. There could easily be another 50 million adults with zero documentation that they ever existed.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (03-02-2014 08:35 AM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

I am confident that Indonesia's population well outstrips the US's right now. At least 50 million people under age 18 don't have birth certificates and don't officially exist, inflating the "middle class" stats. There could easily be another 50 million adults with zero documentation that they ever existed.

Yeah, this is an issue that doesn't get a lot of attention in the west since we take accurate, quality record-keeping for granted. According to recent UNICEF reports, about 40% of global births are unregistered. Of the births that are registered, 1 in 7 have no proof of it (no birth certificate). And of those who do get that proof, dodgy record keeping/corruption/incompetence probably do plenty of damage (records get lost or damaged, records are kept inaccurately, etc). And all of that is, of course, assuming the estimates regarding the number of unregistered births are accurate. We don't know precisely how many births there actually are so that 40% could very well be an underestimate (merely a count of the unregistered births we do manage to learn about).

Add it all up, and it might not be a stretch to say that close to half of the world's actual population (whatever that is) isn't actually recorded accurately (if at all).

For your typical westerner who carries his/her driver's license as a matter of habit and regularly uses their birth records (social security numbers, license numbers, school IDs, work IDs, etc) to navigate day to day life, the fact that much of the world's population isn't recorded at all (and many of those who are have inaccurate records that are easily fudged, often used improperly and/or regularly lost) is probably a substantial mindfuck.

The more I think about these things, the more I begin to realize what an anomalous bubble the western world (particularly the USA) really is in.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

You're not alone man. I'm the same way. I'm an only child, and ever since I was a kid I knew it was always going to be up to me to keep my family name alive. Seeing how shitty our culture is I'm just not sure if it's a dream I want to make come true anymore. I really don't see society or the economy improving and I think to myself why bring someone into this world. There's more benefit in just living entirely for yourself. It's a back and forth battle I have with myself. Do I want keep rotating women, or find a solid one to have pop out kids. Time will tell I guess.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-26-2014 04:57 AM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this for a while. The idea of having 10 to 30 kids is a really powerful feeling for me especially since I am the only person in the next generation of my family. If I die, this family legacy will die.

Obviously it's unrealistic to have 30 kids but do any of you have this urge?


I find the level on info on this forum amazing. What I also find amazing is the number of dudes here who have no interest in getting chics pregant. Now, I can understand the child support angle, tying oneself to a woman forever, but just purely on a biological level, not wanting to get a woman pregnant?

It's not personal to the other guys here, but my instinctual reaction is

[Image: gtfo.gif]

A brief moment of vague comprehension that not all guys are like me, followed by

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

My sexual fantasies typically involve impregnating dozens of women over and over again in giant harem.

Seriously, when I sex up my wife, I want to get her pregnant, every time.

I'd absolutely love to have 10 biological kids of my own. My wife and I had to stop after 3 due to medical issues. Yes, it's a lot of work and does have it's costs. But the urge does not go away. My wife looked at me one day and said, "If I didn't have to have my tubes tied, would you still want to go for 10 kids?" and my answer was a honest "Yes. I'd put as many babies in you as physically possible."

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

I want to get broads pregnant all the time.

But generally think better of it.

And have gotten lucky. A lot.

No kids.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (02-26-2014 04:57 AM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this for a while. The idea of having 10 to 30 kids is a really powerful feeling for me especially since I am the only person in the next generation of my family. If I die, this family legacy will die.

Obviously it's unrealistic to have 30 kids but do any of you have this urge?
I have the same urge, but not for the same reasons. I know somebody who is trying to accumulate wealth and have kids in multiple corners of the world with beautiful and intelligent women. So far he has 1 or 2 I believe. Very interesting endeavor.

Urge to impregnate all women and build an army

Quote: (03-01-2014 01:25 PM)Icarus Wrote:  

You have just discovered the spiritual root of "racism".

Racism, at its best, stems from a desire for conformity and suppression.

Fixed that for you.

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