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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Radio silence after suggesting a meetup, this happens constantly and why I hate online dating.


Bitch was 30 years old anyway, only reason I was making the attempt is her nice toned body.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Have any of you guys noticed that when you try and set up a date via text... go radio silence for a couple of days then reinitiate conversation the day before or off the date. There's a higher likelihood of her flaking than constantly texting back and forth after setting up the date?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-15-2014 02:31 AM)ballsyamog Wrote:  

Have any of you guys noticed that when you try and set up a date via text... go radio silence for a couple of days then reinitiate conversation the day before or off the date. There's a higher likelihood of her flaking than constantly texting back and forth after setting up the date?

+1 on the username.

It depends on the connection uve made with the girl.
Then u calibrate whether to go radio silence as opposed to constant back and forth

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Ok just got this from a blonde Czech 7.5 - 8 (?) I met on the tram on Friday night on the way to the club:

"Do you usually go out with people you meet on a street? [Image: smile.gif] to me it sounds kind of strange [Image: smile.gif]"

Hmnn. To me it's an obvious shit test, and although we had a decent string of Sms before this particular text (and she got right back to me when I wrote her) I'm starting to get tired of her already and think it might be dead (or she's just not available or is playing very hard to get).

Agree an amplify? She keeps getting back to me quite quickly but already said she's busy all week - might have to put on back burned and restart in a week or so.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-16-2014 10:50 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Ok just got this from a blonde Czech 7.5 - 8 (?) I met on the tram on Friday night on the way to the club:

"Do you usually go out with people you meet on a street? [Image: smile.gif] to me it sounds kind of strange [Image: smile.gif]"

Hmnn. To me it's an obvious shit test, and although we had a decent string of Sms before this particular text (and she got right back to me when I wrote her) I'm starting to get tired of her already and think it might be dead (or she's just not available or is playing very hard to get).

Agree an amplify? She keeps getting back to me quite quickly but already said she's busy all week - might have to put on back burned and restart in a week or so.

"only if they seem cool"


"only if I actually like them, which is not that often"


"no, just you"


"yeah, this is actually totally normal for me. I find a woman I like, where ever, whenever and I take her on dates."(probably what I would choose, and actually the complete truth. Her mind will probably melt, along with her pussy)

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)


I chose a variant of #4. Didn't want to inflate her ego any more by implying I think she's cool, and wanted to be pretty clear I meet people (i.e. women) on trams, malls or wherever so she's aware I'm a guy who's has plenty of options (bc I do). Not sure it will really work as she went radio silent. Frankly I took her abrupt change / shit test as a bit of a bad sign and think I might have to move on - oh well.

Maybe will send her a McQueen type text next week sometimes saying "i'm at xyz bar come out and meet me' or something like that. Have 3 other numbers I got this weekend that seem like reasonable leads but we'll see - u know how women like to flake and be 'mysterious'.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-16-2014 11:44 AM)Akula Wrote:  


I chose a variant of #4. Didn't want to inflate her ego any more by implying I think she's cool, and wanted to be pretty clear I meet people (i.e. women) on trams, malls or wherever so she's aware I'm a guy who's has plenty of options (bc I do). Not sure it will really work as she went radio silent. Frankly I took her abrupt change / shit test as a bit of a bad sign and think I might have to move on - oh well.

Like I said, it probably made her mind melt. 90% of the men would never even consider doing what we do(talking to beautiful women where ever we go). I guess you could have gone in another direction and answered your question with a question and said "You never get approached by men you don't know and have them ask you for dates? *That* is strange..."

Also, what city are you in? In some cities, it seems like more of a wolf's den and totally normal(new york, miami, los angeles) to talk to women you don't know. In other cities, not so much.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-12-2014 10:20 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

jjroberts, I get what you are saying, however, you can avoid that trap by saying "lets meet up for coffee" instead of "let's meet up for a coffee date.". But just don't add the part about "don't think of it as a date".

hopefully I am explaining good.

Well nobody has really answered my question yet.

After the radio silence when you suggest the meetup, whats a good way to go back to establishing vibe ?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:27 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2014 11:44 AM)Akula Wrote:  


I chose a variant of #4. Didn't want to inflate her ego any more by implying I think she's cool, and wanted to be pretty clear I meet people (i.e. women) on trams, malls or wherever so she's aware I'm a guy who's has plenty of options (bc I do). Not sure it will really work as she went radio silent. Frankly I took her abrupt change / shit test as a bit of a bad sign and think I might have to move on - oh well.

Like I said, it probably made her mind melt. 90% of the men would never even consider doing what we do(talking to beautiful women where ever we go). I guess you could have gone in another direction and answered your question with a question and said "You never get approached by men you don't know and have them ask you for dates? *That* is strange..."

Also, what city are you in? In some cities, it seems like more of a wolf's den and totally normal(new york, miami, los angeles) to talk to women you don't know. In other cities, not so much.

In Prague, where I'd argue not as many guys are approaching esp in my neighborhood outside the center. That said, Czech guys sure do seem to be unafraid....

Here's a couple other things she wrote that I am unfamiliar with:

"It is kind of late to ask me about meeting up this week. [Image: smile.gif] I have my week totally full already. I usually plan my week on Friday."

At first glance I was thinking 'oh, she's making herself unavailable and trying and/or showing how busy/popular she is" which I took as a bad sign, time to move on etc. but now I'm not sure.

My gut is still this is sorta dead - is it salvageable? Wondering why didn't she just not respond or wait 2 days or something before answering vaguely if she's not down?

I guess maybe it's sort of an attention whoring kinda thing and she's still not really sold on our encounter - not sure. Usually it's more cut and dried for me (i.e. she either gets right back to me and we do 1-2 SMSs then agree to meet up (or not) - at least that was my Russian experience). Here she responded quickly, then reached out to me on Whatsapp (after I sms'd her) then carried on a conversation for awhile before finally coming up with that final shit test message.

(I'm overthinking this..which is bad...and instinctively tells me I just need to move on.....)

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

@jjrob.. she thinks you want her. Just show her that you don't.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-16-2014 10:50 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Ok just got this from a blonde Czech 7.5 - 8 (?) I met on the tram on Friday night on the way to the club:

"Do you usually go out with people you meet on a street? [Image: smile.gif] to me it sounds kind of strange [Image: smile.gif]"

I would text back, "what are you talking about?"

It should get her trying to explain herself, and when she explains herself, she invests, and when she invests... [Image: whip.gif]

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Usually I'm confident enough to handle my own affairs but.. I've literally blanked.
Valetine's Weekend, I was eh.. busy. Anyway..

Her: I had such a fun activity-filled weekend!
Me: Sounds like you got bunk beds. (Step Brothers .. So much room for activities.)
Her: I wish! Been deprived of those bad boys all my life

Maybe I should sleep on it.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Recent text from a chick I've had in my harem since October:

Her: I gotta be honest... I am seeing someone and it's pretty exclusive. I don't think I should be messing around with anyone else.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

^You: wats her name?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Ok, I met this girl last Saturday night at the bar. 22yo college student. Very cute.Things escalated very quickly with touching to grabbing a drink at the bar to kissing in the hallway at the back of the bar. Last call, lights flip on very brightly and interrupt our fun. I hand her my phone and she types her # in.

Now... she goes to college 1 hour away from where I live. I'm lost as to what to text next to get something set up/keep her interested. I prefer not to drive there as I think that would not be conducive to the frame I'm trying to instill, but I'm very new to game and am wide open to help/suggestions:

wearebutmen (9:39am): What's going on?
wearebutmen (10:50am): It's wearebutmen from (bar).

her (12:05pm): Hey I've been working all morning... Such a buzzkill. What's up with you?

me (1:31pm): Coffee helps with that. Mostly kicking butt today. Are you going to be back in (my city) soon?

her (2:27pm) Yeah I love coffee and my job, I'm just not really a morning person. I'm not sure when I'll be back down. I've been a lot lately for bday celebrations, but I dont have any planned soon.

me (3:03pm): As luck would have it my bday is next week

her (3:04pm): haha well played

me (3:05pm): timing is key dont ya know
me (3:06pm): Where do you work while drinking your coffee?

her (3:08pm) i agree, I work in the (place) near campus. Where do you work while kicking butt?

me: (3:14pm) At (generic job description)
me: (3:16pm): they seem to reward kicking butt

her: (3:21pm) oh really?

me (3:25pm) yeah I had to sign with blood and everything. kind of weird, but i rolled with it

her (644pm) haha sounds legit


me (1057am) i was disappointed when we were interrupted at last call

her (1118am) last call is always ruining a good time

me(1127am) interruptions are temporary in nature, lucky for us

her (1137am) Youre witty. i like it

me (1242pm) good. it goes well with morning coffee too

her (101pm) morning coffee goes well with just about anything. i take mine with a dash of cream, no sugar, for future reference

me (409pm) that wont be a problem

her (521pm) perfect. i dont need sugar because Im sweet enough!

me ( 547pm) we'll see about that

her (637pm) hey! im sweet as pie, promise

me (759pm) i like the sound of that
me (800pm) youre still gonna have to work to prove it though

her (821pm) no worries. i can handle that


I decided not to text today until I could get some advice from you fellas. it seems to have ended on a good note.. now how do i proceed?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

msg'd my copy pasta to a girl on pof

me: I'm not on this site very often, I usually am swamped with work and too busy to message anyone...

But every once in a while, I see someone who I find very attractive, with a profile description to match. Little things stick out to me, and I value certain traits that I tend to look for in a woman. You happen to be one of those women. We should meet up for a coffee/drink this week.


her: You sound like a true gentlemen. Like your profile. But honea I'm 8yrs older than you. I just turned 28 feb3...

Tell me this...what was it exactly that made you send me a msg?

I'm 18 but my pof says 20 haha, what do I say?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

g0d damnit thanks rooshvforum i just send a drunk message with no third party intervention we will see tm what arises

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Took from her profile and paraphrased hope it doesn't sound like shit...

me: Well I thought you were cute, you said you are an awesome person with an awesome bod so why not. I thought we could be friends

maybe not the best response but the best i could think of and I'm fucked on spiced rum right now so let me know what i did right/could have done differently

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Hooked up with a new chick Saturday night. Wild sex, my oral and fingering drove her crazy. Just texted her the following:

Me: I can still taste you.

Her: That sounds terrible. I send you my regards.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Interesting one I'm having right now, not sure how I did.

Me: Hey, how's your Monday going? Partying it up?
Her: more like hibernating, why did it get so cold again?
Me: Yea, you're not hibernating anymore, meet me tom.How about 7pm?
Her: You seem really nice but to be honest I'm not interested in seeing anyone right now.
Me: Its a drink/food, not asking u to marry me, dont be lazy haha.
Her: I'm on a hunger strike as part of a political protest. ( Wtf?)
Me: I'm joining the strike tom, no food/drinks..we're meeting and hanging out.
Her: sadface emoticon
Me: ..... at 7pm.It's a good spot and time to protest

Haven't heard back yet.I think I handled her well but she could just go silent on me.

Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-24-2014 07:37 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Hooked up with a new chick Saturday night. Wild sex, my oral and fingering drove her crazy. Just texted her the following:

Me: I can still taste you.

Her: That sounds terrible. I send you my regards.

Here's all I can think of for that one.

"We'll even the score next time [Image: wink.gif] or [Image: tongue.gif]"

"Its not all bad, but if you're feeling guilty you can make it up to me next time."

"I don't recall complaining... [Image: tongue.gif]"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-24-2014 07:37 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Hooked up with a new chick Saturday night. Wild sex, my oral and fingering drove her crazy. Just texted her the following:

Me: I can still taste you.

Her: That sounds terrible. I send you my regards.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

I'm not sure how much salvaging there is to do here unless she has a weird sense of humor. I would drop the thread and then re-initiate in a couple days to meet up. Really hard to tell, there's such a huge disconnect from your impression of "wild sex" and that you "drove her crazy" and her response here.

Quote: (02-24-2014 10:15 PM)LaserBear Wrote:  

Here's all I can think of for that one.

"We'll even the score next time [Image: wink.gif] or [Image: tongue.gif]"

"Its not all bad, but if you're feeling guilty you can make it up to me next time."

"I don't recall complaining... [Image: tongue.gif]"

All pretty bad. I wouldn't even continue this thread, it's horrible.

Quote: (02-24-2014 08:29 PM)NewGamer Wrote:  

Interesting one I'm having right now, not sure how I did.

Me: Hey, how's your Monday going? Partying it up?
Her: more like hibernating, why did it get so cold again?
Me: Yea, you're not hibernating anymore, meet me tom.How about 7pm?
Her: You seem really nice but to be honest I'm not interested in seeing anyone right now.
Me: Its a drink/food, not asking u to marry me, dont be lazy haha.
Her: I'm on a hunger strike as part of a political protest. ( Wtf?)
Me: I'm joining the strike tom, no food/drinks..we're meeting and hanging out.
Her: sadface emoticon
Me: ..... at 7pm.It's a good spot and time to protest

Haven't heard back yet.I think I handled her well but she could just go silent on me.

You didn't do that great. You tried to argue with her about not being interested in "seeing anyone" (this means "seeing YOU") and then you insulted her and laughed.

You tried to hold frame but she just got upset that you were REALLY not getting what she was getting across not that subtly.

Go after another chick.

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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

"I can still taste you."

[Image: icon_biggrin.gif][Image: icon_biggrin.gif]

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-24-2014 10:31 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2014 07:37 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Hooked up with a new chick Saturday night. Wild sex, my oral and fingering drove her crazy. Just texted her the following:

Me: I can still taste you.

Her: That sounds terrible. I send you my regards.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

I'm not sure how much salvaging there is to do here unless she has a weird sense of humor. I would drop the thread and then re-initiate in a couple days to meet up. Really hard to tell, there's such a huge disconnect from your impression of "wild sex" and that you "drove her crazy" and her response here.

She was definitely a strange gal. Though, during the act she was screaming/moaning, and kept sucking me off enthusiastically. I was dominate and assertive with her all night (before and after sex). I suspect she may have been cheating on her bf.

In response to her strange message, I figured I'd just ignore it and send her a brief text tomorrow night with concrete plans for getting together later in the week.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Ok, for guys in Japan, I looked over my contact list and address of the girl I approached a year earlier popped up, she ignored my text that time so figured I should just move on. Now I thought no harm in sending something just for fun and I texted her :"make me a sandwich", later she replied with :"made for u" with a picture of a big sandwich, so what will you text next ?

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