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Question for the millionaires

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 04:58 PM)The Pirate Wrote:  

Not saying I wouldn`t like being filthy rich, it`s just not something I find very important to live the lifestyle I want to.

Quote: (06-17-2013 07:02 PM)TheCaptainPower Wrote:  

They say once you hit it big you go back to doing the shit you really liked as a kid...

Quote: (06-17-2013 08:41 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

What's the difference between millionaires and the retirees, disabled, unemployed? Free time is free time.

Quote: (06-18-2013 05:56 AM)Acute Angle Wrote:  

Christ, you don't need to be a millionaire to do that! I have a pretty easy life, but not much cashflow.

Quote: (06-17-2013 11:49 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

I wake up thinking about travel and women so I dedicate my time to those pursuits and do ok at both.

For all you guys who value experiences over money and want to get the most out of whatever you have, I highly recommend these two books.

Your Money or Your Life

Early Retirement Extreme

Both life-changing books along that vein - and solid reads for those who want to be rich too.

Quote: (06-17-2013 02:57 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

I am planning on going to the Philippines eventually, but to live someplace cheap is boring because the people's intellect is greatly limited due to too many brain cycles focused on survival.

What about the expats though? Or hanging with the upper classes?


I am living in California and relatively poor-- just surviving.

You're making six figures passive and count yourself poor? I'm from Cali, but that still seems crazy to me. Maybe time to get out of cali...

On another note, what do you do for passive income, if you don't mind?

Quote: (06-17-2013 03:24 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I often think if there is something I could do from my PC I would.I envy a lot of the portable skills some RVF members have TBH.

THERE IS. You have plenty of time and don't have that need for dough that gets people chasing get-rich-quick schemes; I say find a business model and emulate it or launch a labor of love.

Quote: (06-17-2013 09:06 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I will always live by the same motto, if someone has something I want I will play dead and listen the hell up. If someone has nothing I want i'll simply nod my head in agreement and ignore all of their advice because i don't care for it. Making this harder is I also won't listen to them unless they had a harder time to achieve it than I will (mental, physical, emotional, or otherwise).

I get what you're saying and I like where it comes from. But don't forget that often we don't exactly know what is we don't know about life. You can find wisdom in the most interesting places...

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-18-2013 06:57 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2013 03:24 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I often think if there is something I could do from my PC I would.I envy a lot of the portable skills some RVF members have TBH.

THERE IS. You have plenty of time and don't have that need for dough that gets people chasing get-rich-quick schemes; I say find a business model and emulate it or launch a labor of love.

This is me, plenty of free time and not too desperate for the dough. I'd like to start some kind of internet biz though that would eventually allow me to be location independent but have no idea where to start. Could you recommend some books or threads on the subject please BB? I see guys on here talk about drop shipping and Google algorithms etc. and I'm completely lost.

How would you emulate a business model?

Question for the millionaires

Ha yeah my view points are becoming increasingly extreme and fly against the grain even on the RVF which i consider a group of logical people. It is what it is though. Gotta search out new people at all times or else we resort to a life of complacency. No interest in that.

So far I've goosed in finding what I'm looking for over the past month. I'll find it though, always do.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-18-2013 07:48 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2013 06:57 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2013 03:24 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

I often think if there is something I could do from my PC I would.I envy a lot of the portable skills some RVF members have TBH.

THERE IS. You have plenty of time and don't have that need for dough that gets people chasing get-rich-quick schemes; I say find a business model and emulate it or launch a labor of love.

This is me, plenty of free time and not too desperate for the dough. I'd like to start some kind of internet biz though that would eventually allow me to be location independent but have no idea where to start. Could you recommend some books or threads on the subject please BB? I see guys on here talk about drop shipping and Google algorithms etc. and I'm completely lost.

How would you emulate a business model?

Well, what are your interests and capabilities? When you think about running an internet biz, do you envision doing a bunch of writing and connecting with people - or analyzing stats and tweaking ad campaigns?

Or something else entirely?

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Question for the millionaires

The Gmanifesto is conspicuously absent here. To be fair, he never claimed to be rich. He merely claimed to wear expensive clothes, dine, and flash wads of cash.

In rare cases, people will retire early and get bought out. But usually you want a gradual transition. If you can save a lot of money then you probably can earn more because you are skilled and enjoy your work. A million might seem like a lot. But it would be hard to live off it if you are accustomed to earning half a million per year.

Anyway, most people scale back. They continue to work at peak season, keep their best clients, or consult. They may get a cheap convenient vacation home, but also get a roommate and scale back fixed expenses. No more country club, new car, expensive gym, or cable TV.

Question for the millionaires

Yeah see that's not at all what I am looking for. I want to find someone who made cash, has game and doesn't increase his expenses.

Basically I am looking to better myself.

I finally got my expenses below $3K a month, and my income is looking to double shortly. Somehow my notch count has also doubled. So I got no interest in lifestyle/cost inflation or working for anyone for that matter ever again. So I have to wipe all those people off the table for general life advice.

If I am a thirsty ass dude at 30 or broke that will be an utter failure.

I realize I am coming off as a cocky ass mother fucker at this point (more so than usual) but I don't care and am looking for someone who has it all locked up on an even higher level. The day I spend more than $200 on pussy is the day I may as well resort to prostitution because it's cheaper. This is why everyone goes abroad, you can get better girls with less cash so spending money on American chicks is downright laughable (opinion).

Also the gmanifesto already said he's a millionaire and I believe him. I look to him for money making advice, not really life style control advice.

Again I'm fishing for more ideas and my viewpoints continue to go hard against the grain on my old views (for better or worse). Searching for ideas that are not found by studying average millionaire success stories. So far I got one from this thread.

Question for the millionaires


If I am a thirsty ass dude at 30 or broke that will be an utter failure.

Hey, go easy on us broke-ass 30+-year-olds! [Image: biggrin.gif]


I realize I am coming off as a cocky ass mother fucker at this point (more so than usual) but I don't care and am looking for someone who has it all locked up on an even higher level.

Nah, I admire your ambition. Makes me want to get hungry for success again. I failed really hard a few times - REALLY hard - and have never been able to fully get that drive back after the way it tore my life apart. Which is a shame because I was one of the most ambitious guys around for most of my life.

But it still shows it's face a little sometimes. It's definitely still there, and I've been thinking a lot lately about how to reignite it.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Question for the millionaires

Ha it's funny though what I just outlined above sounds like bullshit but it's not, I've basically constructed my life through a combination of various personalities I've met.

Look at samseau and gio, they don't spend shit to get laid so why can't I? I adopted this mindset and never drop real cash on getting laid.

Then I just read up on HH's posts and the Gmanifesto and realized well why can't I just take their money making advice but not take their lifestyle advice. They obviously have money and do well with chicks so I'll pull the more important part out of their posts, money.

Of course I did this with real life contacts as well. but you get the idea since I am citing forum members, just strip out the best part of a solid person and apply it to your life. It works.

Want to get rich? Take money advice from rich dudes.

Want to get girls without dropping cash? Take advice from guys who are getting chicks without dropping cash.

You don't have to take all of one person's advice just combine to become the enigma you want to be.

I like all of the posters I just mentioned here, I just don't agree with all of their opinions on life. I strip out what I believe to be their best quality zero in on that and then move on to find another good source.

I'll be the first to admit, I am practically dead for ideas as of now. I need to find someone A) spending less or B) making more while also not expanding that expense line. This was my backwardass way of trying to track down a different unique thought process

Question for the millionaires

I run a charity, spend time with family and friends. I like to work out and do sports as well as travel. It's funny how busy I am really, I don't have much free time.

Quote: (06-17-2013 10:47 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I will take your word for it if you're well off, so to all the people who no longer have to work for a living what do you guys do to burn all the extra free time?

Do you simply chase higher quality girls or are you simply building up new business opportunities?

Hopefully guys like Hooligan Harry see this but, overall assuming your expenses are in check, do you spend your time chasing more capital or do you basically spend all your time chasing down new girls 24/7/365?

Question for the millionaires

look at the history of this guy...he's incredibly millonaire.

Question for the millionaires

I read an interview-book of 100 millionaires and their way to prosperity... The general advice they gave was "don`t focus on earning money, focus on your interest/what you like doing" I believe that to a certain extent, because in the end it`s your idea that will give you money, not the money-hunger itself.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-18-2013 11:20 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

gmanifesto already said he's a millionaire and I believe him. I look to him for money making advice,

Searching for ideas that are not found by studying average millionaire success stories.

Where did Gmanifesto claim to be a millionaire? He plagiarizes and gives bad business advice. Listen to people who were creative about making money, not people who lie, inherited money or got lucky.

It is basically simple: earn more without increasing expenses. Too many people get caught up in the rat race. Just let your income grow faster than your expenses by living one step behind your income. Read The Millionaire Next Door. It is not sexy or glamorous, just frugal.

Not everyone agrees. Andrew Fashion got lucky with search engine placement for a Myspace helper webpage, but didn't understand the reason for his success. He broke the web links, lost his income stream, and spent all the money.

Unless you get bored easily you don't need advice on how to live your life with money. One friend made millions off a simple banner printing program back in the 1980's. He bought a nice townhouse in San Francisco with a boytoy roommate and holds gay sex parties. You could travel or build whatever social scene you want. Really, I don't know what specific lifestyle advice you want. How to live cheaply near airports? How to get pet-sitters? Hobbies to fill your leisure time, like Scrabble and Shuffleboard?

Question for the millionaires

^ Temp ban

Question for the millionaires

I will try to find the thread. The quote was something along the lines of:

"I'm a millionaire with a seedy past - that's pretty much me" but I don't really care if he's a millionaire or not my point is I'm looking for a new high level challenge. The best way to find said challenge is to ask those guys who are killing it much harder than me. Again I believe anyone at face value who is willing to divulge what they do with free time.

Yeah I've already read that book.

I'm basically searching for a new challenge/fishing pool that doesn't involve sitting around doing nothing. I don't believe in "retirement" since as soon as your net income from investments exceeds your expense line you're basically done.

So I fucked up in phrasing the original post.

What is your next "major theme" once you no longer have to check your bank account on a daily basis.

Or in another phrase "what are you building/working towards?" once you hit that level of freedom.

So far we got charity + reading

Question for the millionaires

When you hit your number join this club.

WestCoast, you seem like a hard driving guy. And a planner. But if you make it to millionaire status I am sure it would be ok to take a small break and re-calibrate. Many times, the super wealthy, just stumble into something and were able to see an opportunity no one else could. I am sure you would go crazy with a ton of free time. So I am sure you, given your drive, will find something worth your efforts.

At the end of the day, no one can give you advice on what to do when you are loaded. Only you will know what is good for you. But the fact that you are determined to find it will, in a way, ensure that you will find it, if that makes sense.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Question for the millionaires

Guys with a lot of money aren't going to make it public, even on a private forum, as many of us have met enough people in real life to not be anon. There aren't any real advantages to telling people that you're a millionaire.

Question for the millionaires

Fair enough. You can always fake your identity quickly on an Internet forum. Example: just have a few meet ups and send a friend in your place. Not that hard to wipe your identity off the table.

I just run a hypervisor to make all my posts appear from the same IP. But I guess that's fair.

Don't even care if the dude has zero rep points. I'll straight up assume he is not trolling.

But f-it sds like a lost caus

Question for the millionaires

I agree 100% with this. I was doing what I loved and fell into a great opportunity (a few times now). Now I do what makes me happy. I think if you actively try to become wealthy it would be harder.

Quote: (06-18-2013 06:27 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

At the end of the day, no one can give you advice on what to do when you are loaded. Only you will know what is good for you. But the fact that you are determined to find it will, in a way, ensure that you will find it, if that makes sense.

I agree there's no advantage to telling anyone and it's nobody's business. That being said for the most part people don't treat you any different. I've met someone from this board, they couldn't care less about what I did/had.


Guys with a lot of money aren't going to make it public, even on a private forum, as many of us have met enough people in real life to not be anon. There aren't any real advantages to telling people that you're a millionaire.

Question for the millionaires

WC, you will still need to keep your mind stimulated even if you retire early. I don't see myself ever fully retiring. I do love what I do. I was born to create stuff. One of the reasons I got into art at an early age. It doesn't take much to keep you busy but you have to do something or you will start spending money just because you are bored. What that is will be more up to you and your interests bud. I don't know why you need a mentor to figure out what you want to do when you have more free time.

Question for the millionaires

My phrasing is shit. Basically, the intent is more on the lines of, how are you continuing to improve your life?

That's the best I can phrase it. If you don't need any more cash and don't need any game help the only thing left to do is basically help people and do your own hobbies. Or am I missing something.

I don't hate my job at all, I don't love it I just show up am decent at it and go home. So that's pretty much purgatory.

The reason I pose this, is the wealthy guys I am surrounded by have negative game, get bitch slapped by the wife all day and go to day care events. I have no interest in a wife or kids ever in the future. So I am basically turning to a bunch of guys who are likely players to see what they are doing to improve their lives every year. I would be bored to tears doing nothing.

To give some color most people on the street just stay to "build a legacy". But lol @ them because no one cares about their legacy, so I am not about to do that either.

I guess I am just spinning wheels, but still interested in hearing how people are continuing to improve.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-18-2013 08:33 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

My phrasing is shit. Basically, the intent is more on the lines of, how are you continuing to improve your life?

That's the best I can phrase it. If you don't need any more cash and don't need any game help the only thing left to do is basically help people and do your own hobbies. Or am I missing something.

I don't hate my job at all, I don't love it I just show up am decent at it and go home. So that's pretty much purgatory.

The reason I pose this, is the wealthy guys I am surrounded by have negative game, get bitch slapped by the wife all day and go to day care events. I have no interest in a wife or kids ever in the future. So I am basically turning to a bunch of guys who are likely players to see what they are doing to improve their lives every year. I would be bored to tears doing nothing.

To give some color most people on the street just stay to "build a legacy". But lol @ them because no one cares about their legacy, so I am not about to do that either.

I guess I am just spinning wheels, but still interested in hearing how people are continuing to improve.

Ah, gotcha.

I have seen what complacency can do and it isn't good. I think, for guys like us, we need to continue putting ourselves out of our comfort zones to keep being challenged. Some guys continue to work because of the challenges it brings.

You can decide how to do that whether it is martial arts, dancing, languages, charity, etc...

This is one of the reasons I have always been leery of settling into a place for long term. It is just too easy to get stuck in a routine that keeps you from improving yourself.

Question for the millionaires

Exactly what i mean. Complacency sucks so... What are these guys doing for a full 16 hours. That's a long time. Generally I only have 40 hours a week to work on personal stuff... If you gave me 90 hours I have no idea what I would do.

Again I came here for the question because most guys got zip for game and zip for personality so this seems like the right spot to ask.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-18-2013 07:03 PM)Gringuito Wrote:  

I agree 100% with this. I was doing what I loved and fell into a great opportunity (a few times now). Now I do what makes me happy. I think if you actively try to become wealthy it would be harder.

Quote: (06-18-2013 06:27 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

At the end of the day, no one can give you advice on what to do when you are loaded. Only you will know what is good for you. But the fact that you are determined to find it will, in a way, ensure that you will find it, if that makes sense.

I agree there's no advantage to telling anyone and it's nobody's business. That being said for the most part people don't treat you any different. I've met someone from this board, they couldn't care less about what I did/had.


Guys with a lot of money aren't going to make it public, even on a private forum, as many of us have met enough people in real life to not be anon. There aren't any real advantages to telling people that you're a millionaire.

I remember reading some forum a while back - I think it was the 2plus2 forums - and a bunch of the poker players that were spending their time in Thailand and the Philippines were starting to meet up, like we've been doing on this forum.

One of them ended up getting robbed by someone who he'd met through the forum. Guy showed up at this place, got the address and room number, and then they went out to the bars together. While they were there, the guy had apparently called a friend (who I imagine showed up waited outside when he first arrived) to tell him the room number and they went in and cleaned him out.

Halfway through the night, the guy ditched him at the bar and disappeared, but he didn't realize what had happened until he got home later.

If memory serves me correctly, they may have even got a couple different members.

Something to think about...

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Question for the millionaires

^ I wouldn't trip about that too much just have random meet ups with forum members and send a friend with a similar profile as you. Use the exact same name and give them the same story etc. You can wipe away your ID very fast.

Hell if I wanted to I could log into this account from 75 locations world wide right now then snap skim my own SSN and have all my cards locked down for identity theft that I self created because purchases are being made in... 75 locations simultaneously. If you're smart you can immediately wipe all your information off the table in five minutes with the right friends.

The most you will lose is the $$ in your pocket that day. If you're real nuts you just carry a switch blade as well but that's generally overkill.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-18-2013 08:45 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Exactly what i mean. Complacency sucks so... What are these guys doing for a full 16 hours. That's a long time. Generally I only have 40 hours a week to work on personal stuff... If you gave me 90 hours I have no idea what I would do.

Again I came here for the question because most guys got zip for game and zip for personality so this seems like the right spot to ask.

It sounds like your whole choices have been laid out with early retirement in mind. You are not passionate about your work.

I think you do enjoy helping others whether it be game or early retirement. I would think creating a brand that helps people would push you and keep you enthusiastic while allow you time to do other hobbies.

Working isn't a bad thing, if you enjoy it. I think having too much time on your hands is a bad thing. Especially if you don't want your expenses to change.

I just don't see how anyone is going to help you with this dilemma. This is something you need to figure out by trying different things.

My dad never really accepted retirement. I hate seeing the guy like that because he feels useless now. I tried to push him into some things but he never really followed through.

For some things, you just have to figure it out for yourself.

Me, I feel very lucky to have found some things I thoroughly enjoy and don't plan on stopping unless I medically had too.

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